National Youth Day 2020

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Dear All, Swami Vivekananda is a great inspiration for the youth of the entire world. In 1984, Govt of India declared the Birthday of Swamiji as National Youth Day. The day is celebrated in a befiting manner every year all over India. Swamiji exhorted the youth: “You can be nearer to heaven by playing football than through the study of the Gita”. To infuse confidence in the youth, a state level ‘Swami Vivekananda Youth Football Championship - 2020’ is being organised this year. The prize distribution will be held on 12th, January. And our Math is publishing ’Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam” monthly in Tamil having a circulation of 1,60,000 copies. The magazine was started in January 1921 and by January 2020 it enters into its Centenary. We cordially invite you to participate in these programmes. Yours in the service of the Lord Swami Gautamananda Adhyaksha


31, Sri Ramakrishna Math Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. & : 2462 1110. email :

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