SurvivalKIT SRT México 2015

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Survival KIT w Training SUBRegional

Le贸n Gto. M茅xico 18/06/2015

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worlwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 123 National Member Organizations from more than 100 countries across six continents. With over 1.3 million members, IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization. It is also the student chapter of the World Medical Association. For more than 60 years, IFMSA has existed to bring together the global medical students community at the local, national, and international levels on social and health issues.

INDEX Section I

Our Federati贸n

About us and what we doing Brief SRT Review

Welcome Message Meet Americas Facilitators General Agenda Workshops TNT ( Training New Trainers) TET(Training of Experienced Trainers) TMET( Training Medical Education Trainers) TNHRT (Training New Human Rights Trainers PHT (Public Healt Training)

Section II

Transporting Hotel

Section III

Social Program Jun 18th Jun 19th Jun 20th Jun 21st

Organizing Committee

SRT SUBRegional Training

Our Federation

About us and what we doing

CEREMUG is a local committee associated to the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations in Mexico A.C (IFMSA-México A.C).


Offer students and future physicians graduates

of the Department of Medicine and Nutrition of the University of Guanajuato a chance to integrate to the global health topics through different programs that promote student exchange, the knowledge in current issues

about national and international public health,

as well as develop solutions to their problems. This way, students would expand their expectations and they would promote the development of society; in addition to


CEREMUG is looking to promote qualified and human professionals, distinguished nationally and internationally because of their academic excellence; as well as because of their actions with environmental issues.

Section I

General AIM Support professional health’s education with scientific, ethic and human knowledge, so that they can solve health problems that are affecting local, national and international communities.

promoting scientific research.

Our Federation

Section I

What is an SRT?

A Sub Regional Training (SRT) is an international meeting of the IFMSA, where members and motivated students from a (sub)region or sometimes even further away can meet and participate in trainings, workshops and small working groups. The main goals of a Sub Regional Training are: • Motivating participants, making them feel part of the IFMSA • Sharing experiences, projects, and problem solving techniques • Delivering trainings in different topics • Working together to solve problems that officers might encounter through SWGs • Finding out ways of collaboration with the rest of the NMOs in the region. • Providing the members with further information about the IFMSA and the participating NMOs. SRTs are organized by an Organizing Committee (OC) within a National Member Organization (NMO) that volunteers to find board and lodging, to coordinate the trainings, SWGs and workshops and to organize a social program for all the participants. The main objective of the program is to improve the work IFMSAiands do in the region. IFMSA’s regions are: The Americas (PAMSA), Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR). SRTs were created to provide members that did not have the opportunity to attend an IFMSA General Assembly or Regional Meeting (for example due to limited delegation spots, funding or leave of absence with another opportunity to join the capacity building opportunities that are offered there. They also enable countries within a specific part of the region that may encounter the same challenges to work together. Lastly, through the application as an IFMSA activity, IFMSA will support your NMO with the help you need. 
 There are several examples of SRTs that have been organized so far, which include but are not limited by: • Standing Committee related sessions: SCOPE/SCORE, SCOPH, SCORA, SCORP and SCOME • International Peer Education Trainings (IPET/Advanced IPET) • IPAS: Maternal Health and Access to Safe Abortion • Training New Trainers, Training Old Trainers, Training Experienced Trainers (TNT/TOT/TET) • Global Health/Public Health Trainers • Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT)

Section I

Welcome Message In the Consejo Estudiantil de Relaciones Exteriores Médicas de la Universidad de Guanajuato (CEREMUG for its acronym in Spanish) we are a family committed to the comprehensive development of medical students in our university and other schools that educate future physicians. We believe that ongoing training should be a priority for our country not only on issues of medical education but public and reproductive health, human rights and peace, and why not, to develop leadership skills, teamwork, conflict resolution, schedule management, finance, among many other topics. Therefore we wish to express how greatful we are to participate as organizing committee of the Sub Regional Training Mexico. We appreciate and respect the IFMSA nor only due to its impact on medical education and global health issues but also because its hard work on strengthening several bonds of friendship and collaboration among our countries that go beyond our expectations as future physicians, proving that investing in human values and youth empowerment does positively impact the world. We are working really hard to make an event of international quality that meets the necessary requirements to be at the height of the workshops offered and thus contributing to the overall development of the participants in areas which are prepared and able to share a some of our work to this great family that is IFMSA, leaving a precedent in our federation here in Mexico that there is not too big goals cannot be met with hard work and dedication of all. Without further ado, we invite to participate in this amazing experience we are building together. Sincerely, The Organizing Committee
 Sub Regional Training México 2015

Section I

Meet the Americas Facilitators TNT (Training New Trainers) -Juan Francisco Parra Vargas IFMSA México A.C

Frida María Vizcaíno Rios IFMSA México

Hi guys, so you're about to become official IFMSA trainers, what will that mean for you? Well that you're going to become super awesome IFMSAians obviously, getting serious it means you'll possess new habilities and skills to perform better in the professional and personal field, but being a trainer isn't just about you, aside from your personal growing, being a trainer is a compromise, a compromise to share these new skills and help other people develop them, just like we are going to help you! Every TNT is unique and different, you can ask trainers all around the world, because every person's energy come together to create a unique environment, so enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity, learn, make friends and above all, have fun!

Section I

Meet the Americas Facilitators TET (Training of Experienced Trainers) Daniela Meneses Valle AEMPPI

Diego A. Villagómez Rubio AEMPPI-Ecuador

As an IFMSA Trainer, I had always wanted to give everything I have to motivate and empower others inside the IFMSA. A trainers task is awesome, but at the same time it has its own difficulties. Sometimes its not possible to make things the way you want, or the way they should be, but the important thing is to keep the fight going, never stop for your goals and dreams, because when you do so, you already lost. Part of my inspiration as a trainer is also to inspire others inside the IFMSA world, make them understand the importance of it and above other things, make them understand its essence. So, as part of this fight of keep motivating people around the world, and with the help of my beloved Mexican friends (whith which I am in deeply debt, cause without all of them this would never be possible) I am honored to present the very first Sub Regional Training in the Americas Region; 5 days of hard working workshops that will offer participants new tools and advantages in all fields, of course with the IFMSA style!
 I invite every member of the region to apply for this awesome experience, it will be worth it! And remember Everyone has its own chance to shine!
 At last I give you one of my favorite quotes, I hope you like it, and see you in Mexico ;) ““Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”” -- J.R.R. Tolkien

TMET (Training Medical Education Trainers)

Section I

Meet the Americas Facilitators It is our pleasure to welcome all the SCOME family to México, where we expect to live amazing experiences. We, as medical students can become agents of change, proposing new initiatives and suggesting the necessary tools to improve the quality for the education, therefore, this Sub Regional Training joins great people who have common goals. As representative and voices of medical students worldwide we need to continue to increase our impact around the world. Through this TMET we will be empowered to initiate peer-education and we will be provided with a lot of skills to make sure our organizations voices are heard. As medical students we have to be experts on our educational system and should therefore have an influence on it, that is why one of the main goals of this TMET is to help medical students to improve medical education and ensure the teaching roles are made on the basis of competence, aptitude and the ability to be a good role model rather than experience or clinical training alone and also take an active role nor only by enhancing medical education systems, but quality of healthcare.

Zamzam Ismail Artan Ali MedSIN-Sudan

Víctor Daniel Domínguez Echeveste IFMSA México Erik Moreno Gómez IFMSA México

Alan Ricardo Patlán Hernández IFMSA México

Meet the Americas Facilitators TNHRT (Training New Human Rights Trainers)

Section I

I am really pleased to welcome you to the TNHRT, I hope all of you are really excited about this new opportunity of growing and learning more about health and human rights, and what can we do to achieve better healthcare and how to fight to achieve a better and more equitable world. We will do our best to bring to you the best TNHRT ever! Don’t forget to bring a lot of good David Albíter Alpízar IFMSA México attitude and a huge smile! Green Hugs! “Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the sea but the sea would be less if you are missing a drop”. MTC

María de la Luz "Mima" Lozano Sánchez IFMSA México

Meet the Americas Facilitators PHT (Public Health Training) Dear Medical Student, IFMSA Member and public health enthusiast: We are happy to present to you the “Public Health Training”, a workshop aimed for medical students to get the skills to work on Public health from every different perspective and to create more trained medical students around the region and the world. In the current and following page you will learn more about what is expecting you in Mexico. The SRT team will be happy to welcome and be part of the

Aline D. Khatchikian IFMSA Québec

next generation of public health trainers in the Americas.

Agusto Rafael Valle Valdez IFMS México

Section I

Because we work “For a Better Health”

Sergio Alejandro Menchaca Dávila IFMSA México

General Agenda Hr.

18 Jn

19 Jn

20 Jn

21 Jn

22 Jn


Check Inn






Check Inn




Check Out


Check Inn




Check Out


Check Inn






Check Inn





Check Inn







Tour León




Official Photo

Tour León



Ballet Folklorico of University of Guanajuato


Tour León




Local Bars





Local Bars





Local Bars







*The schedule can be modified by the person in charge of the workshop Each workshop schedule is given in the “Workshops” section **There is information about “Social program” in Section III ***There is information about the day and schedule to visit the Art and History Museum of Guanajuato for each workshop in Section III ****LATE ARRIVAL TO ANY EVENT IS NOT TOLERATED

Section I





*Upon check inn you will be given a map of the city **Upon check inn you will be given tickets for breakfast. The organizing committee is not responsable for the loss of tickets ones issued. In case of loss, the person may acquire breakfast by paying the hotel’s price

TNT (Training New Trainers) The Training New Trainers Workshop will consist of various numbers of training sessions, in which around 20 participants will learn new skills and improve old ones in the process of becoming an IFMSA Certified Trainer. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. • To teach participants new skills. • To improve old skills. • To aid participants in personal growth and development. • To see an improvement in each and every participants by the end of the workshop. • To become IFMSA Certified trainers and help the training world grow. • To encourage the participants to develop the training world in their countries around the Americas Region, so we can improve the quality and number of trainings on each Americas NMO.

JUNE 19th JUNE 20th

Section I



Section I

TNT (Training New Trainers) JUNE 21st


SUB Training


Section I

TET (Training of Experienced Trainers) This workshop will be available for IFMSA members that already are Trainers, which means that you must had a previous TNT workshop. It will consist in refreshing old skills in the participants, remembering the basis of training; also give them new updates on training techniques, so they can improve the ones they have, and most important it will be focused on Advocacy and Lobbying, a topic that here in the Americas Region, we do not have the appropriate amount of understanding yet, nor the knowledge. So the main objective of this workshop, apart from improving the old training techniques of the participants, will be to create a specific group of trainers, who will actually be able and capable of transmitting the concept of Advocacy and Lobbying, and all the advantages and improvements that this tool can give us in every field of the IFMSA. And of course, they will spread this concept and information around the region, in their own countries, and local committees.




TMET (Training Medical Education Trainers)

Section I

Making young voices heard is one of the cornerstones of IFMSA, as we are the official voices of medical students worldwide. Training our members in student representation and medical education shapes not only the quality of our future doctors, but also the quality of healthcare. This workshop will focus on empowering participants to initiate peer education based trainings at home to make sure their organizations voices are heard. It contains lectures alongside different types of interactive activities and sessions, aiming towards making the workshop enjoyable as well as informative. Participants will be challange to both expand their knowledge in Medical Education, strategic planning by faculties, as well as their skills in teaching, presenting and spreading a message. The workshop will introduce students to the most important medical education topics and stimulate their engagement in educational processes, but also aim towards creating new Trainers in Medical Education to ensure the Standing Committee to grow in the upcoming years. Goals Enable participants to: • Play an active role in education processes. • Make informed decisions as partners in the educational processes. • Represent their organization towards faculties and national organizations. • Pass on their knowledge as trainers in Medical Education. Objectives • Provide knowledge about existing guidelines, (medical) education theory, models and trends from literature. • Provide skills for development of medical education, including student leadership and advocacy. • Empower and motivate participants to take action at a local and national level. • Gather and develop tools and resources for fostering communication and sharing of relevant information for students. • Provide skills in peer education and teaching.


Section I

TMET (Training Medical Education Trainers)

JUNE 21st


Section I

TNHRT (Training New Humans Rights Trainers) Human rights education is considered by the IFMSA as recognition of health as a fundamental human right. The workshop aims at providing participants with basic information and principles of human rights, vulnerable populations and the right to health. This is basic knowledge of importance to every human being, but of even greater importance to future doctors, as in many cases they are the front line defending human rights. Â During this workshop, participants will develop better understanding of basic human rights and the magnitude of the problems vulnerable populations are facing. Â Participants will also be equipped with a set of skills to directly and actively spread the information they've learned and work towards resolving inequities in the recognition, protection and promotion of human rights around the world. Â Finally, participants will be provided with the training and the materials necessary to run the training new human right trainers project in their home countries to continue their learning experience and encourage fellow medical students to join in.


Section I

TNHRT (Training New Humans Rights Trainers)


PH ( Public Health Training)

Building capacity in public health The Public Health Training is a three days workshop with the aim of building capacity in the main themes of public health. Starting with the basic definition of public health and promotion of health, taking a tour through the global health system, taking a stop at the research in public health methods then translating the research into policies and advocate for them so that we can finally end up in an activities workshop to wrap up everything and come with a tangible outcome. This training takes you in a trip that develop skills for promoting health and preventing diseases. Main Objective Training medical students in public health and develop in them the skills and tools to manage public health activities, campaigns and research; as well as developing trainers in public health with the capacity to train others from their equal. Specific objectives Short term goals: -The attendees must learn in the following areas: • Define public health, global health and international health, as well as levels of prevention. • Building capacity in activities development and public health related campaigns. • Developing skills and abilities for statistical analysis and epidemiology. • Learning basics of public health research. • Defining the global health system and global health actors. • Building capacity in global health diplomacy and advocacy, as well as public policy making and interventions.

Section I

-Long term goals: • Develop medical students trainers in public health (at least 20) to build capacity at the national levels at every NMO in the Americas by reproducing similar workshops. • Well structured trainings at the national levels in the public health area. • Organized activities and high impact campaigns in the regional level in public health, involving community work, research and advocacy


TNHRT (Training New Humans Rights Trainers)


Section II


For the people that arrive to León City, Gto; by plane will be picked up in the International Bajío Airport at these times: • 12:00 hrs local time • 15:00 hrs local time You will be transported directly to the event’s hotel.

Buses For the people arrived to León City, Gto, by bus there will be a truck from the Organizing Committee waiting for them to help transport the luggage to the hotel. The people will be guided to the hotel by the Organizing Committee. Annexed below an image of the road. The times for transport are: • 12:00 hrs local time • 14:00 hrs local time • 16:00 hrs local time


Section II

Real De Minas Express For travelers that expect good taste and the highest quality services for great prices, Hotel Real de Minas Express is a premier choice. Featuring strategic location on the Adolfo Lopez Mateos Boulevard, a few steps away from the Poliforum Convention Center and the city stadium, our 4star hotel in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico is a favorite among executive travelers and tourists alike. Real de Minas Express Leon has 133 fully furnished rooms and suites, equipped with practical and functional amenities that will make your stay truly pleasant. We combine the hotel’s modern avant-garde style with the personalized attention of a concierge, in order to ease and optimize your stay in our Leon, Guanajuato hotel. Within the facilities you’ll find dining services, gym, meeting rooms, business center and internet access. Additionally, a few steps from Hotel Real de Minas Express you’ll find a VIPS restaurant. For its great location, our hotel is ready to welcome groups, executive guests and leisure travelers. Make your reservation today in Hotel Real de Minas in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico and get our lowest rate available.

Facilities & Services Sauna Spa and Massages Gym Children’s play area Grills Restaurant, Coffee Shop and Bar Grocery store/drugstore Business center and executive services Meeting rooms Audiovisual equipment Internet access in public areas Elevators Wheelchair access Safe box (front desk) ATM machine / bank services Fire safety Security staff Car rental Free parking lot and valet parking Airport shuttle (additional cost) Wake up call Laundry / ironing / dry cleaning Medical service Babysitting service Bilingual staff

Social Program

Section III

Thursday June 18th - Inauguration The social program will be every night during your stay in the city, except when visiting the Art and History Museum of Guanajuato. -Transport to the event will be at 18:00 hrs from the hotel guided by the Organizing Committe. The transport will be walking. -At 19:00 hrs local time, inauguration ceremony will begin in charge of the University of Guanajuato authorities, Health Department, State Government, and IFMSA MEXICO A.C. -At 20:00 hrs there will be a presentation by the Ballet Folklorico of the University of Guanajuato. -At 21:00 hrs the cocktail will begin -When the cocktail is over you will be taking back to the hotel DRESS CODE: Women: ˉ Formal/cocktail attire (short dress is recommended) ˉ High heels opcional ˉ Appropiate accessories ˉ Light or moderate makeup ˉ Light coat Men: ˉ Formal attire

Social Program

Friday June 19th - Magic Guanajuato Transport to Guanajuato city will be from the hotel at these times: • 18:30 hrs • 19:00 hrs • 19:30 hrs -The bus will stop near downtown. -We will walk to the Univesity of Guanajuato’s stairs for the official photo. -The official photo will be taken at 19:30 hrs. -After the official photo, we will be continue with the traditional “Callejoneada” at 20:00 hrs. -Ones the “Callejoneada” is over, we will visit the local bars -To return to the hotel we will picked up at the same bus stop at these times: • 02:00 hrs • 02:30 hrs • 03:00 hrs *The walk from where the bus will stop to our rendezvous point is about 15 minutes DRESS CODE ˉ Night casual attaire. ˉ Comfortable shoes to walk

Section III

*The Organizing Committee will give you a plastic bag to avoid making dirty in the bus

Social Program

Saturday June 20th - Leon Tour & Prive

-The Leon Tour will begin at 18:00 hrs from cultural forum (Comfortable shoes to walk, recommended) -When the tour is over we will walk back to the hotel -Afterwards there will be transport to PRIVE nightclub from the hotel at these times: • 21:30 hrs • 22:00 hrs • 22:30 hrs -There will be open bar from 23:00 to 24:00 hrs -There will be transport back to the hotel at these times: • 02:30 hrs • 03:00 hrs

DRESS CODE Women: ˉ Clubbing Outfit ˉ High heels required ˉ No sun glasses ˉ Moderate to heavy makeup ˉ Small handbag ˉ Flashy coordinated accessories ˉ Evade sports tops, tennis shoes and hats

Section III

Men: ˉ Night casual Outfit ˉ Evade tennis shoes, sports jackets, graphic tees, sleeveless shirts ˉ No sun glasses ˉ No hats or caps *The Organizing Committee will give you a plastic bag to avoid making dirty in the bus

Social Program

Section III

Sunday June 21st- National Food & Drink Party -All the material for the NFDP will be transported to the event by the Organizing Committee (this material was handed over the day you registered at the hotel to the organizing committee). -Participants will be assigned tables. -If the participants are from Mexico they will be assigned tables by State. -If they are foreign, they will be assigned tables by country. -Transport to the event will be at these times: • 20:00 hrs • 20:30 hrs • 21:00 hrs -Upon arrival to the event, you will have a reserved table and will begin adorning it, the people working on the table are recommended to take the 20:00 hrs bus. . -The ride back to the hotel will be at these times: • 02:00 hrs • 02:30 hrs • 03:00 hrs *The Organizing Committee will give you a plastic bag to avoid making dirty in the bus

Dress code Women and men ˉ Typical attire from the region where they come ˉ Night casual outfit ˉ High heels not recommended


Social Program

Section III

Art And History Museum of Guanajuato -Every participant will have access to the Art and History Museum of Guanajuato in groups. -They have been assigned the date and the time for each workshop


OC Organizing Committee Chair of the OC

Elsa Evelyn Ramìrez Hernàndez

Vice-Chair of the OC Jose Felipe Daniel Olmedo Castro

Treasurer Stephanie Andrea de la Cruz Navarro


OC Organizing Committee Marketing

Aar贸n Israel Mancera Torres

Logistics Coordinators

Luis Felipe Rosas

Frida Franco

Diana Reyes

OC Organizing Committee


Social Programs coordinators

Brenda Trujillo Escalante

Daniel Monterrubio Valladares


SUBRegional Training


SUBRegional Training

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