Portfolio_Srna Tulic

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ABOUT date of birth_27/06/1991 place of birth_Sarajevo, BA nationality_Bosnian e-mail_srna.tulic@gmail.com srna.tulic@mail.polimi.it telephone_+39 328 1981 985 +387 61 571 717 address_Via F.Corridoni 22 20122, Milano (IT) Via E.Zanardi 40054 Budrio BO (IT) web_srnatulic.webnode.it

EDUCATION MSc. Architecture-Architectural Design Politecnico di Milano, 110/110 (10/2014-04/2017) 04/2017 Thesis “A Sequance of Introverted and Extroverted Spaces for Quinta da Arealva” nominated for “The New Graduates” Prize by the Order of Archtects of Milan 03-07/2016 IC Advanced Architectural Design Studio with Kazuyo Sejima 04/2016 ATMOSPHERES (FuoriSalone2016 and XXI Triennale di Milano) 04/2015 ATMOSPHERES (FuoriSalone2015)

Hons.MSc. Alta Scuola Politecnica Politecnico di Milano / Politecnico di Torino (10/2014-06/2016) Alta Scuola Politecnica is a joint programe of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, restricted to 150 young and exceptionally talented students, selected among the applicants to the MSc. programmes in Engineering, Architecture and Design at the two universities. The curriculum followed is additional to the degree programmes, based on ad-hoc courses and the development of multidisciplinary projects; combining in-depth (vertical) disciplinary knowledge from MSc programmes with interdisciplinary (horizontal) skills that are needed to work in a truly multidisciplinary environment. Multidisciplinary project “New digital & interactive spaces for new museum clusters” Winter school “The Blackbox of Internet Society” Summer School “Mirafiori re-framed” Spring school “Design Methods and Processes” Winter school “Dynamics of Innovation”

BSc. Architecture International University of Sarajevo (09/2010-06/2014) 06/2014 Thesis “Sarajevo Film Center” BSc. summa cum laude 05/2014 Architecture Students Congress “Transforming urban ruins” 04/2014 Belgrade.Scapes:LAB_”Neglected bigness” 08/2013 Prishtina International Summer University 02/2013 Mitrovica Winter University

Matura - Secondary school leaving diploma The First Bosniak highschool Sarajevo (2006-2010) 2006-2010 Matura [GPA 5.0/5.0] 2008-2010 AS Level in Natural Sciences [Cambridge International Examination] 2006-2008 IGCSE with Merit [Cambridge International Examination]

WORK EXPERIENCE LPzR architetti associati (Milano, IT) architectural intern (10-12/2016) Support activities to the project architect in several areas including the reconstruction of a luxury villa with final design and construction supervision; interior design interventions; concept development, defining the scale of detail, detailed design and construction supervision.

Belgrade.Scapes:LAB (Belgrade, RS) collaborator/assistant (03-06/2014) Assistant and collaborator on the workshop “Neglected bigness” with Haris Piplaš (Urban Think-Tank ETH Zurich), Marko Macura and Milica Lekovic (Scapes Lab collective) on the topic of illegal suburbs; collection of research material and introductory readings; workshop assistant and participant; postproduction phase and final publication contributing editor.

GRUPA.ARH doo (Sarajevo, BA) architectural intern (09-11/2013) Architectural intern at GRUPA.ARH Studio involving the work in the field of architecture and urbanism: from initial design to final design of the exterior and interior, graphic design. Assigned a designer task for a complex of urban villas that are currently under construction. Contributions in CAD drawings (plans, sections, elevations) and 3D modelling.

Sarajevo Youth Theatre (Sarajevo,BA) assistant to set designer (2012-2014) Assistant to set designer. From initial design idea, design development process to set design realisation. Plays: “The Sleuth”, “Pillowman”, “Little Muck”

Sarajevo Film Festival (Sarajevo, BA) assistant, protocol manager, marketing staff (2007-2009)

Infinity Marketing Solutions (Sarajevo, BA) location and event manager for Red Zone by Philip Morris (08/2011)

AWARDS / SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Alta Scuola Politecnica (2014-2016)

Fellowship European Forum Alpbach (2014)

First Prize VACD Festival Sarajevo, category architecture (2014)

Fellowship European Forum Alpbach (2013)

Excellence scholarship Ministry of Education Kanton Sarajevo (2011-2014)


SOFTWARE AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign SketchUP Rhino Revit ArchiCAD Vray Microsoft Office

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IC Advanced Design Studio (2016) Prof. Kazuyo Sejima; Politecnico di Milano

invisible LANDSCAPES: an architectural game (06/2016) contributing lecturer, Politecnico di Milano (Polo territoriale di Piacenza)

Belgrade.Scapes:LAB (2014) mentors: Haris Piplaš[ETH Zurich]; Scapes Lab Collective

Architecture Students Congress ASK (2014) “Urban stage ruins”mentor: arh. Tijana Tufek Memiševic

“SIT IN MY CHAIR-designing a barrier-free environment” (2014)

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian English Italian Spanish German

native C2_full working proficiency C2_full working proficiency B2_limited working proficiency A2_elementary proficiency


workshop, mentor: arh. Tijana Tufek Memiševic

Prishtina Summer University (2013) “WHSP”mentor: Isabella Inti (Politecnico di Milano)

MESS Theatre Festival (2013) “Behind the Scenes stage design” workshop

SOS Design Festival (2013) “Strolling through Sarajevo”workshop

Mitrovica Winter University (2013)

model making photography team work event organization project management public relations

“Green architecture and urban design” workshop

Days of Architecture Sarajevo (2012) “The Making of” with Hans Venhuizen (INSIDE)


VOLUNTEER WORK Intiative Group Alpbach Sarajevo member; Sarajevo/Alpbach (09/2013-08/2015)

Architecture Students Assembly “Il Politecnico per ICOM.Progettare Musei” (07/2016) 24th ICOM General Conference, Milano

XXI Triennale di Milano (04-06/2016) “The Living Shelter” ATMOSPHERES, Milano

FuoriSalone (04/2016) “The Living Shelter” ATMOSPHERES, Milano

FuoriSalone (04/2015)

vice-president/founder; Sarajevo (09/2012-06/2014)

IAESTE BiH LC Sarajevo executive board member, project manager (2012-2015)

Major Group for Children and Youth UN country outreach leader (12/2011-06/2012)

Let`s Do It - Ocistimo zemlju za 1 dan public relations manager; Sarajevo (09/2011-06/2012)


Venice through the eyes of an architect (12/2012) Photo exhibition, Sarajevo

Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003;

HELLO I am a recently graduated architect from Politecnico di Milano. In April 2017 I have graduated from the course Architecture - Architectural design with the thesis “A sequence of introverted and extroverted spaces for Quinta da Arealva” nominated for the prize “New graduates” given by the Order of Architects of Milan. Parallel to my master degree studies I have been accepted to Alta Scuola Politecnica, a join consortium program of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino aimed at 150 best students where I have worked on multidisciplinary projects within groups of international students and tutors. During my studies I have had the opportunity to work in architecture studios both in Sarajevo (GRUPA.ARH) and in Milan (LPzR associated architects) where I worked on projects from the initial design stages (idea and scheme concepts), interior design interventions, conceptual development, detail dimensioning, detailed design and building supervision. Moreover, for two years have worked in the field of set design by assisting the stage designer in the Youth Theater of Sarajevo working in both children and young adult stage productions. In addition to the professional experience I have volunteered in various student organizations and NGOs where I worked on project implementation, public and media relations, event organization (summits, conferences ...) as well as in projects with the aim of pro-active participation of young people. At the moment I am ready to investigate again the multiplicity of this job, that has the architectural design as main core, this time from a professional point of view, hoping to offer my skills and grow further.


A SEQUENCE OF INTROVERTED AND EXTROVERTED SPACES FOR QUINTA DA AREALVA Designing to produce a narrative sequence April 2017_Politecnico di Milano nomination_“The New Graduates” prize by the Order of Architects of Milan mentor: Prof. Cristina Pallini team: Srna Tulic, Lorenza Sartori, Jacqueline Langlade Almada, Portugal A sequence of introverted and extroverted spaces in Quinta da Arealva seeks to explore the heterotopic conditions of space in relation to existing abandoned architectures. For this purpose, we chose to analyse the area of Quinta da Arealva, located in the city of Almada. Almada represents the other border of Lisbon, beyond the Tagus River and has always been characterized as a production centre and a “dormitory city”. Moreover, due to a noticeable landscape composed of a steep rock cliff, the city always had a natural barrier with its riverfront and consequently, with the visual dialogue to the city of Lisbon. The proposed area of Quinta da Arealva leaves us with a perception of being placed in front of vast differences in scale with respect to the site and the elements around it, both those natural and those man-made. The project is intended as a sequence of public spaces as the line of the coast is a sequence that is to be extended; not just in a physical way but also metaphorically as it represents itself as an architectural promenade. Each space that composes this line, is defined by a specific theme, that is related to architectural archetypes. The space is usable in diverse modes depending on the architectural characteristics of each place. It seeks to produce an imaginative work that walks the line between what is known (the existing industrial remaining) and the unknown (the sequence of proposed interventions): as perceives, we partake in a rich continuous experience. The objective of this research is to translate the concepts elaborated during the investigation in an architectural device able to express recognizable archetypes into a physical space.

Existing pathways New pathways (longitudinal) New pathways (trasversal)









Hortus conclusus


The caves

Suspended garden








rrealistic imagery

The trace


passing through the memory

natural appropriation


Model 1_200

THE SEQUENCE Labyrinth space of confusion

Hortus conclusus space of boundry

Passage space of infinity

Caves space of isolation

Caves space of disconnection

Amphitheatre space of absence

Patio space of observation

Hiatus space of dominance

The trace space of harmony

The trace space of memory

Silos space of appropriation

Belvedere space of scales


INUJIMA LOOP Architecture becomes environment IC Advanced Architectural Design Studio 2015/2016_Politecnico di Milano mentors: Prof. Kazuyo Sejima, Prof. Jonas Elding tutors: Giulia Setti, Francesca Singer team: Srna Tulic, Danica Jovanovic, Serena Romito Inujima, Japan Inujima is a small island in a quiet inland sea called Seto Naikai. You can walk around the entire island in about 1 to 2 hours. Once flourishing with industries as copper refining and stone quarrying, it is said that this small island had a population of 5000 people. However, along with the decline in the industries, the population on the island declined progressively, and now there are only about 50 islanders. The average age of the islanders is about 80 years old and the aging population and depopulation now remarkably limit the development of the settlement. In order to offer positive experiences that are not ordinarily available in the city, this project is connecting existing elements of the island-two villages, six quarries, Seirensho Art museum and the art house project. This loop of experiences is creating an island within an island which represents the heartland, inwardness of Inujima. The Loop thus becomes the architecture in itself. This Loop becomes an object defined by architectural elements: the path (old and new parts), steps, columns and roof, which are used in a different way in each point depending on the context. The path in itself, together with parts near quarries where it becomes wider, is creating spaces which are in harmony with natural environment. Furthermore, the element of the roof has a role of framing the landscape of Inujima. The finishing material of the roof is made of reflective aluminum which is used in order to create infinite landscapes - the nature reflects itselfs towards itself.

Finally the idea of the project is to connect inwardness of the people and the inwardness of the island.

Heartland of Inujima _connecting villages

_connecting quarries

_connecting quarries

_connecting villages

_connecting villages

_connecting art house projects villages of Inujima

Inujima art house project

_connecting art house projects

Inujima Seirensho Art Museum

quarries/ ponds

_connecting art house projectsvillages of Inujima villages of Inujima

_connecting art house projects

_connecting villages

Inujima art house project

villages of Inujima

Inujima art house project

Inujima Seirensho Art Museum Inujima Seirensho Art Museum

Inujima art house project

Inujima Seirensho Art Museum

quarries/quarries/ ponds ponds quarries/ ponds

_system: old pathway

_connecting art house projects villages of Inujima

Inujima art house project

Inujima Seirensho Art Museum

quarries/ ponds

_system: old pathway

_system: old pathway _system: old pathway



















MODEL 1_100



AEMILIA 187 Going back to Roman foundations 2014/2015_Politecnico di Milano mentors: Prof. Stefania Varvaro, Prof. Rossana Gabaglio team: Srna Tulic, Gabriele Borella, Lorenza Sartori, Giulia Berni

Parma, Italy “As a capital city it had to have a river. As a capital city it recieved a stream, which is often dry.” Attilio Bertolucci

AEMILIA 187 - The Roman Bridge: new urban connections and cultural spaces in the archaeological backdrop of the city Aemilia 187A.C. is a public call for the renovation of the ancient Roman bridge, actually imprisoned in a concrete cage under the car street bridge next to Piazza Ghiaia in Parma. What was once a center of aggregation, today has only become a disused underpass; forgetten of the enormous value it contains. The aim of the project is to regain a historical presence such as the Roman bridge in Parma, in an overall project of delocalization of the archaeological museum, road redefinition and creation of a linear park in the basin of the Parma stream. The concept of Aemilia187 is to show the true portrait of the new city, its secret places and / or reputable, real jewellery boxes, deposits of imaginary and wonder. The task of these architectures will be first to mark the routes which link the two broken lines along the right river bank of Parma and cancelling for a second the reading of a city that is “beyond the street”, that will bring the citizens and city dwellers to use the forgotten site of Piazza Ghiaia and its surrounding. In addition, each “piece” of this urban connection gives a little taste of the history of Parma, storytelling from one point to another. Thus connecting the Palazzo della Pilotta with Pinacoteca Stuard on one side and the University of Parma with its new hub on the other, we are constructing a new mental urban map of the city, involving user-interaction and new levels of urban city scale.

what we see



A NEW CIVIC CENTER FOR CESANO MADERNO New urban connections and cultural spaces 2015/2016_Politecnico di Milano mentors: Prof. Anna Laura Pezzetti, Prof. Claudio Sangiorgi, Prof. Carlo Alberto Sanjust tutors: Prof. Carlo Palazzolo, Prof. Silvia Satella team: Srna Tulic, Lorenza Sartori, Jacqueline Langlade Cesano Maderno, Italy SNIA Viscosa industrial village in Cesano Madero was one of the pioneer settlements of this type in Italy. Due to an increase of the textile industry in Italy in the 1920s/1930s, the SNIA Viscosa industry settled in an outskirt area of the historic town of Cesano Maderno in northern Italy. The boom of the industry led to an 10 times increase in bot the population and the city. With the upgrade of robotised industries and cheaper and cheaper textiles imported, the factory and its belonging structures were closed in the beginning of the 1990. Once a symbol of power and a place of reference to almost 50% of the population, the area remained underutilesed and undermaintained. By the protecting the 1920s and 1930s heritage facilities within the industrial complex, the city called for a new possible future vision for the area showing that it can be reused and revitalised thus becoming a new trategic regeneration and development area. A new civic center in the old research “nave� building combining a library, exhibiton areas, auditorium and gathering spot becomes a new agora and meeting place in Cesano Maderno. And a new life for SNIA Village.



THE FRAMED VIEWS Rediscovering the Secret Dwelling 2014/2015_Politecnico di Milano mentors: Prof. Stefania Varvaro, Prof. Rossana Gabaglio team: Srna Tulic, Gabriele Borella, Giulia Berni, Lorenza Sartori Mantova, Italy Palazzo Te: Design spaces for exhibition and conferences inside the secret dwelling The proposed theme arises from the will of the Superintendency of the Municipality of Mantova to repropose the Secret Dwellinf of the Palazzo Te as an exposition hall, including also a small conference room for meetings and lectures. An intervention made of frames that act both as entrances, passages, exhibition units and rest stops provides a different view on both the Renaissance architecture of the Palazzo Te as well as on the exhibitions that would be hosted in the secret dwelling. The concept of frames provides multiple views which between them intersect providing a double or triple choices of views to the visitors. _concept of space that can be crossed, lived, experimented based on our considerations _do not touch the pre-existent building structure _through the use of the material, we tried to create a continuum between modern and ancient, in order to give a new life to the space mantaining the essence untouched _stylized geometry of the square which is able to extract the core of visual continuum through the different spaces, using the pure geometric form _corten steel: rough material that has the quality to connect with the tones / shades of the pre-existent materials

Diagonal visual axes system

Orthogonal visual axes system

Temporary installation

Diagonal visual axes system

Permanent installation



SECTION INJECTION Uplifting Sarajevo courtyards

2013/2014_International University of Sarajevo mentor: Prof. Lamila Simišic team: Srna Tulic, Senad Alibegovic, Džana Ajanovic Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina The layered project of the Section Injection chair is the result of experimentation in the course Digital fabrication and was concieved as an urban intervention in one of the many courtyards in the old Austro-Hungarian or abandoned building blocks in Sarajevo. It seeks to reinvent the standard city furniture, as well to set new standards in furniture design. We also wanted to motivate people to use more unique furniture that has a meaning behind it. The chair represents a small ‘intervention’ that can be made to any outdoor area, particularly the ones that are very popular and highly used, but do not have good conditions, nor any design philosophy behind their visual appearance. The chair can fit into almost any environment, without disturbing its original setting. By its morphology, the chair is very organic, and is designed to be placed leaning on the wall, visually appearing like it is going out of the wall and disappearing into the ground. The chair is injecting a fresh look into the old, misused and dull city urban life. With the limited resources nowadays, and expensive materials, it is very difficult to have a designer piece of furniture, so why not create your own. The chair is made in a simple way, so that anyone at home can assemble it very easy. The chair is also very versatile in terms of the materials from which it can be build, from simple wood, to plastics. But, the main idea is to use digital fabrication methods and to actually reuse material. In this case, we reused old wood panels that were once part of a theatre scenography, so that chair can speak more languages than ever: aesthetic, historical, architectural, artistic and urban. And any new chair that is built is to be made of panels of different background, and uniting them creates a unity of history with every chair still being unique for itself with its own ‘history’. First Prize winner at VACD FESTIVAL 2014, category architecture FEATURED IN: Designed.rs / Vizkultura.hr / Pogledaj.to / Archlab.rs / 3nta.com 303 Tristotrojka studentski casopis, issue n.2, year1, 05/2014 “Integration of Digital Fabrication in Architechural Curricula” Leman Figen Gul, Lamila Simišic; Fablearn Europe - Digital Fabrication in Education Conference:Key Challenges in Digital Fabrication for 21st Century Education; 16 June 2014, Aarhus University, Denmark Photo credits: Mario Klein Technical support: Sarajevo Youth Theatre

step 005

step 004

step 003

step 002

step 001



step 006

step 007

step 008

step 009


NEW WINDOW TOWARDS THE CITY Sarajevo uran villas

Professional experience 09-11/2013_Internship at GRUPA.ARH Architecture studio supervision: Arh.Prof. Sead GoloĹĄ Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Poljine plato is located just above the city of Sarajevo, at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. Facing the south-west side, it is surrounded by a green wall towards north, being protected from the winter winds. Sarajevo Zoo and 1984 Olympic stadium are located nearby. During the internship I was assigned the task of the initial idea (concept) design, working later on the final interior and exterior design. The design comprised of two types of urban villas, although later on the investors need, the project added two more typologies. The villas comprise of 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, open living room with dinning and kitchen area, 3 terrace balconies and a garned. The disposition is made related to the orientation and the views from the hill towards the city. The project is currently under construction.


THE LIVING SHELTER ...connecting dots April 2016_ATMOSPHERES 2016 “FEEDING STUDENTS’ LIFE @ POLIMI” supervision: Prof. Claudio Sangiorgi team: Srna Tulic, Lorenza Sartori, Jacqueline Langlade Milano, Italy Living every day the Campus Città Studi implies the most usual activities such as attending classes in the classrooms, study in the library, work in a group, eat, drink, use the toilet, rest when needed and where possible, etc. The interior space of the Campus, which qualifies as Citta Studi is, however, something more complex than just the sum of individual actions. Also it implies a rich and integrated practices and behaviors involving students, teachers, administrative staff and local residents, that during the day they live the open spaces and university services: moving, orient, park cars and bicycles, relax in a comfortable, celebrating graduation, doing meetings and lessons in non-institutional spaces, making music and entertainment, to applied teaching outdoors, read outdoors, communicate to the city student work and results of the research, sports and movement, etc. Away from a rigid division by functions, all of these activities - the ways in which they take place, the quality of the spaces they produce, ecological and sustainable energy, the attitude of care on the part of the protagonists of daily life - defines the “habitability of the campus”. 12-17/05 FuoriSalone 2016 04/04-07/05 Exhibition “Beyond Città Studi” Projects for Politecnico di Milano for XXI Triennale di Milano


SARAJEVO FILM CENTRE the aggregate Final Synthesis Design Studio 2013/2014_International University of Sarajevo mentor: Prof. Lamila SimiĹĄic Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina The idea of the film city has arisen from the urgent need of a new cultural venue in the city of Sarajevo. Not in the mean of a new cultural actor on the scene but a new architectural piece. Since the early 1980s, not a single new object intended for culture was built in the city of Sarajevo and due to a neglect of already existing facilities; the city is almost becoming culture-less. Culture always played an important role in the life of the citizens of Sarajevo, even during wartime, and along theatre and music, film always had a special place. The association of film workers of BiH was formed in the early 1950s and is still in work. The expansion of Yugoslav film and Bosnian film within it seek in 1960s that a new place in the city for filmmaking is to be built. It was the neighbourhood of Nahorevo that, due to its closeness to the city centre and yet tranquil surrounding, was to host the first film studio in BiH. Sutjeska Studio was a place of not only film studios, but an archive of all Yugoslav films as well as a fund of historical costumes and set design. Due to war it was abandoned, robbed and one building was demolished. Since 2002, the film scene in BiH was renewed and many of the talented film directors have won many prestigious awards. This drew attention into the almost shameful conditions in which the BiH film scene is growing. Apart from that it drew attention of film industry of USA; UK; France etc. that always film in countries like Hungary and Romania due to low taxes and less expenses on exploring possibilities in BiH. Due to the nonexistence of film studios, such big investments are continuously passing by BiH. The regulatory plan of Kanton Sarajevo, plans a film centre complex on the old Sutjeska Studio land where 2 studios, a film centre, film school, business unit, a hotel and an ambulant are planned to be built. This complex in valuable for multiple reasons. Not only it is the developing project for the city culture, it is also an economic developer that would bring new jobs and more tax incomes from renting of studios. Apart from its developing side, it would become a recognizable meeting and touristic point as the proposal will seek that the headquarters of Sarajevo Film Festival are there. Last, but not least, the status of Kinoteka BiH would finally be solved as the archive would hold its central place in the film centre allowing better conditions and opening its doors to more visitors. Total site area: 19652.98 m2 Total FIlm center area: 5735,75m2


SET DESIGN Architecture in theatre and film

2012-2014 Professional experience Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Set design in itself is a process very similar to an architectural project. The space that is created is a powerful tool to engage the audience in the world of the characters found on the stage/on the screen. In those moments, the space in front of us, around us and inside us become one. Work experience: 09/2012 - 05/2014 Assistant to set designer; Sarajevo Youth Theatre “The Story of Little Muck”, Director: Darko Kovacovski, Premiered: October 2012 “The Pillowman” Martin McDonagh, Director: Luca Cortina, Premiered: April 2013 “The Sleuth” Anthony Schaffer, Director: Edin Avdagic/Mario Drmac, Premiered: June 2013 2013 - 2014 personal work “Betrothal” short movie; 2014 Director: Damir Mujagic; Producer: Emina Tulic, Cast: Kemal Cebo, Dina Mušanovic Production design: Srna Tulic “You Talkin` to me” 2014 Exam exercise from the course Production Project III on topic “Citation from a film” Director/Producer: Emina Tulic, Cast: Rijad Gvozden; DOP: Hilal Baydarov Set design: Srna Tulic

“The story of Little Muck” 2012

“The Pillowman” 2013

Milano 2017

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