El gusano y la mariquita

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El Gusano y la Mariquita By: Aniston Niederquell

HabĂ­a una muchacho. Se llamaba Mark.

There was a boy. His name was Mark.

Mark tenĂ­a una mascota diferente. Su mascota era una oruga. La oruga se llamaba Chica.

Mark had a different kind of pet. His pet was a caterpillar. Her name was Chica.

Chica tenía mucha hambre. Chica tenía hambre para hojas.

Chica was very hungry. Chica was hungry for leafs.

HabĂ­a otra muchacha. Se llamaba Sky.

There was another girl. Her name was Sky.

Sky tenĂ­a una mascota diferente. Su mascota era una mariquita. La mariquita se llamaba Floof.

Sky had a different kind of pet. Her pet was a ladybug. Her name was Floof.

Floof tambien tenía mucha hambre. Floof tenía hambre para hojas.

Floof was also very hungry. Floof was hungry for leafs.

Mark y Sky fueron a la tienda de alimentos para mascotas.

Mark and Sky went to the pet food store.

Floof y Chica estaban con ellos. Vieron una de las hojas. Floof y Chica estaban enojados.

Floof and Chica were with them. They saw only one leaf. Floof and Chica were angry.

Floof dijo ¡Soló quiero una hoja! Chica respondió ¡Soló quiero una hoja, así!

Floof said “I just want a piece!” Chica responded “I only want a piece as well!”

Chica queria compartir con Floof. Floof aceptรณ la idea. Floof y Chica cojieron medio de la hoja.

Chica compromised with Floof. Floof accepted the idea. Floof and Chica get half a leaf.

Floof estaba muy contenta. Floof y Chica eran amigas. Chica y floof estaban felices.

Floof was very happy. Floof and Chica were friends. Chica and Floof were happy.

Floof regresรณ a su casa con Cielo. Chica y se fue a casa con Mark.

Floof went home with Sky. And Chica went home with Mark.

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