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The Scottish Rite, NMJ Impact Report: The Grand Almoner's Fund
Grand Almoner's Fund
The Grand Almoner’s Fund is central to the Scottish Rite’s commitment to care for our Brothers, providing assistance to Masons and their families facing unexpected hardships. This program focuses on our Masonic Fraternity and assists:
All Freemasons, particularly Scottish Rite Masons within the Northern Jursidiction; Masonic families when a significant, unexpected burden is placed on them; Immediate family members of a deceased Masonic Brother.
In Fiscal Year 2019, the Grand Almoner’s Fund distributed $765,416.87 in support for our Brothers in need. A total of 109 Brothers and their families were assisted through this important charity.
You may never meet the Brothers these numbers represent, but they have been lifted out of some of life’s most difficult moments thanks to your support. As one Brother wrote:
Brothers, There are no words to express how grateful I am to you all for the wonderful gift you have given my familiy in our time of need. My family and I were shocked, speechless and overwhelmed by your generosity. Your generous contribution has not only provided my familiy with means to survive during our difficult times, but your donation has given us a tremendous sense of relief, comfort, and the determination to overcome. Brothers, I may not know you. I may never meet you, share a drink with you, or even laugh alongside you, but from the bottom of my heart I want you all to know that I love and admire you. My family and I extend our love, gratitude, and best wishes. Thank you for the relief, the love, and most importantly the hope that you have given my family. May the Great Architect always bless you and your loved ones.
Sincerely, A Grateful Brother
White Flower Society
In the last year, First Lady Monica Glattly launched the White Flower Society as a way to strengthen the bonds of support formed among women who come together through Freemasonry. Money donated to the White Flower Society through the Grand Almoner’s Fund is designated exclusively for Masonic widows in need. Membership in the White Flower Society reflects a $5,000 level of giving, either as a one-time gift or a pledge over 5 years. As a token of our appreciation, members of the White Flower Society receive a special white flower brooch and lapel pin.
Special thanks to our inaugural White Flower Society members:
Mary Ann Atkinson
Brian and Lynne Hartel
Evelyn M. Berenbroick
Irene M. Berman
Mareetta Brewer
Leland L & Marilyn J. Burlison
Greg & Gerti Clark
David & Cheryl Cyrus (In Memory of Donald & Wyva Van Kirk)
Ginnie & Raymond Foose
Mark David Gall
Kim Hecht
George & Leslie Hixon
Susan Jacobson
Judy McNaughton
G. Michael & Ruth Morris
Sandy Nakonetschny
Linda Patch
Michael & Megan Russell
Nancy Scott
Ellen Secallus
Kellie R. Sellars
Janice Sharpe
Karen Stein
Thomas & Joan Sturgeon
Barbara Tryon
Valley of Bridgeport, LaFayette Consistory
Connie Wilson
Commander’s Circle
The Commander’s Circle is a special group of donors who have chosen to honor their obligation to the principles of our fraternity through their generous support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund.
Since the Commander’s Circle was introduced, members have gone above and beyond in their commitment to care for our Masonic Brothers in need. This year, we introduced three new Commander’s Circle giving levels to recognize their tremendous dedication.
Diamond Members have donated $100,000 or more to the Scottish Rite Grand Almoner’s Fund, Ruby Members have donated $50,000 or more, and Sapphire Members have donated $25,000 or more.
Diamond Members $100,000+
James M. Alter Trust* Edward Parkinson Clark Trust* Louis S. Ehrich Trust* Lafayette Consistory S.P.R.S Hilmar Gulseth Revocable Living Trust*
A. Norman Johnson John Wm. McNaughton Estate of Robert Morefield* G. Michael & Ruth Morris Sven R. Mossberg
Henry E. Thelin Trust* Malcolm B. Wernik
Ruby Members $50,000+
James M. Blizzard Jr. Estate of Charles McGrattan* SEI Investments Company*
Robert William Smith George G. Talisse
Sapphire Members $25,000+
David & Monica Glattly Massachusetts Consistory* George Nakonetschny The Royal Order of Scotland*
Terry N. Steinheiser Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Hartford* Ben & Sherrie Grisham
Amwell Lodge #12 F. & A.M.* Herb & Mary Ann Atkinson David R. & Pauline Bedwell Ronald W. Beebe William & Lisa Berenbroick Frederick & Evelyn Berenbroick Ross & Linda Black Matt & Angela Blaisdell Timothy & Beth Boutell Elbridge & Mareetta Brewer Robert E. & Irene M. Brightbill Leland L. & Marilyn J. Burlison William C. Chapman & Helen A. Shaw Austin P. Clark Greg & Gerti Clark J. Randolph & Dana Clark Cogswell Benevolent Trust* Ronald & Elaine Connelly Thomas H. & Dorothy Corson Michael & Annie DeWolf Jim & Margie Deyo James Dill Donald & Wendelyn Duquette James T. Elliott Jr. Philip & Arlene Elliott Thomas E. Ewald In Memory of the L. W. Getman Family Paul & Semra Ferreira Gold Members $10,000+
Raymond & Ginnie Foose Christopher T. Forbes Fort Wayne Scottish Rite Benevolent Fund* Mark David Gall Giles F. Yates Council Prince of Jerusalem* Bradford & Kathleen Goebel Nicholas & Marla Graff The Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM* Marlin & Kay Gray Matthew Francis Griffin Garry D. & Sonia G. Hageness Philip L. Hall Brian & Lynne Hartel Alan R. Heath Kevin J. Hecht Dick & Susan Heldman Donald & Nancy Hicks Lee D. Hieronymus Scott & Aubri Hilsee George & Leslie Hixon Keith & Judy Hoskins Theodore “Ted” H. Jacobsen David W. Jones Trust* Richard R. Jones Jr. Bob & Maria Kefalas Gail N. Kemp Estate of Sherman Kisner*
Thomas & Virginia Labagh Estate of Paul E. Lange* Charles R. Lefever Charlotte E. Lomell Albert R. Marshall Carl L. Martenson Masonic Family Health Foundation* J. B. McNaughton Lois L. McNaughton Memorial Fund* Michigan Scottish Rite Fund* Donald D. (Pete) Miller Paul E. Mossberg Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix* D. Dee & Kathy S. Mowry Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Nicholson Laurence E. & Nancy Perkins Robert W. Reinhardt III Edgar J. Rennoe Jr. Carolyn Ribordy Mark C. Roth Paul & Joan Rubschlager Michael & Megan Russell Peter J. & Gail R. Samiec David & Cheryl Sharkis Jim Sheets Jeffry A. Simonton Verdon R. Skipper
Neil & Willa Jean Smalley Gail N. Smith James R. Spencer Jr. Henry & Karen Stein Richard J. Stewart Howard E. Struble Robert N. Stutz George T. Taylor III George Thomas Taylor IV Donald D. Thomas Richard V. Travis James & Susan Tungate Scottish Rite Valley of Boston* Scottish Rite Cathedral, Valley of Chicago* Valley of Chicago* Valley of Portland* Len & Brenda Vander Horn Maurice C. Vercoe Paul & Karen Weglage Gary B. Williams M.D. Connie & Daniel Wilson Douglas N. Winter James E. Winzenreid Bruce T. Work John & Jacque Wright Yahnundahsis Bodies AASR*
Silver Members $5,000+
Harold & Phyllis Aldrich Anonymous* Ronald & Norwma Aungst Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection* Brian & Jane Blades Archie & Kellie Canterbury Craig & Susan Cobb Columbian Lodge AF & AM* Congdon Overlook Lodge #163* Jeffrey W. Coy Keith W. Cravens Daniel C. Deufel John W. Eldred E. R. H. Enterprises, Inc.* William R. Faulkner Jr. Emil Ewald Family Foundation*
Ken K. Feinthel James H. Fischer Bret & Mary Jane Fledderjohn Dr. Richard Carlton Haney Leon F. Higgins, II Jeffrey B. Hodgdon John J. Hunt Lawrence D. Inglis Robert Johnston Thomas E. Julian Douglas & Diana Kaylor Marc R. Koble Laurel Lodge No. 237 F. & A.M.* Harold T. J. Littleton Richard J. Luckay James A. Manninen
The McCormick Family Foundation* Harold Dean Meade Mark E. Megee Emmett W. Mills Anthony W. Montuori Arthur Moore Don & Meg Moran Samuel C. Nana Sinkam North Jersey Past Master’s Assn.* Robert & Jane Ogg The Order of the Thistle* Kamel Oussayef Keith & Linda Patch Macario J. Ramos Jr. Douglas E. Robinson Robert W. Sanborn Estate of Richard H. Schnakenburg* Frank & Debbie Sekeres Thomas & Pauline Skoog Edward & Diana Stumm John K. Takian Valley of Allentown* Valley of Philadelphia* Valley of Pittsfield A.A.S.R.* Valley of Portsmouth/Dover* Deon P. White Stephen R. & Ann Whittaker Charles Carter Wicks John L. Winkelman Charles W. Yohe