Grand Almoner's Fund Booklet 2023

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The Grand Almoner's Fund in Action

Help. Aid. Assist. Thank

Our Fraternity in Action


I was the Executive Director of the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation when I learned of a young family that had suffered an unthinkable tragedy. The husband, a Brother, had just been killed in a car accident, leaving behind a pregnant wife and three small children. His widow delivered their baby the day after burying her husband.

The response from the entire Masonic community was amazing. The Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation, several lodges, and individual members all pitched in to help this family.

When Past Sovereign Grand Commander John Wm. McNaughton heard about her plight, he said he didn’t want her to worry about where she and her four children were going to live, so working together with the rest of the Masonic family, we paid off her mortgage. I was flabbergasted when I heard the news of what we were going to do. We were really doing what we said we would do when we pledged at

the altar of Masonry to take care of a Master Mason’s widow and orphans.

It’s been nearly eight years, and I still tear up when I think about what happened with that family and the response from our Masonic community. I have never been prouder of our fraternity than I was at that moment.

Over the years, the Grand Almoner’s Fund has quietly helped thousands of Brothers and their widows, surpassing more than $10 million in aid distributed to Masonic families in need. In this update, you will see some of the faces we have helped over the years. These faces represent hope, relief, and Brotherly love – touchstones of our great fraternity.

I heard from a Brother recently who wanted to know if we were still raising funds for the Grand Almoner’s Fund.

I am proud to report that the work of the Grand Almoner’s Fund has never stopped. And your support will ensure that it never will.
The Grand Almoner’s Fund
Help • Aid • Assist Scottish Rite Charities Help • Aid • Assist
Words of Thanks

Faces of Hope

The Grand Almoner's Fund breathes life into the Scottish Rite's vision of unwavering care for our members. With over $10 million distributed since its revival, the Fund has become a lifeline for Brothers and their families.




I was sick. My insurance lapsed. I didn’t know what we were going to do. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

was losing my home. I was losing everything. Within days, all my bills were caught up. The Almoner’s Fund truly makes a difference.

I can’t tell you what a paradigm shift this has been to get this kind of support. It just feels like I’m not doing it alone.
The Grand Almoner’s Fund


Without the incredible generosity of the Masons, and the amazing people who donate, I don’t know what my life would have been like.


We can never repay the amazing gift you have given us. The Scottish Rite exemplifies all that is good and true in this great fraternity.


I can’t thank you enough for your support during these past months. It is so good to know that wives in my situation have not been forgotten.


Support Brotherhood

I do not like to ask for help, but you all came to help me. I want to thank my Brothers for helping me in my time of need.

Scottish Rite Charities
Help • Aid • Assist

Why I Give

For most of us, our idea of reality comes from our own small world experience. That is not a bad thing – the closer we are to a problem, the more personal and important it becomes. Over my 40-year Masonic journey I have had the opportunity, through my Lodge and Valley, to assist Brothers in need. Let me share with you why I give to the Scottish Rite Grand Almoner's Fund.

I am privileged to serve the Scottish Rite as a member of this jurisdiction’s Path Forward team and director of our Media Services. Several years ago, our team was asked to create a new film highlighting our Grand Almoner’s Fund. When we produce charitable giving videos, we share the sad and personal stories of a Brother or his family and how the generosity of others can ease their pain.

For this project we selected several stories connected by the same tragic circumstance, Hurricane Sandy. In 2012, Sandy slammed the East Coast of the United States with wind, rain, and record-setting storm surge. One of the hardest hit areas was New Jersey, and our film told the story of several Masonic families devastated by that storm. We called it “Three Stories,” and being a member of that film crew changed me forever.

My “behind-the-scenes” experience to share with you is that the raw emotion and tears in that film were not only from those who shared their story, but all of us on the crew who struggled with our assignments. We were overwhelmed with sadness, yes, but also overwhelmed with pride, knowing as Freemasons we were there in time of need to reach out a hand to a fallen Brother.

I find it inconceivable that any Freemason seeing that sadness is not compelled to help. The Grand Almoner’s Fund allows me to help others far beyond my own world, meeting a larger need and serving a greater good. The Grand Almoner’s Fund

Why I Give

As Masons, we take an oath and obligation to assist distressed Brothers, their widows, and orphans. As Scottish Rite Masons, the Grand Almoner’s Fund strengthens that commitment of caring for our Brethren and families in their time of need.

While we often hear stories of our fraternity coming to the aid of a Brother, what about the widow of a Brother who has passed to that Celestial Lodge above? The Scottish Rite established the White Flower Society to extend our commitment to the widows our fallen Brothers have left behind.

By serving on our Supreme Council’s Benevolence Committee, I have witnessed the difference our Charities have made in the lives of others. By helping children with dyslexia gain confidence with their reading skills in our Children’s Dyslexia Centers, by providing financial support for continuing education through our Abbott Scholarship Fund, or by assisting a Brother or widow in need through our Grand Almoner’s Fund, we as Scottish Rite Masons are fulfilling our obligation and living our vision: “We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members.”

Susan and I are supporters of the Scottish Rite Charities, including the White Flower Society. We feel it is important to share our life’s blessings with those who may have a need greater than ours. As Masons, we have had the support of our wives throughout our Masonic journey, so it’s comforting to know that the Scottish Rite is there to support them should the need arise.

As proud supporters of Scottish Rite Charities, we encourage you to consider joining us in making a donation or pledge. It’s a great feeling to help others and just one reason that I’m not just a man, I’m a Mason –a Scottish Rite Mason!

Scottish Rite Charities Help • Aid • Assist
Deputy for Ohio Donald R. Heldman, 33°

White Flower Society Members

The White Flower Society is dedicated to providing assistance for Masonic widows and their families in need, ensuring that Masonic widows are never forgotten. Membership in the White Flower Society reflects a donation or pledge of $5,000 payable over 10 years.


Mary Ann Atkinson

Evelyn M. Berenbroick

Irene Berman

Jane M. Blades

Elbridge & Mareeta Brewer

Irene M. Brightbill

Leland L. & Marilyn J. Burlison

Annmarie Castagno-Clark

Greg & Gerti Clark

Robert & Stacia Cockerham

Elaine Connelly

David & Cheryl Cyrus

Ruben & Cathleen Dominguez

Barbara Elliott

Sandy Engelmann

Karin M. Ernest in memory of Ruth Beumann Mahler

Thomas Ewald and Family

Ginnie & Raymond Foose

Mark David Gall

Matt & Kate Gerrish

Monica Glattly

Bruce C. & Margie Golway

Marla M. Graff

Grand Lodge of NJ 2020 Grand

Staff in memory of Ill. Donald Porter & S. P. James Damm

John & Sara Greer

Benjamin F Griscom IV

Brian & Lynne Hartel

Kim Hecht

Susan Heldman

George & Leslie Hixon

Keith & Judy Hoskins

Susan Jacobson

Diana & Douglas Kaylor

Jeff & Darla Kitsmiller

William & Prudence Kline

Thomas & Ginny Labagh

Ladies of the Valley of Philadelphia

Charles R. & Frances H. Lefever

Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey

Judy McNaughton

Karl J. Mock in memory of Ann Mock

Craig & Anne Mollon

Robert & Joyce Monacelli

G. Michael & Ruth Morris

Sandy Nakonetschny

New Hampshire Consistory

Keith & Linda Patch

Mark & Karla Roth in memory of Elizabeth M. Helldorfer & Hilda H. Roth

Gail R. Samiec

Nancy Scott

Ellen Secallus

Kellie R. Sellars

Janice Sharpe

Jim Sheets

Willa Jean Smalley

Bridget & Evan Steele in honor of MaryAnn Bichajian

Karen Stein

Stephenson Family Foundation

Howard & Carol Struble

Thomas & Joan Sturgeon

Barbara Tryon

Brenda & Len Vander Horn

Valley of Bridgeport, Lafayette Consistory

Valley of Columbus

Valley of Dayton

Valley of Utica in honor of Diane H. Clark & in memory of Daniel L. Clark

Walter & Vickie Wheeler

Maureen Williamson

Connie Wilson

Charles & Barbara Yohe

David & Sandy Young

The Grand Almoner’s Fund

Commander’s Circle Members

The Commander’s Circle is a special group of donors who have chosen to honor their commitment to the principles of our fraternity through their generous support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund. Their passion and their giving are a true and lasting expression of “Masons caring for Masons.”

Diamond Members $100,000+

James M. Alter Trust

Edward Parkinson Clark Trust

Louis S. Ehrich Trust

Hilmar Gulseth Revocable Living Trust

A. Norman Johnson

Lafayette Consistory S.P.R.S

J. Marshall, Jr. & Patty K. Blizzard

John Wm. McNaughton

Karl J. Mock

Ruby Members $50,000+

Far Hills Lodge #784

Fort Wayne Scottish Rite Benevolent Fund

David & Monica Glattly

Massachusetts Consistory

Sapphire Members $25,000+

Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection

Thomas F. Brown

Ronald & Elaine Connelly

Thomas E. Ewald

Matthew & Kate Gerrish

Giles F. Yates Council Princes of Jerusalem

Ben & Sherrie Grisham

Jeff & Darla Kitsmiller

Estate of Robert Morefield

G. Michael & Ruth Morris

Sven R. Mossberg

New Hampshire Consistory

SEI Investments Company

Richard J. Stephenson

Henry E. Thelin Trust

Malcolm B. Wernik

Estate of Charles McGrattan

Paul & Joan Rubschlager

Robert William Smith

George G. Talisse

Michael A. Wolcott

Charles R. Lefever

J. Brian & Macy McNaughton

George Nakonetschny

Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Hartford

Terry N. Steinheiser

Richard J. Stewart

The Royal Order of Scotland

Walter & Vickie Wheeler

Scottish Rite Charities
Help • Aid • Assist

Gold Members $10,000+

Marcus E. Abbott

Amwell Lodge #12 F & A.M.


Herb & Mary Ann Atkinson

D.J. Barrett

David R. & Pauline Bedwell

Ronald W. Beebe

Frederick & Evelyn Berenbroick

William & Lisa Berenbroick

Ross & Linda Black

Brian & Jane Blades

Matt & Angela Blaisdell

Timothy & Beth Boutell

Elbridge & Mareeta Brewer

Robert E. & Irene M. Brightbill

Leland L. & Marilyn J. Burlison

William C. Chapman & Helen A. Shaw

Austin P. Clark

Greg & Gerti Clark

J. Randolph & Dana Clark

The Cockerham Family

Cogswell Benevolent Trust

Thomas H. & Dorothy Corson

Keith W. Cravens

Michael & Annie DeWolf

James Dill

Donald & Wendelyn Duquette

James T. Elliott Jr.

Philip & Arlene Elliott

Paul & Semra Ferreira

James H. Fischer

Raymond & Ginnie Foose

Mark David Gall

In Memory of the

L. W. Getman Family

Bradford & Kathleen Goebel

Nicholas & Marla Graff

Marlin & Kay Gray

Matthew Francis Griffin

Garry D. & Sonia G. Hageness

Philip L. Hall

Brian & Lynne Hartel

Alan R. Heath

Kevin J. Hecht

Dick & Susan Heldman

Donald & Nancy Hicks

Lee D. Hieronymus

Scott & Aubri Hilsee

George & Leslie Hixon

Keith & Judy Hoskins

Theodore "Ted" H. Jacobsen

David W. Jones Trust

Richard R. Jones Jr.

Bob & Maria Kefalas

Gail N. Kemp

Robert F. Keuper

Estate of Sherman Kisner

Thomas & Virginia Labagh

Estate of Paul E. Lange

Lawrence J. Leib

Charlotte E. Lomell

Albert R. Marshall

Masonic Family Health Foundation

Carl L. Martenson

Lois L. McNaughton

Memorial Fund

Michigan Scottish Rite Fund

Donald D. (Pete) Miller

Randy R. Milone

Dr. John E. Moats

Paul E. Mossberg

Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix

Dee & Kathy S. Mowry

Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Nicholson

Oriental Lodge No. 27 A.F.&A.M.

Howard & Ann Orr

Kamel & Mary Oussayef

Clark D. Page

Laurence E. & Nancy Perkins

George Powell

Robert W. Reinhardt III

Edgar J. Rennoe Jr.

Carolyn Ribordy

Mark & Karla Roth

Peter J. & Gail R. Samiec

Jon & Kellie Sellars

John A. Sentz, Jr.

Scottish Rite Cathedral Valley of Chicago

Scottish Rite Valley of Boston

David & Cheryl Sharkis

Jim Sheets

Jeffry A. Simonton

Neil & Willa Jean Smalley

Gail N. Smith

James R. Spencer Jr.

Henry & Karen Stein

Paul C. St. Pierre

Howard E. Struble

Robert N. Stutz

George T. Taylor III

George Thomas Taylor IV

In Memory of Ferris O. Tryon

The Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM

The LIGHT Foundation

Donald D. Thomas

Richard V. Travis

James & Susan Tungate

Len & Brenda Vander Horn

Valley of Chicago

Valley of Cincinnati

Valley of Michigan

Valley of Philadelphia

Valley of Portland

Valley of Utica

Maurice C. Vercoe

Verdon R. Skipper

Paul & Karen Weglage

Frank M. & Caitlin C. Williams

Gary B. Williams M.D.

Connie & Daniel Wilson

Douglas N. Winter

James E. Winzenreid

Bruce T. Work

John & Jacque Wright

Charles W. Yohe

David & Sandy Young The Grand Almoner’s Fund

Silver Members $5,000+


Harold & Phyllis Aldrich

John A. Amarilios

Ronald & Norma Aungst

Archie & Kellie Canterbury

Steven B. Carr

Craig & Susan Cobb

Columbian Lodge AF & AM

Congdon-Overlook Lodge #163

Daniel C. Deufel

Robert A. DiPalma

Darrin Eugene Eastes

John W. Eldred

Emil Ewald Family Foundation

E. R. H. Enterprises, Inc.

Estate of Richard H. Schnakenburg

William R. Faulkner Jr.

Ken K. Feinthel

Bret & Mary Jane Fledderjohn

Bruce C. and Margie Golway

Donald I. Green in honor of

George & Helen Green and Joseph & Jean Lenhart

John & Sara Greer

Dr. Richard Carlton Haney

Clyde R. Huddleston Sr.

John J. Hunt

Lawrence D. Inglis

John D. Jawor

Robert Johnston

Thomas E. Julian

Douglas & Diana Kaylor

Marc R. Koble

Harold T. J. Littleton

Laurel Lodge No. 237 F. & A.M.

John E. Lord, Jr.

Richard J. Luckay

James A. Manninen

Harold Dean Meade

Mark E. Megee

Emmett W. Mills

Anthony W. Montuori

Arthur Moore

Don & Meg Moran

William S. Moyer

Robert E. Murray

Samuel C. Nana-Sinkam

North Jersey Past Master's Association

Walter F. Neumann

P. Michael Nielsen

Robert & Jane Ogg

Keith & Linda Patch

E. Joel Peterson

Macario J. Ramos Jr.

Douglas E. Robinson

N. S. Jack Ruby

Michael & Megan Russell

Robert W. Sanborn

Gerard & Julie Sealy

Frank & Debbie Sekeres

Thomas & Pauline Skoog

South Bend Lodge of Perfection AASR

Edward & Diana Stumm

John K. Takian

The McCormick Family Foundation

The Order of the Thistle

Valley of Allentown

Valley of Moline

Valley of Pittsfield A.A.S.R.

Valley of Portsmouth/Dover

The Western Reserve Chapter of the Philalethes Society

Deon P. White

Stephen R. & Ann Whittaker

Charles Carter Wicks

Alton Paul Williams

John L. Winkelman

Bertram J. Woodside

Scottish Rite Charities
Help • Aid • Assist
you to the people who made this happen and continue to make it happen.

We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members. SCOTTISH RITE, NMJ The Grand Almoner’s Fund 33 Marrett Road Lexington, MA 02421-5703 The Grand Almoner’s Fund
Our Vision:

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