9 minute read
A Different Look for Executive Session 2020
The Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America held their 208th Annual Session in Lexington, Massachusetts, on August 24-26, 2020. The original plan was to hold this session in Portland, Maine, but with the pandemic impacting the ability to travel, it made sense to hold it at Supreme Council headquarters instead.
Asmore restrictions due to COVID-19 impacted the number of states considered low risk by the Governor of Massachusetts, many members could not attend our session in person. As a result, Supreme Council Executive Session was held both in person and via Zoom for the 46 Active and Emeritus Members unable to travel.
The following business of the Supreme Council was conducted and completed (although all missed the usual opportunity of the in person comradery): • Five new Active Members elected with no retirements of Active
Members this year • Active Members unanimously elected Sammy L. Davis, 33°, to receive the Gourgas Medal, the highest honor within our Supreme
Council • Active Members balloted on and approved 207 Candidates to receive the 33rd degree in Cleveland in 2021. This number, added to the previously approved 84 candidates, plus 2 holdovers, will culminate in a class of 293 Candidates, one of our largest classes in many years. • All committee reports were received and approved • Annual meetings of the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc. and the
Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library, Inc., were also held, with budgets approved and elections of officers completed • Active Members approved a report by the Fraternal Relations
Committee giving approval to seek amity with the following Supreme
Councils: Monaco, Mauritius,
Andorra, Benin, and Bulgaria • The following Illustrious Brothers were eulogized: - Eric Ginette, 33°, Emeritus
Member and Past Deputy of
Vermont - John Sharp Wright, 33°,
Past Active Member of Ohio - Illustrious Malcolm B. Wernik, 33°, Past Grand Master of
New Jersey and an Advisor to the Benevolence Committee
The Supreme Council Active Members approved the following changes to our Constitutions: • Article 332 is changed to allow a Valley Secretary to become an
Active Member • Article 902 is added to allow for a new award titled “The Illustrious
Harry S. Truman Award for
Outstanding Citizenship” which may be presented to any female or a non-Mason, by the Sovereign
Grand Commander or the
Supreme Council. This award will be launched at our 2021 Session in Cleveland • Article 111-2 is changed to lower the required number of new members to nominate an
Honorary Member from 50 to 35 candidates • Article 702 changes the per capita fee of $27 to $30, effective June 16, 2021, with the next Supreme
Council census • Article 704 changes the fee for a candidate for the 33rd Degree from $900 to $1,000
Additional approved nonConstitutional legislative items
• The consolidation or merger of the Corning Lodge of Perfection,
Valley of Corning, New York, into Rochester Lodge of Perfection,
Valley of Rochester, New York • The change of names of
Westchester Chapter of Rose Croix and Westchester Consistory,
Valley of the Hudson, New York, to George Clinton Chapter of Rose
Croix and Chancellor Robert R.
Livingston Consistory, respectively. • The consolidation or merger of each of the several Subordinate
Bodies in the Valleys of Bay City,
Grand Rapids, Marquette, and
Traverse City, Michigan with the corresponding Subordinate Body in the Valley of Detroit, Michigan, with said consolidated bodies to be known as the Valley of Michigan
SCOTTISH RITE AWARD WINNER SELECTED TO ALL FOUR U.S. SERVICE ACADEMIES A Walla Walla High School (WWHS) senior who won the Scottish Rite Junior ROTC Award a year ago has just joined the Air Force Academy Cadet Wing ... after receiving appointments to all four service academies! Cadet Lt. Col. Luke B. Matlock graduated from WWHS A Walla Walla High School (WWHS) senior who won the Scottish Rite Junior ROTC Award a year ago has just joined the Air Force Academy Cadet Wing ... after receiving appointments to all four service academies! Cadet Lt. Col. Luke B. Matlock graduated from WWHS with the class of 2020 graduation, learned he had been selected for admission to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard academies. Matlock entered the USAFA on June 25 and was enrolled as a member of the Class of 2024. When he graduates, he’ll be commissioned as an Air Force second lieutenant. “That’s pretty much a dream learned he had been selected for admission to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard academies. Matlock entered the USAFA on June 25 and was enrolled as a member of the Class of 2024. When he graduates, he’ll be commissioned as an Air Force second lieutenant. “That’s pretty much a dream shot for applicants to the service academies because it’s such a is an almost unbelievable achievement.” “In the Blue Devil Battalion, the Scottish Rite Award has become one of our most sought-after awards,” said current USAF 1st Lt. John Gossett, who was a previous Scottish Rite Award winner as a WWHS Army academies is an almost unbelievable achievement.” “In the Blue Devil Battalion, the Scottish Rite Award has become one of our most sought-after awards,” said current USAF 1st Lt. John Gossett, who was a previous Scottish Rite Award winner as a WWHS Army JROTC. His grandfather Photos Courtesy WWHS JROTC Booster Club with the class of 2020 and was and was Army JROTC cadet shot for applicants to the rigorous process just to be JROTC. His grandfather was a Master Mason in a Cadet Matlock receives an award Army JROTC cadet battalion battalion commander. He had service academies because it’s selected for even one,” said was a Master Mason in a Walla Walla lodge. from Lt. Col. Bill Bialozor, who was commander. He had applied to applied to all four U.S. service such a rigorous process just a Walla Walla veteran who Walla Walla lodge.—Duane “Dutch” Senior Army JROTC Instructor at Walla Walla High School when this all four U.S. service academies academies beginning more to be selected for even one,” learned of his appointments. —Duane “Dutch” Meier, Meier, KCCH, Valley image was taken. (Brother Bill is a beginning more than a year ago and in the months preceding than a year ago and in the months preceding graduation, said a Walla Walla. “To be selected by all four academies “To be selected by all four KCCH, Valley Secretary Secretary 32° Master of the Royal Secret in the Scottish Rite Valley of Walla Walla.)
On May 4, 2020, the As of July 15, 2020, the Re-As of July 15, 2020, the ReScottish Rite Foun- source Relief Fund has provided source Relief Fund has provided dation of Missouri cash aid to twenty-five families, cash aid to twenty-five families, (www.moscottishrite.org) and and one at-risk preschool was and one at-risk preschool was The LIGHT Foundation (www. provided with necessary Personal provided with necessary Personal light.foundation) launched the Protective Equipment (PPE) to Protective Equipment (PPE) to Resource Relief Fund to support re-open in June. re-open in June. Missouri families affected by For information, please contact For information, please contact the COVID-19 crisis. One of the Scottish Rite Foundation the Scottish Rite Foundation the Scottish Rite Foundation of of Missouri, Paul DeMerath of Missouri, Paul DeMerath Missouri’s charitable pillars is di- (srf-stl@sbcglobal.net), or the (srf-stl@sbcglobal.net), or the saster relief. The core focus of the LIGHT Foundation, Sheri Mis-LIGHT Foundation, Sheri MisLIGHT Foundation is to create tretta (sherim@light.foundation; tretta (sherim@light.foundation; youth opportunities. Together, 314.287.3633). 314.287.3633). these two charitable organizations —Sheri Mistretta, Executive —Sheri Mistretta, Executive have brought critical financial Director, The LIGHT Director, The LIGHT help to those in need across Foundation Foundation the state. The Masonic Book Club Is Restarted!
The Masonic Book The new MBC will have a Club (MBC), formed different business model from in 1970 by Brothers the old. Most significantly, Alphonse Cerza and Louis there will be no dues; being Williams, has been restart- a member entitles you to ed fifty years later by the purchase books at a prepubSupreme Council, 33°, SJ USA. lication discount. The books After forty years of service to will be selected by an editorial the Craft, the directors in 2010 committee (Arturo de Hoyos, decided to dissolve the original S. Brent Morris, and others). MBC. In 2017 MW Barry The first publication should Weer, 33°, the last president be announced in mid-2021 of the MBC, transferred the with anticipated shipment 3–4 MBC name and assets to the months later. Supreme Council, 33°, SJ USA. For more details, check out The revived Masonic Book the Masonic Book Club page at Club has the goals of publish- https://scottishrite.org. ing classic Masonic books and of supporting Scottish Rite SJ USA philanthropies.
STAFFING UPDATE New Faces at Scottish Rite, NMJ
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
Kiara Veras
Member and Operations Assistant
Kiara Veras was brought on early this year and replaces former administrative assistant Allie Stein. Kiara addresses member requests and concerns, follows up on member birthdays/anniversary milestones, and ensures an overall positive member experience. Kiara is based in Lexington, Massachusetts at Supreme Council headquarters. Michael Kuniej
Marketing Coordinator
Brother Michael Kuniej, 32°, served as an intern at Scottish Rite, NMJ, over the summer and was brought on full time to fill a vacant position on the marketing team. Michael will work with the marketing and communications team to further elevate the digital marketing efforts already underway at the organization and assist the charities team with several annual initiatives. Henry Eirich
Senior Software and Systems Engineer
Brother Henry Eirich, 32°, is a new addition to the Information Services team effective September 2020. Henry brings a wealth of experience with critical emphasis in the areas of database management, payment collection and accounting practices, cloud computing, and software engineering. Henry will work closely with Brother Jeffrey Rand, 32°, in preparation for Jeff’s retirement in early 2021, allowing ample time for a complete transfer of vast institutional knowledge. Henry will work remotely from his home in North Carolina. He is a Senior DeMolay (Past State Master Councilor of Missouri) and a Scottish Rite Mason from the Valley of St. Louis.
In an effort to replace several vacant positions at Supreme Council and ensure smooth transitions due to coming retirements, we welcome four new faces to the Scottish Rite, NMJ team.
A Big Shout Out to Our Interns
Matthew Gerrish
Director of Finance
Brother Matthew Gerrish, 32°, serves as the new Director of Finance, effective October 5, 2020, replacing Brother Steve D. Cole, 33°, who is retiring next year. Matt has 20 years of industry knowledge, formerly serving as a controller for the consumer goods industry. Matt is a Past Master and current Treasurer of Simon W. Robinson Lodge in Lexington, MA, and a member of the Valley of Boston. He is also a Past State Master Councilor of Massachusetts DeMolay.
A massive thank you goes out to Brothers Chandler Gordon and Michael Kuniej who served as interns at Scottish Rite, NMJ, this summer. While Chandler worked with the Charities team focusing on trademark and copyright law to ensure compliance from a branding perspective, Michael worked with marketing on a research and design project highlighting Masonic Presidents and Vice Presidents.
We now welcome Michael Kuniej as a full-time addition to our marketing team. Meanwhile, Chandler is hard at work studying
Brother Chandler Gordon and Commander Glattly
Brother Michael Kuniej, 32˚
law at The George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C. Congrats to both Michael and Chandler on a job well done!