2022 Scottish Rite Charities Impact Report

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Peter J. Samiec, 33°
SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER, PRESIDENT Jocelyn Wallace GRANT WRITER & COORDINATOR Spencer North ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Walter F. Wheeler, 33° DIRECTOR OF CHARITIES MacLean Rankin CHARITIES COORDINATOR Matt Blaisdell DIRECTOR OF DESIGN Bridget Steele ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF CHARITIES Volume 5 IMPACT REPORT MAILING OFFICE 33 Marrett Road Lexington, MA 02421 (781) 465-3341 Development@SRNMJ.org Copyright ©2022, Scottish Rite Charities, AASR, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS Connie Ferreria DEVELOPMENT OFFICER 06 07 10 14 16 18 20 22 26 29 38 .................................. The Grand Almoner's Fund ............................................. A Fraternity of Hope .......... Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library ............................... Membership Education Fund ........................ Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund ................................. Children's Dyslexia Centers ........................... Inspiration Through Education ........................................... Giving Opportunities ..................................................... Giving Tuesday ................................................ Donor Recognition ................................................... Words of Thanks Our Team Scottish Rite Charities 2 IMPACT REPORT 2022

The Scottish Rite Grand Almoner’s Fund continues to embody the Scottish Rite’s vision statement to care for our members and those in need. This year marks the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy and the tremendous outpouring of support given through our reinvigorated Grand Almoner’s Fund. This year, the Grand Almoner’s Fund surpassed $10 million in aid distributed to distressed Master Masons, their widows, and orphans.

The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library opened the new Masonic Hall of Fame, highlighting extraordinary Freemasons in American history, with ten members inducted in its inaugural year. The next class of inductees will be announced at our Giving Tuesday Telethon on November 29, 2022.

This year, close to $400,000 was allocated from the Supreme Council Education and Charity Fund for distribution of Abbott Scholarships

Our Children’s Dyslexia Centers are fast approaching their 30th anniversary of equipping children with dyslexia with the tools they need to succeed in school and in life. Thanks to the dedicated work of our Center Directors, tutors, and Boards of Governors, over 1,000 children were helped at Centers across our Jurisdiction during this past year.

Our newest charity, the Membership Education Fund, helps fund Thursday Night at the Rite, the Hauts Grades Academy (HGA) and our popular Scottish Rite Pathfinder Program, which launched earlier this year.

Thanks to your support, our Scottish Rite Charities have had a profound impact on the lives of your Brothers, their families, and our communities. Within these pages, you will see some of their stories and the difference you have made in their lives. These examples of your philanthropy serve as a reminder of the great works that we can achieve when we come together.

As you read, I hope that you can recognize the vital role you have played in being there for our Brothers and making a difference in our communities – because without you and your dedicated support, none of this would be possible.

The last year has been an exciting one for our Scottish Rite Charities thanks to the tremendous support from you, our donors.


As Scottish Rite Masons, one of the Core Values we strive to exemplify is Service to Humanity. Through the work of our Charities, members are able to make a meaningful difference in their communities and the lives of others.

These five Scottish Rite Charities enable us to sustain and advance our mission — the mission to care for our members and those in need.

Preserving Masonic history for future generations

Helping children reach their full potential

Opening doors for college education

Enhancing the Scottish Rite experience through education

Restoring hope for Brothers in need

2022 Scottish Rite Charities
$6,753,30800 $ 4,577,501 04 1,300 330300 $ 1,057,564 31 90 $ 51,930 97 $ 170,109 04 Total Donations in FY 2022 Children's Dyslexia Centers More than children served by our Children’s Dyslexia Centers Leon M. Abbott Scholarships awarded tutors certified through our nationally-accredited training program Brothers and their families assisted through the Grand Almoner's Fund More thanMore than More than Grand Almoner's Fund Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund *Additional Donations include gifts to the Scottish Rite Benevolent Foundation, Supreme Council Charities Fund, & Blue Envelope Appeal Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library BY THE NUMBERS OUR IMPACT $ 235,810 25 Membership Education Fund $ 660,392 39 Additional Donations* HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org 5
THIS YEAR, THE GRAND ALMONER’S FUND SURPASSED $10 MILLION IN AID distributed to Brothers and their families in need. For the many individuals facing some of their darkest moments, this figure represents hope restored and lives changed. To all of our committed donors to this Fund, thank you for making this tremendous effort possible. $526,11930 $5,000$10,000 $39,500 in relief to Masonic families in need in disaster relief to Haiti for tornado relief to the Grand Lodge of Kentucky in gift cards for immediate relief Thanks to your incredible support of the Grand Almoner's Fund, here are a few of the unexpected hardships the Grand Almoner’s Fund helped members cope with over the past year: FLOOD DAMAGE BOILER REPLACEMENT BURIAL COSTS WHEELCHAIR LIFT CANCER TREATMENT ROOF REPLACEMENT CAR ACCIDENT AND MANY MORE Total relief offered in 2022: $580,619.30 IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 6


Born with cerebral palsy, he weighed barely a pound at birth and was so small he could fit in his father’s hand. When he was two years old, doctors told his father that it would be unlikely for William to ever talk, or even make it to adulthood. They also claimed William would never walk and would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Brother William C. Clark III has had his life transformed by Freemasonry, not just once, but twice.
The Grand Almoner's Fund at work HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org 7

His father refused to accept this. “My dad, being the typical Irish American that he is, said, ‘No. My son is not going to be a number just because he has a disability. He has no pronounced cognitive delay, and I’m going to search for an answer,’” William shared.

William spent much of his early years going through surgery after surgery. Each one gave him some use of his legs, but not much. “I had to use these giant, Darth Vader crutches that hurt when you walked with them – just horrible experiences. I couldn’t really walk or use my legs,” he recalled.

Then his father was put in contact with the Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Erie, Pennsylvania, where he learned about an experimental surgery that might be able to help his son. After undergoing surgery, electrical therapy on his legs, and months of physical therapy, William was finally able to do what he had only

dreamed of doing – he walked.

William said everything changed for him after the surgery.

“How does one word their salvation? Because of that surgery, I ran for office. I was in a committee position in my early 20s. I fell in love, I traveled, I wrote a book. When I’m asked, ‘How did things change?’ a normal person might say, ‘I walked.’ But when you’re handicapped, your body is very literally your prison. You can only do what your body allows you to do. Because I was given my legs, I was given so much more. It changed everything for me.”

The experience was so transformative that William vowed he would join the Shriners one day. At the time, all he knew about the group was that it was made up of men who wore funny little hats like the monkey in Aladdin. Since becoming a Mason, the fraternity has come to mean much more to him. “The Masonic square and

compass has become a sort of arch over my entire experience,” he said.

As an adult, Brother William saw his life transformed again by the Masons, but this time they were his fellow Brothers. He had overcome incredible odds to graduate from college and was looking for work. But he was unable to drive without a specially-equipped vehicle, and the costs involved seemed like another impossible barrier.

“Here I am a year after the pandemic, and I need a car in order to get a job. I’m stuck. There’s a rule that your car has to be less than seven years old; it needs to have Bluetooth. I can’t go to a junkyard and get a car like my father or my grandfather. I was at a loss; I was working with nothing,” he said.

Some fellow Masonic Brothers heard about his predicament and worked to secure funding from the Grand Almoner’s Fund to cover the cost of a handicap-accessible vehicle for Brother William. This gesture of support has had another profound impact on his life.

“The Shriners gave me my legs, and then all these years later, the Scottish Rite gave me my wheels and my independence. Freemasonry once again allowed me to elevate myself

As a child, William Clark was told he would never be able to walk unassisted. Brother William Clark today
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and help other people in return.”

Brother William said the ability to drive and have his own vehicle has opened countless doors for him. He is able to work, travel and see his friends, and he is looking for an apartment. “When I was younger, all these kids would play little league, and I'd sit in my wheelchair reading my book – wanting freedom and not being able to do what they were doing. And then the same thing happened in my early teens. When I was 16, I would sit and look out the window and wish to drive. Now I can!”

Today, Brother William works as a community outreach advocate, and he loves sharing about Freemasonry and

how the fraternity has transformed his life. “There’s a saying in the Masonic community that we take good men and make them better. You did not just make me better; you gave me my humanity. I remember when I first took my braces off a year after the surgery and learned to walk without crutches. I remember I went to West Boulevard Elementary – there’s a tree on the playground there – and I ran. I run for no reason sometimes. That’s the meaning of Masonry to me.”

Brother William also has big dreams for the future. He is a published author, writing a book of poetry about his experiences called The Ever So Accurate Tales of a Not

So Average Man: The Testament of a Modern Disabled Man. Eventually he’d love to do more in the publishing industry or work in government to help advocate for the disabled community.

Today, he wants supporters of the Almoner’s Fund to know that the help he’s received touches far more people than just himself. “When I do my job, it is very much affected by what you’ve done with the Almoner’s Fund. It’s more than just a car. Now I am able to see my friends; I am able to support my clients. Then my client sees my car and says, ‘You can drive! I want that! I want to do that.’ That small piece of charity has a ripple effect.

“When you help one person, you’re helping their families and their neighbors. That act of charity could affect so many more people. That’s what I want to tell the Scottish Rite and the people who give. It wasn’t just giving me a car – it’s giving a community a voice. It’s giving a community hope.”

“The Shriners gave me my legs, and then all these years later, the Scottish Rite gave me my wheels and my independence. Freemasonry once again allowed me to elevate myself and help other people in return.”
Brother William Clark with his new car he received with assistance from the Grand Almoner's Fund Graduating from Youngstown State University was a major accomplishment for Brother William

The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library continues to add new items

its collections through purchases and donations.

After being forced to close its doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum & Library has reopened and is back to welcoming visitors. Valley tours have resumed, and members are encouraged to plan a visit and experience all the Museum has to offer.


Among the Museum’s notable acquisitions this year are

group of Masonic flasks made in New England and Pennsylvania in the early 1800s donated to the Museum by Alan R. Heath, 33°, and a Past Master’s jewel given to Elisha J. Cleveland by appreciative members of Hammatt Lodge of East Boston, Massachusetts, in 1860, and donated to the museum by Virginia B. Squair.


corridor show

of Odd Fellows from the Museum & Library’s portrait collection was installed in May 2022.

63 Collection Donors 544 Items Donated 89 Items Purchased
A new
exhibition featuring portraits
Scottish Rite Charities 10 IMPACT REPORT 2022

Our Vision

Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives


The Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives added many new items to the collection by both purchase and gift during the past year. Among the highlights was the purchase of two letters written by Brother and President William H. Taft to Brother John H. Harris, Master of Liberty Lodge in Beverly, Massachusetts in 1912, regarding a visit that Taft made to the lodge while President.

Two letters from President William H. Taft to John H. Harris, Master of Liberty Lodge in Beverly, MA, 1912

Library & Archives Director Jeff Croteau chats with a group of visiting Masons.


The Library & Archives received 207 inquiries from Scottish Rite members and others. Staff are always happy to assist with research questions, whether by phone, email, or in person.

A photo of the newly-renovated Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives


The renovation of the Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives space was completed this year, providing a cheerful and welcoming space for visitors and researchers.

The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library strives to be the historical and educational society of Freemasonry, fraternalism, and American history for future generations.
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John Hary Lewis & Irving John Geoge Prince Benjamin John A. Mark Lewis Truma Clark Berlin Glenn Washington Hal Franklin LeJeune Twain
The exhibition launched with an inaugural class
ten members, including: Make plans to visit the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library today and experience this exhibition for yourself! 13HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org

Fostering Masonic education amongour members

As the newest Scottish Rite Charity, the Membership Education Fund was created to help foster Masonic education among our members and assist them along their path of enlightenment. Experiences like Thursday Night at the Rite, the Hauts Grades Academy, and the new Pathfinder Program are made possible because of your support of the Membership Education Fund.


Season 3 of Thursday Night at the Rite kicked off with the launch of Journey On, the Scottish Rite’s new membership campaign. Featuring newly-recorded degrees put on by Valleys from across the Jurisdiction, this popular offering continues to inspire Brothers from the convenience of their homes.

The Hauts Grades Academy (HGA) was developed for Brothers looking to delve deeper into the Masonic Craft. To date, 88 Brothers have completed the intensive program, with 27 new graduates in the last year.

Learn more about the HGA at ScottishriteNMJ.org/Hauts-Grades-Academy.

Scottish Rite Charities 14 IMPACT REPORT 2022


Launched in April 2022, the Pathfinder Program was created to enhance the Scottish Rite member experience through participation and completion of a variety of activities across all areas of our fraternity. Members will gain experience, knowledge, and a greater opportunity to build friendships within the fraternity.

The path to enlightenment is different for everyone; the Pathfinder Program can help you find yours.

Through August 2022, 762 Brothers had begun the program, with 47 having completed the program –an impressive response in just a few short months!

“I take my field book everywhere I go, studying and writing information found during my downtime at work. So far, through studying, I’ve found more information than ever before and regaining more respect for our fraternity.”

Girard Summer, 32°

“Pathfinder is a great way to further our Scottish Rite experience. Thanks for all your hard work.”

Mark Newton, 32° Travis Freeman, 33°

“An outstanding and innovative initiative! Thankful for our leadership at Supreme Council.”

Here’s what you’re saying about the new Pathfinder Program:
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Opening doors for college education

For close to 70 years, the Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund has been opening doors to a college education for members and their families.

Abbott Scholarships are awarded to deserving students who meet any of the following criteria:

A Scottish Rite Mason of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in good standing;

A student related by blood or legal means to a current or deceased Scottish Rite Member of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction;

A member of a Masonic-sponsored youth group located within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.

This year, close to $400,000 in Abbott Scholarships was distributed to more than 300 deserving students.

219 38 3
Colleges & Universities Represented States Additional Countries IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 16

Leon M. Abbott Scholarship


After graduating from high school in May 2022, Haylee Fiske is preparing to enter her freshman year of college at the Florida Institute of Technology, where she will be studying Aerospace Engineering in the school’s honors program. “I hope to be able to develop spacecrafts and new technologies to reach other planets with my degree,” she said.

Born with a rare medical condition called Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI, which affects liver function, Haylee hasn’t let this obstacle stand in her way. “Despite this experience, I believe that I can achieve anything I set my mind to – even the stars,” she said.

Haylee’s grandfather is a Mason, and she said that being awarded an Abbott Scholarship has greatly helped in her pursuit of higher education. “Thank you for selecting me as a recipient of the 2022 Abbott Scholarship. I am grateful for receiving this Scholarship, as it means that I can better focus on my studies in Aerospace Engineering and work hard to achieve my dreams. I hope that my hard work will also impact other young women to enter the engineering world. Thanks to your help, I get to enter a field that I love.”

Tyler Godbout is entering his sophomore year as a Musical Theatre major at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City. Musical theatre has been a lifelong passion of Tyler’s, and his dream is to travel the world performing new shows that have never been shared. “Ever since I was a kid, dancing, acting, and singing have always been my greatest passions, and there’s no other love like it that I have,” he said.

When it came time to start his first year of college, Tyler found the cost of attending college daunting. As a student studying musical theatre, he had to enroll in extra-curricular classes like dance and voice lessons, purchase textbooks, and pay for rent, groceries, and transportation in New York City, none of which are covered by his tuition.

Tyler’s family has a long history in Freemasonry. His grandfather first suggested that he apply for an Abbott Scholarship, and he is extremely grateful to be a second year scholarship recipient. “The Abbott Scholarship makes it possible for me to complete my education and helps me know that I will graduate, and I will get to do what I want to do in college. The Scholarship has made it possible for me to follow my dreams.”

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Centers and satellite locations across 13 states

More than children served

More than graduates of the program

More than tutors certified

The Children’s Dyslexia Centers are back to providing face-to-face tutoring and training, supplemented as needed by an ever-expanding set of online tools. Enrollment continues to rebound from the pandemic, and new initiatives are being explored that will enable the CDC to expand its mission.


For years, the individual Children’s Dyslexia Centers were loosely affiliated, with little interaction and knowledge transfer. The pandemic changed this: staff had no choice but to find ways to continue to support trainees and students. Relationships grew stronger as staff across the Jurisdiction began working as a single team. Today, CDC Center Directors have begun combining their efforts to offer training courses featuring representatives from multiple Centers. “For the first time, instead of operating like more than 40 separate islands, we are functioning as one united organization,” said Director of Operations David Sharkis, 33°.


Plans are underway for a brand-new Center located in the New York City Masonic building in the heart of Manhattan. The Center will be a model for the CDC, with a capacity to handle in excess of 50 children. Partnership discussions with the New York Public Schools Chancellor are in progress to assist students who struggle with dyslexia, and trainers from across the CDC network are working together to get the new Center established. A public grand opening is planned for early 2023.


Throughout the month of June, the Children’s Dyslexia Centers shared individual stories and experiences of students as a part of its annual A Kid Like Me campaign. Check out some of the students featured as part of this year’s campaign below:


“With the help and guidance of my tutors, I have learned new ways to look at studying and information. But most of all I have become a more confident reader and writer.”


“The Children’s Dyslexia Center means a lot to me. The lessons give me extra help with my reading and helps me to be a better reader every day.”

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Children with dyslexia often struggle to read at the same pace as their classmates, which can make them feel discouraged or even incapable in the classroom. Since its inception almost three decades ago, the Children’s Dyslexia Centers have given more than 16,000 students the chance to learn and reach their full potential.

CDC student Annalise has had her confidence restored since attending her local Center. Her mother, Robin, has seen the incredible impact the CDC has had on Annalise’s reading development firsthand.

“We have been so grateful for this program coming into our lives. Anna has grown a whole reading grade level in the six months since she has been in this program. Her level of confidence has grown tremendously in all areas of her life, not only reading.

I wish I had this program, as I grew up dyslexic too. I was so fearful when I realized my daughter also had a reading delay. I remembered how hard education was for me and I didn’t want that for my kids.

“This program has given us so much hope in her future. Anna has realized that if she works hard that she can do anything. She has learned how to work for what she wants because of this Center. She feels confident in trying new things now because she has seen the success it has brought her. She said that she feels like the Center is the best and she is happy that she can read by herself. The confidence she has now is remarkable, and we are so grateful. I can’t wait to see how she continues to grow now that she sees the results of hard work.”

Since enrolling in his local Children’s Dyslexia Center, Eli has undergone an incredible transformation. His mother recalls that when he began first grade, he didn’t even know his ABCs. “He couldn’t spell or write anything except for his own name. He hated going to school and was getting into trouble, despite having wonderful teachers supporting him,” she said.

Then the family was introduced to the Children’s Dyslexia Center, and Eli’s life changed. “The tutoring curriculum builds upon itself and is individualized to where he is and where he should be,” his mother shared. “We cannot praise his tutor Mary enough. From the outside, it feels like Mary is a magician, and with a flip of a wand, has taught Eli to read. But the truth to success is not magic. The combination of the curriculum, a dedicated and gifted tutor, and Eli’s hard work have paid off.”

Eli is now in third grade and reading at a sixth-grade level. His literacy proficiency tests place him in the top 90% of children in the nation. His mother said that most importantly, Eli loves to read and spends hours doing so. “He is discovering new worlds in books and thriving in his school classroom. He is so proud of who he is and all he can do! As a family, we cannot say thank you enough to the CDC for transforming our son’s life.”



Teachers play a monumental role in the personal and academic development of young people. Each of us can recall a teacher who, in our youth, motivated or inspired us in ways few others could and, if asked, most teachers would likely credit that ability to inspire and guide as their calling to the profession.

There is something truly magical about the moment a child inspires their teacher.

Such was the case for Michelle Yon, a special education teacher with over 20 years of experience, whose student inspired her to complete

the training necessary to become a certified tutor for the Children’s Dyslexia Centers.

In 2019, Yon began working directly with 10-year-old Brynn, a student whose dyslexia made reading difficult and frustrating, and so was lagging behind her peers. “Brynn wanted to read but wasn’t enthused about it. She kept being pulled out and wasn’t seeing the progress she made. Her ability to understand and participate in things that were read to her were outstanding, on grade level or beyond, but her ability to read was at a kindergarten level,” Yon explained.

Not long into their in-school lessons, Brynn’s parents were referred to the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Burlington, where she began to receive twice weekly individualized instruction. Almost immediately, Yon noticed a difference in Brynn’s reading abilities back in

There is something truly magical about the moment a child inspires their teacher.
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the classroom. “You could see that she was picking it up,” she recalled. “She was still slow, but you could see that her ability to decode had been improved.”

They continued their in-school lessons over the course of three years, throughout which Brynn shared the reading techniques she had picked up at the Center. This surprised Yon, who found that it varied significantly from the strategies she had been trained to provide.

“Throughout the time that I was working with her, the second year during COVID while we were online, she would give me ideas to mix it up from SPIRE, because it wasn’t in the right order.”

Encouraged by this receptiveness, Brynn had an idea. “I was teaching something, and she said I wasn’t doing it in the right order. She asked if she could write a lesson plan and I said sure, and she did it,” Yon recalled.

“She had her mom look over it to make sure it was complete, but she didn’t help Brynn with it. She did it all on her own. I was blown away. She had planned an awareness activity, she had a spelling and reading list, she did it all. It was amazing. It was like, ‘I have to find out about this.’”

Yon had heard about the Children’s Dyslexia Center program through the school district but had never given it much thought prior to witnessing Brynn’s dramatic progress. That’s when she chanced upon a scholarship available through Scottish Rite.

“When the opportunity came up, I grabbed it because it was amazing. The difference between her as a reader and the techniques she was using when we worked together, it sold me on the program and I had to apply,” Yon said.

While working on her Initial Certification at the Burlington Center, Yon has seen great improvement in her students after implementing the new techniques. “When I started teaching, they didn’t have mentoring. This is the first time I’ve had the kind of mentoring and feedback. And then using the teachings and questions I can apply it to all my subject areas. Instead of just telling kids the answer, I can have these questions. If they weren’t sure how to do something, I can ask them better questions. It made a huge difference as to how I approach my teaching and getting them engaged,” she said.

Nearing retirement, Yon says she now plans to pursue private tutoring within the next four years. This will allow her more time to work with students even as they continue to move grade levels.

“In my experience as a student and teacher, the Children’s Dyslexia Center plan has helped me so much in how I teach. I hope every year I win the lottery and then can have all my students enroll. You can see the change – more awe and more enthusiasm for it. It’s beautiful.”

Special education teacher Michelle Yon
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Joining the Builders Council is achieved through a commitment of $10,000 to any of our Children’s Dyslexia Centers.

Today, 655 individuals and organizations have made this incredible commitment to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers.

The ability to read is the foundation of each child’s future. It provides the base upon which all learning depends. Builders Council members have made a commitment to assure that our Children’s Dyslexia Centers will be able to help children with dyslexia today, and for years to come.

For a complete list of our Children’s Dyslexia Centers Builders Council members, or for more information on joining, visit


Ill. Brother Thomas Ewald, 33°, hails from a family of Scottish Rite Masons. He was raised alongside his four brothers on the same day, and the tradition continued when his sons and nephews were also raised on the same date recently. His Scottish Rite roots run deep and lasting.

Brother Ewald still remembers when his eyes were opened to the importance of one of the Scottish Rite’s most impactful charities – the Children’s Dyslexia Centers. While attending a Scottish Rite meeting, he was given a worksheet filled with gibberish and told, “this is what dyslexic students see.” A code was given to decipher the words, and members were called upon to read aloud what they had been able to translate. Brother Ewald realized the frustration, anxiety, and helplessness of not being able to complete the task, failing to adequately decode the words, and ultimately failing to read. The exercise has stayed with him for years.

This experience, coupled with a mother who had spent years as an early special education teacher, were motivators enough to join the Builders Council. For every student who struggles with dyslexia, the CDC is fortunate to have donors like Brother Ewald who understand the urgency of raising funds, working in the wings to provide the resources to help change the lives of these deserving students.

The Ewald Family: three generations of Scottish Rite Masons Scottish Rite Charities

When a child is unable to read, their struggles don’t just touch them. The ripple effects are felt by their entire family and often require a collective effort to search for answers. For Malorie MacDonald, her mother Peg, father James and sister Allison all worked to support her throughout her childhood in her struggles with dyslexia. Her formative years were filled with visits with doctors, speech therapists, and early intervention efforts as her family searched for help with what appeared to be developmental delays.

Malorie’s mother Peg continued advocating for her daughter from toddler to school years with the addition of IEPs and special classes, always seeking a clearer diagnosis for her child. A diagnosis finally came in third grade, and thankfully, a brighter future awaited.

honors. She applied to 10 colleges and was accepted into all 10. She chose to study nursing and finished her degree in 2018. Today, Malorie works as a nurse for the City of Reading, Massachusetts.

Along with Malorie’s hard work, Peg credits the Masons and their commitment to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers for helping their daughter succeed in school and in life. “If not for the Masons, where would our child be?” she said.

If not for the Masons, where would our child be?

When Malorie was officially diagnosed as “severely dyslexic,” a clinician knew just where to send her, telling her mother it was “time to see the Masons.” This was when the family first learned of the Scottish Rite fraternity, and their major charity, the Children’s Dyslexia Centers.

For Malorie to attend the program, the family had to commit to the long car rides to her two sessions a week, and she missed out on activities and time with friends. But along with her family’s help, Malorie put everything into the program, successfully completing her tutoring three years later in 2004.

The help she received at the Children’s Dyslexia Center was transformational for Malorie. Given the effective tools she needed to navigate reading, writing and schoolwork, she graduated from high school with

Grateful for the Center’s impact on Malorie, the MacDonalds felt compelled to give back. They began contributing while their daughter was still enrolled at the Center, then decided to continue to support the Center with a monthly gift of $25.00 after Malorie graduated. “We give because look what we got. If not for the Center, our child would be nowhere,” Peg said.

In the years to follow, the MacDonalds never stopped giving. They have continued supporting the Children’s Dyslexia Center for almost two decades, quietly increasing their monthly commitment until they became Builders Council members and beyond. Today, they have contributed nearly $39,000 to the Center that did so much for Malorie, helping to support a new generation of students.

Peg MacDonald is quick to credit the Children’s Dyslexia Center with providing her daughter with the help she so desperately needed. “Where no one, nothing could help Malorie read, the Boston North Center did just that. We owe it all to Boston North. For that, we are eternally grateful.”

Boston North CDC Graduate Malorie MacDonald

to these donors for partnering with us and making their first contribution to Scottish Rite Charities. Each supporter plays an integral role in helping fund work that matters and sustaining this work for years to come.



This year, more than 2,300 donors made their first gift to one of our Scottish Rite Charities.

thanks to these donors for partnering with us and making their first contribution to Scottish Rite Charities. Each supporter plays an integral role in helping fund work that matters and sustaining this work for years to come.

When a diving accident left him wheelchair bound, Brother Josh Marshbanks was a firsthand recipient of the generosity of his fellow Scottish Rite Masons. A few years after his accident, he was in serious need of reliable transportation to get to appointments and work. Learning of his predicament, Brothers secured funding from the Scottish Rite Grand Almoner’s Fund, Detroit Almoner’s Fund, and the Michigan Scottish Rite Fund and presented Brother Marshbanks with a 2019 Ford Transit mobility-equipped van.

Grateful for the support he received from so many, Brother Marshbanks has determined to pay it forward –volunteering his time and talent to various nonprofits. He has also started Gaming Rite, a gaming channel for

Scottish Rite members and potential members to connect and play video games online.

This year, Brother Josh was able to became a first-time donor to Scottish Rite Charities and give back to the work that did so much for him. His motivation is clear: “Once I found myself in a place to give, I did,” he said. Today, he serves as Membership Liaison for the Valley of Michigan, making frequent calls to check in on members and lift their spirits. “When a Brother is having a bad day, I always manage to leave them in a better place.”

2022By the Numbers 45 2,311 First-time Donors in 2022 2,258 Individual First-time Donors 53 Organization First-time Donors Many thanks
Thank you!
Rite Charities




Scottish Rite’s oldest Jurisdiction-wide

appeal, the Blue Envelope represents our commitment as Brothers to the tenet of charity

a value we cherish among our highest principles.

Donations to the Blue Envelope directly support: the Grand Almoner’s Fund, the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, the Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund and the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library.

Members also help their local

the Blue Envelope.

of Excellence credit by


January 31, 2022, Valleys had

DonateRite.org 25
Valleys receive Valley
This year, members across the Jurisdiction continued changing the lives of their Brothers and those in need through their incredible support of the Blue Envelope Appeal. $585,16440 Total Amount Raised 8,969 Total Donations in FY 2022 9.52% Total Percentage of Members Donating
again, the Scottish Rite, NMJ held its friendly competition to encourage members to support the Blue Envelope Appeal and help their Valley win. Running through
the opportunity to win in three categories. Congratulations to our winning Valleys! Valley Competition HIGHEST NUMBER OF MEMBER DONATIONS: HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF MEMBER DONATIONS: MOST DOLLARS DONATED: 1. Valley of Harrisburg, PA 2. Valley of Columbus, OH 3. Valley of Michigan 1. Valley of Harrisburg, PA 2. Valley of Indianapolis, IN 3. Valley of Columbus, OH 1. Valley of George Rogers Clark, IN 2. Valley of Norwood, NY 3. Valley of Lancaster-Littleton, NH HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST

This past year, Scottish Rite Charities celebrated Giving Tuesday 2021 with our fourth annual live Telethon.

Viewers tuned in to watch heartfelt stories of impact from Brothers and their families whose lives have been transformed by the work of our charities.

Because of you, more than $320,000 in donations were raised for our Scottish Rite Charities through online and call-in donations. Thank you for making this incredible outpouring of support possible.

Brothers from the New Hampshire Consistory presenting two $50,000 donations to support our Scottish Rite Charities Brother George Taylor, Scottish Rite Director of Member Services & Programs, takes a call-in donation
Scottish Rite Charities

For the first time, Children’s

supporters were motivated with

match from the Scottish

Center who raised the

the Telethon.

Congratulations to the Children’s

Center of Seacoast, New Hampshire for raising $7,506 in donations and being awarded this





Dyslexia Center
a special donation
Rite Benevolent Foundation for the
most individual donations at
special donation
Seacoast Center Wins CDC Donation Match
Sovereign Grand Commander Peter
J. Samiec, 33°, and
Rite Grand Almoner Alan Heath, 33°
Scottish Rite, NMJ staff celebrate a successful Giving Tuesday
DonateRite.org 27

Building for the Future

Named for one of the fraternity’s greatest builders, the George A. Newbury Cornerstone Society was created to acknowledge Brothers who have made a lasting investment in the Scottish Rite through will provisions in support of the life-changing efforts of our Charities.


Many of our Brothers have already generously included Scottish Rite Charities in their estate plans. Thank you to all who have done so. Unfortunately, too often we are unaware of these very meaningful and personal planned gifts until a Brother passes away, a lost opportunity for recognition and celebration during the Brother’s lifetime.

If you have not done so yet, please let us know of your intentions to include Scottish Rite Charities in your estate plans so we can include you as a member of our Cornerstone Society.

“One of the most important job requirements for any leader is to help put purpose into the lives they serve. When Brothers believe in a leader, and believe that what they are doing truly matters, they are motivated and fulfilled knowing that every task undertaken is a part of something greater.

We can help build up Scottish Rite for the

generations coming behind us when we think beyond our ourselves and our lifetime and look toward something larger – the future. Join me in creating a legacy gift and making an investment in the Scottish Rite’s future to ensure that the good work of our Charities will continue for generations to come."

in the Cornerstone Society simply requires a provision in your will. With no minimum dollar amount or percentage to join, all Brothers are invited to participate. Your provision can be: A cash sum; A particular property or asset; A share, or the whole, of your residuary estate (what's left after other specified gifts, costs and taxes).
J. Samiec,
33° Sovereign Grand Commander DONOR SPOTLIGHT IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 28



The Commander’s Circle is a special group of donors who have chosen to honor their commitment to the principles of our fraternity through their generous support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund. Their passion and their giving are a true and lasting expression of “Masons caring for Masons.”


Edward Parkinson Clark Trust

Estate of Robert Morefield

Henry E. Thelin Trust

Hilmar Gulseth Revocable Living Trust

James M. Alter Trust

Lafayette Consistory S.P.R.S.

Louis S. Ehrich Trust

New Hampshire Consistory SEI Investments Company


Estate of Charles McGrattan

Far Hills Lodge #784

Fort Wayne Scottish Rite Benevolent Fund David & Monica Glattly

J. Marshall, Jr. & Patty K. Blizzard

A. Norman Johnson

John Wm. McNaughton

Karl J. Mock G. Michael & Ruth Morris

Sven R. Mossberg Richard J Stephenson Malcolm B. Wernik

Paul & Joan Rubschlager

Robert William Smith

George G. Talisse

Michael A. Wolcott

Michael “Mick” Wolcott joined the Scottish Rite fraternity later than most – he was raised at the age of 65 in 2019. After selling his car dealerships, he sought out Freemasonry when he realized in semi-retirement that he missed people; his thriving businesses had kept him constantly surrounded by community. Immersing himself in Freemasonry, his philanthropic nature led him to support the work of Scottish Rite Charities.

When he learned about the Grand Almoner’s Fund, and its frontline, immediate service to Brothers in need, he committed to becoming a Commander’s Circle Ruby member. Brother Wolcott

wears his Commander’s Circle pin proudly at meetings and events, and he believes it serves as a great inspiration for others that often sparks further discussions about philanthropy. Brother Wolcott also donates his time in support of the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, serving on the Board of Governors for the Columbus, Ohio Center. A placard on his desk with the following quote serves as a constant reminder of the importance of service to others, both to Brothers in need and the greater community: “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others remains, and is immortal.”

$100,000+ $50,000+
Michael A. Wolcott, 32°


Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection

Giles F. Yates Council Prince of Jerusalem Massachusetts Consistory

Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Hartford

The Royal Order of Scotland

Thomas F. Brown

Ronald & Elaine Connelly

Thomas E. Ewald


Marcus E. Abbott

Amwell Lodge #12 F & A.M. Herb & Mary Ann Atkinson D.J. Barrett

David R. & Pauline Bedwell Ronald W. Beebe Frederick & Evelyn Berenbroick William & Lisa Berenbroick Ross & Linda Black Brian & Jane Blades Matt & Angela Blaisdell Timothy & Beth Boutell Elbridge & Mareeta Brewer Robert E. & Irene M. Brightbill Leland L. & Marilyn J. Burlison William C. Chapman & Helen A. Shaw Austin P. Clark Greg & Gerti Clark J. Randolph & Dana Clark

The Cockerham Family Cogswell Benevolent Trust Thomas H. & Dorothy Corson Keith W. Cravens

Michael & Annie DeWolf James Dill

Donald & Wendelyn Duquette James T. Elliott Jr.

Philip & Arlene Elliott Paul & Semra Ferreira

In Memory of the L. W. Getman Family

Matthew & Kate Gerrish Ben & Sherrie Grisham

Jeff & Darla Kitsmiller

Charles R. Lefever

J. Brian & Macy McNaughton George Nakonetschny

Terry N. Steinheiser

Walter & Vickie Wheeler

James H. Fischer Raymond & Ginnie Foose Mark David Gall Bradford & Kathleen Goebel The Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM Nicholas & Marla Graff Marlin & Kay Gray Matthew Francis Griffin Garry D. & Sonia G. Hageness Philip L. Hall Brian & Lynne Hartel Alan R. Heath Kevin J. Hecht Dick & Susan Heldman Donald & Nancy Hicks Lee D. Hieronymus Scott & Aubri Hilsee George & Leslie Hixon Keith & Judy Hoskins Theodore "Ted" H. Jacobsen David W. Jones Trust Richard R. Jones Jr. Bob & Maria Kefalas Gail N. Kemp Robert F Keuper Estate of Sherman Kisner Thomas & Virginia Labagh Estate of Paul E. Lange The LIGHT Foundation Charlotte E. Lomell

Albert R. Marshall Carl L. Martenson

Masonic Family Health Foundation Lois L. McNaughton Memorial Fund Michigan Scottish Rite Fund

David W. Miller

Donald D. (Pete) Miller Randy R. Milone

Paul E. Mossberg

Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix D. Dee & Kathy S. Mowry

Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Nicholson Oriental Lodge No. 27 A. F. & A. M. Howard & Ann Orr

Kamel & Mary Oussayef

Clark D. Page

Laurence E. & Nancy Perkins George Powell

Robert W. Reinhardt III Edgar J. Rennoe Jr. Carolyn Ribordy Mark & Karla Roth

Peter J. & Gail R. Samiec

Scottish Rite Cathedral - Valley of Chicago Scottish Rite Valley of Boston

Jon & Kellie Sellars

John A. Sentz, Jr.

David & Cheryl Sharkis Jim Sheets

Jeffry A. Simonton

$25,000+ IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 30

Verdon R. Skipper

Neil & Willa Jean Smalley

Gail N. Smith

James R. Spencer Jr. Paul C. St. Pierre Henry & Karen Stein Richard J. Stewart Howard E. Struble Robert N. Stutz George T. Taylor III George Thomas Taylor IV Donald D. Thomas Richard V. Travis


Harold & Phyllis Aldrich Anonymous

Ronald & Norma Aungst Archie & Kellie Canterbury Steven B. Carr Craig & Susan Cobb Columbian Lodge AF & AM Congdon-Overlook Lodge #163 Daniel C. Deufel Robert A. DiPalma Darrin Eugene Eastes

John W. Eldred E. R. H. Enterprises, Inc. Emil Ewald Family Foundation William R. Faulkner Jr. Ken K. Feinthel

Bret & Mary Jane Fledderjohn Bruce C. & Margie Golway*

Donald I. Green in honor of George & Helen Green and Joseph & Jean Lenhart John & Sara Greer

Dr. Richard Carlton Haney Leon F. Higgins, II Jeffrey B. Hodgdon

Frank & Kathryn Howard

John J. Hunt

Lawrence D. Inglis John D Jawor

In Memory of Ferris O. Tryon James & Susan Tungate Valley of Chicago Valley of Cincinnati Valley of Michigan Valley of Philadelphia Valley of Portland Valley of Utica Len & Brenda Vander Horn Maurice C. Vercoe Paul & Karen Weglage

Frank M. & Caitlin C. Williams Gary B. Williams M.D.

Connie & Daniel Wilson Douglas N. Winter

James E. Winzenreid Bruce T. Work

John & Jacque Wright Charles & Barbara Yohe

Robert Johnston Thomas E. Julian Douglas & Diana Kaylor Marc R. Koble Laurel Lodge No. 237 F. & A.M. Harold T. J. Littleton John E. Lord, Jr. Richard J. Luckay James A. Manninen

The McCormick Family Foundation Harold Dean Meade Mark E. Megee Emmett W. Mills Dr. John E. Moats Anthony W. Montuori Arthur Moore Don & Meg Moran William S. Moyer Robert E Murray Samuel C. Nana-Sinkam Walter F Neumann P. Michael Nielsen

North Jersey Past Master's Association Robert & Jane Ogg

The Order of the Thistle Keith & Linda Patch E Joel Peterson

Macario J. Ramos Jr. Douglas E. Robinson N. S. Jack Ruby Michael & Megan Russell Robert W. Sanborn Estate of Richard H. Schnakenburg Gerard & Julie Sealy Frank & Debbie Sekeres Thomas & Pauline Skoog

South Bend Lodge of Perfection AASR Edward & Diana Stumm John K. Takian Valley of Allentown Valley of Moline Valley of Pittsfield A.A.S.R. Valley of Portsmouth/Dover The Western Reserve Chapter of the Philalethes Soc

Deon P. White

Stephen R. & Ann Whittaker Charles Carter Wicks Alton Paul Williams John L. Winkelman Bertram J. Woodside

New Jersey.

*Correction: in a recent publication, Commander's Circle members Bruce & Margie Golway were incorrectly identified. Ill. Brother Golway is a member of the Valley of Southern
HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org 31

The White Flower Society was developed by former Scottish Rite First Lady Monica Glattly as an expansion of the Grand Almoner’s Fund, providing assistance to Masonic widows and their families facing unexpected hardship. This year, more than $30,000 in relief was distributed to Masonic widows in need.

Membership in the White Flower Society reflects a donation or pledge of $5,000 payable over 10 years. Thank you to our generous donors who ensure that Masonic widows are never forgotten.

Karl Mock, 33°

Ill. Brother Karl Mock, 33°, has been a Scottish Rite Mason for more than 40 years and has spent his life “walking the walk” of helping Brothers in need. Those who meet him are often wowed by the long list of important dates in his life he has committed to memory that have shaped his path in impactful ways. Yet no period of time was as important, or as accurately recalled in his life, as the years he spent with his wife Ann. As Brother Mock will share, the couple were married for 49 years, 3 months, 27 days, 7 hours and 34 minutes before she passed away on March 27, 2018. “All that I am, all that I have, all that is good in life I owe to her,” he said.

A generous supporter of Scottish Rite Charities, Brother Mock points to his wife as his motivation for joining the White Flower Society, and his membership is named in her memory.

He credits Ann with keeping him going when things looked bleak, and it was her savvy with the family savings and investments that allowed him to be philanthropic throughout his lifetime, helping fellow Brothers, his Valley, Blue Lodge or anyone in need.

Brother Mock shared that beyond any accolades and honors he has been awarded, he is grateful for the ability to honor his fellow Brothers by helping to provide widows and families much needed support through the White Flower Society. And most importantly, he knows that his support of these efforts would make Ann proud.

Karl & Ann Mock on their wedding day
IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 32



Mary Ann Atkinson

Evelyn M. Berenbroick

Irene Berman

Jane M. Blades Elbridge & Mareeta Brewer

Irene M. Brightbill

Leland L. & Marilyn J. Burlison Annmarie Castagno-Clark Greg & Gerti Clark

Robert & Stacia Cockerham Elaine Connelly

David & Cheryl Cyrus Ruben & Cathleen Dominguez Barbara Elliott Sandy Engelmann Karin M. Ernest in memory of Ruth Beumann Mahler Thomas Ewald and Family Ginnie & Raymond Foose

Mark David Gall

Matt & Kate Gerrish Monica Glattly

Bruce C. & Margie Golway Marla M Graff

Grand Lodge of NJ 2020 Grand Staff in memory of ILL. Donald Porter & S. P. James Damm

John & Sara Greer

Benjamin F. Griscom IV Brian & Lynne Hartel Kim Hecht

Susan Heldman George & Leslie Hixon Keith & Judy Hoskins Susan Jacobson

Diana & Douglas Kaylor Jeff & Darla Kitsmiller

William & Prudence Kline Thomas & Ginny Labagh Ladies of the Valley of Philadelphia Charles R. & Frances H. Lefever Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey

Judy McNaughton

Karl J. Mock in memory of Ann Mock Craig & Anne Mollon Robert & Joyce Monacelli G. Michael & Ruth Morris Sandy Nakonetschny New Hampshire Consistory Keith & Linda Patch

Mark & Karla Roth in memory of Elizabeth M. Helldorfer & Hilda H. Roth

Gail R. Samiec Nancy Scott Ellen Secallus

Kellie R. Sellars

Janice Sharpe

Jim Sheets

Willa Jean Smalley Bridget & Evan Steele in honor of Mary Ann Bichajian

Karen Stein

Stephenson Family Foundation Howard & Carol Struble

Thomas & Joan Sturgeon Barbara Tryon

Brenda & Len Vander Horn

Valley of Bridgeport, Lafayette Consistory Valley of Columbus Valley of Dayton

Valley of Utica in honor of Diane H. Clark & in memory of Daniel L. Clark

Walter & Vickie Wheeler

Maureen Williamson

Connie Wilson Charles & Barbara Yohe


Gifts Made In Honor



Active and Emeritus members Supreme Council

Mohammad Al Jumaili Salman S Sheikh

Yasser A. Al-Khatib Richard G Seeds Jr.

Cora Anderson Karen Anderson

Logan Anderson Michelle Pari Joseph M. Liethen & Joelle R. Liethen

Therese A. Hurley & Anthony J. Hurley Sean Christiansen & Sarah Christiansen

Anthony S. Angelica Deborah Fowler

James D. Arehart Brian J Arehart

Alexander Asman Seth Asman

Herbert J. Atkinson Ricky L Swalm

Lynn B. Baker William J Prazenica

Robert J. Bateman Yasser A Al-Khatib

Diane Baum Sharon Amos

Amy Bennett Smith John C Bennett Jr.

David W. Berry William J. Prazenica

Mary Ann Bichajian Peter J Samiec

Shawn Bolz Erin & Craig Bolz

Maria Boyer-Jensen Don Jensen & Maria Jensen

Carl Calderhead Bonnie Youngblood

Niamh Carroll Joseph Carroll & Heather Carroll

Amanda Chambo FastTrack

Marcia Christensen Gregg Koeppen & Lisa Koeppen

Norm Christensen Gregg Koeppen & Lisa Koeppen

Debbie Cole FastTrack

Christine Cook Michael Cook & Sophia Cook

Jeffrey Croteau Valley of Chicago

Eli Cuthbert Schwab Charitable Fund

Selina Dauria Selina Dauria

Randal E. Davis Timothy N Flack

Louis Denis Cummings Properties

Charles L. DePoy Michelle Cummings

John David Derderian Selina Dauria

Ann & Jeff Derrick Mr. & Mrs. Kraig Sullivan, Sr.

Richard W. Elliot Patricia Double

Blake Emery MIke Berger

Cayden Emery MIke Berger

Jack J. Farkas David A Walker

Cooper Feltz Sharon Bishop

Chris Filley Bonnie Youngblood Lee Forrence Peter Daigle

Anthony J. Garvey Valley of Philadelphia

David A. Glattly Omar Huemac Flores Peter J. Samiec

Jessica Glattly David A Glattly

Howard L. Graff David S Zavaleta

Jeffrey S. Greene Yasser A Al-Khatib

Francesca Gross Jacquelyn Wehrell Rebecca Claxton

Eugene Gyure Wayne C. Temple

George K. Hackney Valley of Philadelphia

Frank J. Hamm Masonic Service Bureau

Beverly Hicks Amy Dsuban

Gregory Hicks Amy Dsuban

Boden Hobbs Kristen Hobbs

Jim Hughes Jocelyn Mullins

Laurel A. Humphrey Jessica London

Bruce H. Jackson William J Prazenica

Elle and Annie Jerbi Yvonne Larme

Dylan Jones Scott Jones

Philip Kappes Bank of Indianapolis

Leonard P. Keirstead Gregory Johnston

Georgia Kiley John Weier

Rolf T. Killingstad Susan L Titus

Joseph R. Krusienski Kevin J. Hecht David L. Sharkis James R. Spencer Jr. Bruce T. Work

Barbara Kuenzie Kelly Kuenzie

Darin A. Lahners Gregory John Knott

Shirley Landmesser Shannon Marchegiani Melia

Walter Lane Joseph A Diliberto Gwen Lynn Shannon Marchegiani Melia

Martin J. Macary Thomas M Maxwell II

Michael R. Mader Peter Daigle

Albert R. Marshall Ricky L. Swalm

Cheryl Maslowski Falls Chapter #245 OES

Aubrey McCarthy Justin McCarthy

James F. McElwaney Donald F McElwaney

Charlotte Mitchelle Sarah Batta Margaret Flaherty

Stephen L. Moore Eric M Kletrovetz

MSA-RedCaps Harry Woods

Chris Mulvihill Katherine Lavinder

Robert Myers John E Crystle Matthew S. Naylor Deneen New

Robert R. Nilsen James J Hailey

Isabelle "Belle" Norris Earl S Hollen Assembly #97

Stephen F. Oakley Valley of Southern Illinois

Evan Olson Miranda Bradshaw

Elmer H. Palmer Andrew L. Palmer

Stephen C. Park Linda Martin

Trinity Pearson Elizabeth Pearson & Kyle E. Pearson

Douglas N. Pelfrey Nathan H. Pelfrey Jr.

Mark C. Pelfrey Nathan H Pelfrey Jr.

Cynyth Petersheim Katherine Lavinder

Abram Peterson Susan L Kronmiller

Julianne Pfendt Henry Pfendt

Brent Poulin Kennebec Lodge #5 Trail Monster Running, LLC Thomas E. Pulkkinen George P Pulkkinen

Dylan Quattrocchi Paul Quattrocchi Kim Quattrocchi

Earl D. Reed Daniel Sellers

Brantley Riech Megan Stoller

Chuck & Sally Ridlon Leslie Webber

Thomas H. Routsong Thomas A Routsong

Peter J. Samiec Jacob G Lederman Michael R Siegel Peter W Brusoe Steven C Stefanakos

Sandra Windermere Chapter #388, OES

William M. Sardone Erik Fattrosso

Gerard R. Sealy Yasser A Al-Khatib

Daniel D. Sharkis David L Sharkis

Melissa Sharkis David L Sharkis

Leaella Shirley John G. Novotny & Therese E. Novotny

Neil M. Smalley J Randolph Clark

Brixton Smullen Andrew Smullen

David P. Spencer Yahnundahsis Bodies AASR Kurt Manfred Eschbach

Steven C. Stefanakos Valley of Allentown

Susan Stipanovich 3910 So. Yellowstone

James D. Swan Yahnundahsis Bodies AASR

Xander Ott Thompson Cathleen Ott Thompson

George A. Tillema Mike Siker

Ethan Toms Rodney Duffy & Sherri Duffy

Maria Torres-Kimmins Cheryl Hunt

UMT Police Department Michelle Djevharian

Ronald C. Unterberger Yasser A Al-Khatib

Valley of Toledo Jeremy Z Sharninghouse

Zach Vinet Nicole Vinet

Sally Weber Lisa B. Weber & William LeFurgy

Sarah Wyman-Mack Jessanne Wyman

Mohamad A. Yatim Wafra Inc.

being recognized are listed first, followed by the donors.
thanks to our donors and the individuals they honored in the last year. IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 34

Gifts Made In Memory

We respectfully acknowledge the following individuals who were remembered through tribute donations this year.

Bertram Abrams • Robert M. Adam • Wayne T. Adams • James R. Amlung • Marie Anders • James Anderson • Thomas C. Anderson • Harry L. Andrews • Donald L. Angel • Charlotte J. Argabrite • Emerson G. Arnold • Lawrence R. Atchison • Grace Backus • Wes Bailey • William G. Batchelder • Charles H. Baum • David R. Bedwell

Benjamin Behling • Gilbert Behling • Harry W. Bennert • Judy Ann Bentley • Norris Berg • Johan Bergman • Sanford William Berman • Florence Blanock • William H. Blomberg • Kenneth G. Bonenfant • Robert Lu Bostancic • Tommy C. Bourne • Marcus Bovre • Brian S Brown • Garland F. Brown • James Brown • Kenneth H. Brown • Majid J. Buyuk • Karen W. Campbell • Henry R. Carey • Stephen E. Carpenter • Gene Carter • Clark W. Cate • Donald C. Caterson • William C. Chapman • William E. Chick • Donna Childs • Daniel L. Clark • Robert E. Clark • Jerrit L. Clayton • Stanford R. Close • Leslie Cook • Stephen Cosgrove • Charles C. Cost • Paul S. Cuetara • Arthur E. Curtis • James W. Damm • Morris J. Dawson • Michael R. Dean • Barbara Jean Deissler • Ronald L. Dennis • Marilyn J. Dietrich • David P. Dill • Arthur L. Dinger • Donald Ditmer • Raymond R. Donald • David L. Dondero • Philip O. Drake • John W. Duncan • Alfred J. Edwards • Paul Edwin • James T. Elliott • Marshall W. Elman • Wallace R. Emerson, Jr. • George D. Emmons • Alaettin Ersoy • Ralph H. Ervin • Jeffery A. Erving • David O. Faist • George F. Fawber • Forrest S. Felch • Robert D. Fighera • Edimont Fisher • John W. Flanders • Richard B. Fletcher • Calvin W. Fox • Kathleen E. Fuller • Otto W. Fulmer • James O. Gillahan • Ross V. Glass, Sr. • William M. Glose • Bradford A. Goebel • Harvey Goldberg • James C. Gramlich • George S. Haasis • Richard L. Haga • Joseph Hailey • Charles Hall • Carrie R. Hamm • Lynda Hanson • Joeseph E. Hardman • Donald Harris • Louis Hassoldt • Donald K. Haugen • Richard G. Hawk • Haven H. Hayes • Raymond A. Helgemoe • Elizabeth M. Helldorfer • Robert Henderson • Richard E. Herrold • Leslie Hixon • Cara L. Hogan • William E. Holland • John R. Hollinger • Marie Ann Horstmeier • Michelle Howarth • William Hughey • H. R. Huke • Richard E. Hummel • Jane Hunt • Ronald A. Hunter • Mary E. Ide • Allen R. Jackson • Thomas W. Jackson • Ronald C. Jacobson • Cook M. James • Henry E. James • Dewey Jenkins • Ray Owen Jenkins • Arlie B. Jones • James L. Jones • Clayton J. Karambelas • Henry K. Kauffman • Sharon Ann Kelly • Helen Killingstad • Frank W. Kirk • William G. Kober • Lisa Koeppen • David C. Krout • Zelda M. Kuchenbrod • Ivan F. Labree • William S. Lambert • Thirl Q. Lawrence • John J. Leonard • David E. Lewis • Robert D. Leytze • Anastasia Liberis • Nicholas Liberis • Jeanne Lillo • Roger K. Linton • Grynet Lonnebotn • Onalee Lovell • James A. Lowerre • Alex Lowry • Bernice Lowry • Richard J. Luckay • Helen Brockman Lundgren • Charles H. Lundstrom • Charles H. MacDougall • Oscar O. Martin • William H. Matthews • James R. McAfee • Carole McBride • Rena Ann McEachern • Theodore H. Mefferd • Melissa Merritt • Arthur D. Michael, Jr. • Robert L. Milliken • Arthur D. Mills • William R. Minch • Edwin F. Mitchell, Jr. • James A. Moller • William E. Mower • Will Moyle • Kathleen Murgitroyde • Wayne H. Neear • Jerome Nelson

Nancy Nelson

Hilmer W. Neumann

Larry Scott Niccum

James I. Nuneviller

Orrin P. Oakley • Frank T. Palmer

Walter R. Paul • Norman Van Pelt

Robert C. Pesch

Lawrence A. Peterson

Arthur W. Philip

Leonard H. Pinaud

Rodney S. Pinkham

Basil Lambert Plemons

Donald J. Porter

Robert Eugene Porter

Steven E. Prewitt

Jerry J. Priest

Samuel Raymond Pruden • Jon B. Putnam • Harold W. Querry

• Paul D. Ramey • George F. Rhan • John E. Rhodes • Lester Walter Rowley • Scorpio Rucker • James W. Russell • Donna Samick • John M. Savickas • Victor Sawalha • Jan Schadler • George C. Schneider • Frank W. Schobert • James E. Seelye • Jack Self • Edward Sharp • Ruth Short • Brian Sicknick • Margaret Girtler-Silver • Darlene A. Simpson • Paula Marie Slagle • Richard A. Slaughenhoupt • Harold E. Smiley • David J. Smith • Jack W. Smith • Linton L. Smith • Milton E. Smith • Gloria Snowman • Lorraine Snyder • Anthony Sorrentino • Frederick A. Stahl • Clifford F. Stamm • William A. Stanley • James Stelsel, Sr. • Patricia Stockner • Gilbert H. Strachan • John A. Streiber • William Swart • Graydon Russell Taggart • Roderick D. Telligman • Edward D. Theiss • Thomas N. Thinnes • Ralph E. Thompson • William B. Thompson • Ronald F. Tice • Russell G. Tiedeman • George A. Tillema • William H. Topley • Claude C. Tozier • Jane Louise Barry-Triano • Larry P. Truitt • Burton F. Turner • Robert C. Twombly, Jr. • William M. Ulmer • Joseph W. Unnold • George D. Van Dyke • John M. Van Kirk • Arthur H. Van Vranken • Donald E. Vancleave • James R. Vaughn • George Vlaich • Edward Paul Walter • Lamont E. Walton • Carole Weber • Edward O. Weisser • Janet Weldy • Ronald J. Weldy • Daniel D. Whallon • Julie Wharton • Ervin W. Whittaker • Stephen R. Whittaker • Ralph E. Wiley • Lynda Willer • Stephen S. Wisser, IV • Hamilton Woodruff • Thomas R. Woods • Raymond Wright • Thomas R. Yeaw • Leonard S. Young • Charles Zabrowski • Jack W. Zerkel • Clairmont Zook HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org 35


The following is a list of some of our most impactful donors and includes those who have given more than $100,000 in total to support our Charities. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list, please let us know if we have made an error.

Louis S. Ehrich Trust

Excelsior Scottish Rite Bodies Charity Fund, Inc.

Freeport Scottish Rite Temple Foundation

Earl H. Goetz Trust

Gourgas Lodge of Perfection Carl H. Lindner

Masonic Family Health Foundation Forrest D. McKerley Mary McNerney Trust

Russell W. Nadeau

Everett W. Allen

Estate of Melba Baehr

Helen S. Breidegam

Edward Parkinson Clark Trust

Estate of Granville M. Colby

Estate of Florence E. Drake Estate of Carol Farr Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts Howard W. Kizer Trust

New Hampshire Consistory

Estate of Robert W. Patterson

Estate of Allan M. Pike Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction

Shriners of Rhode Island Estate of Donald J. Soberg Supreme Council, 33° Valley of Cincinnati Arnold L. Veague Scholarship Fund

Frank & Betty Koller Foundation

Lafayette Consistory AASR

Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Hartford Scottish Rite of Indianapolis Foundation, Inc. Dorothy & Myron T. Seifert Trust

Richard Smith Trust John H. & Emma Van Gorden Trust

$ 1,000,000+ $ 500,000 - $ 999,999 19 DONORS 17 DONORS IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 36

The Barker Foundation Inc. • Joseph R. Carter • Shirley B. Case • Otto A. Christensen Trust • Thomas H. Corson • Davidson Estate • Paden Dismore Trust • Hilmar Gulseth Revocable Trust • The Robert J. Gunterberg Charitable Foundation • Estate of Theodore R. and Lillian S. Helmbold Fund • Hiram's Scottish Riders Motorcycle Club • Estate of Douglas Wayne Holbrook • The Jerome and Dorothy Holz Family Foundation • Ira Jones Trust • Estate of Corea S. Keener • Raymond Allen Krome Trust • Lehigh Consistory • Sven R. Mossberg • New York State Scottish Rite Charities • Northwestern Mutual Foundation • The Pittsburgh Foundation • John Thomas Preston Family Trust • Estate of Anna Mae Price • Estate of Elsie A. Pullin • Estate of Charles A. Rousselet • William P. Rutherford • Trust of Dorothy J. Scheble • Estate of Jean K. Schwankert • Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, Inc. • Sara Serbun • Estate of Katherine Steele • Valley of Boston • Valley of Columbus • Valley of Detroit • Valley of Indianapolis • Valley of Portsmouth-Dover • Valley of Providence• Valley of Springfield, IL • Henry & Gloria Waldron Trust • Malcolm B. Wernik • Thomas E. Wolf Trust • Estate of Roland K. Woodberry •

James M. Alter Trust • H. Gordon & Georgia Lee Bailey Trust • Benjamin Franklin Consistory • Frederick & Evelyn Berenbroick • J. Marshall, Jr. & Patty K. Blizzard • Barbara & Bill Bonner Family Foundation • Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection • Estate of Larry Boulton • John R. Bradshaw • Floyd F. Burrill Trust • Maynard Clark • Cogswell Benevolent Trust • Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. • Estate of John S. Dawson • Dayton Masonic Foundation • Estate of Doris Cooper Demenint • Howard H. Demott • William A. Dion • Epic • Estate of Frank E. Dodderer • Euclid Industries, Inc. • Far Hills Lodge #784 • Walter C. Fisher Trust • Kathryn C. French • Giles F. Yates Council Princes of Jerusalem • Estate of Leroy Glensey • Irwin A. & Robert D. Goodman Foundation • Grant A. Wish Fund • William J. Haas • Garry D. Hageness • Philip L. Hall • Estate of Clyde Leroy Hartley • Estate of Theodore R. & Lillian S. Helmbold Fund • Helen Ruth Deike Henderson • Estate of Doris R. Herd • Carl G. and Leila F. Hertzer Trust • Patricia Hodge Trust • The Hoover Foundation • James M. Horsfall • Claremont S. Jackman Foundation • A. Norman Johnson • Estate of Norman W. Johnson • Philip Johnson Trust • Floyd H. Kelly Trust • Estate of Harry L. Kline • Charles Kouba Trust • Irma C. Kurtz • Charles R. Lefever • K. Don Lindsay • Estate of Mary Lombard • Lowell Institute • Madison Community Foundation • Maine Consistory AASR • Massachusetts Consistory • The Masonic Charitable Foundation of The Grand Lodge of ME • Masonic Grand Lodge Charities of Rhode Island • Estate of Margaret McCaig • John Wm. McNaughton • Paxton T. Mendelssohn • Donald D. Miller • Estate of Robert Mohrfeld • Monster.com • Dorothy Morgan Trust • G. Michael & Ruth Morris • Oliver A. Murphy • George Nakonetschny

National Football League Alumni Inc. • The New York Community Trust • Odd Fellow & Rebekah Benefit Fund, Inc • Estate of Clair M. Perry • Perseverance Lodge #21 AF & AM • Estate of Dorsey S. Place • Estate of Ronald A. Poeter • Frances C. Pool • Charles & Margaret Prieve Trust • The Provincial Grand Lodge, The Royal Order of Scotland

Pyle Foundation

$ 250,000 - $ 499,999 42 DONORS
• The Oscar Rennebohm Foundation, Inc. • Dorothy A. Richardson Trust • Richland County Foundation • Paul & Joan Rubschlager Foundation • Scottish Rite Almoner’s Fund Inc. • Scottish Rite Bodies of New Haven • Scottish Rite Cathedral Association (Schaumburg, Ill.) • SEI Investments Company • Joseph Silverberg • Verdon R. Skipper • Michael D. Socha Trust • Estate of Rose Socha • Garrell C. Spires Trust • Stephenson Family Foundation • Stoddard Charitable Trust • Arthur W. Strelow Trust • Marion & Norman Tanzman Foundation • Henry E. Thelin Trust • David Lewis Toothaker Trust • Jon Udell • The Scott L. Urquhart Trust • Valley of Allentown • Valley of Cambridge • Valley of Canton • Valley of Central Jersey • Valley of Chicago • Valley of Dayton • Valley of Harrisburg • Valley of Pittsburgh • Valley of Rochester • Valley of Southern New Jersey • Valley of Toledo • Valley of Waterbury • Estate of Eleanor S. Walker • William David Welch Estate • Robert H. Whitmer • Wisconsin Masonic Foundation • John R. Wronski • Wynot Family Trust • $ 100,000 - $ 249,999 116 DONORS HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org 37
IMPACT REPORT 2022 Scottish Rite Charities 38
HELP . AID . ASSIST. HELP. AID. ASSIST DonateRite.org 39
Can’t join us in person? Tune in to our Telethon livestream beginning at 7:00 pm EST. Join us November 29, 2022 for our 5th Annual Giving Tuesday Telethon Visit ScottishRiteNMJ.org/GivingTuesday for all the details! Giving Tuesday – A Night of Charity will kick off with personal tours of our Masonic Museum & Library, a banquet dinner, featured speaker, silent auction and the opportunity to be part of the live Telethon audience. Scottish Rite Charities 33 Marrett Rd Lexington, MA 02421

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