Jap Ji Sahib Steek - S. Ajmel Singh

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<> siqgur pRswid

jpu jI swihb stIk

Jap Ji Sahib Steek By: Ajmel Singh


jpu jI swihb stIk Jap Ji Sahib Steek

<> siqgur pRswid (The shortest summary of Jap Ji Sahib)


Dedicated To Gurbani Lovers

Author: Ajmel Singh

First Edition- March 2014

Book Availability Contact: Ajmel Singh E-mail: ajmel.dulai@comcast.net Phone: (586) 323-3851


Contents 1. Preface I 2. Introductory Remarks II - III 3. Key: contains the rules used by the author for the script in this book IV - V 4. Patth Steek (pwT stIk): Patth and Translation 1-117 Paurhee Mool Mantar Slok Paurhee 1 Paurhee 2 Paurhee 3 Paurhee 4 Paurhee 5 Paurhee 6 Paurhee 7 Paurhee 8 Paurhee 9 Paurhee 10 Paurhee 11 Paurhee 12 Paurhee 13 Paurhee 14 Paurhee 15 Paurhee 16 Paurhee 17 Paurhee 18 Paurhee 19

Page No. 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 - 13 14 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 28 - 29 30 - 31 32 - 33 34 - 35 36 - 37 38 - 39 40 - 45 46 - 47 48 - 51 52 - 55

Paurhee Paurhee 20 Paurhee 21 Paurhee 22 Paurhee 23 Paurhee 24 Paurhee 25 Paurhee 26 Paurhee 27 Paurhee 28 Paurhee 29 Paurhee 30 Paurhee 31 Paurhee 32 Paurhee 33 Paurhee 34 Paurhee 35 Paurhee 36 Paurhee 37 Paurhee 38 Slok

Page No. 56 - 57 58 - 63 64 - 65 66 - 67 68 - 71 72 - 75 76 - 81 82 - 87 88 - 89 90 - 91 92 - 93 94 - 95 96 - 97 98 - 99 100 - 103 104 - 107 108 - 109 110 - 113 114 - 115 116 - 117


AwieE sunn pVn kau bwxI ] nwmu ivswir lgih An lwlic ibrQw jnmu prwxI ] 1 ] rhwau ]

(pMnw 1219)

Sree Guroo Granth Saahib Jee

The mortal came to listen and recite Bani. Those who forget the Naam (the Name of Waheguru) and attach themselves to other temptations, their precious lives become worthless! ] Pause]

<> <> Pronounced as “Ik Ong Kaar”

bwvn ACr lok qRY sBu kCu ien hI mwih ] ey AKr iKir jwihgy Eie AKr ien mih nwih ] 1 ] (pMnw 340) Sree Guroo Granth Saahib Jee

Through these fifty-two letters, the three worlds and all things are described. These letters shall perish; they cannot describe the Imperishable Waheguru. || 1 ||

AKrI nwmu AKrI swlwh ] AKrI igAwnu gIq, gux gwh ] AKrI ilKxu bolxu bwix ] AKrw isir sMjogu vKwix ] (pMnw 4) Sree Guroo Granth Saahib Jee

(To describe Waheguru with words is not appropriate, but,) His Naam and His praises can only be expressed with words; (also) with words familiarization of knowledge, hymns and virtues of God becomes possible. With words utterance and writing of Bani (language) is possible; and with words the destiny/relationships can be expressed. ] 4 ]


Preface In early 2012, my children and their friends said to me that they can read Gurbani reasonably well, but have a hard time translating it. Even the references available (i.e., English and Punjabi translations) do not provide much help. They asked me to provide them with a line by line Gurbani Santhya based on Gurmukhi grammar so that they could build a foundation for understanding Gurbani better. We mutually took on this challenge and started Sukhmani Sahib Santhya in February of 2012. I began this effort by presenting a general background of Sukhmani Sahib and the pertinent Gurmukhi Grammar rules to build a good foundation for understanding Gurbani. However, our interchanges immediately led us to develop a specific format for the presentation of Sukhmani Sahib Bani. We all realized that expanding one’s vocabulary has to be the primary focus of this effort, as well as understanding grammatical rules. Our Sukhmani Sahib Santhya effort had the following salient features: 1. Vocabulary tables containing Gurbani words of each Pada, their Punjabi meanings, and English meanings which will aid us in developing a dictionary from these tables 2. Pronunciation of difficult words to include nasal as well as Vishesh sounds 3. Proper punctuation to indicate pauses 4. Explanation of each Tuk based on grammar rules 5. Presenting material in Punjabi and English 6. Pace satisfactory to the attendees 7. Video recordings for those who could not attend class and for reference and review 8. Videos along with PowerPoint presentations available on the web (jaachak.com) Upon completing Sukhmani Sahib Santhya, we all mutually agreed to continue this endeavor with Jap Ji Sahib. We maintained the same format and completed the Jap Ji Sahib Santhya over a six-month period. As I prepared a draft of the Sukhmani Sahib Steek, I felt a need to create this Jap Ji Sahib Steek. Of course, there are many other Steeks (written in Punjabi and English) available today; however, they are mostly literal translations of each Tuk which sometimes creates difficulty in recognizing the grammar of words and/or understanding the essence of that Tuk. I felt a need for an English translation that maintains the grammatical integrity of Gurbani, yet prevents it from becoming a purely literal translation. Furthermore, any translation of Gurbani must clearly communicate the essence of the Tuk and allow a reader to relate the translated English words to the Gurbani words in each Tuk. I kept these challenges in mind and with Guru’s Grace, created this Steek. The vocabulary tables may indicate many meanings of a particular word; the specific meaning of a word depends upon the context of how that word is used in a specific Paurhee. As a reader, you will find the vocabulary tables helpful in understanding the specific meanings of most of the uncommon words used in each Tuk of a Paurhee of Jap Ji Sahib. Ajmel Singh I

Introductory Remarks The message of Jap ji Sahib is very clear in teaching us that if one seeks to be free from the sufferings of life, one has to become Sachi-aaraa (the house of Truth) by obeying the Hukam of God and unconditionally accepting His Will. Naam Japnaa along with truthful living are the most important Hukams of Guru Ji. This is only possible through Guru’s and God’s Grace. And the Slok at the end of Jap Ji Sahib clearly points out that this goal has been achieved by many Gurmukhs. Jap Ji Sahib is the first Bani in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It is the first Bani that Sikhs are enjoined to recite as part of their daily Nit-Nem. It is also the first Bani among the five Banis recited by the Punj Pyaare when initiating Sikhs into the Khalsa Panth. Although the composer of Jap Ji Sahib is not indicated in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji, most renowned scholars of the past, as well as of present, agree that it is composed by the first Guru, Guru Nanak Sahib Ji. Contrary to the Puratan Janam Sakhi, they also agree that it was composed sometime during the last seventeen years of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji’s life when he settled down from his journeys in Kartarpur Sahib. However, many scholars also believe that Mool Mantar was recited by Guru Nanak Sahib Ji earlier in his life, upon his return from a Divine Communion when he reappeared at the Bein River after a three-day disappearance while he was living at Sultanpur Lodi with his sister, Nanaki. Jap Ji Sahib contains the essence of the entire Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji. One could conclude that it is a concise summary of all of the teachings of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji. It begins with Mool Mantar which forms the invocation, which is followed by a Slok, a form of a stanza as a prologue. The Slok at the end is considered the epilogue of Jap Ji Sahib. The thirty-eight Paurhees in between these two Sloks create the main body of Jap Ji Sahib Bani. The Mool Mantar begins with “ < ” , the representation of a compound Gurbani word “IkOng-Kaar” uttered by Guru Nanak Sahib Ji. In fact, Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji begins with “ < ”, and this is the main topic of the entire Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji. “ < ” is repeated 657 times throughout Shree Guru Granth Sahib Ji as part of the full or the abbreviated forms of the Mool Mantar. Each word in Gurbani uttered by the Guru Ji’s contains Agaadh Bodh, and only he knows the mysteries behind his doings. In the case of “ < ”, it seems to me that Guru Ji purposely picked this compound word representation because “Waheguru” is beyond human comprehension and description, a theme that is clearly pointed out later within the text of Jap Ji Sahib.


The Gurbani word “ < ” consists of three parts 1) Gurmukhi numeral “1”, 2) “E” a word of Gurbani, and 3) “ > “ (kaar) a Gurbani “Chinh” which came from Sanskrit. It does alleviate the potential for misinterpretation and confusion typically caused by written words due to their etymology. As an example, the numeral “1” could have been written using the Gurmukhi script as iek (feminine singular), ieku (masculine singular) or ieik (many); it could raise several questions regarding the gender or the plurality of Waheguru. On the other hand, “ < ” coveys concisely the message that only Waheguru is 1. Unique “1” a. One and only One. b. Nothing else in the creation is like Waheguru; and yet Waheguru is an existential being who cannot be described completely due to the inherent limitations of words and expressions. c. Omnipotent (All Mighty) because everything in the creation is sustained with Hukam (i.e. Naam, the might of Waheguru). d. Omnipresent because nothing in the creation is without Waheguru’s presence. e. Omniscient because Waheguru created all of the forms (Sargun Sarup) of the creation from the Formless Sarup. f. Genderless because the Gurmukhi numbers are genderless. 2. “E” means Braham Creator of the Creation a. From the same One, many (Sargun Sarups) were created in the creation. 3. Gurbani Chinh “ > ” (kaar) a. Indicates that Waheguru is continuously and equally present everywhere. b. Grammar rules of Lagaan Mataraan applied to the last letter of a word to indicate the gender or singularity cannot be applied to this Chinh. The handwritings of several Guru Sahib Ji’s of Mool Mantar, which includes “ <

”, exist

today. It can be stated with utmost confidence that “ < ” is Gurbani, and the entire Shree Granth Sahib Ji which begins with Jap Ji Sahib is all about “ < ”.

Ajmel Singh


Key Scripted Numbers: The scripted numbers for both superscripts and subscripts start with last letter of a word as 1 and then moving toward the left, the next letter will 2 and so on, respectively.

Superscripts: Superscript1,2… indicate nasal sound of the vowel Examples: ismrau1 is pronounced ismrauN, kwKI2 is pronounced kWKI

Subscripts: Subscript1,2… indicate sound of Bindi under the word Examples: klys1 is pronounced klyS, dusmn3 is pronounced duSmn,

Combination & multiple numbers of Superscripts and/or Subscripts: Example: iqRsnw12 is pronounced iqRSnW , bKsIsw11,2 is pronounced bKSISW

Subscripts in Parentheses: indicates the phonetic pronunciation of the word Example: Agnq(A-gnq)

Subscripts without Parentheses: indicates the meaning of word Example: ismrauN

mYN ismrdw hW

Signs: , Regular Comma: Proper pause Example: kIny rwm nwm, iek AwK´r ] , Light Comma: Short pause within a phrase Example: ismrauNmYN ismrdw hW, ismir ismir * Indicates an Aunkarh or Siharee in some Birh Sahibs Example 1: *sB is written as sBu Example 2: sB* is written as siB

Some Other Hints: 1. When a short vowel is changed to a long vowel for pronunciation, make the sound of that long vowel shorter Example 1: ijh(jyh) pronounce as “Jeh” not “Jayh”- make regular “ y” sound shorter Example 2: jh(jYh) pronounce as “Jaih” – make regular “ Y” sound shorter 2. Separate prefixes and suffixes for pronunciation ease Examples: Agm(A-gm), Anidn(An-idn), inrgunu(inr-gunu), prhrY(pr-hrY), DnvMqY(DMn-vMq)y , krwvnhwr(krwvn-hwr), inrgunIAwr(inr-gunI-Awr) 3. Words with same spellings: Pronouns without Bindi :- ijhijs,ijnW, qwaus/auhnw, jwijs Conjunctions with Bindi :- qWand, jWor 4. Adverbs with Bindi :- jhNjdoN, qhNqdoN, jWjd ik, qWqd 5. ‘ w ’ & ‘ I ’ Plural words with Bindi :- viFAweIAW, jIAW, vgBwgIN etc. IV

Key (continued) Most Helpful Grammar Rules to Remember: “ u” for Nouns with the last letter of a word 1. Singular Masculine (Identity): nwnku, pRBu, rwhu, guru, swDu, sMqu, mnu, pMfqu, inMdku “ u” Removed when 1. Plural: rwh, sMq (sMqn), swD 2. Singular Feminine: dyh, cwl, Kyh 3. Prepositions (explicit/implicit): dw, dy, dI, kw, ky, kI 4. Vocative: nwnk, pRB, mn 5. Compound word: First word without “ u”: rwm nwmu Adjectives follow the same rules as nouns 1. kvxu (with singular masculine), kvx (with singular feminine)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, etc. Why? For Distinction: ivcuivcolw, AMdruihrdw, sMguswQ, mhmhInw 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq Why? For Distinction: kwmxutUxw, kwmxtUxy, qruxjvwnI

3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity) 1. Nominative ‘ny’: nwniknwnk ny, prmysirprmySr ny, guirgurU ny 2. Instrumental (nwl, rwhIN, duAwrw): sbidSbd rwhIN 3. Ablative (qoN, pwsoN, koloN):EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN 4. Locative (iv~c, AMdr, auq)y : GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c 4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb) 5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68 Why? For Distinction: cwrsuMdr/sohxIAW, pMcphuMcy hoey/gurmuK Some Don’t For Distinction: lK100000, liKvyK/jwx ky; Kt6, Kitkmw ky 6. Indefinite Plural Adjectives: siBswry, hoirhor, Avirhor/dUjy, ieikkeI Use Depends on Gender and Number: sBuSingular masculine, sBSingular feminine, siBPlural both gender Z




jpu jI swihb


jpu jI swihb < siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] Table of Attributes: Each word of Mool Mantar is an attribute of God Meaning

Bani Word



Bani Word


Meaning English






Without Fear


bRhm, r~b




Not in Time


kwr, ie~k-rs




Form, Shape, Physique, Structure

(Unique) One God


jnm-mrn qoN rhq

Without Birth, Beyond Birth and Death

True, Real, Existential




suqy hI, Awpxy Awp qoN gurU dI



s~c, AslI, hoNd vwlw nwauN


bnwaux vwlw



ikRpw rwhIN

With/Through Grace


pUirAw hoieAw


< (ie~k-EAM|-kwr) siq

(AduqI) ie~k r~b



Jap Ji Sahib (Unique) One God His name is True, Real, Existential and powerful All pervading Creator Without Fear Without Enmity Has Form that is not in time Without Birth Self-Existential (Realized) With Guru’s Grace Table of Virtues: Each combination of words becomes Unique Virtue of God Bani Word <

Meaning Punjabi


(AduqI) ie~k r~b

(Unique) One God

s~c, AslI, hoNd vwlw, SkqI

krqw purKu

AwpxI ikRq iv~c ivAwpk bnwaux vwlw

(His) name is True, Real, Existentiial and powerful All pervading Creator



Without Fear



Without Enmity

siq nwmu

Bani Word


Meaning English

Akwl mUriq AjUnI

smyN qoN rhq mUrqI jnm-mrn qoN rhq

Has Form but not in time


suqy hI, Awpxy Awp qoN


gur pRswid

(imlwp) gurU dI ikRRpw rwhIN

(Reunion) With/through Guru’s Grace

Without Birth

Note: Mool Mantar is Invocation (manglacharn) of God. Each Raag, Sub-Raag and Bani starts with full or abbreviated form of Mool Mantar. It is also the Mool mantar of Sree Guru Granth Sahib Ji.


] jpu ] Awid scu, jugwid scu ]

hY BI scu, nwnk, hosI BI scu ] 1 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word


Meaning English


mu~F qoN, kwl qoN pihlW

From the beginning, Before the start of time


vwihgurU, s~c, sdw iQr rihx vwlw, hsqI vwlw, hoNd vwlw

Waheguru, Truth/True Eternal, (Being) Real/Entity, Existential


hux BI hY

Is present now too


jugW dy SurU qoN

At the beginning of Ages


hovygw, rhygw

Shall forever and ever be present


hux hY, mOjUd hY

Is present now


] Jap ] is the name of Bani in Sree Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Eternal Waheguru) was present before the start of Time; Waheguru was present at the beginning of Ages, (Waheguru) is present now too, and hey Nanak! Verily, shall forever and ever be present.

Notes: 1. The above Slok is the prologue (Upkarn) of Jap Ji Sahib and another Slok at the end is the epilogue (Upsanghar) of Jap Ji Sahib. 2. This slok is the acknowledgement of the preceptor (Waheguru).



socY, soic n hoveI, jy socI lK vwr ]


cupY, cup n hoveI, jy lwie rhw ilv qwr ] 1



BuiKAw , BuK n auqrI, jy bMn@w purIAw Bwr ] 1


shs isAwxpw lK hoih , q iek n clY nwil ] ikv sicAwrw hoeIAY, ikv kUVY qutY pwil ] hukim rjweI clxw, nwnk, iliKAw nwil ] 1 ]

Bani Word



Meaning English


pdwrQW dy smUh

Loads of goods

Cleanliness/Purity Cleanliness with bath etc.

shs isAwxpW

hzwrW cqurweIAW

Thousands Cleverness (prudent subtleties)

Cannot be achieved I keep cleanliness By remaining silent Silence (of the mind)

hoih iek ikv hoeIAY

hoeyN, hovx iek BI iks qrW ho skIdw hY

May exist Even one How Can become

I remain

kUVY pwil

Wall of falsehood

iek-qwr smwDI iqRSnw, lwlc dUr nhIN ho skdI

Absorbed in deep trance Hunger Is not appeased

sicAwrw hukim rjweI

kUV dI kMD (pVdw) s~c dw Gr hukm ivc rzw vwlw (r~b)

mYN bMnH/sWB lvW swrIAW purIAW dy

Even if I possess Of the entire world

nwil iliKAw

(jIv dy) nwl hI (Dur qON) iliKAw hoieAw hY

With (Being) Is written (since the beginning)


English By keeping cleanliness of (body)

lwie rhW

(srIr dI) suic r~Kx nwl su~c, pivqrqw ieSnwn Awid nwl srIr dI su~c nhI ho skdI mYN su~c rKW cup kr-rihx nwl SWqI, mn dI cup, mn dw itkwau mYN lweI r~KW

ilv qwr BuK n auqrI bMnw purIAw

socY suic soic n hoveI socI cupY cup

Bani Word

House of God In Hukam Lord of Will (God)


By keeping purity (cleanliness of the body by bathing at the places of pilgrimages), the (inner) purity of mind cannot be achieved; even if I bathe my body thousands of times. By keeping silence (outwardly from the mouth), the (inner) silence of mind cannot be attained, even if I keep myself in Silence-Smaadhi continuously. The hunger of my (greedy) mind cannot be appeased, even if I possess loads of goods of the entire world. Even if I may possess hundreds-thousands of prudent subtleties, but not even one shall go along with me in the end. (Then) how can I become the house-of–Truth (self-realized)? (And) how can the wall of falsehood be torn away? Hey Nanak! By living in the Hukam of God that came written with Jeev since the beginning of the creation. ] 1 ]


hukmI hovin Awkwr, hukmu n kihAw jweI ] hukmI hovin jIA, hukim imlY vifAweI ] 1

hukmI auqmu nIcu, hukim iliK duK suK pweIAih ] 1


iekn@w hukmI bKsIs2,3, ieik hukmI sdw BvweIAih ]

hukmY AMdir sBu ko, bwhir hukm n koie ] nwnk, hukmY jy buJY, q haumY khY n koie ] 2 ] Bani Word hukmI

Meaning Punjabi



Bani Word




hukm iv~c, hukm Anuswr huMd/bxdyy hn

In/By Divine Hukam


dwq, bKSS


Become, come into Being Forms, Shapes, bodies





srUp, SklW, srIr


BvweIdy hn (jnm-mrn ivc)

Whirled around (in transmigration)

kihAw n jweI jIA vifAweI auqmu

kQn nhIN kIqw jw skdw jI jMq (swry jIv) Awdr, SoBw sRySt, cMgw

Cannot be described


(r~b dy hukm) ivc hI bwhr (Cot ivc) koeI (jIv) hy nwnk!

In (subject to God’s Hukam)

(All) Creatures Respect, glorification Pure, noble

bwhir koie

nIcu iliK

Menial, vile As written In Karma


nIvW, BYVw ilK ky (krmW dy ilKy Anuswr) pweIdy hn, BogIdy hn

nwnkc hukmY buJY

hukm nUM smJ ley

Hukam nUM Understands

Obtain, undergo


suAwrQ dIAW glW

Egotistic words


keI mnu~KW nUM

To some


kihMdw hY


Outside (exempt) One (mortal) Hey Nanak!

Note: The words pweIAih and BvweIAih are present tense plural verbs in passive voice.


By God’s Hukam, all forms come into being; (but this) Hukam cannot be (completely) expressed. By God’s Hukam, all creatures come into being; and in accordance with Divine Hukam, glorification is received (by them at the door of God). By God’s Hukam, some become noble or vile; and in accordance with His Hukam as written (in their Karma), pain and happiness are received by them. Some, by God’s Hukam, are blessed (i.e., they receive the gift of reunion with God); and some are whirled around in transmigration (i.e., cast back to the cycle of death and birth). Everyone is subject to God’s Hukam; no one is exempt from Divine Hukam. Hey Nanak! If one understands God’s Hukam (i.e., everything happens in His Hukam), then one does not utter the egotistical words of self-interest. ]2]


gwvY ko qwxu, hovY iksY qwxu ] gwvY ko, dwiq jwxY nIswxu ] 1

gwvY ko, gux vifAweIAw cwr ] gwvY ko, ividAw ivKmu vIcwru ] gwvY ko, swij kry qnu Kyh ] gwvY ko, jIA lY iPir dyh ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



gwauNdw hY



kTn, AOKw



koeI (m~nuK)

Someone (mortal)





bl, Akwl purK dI qwkq


pYdw krky, bxw ky


iksY qwxu dwiq

ijs iksy mn~K nUM smrQw dwqW nUM

Might Mortal one who nUM

qnu Kyh jIA

srIr im~tI, suAwh jIvwqmw, ijMdW

Body Dust Souls, lives

nIswxu gux cwr ividAw

(bKSS dw) nISwn gux suMdr, soihxIAW iv~idAw duAwrw

lY dyih dyh

lY ky idMdw hY dy idMdw hY

Taking away Gives Gives (FT), restores

Capability Blessings nUM Insignia (of Blessings) Virtues Beautiful Through studies


(The mortal) who is blessed with strength, he/she sings of the Might of God.

Some (mortal) sings of (God’s) gifts (of the worldly things), (because) one thinks (of those blessings) as God’s Insignia. Some (mortal) sings beautiful Virtues and Glories (of God).

Some (mortal) sings of arduous Knowledge of God gained through philosophical studies and reflection on them. Some (mortal) sings of God after creating the body, (then) reduces it to dust. Some (mortal) sings that God takes away the life (out of the bodies), then again restores it back (in other bodies).


gwvY ko, jwpY, idsY dUir ] gwvY ko, vyKY hwdrw hdUir ] kQnw kQI, n AwvY qoit ] 1

kiQ kiQ kQI kotI koit koit ] 2



dydw dy, lYdy Qik pwih ] 1

jugw jugMqir KwhI Kwih ] hukmI hukmu clwey rwhu ] nwnk, ivgsY vyprvwhu ] 3 ]

Bani Word jwpY

Meaning Punjabi

Bani Word

English Seems, Appears to be


Face to face ever-present





jwpdw hY, prqIq huMdw hY hwzr nwzr, sB QweIN hwzr kihxw, ibAwn krnw tot


Qik pwih

kQnw qot kiQ

kQn dI tot AwiK ky

Shortage of utterances By Uttering

jugw jugw jugMqir

kiQ kiQ kQI

AwK AwK ky AwKI hY

Has been said through repeated utterances

KwhI Kwih


kRoVW (jIvW ny)

Millions (of Jeevs)

hwdrw hdUir kQnw

Meaning Punjabi dyx vwlw, dwqwr, r~b (sdw) dyNdw, dy irhw hY lYNdy, lYx vwly (jIv) Qk pYNdy hn jugW jug jug AMqir, swry jugW ivc hI, sdw hI Kwdy hI Kwdy hn, vrqdy cly Aw rhy hn

English Great Giver, God (Always) gives Receivers, Those (Jeevs) who receive Grow weary (of receiving) Ages Throughout the Ages, Forever Continue to consume


Some (mortal) sings that God seems so far away. Some (mortal) sings and sees that God is face to face ever-present. There has been no shortage of utterances (stories) in describing God. Millions upon millions (mortals) have described God millions of times (continuously in so many different ways). The Giver goes on giving (sustenance to all), (while) those who receive get weary of receiving. Throughout the ages (all beings) continues to consume. The Hukam of the Master of Hukam (God) runs the system (of the universe). Hey Nanak! The Carefree One (always) blossoms forth. ] 3 ]


swcw swihbu, swcu nwieN, BwiKAw Bwau Apwru ] AwKihN, mMgihN, dyih, dyih, dwiq kry dwqwru ] Pyir, ik AgY rKIAY, ijqu idsY drbwru ] muhON, ik bolxu bolIAY, ijqu suix Dry ipAwru ] AMimRq vylw scu nwau, vifAweI ivcwru ] krmI AwvY kpVw, ndrI moKu duAwru ]

nwnk, eyvYN jwxIAY sBu Awpy sicAwru ] 4 ] Bani Word swcw

Meaning Punjabi



Bani Word



hoNd vwlw, sdw iQr rIhx vwlw swihb sdw iQr rihx vwlw

Real, True, Eternal



We place

Master Eternal

ijqu idsY

ijs Bytw dw sdkw id~s pey

Justice, Principles, Injunctions, Rules


mUMh qoN

BwiKAw Bwau Apwr

inXwie, inAwie, ienswP, nIXm bolI pRym pwr qoN rihq, byAMq

By which offering May see/get a glimpse of From mouth

Language Love Infinite

ik bolxu ijqu suix Dry

ikhVw bcn ijq duAwrw sux ky itkw dyvy, kry

What words Upon hearing which Would evoke


AsIN AwKdy hW

We ask

AsIN mMgdy hW

We beg

pUrn iKVwau dw smW, qVkw, svyrw, pRBwq vifAweIAW dI vIcwru

In the ambrosial hour, Dawn, Early morning

mMgih dyih

Give to us, Bless us with boon

pRBU dI imhr nwl

With God’s Grace

Pyir ik

swnUM dyh, swfy qy bKSS kr iPr ikhVI

AMimRq vylw vifAweI vIcwru krmI

Then, So What

kpVw ndrI

Cloth of Love With God’s Gracious Glance


r~b dy A~gy

Before God


ptolw, pRym ptolw r~b dI imhr dI nzr nwl mukqI, kUV qoN iKlwsI

swihbu swcu nwie

Contemplation on His Glories

Liberation from falsehood


God (the Infinite One) is the Eternal Master, His Justice is Eternal and Love is His Language. We (Jeevs) beg for Boons and say (Hey God!) “Give to us, give to us”, and the Great Giver grants us His Gifts. (When God is the Giver of everything,) then what offering can we place before Him, by which we may get the glimpse of His Darbaar (Court)? What words should we utter (from our mouths); upon hearing which (God) would love us? In the Amrit Vaylaa, the ambrosial hours of the early morning, we should recite the True Divine Name, and do the contemplation of His Glories. (This way) with God’s Grace, one receives the cloth of His Love; and with His Gracious Glance, The liberation from Falsehood (i.e., the wall of Falsehood is removed) and the door to God’s Court is found. Hey Nanak! This way one comes to know that the True One (the Master of existence) Himself is all in all. ] 4 ]


QwipAw n jwie, kIqw n hoie ]

Awpy Awip, inrMjnu soie ] ijin syivAw iqin pwieAw mwnu ] nwnk, gwvIAY guxI inDwnu ] gwvIAY, suxIAY, min rKIAY Bwau ] duKu prhir, suKu Gir lY jwie ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word


KVw krnw




jw skdw







Immaculate, Beyond effects of Maya


kwlK qoN rihq, mwieAw dy pRBwv qoM rihq/pry ijs mnuK

duK prhir Gir

The mortal who


aus mnuK ny

That Person

guxI inDwnu

guxw dy Kzwny nUM

To treasure of virtues

Meaning Punjabi


(Awau) isPq slwh krIey (Awau) itkweIey, BrIey duK nUM dUr krky

Let’s sing

ihrdy iv~c

In heart, Home

lY jwie

vsw lYNdw hY

Takes, Gives abode


gurU vl mUMh kIiqAW, ijs mnuK dw mUMh gurU vl hY, gurU dI rwhIN

Facing Guru, One who’s face is towards Guru, through Guru

Let’s place, Fill, Keep Casting away grief


God neither can be installed, nor can be created (by us like an idol) He Himself is Self-existent, (and) Only He is the Immaculate One (uninfluenced by Maya). The mortal who has served (meditated on) Him, received honor. Hey Nanak! (let us) sing of Him, the Treasure of Virtues. Let’s sing of Him, hear of Him, and keep love of Him in our heart; (The mortal who does this) he castes away his grief and takes home the happiness (peace).


gurmuiK nwdM, gurmuiK vydM, gurmuiK rihAw smweI ]

guru eIsru, guru gorKu br@mw, guru pwrbqI mweI ]




jy hau jwxw AwKw nwhI, khxw kQnu n jweI ]

gurw, iek dyih buJweI ] 1



sBnw jIAw kw ieku dwqw, so mY ivsir n jweI ] 5 ]

Bani Word nwdM

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word

Sound, Mystic life, Shabad, Naam

AwKw nwhI


Avwz, izMdgI dI rumk, Sbd, nwm igAwn


rihAw smweI eIsru

smw irhw hY, sB QweIN ivAwpk hY (swfy leI) iSv hY

brmw pwrbqI mweI jwxw

Meaning Punjabi

English I do not express (Him)


(mYN aus dw) vrxn nhIN krdw ikhw nhIN jw skdw

Is pervading everywhere


hy gurU!

Hey Guru!

(For us is) Shiv

iek buJweI

iek smJ

One understanding

bRhmw mweI pwrbqI

Brahma Mother Paarvati

ieku dwqw ivsir nw jweI

iek dwqW dyx vwlw Bu~l nw jwey

One Giver (God) May I never forget (Him)

(r~b nUM) smJ lvW, AnuBv kr lvW

Even if I come to know (God)

Cannot be described


(But that God’s) Mystic Sound is attained through Guru, Knowledge is obtained through Guru; and the All-Pervasiveness of God is realized through Guru. (For us) the Guru is Shiv, the Guru is Vishnu and Brahma, and the Guru is Paarvati, the Mother-goddess. Even if I may come to know God (within my soul), it cannot be completely described through utterance. Hey Satguru! (I pray to you) bestow upon me this one understanding: (That there is) Only One Provider God, the giver of boons to all beings; May I never forget Him! ] 5 ]





qIriQ nwvw , jy iqsu Bwvw , ivxu Bwxy ik nwie krI ] 1



jyqI isriT aupweI vyKw , ivxu krmw ik imlY, leI ]

miq ivic rqn, jvwhr, mwixk, jy iek gur kI isK suxI ]

gurw, iek dyih buJweI ] 1



sBnw jIAw kw ieku dwqw, so mY ivsir n jweI ] 6 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



qIrQ au~qy


mYN ieSnwn krW

At the places of pilgrimage I would bathe


aus r~b nUM

Bwvw ivxu Bwxy ik nwie krI jyqI


Bani Word


ik leI

kI koeI lY skdw hY (mnu~K dI bu~D AMdr

To the God

miq ivic rqn

mYN cMgw lgW ausnUM cMgw l~gx qoN ibnW nHwie ky mYN kIh krW

If I become pleasing Without pleasing Him

English What can anyone (I) obtain? Within (mortal’s) intellect Gems, Any precious ttones

jvwhr mwixk

ng, koeI BI kImqI p~Qr jVwaU gYhxw moqI

What do I gain by bathing

iek isK

iek is~iKAw

One teaching


As much, Of all

gur kI

gurU dI

Of Guru, Guru’s

isriT aupweI vyKw

isRstI, dunIAW pYdw kIqI hoeI mYN vyKdw hW

World, Creation Created I see around

suxIey, suxI jweI hy gurU! iek smJ

May/would listen Hey Guru! One understanding

ivxu krmw ik imlY

pRBU dI myhr qoN ibnw

Without God’s Grace

suxI gurw iek buJweI ieku dwqw

iek dwqW dyx vwlw

One Giver (God)

kI imldw hY?

What can (anyone) receive?

ivsir nw jweI

Bu~l nw jwey

May I never forget (Him)

Jeweled ornament Pearls


I would bathe at the pilgrimage places, if (by doing so) I become pleasing to (God); without pleasing Him, what do I gain by bathing (there)? Of all the created creation that I see around, what can anyone receive, without His Grace? That I can also obtain. If one would listen to the Guru’s one teaching, then gems, jewels and pearls (i.e., invaluable merits) will grow within his/her intellect. Hey Satguru! (I pray to you) bestow upon me this one understanding: That there is Only One Provider God, the giver of boons to all beings; may I never forget Him! ] 6 ]


jy jug cwry Awrjw, hor dsUxI hoie ] 1


nvw KMf ivic jwxIAY, nwil clY sBu koie ] 1

cMgw nwau rKwie kY, jsu kIriq jig lyie ] jy iqsu ndir n AwveI, q vwq n puCY ky ] 1

kItw AMdir kItu kir, dosI dosu Dry ] 1

nwnk, inrguix guxu kry, guxvMiqAw guxu dy ] qyhw koie n suJeI, ij iqsu guxu koie kry ] 7 ] Meaning Punjabi

jug cwry

cwr jugW ijqnI

As much as four ages


Kbr, surq

Cares about

Awrjw dsUxI nvw KMfw ivic

aumr ds guxI (DrqI dy) nOvW ih~isAW iv~c, swrI isRstI iv~c

Age Ten times In the nine parts (of earth), In the whole world

jwixAw jwey

Becomes known

nwil clY sBu koie

nwl ho ky qury/hmwieqI hovy/ p~K kry

Walks with, Agrees with, or follow him/her

dos Dry

koeI (mnu~K) nhIN kIVw kiiVAW iv~c kIVw, mwmUlI ijhw kIVw kr ky, bxw ky, Tihrw ky doS lwauNdw hY

No one Worm Worst worm among worms


n ky kItu kItw AMdir kItu kir

hryk koeI

All, Everyone


gux-hIn mnu~K iv~c

In non-virtuous mortal


cMgI nwmvwrI K~t ky, cMgy nwmxY vwlw ho ky


guxI mnu~KW nUM

To Virtuous Mortals

js jig lyie iqsu ndir

SoBw jgq iv~c ley, K~ty Akwl purK dI

kry dy qyhw n suJeI ij

pYdw krdw hY dyNdw hY ieho ijhw nhIN l~Bdw ijhVw

Causes to well-up, Blesses, Gives Like (Him) Cannot think of Who


nhIN Aw skdw

Earning a good name/reputation Praise, Respect, Honor In the world Obtains, Earns God’s In/under Graceful Glance Would not


aus inrgux nUM

To that (Nirgunn)

ikrpw-idRStI ivc


Bani Word


Bani Word



considering Holds in contempt


If a mortal’s age is prolonged to be of four ages (Jugs), or even ten times more; If he/she becomes known in the nine parts of the world and everyone follows him/her; (And) if he/she by earning a good name obtains praise and fame in the world, (But), if he/she would not fall under the Graceful Glance of God, then no one care for him/her. (Instead, Dharm Rai) considering (him/her) a worst worm among the worms, would hold that sinner in contempt (for forgetting Naam). Hey Nanak! God bestows virtues on the non-virtuous mortal and (even) grants virtues to the virtuous mortals. I cannot think of anyone else like Him, who can bestow virtues on the nonvirtuous person. ] 7 ]


suixAY, isD, pIr, suir nwQ ]

suixAY, Driq, Dvl, Awkws ]

suixAY, dIp, loA, pwqwl ]

suixAY, poih n skY kwlu ] 1

nwnk, Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ] suixAY, dUK pwp kw nwsu ] 8 ]

Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word


suxn nwl

By listening



Those yogis who have achieved their objective



auh jogI ijnHw dI Gwl kmweI sPl ho cukI hY (muslm) pIr

Muslim spiritual teachers





Meaning Punjabi


bOld, DrqI dw Awsrw DrqI dy vMf dy sq twpU

Mystical bull (that) supports earth


lok, Bvx



Supreme yogi


frw, prBwv nhIN pw skdw iKVwau, aumwh, KuSI

Metaphysical regions of creation Does not cause fear, Impact, touch

Seven lands of Earth (continents)



By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa (i.e., one teaching), the disciple’s state is exalted and he/she gains knowledge found in Sidhs, Pirs, gods, and the supreme Yogis. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple comes to know the realities of Earth, mystical Bull and the sky. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple comes to know that God is pervading in all the continents of the earth, and (other metaphysical regions of the creation i.e., the nether regions and the regions of the underworld). By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple becomes immune to death (i.e., the thought of death does not affect him/her). Hey Nanak! Devotees are forever in Bliss, (because) By listening to the Naam Sikhyaa their sufferings and sins are destroyed. ]8]


suixAY, eIsr,u brmw, ieMdu ]

suixAY, muiK swlwhx mMdu ]

suixAY, jog jugiq qin Byd ]

suixAY, swsq, isimRiq, vyd ]


nwnk, Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ] suixAY, dUK pwp kw nwsu ] 9 ]

Bani Word




ieMd muiK swlwhx

Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi




BYVw mn~K

Evil person

ieMdr dyvqw

Indra From/with mouth Starts praising

jog dI jugqI, juVn dy swDn srIr dy g~lW

Ways of meeting

mUMhoN isPq-slwhW krn lg pYNdw hY

jog jugiq qin Byd

Of body Secrets, mysteries


By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa (i.e., one teaching), the disciple’s state is exalted to the state of gods like Shiva, Brahma, and Inder. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, even the evil-doer starts praising God with his/her mouth. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple gains the knowledge of ways of meeting God and the mysteries of the body. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple develops the knowledge contained in the Holy Scriptures (such as Simirities, Shastars, and Vedas, etc). Hey Nanak! Devotees are forever in Bliss, (because) By listening to the Naam Sikhyaa their sufferings and sins are destroyed. ] 9 ]


suixAY, squ, sMqoKu, igAwnu ]

suixAY, ATsiT kw iesnwnu ]


suixAY, piV@ piV@ pwvih mwnu ]

suixAY, lwgY shij iDAwnu ] 1

nwnk, Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ] suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ] 10 ]

Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word

sq sMqoK ATsiT

dwn qy sMqoK

(Habit of) generosity


ATwhT qIrQ

Sixty-eight places of Pilgrimages



iv~idAw pVH ky

By educating



pwdyN hn

Obtain, Attain


Meaning Punjabi shj AvsQw iv~c (sh+j) swQ, nwl + jnimAw (Afolqw) surq, ibRqI prmwqmw nwl jwx-pCwx

English In equipoise Equipoise

Tentativeness, Consciousness Understanding of God, Divine Knowledge


By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa (i.e., one teaching), the disciple’s state is exalted (in his heart) he/she develops generosity, contentment, and Divine Knowledge. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple gets the reward of bathing at the sixty-eight places of pilgrimages. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciples attain the same honor as others receive by educating themselves. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple’s mind attains the state of tentativeness and equipoise. Hey Nanak! Devotees are forever in Bliss, (because) By listening to the Naam Sikhyaa their sufferings and sins are destroyed. ] 10 ]




suixAY, srw guxw ky gwh ]

suixAY, syK2 pIr pwiqswh2 ]


suixAY, AMDy pwvih rwhu ]

suixAY, hwQ hovY Asgwhu ] 1

nwnk, Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ] suixAY, dUK pwp kw nwsu ] 11 ]

Bani Word srw guxw ky gwh rwhu

Meaning Punjabi guxW dy srovrW dy (byAMq guxW dY) gwhux vwly, sUJ vwly, vwkPI vwly rsqw


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Oceans of virtues ( of infinite virtues)


fUMgw smuMdr (sMswr)

Deep ocean (world) unfathomable

Wise persons, Those who could fathom

hwQ hovY

fUMiGAweI dw pqw lg jWdw hY

Comes to be realized/known

Way, Path


By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa (i.e., one teaching, the disciple’s state is exalted), he/she becomes able to fathom the ocean of virtues. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the disciple attains the status similar to the Shaykhs, Pirs, and emperors. By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, those who are blinded by ignorance find the path of reality (i.e., Truth). By listening to the Guru’s Naam Sikhyaa, the unfathomable comes to be realized. Hey Nanak! Devotees are forever in Bliss, (because) By listening to the Naam Sikhyaa their sufferings and sins are destroyed. ] 11 ]


mMny kI giq, khI n jwie ]

jy ko, khY, ipCY pCuqwie ]

kwgid, klm n ilKxhwru ] mMny kw, bih krin vIcwru ]

AYsw nwmu, inrMjnu hoie ]

jy ko, mMin jwxY min, koie ] 12 ]


Bani Word mMny kI



mMnx vwly dI, pqIjy hoie dI, XkIn kr lYx vwly dI hwlq, Avsqw

khY kwgid


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Of the one who has accepted, Of believer, Of devotee

bih krin

bYT ky krdy hn

Sitting together, people do contemplation

Condition, State


Such, Such exalted

d~sy, ibAwn kry kwgz au~qy

Tells, Expresses Upon paper

hoie mMin




mMin jwxY

mMny kw vIcwru

SrDw Dwrn vwly dI vifAweI dI vIcwr

The contemplation of the state of the one who has accepted


Aijhw, ie~fw au~cw hY SrDw Dwr ky, lgn lw ky, mMin ky SrDw r~K ky vyKy, mMn ky vyKy, lgn lw ky vyKy mn iv~c

Is Completely being absorbed, Accepting If someone having complete devotion tries Naam-Sikhya Within mind


The exalted state of the devotee (believer of God who has developed a complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa of the Guru) is inexpressible. If someone expresses it, he/she regrets that afterwards (for his/her frivolous effort). There is no pen or a capable scribe to write it upon paper; Although (rational people) sitting together do the contemplation/reflection on the state of a devotee. Such is the Naam (i.e., extremely exalted) and immaculate (i.e., beyond the reach of the influence of Maya); anyone who gets connected to the Naam, he/she also becomes exalted and immaculate; (but such an understanding is realized). Only if someone having complete devotion adopts the Naam-Sikhyaa within his/her mind; (but) rare is such a person. ] 12 ]


mMnY, suriq hovY min buiD ]

mMnY, sgl Bvx kI suiD ] 1

mMnY, muih cotw n Kwie ]

mMnY, jm kY swiQ n jwie ] AYsw nwmu, inrMjnu hoie ]

jy ko, mMin jwxY min, koie ] 13 ] Meaning

Bani Word

Bani Word



English By having complete devotion, Being completely absorbed in God’s Naam

jm kY swiQ

jm dy nwl

With the messenger of death

suriq hovY

mMnx nwl, mMnx kr ky, jy mMn leIey, jy mMn pqIj jwey, jy pRBU dy nwm ivc lgn lg jwey au~cI surq ho jWdI hY


Aijhw, ie~fw au~cw

Such, Such exalted

buiD suiD

buDI, jwgRq Kbr, soJI

Awareness becomes exalted, Awakens to higher consciousness Intellect, Awareness Understanding, Knowledge

hoie mMin

Is Completely being absorbed, Accepting


mUMh a~qy

On the face

mMin jwxY





hY SrDw Dwr ky, lgn lw ky, mMin ky SrDw r~K ky vyKy, mMn ky vyKy, lgn lw ky vyKy mn iv~c




If someone having complete devotion tries Naam-Sikhyaa Within mind


By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, awakening to higher consciousness comes in one’s mind and intellect (i.e., his/her sleeping mind awakens). By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one attains the knowledge of all of the worlds (i.e., God is pervading everywhere). By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one does not receive blows (of vices) on his/her face. By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhya, one does not go with the messenger of death (i.e., attains liberation from death and birth cycle). Such is the Naam (i.e., extremely exalted) and immaculate (i.e., beyond the reach of the influence of Maya; anyone who gets connected to the Naam, he/she also becomes exalted and immaculate; (but such understanding is realized). Only if someone having complete devotion adopts the Naam-Sikhyaa within his/her mind; (but) rare is such a person. ] 13 ]


mMnY, mwrig Twk n pwie ]


mMnY, piq isau prgtu jwie ]

mMnY, mgu n, clY pMQu ]

mMnY, Drm syqI snbMDu ]

AYsw nwmu, inrMjnu hoie ]

jy ko, mMin jwxY min, koie ] 14 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


rwh iv~c

Twk Twk n pwie piq isau prgtu

rok rok nhIN pYNdI



Bani Word



In the path/journey (of life) Blockage, Obstacle Experiences no obstacle




snbMDu AYsw

swk, irSqw, joV Aijhw, ie~fw au~cw

Relation, Bond Such, Such exalted

ie~zq nwl

With respect




pris~D ho ky

Being honorable and famous (while living)


Completely being absorbed, Accepting


Cotw rsqw, pgfMfI

Narrow path

mMin jwxY


gurmiq gwfI-rwh

Path of Gurmat


SrDw Dwr ky, lgn lw ky, mMin ky SrDw r~K ky vyKy, mMn ky vyKy, lgn lw ky vyKy mn iv~c

If someone having complete devotion tries Naam-Sikhyaa Within mind


By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one experiences no obstacles (of vices etc.,) in his/her journey (of life). By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one earns respect while living (in this world) and departs with respect. By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one does not drift to the narrow paths (of sects and creeds of the world), he/she treads only on the path of Gurmat (i.e., Gadi-Raah). By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one forms (direct) bond with the True Religion of righteousness. Such is the Naam (i.e., extremely exalted) and immaculate (i.e., beyond the reach of the influence of Maya; anyone who gets connected to the Naam, he/she also becomes exalted and immaculate; (but such understanding is realized). Only if someone having complete devotion adopts the Naam-Sikhyaa within his/her mind; (but) rare is such a person. ] 14 ]



mMnY, pwvih moKu duAwru ]

mMnY, prvwrY swDwru ]

mMnY, qrY qwry guru, isK ] 1

mMnY, nwnk, Bvih n iBK ]

AYsw nwmu, inrMjnu hoie ]

jy ko, mMin jwxY min, koie ] 15 ] Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word


l~B lYNdy hn



moKu duAwru

mukqI dw drvwjw, ‘kUV’ qoN KlwsI pwx dw rwh prvwr nUM AwDwr sihq krdw hY, (Akwl purK dI) tyk idRV krwauNdw hY gurU Awp qrdw hY

Door of liberation, The way to escape falsehood


To family (and friends) Convinces (family) to firm up (their) faith in God’s support

qwry isK Bvih n

prvwrY swDwru

qrY guru

Meaning Punjabi


iBiKAw leI iBKwrI bx ky Aijhw, ie~fw au~cw

Begging for alms (help)

hoie mMin

hY SrDw Dwr ky, lgn lw ky, mMin ky

Is Completely being absorbed, Accepting

Guru himself swims

mMin jwxY

If someone having complete devotion tries Naam-Sikhyaa

is~KW nUM qwrdw hY

Helps Sikhs to swim (across worldly-ocean)

mMin jwxY

SrDw r~K ky vyKy, mMn ky vyKy, lgn lw ky vyKy SrDw r~K ky vyKy, mMn ky vyKy, lgn lw ky vyKy

nhIN BONdy

Do not wander around

Such, Such exalted

If someone having complete devotion tries Naam-Sikhyaa


By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, mortals find the door of liberation (i.e., escaping from falsehood). By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, one reforms his family and friends (by firming-up their faith in God’s support). By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, Guru swims across, and helps Sikhs to swim across. By having complete devotion to the Naam-Sikhyaa, hey Nanak, they don’t wander around begging for help from place to place. Such is the Naam (i.e., extremely exalted) and immaculate (i.e., beyond the reach of the influence of Maya); anyone who gets connected to the Naam, he/she also becomes exalted and immaculate; (such understanding is realized). Only if someone having complete devotion adopts the Naam-Sikhyaa within his/her mind; (but) rare is such a person. ] 15 ]


pMc prvwx, pMc prDwnu ] 1

pMcy pwvih drgih mwnu ] 1

pMcy sohih dir rwjwnu ] 1

pMcw kw guru eyku iDAwnu ] jy ko khY, krY ivcwru ] krqy kY krxY nwhI sumwru3 ] DOlu Drmu, dieAw kw pUqu ] sMqoKu Qwip riKAw ijin sUiq ] Meaning

Bani Word




auh mnu~K (ijnW nwm suixAw qy mMinAw hY, ijnW dI suriq nwm iv~c juVI hY, qy nwm dI prqIq Aw geI hY)

prvwxu prDwn

kbUl, srKurU AwgU, v~fy

Those mortals (who have listened and accepted Naam, whose consciousness remains absorbed in Naam, and who have developed love for Naam within Acceptable ones Leaders, Prominent


pMc hI, sMq jn hI


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


dieAw kw pUq

dieAw dw puqr (Bwv ijs ihrdy iv~c dieAw hY au~Qy Drm prPulq huMdw hY)

Offspring/son of compassion (the heart in which there is compassion, there the Dharma prosper)

In the Court of God


mwnu khY

Akwl purK dy drbwr iv~c Awdr, vifAweI ibAwn/kQn kry

sMqoK nUM itkw r~iKAw, pYdw kIqw hY soBdy hn, sohxy lgdy hn dr qy, drbwr iv~c

To contentment Holds in Place, Gave birth

The Sant-Jan

sMqoKu Qwip riKAw sohih

Honor, Respect (Tries to) Describe

guru eyku iDAwnu

kyvl gurU hI surq dw inSwnw



(mystical) Bull



(Drm-rUpI bJvW) inXm dieAw

Maryada (Divinely Rule/law)

krqy ky krxY sumwru

(kudrq dy lyKy dI) vIcwr krqwr dI kudrq dy ihswb, lyKw

Only Guru Aim of Consciousness, Focus Contemplation (on the vastness of creation)



Look beautiful In the councils

Of the doings of God in His Creation Account


The Gurmukhs (Sant-Jan who have listened to and adopted the Naam Sikhyaa) are the acceptable ones (in this world); and they are the supreme leaders. The Gurmukhs (also) receive honor in the Court of God. The Gurmukhs look beautiful in the councils of kings. The focus of the Gurmukhs is only on the One Guru (Shabad). If someone expresses and does contemplation (of God’s doings in His Creation); (Then he/she would find) God’s doings beyond count. Dharm (Maryada) is the mystical bull, the offspring of (God’s) compassion; (The Maryada by giving birth to) contentment holds the Earth (i.e. creation) in place.


jy ko bUJY, hovY sicAwru ] DvlY aupir kyqw Bwru ] DrqI, horu, prY horu horu ] iqs qy Bwru, qlY kvxu joru ] 1

jIA jwiq rMgw ky nwv ] 1

sBnw iliKAw vuVI klwm ] eyhu lyKw iliK jwxY koie ] lyKw iliKAw kyqw hoie ] Bani Word



smJ ley


s~c dw pRkwS hox leI jog byAMq Bwr

kyqw Bwr DrqI horu prY horu horu iqs qy qlY kvxu joru kvxu joru jIA

Meaning English


Bani Word



Realizes, Comes to understand Becomes capable of being enlightened by the Truth



Of Species



Of Types/Kinds

How Great the Load? Infinite Load



Many, various

DrqI hyTW hor bld aus qo hyTW Pyr hor, Pyr hor (bld) aus (bld) qoN (aus bld) dy hyTW ikhVw shwrw, SkqI ikhVw shwrw

Another Bull below Earth


nwmW dy

Of Names

Below that Then another and again another (Bull)

ky nwv vuVI

keI nwmW dy vgdI, cldI

Of various names Ever-flowing

From that (Bull) Below (that Bull)

klwm iliK jwxY

klm ilKx dI smJ hY

Pen Knows how to inscribe

What Support, Power, Force What Force

koie lyKw lyKw iliKAw

Rare Person Account Written Account, If this account is written

jIv jMq

Living creatures

kyqw hoie

koeI ivrlw ihswb iliKAw hoieAw lyKw, jy ieh lyKW iliKAw jwie kyfw v~fw ho jwey (byAMq ho jwey)

How Staggering it would become, (Infinite)


If someone realizes (the Truth in this mystery), he/she becomes capable of being enlightened by the Truth. (Imagine) How great is the load on the Bull? If we accept that the Bull supports the Earth, then the Mystical Bull needs another Earth to stand on and another Bull to hold that Earth; Then what force is underneath the last Bull with that entire enormous load? (The Creation) has living creatures of various species, kinds and names, All (of their accounts) are inscribed with the ever-flowing Pen (by God) (If) a rare person knows how to inscribe all of this account of His Creation, Then (imagine) how staggering the account would be?


kyqw qwxu, suAwilhu rUpu ] kyqI dwiq, jwxY kOxu kUqu ] kIqw pswau, eyko kvwau ] iqs qy hoey lK drIAwau ] 1

kudriq kvx, khw vIcwru ] 1

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ] jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ] qU sdw slwmiq, inrMkwr ] 16 ]

Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi




Power, Might







vwirAw n jwvw

mYN sdky nhIN ho skdw


mwp, AMdwzw

eyk vwr

iek vwrI BI

pswau kvwau iqs qy hoey

pswrw, sMswr bcn, hukm aus (hukm) qoN bx gey

Measure, Estimate, Extent Vast Expanse, Creation Word, Hukam From that (Hukam) Came into existence

I cannot be a sacrifice, I am not capable of being a sacrifice Even once

sweI kwr sweI kwr BlI

auh kMm auho kMm cMgw hY, Blw hY

That Deed That deed, Pursuit Good, Best

lK drIAwau

lKW (izMdgI dy) drIAw

Millions of Rivers (of life)

slwmiq inrMkwr

iQr, At~l hy hrI

Eternal Hey God!


How great His Might! How Beautiful His Form! How bountiful His Gifts! Who can know their extent? (God) has created the vast expanse of the Universe with One Word! (And) millions of rivers (of life) came into existence. (Hey God!) What power do I possess to express my reflection on Your Creation? I am not capable of being a sacrifice unto you, even once. Whatever pleases you, that is the only best pursuit, Hey Formless One! (Although Your Creation changes,) Your existence is EverEternal. ] 16 ]


AsMK jp, AsMK Bwau ] AsMK pUjw, AsMK qp qwau ] AsMK grMQ muiK vyd pwT ] 1

AsMK jog min rhih audws ] AsMK Bgq gux igAwn vIcwr ] AsMK sqI, AsMK dwqwr ] 2

AsMK sUr muh BK swr ] AsMK moin ilv lwie qwr ] 1

kudriq kvx, khw vIcwru ] 1

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ] jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ] qU sdw slwmiq, inrMkwr ] 17 ]

Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



Axigxq, byAMq



Bwau qp qwau

ipAwr qpW dw qpxw

Love Penances, Austere discipline

vwirAw vwirAw n jwvw

dwqW dyx vwly, bKSSW krn vwly sdky mYN sdky nhIN ho skdw

muiK grMQ vyd pwT

mUMh nwl vydW Aqy hor Dwrimk pusqkW dy pwT jog swDnw krn vwly mn iv~c auprwm pRBU dy guxw dI vIcwr sq Drm vwly mnu~K

With mouth Recitations of Vedas and other scriptures

eyk vwr sweI

iek vwrI BI auh

Sacrifice I cannot be a sacrifice, I am not capable of being a sacrifice Even once That





In mind Detached Contemplation of God’s Virtues

sweI kwr BlI slwmiq

auho kMm cMgw hY, Blw hY iQr, At~l

That deed, Pursuit Good, Best Eternal

Holy/pious persons


hy hrI

Hey God!

jog min audws gux vIcwru sqI

Givers of boons, Benefactors


(In the creation of God) countless are meditations, and countless are the ones who Love those meditations (of God). Countless are worships, and countless are penances (austere disciplines). Countless recite religious scriptures and Vedas with their mouth. Countless yogis, in their minds, remain detached (from the world). Countless devotees do contemplation on His Virtues and Divine Knowledge. Countless are pious, and countless are givers of boons (Benefactors). Countless are the brave ones who bear the brunt of the steel on their faces. Countless are those with vows of silence contemplating unceasingly (continuously). (Hey God!) What power do I possess to express my reflection on Your Creation? I am not capable of being a sacrifice unto you, even once. Whatever pleases you, that is the only best pursuit, Hey the Formless One! (Although Your Creation changes,) Your existence is EverEternal. ] 17 ]


AsMK mUrK AMD Gor ] AsMK cor hrwmKor ] 1

AsMK Amr, kir jwih jor ] 1

AsMK glvF hiqAw kmwih ] 1

AsMK pwpI pwpu kir jwih ]

Bani Word mUrK AMD Gor hrwmKor


Meaning English

Bani Word

Blinded fools, Completely ignorant fools




prly drjy dy mUrK, mhW mUrK prwieAw mwl Kwx vwly hukmrwn

hiqAw kmwih kir jwih


D~ky, vDIkIAW

Imposing their will


pwp kir jwih

Meaning Punjabi gl v~fx vwly, kwql, KUnI mnu~K dUijAW dw gl v~fdy hn kr ky cly jWdy hn pwp kmw ky AMq nUM qur jWdy hn

English Cut-throats Murder others, Commit Murders Depart Depart in the end after sinning


(In the creation of God) countless are completely ignorant fools. Countless are thieves who usurp others’ possessions (embezzlers). Countless are tyrants, who depart (from the world) after using brute force. Countless are cut-throats who commit murders. Countless are the sinners who depart (this world) in the end after committing sins.



AsMK kUiVAwr kUVy iPrwih ] 1

AsMK mlyC mlu BiK Kwih ] 1

AsMK inMdk isir krih Bwru ] nwnku nIcu khY ivcwru ] 1

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ] jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ] qU sdw slwmiq, inrMkwr ] 18 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



JUT dy suBwau vwly






kUV iv~c hI

In the lies

vwirAw n jwvw

mYN sdky nhIN ho skdw

iPrwih mlyC

iPrdy hn, ruJy hn mlIn m~q vwly

eyk vwr sweI

iek vwrI BI auh

Kwih BK Kwih isir

KWdy hn hwibiVAW vWg gMd KweI jWdy hn Apxy isr au~qy

Wander, Indulge Wretched, Impious persons Eat, Devour Keeps devouring filth

I cannot be a sacrifice, I am not capable of being a sacrifice Even once That

kwr sweI kwr

kMm auho kMm

Deed That deed, Pursuit

On their heads


cMgw hY, Blw hY

Good, Best

isir krih Bwr nwnku nIcu

Awpxy isr a~qy Bwr cukdy hn

Carry weight on their heads


iQr, At~l


nIc nwnk, ivcwrw nwnk, grIb nwnk

Lowly Nanak


hy hrI

Hey God!


Countless are the liars who indulge in falsehood (throughout their lives). Countless are the impious (persons) who eat (speak) filth. Countless are slanderers who create the weight of others’ calumny on their heads. Nanak the lowly (in humility) says this after pondering. I am not capable of being a sacrifice unto you, even once. Whatever pleases you, that is the only best pursuit, Hey the Formless One! (Although Your Creation changes,) Your existence is EverEternal. ] 18 ]




AsMK nwv , AsMK Qwv ] AgMm AgMm AsMK loA ] 1

AsMK khih isir Bwru hoie ] 1


AKrI nwmu, AKrI swlwh ] 1

AKrI igAwnu, gIq, gux gwh ] 1

AKrI ilKxu bolxu bwix ] 1

AKrw , isir sMjogu vKwix ]

Bani Word nwv


loA AsMK loA khih

isir hoie AKrIN

Punjabi (kudriq dy AnykW jIv qy hor byAMq pdwrQW dy) nwm ijs qweIN iksy dI phuMc n ho sky lok, Bvx AnykW hI Bvx

Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


(Creation’s creatures and countless other things) Names



Praises, Glories


gux gwh

Become (mortals who are) familiar of Virtues

Worlds, Regions, Celestial realms Countless celestial cealms


guxW dy gwhx vwly, guxW dy vwkP bwxI, bolI

bwix ilKxu bolxu bwix

bwxI dw ilKxw

Writing of Bani (Language)

bwxI dw bolxw

Utterance of Bani (Language)

A~KrW dI rwhIN

With words

BwgW dw lyK

Writ of Destiny

d~isAw jw skdw hY

Can be inscribed

kihMdy hn, AwKdy hn (jo mn~K) auhnW dy isr au~qy huMdw hY

(People who) say

Becomes possible

A~KrW isir sMjogu

A~KrW dI rwhIN hI

With/through words


On their heads

Bani, Language


(The Jeevs and other things in the infinite creation) have countless names, and countless places. Inaccessible are countless regions (celestial realms) in the creation. Even (those mortals who) say countless carry the burden (of falsehood) on their heads. (Although to use the word countless to describe God’s creation is not appropriate,) His Naam and His praises can only be expressed with words. With words familiarization of knowledge, hymns and virtues of God becomes possible. With words utterance and writing of Bani (language) is possible. With words the writ of destiny can be inscribed (on the mortals’ foreheads).



ijin eyih ilKy iqsu isir nwih ] 1

ijv Purmwey iqv iqv pwih ] 1

jyqw kIqw qyqw nwau ] 1


ivxu nwvY nwhI ko Qwau ] 1

kudriq kvx, khw vIcwru ] 1

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ] jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ] qU sdw slwmiq, inrMkwr ] 19 ] Bani Word ijin eyih iqsu isir nwih ijv Purmwey iqv iqv pwih jyqw kIqw jyqw kIqw

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi

English Without ‘Naam’

ijs (Akwl purK ny) ieh (sMjog dy A~Kr) aus (r~b) dy m~Qy qy

(God) One Who

ivxu nwvY

These (words of Destiny)


‘nwm’ qoN ibnW, ‘nwm’ qoN KwlI sdky

Upon God’s forehead

vwirAw n jwvw

mYN sdky nhIN ho skdw

nhIN hY ijs qrW Akwl purK hukm krdw hY ausy qrW

Is not (any writ) As God ordains

eyk vwr sweI kwr

iek vwrI BI auh kMm

I cannot be a sacrifice, I am not capable of being a sacrifice Even once That Deed

That , So

sweI kwr

auho kMm

That deed, Pursuit

(jIv) pw lYNdy hn, Bogdy hn ijqnw pYdw kIqw hY ijqnw pYdw kIqw sMswr hY

(Jeev) Receive


cMgw hY, Blw hY

Good, Best

As much created The created universe

slwmiq inrMkwr

iQr, At~l hy hrI

Eternal Hey God!



(But God) who has written these words (of destiny) is not bounded by the same (i.e., there is no inscription on God’s forehead). Whatever He ordains, the Jeevs get that (accordingly). Whatever is created (in His creation), all of it is Naam. Without Naam, there is no place. (Hey God!) What power do I possess to express my reflection on Your Creation? I am not capable of being a sacrifice unto You, even once. Whatever pleases You, that is the only best pursuit, Hey the Formless One! (Although Your Creation changes, ) Your existence is EverEternal. ] 19 ]


BrIAY hQu, pYru, qnu, dyh ] pwxI DoqY auqrsu Kyh ] mUq-plIqI kpVu hoie ] dy swbUxu, leIAY Ehu Doie ] 1

BrIAY miq pwpw kY sMig ] 1,2

Ehu DopY nwvY

kY rMig ] 1

puMnI pwpI, AwKxu nwih ] kir kir, krxw iliK lY jwhu ] Awpy bIij, Awpy hI Kwhu ] nwnk, hukmI Awvhu jwhu ] 20 ] Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



jy mYlw ho jwey

When/if gets dirty

BrIAY mq

jy buDI mYlI ho jwey


srIr (dy AMg)

Body (parts)

pwpW dy nwl

dyh pwxI DoqY

srIr pwxI nwl DoiqAW

auh (pwpW dw gMd) DoieAw jw skdw hY

That (filth of sins) Can be cleansed

auqrsu Kyh

auqr jWdI hY im~tI, DUV, mYl

Body (whole) By washing with water Comes off Dirt, Dust

pwpw kY sMig Ehu DopY

When/if intellect get dirty/polluted With sins

rMig nwvY kY rMig

With love By loving Naam (Name of God)





ipAwr nwl (Akwl purK dy) nwm ivc pRym krn nwl bcn

mUq plIqI dy dy swbUxu

mUqr nwl plIq lw ky swbx lw ky

Filthy with urine By applying By applying soap

leIdw hY auh (plIq hoieAw kpVw) Do leIdw hY

Is (done) That (filthy cloth)

nhIN hY kr ky (Awpo Awpxy) krm kr ky ilK ky, au~kr ky qMU lY jwihNgw

Is not By doing/performing By performing (your own) actions

leIAY Ehu

nwih kir kir kir krnw iliK lY jwhu

Is cleaned

Awvhu jwhu

Awauxw jwxw

Coming & going

leIAY Doie

Words, A saying

Inscribing/engraving (You) will take


When/if the hand, foot, body parts, or the whole body is soiled, The dust comes off by washing with water. (And) when a cloth (garment) gets filthy with urine, By applying soap that (cloth) is cleaned. (But) when intellect is polluted with sins, That (pollution/filth) could (only) be cleansed by loving Naam (i.e., being in the deep color/love of Naam). Virtuous or sinner is not a mere saying. Performing all actions (in your lifetime), you will take those with you by engraving them within yourself. By sowing a seed yourself (of good or bad action), you will have to eat the fruit of that seed. Hey Nanak! (Accordingly) in God’s Hukam is the coming and going from this world (i.e., transmigration- the cycle of birth and death). ] 20 ]


qIrQu, qpu, dieAw, dqu dwnu ] jy ko pwvY, iql kw mwnu ] suixAw, mMinAw, min kIqw Bwau ] AMqrgiq qIriQ mil nwau ] 1

siB gux qyry, mY nwhI koie ] ivxu gux kIqy, Bgiq n hoie ] suAsiq, AwiQ,bwxI, brmwau ] siq, suhwxu, sdw min cwau ]

Bani Word dq

Meaning Punjabi


idqw hoieAw (dwn) pRwpq kry/krdw hY rqw-mwqr, QOVw ijhw Awdr, vifAweI (ijs mnu~K ny) sux ilAw hY

Very little, An iota

(ijs mnu~K dw mn) sux ky mMn igAw hY mn iv~c

(Mortal whose mind listened &) has accepted/obeyed

kIqw Bwau qIriQ AMqrgiq qIrQ mil nwau

AMdrly qIrQ au~qy

pwvY iql mwnu suixAw




Bani Word



Given (alms)





mY nwhI koie ivxu guxu kIqy n hoie suAsiq

I have none (i.e., virtues)


myrw Awpxw (gux) koeI nhIN jy qMU gux pYdw nwh kryN nhIN ho skdI jY hovy qyrI! qUM sdw At~l rhyN (snmwn dw prgtwvw) mwieAw

In mind


Sbd (Duin)

Primal Word (Sound)

(ijs ny) pRym kIqw

(One who) has developed love



Brahma the Creator

qIrQ au~qy

At the place of pilgrimage At the inner place of pilgrimage





subhwn, sohxw


Thoroughly (Taken a) bath

min cwau

mn iv~c iKVwau

Bliss in mind

ml ky, cMgI qrW ieSnwn (kIqw hY)

Respect, Honor (Mortal who) has listened

Without You bestowing Your virtues (on Jeev) Cannot perform Victory to You! May You remain Eternal! Obeisance to You! Maya


Pilgrimage, penance, compassion and the given alms; (In exchange for these actions), If any, a mortal obtains only an iota of honor. (But whosoever) has listened and obeyed (the teachings of Naam Sikhyaa), and has developed love (for it in his/her mind), That mortal, (in true sense,) has taken a bath thoroughly at the place of pilgrimage within (inner-self). All (given) virtues are Yours, I (the Nirguniaara) have none. (Hey God!) Without you bestowing the virtues on the Jeev, one cannot perform devotional worship. (Hey Formless One!) Obeisance to You! The creator of Maya, the Primal Word, and the Creator (of all); You are Eternal, Beautiful, and Your mind is always in Bliss.


kvxu su vylw, vKqu kvxu, kvx iQiq, kvxu vwru ]

kvix is ruqI, mwhu kvxu, ijqu hoAw Awkwru ] 1

vyl n pweIAw pMfqI , ij hovY lyKu purwxu ]

Bani Word kvxu


kvix nvw KMfw ivic vKq iQiq


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


ikhVw (purK vwck, ie~k bcn) ikhVw (iesqRI vwck, ie~k bcn) ikhVIAW (bhu bcn)

Which/what (masculine , singular)


ijs vyly


Which/what (feminine, singular)



Came into being

Which/what (plural)


This visible universe

(DrqI dy) nOvW ih~isAW iv~c, swrI isRstI iv~c

In the nine parts (of Earth), In the whole world


ieh id~sx vwlw sMswr pweI, l~BI

smw, vkq

Time, Moment


pMfqW ny

Scholars ny




Was not known

(Lunar days - 1 day of moon, etc.)


nhIN qW



iQqW (cMdrmw dy v~Dx jW G~tx vwly idn- eykm Awid) mhInw



hMdw, bixAw huMdw

Would have

ruqI js jig

ruqW SoBw jgq iv~c

Seasons Praise, Respect, Honor In the world

lyKu lyKu purwxu pwieE

mzmUn purwx-rUp lyK l~Bw

Subject Puraanas Was not known



What was the time, what was the moment, what was the lunar day, and was what the weekday? What were the seasons and what was the month when the creation began? The Pandits, the religious scholars, could not have found that moment; otherwise, they would have written a Puraana (on this subject).



vKqu n pwieE kwdIAw , ij ilKin lyKu kurwxu ] iQiq vwru nw jogI jwxY, ruiq mwhu nw koeI ] jw krqw isrTI kau swjy, Awpy jwxY soeI ] 1





ikv kir AwKw , ikv swlwhI , ikau vrnI , ikv jwxw ] nwnk, AwKix sBu ko AwKY, iek dU ieku isAwxw ] vfw swihbu, vfI nweI, kIqw jw kw hovY ] 1

nwnk, jy ko Awpo jwxY, AgY gieAw, n sohY ] 21 ]

Bani Word pwieE


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



Was not known


mYN vrrnx krW

I describe

kwdIAWc ilKin

kwdIAW nMU (kwzI) ilK dNYdy

sBu ko dU

hryk jIv qoN

All (every being) From/than

jw krqw isrTI kau swjy Awpy soeI ikv kir AwKw

ijhVw krqw

To the Qazis (Qazis) Would have written The Creator who




jgq nUM

Creation nUM

jw kw

One (God) Whose

pYdw krdw hY auh Awp hI

Creates He Himself

kIqw hovY jy ko

ijs (Akwl purK) dw kIqw hMdw hY jy koeI mn~uK

iks qrW

How can


From his own intellect


I say/express

AgY gieAw

Awpxy Awp dI Akl qoN Akwl purK dy dr qy


mYN slwhW

I praise

n sohY


iks qrHW

How can


soBdw nhIN, Awdr nhIN pWdw

Happens If some (Mortal)

At the door of God (i.e., Reaching the next destination) Will not look befitting, Is not honored


That time was (also) not known to the Qazis; otherwise, they would have written it in the Quran. No yogi knows the lunar day, the weekday, nor anyone else the seasons, or month (i.e., of when the creation began). The Creator who creates the creation- He Himself knows. How can I express Him, praise Him, describe Him, and know Him. Hey Nanak! All say (they know Him), each claiming to be wiser than the others (but, no one can express His Greatness). Great is the Master, and exalted is His Greatness; whatever happens in His creation, it is done by Him. Hey Nanak! If a mortal according to his/her own intellect (tries to find the limits of His Greatness), he/she will not look befitting (in the court of God) when he/she departs this world. ] 21 ]


pwqwlw pwqwl ,lK, Awgwsw Awgws ]

EVk EVk Bwil Qky, vyd khin iek vwq ]



shs ATwrh khin kqybw , AsulU ieku Dwqu ] 1

lyKw hoie q ilKIAY, lyKY hoie ivxwsu ]

nwnk, vfw AwKIAY, Awpy jwxY Awpu ] 22 ]

Bani Word pwqwlw


EVk Bwl Qky khin iek vwq shs ATwrh kqybw

khin kqybw


Meaning English


Bani Word



pwqlW dy hyT hor pwqwl (pqwl hI pqwl) AwkwSW dy au~qy hor AwkwS (AkwS hI AkwS) AKIr, AMq, AKIrly bMny Bwl Bwl ky Q~k gey hn AwKdy hn ie~k gl

Nether worlds beneath nether worlds



Basis, Beginning, essence (in reality)

Skies above skies


Akwl purK, pYdw krn vwlw

God, Creator

End, Limiting ends

lyKw hoie

jy lyKw ho sky

If a count is possible

Have grown weary doing search after search

ATwrWh hzwr



lyKw dw Kwqmw/AMq AwKIdw hY, khIey auh Akwl purK hI jwxdw hY

Count ends

Say One thing

lyKyY ivxwsu AwKIAY Awpy

eIsweI mq Aqy ieslwm dIAW cwr ikqwbW

Four scriptures of Christianity, Jews, and Islam (Semitic-Scriptures) Semitic scriptures say


Apxy Awp nUM

His own self nUM

kqybW AwKdIAW hn

Is called, Should call Only that God Himself Knows


(In God’s Creation, there are millions of nether worlds beneath nether worlds, and millions of skies above skies. The Vedas (Hindu scriptures) declare one common thing that mortals (countless sages) have grown weary of searching for the limiting ends of the Creation (i.e., they have never found either end of the Creation). Eighteen-thousand worlds, say the Semitic-scriptures, but in reality there is One Essence (God). If a count is possible, then it could be written; (but) the count itself ends before finishing the counting (i.e. the counting numbers are inadequate). Hey Nanak! We should call Him Great, He Himself Knows His own self (i.e., He alone knows His own Greatness that He exercises in creating the Creation). ] 22 ]


swlwhI swlwih, eyqI suriq n pweIAw ]




ndIAw AqY vwh, pvih smuMid n jwxIAih ]


smuMd swh2 sulqwn, igrhw syqI mwlu Dnu ]



kIVI quil n hovnI, jy iqsu mnhu n vIsrih ] 23 ]

Bani Word slwhI

Meaning Punjabi


swlwih suriq

slwhx-Xog (prmwqmw) isPq-slwh kr ky ieqnI smJ

n pweIAw

iksy ny nhIN pweI

By Praising (This much) the understanding No one has gained

AqY vwh pvih

Aqy, qy vYx, nwly pYNdy hn

And Streams Flow


smuMdr ivc

Into ocean

n jwxIAih

nhIN jwxy jWdy, v~Kry nhIN pCwxy jWdy

Are not known to be separate (from ocean)

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Worthy of Praise (God)


smuMdrW dy

Of ocean

swh sulqwn


Kings Emperors

igrhw syqI quil n hovnI iqsu mnhu

phwVW jyfy

As large as mountains

brwbr nhIN huMdy auh (kIVI) dy mn qoN

jy n ivsrih

jy qUM n ivsr jweyN, (hy hrI!)

Equal to Are not From/in the mind of that (ant) (Hey God!) if You are not forsaken (in the mind of the ant)


By praising God, no mortal has ever gained this much understanding (of how Great God is). (Just as) the rivers and streams fall into the ocean, (but) are not (anymore) known to be separate from the ocean (i.e., once they merge into the ocean they do not have separate identity, and cannot know the extent of the ocean). Kings and emperors, whose kingdoms are as large as oceans and wealth as large as the mountains (on the earth), (Those Kings and emperors) cannot equal an ant; Hey God, if you are not forsaken in her (the ant’s) mind. ] 23 ]


AMqu n isPqI, khix n AMqu ] AMqu n krxY, dyix n AMqu ]

AMqu n vyKix, suxix n AMqu ] AMqu n jwpY ikAw min mMqu ] AMqu n jwpY kIqw Awkwru ] AMqu n jwpY pwrwvwru ] 1

AMq kwrix kyqy ibllwih ] 1

qw ky AMq n pwey jwih ]

Bani Word isPqI


Meaning English


isPqW dw mwlk khx/krx nwl (r~b dy) kIiqAW dw (dwqW) dyx iv~c/nwl vyKx qy suxn nwl nhIN jwpdw/id~sdw mn iv~c


slwh, iKAwl

Intent, Thought

khix krxY dyix vyKix suxix n jwpY

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


The Lord of Praises/Excellences (God)


bxwieAw hoieAw


By lauding


The Universe that is seen

Of God’s doings


By giving away His gifts By seeing & hearing

AMq kwrix kyqy

ieh jgq jo ids irhw hY pwrlw qW aurlw bMnw h~d-bMnw l~Bx leI keI mnu~K

Not seen/perceived



In mind

qw kw AMq n pwey jwih

iblkdy hn, qrly lYNdy hn aus Akwl purK dy h~d-bMny l~By nhIN jw skdy

Other and this end To know the limits Many mortals

His (God’s) limits Cannot be found


There is no limit to God (the Lord of Excellences); (and) by lauding, the limit of God cannot be known. There is no limit of His created Creation; by giving away His unlimited gifts, they cannot be depleted (i.e., one cannot find the limit of how many gifts God could give). By seeing (looking) and hearing, the limits of His Excellences cannot be found. The limit is not known, (because) no one knows what thought resides in his mind. The limit of the created universe cannot be perceived (seen). Both limits of the other and this end cannot be perceived (seen). To know His limits, many struggle (i.e., many seekers bemoan in agony); (However,) His limits (of His various facets) cannot be found.


eyhu AMqu n jwxY koie ] bhuqw khIAY, bhuqw hoie ] 1

vfw swihbu, aUcw Qwau ] 1

aUcy aupir aUcw nwau ] eyvfu aUcw hovY koie ] iqsu aUcy kau jwxY soie ] jyvfu Awip, jwxY Awip Awip ] nwnk, ndrI krmI dwiq ] 24 ]

Bani Word ieh AMq bhuqw khIAY

Meaning Punjabi


ijauN ijauN Akwl purK nUM v~fw AwKI jweIAY Akwl purK dy invws dw itkwxw au~cy qoN au~cw, bhuq v~fw

The more you express (about God’s Greatness



aus au~cy Akwl purK nUM auh mnu~K hI

To that Exalted God

God’s place of abode


jyfw/kyfw v~fw

How big/great

Higher than high


jwxdw hY


nwmxw, vifAweI

Greatness, Name

kyvl Awp hI

Only He alone by Himself


ieqnw v~fw

As big/exalted as

Awip Awip ndrI

Caster of Glance of Grace (God)

hovY koie

jy koeI mnu~K hovy

If there be a mortal


imhr dI ndr krn vwlw hrI krm/bKSS nwl

aUcy aupir aUcw nwau

This limit


iqsu aUcy kau soie


ieh h~d-bMnw

Bani Word

Only he (mortal) alone

By Blessing


No one knows this limit (that the Jeevs are searching for); More we express, the more He becomes (i.e., appears to be). Supreme is the Master, and lofty is His place of abode; And higher than high is His Name. If there be one (a mortal) as exalted as Him; (Only then) he alone could know the exalted One (but, there is none like that). How great is He; He alone knows it by Himself. Hey Nanak! Every boon (gift) gets bestowed by God’s blessing through His Glance of Grace. ] 24 ]


bhuqw krmu, iliKAw nw jwie ] vfw dwqw, iqlu n qmwie ] 1

kyqy mMgih joD Apwr ] kyiqAw, gxq nhI vIcwru ] 1

kyqy Kip qutih vykwr ] 1

kyqy lY lY mukru pwih ] 1

kyqy mUrK KwhI Kwih ] 1

kyiqAw dUK BUK sd mwr ] eyih iB dwiq qyrI, dwqwr ]

Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word





Kip qutih

iqlu qmwie dwqw

iql ijqnI BI lwlc, iqRSnw dwqW dyx vwlw

kyqy mukru pwih Kwih Kwih

kyqy joD Apwr mMgih

keI Anigxq sUrmy

Not even an iota Greed, Avarice Giver of gifts (God), Benefactor Many Countless warriors

Kp Kp ky nws hUMdy hn byAMq jIv mukr pYNdy hn KweI jWdy hn

kyiqAw dUK

keI jIvW nUM du~K klyS

mMgdy hn



gxq kyiqAw

igxqI ikMnHy hI (hor jIv) ivkwrW iv~c

Counting many (other Jeevs)

dwiq dwqwr

BU~K (Kwx nUM nhIN imldw) bKSS hy dyxhwr Akwl purK


Meaning English Get wasted away by engaging Countless Jeevs Deny Continuously feed themselves To countless Jeevs Distress, Suffering Hunger, Deprivation of food to eat Blessing Hey God!

In vices


God’s Blessing is so abundant, it cannot be written. He is the Supreme Benefactor; He has not even an iota of avarice. Countless warriors beg (at the door of God); And there are many others (beggars), their counting is beyond thinking. So many (Jeevs) get wasted away by engaging in vices. Countless (Jeevs) after receiving His Bounties deny it. Countless fools continuously feed themselves on His bounties (but do not admit God is giving them and thus show no gratitude). Countless are afflicted with suffering, hunger, and continuous punishment (as written in their destinies). (But) Hey Bountiful Giver, this too is your blessing (because sufferings teach an invaluable lesson to live in Your Will).


bMid, KlwsI BwxY hoie ] horu AwiK n skY koie ] jy ko Kwieku AwKix pwie ] 1

Ehu jwxY, jyqIAw muih Kwie ] Awpy jwxY, Awpy dyie ] 1

AwKih , is iB kyeI kyie ] ijs no bKsy1 isPiq swlwh ] 1

nwnk, pwiqswhI2 pwiqswhu ] 25 ]

Bani Word bMid KlwsI BwxY hoie horu koie Kwieku AwKix pwie Ehu jyqIAw

Punjabi bMdI qoN (mwieAw dy moh qoN) mukqI, Cutkwrw Akwl purK dI rzw ivc quirAW huMdw hY (Bwxy dy ault) koeI hor qrIkw koeI mnu~K k~cw mnu~K, mUrK d~sx dw jqn kry auh (mUrK hI) ijqnIAW (cotW)

Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


From bondage of Maya


mUMh au~qy

On face

Liberation By living in the Will of God

Kwie dyie

KWdw hY dyNdw hY

Receives, Gets Gives

Happens, Comes Any other way (besides living in God’s Will)

AwKih is iB

AwKdy hn ieh gl BI

Say, Acknowledge This

No one (mortal) Fool

bksy ijs no

bKSdw hY ijs mnu~K nUM

Blesses, Confers upon To one (mortal ) upon whom

Happens to say/claim (another way)


hy nwnk!

Hey Nanak!

He alone (that fool) Extent of (beating)

pwiqswhI pwiqswhI pwiqswhu

pwqSwhW dw pwqSwhW dw pwqSwh

Of kings King of kings


Liberation from bondage (of Maya) comes only by living in His Will; No one can tell another way (besides living in God’s Will). (But) if a fool happens to say (i.e., claim that there is another way), He alone shall know’s the extent of punishment he receives on his face. God Himself knows (what we deserve), and he Himself gives (accordingly); There are few, very few those who acknowledge this (and are grateful). One to whom He blesses His Laudations, Hey Nanak! He becomes the king of the kings. ] 25 ]


Amul gux, Amul vwpwr ] Amul vwpwrIey, Amul BMfwr ] 1


Amul Awvih , Amul lY jwih ] 1

Amul Bwie, Amulw smwih ] Amulu Drmu, Amulu dIbwxu ] Amulu qulu, Amulu prvwxu ] Amulu bKsIs1,2, Amulu nIswxu ] Amulu krmu, Amulu Purmwxu ] Amulo Amulu, AwiKAw n jwie ] AwiK AwiK rhy, ilv lwie ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



Bani Word







qol, q~kV

Scale (of justice)


(guxw dy) vpwr krny BI (guxw dy) vpwr krn vwly (guxw dy) Kzwny

Execution of dealings (of virtues), Trades


pRmwx, qolx vwlw v~tw

Measuring weight

Dealers/traders (of virtues)


rihmq, dieAw

Blessings, Compassion

Treasures (of virtues)


(bKSS dy) inSwn

(jo mnu~K vpwr leI) AwauNdy hn (ieh sOdw KrId ky) lY jWdy hn (jo mnu~K) Bwau/pRym iv~c jn (jo mnu~K Akwl purKu iv~c) lIn hn niXm, knUMn kcihrI

(Mortals who) come (for the trade)


bKSS, rihmq

Insignia/mark (of Blessing) Grace, Mercy

(Buy and) take away (this merchandise)



Hukam, Royal Command

(Mortals who are) in love (with God)

Amulo Amulu AwiK AwiK rhy

Amolk (AMdwizAW qoN pry)

Priceless (beyond estimate)

AMdwzw lw lw ky

By estimating, continued expressing

rih gey hn, Q~k gey hn

Have become weary

vwpwrIey BMfwr Awvih lY jwih Bwie smwih Drmu dIbwxu

(Mortals who are) absorbed (into God) Divine law, Justice Divine court of Justice


Priceless (i.e., beyond any estimation) are God’s virtues, and priceless are the trades in them. Priceless are the traders (of virtues), and priceless are the treasures wherein (the virtues lie). Priceless are those who come (into this world) for this trade, and priceless are those who carry them away. Priceless are those who live in His Love, Priceless are those who are absorbed in Him. Priceless is God’s Justice, and priceless is His Divine Court of Justice. Priceless is His Scale of Justice, priceless is the weight used for measuring (one’s actions). Priceless is His (each) blessing, and priceless is His mark of approval/acceptance. Priceless is God’s Grace, and priceless is His Hukam. God is Priceless (beyond all prices), it (i.e., His Price) cannot be (fully) expressed. Those mortals who by remaining absorbed in Him continued expressing (estimation of His Glory), in the end, have become weary and could not express it completely.



AwKih , vyd pwT purwx ] 1


AwKih , pVy krih viKAwx ] 1


AwKih brmyy, AwKih ieMd ] 1

AwKih , gopI qY goivMd ] 1


AwKih eIsr, AwKih isD ] 1

AwKih , kyqy kIqy buD ] 1


AwKih dwnv, AwKih dyv ] 1

AwKih , suir-nr muin-jn syv ]

Bani Word AwKih


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


AwK rhy hn, vrxn krdy hn vydW dy pwT/mMqr ivdvwn, pVHy hoie mnu~K aupdyS krdy hn

Speak, Express


keI, byAMq

Many, Countless

Teachings of Vedas Scholars, Learned ones

kIqy buD

pYdw kIqy hoey keI mhwqmw bu~D

Created Many Buddha’s

Give discourses (to others)


rwkS, dYNq


keI bRhmw ieMdr dyvqy

Many Brahmas Many Indras deities

dyv suir nr

Demi-gods (Mortals with) angelic habits


keI kwnH

Many Krishnas

muin jn

dyvqy surW dy suBw vwly mnu~K munI lok


keI iSv

Many Shivas



Humble servants

vyd pwT pVy krih viKAWx brmy ieMd



The teachings of Vedas and Puraanas express God’s Glory; The learned ones, who give discourses on Him, express His Glory; Many Brahmas express His Glory, and many Indras express His Glory; Gopees and many Krishna express His Glory; Many Shivas express His Glory, and many Sidhas express His Glory; So many created Buddha’s express His Glory; Many demons express His Glory, and many demi-gods utter His Glory; Many seers, sages, and humble servants (devotees) utter His Glory;




kyqy AwKih , AwKix pwih ] 1

kyqy, kih kih auiT qyauiT jwih ] 1

eyqy kIqy, hoir kryih ] 1


qw AwiK n skih , kyeI kyie ] jyvfu BwvY qyvfu hoie ] nwnk, jwxY swcw soie ] jy ko AwKY boluivgwVu ] 1


qw ilKIAY isir gwvwrw gwvwru ] 26 ]

Bani Word kih kih

auiT auiT jwih Ayqy kIqy hoir

kryih qw n kyeI kyie AwiK skih


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Akwl purK dw mul pw pw ky, AMdwzw lw lw ky jhwn qoN cly jw rhy hn ieqny jIv pYdw kIqy hoie hn hor (byAMq) jIv

While estimating


jyfw v~fw

As great as

Keeps on departing this world


cwhuMdw hY


Have created this many Jeevs


Efw au~cw

That great

Many (countless) more Jeevs

swcw soie

That Eternal God

(hy hrI!) jy qUM pYdw kr dyvyN qW vI koeI BI mnu~K nhIN AwK skygw

(Hey God!) if You were to create


auh sdw-iQr rihx vwlw Akwl purK bolI-bwz, bVbolw

Even then No mortal, No one

ilKIAY isir gvwrw gvwru

ilIKAw jWdw hY mUrKW isr mUrK, mhW mUUrK

Is written Greatest fool of fools


Would be able to say


Countless Jeevs express His Glory and many more are attempting to continuously express His Glory; And countless Jeevs while expressing His Glory keeps on departing (this world). But, Hey God! If You were to create as many more as You have already created; Even then they would not be able to express Your Greatness As Great as God wishes, He becomes that Great Hey Nanak! The Eternal God Himself knows (His own Greatness) If some babbler claims (that he knows how great God is), Then he is written down as the greatest fool of fools. ] 26 ]


so dru kyhw, so Gru kyhw, ijqu bih srb smwly ] vwjy nwd Anyk AsMKw, kyqy vwvxhwry ] 1

kyqy rwg prI isau khIAin, kyqy gwvxhwry ] 1

gwvih quhno pauxu, pwxI, bYsMqru, gwvY rwjw-Drmu duAwry ] 1


gwvih icqu, gupqu, iliK jwxih , iliK iliK Drmu vIcwry ] 1

gwvih eIsru, brmw, dyvI, sohin sdw svwry ] 1



gwvih ieMd iedwsix bYTy, dyviqAw dir nwly ] Bani Word kyhw

Meaning Punjabi



Bani Word



Estranged, Wonderful





ikho ijhw, bVw Ascrj drvwzw


rwjw Drm

srb rwj

Righteous Judge of Dharma (Dharm-Raaj)





qyry dr qy (hy inrMkwr!)

Hey Formless! at Your door


bYT ky


icq gupq

auh ic~qr-gupq jo jIvW dy cMgy mMdy krmW dw lyKw ilKdy hn

(Chitr and Gupt) the angels who record actions of Jeevs

srb smwly nwd

swry jIvW nUM

eIsru brmw dyvI

iSv bRhmw dyvIAW

Shiva Brahma Goddesses


vjwvx vwly

To/of all You take care Harmonious sounds of musical instruments, Shabads, Raags Musicians


Look ever beautiful


rwgxI, rwgxIAW


prI isau

prIAW smyq/sxy


ieMdr dyvqy

(Deities) Indras


khIdy hn

Beautiful consort(s) of Raag(s) Along with beautiful consorts Are said to be, are known

soBdy hn, sohxy l~gdy hn (qyry) svwry hoey


ieMdr dy Awsx au~qy

kyqy gwvxhwry

Anyk, byAMq (rwgW nUM) gwaux vwly qYnMU

So many, Countless Minstrels (of Raags)

dir dyviqAw nwly

qyry dr au~qy dyiviqAW smyq

Upon the throne of Indra At Your Door Along with the deities


qUM sMBwl kr irhw hYN

Avwz, Sbd, rwg

Adorned by You

You (Hey God!)


How estranged is that door and how wonderful is that abode, (hey God!) sitting where You take care of all (Jeevs). (At that abode-door) countless are the harmonious sounds of musical instruments, and countless musicians. Countless musical measures (Raags) along with beautiful consorts (Raagnees) are known, and countless are the minstrels who sing them (i.e., sing* Your Praises through these Raags and Raagnees). Hey God! Air, water, and fire sing You; and (standing) at Your door, the Righteous Judge (Dharam-Raaj) sings (You). Chitr and Gupt, who know how to write (records of mortals’ deeds), sing You, and Dharam-Raaj sees those written records (when he) adjudicates. Shiva, Brahma, and goddesses, look ever beautiful adorned (by You), sing You. Indras, seated upon their thrones, (hey Formless God!) sing You along with the deities at Your Door.

* Sing also implies “to obey His Hukam”


gwvih isD smwDI AMdir, gwvin swD ivcwry ] 1

gwvin jqI, sqI, sMqoKI, gwvih vIr krwry ] 1

gwvin pMifq pVin rKIsr, jugu jugu vydw nwly ] 1


gwvih mohxIAw mnu mohin, surgw mC pieAwly ] gwvin rqn aupwey qyry, ATsiT qIrQ nwly ] 1


gwvih joD mhwbl sUrw, gwvih KwxI cwry ]

Bani Word smwDI

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word


Meaning English

smwDI iv~c juV ky smwDI lw ky isD ivAkqI (jo mn~KW qoN auqWh au~qy dyviqAW qoN hyT) ivcwr ivcwr ky jq Dwrn vwly

In Penance/meditation


pqwl iv~c

Nether world

Sidhas (those who are above mortals but below deities)

aupwey qyry

qyry pYdw kIqy hoey

Your Created

By contemplating Celibates

vwq n ky

Kbr, surq koeI (mnu~K) nhIN

Cares about No one

sqI vIr krwry pVin

dwnI, dwn krn vwly qkVy sUrmy

Benefactors Fearless/undaunted warriors

kItu ATsiT

kIVw ATwht

Worm Sixty-eight

pVHdy hn

Read, Recite

qIrQ nwly

qIrQW smyq

rKIsr jugu jugu

v~fy v~fy irKI hryk jug iv~c

Supreme sages In all ages (age after age)


suMdr iesqrIAW

Enchanting beauties

joD mhwbl sUry KwxI cwry

joDy v~fy bl vwly sUrmy cwry KwxIAW (swrI rcnw)

Along with places of pilgrimage Warriors Mighty braves


mwq lok iv~c

In this world


ivcwry jqI

Four sources of creation (i.e., all the beings of creation)


Sidhas in meditation sing You, and the Saadhs sing You by contemplating. (Persons who are) celibates, benefactors, and content sing You, and (countless) undaunted warriors sing You. Hey God! Pandits who read Vedas (Persons of great learning) and the supreme sages, along with the Vedas, sing You age after age. The enchanting beauties who charm (beguile) the minds of all men in heavens, this earth, and nether worlds sing You. Your created Celestial Jewels (Rattan), along with the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage, sing You. The warriors and the mighty braves sing You; and (all the Jeevs from) the four sources of creation sing You.



gwvih KMf, mMfl, vrBMfw, kir kir rKy Dwry ] 1

syeI quDuno gwvih , jo quDu Bwvin, rqy qyry Bgq rswly ] 1

hor kyqy gwvin, sy mY iciq n Awvin, nwnku ikAw vIcwry ] soeI soeI sdw scu swihbu, swcw, swcI nweI ] hY, BI, hosI, jwie n jwsI, rcnw ijin rcweI ] 2

rMgI rMgI BwqI kir kir ijnsI, mwieAw ijin aupweI ] kir kir vyKY kIqw Awpxw, ijv iqs dI vifAweI ] jo iqsu BwvY soeI krsI, hukmu n krxw jweI ] so pwiqswhu2, swhw Bani Word

1 2

pwiqswihbu, nwnk, rhxu rjweI ] 27 ] Meaning

Bani Word





(bRihmMf dy) toty, (Bwv hryk DrqI)

mY iciq

myry ic~q iv~c

To/in my mind


bRihmMfW dy c~kr

Pieces (planets in the Solar System), i.e., every Earth) Solar systems



ikAw vIcwry

How can (Nanak) reflect (on them)?





kir kir Dwry

bxw/rc ky itkwey hoey

swcw nweI

syeI quDu Bwvin

auh jIv qYnUM cMgy lgdy hn

After creating Placed, Arranged, Sustained Those Jeev Are pleasing to You

kIh vIcwr kr skdw hY s~c (sdw iQr rihx vwlw, At~l s~cw vifAweI

jwie n n jwsI

jMmdw nhIN nwh mrygw

Does not take birth Shall not die (depart)


rMgy hoey, pRym iv~c m~qy hoey


ijs Akwl purK ny

That God who


rs dy Gr, rsIey


pYdw kIqI hY

Has Created

hoir kyqy

AnykW hor jIv

Dyed in the bliss of Your loving devotion, Imbued in Your Love (Devotees who are) imbued in Nectar of Your Essence Countless other Jeevs

True (eternal) One who is True Greatness


Hey God! After creating the planets, solar systems, and universes, You sustained them in their proper places; they all sing You. Hey God! (In reality only) those Jeevs who are pleasing to You, sing You; (they are) Your devotees dyed in the loving devotion and imbued in the Nectar of Your Essence. Countless other Jeevs sing You, they do not come to my mind; how can Nanak reflect (on them)? He, alone He, is forever a True Master, He Himself is True and His greatness is True (also). The One Who created the creation, He is now, He was before, and shall ever be; He does not take birth and shall not depart. God Who has created Maya by fashioning it in various colors, many kinds and species of beings; He is watching over all that He Himself created, as it is His Greatness. He does whatever pleases Him; No order can be issued (to Him). He is the Emperor, the King of Kings; hey Nanak! It is best for the Jeevs to live by His Will. ] 27 ]



muMdw sMqoKu, srmu pqu JolI, iDAwn kI krih ibBUiq ] iKMQw kwlu, kuAwrI kwieAw jugiq, fMfw prqIiq ]

AweI pMQI sgl jmwqI, min jIqY jgu jIqu ]

Awdysu, iqsY Awdysu ]

Awid, AnIlu, Anwid, Anwhiq, jugu jugu eyko vysu ]28 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word






au~dm, imhnq


min jIqY

pqu JolI ibBUiq iKMQw

pwqR K~pr JolI, QYlI suAwh godVI

Begging bowl Pouch Ashes Patched quilt

Awdysu iqsY Awid AnIlu

kuAwrI kwieAw

Virgin body (keeping purity of body i.e., untouched by vices)


jugiq prqIq

kuAwrw srIr, ivkWrW qoN ACoh srIr jog m~q dI rihq SrDw, XkIn

Yogis’ way of living Faith

Anwhiq eyko vysu

AweI pMQI sgl

jogIAW dw sB qoN au~cw pMQ swry jIv

Highest sect/order of the Yogis

Meaning Punjabi


iek QW au~qy bYTx vwly imqR s~jx mn nUM ij~iqAW, jy mn ij~iqAw jwey prxwm aus Akwl purK nUM mu~F klMk rihq, piv~qR ijs dw koeI mu~F nhIN


nws/KY rihq ie~ko hI rUp, ausy hI qrW

Without end The same form, The same

By conquering mind, If mind is conquered Bow in obeisance To (Eternal) God The Primal One The pure one, Immaculate Without beginning

All Jeevs/mankind


(Hey Yogi!) Make contentment your ear-rings, effort your begging bowl and pouch, and meditation the ashes you smear on your body. The thought of death be your patched quilt, virgin (purity of) body be your way of living, and faith in God be your staff (stick). Let brotherhood of all mankind be your highest sect; by conquering the mind, one conquers the world. (To remove the wall of falsehood) bow in obeisance, and humbly bow to Him (God); Who is the Primal One, Immaculate, without beginning, without end, and forever remains the same age after age. ] 28 ]



Bugiq igAwnu, dieAw BMfwrix, Git Git vwjih nwd ]

Awip nwQu, nwQI sB jw kI, iriD isiD Avrw swd ]



sMjogu ivjogu duie, kwr clwvih , lyKy Awvih Bwg ]

Awdysu, iqsY Awdysu ] Awid, AnIlu, Anwid, Anwhiq, jugu jugu eyko vysu ]29 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


BMfwrw vrqwx vwlI

Git Git vwjih nwd


hryk srIr iv~c v~j rhy hn Sbd (nwd dI Avwz) Akwl purK Awp n~QI hoeI, v~s ivc swrI (isRStI)

iriD isiD Avrw

prqwp, vifAweI sPlqw, krwmwq hor

Awip nwQI



Bani Word



Dispenser (one who serves food) In every body (heart) Vibrates, Resounds Shabad, Sound of Naad


suAwd, csky


sMjogu ivjogu duie

myl ivCoVw dovyN

Union Separation Both

God Himself Strung, Under control

kwr clwvih

(sMswr dy) kMm clw rhy hn

Worldly affairs Run, Regulate

All (of the creation)


According to account of their done deeds

Spiritual power Success, Miracle Another kind (i.e., non-spiritual)

Awvih Bwg

kIqy krmW dy ihswb Anuswr AwauNdy hn, imldy hn Awpo Awpxy ih~sy

Receive One’s own share


(Hey Yogi!) Make divine knowledge your food (Choorma), compassion the dispenser, and celestial melodious sound that resounds in every heart as the sound of the Naad (you blow). Let God Himself be your Master, in whose control (is the entire creation); all the miraculous powers (obtained through Jog) are tastes of another kind that sway you away (from the path of Union with God). Both the Union and separation regulate the affairs of this world, and (the Jeevs) receive their own shares according to accounts of their done deeds. (To remove the wall of falsehood) bow in obeisance, and humbly bow to Him; Who is the Primal, Immaculate, without beginning, without end, and ever remains the same age after age. ] 29 ]


eykw mweI, jugiq ivAweI, iqin cyly prvwxu ]

ieku sMswrI, ieku BMfwrI, ieku lwey dIbwxu ]

ijv iqsu BwvY, iqvY clwvY, ijv hovY Purmwxu ]


Ehu vyKY, Enw ndir n AwvY, bhuqw eyhu ivfwxu ] Awdysu, iqsY Awdysu ] Awid, AnIlu, Anwid, Anwhiq, jugu jugu eyko vys ] 30 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word


Meaning English





ijvyN, ijs qrW

As, Only according to




lwey dIbwxu

Holds court (destroyer Shiv)


qrIky nwl

(Mysteriously) in some way



pRsUq hoeI

Borne, Gave birth


iqin sMswrI

qIn, iqMn GrbwrI (bRhmw)

Three Householder (Brahma)

Purmwxu Ehu


BMfwry dw mwlk, irzk dyx vwlw (ivSnUM) lwauNdw hY kcihrI

Owner of store-house sustainer (Vishnu)


kcihrI lwauNdw hY (iSv) aus (Akwl purK) nUM sMswr dI kwr qordw hY hukm auh (Akwl purK) aunW (jIvW) nUM

Holds Court

ndir n AwvY ivfwxu

idsdw nhIN Ascrj kOqk

Is not seen Wonder

lwey dIbwxu

To God Conducts (the world’s affairs) Order (Hukam) He (God) Those (all the Jeevs)


(Hey Yogi!) This thought is somehow prevalent among general public that) the mother Maya alone in some mysterious way hasborne three approved disciples of God (i.e., the deities: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv)). (Among the three Deities) one is creator (Brahma), one is sustainer (Vishnu), and one holds court to adjudicate (Shiv, the destroyer of the world). (But, in reality) as it pleases God, He conducts the affairs of the world; affairs happen only according to (His) Hukam (i.e., nothing is in the hands of Brahma, Vishnu or Shiv). He (God) sees (all the Jeevs) but they do not see Him: this is a great wonder. (To remove the wall of falsehood) bow in obeisance, and humbly bow to Him; Who is the Primal, Immaculate, without beginning, without end, and ever remains the same age after age. ] 30 ]


Awsxu loie loie BMfwr ]

jo ikCu pwieAw, su eykw vwr ]

kir kir vyKY isrjxhwru ]

nwnk, scy kI swcI kwr ] Awdysu, iqsY Awdysu ] Awid, AnIlu, Anwid, Anwhiq, jugu jugu eyko vys ] 31 ]

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi



Bani Word








Bow in obeisance

loie loie loie Awsxu BMfwr

lok/Bvn iv~c hryk Bvn ivc BMfwirAW dw itkwxw

kwr iqsY Awid

(r~b dw) kMm aus Akwl purK nUM mu~F

(God’s) work To (Eternal) God The Primal One

pwieAw kir kir

pw id~qw hY (jIvW nUM) pYdw kr ky

In world In each world Place/storehouse of provisions (food) Has been put After creating the creation

AnIlu AnAwid

The Pure One Without beginning


sMBwl krdw hY

Takes care


klMk rihq, piv~qR ijs dw koeI mu~F nhI nws/KY rihq


isRStI nMU pYdw krn vwlw sdw At~l rihx vwlI, aukweI qoN KwlI

Creator (of creation)





Without end

True, Without any fault (perfect)


Installed within each world are the provisions (for the sustenance of creation) in the store-house (of nature). Whatever has been put into each world as provisions, all that was put their once (i.e., God’s provisions are inexhaustible). After creating the Creation, the Creator watches over & sustains it (i.e., takes care of it). Hey Nanak! The True One’s work is true (i.e. perfect). (To remove the wall of falsehood) bow in obeisance, and humbly bow to Him; Who is the Primal, Immaculate, without beginning, without end, and ever remains the same age after age. ] 31 ]





iek dU jIBo lK hoih , lK hovih lK vIs ] 1

lKu lKu gyVw AwKIAih , eyku nwmu jgdIs ]


eyqu rwih piq pvVIAw , cVIAY hoie iekIs ]



suix glw Awkws kI, kItw AweI rIs ]

nwnk, ndrI pweIAY, kUVI kUVY Tis ] 32 ]

Bani Word


Meaning English


Bani Word



iek dU

ie~k qoN

From one

eyq rwih

ies rsqy au~qy

In/on this path

iek dU jIBoN hoih

ie~k jIB qoN

From one tongue

pqI dIAW pauVIAW

Steps of Husband Lord

ho jwx


piq pvVIAw cVIAY

Climb, Can be climbed


l~K (jIBW)

100,000 (tongues)

lK hovih lK vIs gyVw

l~K (jIBW) qoN ho jwx vIh l~K Pyry, c~kr

From 100,000 (tongues) become

cVHIdw hY, cVH skIdw hY iek rUp ho ky, Awpw Bwv gvw ky sux ky

2 Million (i.e., countless) Repetitions, Cycles

kItW ndrI

To worms With God’s Graceful Look


AwKy jwx

Are uttered/Repeated


eyku nwmu jgdIs jgdIs

jgdIS dw ie~k nwm jgq dw eIS

One Name of the Lord of the Universe


kIiVAW nUM r~b dI imhr dI nzr nwl pweIdw hY, pRwpq krIdw hY kUVy mnu~K dI

Lord of the Universe (God)


g~p, Awpxy Awp dI JUTI vifAweI

Boasting, Self-bragging

hoie iekIs suix

Being one with God, By forsaking self-conceit Hearing

Is attained Of the false mortal


From one, if one’s tongue was to become a hundred thousand, (and) a hundred thousand to become twenty folds more (i.e., countless); (And) with each one of these tongues countless repetitions of God’s Name (Naam) are uttered, (even then a false person cannot achieve union with God. In other words if a mortal thinks that through his own efforts of Naam Simran, he can become one with God, then that would only be his ego). On this path leading to the Husband (God) are the steps of a ladder; and the ladder can only be climbed by remaining absorbed in God (as prescribed by the Guru; i.e., by forsaking self-conceit). Hearing of celestial wonders (of the pure exalted ones, i.e., Gurmukhs), imitation comes to (the minds of) even the worms (i.e., the impure false ones). Hey Nanak! God is attained through His Gracious Glance (only); false is the selfbragging of the false one (who tries to emulate the Gurmukhs by uttering the Naam merely mechanically without climbing the steps of the ladder prescribed by the Guru). ] 32 ]


AwKix joru, cupY nh joru ] joru n mMgix, dyix n joru ] joru n jIvix, mrix nh joru ] joru n rwij, mwil, min soru2 ]

joru n surqI, igAwin vIcwir ] joru n jugqI, CutY sMswru ] ijsu hiQ jor,u kir vyKY soie ]

nwnk, auqmu nIcu n koie ] 33 ] Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word


bolx iv~c

In speaking



cup rihx iv~c

In keeping silence



Power, One’s own will



smrQw, ieKiqAwr, Awpxy mn dI mrzI mMgx iv~c

In begging



dyix iv~c

In giving


jIvix mrix

jIvx iv~c mrn iv~c

In living In dieing

rwij mwil soru

rwj mwl dy pRwpq krn iv~c rOlw, PUM-PW

In acquiring kingdom and riches

sMswru ijsu hiQ kir vyKY soie

Commotion, Showing-off

Meaning Punjabi


surq iv~c, Awqmk jwg iv~c igAwn (pRwpq krn) iv~c vIcwr (krn) iv~c

In spiritual awakening

jugq iv~c, rihq iv~c mukq huMdw hY, Cu~t jWdw hY jnm mrn ijs Akwl purK dy h~Q iv~c (isRStI nUM) rc ky sMBwl kr rihAw hY auhI (Akwl purK)

In finding a way

In acquiring Divine Knowledge In contemplating

Ends Death & birth (God) in whose hand Takes care of (creation) after creating it, beholds it He (God)


(We have) no power in speaking, and no power in keeping silence. (We have) no power in begging, and no power in giving. (We have) no power in living, and no power in dieing. (We have) no power in acquiring kingdom and riches, (due to which) there is commotion (in the mind). (We have) no power in the spiritual awakening; or in acquiring Divine Knowledge and contemplating. (We have) no power in finding the way (ourselves, with which) the bondage of the world (i.e., death and birth cycle) ends. (God), in whose hands that power is, He exercises it and beholds (i.e., watches over) all. Hey Nanak! No one is high or low. ] 33 ]





rwqI , ruqI , iQqI , vwr ] pvx, pwxI, AgnI, pwqwl ] iqsu ivic, DrqI Qwip rKI Drm swl ] iqsu ivic, jIA jugiq ky rMg ]

iqn ky nwm Anyk AnÂľq ]


Bani Word



Bani Word





ruqI iQqI

ru~qW iQ~qW



Seasons Lunar days (size based) Week days

pvx pwqwl iqsu ivc

hvw swry pwqwl iehnW swirAW dy smudwie iv~c rc ky itkw id~qI hY

Qwip rKI

Air Nether regions In the midst of all this

Meaning Punjabi

English Place for earning Dharma

iqsu ivc jIA

Drm kmwx dw AsQwn aus DrqI a~qy jIv jMq

jIA jugiq ky rMig iqn ky AnMq

jIvW dy rihx dI jugqI bxw id~qI hY keI rMg auhnW jIvW dy byAMq

Created way of life (for the beings)

Upon that Earth beings (of species)

Many/various Of those beings Endless

Installed Earth


Nights, seasons, lunar days, and week days; Air, water, fire, and nether regions; In the amidst of all this, (God) installed the Earth as a place for earning Dharma. (To inhabit) upon that (Earth), He created the beings of species of various ways of life and colors; Whose names are many and endless.


krmI krmI hoie vIcwru ]

scw Awip, scw drbwru ] iqQY sohin pMc prvwxu ] ndrI krim pvY nIswxu ]

kc pkweI, EQY pwie ] 1

nwnk, gieAw jwpY jwie ]] 34 ]

Bani Word krmI krmI


Meaning English

Bani Word

hryk jIv dy kIqy krmW Anuswr inbyVw hMdw hY

According to done deeds (of each Jeev)


Adjudication is rendered


There (In the Court of God)



au~Qy (r~b dy drbwr iv~c) soBdy hn

Look magnificently beautiful



prq~K qOr qy

Surely, Evidently

hoie vIcwru iqQY

Meaning Punjabi


imhr dI nzr krn vwlw (imhrbwn r~b) bKSS duAwrw

Caster of Glance of Grace (Merciful God)

kicAweI, k~cwpx pikAweI, p~kwpx

Un-ripeness (false one)

With Grace

Ripeness (True one)


Adjudication is rendered according to done deeds of each Jeev (i.e., each being is judged on his/her own done deeds). (Because) God Himself is true, (therefore) true is His Court. There the elect (i.e., His Bhagats) evidently (surely) look magnificently beautiful And with Grace of the merciful God (the caster of the Glance of Grace), the (shining) mark of their greatness gets imprinted (on their forehead). The un-ripeness or ripeness of one (i.e., False one or True one), is known there (in the Court of God). Hey Nanak! Only upon reaching there one finds out (who is true and who is False in reality). ] 34 ]


Drm KMf kw eyho Drmu ] igAwn KMf kw AwKhu krmu ] kyqy pvx pwxI vYsMqr, kyqy kwn mhys ] 1

kyqy brmy GwViq GVIAih , rUp rMg ky vys ] 1

kyqIAw krm BUmI, myr kyqy, kyqy DU aupdys ]

Bani Word Drm

Meaning Punjabi



GwViq GVIAih ky vys

GwVq iv~c GVIdy hn (pYdw kIqy jw rhy hn) keI vysW dy

Are being created

keI, byAMq krm krn dIAW DrqIAW myru prbq DRU Bgq DRU BgqW dy aupdyS

Many, Countless Earths for working

Moral Order, Activity, Job

AwKhu krmu

mnqv, krq~b, kMm iehI (jo au~pr disAw igAw hY) AwK lvo, smJ lvo kMm

Now understand Activity, Job, Works of

kyqIAw krm BUmI

kyqy vYsMqr mhys

keI, byAMq AgnIAW (keI) iSv

Many, Countless Fires (Many) Shivas

myr DU aupdys


Such is (whatever is stated above)


Bani Word


Of various forms

Mer Mountains Dhruvas Teachings/sermons of Dhru Bhagats


Such is the Moral Order of the realm of Dharma. Now understand the works of the Realm of Knowledge. (In God’s creation) countless are the airs, waters, and fires; countless are the Krishnas and Shivas; Countless Brahmas are being created of various forms, colors and shapes; Countless are the Earths for working (out Karam), and Mer mountains; Countless are the Dhruvas and their sermons;


kyqy ieMd cMd, sUr kyqy, kyqy mMfl dys ]

kyqy isD buD, nwQ kyqy, kyqy dyvI vys ]

kyqy dyv dwnv, muin kyqy, kyqy rqn smuMd ] 1

kyqIAw KwxI, kyqIAW bwxI, kyqy pwq nirMd ] 1


kyqIAw surqI , syvk kyqy, nwnk, AMqu n AMqu ] 35 ]

Bani Word


Meaning English

Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


mMfl dys


Galactic regions




dwnv rqn smuMd

rwKS, dYNq rqnW dy smuMdr

Demons Oceans of jewels

nirMd surqI

rwjy surqW, ilv, iDAwn

Emperors Contemplations, Concentrations


Countless are the Indras and moons, countless are the suns; and countless are the galactic regions; Countless are the Sidhas (miracle-proficient) and Budhas (enlightened ones), countless are the Nathas (Yogic masters); and countless are goddesses in various forms (Devi Vais); Countless are the demi-gods and demons, and countless are silent sages; Countless are the oceans of jewels; Countless are the sources of creation, countless are the forms of speech, and countless are kings of emperors; Countless are the ways of contemplation, and countless are devotees. Hey Nanak! No bounds can be established (for God’s Creation). ] 35 ]


igAwn KMf mih, igAwnu prcMfu ] iqQY, nwd ibnod kof AnÂľdu ] srm KMf kI bwxI rUpu ] iqQY, GwViq GVIAY bhuqu AnUpu ] 1




qw kIAw glw kQIAw nw jwih ] jy ko khY, ipCY pCuqwie ] iqQY, GVIAY suriq, miq, min buiD ] 1


iqQY, GVIAY surw isDw kI suiD ] 36 ] Bani Word pRcMfu


Meaning English


Bani Word




qyz, pRbl, blvwn auQy (igAwn KMf iv~c) rwg

ibnod kof AnMdu srm

qmwSy kOqk suAwd au~dm, imhnq

GwViq GVIAY bhuq AnUpu qw kIAw kQIAw n jwih

GwVq iv~c GiVAw jWdw hY (mn) bymswl sohxw aus (KMf) dIAW

Is forged through carving




(Mind) Incomparably beautiful

mn iv~c jwgRq,

Awakening of mind, Awareness in the mind

dyviqAW vwlI sUJ

Wisdom similar to that of the Devtas

khIAW nhIN jw skdIAW

Cannot be expressed

min buiD surw kI suiD isDw kI suiD

isDW vwlI sUJ

Wisdom similar to that of the Siddhas


Sharp, Strong, Supreme, Blazes-forth



Someone (mortal)

There (in the Gian realm)


AwKY, ibAwn kry

Says, Speaks, Expresses

Music, Myriads of melodious sounds Amusements Wonders Tastes, Feels the bliss Efforts, Hard work


(d~sx qoN) ipCON

pCuqwie iqQY GVIAY suriq

pCqwauNdw hY au~Qy (srm KMf iv~c) GVI jWdI hY surq

After (speaking), Afterwards Regrets There (in Saram realm) Is shaped, Fashioned Inner-consciousness

Of that (realm)


In the realm (stage) of Knowledge, (spiritual knowledge of a person) is supreme (i.e., blazes forth). There one feels the bliss of myriad melodious sounds, wonders and amusements. Beautiful is the manifestation of realm of Saram (efforts) (i.e., the mind in this state begins to become beauteous day by day). Therein, (mind) forged through carving is extremely incomparable. Wonders of that (realm) cannot be expressed in words. If someone expresses them, he regrets afterwards (for his/her impudence). There, the beauty of inner-consciousness, intellect, and awareness in the mind are fashioned. There, one’s wisdom is shaped (so that it) becomes similar to that of the demigods and pious-persons. ] 36 ]


krm KMf kI bwxI joru ] iqQY, horu n koeI horu ] iqQY, joD mhwbl sUr ] iqn mih rwmu rihAw BrpUr ] 1

iqQY, sIqo sIqw mihmw mwih ] 1

qw ky rUp, n kQny jwih ] 1


nw Eih mrih , n Twgy jwih ] 1

ijn kY rwmu vsY mn mwih ] 1

iqQY, Bgq vsih ky loA ] 1

krih AnÂľdu, scw min soie ] Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Bani Word


Meaning English



Blessing, Grace



Glory, Praise

bwxI joru horu

bnwvt bl, qwkq (r~b qoN ibnw) hor koeI dUjw a`ukw hI koeI dUjw nhIN hY

Manifestation (Spiritual) Power/force Another (besides God)

mwih auih n mrih

In Those (mortals) (Spiritually) do not die

Absolutely no one else

n~kw-n~k BirAw hoieAw (rom rom iv~c v~isAw hoieAw) pUrn qOr qy sIqw hoieAw, proqw hieAw

Filled to the brim (Dwells in each & every hair)

n Twgy jwih ky loA

iv~c auh (bMdy) (Awqmk mOq) nhIN mrdy T~gy nhIN jw skdy keI BvnW dy

horu n horu rihAw BrpUr sIqo sIqw

Cannot be deceived Of/from many worlds

Completely absorbed (sown together)


In the realm of Grace, manifestation is (spiritual) force (i.e., the vices cannot influence the one who achieves this state). (In that stage of a person) there is absolutely no one else (besides God within him/her). Therein, in the realm of Grace, dwell the (spiritual winners) who are warriors, most mighty, and braves. In them, God occupies all the space to the brim (i.e., God dwells in each and every hair of them). Therein, the minds of the mortals stay absorbed in praise of God (all the time); Their beauty cannot be expressed. (Those mortals) do not die (spiritually i.e., they are not subject to transmigration anymore), and they do not get deceived (by Maya). Ones in whose mind God dwells. Therein dwell the devotees from many worlds, (They) rejoice in blissfulness, (because) True God is present in their minds.


sc KMif vsY inrMkwru ] kir kir vyKY ndir inhwl ] iqQY, KMf, mMfl, vrBMf ] jy ko kQY, q AMq n AMq ] iqQY, loA loA Awkwr ] ijv ijv hukmu, iqvY iqv kwr ] vyKY ivgsY, kir vIcwru ]

nwnk, kQnw krVw swru ] 37 ]

Bani Word


sc KMif

s~c dy KMf iv~c

ndir inhwl iqQY

inhwl krn vwlI nzr nwl aus (Avsqw) iv~c, auQy (aus KMf iv~c)

Meaning English


Bani Word


In the realm of Truth

q AMq n AMq

qW auhnW dy EVk nhIN pY skdy

Then their end cannot be known

With Glance of Grace

krVw swru

krVw ijvyN lohw hY

Hard as iron


In that (state), Therein (in that realm)


In the realm of Truth, the Formless (God) abides; Casting a Blissful Glance, He cherishes His devotees. Therein (devotees see countless) planets, solar systems, and galaxies; If anyone attempts to describe (them), then their end cannot be known. Therein, (the devotees see) worlds upon worlds of His Creation; And as he ordains, so do all act (i.e., in God’s Will). (In this realm, a devotee surely sees) that God by contemplation over Jeevs beholds them and delights. Hey Nanak! (To describe the realm of Truth) is as hard as iron. ] 37 ]


jqu pwhwrw, DIrju suinAwru ] Ahrix miq, vydu hQIAwru ] Bau Klw, Agin qp qwau ] BWfw Bwau, AMimRqu iqqu Fwil ] GVIAY sbdu3 scI tkswl ] ijn kau ndir krmu, iqn kwr ] nwnk, ndrI ndir inhwl ] 38 ]

Bani Word jqu

Meaning Punjabi



Bani Word



Continence (to keep one’s own bodily organs restricted from vices)





sMjm (Awpxy srIrk ieMsRIAW nUM ivkwrW qoN rokI r~Kxw) suinAwry dI dukwn

Goldsmith’s shop (Smithy)


Immortal creating Naam of God

suinAwru miq

suinAwrw Akl

Goldsmith Intelligence

iqqu GVIAY sbdu


dYvI igAwn

Divine Knowledge

scI tkswl

r~b dw Amr krn vwlw nwm aus (BWfy iv~c) Sbd GVIdw hY, Sbd GiVAw jWdw hY sc dI tkswl iv~c

hQIAwru Bau

hQOVw (sMd) (r~b dw) fr

Hammer (tool) (God’s) fear

ijn kau ndir

ijnW (mnu~KW) au~qy imhr dI nzr

In the mint of Truth (mint described above) Upon whom Glance of Grace


K~lW, DOkxI (ijs nwl suinAwry PUk mwr ky A~g BKWdy hn) qpW nwl qpxw, Gwl GwlxI (kmweI krnI) kuTwlI

Bellows (fanning device with which the goldsmith blows air to flame the fire)

iqn kwr

auhnw (mnu~KW) dI ieh kwr hY

This effort of those (persons)

Heating body through penance, Austerities (putting in hard effort)


prsMn, KuS, AnMd

Pleased, Happy, Blissful

qp qwau


In that (crucible) Is shaped, Formed, Coined

Crucible (small melting pot)


Let continence be the smithy, patience the goldsmith; Intelligence the anvil, and the Divine Knowledge (from Guru) the hammer (tool); (God’s) fear the bellows and austerities (hard-efforts of Naam-Simran) the fire; Love (of God & His Creation) the crucible, and melt the immortal-creating God’s Naam in it. In such a True Mint Shabad (the word of Guru) is coined (i.e. Guru used the same process as described above to create Shabad). (But those) upon whom (God) bestowed His Glance of Grace; this is their way of utilizing efforts (i.e., way of living). Hey Nanak! With God’s Gracious Glance, they become Blissful. ] 38 ]

Notes: 1. This last 38th Paurhee of Jap Ji sahib, in essence, sums up the entire Naam Sikhyaa provided in the previous 37 Paurhees. This is how one becomes Sachi-aar by forging a high character through Guru Ji’s Sikhyaa and hard effort. 2. It is also interesting to note that the 1st Paurhee mentions that the mind cannot be cleansed (reformed) through the traditional ways followed by the majority at the time; it can be reformed through Guru Ji’s teachings of Naam Sikhyaa only.


sloku ] pvxu gurU, pwxI ipqw, mwqw Driq mhqu ] idvsu rwiq duie, dweI dwieAw, KylY sgl jgqu ] 1


cMigAweIAw buirAweIAw vwcY Drmu hdUir ] krmI Awpo AwpxI, ky nyVY, ky dUir ] ijnI nwmu iDAwieAw, gey mskiq3 Gwil ] nwnk, qy muK aujly kyqI CutI nwil ] 1 ]


Bani Word



hvw, suAws, pRwx

mhqu idvsu

v~fI idn

duie dweI dwieAw vwcY

dovyN iKfwvI iKfwvw prKdw hY, ilKy hoey ihswb pVHdw hY


r~b dI hzUrI ivc, r~b dy dr qy


krmW Anuswr


keI (jIv)


Bani Word

Meaning Punjabi


Air, Breath, Breath of life Great Day


(r~b dy) nzdIk

Closer (to God)

dUir mskiq

Farther away (from God) Hard-working, Toiling

Both (Female) baby-sitter (Male) baby-sitter Scrutinizes, Reads the written (records of deeds) In the presence of God, At the door of God According to the deeds

Gwil iDAwieAw qy muiK aujly

(r~b qoNy) dUr mS~kiq, imhnq, Gwl-kmweI Gwl ky, sPlI kr ky ismirAw hY auh (mnu~K) au~jl muK vwly


keI (jIv)

Many more (Jeevs)


Became liberated from the bondages of Maya

Some (Jeevs)


mukq ho geI, mwieAw dy bMdnw qoN rihq ho geI auhnW (gurmuKW) dI sMgiq ivc

Achieving success Have done Naam-Simran Those (persons) With radiant faces

In the company (Sangat) of those (Gurmukhs)


Slok: (For the body) air is like the Guru (is for the Jeev’s Atma), water like the father, and earth is like the great mother. Day and night both are like the male and female baby-sitters, in whose laps the entire world plays. Dharm Raj (the Righteous Judge) scrutinizes Good and bad deeds (done by the Jeevs) in the presence (i.e., under the watchful eye) of God. In accordance with their own deeds, some (Jeevs) get closer, and some get farther away (from God). (But) those who have done Naam-Simran, (they) departed achieving success (i.e., became Truthful, Sachi-aara) with (this) toiling. Hey Nanak! Those (persons) have the radiant faces (i.e., glowing with the Divine light) and many more became liberated (from the bondages of Maya) in their company (Sangat). ] 1 ]

Notes: 3. Slok in the beginning of Jap Ji Sahib is the prologue (Upkarn) of Jap Ji Sahib and this Slok here at the end is the epilogue (Upsanghar) of Jap Ji Sahib. 4. This Slok provides inspiration to all that what Guru Ji preached in Jap Ji Sahib is achievable through Guru Ji’s Naam Sikhyaa and many have achieved the goal of human life. 117

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