QUA Issue 27

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QUA Welcome, to issue 27 September 2019 of the Stockport Radio Society (SRS) Newsletter

Written and compiled by SRS members, ‘QUA’ (Have you news of… ?) is your source of news, views and informed opinion on all matters relating to - and about - your hobby.

Three Wise (!) Monkeys

The Events Team www.g8srs.co.uk @G8SRS @SRSContestGroup


Hello to all members and readers of QUA. A very short summer with plenty of the wet stuff to contend with. I think that an order for flippers and snorkel would be in order. The bands have been relatively quiet of late. I have been trying to keep you all updated regarding the French 2 Meter fiasco. As news becomes available it will be posted on our Facebook page. As you may have read, a consultation will take place this September regarding the “Direct Access” to the Full License, also looking at a “Modular System” of exams. The RSGB will no doubt issue updates regarding these possible changes. Another great rally at SRS, although the car parking was a problem. Very well done to the catering team, Dave 2E0DAV, Sandra and Ella my daughter and granddaughter, you did a fantastic job with great comments from attendees. Our contest group has also been active, with a contest at Common Barn then across the Irish Sea to Arranmore for the annual RSGB Islands on The Air (IOTA) contest. Great results from both contests’. Just awaiting the final scores to be published by the adjudicators. As you all know the Flight Cased C4FM digital kit won an award at NARSA. This kit has been extremely popular within the club on a radio nights. Other clubs and individuals have also shown an interest, more so at the events. Demonstrations by Neil M6NAE of the digital aspect of radio have been very popular. I have been busy assembling the HF Flight cased kit. It was given a trial run at the club and at the Avro Wings and Wheels event. A few small modifications are required before it becomes fully useable by members. The kit will be used on Radio Nights and on the courses. It will also be made available for members “on loan” the only items you will require will be your own laptop and antennas plus battery or DC power supply. It maybe that basic antennas maybe made available at a later stage.


Contact Emails General - info@g8srs.co.uk Treasurer - treasurer@g8srs.co.uk Website / QUA - srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk Membership - membership@g8srs.co.uk Courses - courses@g8srs.co.uk Contesting - contesting@g8srs.co.uk

Website -


SRS Contest Group is the ‘Contesting Arm of Stockport Radio Society’

We are still looking for volunteers to become tutors for all three levels of the RSGB syllabuses. Assistance will be given to anyone who wishes to have a try at tutoring. Volunteers are also required within the club for various duties; please see me at a club meeting. Please remember it is your, the members, club. If you have any suggestions to help to make our club better please speak to any committee member. 73 and good Dxing until next time Tony M0SAV SRS Chairman

Date of Next Issue -

9 December 2019

Articles to be sent to QUA by middle of November If you have news, events, contest information etc that you would like to share with your fellow members, 3

Diary of Events - September 2019 Mon 2 Tue 3 Fri 6 Mon 9 Tue 10 Thur 12 Thur 12 Fri 13 Mon 16 Tue 17 Fri 20 Mon 23 Tue 24 Wed 25 Fri 27 Fri/Sat 27/28

UKFMGW AGM at Walthew House Talk Night - Evan M0TJU Interfacing 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Advanced Tutorial 1 6m SRS Net 51.550 FM 7.30-8,30pm 2m SRS Net 145.375 7.30-8.30pm Committee Meeting 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm C4FM Fusion Net -145.375 digital 7.30-8.30pm Radio Night and Morse Class 7.00-10.00pm 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Advanced Tutorial 2 Skills Night and Morse Class 7.00-10.00pm 2m SRS Net 145.375 7.30-8.30pm 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Hamfest at Newark

October 2019 Tue 4 Fri 4 Mon 7 Tue 8 Thur 10 Fri 11 Mon 14 Tue 15 Fri 18 Mon 21 Tue 22 Fri 25 Sat/Sun 26/27

Skills Night 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Advanced Primer 3 6m SRS Net 51.550 FM 7.30-8,30pm 2m SRS Net 145.375 7.30-8.30pm 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm C4FM Fusion Net -145.375 digital 7.30-8.30pm Radio Night and Morse Class 7.00-10.00pm 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pmm Advanced Primer 4 Talk Night DXpediton to Innishmann with Peter M1PTR, Kieron M5KJM and Tom M0DCG 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm CQ WW SB 48hr Contest

If you know of anyone who may be interested in giving a talk or demonstration at SRS on one of our society nights, please let Evan know either at a society meeting or email: treasurer@g8srs.co.uk 4

November 2019 Fri 1 Mon 4 Tue 5 Fri 8 Mon 11 Tue 12 Thur 14 Thur 14 Fri 15 Mon 18 Tue 19 Fri 22 Sat/Sun 23/24 Tue 26 Wed 257

70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Advanced Tutorial 5 Introduction to DMR (Robert Lynch, M0NVG, Rochdale & DARS) 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm C4FM Fusion Net -145.375 digital 7.30-8.30pm 6m SRS Net 51.550 FM 7.30-8,30pm 2m SRS Net 145.375 7.30-8.30pm Committee Meeting 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Advanced Tutorial 6 Radio Night and Morse Class 7.00-10.00pm 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm CQ WW CW 48hr Contest Skills Night and Morse Class 7.00-10.00pm 2m SRS Net 145.375 7.30-8.30pm

December 2019 Mon 2 Tue 3 Fri 6 Tue 10 Thur 12 Fri 13 Tue 17 Fri 20 Fri 27

Advanced Examination Talk Night - to be confirmed 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Radio NIght 2m SRS Net 145.375 7.30-8.30pm 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Annual General Meeting (AGM) 70cm Net - 433.350 7.30-8.30pm Xmas and New Year Special


You can also view the updated diary of events upto the end of 2019 on our website www.g8srs.co.uk 5

LAST MINUTE NEWS New Club Net Digital C4FM Fusion Net On Monday 9 September Neil trialled another Digital C4FM net to see how many members would come on and to see if it was worth adding another net to our schedule of nets. This net was a great success with the following members coming on Neil M6NAE

Net Controller

Alan G0ROW Ron M7RJL Paddy 2E0TWD Heather M6HNS Nigel 2E0CKA

Tony M0SAV Chris M0OGG Tom M1EYP/P - Summits on the Air Keith 2E0JPY Dave 2E0DAV

An agreement was made to make this net a permanent fixture in the SRS Calendar The following three nets have been scheduled so that they do not clash with the advanced tutorials Dates are below   

Monday September 16, 2019 - 7.30pm 145.375 digital Monday October 14, 2019 - 7.30pm 145.375 digital Monday November 11, 2019 - 7.30pm 145.375 digital

Further updates will follow on the December date and the dates for 2020 by the time of the next issue 6

Digital Software Update from Neil M6NAE This August saw the latest SRS club member to go digital. Jack 2E0JEH is now on Yaesu C4FM Fusion using the DV-mega Bluestack for C4FM D-star- and DMR. Jack has enjoyed working contacts in Japan, USA and Australia and even the Philippines using just 5 watts of power. Jack is now considering adding Icom's D-star digital radio to his other digital radio and becoming a fully digital station, and having the easy life of playing radio without climbing ladders. Another member (who wishes to stay unnamed) has kindly lent the SRS Digital Group a windows 10 laptop, which members can use Echolink on and also use it to program their Baofeng handhelds etc. So if you have any spare programming cables for your handheld's, that are not in use, the Digital Group would be most grateful if you would donate them to the group. Wiznet the new android app is still running on test. If you are a lucky amatuer who has been chosen to test this, you can enjoy DMR and Kenwood's nxdn digital radio with the use of a tablet or mobile phone. When the test is complete the app will be released to google play for you to download, but you must send a copy of your amatuer radio licence to wiznet. This system is for true amatuers. The Digital Group is now taking time slot bookings on radio nights, so members can get a good 30 mins on digital radio or be shown a demonstration on how the digital kit works. Peanut is also available for members to use as well as Echolink. Kieron the youngest member at SRS is now asking questions about digital radio, so we may have a young M7 in the making and may possibly give his dad, Jim 2E0URD, a run for his money on the licencing ladder.

Watch out for another article from Neil in the next issue on the latest updates and changes in the world of digital radio 7

SRS Subscription Increase from December 2019

At a recent Committee Meeting which took place in April this year, the subject of members subscriptions was on the agenda. It has been agreed that as from December 2019, when your subscription to Stockport Radio Society is due, the subs will be increased as below. This is a small increase and we are still the cheapest club in the North West. It has been 19 years since the last increase, and it is necessary to increase the subs due to costs in general rising. Standard Member upto 64 / Family was £12 will be increased to £15 Senior Members 65 plus was £7 will be increased to £10. We hope that you will carry on staying with the club and enjoy everything that we have to offer. If you pay by Standing Order, could you please ensure that your Standing Order is amended to the above figures and dated 1 December, with you call sign as a reference If you have any queries, please email me DIRECT (info@g8srs.co.uk) not through the members email. Heather Stanley – M6HNS 8

Silent Key Don Hughes – G8WPL – a long standing member of SRS passed away on Tuesday evening 16 July 2019 after a long illness. I asked Bob to pass on our deepest sympathy to the family. The funeral took place on Tuesday 30 July 2019 at Stockport Crematorium and Cemetery in the Rowan Chapel, with the wake at The Carousel Pub, in Stockport. Prior to the funeral, I received a call from Bob M0CPP who has spoken with Jenny (Don’s niece), and has confirmed that she would appreciate it if members of SRS who are attending the funeral could go in ‘uniform’ i.e. t-shirts and fleeces (depending on the weather). Jenny let Bob know that Don is being buried in his SRS kit, and that his fleece will be staying for the family as a keep stake. Jenny said that radio was his passion and that’s what he wanted. So in honour of Don please wear you uniform to the funeral. We hope we did Don proud with the following members attending the funeral in kit. Tony M0SAV, Heather M6HNS, Nigel 2E0CKA, Barrie G6GUT, Allen G6UQC, Bob M0CPP, Les M0LPB and Pauline SWL. Other members who were unable to come in kit were Stuart G6TAI, Brian G1WYM and Jeff M0IKI. Rest in Peace Don Don’s profile is in issue 17 of QUA Check it out on the website


HF Flight case Project The concept follows the similar path of the C4FM flight case. To have all units in one case hard wired with the least number of external connections. The clubs Yaesu FT-897d was to be used for this project. It has a reasonable sized LCD display and covers all HF, and VHF plus UHF frequencies and is all mode operation. A Manual antenna tuning unit should be used, as this would be required on the Foundation course. The Comet Cat 300 was chosen as this cover all HF bands including 50 MHz and incorporating cross needle SWR meter, rated at 300 Watts loading. This unit also has the band frequencies marked on the front. An interface for computer control of the radio to aid the use of RTTY, Digital, Morse etc. For the VHF, UHF an easy to see SWR meter. As most VHF/UHF antenna are pre tuned an ATU would not be required. A DUMMY load rated at 100 Watts for the HF side of the radio with an external selector switch. This will select “DUMMY LOAD or HF ANTENNA�. A 12 Volt to 19 Volt DC converter is installed for charging a Laptop Computer. This is rated at 95 Watts at 5 Amps. A fused distribution board to protect the relevant units is also to be installed. As all the kit is totally enclosed an extractor fan is located at the rear of the case, this runs continuously at slow speed initially speeding up as the temperature within the case increases. A digital Volt Meter is located in the front of the unit. This monitors the DC input to the unit.


As the speaker on the FT-897 is incorporated on the top of the radio, a forward facing speaker is housed in the front of the case. Front external connections comprise of, USB, 19 Volt DC, Morse key (Straight and Iambic). On the Rear Anderson Power Pole connector for 12Volt DC, to power the unit, HF antenna and VHF/ UHF antenna., both utilising SO259 sockets. The whole kit is housed in a 6U ABS Flight case. Tony M0SAV

Some of our members below operating the HF Flight Case System

Elaine ‘Mother of the Group’ 2E1BVS

Evan ‘Hotlips’ M0TJU

Neil ‘The Mickey Taker’ M6NAE showing Evan how its done

Nigel M0VNLin deep technical conversation with Paddy 2E0TWD 11

Course Tutors Required Are you interested in tutoring? Would you like to become a tutor on one of our courses, then please let us know. Foundation Licence – Course Lead Phil M0XYA Intermediate Licence – Course Lead – Tom M0DCG Full Licence – Course Lead – Bernard G3SHF or Tutor Pete M0PTB If you are interested please speak to one of the above or ask Tony M0SAV for some further information. Without tutors we have no courses, and without courses we have no new blood coming through the system. You do not have to tutor the whole course, maybe just a section of from the syllabus would help the Course leaders. Below is the current 2019 Syllabus - If you are interested in any of the sections below and think you could help please please let us know. We will NOT throw you in the deep end, we will hold you hand and help you through. Syllabus Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section

1 – Licensing conditions and station identification 2 – Technical aspects 3 – Transmitters and receivers 4 – Feeders and antennas 5 – Propagation 6 – Electro magnetic compatibility (EMC) 7 – Operating practices and procedures 8 – Safety 9 – Measurements and construction 10 – Practical assessments


SRS Printed and Embroidered Merchandise - Price List

Please Note : please ensure that you check your size prior to purchasing as once ordered they CANNOT be returned 13

Nigel G0RXA - My 2m Experience Seeing all the comments and discussions regarding the future of 2 Metres, I spied a thread on Twitter started by Richard GW1JFV in which he asked “What’s your best or most memorable DX on 2m? Not a competition, all stations and conditions are different, all modes count. Interested to hear other ops experiences?” The responses to the question have been very interesting and the thread can be seen by following this link https://twitter.com/ gw1jfv/status/1145702838061928449?s=21 Those of you who know me will also know 2 Metres is a particularly favourite band of mine and I have had some memorable contacts both operating on my own and with others using relatively low power from various locations near and far. One I particularly recall was operating in an early Backpackers Contest from Sponds Hill, near Lyme Park with Gary G0HJQ and friend and SWL Tony Lees using an FT290MK1, 2.5 watts into a 9 element portable Tonna, see photo below. With favourable conditions prevailing we had a number of contacts into eastern Germany and with at least one of those operators commending our portable set up. The many sheep around us were taking more than a passing interest too. 14

All this got me thinking, I wonder whether any of you out there also had any memorable moments on 2 Metres which you would like to share with us?

Your 2m Experience One of mine was shortly after getting my foundation license, using the Yaesu FT-8900R I bought second hand, into a not so well mounted quad band vertical antenna at my QTH, making contact with Chris Moore, the "shack in the dales" on Facebook, on 2m using only 10W, he's about 80km from my QTH, and it was a thrilling first contact for me as a foundation license holder, and spurred me on‌ Jim de 2E0URD

Mine would be passing my foundation exam, and listening on the GB2RS news to hear my name and callsign being given out on the news with congratulations. I went on for the first time and thank the presenter (whose name I cannot remember), but to this day, I do not know who let them know, and also hearing Alan M6KOY on for this first time and hearing the joy and proudness in his voice that he had done it and got his foundation licence at the young age of 90, and he has never looked back since. Alan you are a lovely man and good friend to me and Nigel (2E0CKA) Heth M6HNS

Heather, I agree with you, hearing M6KOY first transmit was really a joy to listen to. Paddy 2E0TWD

My first contact was on HF, not 2m using a Icom ic718 in 2012. i contacted EA3BFX. As I was very new to the hobby. he asked me did I speak Spanish, I replied a little..si.. he said good i only know litte english.. he then replied with the comment.. piss off. It was just so funny and still today i can remember it. Neil M6NAE If you have any 2m experiences that you would like to put into the next QUA, please email me the details and I will carry this on into the December issue. Email : info@g8srs.co.uk 15

144-146MHz Bands (July 2019) When news went out in June about the possible loss of the 2m band, SRS decided to try and show that the bands were being used by changing the 70cm nets on a Friday to 2m, and having a continuing show of use on the bands. News also came to us about different petitions etc that were doing the rounds on social media, and a email was sent out to members about this. It has been noted by members of the Committee that there are petitions going around asking people to sign re the reallocation of the 144-146MHz bands. It has also been suggested that clubs write in and voice their comments on the above. After a short meeting with members of the committee that were at a recent meeting, we, Stockport Radio Society, will not be put our view in writing to the RSGB, neither will we be signing any petitions on the above matter. It was agreed to leave all the discussions to the RSGB who have all the correct information. A lot of these petitions are not written correctly and do not contain all the correct information. Please note the last paragraph in the link below We are very aware that this topic has understandably animated and concerned the community, with a number of online petitions amongst other media threads. However it is important that these and other comments should be based on the correct background facts. It would be unfortunate if ‘careless comments cost bands’. If you have any comments on the above, please direct them to the Committee and we will try our best to answer them for you. Since then, there has been continuing updates from the RSGB about the situation. On Friday 30 August, a message was put out on social media about the 2m band—see across - This was the news we had been waiting for 16

On Friday 30 August, a message was put out on social media about the 2m band - This was the news we had been waiting for


Frequencies LF (Low Frequency) 2000m : 135.7 - 137.8Khz MF (Medium Frequency) 630m : 472 - 479Khz 160m : 1.81 - 2.0Mhz HF (High Frequency) 80m : 3.5 - 3.8Mhz 60m : Consists of 11 spot frequencies check band plan 40m : 7.0 - 7.2Mhz 30m : 10.1 - 10.15Mhz 20m : 14 - 14.35Mhz 17m : 18.068 - 18.168Mhz 15m : 21 - 21.45Mhz 12m : 24.89 - 24.99Mhz 10m : 28 - 29.7Mhz

Great to see Richard G3CWI join us at AVRO this year Richard took the reigns operating on both HF and VHF. GUESS WHO??? This was sent into me for QUA - just for fun!!

Note for operating on 60m Only available to advanced licence holders

VHF (Very High Frequency) 6m : 50 - 52Mhz 4m : 70 - 70.5Mhz 2m : 144.0 - 146.0Mhz


(Ultra High Frequen-


70cms : 430.0 - 440Mhz 23cms : 1240.0 - 325Mhz


Club Nets

Membership You can become a member of Stockport Radio Society by completing a membership form and, either emailing it to membership@g8srs.co.uk or handing the form to the Membership Secretary, Nigel 2E0CKA, at any Society meeting.

Subs Payable Annually on Dec 1, each year Senior Family Country Pensioner Junior

£15.00 £15.00 £10.00 £10.00 £ 5.00

Juniors upto 18 yrs of age Senior upto 64 yrs of age Pensioner from 65 yrs of age. If you are interested in paying your subs by standing order, please contact the Treasurer on treasurer@g8srs.co.uk

Meeting Admission £2.00 per meeting.

It has been decided, that the following callsigns may be used by any full licence holder chairing the nets - G8SRS, G6UQ, G3LX, M5MDX All club call signs will be used on a rotational basis by full licence holders authorised by Alan G0ROW. 2m net, 6m net, 70cm net As from September 2019 there will now be a C4FM Fusion Net If you have any queries about the use of these callsigns, please speak to either Tony M0SAV or Alan G0ROW at any Club meeting

Net Controllers We are also looking for net controllers to chair a specific net. If you have the equipment and would like to try and chair a net, please contact Alan G0ROW who will happily help you. If you would like to try a net with a current net controller with you, again speak to Alan G0ROW The current Net Controllers are: Alan G0ROW Neil M6NAE Heather M6HNS Keith 2E0JPY Bob M0CPP

Tony M0SAV, Nigel 2E0CKA, Nigel M0VNL Slawek M0SQJ Jim 2E0URD

The Friday 70cm Nets are now transmitting at 7.30pm on 433.525 19

Morse Code

Morse Code

Phonetic Alphabet


._ _ _ _






.._ _ _






..._ _






















_ _...


_ _.




_ _ _..














._ _ _







Our Morse



classes run





on each club





night from





7.00 to 7.30


._ _ .





_ _._







Come and




speak to Evan





M0TJU if you



would like to





give this part


._ _



of the hobby





a try.


_._ _




_ _..










Just for Fun The Nigels!!! Nigel G0RXA won this year he was first to the ice cream van!! Nige M0VNL missed out

The three NIGELS - at every event there is always a NIGEL SELFIE!!! Nigel M0VNL, Nigel 2E0CKA, Nigel G0RXA 21

Training Courses Course Secretary John Marsh - M0JFM courses@g8srs.co.uk

Are you interested in taking a course with Stockport Radio Society. We run all three courses at Walthew House, in Stockport. If you would like to put your name down for one of the three courses, please email John on courses@g8srs.co.uk. These courses fill up very quickly, so don’t delay - book NOW!

Course Fees Foundation - £50.00

Based on a minimum of 6 students

Intermediate - £116.00 Based on a minimum of 4 students (Inclusive of construction kit) Full - £95.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students These prices were correct at the time of printing.

Foundation Dates for 2020 are as follows, these are daytime courses which run from 9am to 5pm, over two weekends

Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January 2020 Saturday 1 February and Sunday 02 February 2020


Intermediate Dates for 2020 are as follows, these are daytime courses which run from 9am to 5pm. This is run over three weekends.

Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February 2020 Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February 2020 Saturday 29 February and Sunday 1 March 2020

Full Below are the dates for the current course in 2019 Monday 9 September Monday 23 September

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2

Start 7pm Start 7pm

Monday 7 October Monday 21 October

Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4

Start 7pm Start 7pm

Monday 4 November Monday 18 November

Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6

Start 7pm Start 7pm

Monday 2 December


Start 6.30

Candidates to be at Walthew House no later than 6.30pm for the exam to start at 7.00pm Remember when you have your new callsign do not forget to inform the Membership Secretary Nigel 2E0CKA on m6bbl@btinternet.com and he can update his records and then forward onto Heth M6HNS to update the website. QUA is compiled by Heather Stanley M6HNS. If you have any articles, reviews or announcements that you would like to see in the pages of QUA, please send your information to srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk or give Heather a call on 07506 904422 23

SRS Links RSGB www.rsgb.org UKFM Group Western www.ukfmgw.org.uk Ofcom www.ofcom.org.uk ARRL www.arrl.org

Club Log (HF Ladder) If you wish to join Club Log and also get entry into the HF Ladder with the end reward of entry in the HF Ladder competition at the end of the year, and you chance to win a trophy for the year, follow the information below. If you wish to join SRS DXCC league in Clublog, please follow these instructions:

QRZ.com www.qrz.com

UK Repeaters www.ukrepeater.net

Raynet www.raynet-uk.net

Summits on the air www.sota.org.uk BYLARA www.bylara.org.uk Echolink www.echolink.org

Register your details with Clublog at www.clublog.org Click ‘settings’ and then go to the ‘clubs’ tab Select SRS - Stockport Radio Society and click ‘join club’ Your membership of SRS will show as pending until approved by the Administrator

The SRS DXCC League can be viewed from this link http://www.clublog.org/ league.php?club=99

Ham Links www.eham.nets Hack Green SDR www.hackgreen.co.uk

Get your logs in and get yourself on the HF ladder with your chance to win a trophy at the end of the year.

If you have any Links you would like to see on this page please email info@g8srs.co.uk

If you are new to the HF Ladder speak to Pete M1PTR at a club meeting or email info@g8srs.co.uk for further Information.


Repeaters - www.ukfmgw.co.uk 23cm






1297.0750 Mhz

1291.0750 Mhz


Stoke on Trent

70cm GB3CR

433.1500 Mhz 434.7500 Mhz Analogue



433.2500 Mhz 434.8500 Mhz Analogue



434.0000 Mhz 434.6000 Mhz Analogue



433.0500 Mhz 434.6500 Mhz Analogue



433.3500 Mhz 434.9500 Mhz Analogue



430.9000 Mhz 438.5000 Mhz Analogue



433.3250 Mhz 434.9250 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


433.2250 Mhz 434.8250 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


430.9375 Mhz 438.5375 Mhz Analogue


439.4125 Mhz 430.4125 Mhz DMR



439.4500 Mhz 430.4500 Mhz DMR

Stoke on Trent


439.4875 Mhz 430.4875 Mhz D-Star



Analogue Digital 145.6500 Mhz 145.0500 Mhz C4FM Fusion



145.7500 Mhz 145.1500 Mhz Analogue



145.7250 Mhz 145.1250 Mhz D Star

Stoke on Trent

50.7900 Mhz

Stoke on Trent



6m GB3SX

51.2900 Mhz


** Currently off air awaiting a new site If you use the repeaters on a regular basis, please subscribe to them www.ukfmgw.co.uk. Please check the website to confirm which are currently working 25

SRS DXCC Ladders 2019 I am writing this column at the very start of Sept. The local schools have reopened after the summer break and I am making preparations for a holiday in France with my wife. I’m fortunate to be allowed to take my radio kit (with limits on the amount of use of course!) but the question is: What do I take considering the varying levels of activity on the bands? Propagation HF conditions continued to remain quiet with bursts of activities from late Sporadic E., special events, Cricket World Cup and Lighthouse just to name a couple, and of course HF and VHF contests. Solar flux is around the 67 mark. Sporadic E openings are still present on VHF and the higher HF bands though getting less frequent as we approach autumn. HF & 6 DXCC Ladder The leader board is again headed up by Pete, M0PTB who has been steadily increasing his band scores. In second place, making his first appearance on the ladder this year, is Barry, VK2BJ (a previous trophy winner) with an impressive 40m band score. Keith, 2E0JPY has been busy filling in blank bands since last time and holds third place. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Steve, 2E0WIT who joins for the first time and jumps into fourth place, well done Steve! It’s also good to see new entries from last year’s entrants Evan, M0TJU, Andy, M0REP, Eric, G3GMM, and Graham, G3ZOD. 2 & 70 DXCC Ladder There are some interesting new entries in the 2 & 70 Ladder this period. Carsten, G0SYP takes over the top spot with 18 slots on 2m. I wonder what mode he is using. Keith, 2E0JPY holds second place with a mix of 2 & 70cm slots as has Barry, VK2BJ in third. It’s good to see 2m activity by members especially with the current threat to primary use of the band. So that’s it for another period, though to answer my opening question on what to take on holiday. I’m planning to do HF SSB and Digi (PSK/RTTY) and if bands are quiet I’ll have a go at FT4 & 8. If anyone needs help with a submission please drop me an email or catch me or Neil at the club. We’ll be glad to help. 73 and Good Dxing, Pete Ridley, M1PTR 26



Stockport Radio Society Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport SK2 6QS Tel : 07506 904422 Email : info@g8srs.co.uk Print Sponsor of QUA, and general printers of all SRS Literature Olympic Press Soapstone Way, Irlam, Manchester M44 6RA Tel : 0161 775 2555 Email : sales@olympicpress.co.uk

Stockport Radio Society are affiliated members of RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) and NARSA (Northern Amateur Radio Society Association) 28

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