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Honor Recipient

HONOR RECIPIENT Daniel D. Tompkins Award by Thomas R. Labagh, 33˚, Active for Pennsylvania

The Daniel D. Tompkins Award for “outstanding distinguished service and exemplary service to country, or to the Masonic fraternity at large not often witnessed in the Craft” was awarded to Illustrious Brother Earl Thomas Kuhn Jr., 33°, Colonel (ret) in the United States Air Force, and Brigadier General (ret) in the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, on November 16, 2019, at the Fall Reunion of the Valley of Harrisburg.

Brother Kuhn served 31 years in the United States Air Force, retiring as Commander, 193rd Special Operations Wing. The 193rd Special Operations Wing is the most decorated wing in the Air National Guard and one of the most decorated in the USAF. This is only the 18th time the award has been presented since its inception in 2013. Brother Kuhn thought he had been brought to the stage to be the first recipient of the Sammy Lee Davis Peace and Freedom Award, and then to assist Ill. Thomas R. Labagh, 33°, Active for Pennsylvania, in presenting them to all the veterans present. When the Tompkins Medal was hung around his neck, Bro. Kuhn was almost rendered speechless, but he expressed his gratitude in a letter to Sovereign Grand Commander Glattly very eloquently:

Photo Credit: Bro. Richard Kline, 32°

“There were four significant events in my life that I took an oath and accepted an obligation… the first was to my God when I was confirmed; the second to my country when I was commissioned; the third to my wife and family when I was married; and the fourth to my Fraternity when I was raised. In as much as knowledge is acquired by degrees, for me, it is the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite that binds these obligations tightly together. Thank you for the high honor you have bestowed on me. May I be worthy of such recognition!”

Following the presentation, the officers and distinguished guests of the Valley pinned each veteran with the Sammy Lee Davis Peace and Freedom pin, and Gen. Kuhn greeted each one personally. As they departed the stage, each was congratulated by Ill. Brother Labagh who announced their name, rank, and branch of service to the assembly. It was an inspiring experience for all who were present!

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