Maha Shivaratri Friday, 21 February 2020
असितगिरिसमं स्यात् कज्जलं सिन्धुपात्रे सुरतरुवरशाखालेखिनी पत्रमुर्वी । लिखति यदि गृहीत्वा शारदासर्वकालं तदपि तव गुणानामीशं पारं न याति ।। O Lord, if the blue mountain be the ink, the ocean the ink-pot, the branch of the Heavenly tree the pen, the earth the writing leaf, and by taking these, if the Goddess of Learning writes for eternity, even then the limit of Thy virtues will not be reached. —Shiva Mahima Stotram
Dear Friend, We are happy to inform you that our Math is celebrating Maha Shivaratri as usual on Friday, 21 February 2020 Shiva Puja & Bhajan will be performed the whole night as per the programme given below. We invite all the devotees to participate and be blessed on the holy occasion. Yours in the Lord, Swami Gautamananda, Adhyaksha
Friday 21.2.2020 (Whole Night) 8.00 pm onwards : Special Puja & Bhajan Saturday 22.2.2020 (Early Morning) 4.00 am : Homa 5.15 am : Prasad
II All donations will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged. II Devotees are requested to give their email address to the Math Office to facilitate sending of invitations through email.
Sri Ramakrishna Math 31, Ramakrishna Math Road, Mylapore, Chennai-4 2462 1110;