1 minute read
Change for the Better
Inan effort to create a more streamlined dues process for all members of the Scottish Rite, NMJ, the Administrative Council adopted a new Standardization of Dues policy. Little changes under this new system—the Supreme Council continues be responsible for all dues notifications on behalf of our Valleys. The change affects only a small number of Valleys and creates one date of distribution for all 101 Valley dues notices throughout the Jurisdiction, August 1 of each year.
What This Means for Valleys
Executive Director Michael C. Russell, CAE, said, “Creating one standardized distribution of dues for all Valleys will improve efficiencies, provide benchmarks and real-time information to Valleys,
and hopefully, through the collaborative efforts of the Supreme Council Membership & Valley Relations team, decrease NPDs for members. Valleys will still be responsible for reaching out to members, working through payment of dues, and more, but we believe this will put less burden on the Valley Secretary and, in turn, foster more Brotherhood among members. Lastly, this new standardization process will allow Valleys to reallocate financial resources to do more for our members while saving money at the same time. Supreme Council is now picking up the tab to send notices to all members!”
Dues Notices
Going forward, dues bills will be distributed electronically on July 1 (it occurred on August 1 for this transition year 2020), and paper notices will be mailed by August 1. Dues for all Scottish Rite bodies will be combined into one invoice, eliminating multiple bills to those members who belong to more than one Valley. All members are able to pay dues electronically through the Member Center at MyNMJ.org.
The Member Experience
Commander Glattly went on to say, “With this new process, it is our hope that by the 2021 dues statements, members will be able to opt into e-statements and pay dues monthly or quarterly through automatic payments.” Commander Glattly concluded, “This is an exciting development for our fraternity. It is our hope the new process will streamline the dues for all Valleys of the Jurisdiction, ultimately providing a smoother and more pleasant member experience.”
57 ,000+ Members have paid their dues online $230,000+ Valley Fund donations $60,000+ Grand Almoner’s Fund contributions
*All figures are current as of press time.