Grand Almoner's Fund The Grand Almoner’s Fund is central to the Scottish Rite’s commitment to care for our Brothers, providing assistance to Masons and their families facing unexpected hardships. This program focuses on our Masonic Fraternity and assists: All Freemasons, particularly Scottish Rite Masons within the Northern Jursidiction; Masonic families when a significant, unexpected burden is placed on them; Immediate family members of a deceased Masonic Brother. In Fiscal Year 2019, the Grand Almoner’s Fund distributed $765,416.87 in support for our Brothers in need. A total of 109 Brothers and their families were assisted through this important charity.
You may never meet the Brothers these numbers represent, but they have been lifted out of some of life’s most difficult moments thanks to your support. As one Brother wrote:
Brothers, There are no words to express how grateful I am to you all for the wonderful gift you have given my familiy in our time of need. My family and I were shocked, speechless and overwhelmed by your generosity. Your generous contribution has not only provided my familiy with means to survive during our difficult times, but your donation has given us a tremendous sense of relief, comfort, and the determination to overcome. Brothers, I may not know you. I may never meet you, share a drink with you, or even laugh alongside you, but from the bottom of my heart I want you all to know that I love and admire you. My family and I extend our love, gratitude, and best wishes. Thank you for the relief, the love, and most importantly the hope that you have given my family. May the Great Architect always bless you and your loved ones. Sincerely, A Grateful Brother IMPACT REPORT 2019