NOMINEE | 2021
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, THE FLORIDA CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD “You cannot please all people all the time. Just be your authentic self and make the best decision you can for that moment or situation. If you make a mistake, 'oh well’. Fix it and move on. No well-intended mistake cannot be repaired. ”
I HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED IN THE POWER OF RELATIONSHIPS. It is no wonder that my entire career has focused on the overwhelming importance of our earliest relationships, those between parents and children. As someone whose early childhood was filled with change and uncertainty, there was always someone in my life I could count on. These “first relationships” in my life were critical in building strength and resiliency, allowing me to thrive as a young child, then into my teen years, and into adulthood. I believe my life’s journey has prepared me to be the leader I am today. I believe we must embrace our past, continue to learn from it, and find ways to alter our course when necessary. My hope is that we can all take time to understand one another, be genuinely curious, value authenticity and make the world a better place because of how we are with one another.
THE FLORIDA CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD 4620 17th Street | Sarasota, FL | 941-371-8820 Fax: 941-377-3194 | |