COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Annual Report For period January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013
A Regional Response to Local Needs East Central Intergovernmental Association 7600 Commerce Park Dubuque IA 52002 563-556-4166
Prepared by the East Central Iowa Economic Development District under Economic Development Grant No. 05-830437503. The preparation of this report was financially aided (50% federal; 50% local) through a Federal grant from the Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration authorized by the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 as amended.
Contents Section 1 - Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy............................................3 Section 2 - Adjustments Including Analysis......................................................................4 Adjustments Including Opportunities...................................................................13 Accomplishments Achieved, Quantifiable Deliverables,
Difficulties Encountered.......................................................................................16
Section 3 - Evaluation.....................................................................................................33 Section 4 - Schedule.......................................................................................................33 2014 Proposed Scope of Work........................................................................................52
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Section 1 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Organization & Background In 1978, ECIA received designation as an Economic Development District. As such, ECIA prepares a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to coordinate economic development activities in the region. This makes cities/counties eligible to receive EDA grant/loan funds. Staff provides assistance to local governments, development corporations, chambers of commerce, businesses, and individuals in the ongoing implementation of the CEDS. The East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) is a membership supported organization of local governmental bodies in Cedar, Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque, and Jackson Counties in eastern Iowa. ECIA provides services in the following categories: Community Development, Economic Development, Transportation Planning, Housing Assistance, Employment and Training, and Transit Services. Community Development activities include grant writing, grant administration, comprehensive planning, technical advice related to city financial planning, codification of ordinances, building inspections, flood assistance, and the provision of census data and other information related to the operation of city/ county government. E.C.I.A. Business Growth Inc., a non-profit corporation formed in 1982, provides low-interest loans to businesses for expansion that creates new or retains current jobs. The Small Business Administration is the primary funding source. E.C.I.A. Business Growth Inc. has extended loans in excess of $86,652,699. E.C.I.A. Business Growth has either created or retained more than 4,929 jobs. Business Growth Inc. also assists local communities in the administration of Revolving Loan Funds. These funds are loaned to businesses and industries, and the proceeds are returned to the local governments for future loans. To help meet the area's workforce and commercial transportation needs, ECIA provides planning and technical assistance to various transportation organizations. Established in 1978, the Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority (EIRHA) operates as a division of ECIA, which provides staff and administrative support. EIRHA has a separate Board of Directors, elected by EIRHA members. In the five-county area, EIRHA provides two programs of housing assistance benefiting low-income families and the elderly. Since its inception in 1982, the Job Training Partnership Act, now known as the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), has been operating to develop job training programs for qualified adults and youth. Under the administration of ECIA, the program provides job training services in Dubuque and Delaware Counties. ECIA staff works with educational institutions and employers to train people for ongoing fulltime employment. Training is provided on the job and through technical training programs. The training programs help people obtain skills that enable them to compete successfully in the job market.
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Section 2 Adjustments Including Analysis of Economic Development Problems and Opportunities East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) is in the last year of its five year CEDS cycle (2010ÂŹ2014). The CEDS is being utilized in the region to monitor and evaluate our long term economic goals and strategies and to coordinate the economic development activities in the region. This report is the annual update of the CEDS for the 2013 calendar year. The CEDS document and the process that has been implemented act as tools for developing goals and strategies that will guide the economic growth of the region. Throughout this past year, input for the development of this annual report was received from local community leaders, economic developers, schools and private businesses through public meetings and in person and electronic communication, which have assisted in guiding our vision for the economic future of the region. The 2013 CEDS Annual Report builds on the five-year CEDS and updates the region's progress in the past year for the adopted short- and long- range goals. This report includes the updated Implementation and Evaluation Report that reflects the goals and schedule for goal completion for the region. The CEDS Committee, with input from local representation, updated the tasks, performance measures, schedule, and evaluation indicators for the region. The Implementation and Evaluation Report has been adjusted to indicate projects that have been completed (BOLD type) and projects that have either been updated or added (RED type). The report reflects a great deal of activity in the Increase/Expand Economic Segments Goal with funding being secured for many projects. In addition to the Implementation and Evaluation Report, the Results of the Plan have been updated as well and are included in this document. The Results of the Plan evaluates the overall activity in the job market, which is driven in part by the total economic development activity in the region. The jobs lost and gained in specific businesses for calendar year 2013 for the region have been listed. Employment/Unemployment & Population The chart to the right shows total employment by sector for the region in 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 (p). Stability in some sectors is countered by employment reductions and expansions in others, with the greatest gains in the last year being made in professional and business services (4.26%) and manufacturing (3.65%). The greatest losses were seen in the construction sector (-5.3%). In the past year, the region gained 1,061 total jobs, which is just short of the 1,458 jobs gained the previous year (1).
Annual Private Employment by Industry Sector 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 25000
10000 2006 Employment 2009 Employment
2010 Employment 2011 Employment 2012 Employment (p)
Economic activity for the region continued in an upward trend, with increased levels of job gain and unemployment rates below the national average. As can be seen in the maps below, between 2006 and 2009, unemployment levels rose dramatically across the country and the state of Iowa with early signs of a rebound in 2012. Given poor economic conditions at the national level, the local economy has remained slightly above
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Unemployment rates by county, 2006 annual averages
Unemployment rates by county, 2009 annual averages
(U S rate = 4 (U.S. 4.6 6 percent)
(U S rate = 9 (U.S. 9.3 3 percent)
14 0% or over 14.0%
14.0% and over
12.0% to 13.9%
12.0% to 13.9%
10.0% to 11.9%
10.0% to 11.9%
8.0% to 9.9%
8.0% to 9.9% 6.0% to 7.9%
6.0% to 7.9%
4.0% to 5.9%
4.0% to 5.9%
SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics
3.9% or below SOURCE:
Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics
3.9% or lower
Not available
average. Unemployment rates for the State of Iowa have remained lower than the national average and unemployment rates for the region came in below the State average during the reporting period. The 2012 regional unemployment rate was 5.1%, down from 5.8% for 2011 (8). The 2012 State of Iowa rate is down to 5.2% from 5.9%, but remained substantially below the 2012 U.S. national rate of 8.1%(8). Iowa’s population continued to grow for the 23rd straight year, constituting its longest period of sustained growth since 1900, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The State’s population has increased every year since 1988; however, this growth rate (+.91%) is lower than that experienced by a majority of other states (11). The State of Iowa is ranked 34th for population growth out of the 50 states. Additionally, population growth has not been divided evenly across the state with most of the growth occurring in or near metropolitan counties. Regionalism Regionalism remained a priority this past year. ECIA continued the Prosperity Eastern Iowa initiative. Prosperity Eastern Iowa is a regional economic development organization comprised of representatives from local governments, economic development organizations, colleges, utilities, and other interested parties in three of the five counties in the ECIA region as well as Jones County. In 2013, Prosperity Eastern Iowa (PEI) adopted a long term strategic plan, budget, and dues structure for the future of the organization. Through that process, the mission of Prosperity changed slightly, “Prosperity Eastern Iowa is a partnership of economic development stakeholders that leverage financial and human resources to achieve efficiencies, utilizing our natural, cultural, and physical assets to strive for the economic prosperity of the region. The collaboration recognizes that prosperous local economies rest on existing industry and a strong regional workforce which positions the region as an attractive place to work and do business.” Funding cuts at the state level the past two years have required the group to be more targeted in their efforts, but also more creative in their approach. Prosperity Eastern Iowa has continued to expand the Buyer Supplier initiative. The goal of the program is to encourage companies to shift 5% of their out of region spending back into the region, making regional connections to suppliers. 2013 marks the sixth year of the program. In 2013 a new feature, Quick Quote, was added to the website. This new feature is the direct result of feedback from the business community. Business leaders stated that RFP is too government sounding and that they need quotes fast. The new feature allows businesses to post an informal request for a product. Other businesses in the Buyer Supplier network have 48 hours to respond to the request. A formal partnership with the City of Dubuque also continued to increase the number of bidding opportunities presented to registered businesses. The group hopes to continue to expand public sector partnership
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in 2014. Due to funding cuts at the state level, Northeast Iowa Business Network had to end their membership to Buyer Supplier. The membership base now includes the counties of Delaware, Dubuque, Jackson, Jones, the City of DeWitt in Clinton County, and the City of Fulton in Illinois. Prosperity Eastern Iowa also continued to grow it’s Petal Project green business certification program. There are now 25 businesses participating in the program, 10 of which are certified. The program was initially very popular amongst City of Dubuque businesses. This is most likely a result of the growing culture of sustainability in Dubuque. This culture is slowly expanding outward to the rest of the region as businesses and individual begin to realize the potential for cost savings. In 2013, two businesses outside of the City of Dubuque joined the program. Businesses participating in the program report cost savings resulting from sustainable business practices. For example, Dubuque Bank & Trust installed an energy recover ventilator which is estimated to save $10,000 a year in energy cost and related consumption; Clarke University replaced traditional incandescent exit signs with LED signs saving them $228,585 in the next 25 years; and A lighting upgrade in Loras College’s Graber Sports Center in 2011 reduced the cost of lighting by 50%. These cost savings help regional businesses prosper and contribute to the growth of our economy. Economic Activity Economic activity in the region has been relatively strong, especially in Dubuque County. A report by the U.S. Department of Commerce found that Dubuque County is the fastestgrowing economy in the state of Iowa, and 27th in the country. The real gross domestic product of the Dubuque metro area grew 5.1% in 2012, which is more than double the national average of 2.5% (4). Dubuque also ranked 14th on Forbes’ list of “Best Small Places for Business and Career”. Additionally, The Equality of Opportunity Project found that children raised in the greater Dubuque area are among the most likely in the nation to move upwards into a higher income class. The study found that children who were born to parents in the nation’s lowest income quintile had a 17.9% chance of being in the highest income quintile before reaching age 30. This is well above the national average of 10.6% . The region garnered additional accolades from respected organizations such as Site Selection Magazine, Area Development, The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Kiplinger, and the International Economic Development Council (5). The region as a whole fared much better in this recession than the one in the 1980s when unemployment reached 23%. One contributing factor has been the diversification of the local economy. Manufacturing has long been the economic backbone of the region. Nearly 25% of the workforce in Dubuque in the 1980s, over 10,000 workers, were employed with two companies, John Deere and the Dubuque Packing House(4). The collapse of the Dubuque Packing House left the local economy in shambles. A billboard proclaimed: “Last one to leave Dubuque, turn off the lights.”
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Today the largest three firms in the region employ a total of 1,021 workers, which accounts for only 7% of the total employment in the region. Firms that employ less than 50 workers represent 97.6% of all establishments region-wide (10). This diversification helps keep our regional economy healthy even during tough economic times. The Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, serving the metro area in the ECIA region, is in the second year of the five year NEXT campaign for economic growth. The campaign has four main goals: 1. Create 3,300 net, new jobs to bring our workforce to a record of 60,000* by December of 2017 in the Dubuque County area (7). Job growth is tracked utilizing the Iowa Department of Workforce Development’s official, monthly statistics. (*Job numbers are periodically bench-marked by the Iowa Workforce Development and may change the base number.) Annual progress is shown in the chart below. Current Workforce in Dubuque County: 57,800
The regional workforce has seen contraction over the past two years, with a decrease of approximately 1,710 workers from 2011 to 2012; the regional workforce is currently 112,350(8). 2. $700 million in new commercial and residential construction projects in Dubuque County by 2017. Greater Dubuque Development tracks construction using the official information that is provided by the City of Dubuque’s Building and Permits Department and Dubuque County Assessor’s office. Commercial Construction: $205,056,121 (7/1/12-8/30/13) (2) Residential Construction: $109,537,548 (7/1/12-8/30/13) (2)
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3. Targeted wages for new jobs will be $18+ per hour or an average annual income of $37,440. Dubuque County wage levels are monitored on a quarterly basis using Iowa Department of Workforce Development data. The current unadjusted wage rate is $18.86.
4. Increase the Dubuque County projected population to 96,000. The official population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau are used to monitor Dubuque County’s population growth. The current Dubuque County population is 95,097 (11).
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The regional population has made gains similar to those of Dubuque County in the past 10 years, but has not returned to its peak population, which occurred in 1980. The chart below shows historical population data for the region. The population decreased dramatically, region-wide throughout the 1980s, dropping back to 1960 levels with the 1990 Census. The region’s current population is 199,516. Dubuque and Cedar Counties were the only two counties in the region to increase in population from 2011-2012.
Total Regional Population 245,000 225,000 205,000 185,000 165,000 145,000 125,000 1900
Land values in the region and at the state level continued to increase rapidly. The average price of an acre is now $8,296, up from $6,708 in 2011. 2012 marks the third consecutive year where values have increased by more than 15%. Economists in Iowa believe the bio-fuel economy and crop prices are driving the land price increase. As can be seen in the graph below, land prices remained relatively steady through the 1970s, rising quickly and then falling during the 1980’s with a steep increase during the 2000’s (14). Currently, the region is home to one ethanol and one biodiesel plant. This increase in local demand has led to increased crop prices and the ability to add value to crops within the region
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rather than shipping out raw commodities for manufacturing elsewhere. Some economists have speculated that farm land is on a bubble that will collapse like it did in the 1980s. Local economic developers continue to monitor farm income as a predictor of a bubble. In the Dubuque area, tourism remained steady, and on pace with the state average. Tourism dollars in the region increased from $468.46 million to $496.32 million in the last year, an increase of 5.6% (12). Tourism is expected to significantly increase with the development of the Field of Dreams movie site in Dyersville. The proposed All-Star Ballpark Heaven development includes 24 baseball fields, an indoor training facility, lodging facilities, and additional amenities. The total investment of $38 million will span over several phases. A study by an independent Des Moines group estimated that starting in 2017 the project will earn $4.2 annually. By the fourth year of operation it is estimated that 1,200 full-time equivalent jobs will be added to the region. The inaugural season for the All-Star Ballpark Heaven was originally slated for 2014; however, fundraising challenges and a pending litigation between the City of Dyersville and a group of citizens opposed to the project has pushed the development timetable back(3). A growing housing market has also contributed to the local economy. While existing home sales at the national level dropped by 1.9% in September(15), sales climbed by 7.1% in the State of Iowa(22). The recovering market is starting to drive up the cost of labor and building materials in the State. A lack of developed lots, labor shortages in some building professions, and high prices for some building materials that are in low supply are key factors holding up the recovery of the housing market, according to Robert Denk, an economist at the National Association of Home Builders. Overall, these factors are estimated to add 10 percent to new home prices in the State. Despite rising prices, Denks expects that the new-home market will be back to “normal” by 2015. Meanwhile, the growing market is helping those businesses who survived the recession, such as Cascade Manufacturing Co., an employer in the ECIA region. The lumber products company has added 25 employees in the past two years and has increased overtime hours. According to Mike Noonan, a Cascade vice president, “A few years ago, things were pretty grim. The absence of other suppliers is causing a strain on capacity now”(13). Challenges A looming shortage of skilled workers threatens the State and regional economy. The State will need to fill roughly 100,000 vacancies within the next five years, according to Iowa Workforce Development. An additional concern is that college and high
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school educations are not keeping up with the skills needed by employers. Over one-tenth of surveyed employers in the region indicated that applicants lacked the basic skills needed for the job; one-fifth of employers reported a lack of soft skills; and one-fourth felt that applicants lacked the occupational skills needed for the job(6). The shortage of skilled workers will be exasperated by the retirement of Baby Boomers. There are currently 3,367 employees over the age of 64 working in the region. They represent 4.5% of the total workforce, which is just below the state rate of 4.6% (6). Retirements in the next five years appears to be greatest in manufacturing (22%) and healthcare and social services (20%). Employers in the region are attempting to prolong retirement by offering incentives such as flexible work schedules (44.5%) and increased wages (34.8%). Nearly all eligible retirees (92.4%) have the skills needed to effectively perform their job (6). This workforce issue is very alarming in the ECIA region. If the local labor pool dries up, it could create a perfect storm of collapsing factors, eroding the region’s economic success.
Slow wage growth is causing additional economic challenges. In the United States from 1973 to 2011, labor productivity rose 80.4% while the real median hourly wage increased by just 4%. The pattern is similar in Iowa (9). The average weekly wage in the region, $708, is below the state ($753) and national ($924) averages. A positive sign is that from 2010 to 2011 weekly wages increased by 3.51%, which is slightly above the rate of inflation for this time period (3.2%) (16). Reaching the Greater Dubuque
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Development goal of $16+ per hour that was previously discussed will assist the region and state with providing wages closer to the national Average. An increase in average wages will allow the region to more effectively compete for labor in the national marketplace. Slow wage growth is even more troubling in light of rising student debt levels. Iowa is sixth in the nation for debt among college grads. On average, a student in Iowa graduates with more than $28,700 in loans (17) . Rising debt has led to other financial security concerns for Iowans. According to a recent national study by the Corporation for Enterprise Development, a quarter of Iowans have little to no savings. Many low and middle income residents are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Dean Beresford, U.S. Bank’s community bank president for the Dubuque market, said the numbers are “striking.” “It’s been a huge problem, and continues to be so,” he said. Programs such as Bank On -- a partnership of banks, credit unions, nonprofits, and city leaders striving to assist individuals with little knowledge and access to financial institutions -- are working to address this growing challenge in Eastern Iowa (18). The economic recession continues to negatively impact the gambling industry. There are three casinos in the ECIA region; two are located in the City of Dubuque and the third is in the City of Clinton. Together these casinos employ over 1,200 individuals. As of October, the Dubuque market was down 3.2% year-to-date. Declining casino revenues impact local employment levels, area charitable organizations through a grant process, and the gambling taxes paid to the city, county and State (19). The Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission is conducting two separate studies to monitor the long-term health of Iowa’s gambling industry (20). ECIA Business Growth, Inc. operates E.C.I.A. Business Growth Approved Loans business loan programs including the SBA 504 Program and several Revolving Loan $3,240,016 Funds. The organization is a subsidiarity of 2013 $11,568,100 ECIA. ECIA Business Growth experienced 2012 a significant decline in approved loans in $4,066,000 2011 FY’13. As the chart on the right shows, $7,031,544 2010 there was a drop of over $8 million from $2,653,000 2009 FY’12 to FY’13. Over the last 10 years, $4,806,000 the average annual loan amount for ECIA 2008 $1,961,000 Business Growth has been $5,486,000. 2007 This is considerably higher than the total $9,035,000 2006 approved loans for FY’13, $3,240,016. $6,611,500 2005 The drop in FY’13 is most likely the result $3,888,000 of slowing demand and a competitive 2004 private lending market. The National Association of Development Companies is working with the Small Business Association to bring back the SBA 504 Debt Refinancing Program. This could help the SBA programs locally and nationally be more competitive. Transportation Funding Officials at the local and state level have become increasingly concerned about transportation funding. The state of Iowa has a large and aging transportation system. Iowa ranks 5th in the nation for the number of bridges and 12th in miles of road, but only 30th in population. There is increasing demand
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for transportation infrastructure, but flattening revenue to fund such a system. These challenges coupled with increasing construction costs have left officials at the local and state level evaluating the current funding system. Iowa benefits from having diversity in state road funding mechanisms. The three primary funding sources make up 94 percent of all state road funding: fuel tax, annual registration fee, and fee for new registration. These funding sources are constitutionally protected, which ensures that funds are used solely for roadway purposes. The blue line in the “History of RUTF Revenue” chart represents the actual receipts in the Road Use Tax Fund. The Fund experienced rapid growth in the 1980s and 90s due to large increases in travel, purchases of bigger vehicles and no fuel efficiency gains. The State started seeing a flattening of revenue in the early part of this century as travel flattened, more fuel efficient vehicles were produced, and the impacts of the recession. The recent growth in receipts has been mostly the result of legislative action such as creating the TIME-21 Fund, and modifications to the registration and title fees. The red line reflects the loss of buying power based on Iowa’s construction cost index. In 2012, the State had 31 percent less buying power than it had in 1997. To address the growing shortfall of transportation funds, Governor Branstad has directed the Iowa DOT to develop a transportation funding plan by the end of the year. The plan must maintain the “pay-as-you-go” system currently utilized, and must include Constitutional protection for road funding (21).
A. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE STRATEGY INCLUDING OPPORTUNITIES ECIA recently partnered with Southwest Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (WI), Blackhawk Hills Regional Council (IL), Southwest Tech (WI), and Northeast Iowa Community College (IA) to develop an expanded business plan and implementation strategy for the Tri-State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence. The Center was founded earlier this year by Northeast Iowa Community College located in Calmar, Peosta and Dubuque, Iowa and Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin. Randy Schofield was hired as its first Director. The new planning project will develop a more comprehensive and visionary strategy for service to a 25-county region in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin and centered around the Dubuque metropolitan area. The project partners will identify workforce training programs, technical assistance, and entrepreneurship support programs to further innovation and growth in the region’s advanced manufacturing industries. The goal of the project is to enable the region’s employers and entrepreneurs
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to retain and attract private investment and create jobs in the region. The estimated completion date for the business plan is October of 2014. The project is funded through the Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Local Technical Assistance Program. The total project cost is $240,000 with $120,000 awarded from EDA and the $120,000 in local match coming from the partnership. This grant award positions the region to apply for phase two of the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership grant program. In 2013, a public-private partnership formed to explore and develop a sector in the regional economy that has been missing in the region; entrepreneurialism. Entrepreneurs drive startup innovation and economic development; they create jobs, enable lives and build communities. The partnership of local City and County government, Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, SCORE, Small Business Development Center, ECIA Business Growth, Inc., East Central Intergovernmental Association, Northeast Iowa Community College, private investors, and the Dubuque area business community at-large have been researching business models for the Entrepreneurial Center for the past year. Fueled by a generous private gift, the Entrepreneurial Center’s, known as the Schmid Innovation Center, mission is to raise the quality of resources available to the Dubuque region’s entrepreneurial and small business communities. The center fosters innovation and entrepreneurship by turning Ideas into reality; helping to start businesses and grow young businesses and create jobs. The Schmid Innovation Center’s operational strategy will include an incubator and an accelerator business model for entrepreneurs to test their assumptions and refine their business models with the goal of creating sustainable, investable companies. The resources, mentors and access to personal networks accelerate the startup and growth process for young companies and lower the investment risk for startup companies. Economic development organizations, community colleges, and state and federal workforce programs continue to address the growing skills gap in Eastern Iowa. There continues to be a large demand from the business community for specialized training in a variety of areas and the niche for our regional efforts will lie in addressing these issues while reengaging the unemployed and underemployed residents in the community. Through the DubuqueWorks project, initially funded by EDA technical assistance dollars in 2012, ECIA and other partner staff have developed a program called “Opportunity Dubuque.” This model program pairs unemployed or underemployed individuals with scholarships or other assistance toward high demand career training. Private sector partners take part in interviewing the scholarship candidates and many of the recipients go on to accept internships or full-time positions with these private sector partners. The program focuses on two high demand areas: welders and computer numerical control operators. From July 2012 to June 2013, 63 individuals graduated from the program. Eighty-one percent of those graduates are employed full time. An additional 11 percent were interviewing at the time of the survey or decided to continue their education to obtain a full CNC diploma. Plans are currently underway to expand the program offerings to include other high demand areas such as information technology and the healthcare field. A similar program has been launched in Manchester and is focused on training for welding positions.
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To address the skills gap in the southern part of the region, Eastern Iowa Community College is offering Career Link Essentials in Clinton and Jackson Counties. Career Link Essentials is an employment readiness program that provides training essential to creating a pool of skilled workers. Participants earn a National Career Readiness Certificate, a Career Link Essential Certificate, and a Reskilling Certificate. The program focus is broad including basic welding, CNC operator, fork lift operator, logistics technician, production maintenance, truck driving, certified nurse aide, child development associate, clerk/receptionist, EMT/Paramedic, food service sanitation, home health aide, medication aide, phlebotomy, rehab aide. Employers benefit from a pool of potential employees; detailed information on student’s attendance and progress; and a hotline in which to list job openings. ECIA continues to work with partners across the region to fill local demand for high-wage, advancedmanufacturing careers. References: (1) Bureau of Labor Statistics. Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. 2006, 2009, 2010. Excel file. (2) Greater Dubuque Development Corporation. NEXT: Objectives and Progress. 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. (3) Lipsman, Mike and Siegelman, Harvey. All-Star Ballpark Heaven: Economic and Fiscal Impact Study. 2012. PDF File. (4) Jacobson, Ben. “City Economy Booming.” Dubuque Telegraph Herald. 18 September 2013. Web. (5) Greater Dubuque Development Corporation. Awards & Accolades. 22 Oct. 2013. Web. (6) Iowa Workforce Development, Labor Market and Workforce Information Division. Workforce Needs Assessment. 2013. PDF file. (7) Iowa Workforce Development. Monthly Labor Force Summary. 2012. PDF file. (8) Iowa Workforce Information Network. County Laborforce Data. 2010, 2011, 2012. Excel file. (9) Gordon, Colin. The Iowa Policy Project: The State of Working in Iowa 2012. 2012. PDf file. (10) Iowa Workforce Development. Prosperity Eastern Iowa 2012 Annual Profile. PDF file. (11) US Census Bureau. Population Estimates. 2012. Excel file. (12) US Travel Association Research Department. The Economic Impact of Travel on Iowa Counties 2012. 2013. PDF file. (13) Eller, Donelle. “Iowa housing rebounds, but so do the costs.” Des Moines Register. 26 Sept. 2013. Web. (14) Iowa State Extension. 2012 Farmland Value Survey. 2012. PDF file. (15) Associated Press. “U.S. Existing Homes Sales Drop 1.9% in September.” Dubuque Telegraph Herald. 21 October 2013. Web. (16) Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consumer Price Index. 2013. Web. (17) Manuel Krogstad, Jens. “Iowa 6th for Debt Among College Grads.” Des Moines Register. 8 Oct. 2013. Web. (18) Mozinski Schmidt, Eileen. “1 Missed Paycheck from Disaster” Dubuque Telegraph Herald. 5 Sept. 2013. Web. (19) Hogstrom, Erik. “Gambling Industry Continues in Slump.” Dubuque Telegraph Herald. 16 Oct. 2013. Web. (20) Jacobson, Ben. “Market Studies of Casinos Planned.” Dubuque Telegraph Herald. 11 Oct. 2013. Web. (21) Shea, Sam. Iowa Department of Transportation. Transportation Funding. 19 Sept. 2013. PowerPoint file. (22) Eller, Donnelle. “Report: Iowa Home Sales 7.1 Percent Higher in September Than a Year Earlier.” Des Moines Register. 21 Oct. 2013. Web.
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B. Accomplishments Achieved, Quantifiable Deliverables, Difficulties Encountered Based on approved scope of work for January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP MEETINGS ECIA staff regularly attends meetings of local governments and local economic development groups to provide information and facilitate program implementation. 1. ECIA participates and sits on the Board of the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation and regularly attends their meetings at least quarterly. As of June 2012, the Executive Director became a board member of the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce. a. Accomplishments - GDDC has quarterly Board of Directors meetings and the ECIA Executive Director attended all four meetings this past year. The ECIA Executive Director is also on the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and participated in their annual planning session this year as well as 10 off the 12 Chamber Board meetings. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - ECIA attended all GDDC Board meetings this past year and also participated in their appointed DubuqueWorks committee addressing the employment needs in the region. ECIA participated in the the Dubuque Area Chamber Board of Directors which provided us with various perspectives related to government, business, workforce and economic development. ECIA attended their annual strategic planning session and 10 of the 12 board meetings to date this year. Additionally, through participating in the GDDC board meetings, ECIA has been asked to participate in their workforce recruitment efforts and their sustainability programs. ECIA staff continue to participate in a subgroup of DubuqueWorks called Project HOPE which has focused its efforts on planning and developing a reengagement pilot project. These meetings are held monthly and ECIA staff consistently attend. The EDA Technical Assistance grant awarded last year to develop the Re-Engagement Center Business Plan was closed out and the project continued to move forward through the community partnership with the Greater Dubuque Development, Northeast Iowa Community College, Dubuque Community Schools, ECIA and the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque. Through the Project Hope meetings, partnership has continued and is now in its second year. A second Success Coach was hired to recruit and work with students. Through the Re-Engagement Center meetings, a spin off program was developed through the partnership with Greater Dubuque Development Corporation and their tie to local business, called Opportunity Dubuque. Opportunity Dubuque is partially funded by GDDC, ECIA and NICC and provides scholarships and short-term training for high demand jobs in the Dubuque County area. The program has been very successful and is starting its second year. GDDC and ECIA staff have developed a rural subcommittee focusing on rural economic development and are meeting monthly to discuss projects, company needs, loans, etc. Meetings began in October, 2011 and are continuing through the second year. GDDC is relocating their offices in Dubuque and have partnered with a local investor to open an entrepreneurial center. GDDC is providing office space as needed for ECIA staff in the Entrepreneurial Center for to meet with clients and to more regularly interact with GDDC and Small Business Development Center staff. c. Difficulties - There were no difficulties with attending and participating in the GDDC or Chamber meetings. Funding to continue the Re-Engagement Center has become more stable but we continue to search for funding for scholarships for Opportunity Dubuque activities. With drastic reductions in WIA funding, it is imperative we find local resources to keep the program viable. 2. ECIA staff regularly hosts and participates in City Clerk meetings in Delaware and Dubuque Counties and hosts two meetings a year of the regional city clerks. a. Accomplishments - ECIA staff attended 8 City Clerk meetings this past year in Delaware County, 4 meetings of the Dubuque County City Clerks, and 3 cedar County City Clerks meetings. ECIA coordinated the Delaware and Dubuque meetings. ECIA hosted two region wide clerks meetings at our offices this past year and organized the speakers and the agendas. ECIA staff regularly attends and acts as the acting
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secretary for the Jackson County Mayors meetings. Meetings are held bi-monthly in Jackson County. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Five to ten clerks attend the Delaware and Dubuque County Clerks meetings each month. Information sharing and problem solving has been their main focus and these lunches have been great networking opportunities to share their experiences. Staff attended 3 Cedar County City Clerks meetings. The regional clerks meetings held twice per year had 15-20 clerks from the region attending each meeting. c. Difficulties - There were no major difficulties with this activity this past year. ECIA staff regularly attends and acts as the secretary for the Jackson County Mayors. Meetings are held bimonthly in Jackson County with no meetings during the summer months. a. Accomplishments - ECIA attended all five of the meetings this past year for the Jackson County Mayors and acted as the secretary for these meetings. The meetings focus on information sharing and emergency management issues. A major action this year was revitalizing the Crime Stoppers Program and dealing the Retro-Reflectivity (sign) requirements. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - On the average 6 to 8 mayors and staff show up to these meetings. c. Difficulties - There were no major difficulties with this activity this past year. ECIA staff regularly participates in the RC&D meetings. Meetings are held monthly in Jackson County. a. Accomplishments - ECIA attended nine RC&D meetings this past year b. Quantifiable Deliverables - ECIA is working corroboratively with the RC&D on a rural sewer project and continues to regularly attend the RC&D monthly meetings. c. Difficulties – The RC&D is struggling to continue operations due to federal funding cuts in 2011. Without funding from the Counties and others, the RC&D will cease to operate. ECIA staff participates in the Tri-State Alliance regional partnership. The entity focuses on furthering economic development and transportation in the region of Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. a. Accomplishments – Staff participates in monthly phone conferences with Tri-State Alliance members. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Staff participates in monthly phone conferences where they provide information on economic development and transportation issues and provide project updates in the region to Tri-State Alliance members. c. Difficulties – there were no difficulties encountered. ECIA will be holding monthly Prosperity Eastern Iowa meetings with local economic developers. a. Accomplishments –Staff facilitates Prosperity Eastern Iowa meetings and maintains their marketing materials and website. Staff also coordinates the three major PEI initiatives – Buyer Supplier, Petal Project, and b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Staff facilitated six Prosperity Eastern Iowa meetings and additional sessions for strategic planning. c. Difficulties – Funding will likely remain a challenge in coming years. ECIA ED staff to meet with GDDC staff on a monthly basis to discuss local and regional ED projects related to retention and expansion of local businesses. a. Accomplishments – ECIA ED staff and GDDC staff have a standing meeting scheduled for the third Thursday of every month. During the meetings staff discussed retention and expansion of local businesses, which ultimately led to direct assistance, in the form of one loan, to a regional business. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – ECIA ED staff and GDDC staff met 9 times in 2013. c. Difficulties – There has been no difficulties with this project. ECIA staff participates and sits on the Enterprise Zone Committee for the city of Dubuque. The committee meets as needed to review and approve economic development related proposals seeking enterprise zone benefits in the city of Dubuque. a. Accomplishments –Staff participated in four enterprise zone meetings in this past year. Workforce housing and redevelopment continued to be an area with many contract approvals. Twenty housing units will be created in Dubuque as a result of Enterprise Zone contracts approved in 2013.
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b. Quantifiable Deliverables – At least 20 housing units will be created in the Dubuque area as a result of the enterprise zone benefit. c. Difficulties –there were no difficulties encountered. 9. ECIA staff participates and sits on the Green Jobs Training program oversight Committee and ECIA Business Growth, Inc. was the lead applicant for the grant program. This is a partnership with Northeast Iowa Community College, Iowa Workforce Development, Four Mounds, and the City of Dubuque to provide green job training and opportunities to job seekers in the region. a. Accomplishments –The Green Jobs program ended in 2011. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – No deliverables to report. c. Difficulties – No difficulties to report. 10. ECIA staff participates in the City of Dubuque’s Project Hope meetings. The group is focused on defining poverty in the Dubuque area and finding solutions to the barriers that people experience in finding and maintaining long term employment a. Accomplishments – ECIA staff continues to meet monthly with the Project Hope group, focusing on the needs of people with the greatest barriers and developing programs and partnerships to assist those individuals. We have begun partnering with the City of Dubuque Housing Services department and their Project Self Sufficiency program to further determine the needs and services of the targeted population. Project Hope continues to be a driver for the Re-Engagement Center discussions as well as the Opportunity Dubuque program mentioned in #1 above. Project Hope has been a great facilitator in bringing the partners to the table and those partners have been catalysts to launch two very successful programs….the Re-Engagement Center and Opportunity Dubuque. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – 12 monthly meetings have been hosted by the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque with ECIA staff in attendance. c. Difficulties – There has been no difficulties with this project. We continue to search for funding for scholarships for the Opportunity Dubuque program. 11. ECIA staff along with representatives from the City of Dubuque, Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque, Dubuque Community School District (DCSD), Greater Dubuque Development Corporation (GDDC), IowaWORKS, and Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) formed the Project HOPE Steering Committee that meets monthly to improve inter-agency collaboration and increase access to services that connect disengaged youth and adults to local education and employment opportunities. a. Accomplishments – The partnership continues to meet monthly and discuss further options to implement the Opportunity Dubuque model. Funding for scholarships will be provided this year through GDDC’s Dubuque Works program, NICC’s Gap Tuition assistance program, and ECIA’s Employment and Training program. Opportunity Dubuque has been very successful in providing no cost short-term certificate training that meets the workforce needs of local manufacturing employers. In addition, the partnership was instrumental in starting Re-Engage Dubuque to connect with high school dropouts in the community. The DCSD and NICC now have two Re-Engagement coaches working this initiative. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – 94 unemployed individuals have found employment through Opportunity Dubuque and 55 high school dropouts earned a high school diploma or GED through Re-Engage Dubuque. c. Difficulties – We continue to search for funding sources to increase the Opportunity Dubuque scholarships and make the program self-sustaining. Decreased Workforce Investment Act funding the past two years has created limitations on the scholarships provided through that funding source. 12. Complete the annual CEDS report for 2013 and submit by 12/31/2013. a. Accomplishments – Staff performed outreach to member communities for data gathering. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Staff completed the annual CEDS report for 2013. c. Difficulties – Most available economic data is from 2010 or lags substantially, making real time analysis difficult. Some data is also not available for smaller rural communities.
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TRAINING AND CONFERENCES Attend and participate in meetings of national, state, and local organizations affecting regional strategy policies and programs. 1. ECIA staff will continue to participate in the annual trip of the Clinton and the Dubuque communities to meet with federal officials concerning local needs. Trips are scheduled for April and May, 2013. a. Accomplishments - The Clinton trip to Washington D.C. was cancelled this year. ECIA staff participated in the Dubuque trip to Washington, D.C. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - One staff member went with the City of Dubuque to Washington, D.C. in March, 2013. c. Difficulties - Clinton cancelled their event this year and have not decided if they will schedule one for 2014. The costs are starting to creep up for participating in the Dubuque event. 2. ECIA staff will attend the Iowa League of Cities meeting. a. Accomplishments - Staff attended the Iowa League of Cities Meeting. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Three staff attended the Iowa League meeting in September, 2013 and one staff participated in the budget workshop in December. c. Difficulties - No difficulties were encountered. These are good meetings for staff to network with our member cities and to get updates on city related issues. 3. ECIA staff will attend Iowa DNR meetings in Des Moines. a. Accomplishments - ECIA staff attended the quarterly IDNR meetings b. Quantifiable Deliverables - ECIA staff attended three meetings of the IDNR this year. c. Difficulties - The meetings are useful to attend but they are in Des Moines so it requires three hours of travel each way for staff. It is time consuming. 4. ECIA staff will attend regional meeting hosted by the EDA. a. Accomplishments - Staff did not attend a specific meeting hosted by the EDA this year but did attend the Iowa Association of Regional Councils (IARC) meeting in August, 2013 and participated in the Peer Review Process as an observer and participated in the IARC meeting with EDA staff present. The Peer Review meeting was very useful and provided input into what others are doing as an EDA District and how they are maximizing and levering their EDA funding. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - The Peer Review meeting were very useful with valuable information regarding CEDS measurable outcomes and deliverables and how to incorporate that data and information into the document and make the document more useful to regional partners and members. c. Difficulties - No difficulties were encountered. These meetings are a great opportunity to network with EDA staff and other EDA recipients. 5. ECIA staff will attend two national meetings - either NADO, NARC, or the IEDC meetings. a. Accomplishments - Due to budget constraints, staff did not attend a national NADO meeting this year. However staff did attend the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) meeting. The Executive Director was also a speaker for the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) National Conference and presented with our partners from Northeast Iowa Community College on the Opportunity Dubuque and Re-Engagement Center programs. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - One staff person attended the NARC meeting in California and one staff person was invited to speak at the IEDC Conference in Philadelphia on the workforce programs. The Opportunity Dubuque Program was recognized by IEDC with their Award of Excellences for its impact on employment programs in our region. Greater Dubuque Development Corporation accepted the award on behalf of the partnership. c. Difficulties - There were no difficulties encountered with this task. Due to cost, it is generally too expensive to send more than one to two staff to each meeting and with budget cuts, were unable to send staff to both NADO and NARC this year. 6. ECIA staff will attend training to become familiar with “green� and sustainable business practices that can be introduced to Buyer Supplier companies and member governments.
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a. Accomplishments - Staff attended the Growing Sustainable Communities Conference, Community Efficient and Renewable Energy Workshop, and participated in the Green Business Data Tracking webinar hosted by ICLEI. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Staff networked with presenters, co-presenters, and conference attendees and have developed open lines of communication with statewide and national sustainability resources. c. Difficulties - There were no difficulties encountered with this task. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION Disseminate census, economic, statistical and program information by telephone, e-mail, letter, newsletter, personal contact, and training programs. Maintain a database for use in program development and implementation. 1. ECIA staff prepares two full newsletters each year and two “news alerts” which are disseminated to over 800 individuals and/or entities in the region. a. Accomplishments - To be more “green” ECIA began distributing the newsletters electronically on a quarterly basis rather than by traditional mail. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - The newsletter email list contains approximately 590 people and businesses. c. Difficulties – No difficulties encountered with this task. 2. ECIA staff maintains the websites for ECIA, Prosperity Eastern Iowa, the Regional Transit Authority, the Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority/Corporation, the Eastern Iowa Regional Utility Service Systems, Dubuque Metropolitan Transportation Study, ECIA Business Growth, Buyers Supplier Connection, Petal Project and The Petal Project is a new website that staff developed and will continue to develop and maintain as part of our regional economic development activities. a. Accomplishments – ECIA staff have continued to develop content for all of the websites including the employee intranet in order to improve information within the agency and with member governments. Online registration and payment options were added to a few websites in 2013. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - We began tracking hits to all agency websites using Google analytics which allows us to see where the hits are generated as well as monitor times of high and low traffic. The ECIA website currently receives an average of over 100 page views/month. c. Difficulties – No difficulties encountered with this task. 3. ECIA staff responds to approximately 150-200 requests for information each year pertaining to grant applications, TIF districts, enterprise zone, etc. a. Accomplishments - Staff provided general information and answered general technical assistance questions from various communities in the region. ECIA staff is a member of the Dubuque Enterprise Zone Commission and participated in meetings, as needed, regarding new projects this year. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Staff responded to 200+ technical assistance/general information questions from communities in the region with topics varying from code enforcement, budgeting, zoning, land use, transportation, etc. Two projects were approved through the Dubuque Enterprise Zone Commission in which ECIA staff is a member. c. Difficulties – No major difficulties this year. 4. ECIA staff participates in local, regional and national meetings discussing programs, projects and successes in our region related to economic and community development. ECIA staff will present during at least one national meeting in the upcoming year. a. Accomplishments – ECIA’s Executive Director was selected to present at the International Economic Development Council Annual Conference with the Vice-President of Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) on the Opportunity Dubuque program. ECIA’s Executive Director prepared the Prezi for the Annual Conference presentation on the Opportunity Dubuque project. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Staff participated in two events this past year: IEDC and NARC.
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c. Difficulties – There were no difficulties experienced. Budget was a factor this year in determining which conferences staff could attend. The IEDC conference was during the Federal Government Shutdown. In light of the shutdown, the ECIA Director made other arrangements to conserve budget funds and the Vice-President of NICC ended up doing the presentation on her own at the IEDC Annual Conference. GRANT/LOAN APPLICATIONS Assist local governments in the preparation of grant/loan applications for funding of projects of local and regional concern. 1. ECIA staff regularly prepare grant applications and loan applications for CDBG projects such as water, sewer, child care centers, etc. a. Accomplishments - ECIA worked with seven communities to submit CDBG applications for water/sewer projects. ECIA submitted six CDBG housing applications for down payment assistance and homeowner rehab. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - ECIA received funding for one CDBG applications in 2013, which was submitted in 2012. ECIA submitted six CDBG housing applications for down payment assistance and homeowner rehab. c. Difficulties - There were no unusual difficulties encountered. As usual with the CDBG program for housing, community facility and public works, funding is always limited compared to the number of applications. 2. ECIA staff regularly prepares applications for Enterprise Zone and other State economic development programs. a. Accomplishments - Staff worked with the City of Peosta in the preparation of one application to the City and one application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Bodine Electric Company received a $17,500 loan from the City and $175,000 forgivable loan from IEDA. c. Difficulties – ECIA staff worked with the business to demonstrate and document that they have no instate competitors. 3. ECIA staff regularly prepare federal grant program applications for programs such as State of Good Repair, Clean Fuels, Bus Livability, EPA Brownsfield, TIGGER and TIGER. ECIA staff will continue to pursue these grant programs annually for communities in the region. a. Accomplishments – For the City of Dubuque, ECIA completed one Federal grant application focusing on the intermodal transit facility, which included transit administrative offices and bus storage, and parking. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – One federal grant was submitted but denied. One debrief call on grant. c. Difficulties – Very tedious grant applications and highly competitive. 4. ECIA staff prepare Community Attraction and Tourism grant applications for communities. We anticipate 2 applications per year for this funding. a. Accomplishments – ECIA staff completed a CAT grant for the city of Manchester for their Whitewater Park project. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – ECIA submitted one application for the CAT program. Manchester was awarded a $300,000 CAT grant. c. Difficulties – No difficulties were encountered. 5. ECIA staff prepare grant and loan applications for the flood recovery and disaster mitigation efforts in the region. ECIA will continue this work through 2013. a. Accomplishments – ECIA is in the process of closing out flood recovery programs through HMGP in Manchester (3), Hopkinton (1), City of Dubuque (1), and Dubuque County (1). HMGP programs are in process in Sageville and Dyersville. A CDBG project in Dyersville was closed in 2013 along with two siren and one generator awards through HMGP.
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b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Two Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) buyout applications were prepared which included 2 residential properties. No HMGP siren and emergency generator applications were submitted this year. ECIA submitted applications for the Multi-Family New Production program through IEDA for the City of Dubuque (2), Manchester (2), Hopkinton (1), Earlville (2), and Dyersville (2). One project in the City of Dubuque was funded, which included 16 units. Staff prepared an application on behalf of Dubuque County for the Sageville HMGP program through the IEDA CDBG Opportunities and Threats set aside. The County was awarded $347,141 for project match. c. Difficulties – Red tape and paperwork related to federal and state funding sources and a lack of available funding for projects. DATA CENTER Collect data and program information on economic development trends and conditions including finance, labor, business development, industrial development, and the agricultural economy. 1. ECIA maintains data for grants and reports which is used in applications. a. Accomplishments - ECIA regularly collects data in its transportation department for its mapping and model and that information is readily available for staff to utilize in grant and loan related applications. Data is collected as needed utilizing the internet as a resource. In 2013, ECIA considered a data dashboard resource which would serve as a one-stop for all data. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - The grant and loan applications prepared for IEDA and CDBG all utilize statistical data which ECIA maintains. c. Difficulties - The process for maintaining the data for the Data Center is much different now as it was in the past as the internet is the quickest and most reliable resource. The internet make the process much more streamlined and available. The data dashboard is very expensive. 2. ECIA maintains the Location One Information System for the region to track the available sites and buildings through the Prosperity Eastern Iowa web site. This is updated on an ongoing basis. a. Accomplishments – Prosperity Eastern Iowa members are responsible for updating their community’s buildings and sites, with ECIA staff provide technical assistance and update of region wide statistics, data, and community information. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – All communities in the Prosperity Eastern Iowa region have accurate transportation and demographic data in their profiles. ECIA staff have also assisted communities with developing site video tours to be linked to the LOIS website. c. Difficulties – Some required information in LOIS is not accessible to local economic development professionals. DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Assist local governments and economic development entities in preparing Community Builder Plans and strategic plans in the region. 1. ECIA staff will prepare strategic plans for development groups, chambers or cities in the upcoming year. a. Accomplishments - ECIA was not asked to prepare any Strategic Plans. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – No plans were prepared this year c. Difficulties – No difficulties were encountered. EASTERN IOWA RURAL UTILITIES, INC. Provide technical assistance to local governments and coordinate with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) in the efforts to administer the 28E organization that provides water and sewer services to cities and rural residents.
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1. ECIA will continue to work with counties in the region in the design and application plans for funding for unsewered communities in the region. a. Accomplishments - 1) The Leisure Lake project was bid out and the construction contract was awarded. Construction is in progress. 2) Fairview wastewater system was completed and placed in operation. A project to expand the system to the north and add 14 customers had funding secured, construction bid and contract awarded. Work is to begin in winter 2012-13. 3) Continued to work with one City (Morley) and engineer on wastewater system development and securing of funding. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – 1) In Leisure Lake, the collection and treatment systems have been completed. Approximately 125 houses have been connected to these systems, and 175-200 still need to be connected. 2) The expansion project in Fairview was completed in 2013. c. Difficulties - The time between submitting an application to USDA, along with the attendant paperwork, and funding can take years. In the case of Leisure Lake this resulted in the loss of one grant (CDBG). This causes hardship for staff and homeowners. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Provide technical assistance to local governments, development corporations, chambers of commerce, businesses, and individuals, in the ongoing implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. ECIA has traditionally provided technical assistance to local governments via a Manager of Government Relations and has extended this to economic technical assistance. The association provides technical expertise in financing and deal packaging. 1. ECIA will assist with Tax Increment Financing in the region. a. Accomplishments - ECIA offered assistance with implementing Tax Increment Financing to the region. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Behnke Enterprises, Inc. of Farley, IA will receive up to $324,000 in TIF rebates for a 10-year period. c. Difficulties - No difficulties were encountered. 2. ECIA will assist in writing ordinances and in developing zoning plans. a. Accomplishments – Ordinances: For communities staff prepared individual ordinances, updated codes of ordinances; Plans: Staff is working on a zoning ordinance for the Clinton airport. Staff is also developing zoning ordinances for five cities in Dubuque County. Staff also completed the Dubuque County Smart Plan. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Ordinances: Staff completed 11 city codes and seven ordinances; zoning ordinances are being updated for six cities and one county; the Dubuque County Smart Plan was adopted. c. Difficulties – Ordinances: Tedious work, finding time to work on a city code consecutive times, city clerk hard to get a hold of because they have other jobs 3. ECIA will assist with RISE applications for roadways in to business parks. a. Accomplishments – Two applications were approved by the DOT. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Dubuque Industrial Center South: Construction is complete. Dubuque County Herber Bridge Road, which serves the Dubuque John Deere Works: Design is underway, Construction to begin in 2014. C. No unusual difficulties were encountered. 4. ECIA will assist communities in preparing Urban Revitalization plans and Urban Renewal Plans. a. Accomplishments - ECIA offered Urban Revitalization planning to the region. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – No community utilized the service this year. c. Difficulties - No difficulties occurred. 5. ECIA will assist with EPA, IDNR and IDED Brownfield grant applications a. Accomplishments – There were no brownfield grant applications submitted. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – No applications were submitted in 2013. c. Difficulties – Lack of time to discuss opportunities with the region or conduct a pre assessment of possible brownfield properties.
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6. ECIA staff will continue to assist small communities under 500 population with utility billing and accounting services. a. Accomplishments – There are currently 14 communities with billing systems set up. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – To date, 14 communities are set up and trained on the billing program. c. Difficulties – The inability to incorporate the utility bill calculation into the QuickBooks software has limited our ability to improve the functionality of the program. 7. ECIA staff through the Prosperity Eastern Iowa entity will continue to provide expertise in web page design and developing and submitting responses to leads and inquiries in the region. a. Accomplishments - Staff worked with Prosperity Eastern Iowa members to improve economic development websites. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Staff helped county/city economic developers with project proposals for one lead. Staff is also overhauling the economic development website for one community. c. Difficulties - Some of the smaller communities do not have high quality maps of their industrial parks and other available sites and buildings which makes them less competitive. Staff continue to work with individual communities to improve the quality of their materials, including web presence, but it is very time consuming. PROSPERITY EASTERN IOWA COLLABORATIVE MARKETING Administer and conduct the activities identified by the Prosperity Eastern Iowa Economic Development Partnership to further business retention and expansion in ECIA’s three of ECIA’s Counties, Dubuque, Delaware, Jackson and then Jones County. Key projects and activities that will be conducted include: 1. ECIA implemented the local industry business retention and expansion program known as InfoAction. a. Accomplishments - Each economic developer is responsible for their own retention program and calling on local businesses. As a group, the economic developers decided that ECIA staff should focus on marketing the regional entity and not be concerned about the business retention program. Each economic developer will continue their retention efforts locally and will use PEI as a networking vehicle to discuss their successes, issues or obstacles in making those important business retention calls. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Each economic developer in the region is making annual calls on their businesses and many are using the State sponsored Sychronist software. This is no longer a focus or priority for ECIA staff as part of the PEI ongoing activities. c. Difficulties - No difficulties have been encountered. It was a mutual decision that this is no longer a priority for ECIA staff but remains a very important priority and task for the economic developers individually in the region. 2. Continual update of the regional websites: Prosperity Eastern Iowa,, Petal Project and Buyer Supplier. a. Accomplishments - The regional marketing website was updated in 2010 with new branding and information. Data on the website is updated annually. Due to changing priorities and a new statewide website, is not being updated at this time but continues to be available to online visitors. The Buyer Supplier website received a facelift and improvements to usability, data gathering, and RFP posting were been made in 2012 and 2013. Staff continues to simplify the website, with a focus on usability. The Petal Project website is updated on an ongoing basis, but will need to be reformatted in 2014. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Four websites have been maintained by staff, with updating completed as needed. c. Difficulties - None at this time. 3. Continue to seek partners and raise funds for the Prosperity efforts. a. Accomplishments - Staff continues to research funding sources for Prosperity Eastern Iowa efforts and have been successful at receiving funds from the Iowa Economic Development Authority, Dubuque Racing Association, Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, as well as recruiting new partners for the Buyer Supplier program which increases membership income.
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b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Staff received grant funds from the Iowa Economic Development Authority in 2013. c. Difficulties - Budgets are tight for local economic development groups and at the state level which makes the grant process more competitive and maintaining membership and local match a concern. Continue to partner with the State of Iowa on the export conference and program. a. Accomplishments – PEI partners decided to host an exporting conference biannually. The next conference will be held in 2014. A representative from the International Trade Office attended in the PEI meeting in November to discuss state-wide programs. Exporting resources are also included in the monthly newsletter for Buyer Supplier. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – A conference was held in 2012, and plans are in place for another conference in 2014. c. Difficulties – None at this time. Continue to pursue partnerships to expand Buyer Supplier into other parts of Iowa; into Wisconsin; and into Illinois. a. Accomplishments – In 2013 the partnership with Northeast Iowa Business Network, Jo Daviess, Carroll, and parts of Whiteside County in Illinois ended due to funding cuts. The City of Fulton is the only community outside of the PEI region to continue its membership. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Buyer Supplier retracted from thirteen counties in Iowa and Illinois to six counties in Iowa and Illinois. c. Difficulties – Many surrounding cities/counties/economic development groups are interested in Buyer Supplier but cannot afford the annual membership dues. Continue to promote and seek businesses to participate in the Petal Project sustainability program and green business program that can be incorporated into their daily business practices. a. Accomplishments - The Petal Project has assisted twenty-five businesses in the community with improving and “greening” their daily business practices. Greater Dubuque Development Corporation hosted an evening event to help promote the program. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Twenty-five businesses in the community are either in the process of or have completed the Petal project green business certification. This is an increase of nine from last year. c. Difficulties - Funding for the Petal Project continues to be a challenge. Continue to focus on recruitment and retention of the younger workforce in the region. a. Accomplishments - PEI partners participated in three job fairs in 2013 to recruit workers to the region. b. Quantifiable Deliverables - Fifty-three resumes were collected and sent to employers from these job fairs. c. Difficulties – The job fairs do not seem to be an effective workforce recruitment tactic. Continue to expand the partnership and work with Iowa State Extension office in developing a partnership for local and regional foods and incorporate into the Buyer Supplier program. a. Accomplishments – Staff continues to attend meetings related to local foods, but ECIA was not a formal partner in any local foods projects in 2013. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – Staff continues to share findings from the Local Foods Prospectus completed in 2012 in partnership with SW Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. c. Difficulties – Due to the technical nature of local foods Iowa State Extension remains the leader for this work in the region. Continue to partner with the Northeast Iowa Business Network in the expansion and promotion of the Buyer Supplier program in their region. a. Accomplishments – The Buyer Supplier partnership with Northeast Iowa Business Network ended in 2013. Monthly e-blasts and marketing efforts continued in Eastern Iowa. b. Quantifiable Deliverables – A new feature, Quick Quote, was added to the website in 2013. Over 1,200 businesses are registered for the program. Additionally, 30 Quick Quotes and RFPs were posted; the website generated hits from nearly 2,000 unique visitors, who on average spent two minutes and forty seconds on the website.
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Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
c. Difficulties – Businesses continue to use the website, but most do not post RFPs/Quick Quotes.
C. Community and Private Sector Participation and ECIA Governing Board Community input is critical to the CEDS planning process. An outline of the process follows: • A survey is conducted with member cities and counties within ECIA's five-county region to determine their priorities and economic development plans for the upcoming year. Responses are then compiled and prioritized by the CEDS Planning Committee. • ECIA staff meets with the region's Economic Development leaders to receive their input. ED Roundtable discussions through Prosperity Eastern Iowa occur every other month with Executive Committee meetings monthly. The group meets every other month and discusses projects, strategies, and shares resources. They also review and discuss the CEDS priorities as well as progress in meeting the priorities. • ECIA publishes notices in the five-county region in the official county newspapers regarding the CEDS planning process indicating a comment period to receive comments from the public. The planning committee then meets to receive and discuss the community input. • Comments are received from the ECIA Council. • The CEDS document is approved by the CEDS Committee, the Executive Committee, and the ECIA Council. • The CEDS document is reviewed by the Committee on an annual basis and information is provided to the EDA in the form of an annual report. The prioritized goals and objectives are a reflection of the efforts of the CEDS Committee as well as input received from the citizens of the region identifying the economic goals for the next five years. The committee recommended and the ECIA Council concurred that the four goals identified are all of highest priority, therefore are all ranked at the same level. These goals are linked to improving the limitations within the region as well as building and expanding upon our opportunities. The CEDS Planning Committee is comprised of representatives from various segments of the region. The committee represents all major interest groups providing viewpoints that give a well-balanced perspective for the region. The trends, opportunities, and limitations affecting the economic growth of the region have been identified and related to the trends of the national and global market. The mission/ vision and goals of ECIA have been adopted and used as the vision for the CEDS process. The mission/ vision is used as the foundation to build upon when developing goals and strategies for the region. The committee composition, the community input, and the process for the analysis and formulation of this document have remained the same and can be found on the following pages.
26 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
1. PRIVATE SECTOR REPRESENTATIVES (At least 51%) Any senior management official or executive holding a key decision-making position, with respect to any for-profit enterprise. Name Rod Tokheim Norlan Hinke Steve Hoeger Wayne Breckon Tori Richter Lou Egging Tom Johnson Florian Steffen Lori Cole
Company Mercy Medical Center Clinton National Bank Henderson Manufacturing Dubuque Bank & Trust American Trust & Savings The Egging Company Premier Bank Maquoketa State Bank City State Bank
Position Vice-President Senior Vice President President & Owner Vice-President Vice-President President Vice-President President & CCO Branch Manager
2. REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER ECONOMIC INTERESTS (No more than 49%) Persons who provide additional representation of the main economic interests of the region. These may include, but are not limited to: public officials, community leaders, representatives of workforce development boards, institutions of higher education, minority and labor groups, and private individuals. Name Donna Sweeney Rick Dickinson Don Thiltgen Milt Kramer Bill Rediger Jim Vermazen Tim Cottle
Area of Interest Local Government, Women Econ Development, Business Local Government Local Government Low-Income, Minority, Senior Citizen Workforce Development Higher Education
CALCULATIONS Private Sector Representatives (at least 51%) Representatives of Other Economic Interests (no more than 49%) Total Committee Membership
Position City Clerk, Holy Cross Executive Director & COO Mayor, DeWitt Mayor, Manchester Chairperson EIRHA/EIRHC RWIB Board Member Associate Director Number 9 7 16
Percent 56% 44% 100%
APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: 13 CFR Part 303.6(a): The Planning Organization must appoint a Strategy Committee. The Strategy Committee must represent the main economic interests of the Region and must include Private Sector Representatives [as defined above] as a majority of its membership. In addition, the Planning Organization should ensure that the Strategy Committee includes public officials, community leaders, representatives of workforce development boards, institutions of higher education, minority and labor groups, and private individuals.
27 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
CEDS Planning Committee Work Program Work Item/Task Establish Goals
Responsible Party CEDS Planning Committee ECIA Council
Timetable Annually, by June 30
Establish Priorities
CEDS Planning Committee ECIA Council
Annually, by June 30
Collect Data ECIA Staff
Ongoing, annually complete by October 30
Receive Community Input ECIA Staff
Ongoing, annually receive comments by October 15
Analyze Information/Comments
ECIA Staff
Annually, by November 30
Identify Strategies
CEDS Planning Committee
Annually, by December 15
Prepare Implementation Plans
ECIA Staff
Annually, by December 15
Identify Opportunities and Limitations CEDS Planning Committee
Annually, by December 15
Report Progress
ECIA Staff
Annually, by December 15
Prepare Annual Report
ECIA Staff
Annually, by December 15
Prepare Five-Year CEDS
ECIA Staff, in cooperation with CEDS Planning Committee and ECIA Council
The ECIA Council is the jurisdiction giving the official approval of the CEDS document. The ECIA Executive Director is ultimately responsible for reporting on the progress of the program and its results. *As adopted by the ECIA Council, July 2003 Updated October 2008
28 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
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Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
ECIA GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERSHIP ROSTER 1. GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES (51-65%) Elected officials and/or employees of a general purpose unit of state, local or Indian tribal government who have been appointed to represent the government. Name Government Position Shirley Kepford City of Tipton Mayor Betty Ellerhoff Cedar Co. Bd of Supervisors Supervisor John Staszewski Clinton Co Bd of Supervisors Supervisor Don Thiltgen City of DeWitt Mayor Milt Kramer City of Manchester Mayor Linda Gaul City of Earlville City Clerk Shirley Helmrichs Delaware Co Bd Supervisors Supervisor Jeff Madlom Delaware Co Bd Supervisors Supervisor Daryl Klein Dubuque Co Bd Supervisors Supervisor Ray Stephan City of Peosta City Council Donna Sweeney City of Holy Cross City Clerk Larry Koos Jackson Co Bd Supervisors Supervisor Paul Konrardy City of LaMotte Mayor Amy Moore City of Maquoketa City Council Peggy Sellnau City of Charlotte Mayor Mark Vulich City of Clinton Mayor Mike Van Milligen City of Dubuque City Manager Brian Wagner City of Maquoketa City Manager 2. NON-GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES (35-49%) A. Private Sector Representatives: Any senior management official or executive holding a key decision-making position, with respect to any for-profit enterprise. (At least one required) Name Company / Enterprise Position Brett Nagel Community Savings Bank Vice President Norlan Hinke Clinton National Bank Vice President Wayne Breckon Dubuque Bank & Trust Vice President Bill Rediger Eastern Iowa Developmnt Co President Rod Tokheim Mercy Medical Center Vice President B. Stakeholder Organization Representatives: Executive directors of chambers of commerce, or representatives of institutions of post-secondary education, workforce development groups or labor groups. (At least one required) Name Organization Position Dave Heiar Jackson Co. Econom Alliance Director Roy Buol University of Dubuque Director Facilities Mgmt (Executive) Jim Vermazen Reg. Workforce Development Board Member (Executive) Board, Region 1 Elise Bergan Edgewood Chamber Director Tim Cottle EICC-Clinton Comm College Associate Director Shelise Parsley CCEDCO/Iowa State U-Ext. Executive Director Abby Kisling TEDCO Community Development Director
29 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
3. AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVES (0-14%) Other individuals who represent the principal economic interests of the region. (No minimum required) Name Chris Nosbisch Matt Muckler
Area of Interest City of Tipton City of West Branch
Background City Administrator City Administrator
Wayne Deerberg, Supervisor, Cedar County Board of Supervisors Peggy Kedley, Lowden City Clerk Steve Lindner, City Administrator, City of DeWitt Timothy Vick, City Manager, City of Manchester Judy Carr, Deputy City Clerk, City of Maquoketa Steven Flynn, Owner, Flynn Construction, Jackson County Board of Supervisors Don Recker, Mayor, City of Sageville Wayne Demmer, Supervisor, Dubuque County Board of Supervisors
CALCULATIONS 1. Government Representatives (51-65%)
Number 18
Percent 56%
2. Non- Government Representatives (35-49%)
A. Private Sector Representatives (at least 1)
B. Stakeholder Organization Representatives (at least 1)
3. At-Large Representatives (0-14%) Total Board Membership APPLICABLE REGULATIONS 13 CFR Part 304.2(c):
The District Organization must demonstrate that its governing body is broadly representative of the principal economic interest of the Region, and, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable State or local law, must include at least one (1) Private Sector Representative and one (1) or more of the following: Executive Directors of Chambers of Commerce, or representatives of institutions of post- secondary education, workforce development groups or labor groups, all of which must comprise in the aggregate a minimum of thirty-five (35) percent of the District Organization’s governing body. The governing body shall also have at least a simple majority of its membership who are elected officials and/or employees of a general purpose unit of State, local or Indian tribal government who have been appointed to represent the government. Upon the District Organization’s showing of its inability to locate a Private Sector Representative to serve on its governing body following extensive due diligence, the Assistant Secretary may waive the Private Sector Representative requirement. The Assistant Secretary shall not delegate the authority to grant a waiver under this paragraph.
30 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Governing Board Members Name
Public Private Minority Female County Official X Cedar X X Cedar X X Cedar X X Cedar X Cedar X X Cedar X X Cedar X Cedar X Cedar
Matt Muckler Peggy Kedley (5) Shirley Kepford Betty Ellerhoff Chris Nosbisch Shelise Parsley Abby Kisling Wayne Deerberg (6) Orville Randolph (8)
Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Economic Development Economic Development Local Government Local Government
Don Thiltgen Steve Lindner (1) John Staszewski Tim Cottle Mark Vulich Rod Tokheim Peggy Sellnau
Local Government Local Government Local Government Education Local Government Business Local Government
Linda Gaul Jeff Madlom Milt Kramer Timothy Vick (2) Shirley Helmrichs Jim Vermazen (Exec 1994) Elise Bergan
Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government, Women Emp & Training, Business Economic Development
Daryl Klein Ray Stephan Donna Sweeney Bill Rediger Wayne Breckon Michael Van Milligen Wayne Demmer (3)
Local Government Local Government Local Government, Women Housing, Low Income Business/Commerce Local Government Local Government
Paul Konrardy Amy Moore Larry Koos Steve Flynn (4) Brian Wagner Judy Carr (7) Dave Heiar
Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Economic Development
Roy Buol
Local Government
(1) Alternate for Thiltgen (2) Alternate for Kramer (3) Alternate for Klein (4) Alternate for Koos (5) Alternate for Cedar Co. (6) Alternate for Ellerhoff (7) Alternate for Wagner (8) Alternate for Cedar Co.
Appt. Date 2011 2010 2008 2011 2012 2012 2012 2009 2012
Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton
2000 2002 2009 2012 2012 2009 2012
Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware
2005 2009 1999 2005 1999 2012 2009
Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque
2011 1988 1994 2012 2012 1994 2011
Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson
2008 2012 2005 2007 1997 2007 2013
Dubuque 2005
Note Vacancies: 1 Jackson
31 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Section 3 Evaluation As indicated in the attached implementation charts, the activities in the region supporting the goals and objectives have been numerous. The job growth for the region has been positive, surpassing other areas in the State of Iowa. A key to the success of the region and to the progress of these many activities is partnerships. Private and public partnerships have been developed to implement many of the projects, especially the larger scale projects. Without these partnerships, the region would not experience such success. ECIA has acted as a liaison in these public/private partnerships and has worked behind the scenes on grant applications, general technical assistance, and in many cases, provided financing through our loan programs. The charts attached depict the success of the region and the effectiveness of implementing the CEDS goals and objectives.
Section 4 Schedule Including Implementation/Plan of Action See Spreadsheets Based on the analysis and the goals/objectives established, an implementation schedule of activities was developed as well as an evaluation tool for each activity. The implementation schedule is evaluated annually through the CEDS annual reporting process. The activities on the following pages are categorized within each of the goals and are listed by county within the region, and resources are identified. The CEDS committee annually reviews the CEDS process to determine the effectiveness of the implementation plan, reporting process, and the evaluation plan. In the following Implementation and Evaluation Report, notice that the projects in BOLD type have been completed over the past year, and projects that have either been added or adjusted are noted in RED type. Based on the progress of the activities, assumptions can be made for the economic future of the region. This 2013 Annual Report reflects a great deal of activity in the Improvement of Basic Public Works goal with many projects completed, under construction, or near completion during calendar year 2013.
32 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Prioritized Goals and Objectives* as reported in the 2009-2014 CEDS Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region • Prepare and plan for the expansion and creation of industrial parks • Encourage the location and expansion of manufacturing industries • Encourage the expansion of the tourism/recreation and service industries • Encourage the location and expansion of technology related industries • Encourage the location of wind, solar, and alternative fuel industries • Encourage the creation and expansion of industries that promote the use of agricultural products • Encourage small and minority owned business startups • Encourage entrepreneurship • Encourage the retention and expansion of existing employers • Encourage the location and expansion of current telephony technology and broadband technology systems • Promote the improvement of highway, rail, airport, and river transportation • Improve infrastructure and maximize existing resources • Promote and encourage companies in the region to buy and supply regionally • Encourage partnerships and marketing as a region, not individually Create a Skilled, Highly Educated, Permanent, Full-Time Workforce for Business and Industry • Maintain and create new partnerships in the region • Connect business and industry with employment and training programs • Collaborate regionally to address employers’ workforce needs • Promote programs to encourage high school and college age students to explore career paths in the region • such as utilizing the career readiness program and/or the career based website, • Encourage employers to utilize local and regional websites for posting open positions within their company such as • Encourage the creation of “green” jobs in the region Facilitate the Improvement and Maintenance of the Housing Stock and Housing Supply in the Region • Encourage the construction of affordable housing development • Encourage the reuse and redevelopment of vacant existing properties in the region converting to housing stock • Encourage homeownership opportunities • Encourage regional rental collaboration for multiple housing unit listings Promote Improvement of Basic Public Works Facilities and Community Services which Improve the Public’s Health, Safety, and Living Conditions • Disseminate information on available funding resources • Encourage partnerships in the region • Encourage the use of EIRUSS for small communities and unincorporated areas in the region • Encourage the use of sustainable and green concepts in the development of water, sewer, housing and community facility projects Promote and encourage sustainability throughout the region • Collaborate regionally to create ECO-EI building on the Sustainable Dubuque program • Create a regional economy with opportunities for new green markets, jobs, products, and services • Encourage energy conservation • Encourage recycling • Encourage community design and reuse which contributes to identity, heritage and sense of place • Encourage environmental integrity through healthy air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing health risks
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Encourage entrepreneurship
Project Location
ECIA Region
Dubuque County
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Small Business Works
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Small Business Development Center/Northeast Iowa Community College City of Dubuque, NICC, Chamber, ECIA, SDC, SCORE
Virtual one stop shop for entrepreneurs to increase Vital access to resources; funding secured; website design in progress Schmid Innovation Center Entreprenurial one-stop center for new business start Vital ups
Private donations
Encourage location and expansion of technology related industry
Clinton County
Clinton Regional Development Corporation
Business and Technology Park
Phase I: Develop a 100-acre business technology park, located adjacent to Mill Creek Parkway; technology park ready for occupancy; marketing program implemented; 25 acres of business park developed; 100 acres available but only 10 platted; new 20,000 sq ft building constructed in 2011 for an accounting firm; continue to seek funding for expansion; Phase 2: RISE grant application submitted
Encourage the expansion of the tourism/recreation and service industry
Cedar County
Cedar County Board of Supervisors
Cedar County Tourism
Cedar County
City of West Branch and the West Branch Park Commission
Pedersen Valley Park : recreational center
Organize a county-wide tourism organization for Suggested promotion of tourism in Cedar County; Organization in place and staff hired Gymnasium, fitness rooms, weightlifting and Vital cardiovascular equipment, racquetball court, locker rooms, elevated track, meeting rooms, kitchen, council chambers, and a future pool; site is selected, land is being acquired, grants applied for and then a possible tax levy may take place
Clinton County
Clinton County Conservation Board
Mississippi River Eco Tourism Center
Delaware County
City of Manchester
Dubuque County Dubuque County
Grand River Center Greater Dubuque
Cedar County
City of West Branch
Dubuque County
City of Dyersivlle
Dubuque County
Go the Distance Baseball, LLC
Encourage the location and ECIA Region expansion of current telephone technology and broadband technology systems Dubuque County
Tipton, Farley, and Dyersville
Avenue for education about, and history of Mississippi River and all the life that it supports; Construction complete but funds needed to complete educational displays, and to purchase furnishings, kitchen equipment and more Whitewater Park Park will consist of six drops at roughly 18" per drop and span over 800 ft.; Public fundraising complete; Project total: $1.8 million Convention Expansion Expanded facility; Cost: $24,732,105 Retail Development Develop a 30-acre retail site at old Farmland Foods location; Construct a 250,000 square-foot shopping center with several outlets; Bee Branch improvements have been completed Community Center Gymnasium, fitness rooms, weightlifting and cardiovascular equipment, racquetball court, locker rooms, elevated track, meeting rooms, kitchen, council chambers, and a future pool; Considering various sites, waiting on funding Swimming Pool Expansion Improved swimming pool; waiting on funding, shovelready Phase One: Six baseball and softball fields, concession stands, indoor state of the art training center, conference center (possibly a public/private partnership with indoor pool and theatre room). Will host youth baseball and softball tournaments and pro-league baseball. City has rezoned land and provided TIF funding; City awarded $1 million EDA funds for sewer expansion; business is in the process of securing private sector funding for project. Total project cost: $38 million
Digital Communications
Extend fiber optic cable Fiber optic connection for industrial park to DBQ Industrial Center West
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Suggested Suggested
Facility Construction / Rehab. Infrastructure
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
2013-2014 City, DOT, RISE
Investigate and encourage companies to provide up- Suggested to-date digital communications to local businesses, industry and residential consumers;
Private Funding Total
Private, Fundraising, Grants
Tax Levy
Private contributions
$515,000 City, County, State, local
$1,586,268 2014-2015
2012-2017 2012-2016
Private, Fundraising, Grants
2010-2013 Private investments, Private loans, City match for public infrastructure
$1,000,000 2011-2014
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Encourage the location and expansion of manufacturing industries
Encourage the retention and expansion af existing employers
Project Location
Prepare and plan for the expansion and creation of industrial parks
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Clinton County
Locate business to Retain employees and reuse infrastructure; Guardian Vital Crossroads Business Park Industries completed phase II of a $45 million expansion in 2011, Custom-Pak completed a new 250,000 sq ft building in Spring 2012
Jackson County
Jackson County Economic Alliance (JCEA) Clinton Regional Development Corporation, City of Clinton
Job Creation and Private Create 1,250 jobs and generate $130 million in new Vital private sector improvements; To attract jobs that pay Sector Improvements 20 percent more than the current median wage; $1 billion ADM expansion last 5-7 years; & 67 million in tech park; 645 new jobs Syncronist Make annual visits with existing industries to discover Vital needs Vital Millwork District Preserve and sustain the Millwork District by Revitalization Strategy providing commercial, housing, and employment opportunities; Cost: $200 million; CARADCO residential and core and of commercial components complete; Betty Building - CDBG NP 5 funds awarded; rehab apartments - private money, loans and enterprise zone, 16 unitis, $4 million; Bob Johnson building - private money, loans, historic tax credits, and enterprise zone, 76 units, $27 million; Schmid Innovation Center, bridal shop and pilates studio in CARADCO; GDDC relocated to Millwork District
Clinton County
Jackson County Improve infrastructure and maximize existing resources
Lead Organization
Dubuque County
Jackson County Economic Alliance (JCEA) Gronen Properties; City of Dubuque
Follow up on leads brought to JCEA
Facility Construction / Rehab.
$5.6 million TIGER funding, CARADCO building completed rehab ($8.9 million CDBG; $4.5 million low interest loans),
Dubuque County
Dubuque Main Street
Downtown Development
Local banks collaborated to create low-interest loan Vital pool to encourage downtown economic growth; $149 million invested since 2008 with an additional increase of 1,120 employees since 2008. The fund was recapitalized in 2010 with an additional $2.5 million; no data available for 2011 and 2012
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Energy efficiency, conservation and IBM "Smart City"
Energy efficiency and conservation and IBM "Smart Vital City"; Energy efficiency upgrades in the commercial sector, energy audits of municipal buildings; RLF for energy efficiency retrofit to landlords or property owners, RLF for municipal buildings for energy efficient retrofits, Created $200,000 RLF for an Energy Efficiency loan fund; November 2013, Iowa has received $1.03 million IEDA to promote solar energy and make it easier for homeowners and businesses to adopt rooftop solar systems. Dubuque is a pilot city.
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Phase II Historic Federal Building (Dubuque)
Renovation, cost: $6 million
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Delaware County
Delaware County
Facility Construction / Rehab.
City of Clinton
Larger and more secure Delaware County Jail; $4 million project; Spring 2014 vote Demolish dilapidated houses; construct sanitary/storm sewers, pave Camanche/Liberty Avenue (Liberty Square); received state funding and TIGER grant to finish project
Clinton County
Delaware County Jail Expansion Liberty Square
ECIA Region
Clarke College
New science building
Construct new science building; Cost: $13 million; Vital
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
City of Mechanicsville
Industrial Park Projects
Develop a 20-acre park in the northeast section of Vital the city; One new park in the county for industrial growth and three expanded parks for industrial growth; existing business moved to Durant industrial park; new business also in park - Norfolk Iron and Metal
US Dept of Energy, ICAAP
Private donations
$574,700, $1.6 million
TIGER: $2.7 million
2012-2013 2009-2013
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Cedar County
City of West Branch
Continue development of Sites available; utilities connected to the site; industrial park on I-80 possible road construction
Cedar County
City of Tipton
Industrial Parks Improved Construct a road in the industrial park and upgrade Vital street in the Northwest Industrial Park Access
Clinton County
City of Clinton
Mill Creek Expressway Enhancements
Clinton County
City of Clinton
19th Avenue N. Expansion
Clinton County
City of Clinton
Clinton County
City of Clinton
Clinton County
Construct northern leg of the Mill Creek Expressway; Vital Conducting needs assessment; seeking funds; property acquisition completed Construct road for access to Lyons Business and Vital Technology Park -RISE application submitted; seek funding for infrastucture and rail for park development; Phase I & II complete; phase III partially funded; still seeking $2 million; construction tentatively scheduled for 2014.
Manufacturing Meadows Active urban renewal and urban revitalization area; Vital III Continue to evaluate ways to create inventory; In planning stages Lincolnway Rail Port Develop Lincolnway Rail Port Industrial Park to Vital accommodate industries requiring 50 acres or more; Industrial Park Phase 1 completed; awarded RISE grant; Accommodate both rail and non-rail industries; 2012 city approved building spur track into park; City of Low Moor has pledged to provide water service to the industrial park; RAIL.ONE and Nevada Rail Materials are under construction. Data Dimensions is currently constructing a 30,000 sq. ft. addition with completion targeted for November 2013. Since 2012 they have hired an additional 53 employees.
Clinton - Valley Bluff Development
Commercial Area Develop Continue development of the commercial area north Vital of U.S. 30 and east of Mill Creek Parkway; Wild Rose Casino since 2008 and Hampton Inn opened in 2012; new prospects continue to be developed; new auto dealership under construction
Delaware County
City of Edgewood
Industrial Park Utility Connection
Delaware County
City of Manchester
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Provide utilities within the industrial park; Water and Vital sewer is in the industrial park; Still need electric and natural gas Burrington Road Sanitary Sanitary sewer extension to serve additional Vital Sewer Extension industrial park area, a planned redimix plant, and an existing truck stop IA 32 (Southwest Arterial) Construct IA 32 (Southwest Arterial) from Seippel Vital Construction Road to Hwy 61/151 to provide less congestion in surrounding areas; Final engineering and land acquisition started in 2009; $2.9 million in ARRA funds committed; Project location study and environmental assessment complete; Construction of two bridges underway; $17 million in the state of Iowa 5 year program for US 20 interchange; MOU signed for Transfer of Jurisdiction of SW/NW Arterials and U.S. 52; $15 million (2015), $20 million (2016), $10 million (2017)
Dubuque County
City of Farley
Industrial Park Improvements
Extend streets, sewer and water; plat and survey completed
Facility Construction / Rehab.
RAIL.ONE; Data Dimensions
$4,400,000 Ongoing
$90,000,000 2003-2018
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Dubuque County
City of Dyersivlle
Commercial Park Development
Acquire and develop commercial property for a new Vital commercial park; (12th Ave SW/332nd Ave Street Expansion); Land has been acquired thru City and DEDC partnership; 20 acres sold to FarmTek for facility expansion and 100 additional jobs; Remaining 30 acres will need to be developed with water, sewer, gas and electrical; 12th Ave SW was completed in 2012 for access to the park.
Dubuque County
City of Dyersivlle
Idustrial Park Expansion
Dubuque County
City of New Vienna
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Industrial Park Development Industrial Center West
Expand 20 West Industrial Park (Phase II); phase I complete; 25 acres still available; utilities are in place in phase 1; seeking funding to expand infrastructure to the west 100 acres of the park (phase II & III) Purchase land for the purpose of developing an industrial park; Industrial park developed Encourage new and existing businesses to locate to expanded industrial park; Cost of this phase: $5 million; Grading, streets, water, sewer extensions
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Industrial Center South
New park along both sides of Seippel Road near Vital Highway 20; Grading underway; Funding needed for construction of US 20 interchange; 110 acres graded and ready for development, including addition of water, sanitary, and stormwater utilities along with fiber optic conduit. Also, creation of new 900 ft. Partners Road. Project cost is $4.1 million, with $230,000 from an IDOT RISE grant. Land is now available for sale.
Jackson County
Jackson County/City of Maquoketa
Industrial/Commercial areas growth pattern study
Jackson County Jackson County Delaware County
Jackson County Promote the improvement of highway, rail, airport, and river transportation
Lead Organization
Dubuque County
ECIA Region
Identify potential industrial/commercial areas along U.S. 61 highway corridor; Study growth patterns – prevent sprawl; Study completed and areas identified; commercial and industrial areas identified; property rezoned City of Bellevue Industry Park Locate and evaluate potential sites for industrial Development park development City of Preston Industry Park Locate and evaluate potential sites for industrial Development park development Industry Park DevelopmentDevelopment of a 54 acre commercial park by a City of Manchester private investor; located at the corner of Iowa Highway 13 and U.S. 20 Cities of Bellevue, Maquoketa, Industrial Enterprise Zone Promote status as an industrial enterprise zone Preston City of Dubuque Dubuque Regional Airport to expand facilities; New terminal, parking Airport Facility Expansion lot and access road; Cost: $40 million; implement master plan; State RISE grant submitted and approved; Construction in progress. City of Dubuque
$4,100,000 2011-2013
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Federal, State, RISE
Ride the Rail, Passenger A consolidated effort to achieve funding; creation of Vital Train Service (Amtrak) a state-wide rail program in Iowa; advocate for from Chicago to Dubuque additional financial resources; Cost: $3.2 million; creation of community coalition; presentations to legislative committees; correspondence to Congressional delegations; City needs to find funding for platform and rail improvements. Applied for Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) but grant not amended in 2013, will re apply
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Dubuque County
City of Dyersivlle
Highway 20 West Interchange
Project included in IDOT's 5 year plan; construction planned for 2015; City roads will need to be built and extended to support the interchange; funding needed for city portion of project; $17 million project is expected to improve traffic safety at Seventh Street and U.S. 20.; City Council voted to approve a right-of-way agreement with the IDOT
ECIA Region
City of Dubuque
Dubuque Intermodal Transportation Campus
Will create a multi-modal (bicycle, pedestrian, bus, Vital rail, and single occupant vehicle) hub for the region; Cost$10.5 million of which $8 million is from Sate of Good Repair Grant; submitted TIGER V in June 2013 grant for last phase - denied. Cost is approximately $11-$12 million, approximately $6 million from the Federal Transit Administration State of Good Repair Grant; currently under design by Neumann Monson; estimated completion date is Spring 2015.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Federal (State of Good Repair), City, local funds
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
9th & 11th Street Conversion
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Elm Street conversion
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Safety Improvements: Grandview Ave/Loras Blvd and Grandview Ave/University Ave
Convert one-way to two-way streets to help circulate Vital traffic efficiently in intermodal campus; Cost - $1.7 million; Complete in June 2014. Convert one-way to two-way and eliminate elm Vital street extension and improve traffic circulation in and around HMD; Cost - $600,000; Funded with TCSP funds; Contract cost is $744,000.00. Complete in June 2014. Remove on-street parking within 200 feet of the Vital intersection, Add left turn lanes on north and south approaches, Reconstruct traffic signals; Remove onstreet parking within 200 feet of the intersection; Add left turn lanes on all approaches, Construct traffic signals
Dubuque County
City of Asbury
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
Safety Improvements: Realign the intersection of Asbury Road and Hales Mills Road ECIA Long Range Transportation Plan DMATS LRTP 2010-2040
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
Dubuque County
Dubuque County ECIA Region
Project Type
Public Funding Total
$10,500,000 2013-2015
Tree Removal, Remove Vertical Curve, Realign Hales Vital Mill Road to eliminate skew angle
IDOT, local
List of transportation federal aid projects within Suggested DMATS area; Help cities and counties to program their five year budgets with projects that are federal aid eligible and have a positive impact within their region; Create a timeline for future projects helping communities to start planning and programming for implementation
Technical Assistance
City, GDDC
Converting projects into In partnership with city of Dubuque, Greater Vital 3D Dubuque Development Corp, and DOT; Visualization for future projects helping to get better public input; Smarter Travel In partnership with city of Dubuque and IBM; Web Vital portal for transit providers; Collecting GPS and GIS data and route schedules within the region
Dubuque County and City of Holy Cross
Highway 52 ImprovementsCoordinate with the State on improving Highway 52 Vital from Sageville to Luxemburg; Securing funds for the improvements, completion of the planning study; status of the project in the State plan; IADOT is implementing the changes in different phases.
Dubuque County
Great River Road Reconstruction U.S. 30 Construction between Cedar Rapids and Clinton
Partial reconstruction completed; Status of the reconstruction, improved safety and access Support the construction of U.S. 30 as a four-lane highway from Cedar Rapids to Clinton; in the State five year plan; Economic Impact Study complete
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
ECIA Region
U.S. 30 Expansion
Dubuque County
Highway 20 improvements
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Study to expand U.S. 30 to four-lanes through Vital Cedar, Clinton and Linn Counties to Chicago; Feasibility study complete; some funding secured; status of the project in the State plan Highway 20 improvements from Peosta to Seipple Vital Road; DOT priority; Study complete; waiting on funding Work with City of Dubuque and State of Iowa to Vital widen Julien Dubuque Bridge to four-lanes; Funds secured for AE and architectural phase – 2002; secure funds for construction. Status of the project in the State plan; status of Federal funds for construction
The IADOT staff Coordinated with the City of Vital Dubuque and DMATS to analyse future improvments between Seipple Rd and Century Dr on Highway 20. IADOT is working with HDR to complete the study. However, there is no funding to make the suggested improvments as of now.
ECIA Region
Dubuque County
Julien Dubuque Bridge Improvements
ECIA Region
Dubuque County
Highway 20 Study
ECIA Region
Dubuque County
Jackson County
City of Bellevue
Highway 20 East, Galena Cost: $250,000,000; need to secure funding Bypass Millcreek bridge project Cost: $8,200,000; need to secure funding
Clinton County
City of Camanche
9th AVE: From Cost: $100,000; Project Complete Anamosa rd to HWY 67
Clinton County
City of Camanche
Third St: From 4th Cost: $170,800; Project Complete Avenue to 13th Avenue
Clinton County
City of Camanche
Cost: $100,000; In progress
Clinton County Dubuque County
City of Camanche City of Dyersville
Cost: $31,200; Project Complete Cost: $264,000; In progress
Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Complete 2013-2015
Clinton County Dubuque County Dubuque County Dubuque County Dubuque County
City of Clinton City of Dyersivlle City of Dyersivlle City of Dyersivlle City of Dyersivlle
Cost: $1,800,000; need to secure funding Cost: $1,200,000; need to secure funding Cost: $1,200,000; need to secure funding Cost: $1,200,000; need to secure funding Cost: $20,000,000; Funded through IADOT
Vital Vital Vital Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
2009-2015 2012-2015 2012-2015 2012-2015 2012-2015
Dubuque County Dubuque County
City of Dyersivlle City of Dyersivlle
9th AVE: From Anamos rd to HWY 67 Y44/Davenport Street X 49 and 1st Avenue West Intersection 54th Avenue Road 7th Street SW Bridge Beltline Bridge 12th Avenue SW Bridge US 20 Interchange for 320th Avenue into Industrial Park US 20 Overpass for 12th Ave SW Extension
Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure
2012-2015 2012-2015
Jackson County
City of Maquoketa
Jackson County
City of Maquoketa
Region 8 Regional Transit Authority
Main Street Downtown mill/overlay, ADA ramps; Cost: $270,000; in progress Update fleet of buses and maintenance equipment; Costs: Maintenance equipment - $200,000; 6 light duty buses - $420,000
ECIA Region
Washington Street Reconstruction Main Street Downtown Street Improvements Bus/Maintenance Updates
Cost: $3,000,000; need to secure funding New road for Interchange access; Cost: $800,000; Immediate Need RISE Cost: $150,000; in progress
Cedar County
Cedar Valley Park Paving
255th Street Paving
Cedar County
City of Tipton
Highway 38 Street Improvements
Paving of 255th Street from the entrance to the park Vital to the upper grounds; Need to secure funding; Shovel-ready Reconstruction of five blocks of HWY 38 (Cedar Vital Street). Curb, gutter and pavement to be replaced in PCC; Shovel-ready; need to secure funding
Cedar County
City of West Branch
College Street Improvements
Clinton County
City of DeWitt
Street Improvements
Improved street; new bridge; new sewer and water; Vital new sidewalks; Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Extended Industrial Drive; improvements to 300th Vital Avenue; Shovel-ready; need to secure funding
SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTATION/PLAN OF ACTION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVED CEDS Goal: Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure
2012-2015 Ongoing
Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Ongoing 2012-2014
Vital Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
2012-2013 2011-2013 Ongoing
Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure
2012-2014 2012-2014
$4,500,000 2013-2014
$4.6 million will be used to replace bridges that are Vital below standards of which $3.7 million will be funds from STP Bridge Program. DMATS - Resurfacing and $22.1 million will be used to bring the road system Vital Pavement rehabing to standards of which $17.7 million will be DMATS projects Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds.
$3,700,000 2013-2014
$17,700,000 2013-2014
ECIA Transportation and Planning
DMATS - Bridge Replacement
$2,600,000 2013-2014
Promote and encourage PEI Region companies in the region to buy and supply regionally
Buyer Supplier
Shift 5%
$3.2 million will be used to replace bridges that are Vital below standards of which $2.6 million will be from STP Bridge Program. Encourage regional companies to shift 5% of their Vital out-of-region spending back into the region; Businesses connected with each other to offer purchasing opportunities within the region, increasing the growth and wealth of our regional economy; Website complete; Marketing plan developed; Over 1200 companies participating
PEI Region
Buyer Supplier
Quick Quote
Develop a Quick Quote feature on Buyer Supplier; Vital Connect businesses in a timely manner to facilitate local purchasing; Funding secured; tool developed & available to businesses on
Jackson County
Jackson County Economic Development Alliance
Buyer Supplier
Promote regional program as part of syncronist visits Vital
Clinton County
City of DeWitt
Clinton County
Clinton County
Dubuque County Dubuque County
City of Cascade City of Dubuque
Dubuque County Dubuque County
City of Dubuque Dubuque County
Dubuque County Dubuque County Dubuque County
Dubuque County Dubuque County Dubuque County
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Jackson County Jackson County
City of Miles City of Lamotte
Jackson County
City of St. Donatus
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
ECIA Region
Street Reconstruction
Project Description and Status
6th Avenue 5th Street to Union Pacific; Total street and utility reconstruction; Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Clinton County Secondary Y-60 Rehab and Resurfacing; Shovel-ready; need to Roads secure funding Monroe Bridge Repair Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Foye, Merchant, and Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Gold Street Reconstruction Louise Lane Bridge Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Mud Lake Road Extentsion, widening, subdrain and paving; In Improvements progress Asbury Road Pavement In progress Farley Road Widening In progress Massey Station Road Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Widening, Subdrain and 7th Street Reconstruction Connector between downtown, Historic Millwork District and Port of Dubuque; Cost: $4,500,000; RISE grant awarded for 50% of a portion of the project funded; Project is currently delayed Street Resurfacing Shovel-ready; need to secure funding Pine/Ash Street Total cost: $322,000; Shovel-ready; need to secure Reconstruction funding Highway 52 DOT may list this on their five year program; need Reconstruction to secure funding RPA 8 - Resurfacing and $52.3 million will be used to bring the road system Pavement rehabbing to standards of which $4.5 million will be RPA 8 projects Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. RPA 8 - Bridge Replacement
CEDS Goal: Create a Skilled, Highly Educated, Permanent, Full-Time Workforce for Business and Industry Difficulties Encountered: Securing funding, local match, assessing/developing skills Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds Task to be Implemented Collaborate regionally to address employers' workforce needs
Connect business and industry with employment and training programs
Project Location
Project Title
Project Description and Status Assist low-income adults obtain employment or better employment; Number of clients obtaining employment was 72.5%; in FY13 the average six months earnings was $11,123 Connecting workforce development efforts in the area; IowaWORKS - Meet with businesses individually and in groups to determine and help address workforce need; FY12: 3,787 served and in FY13: 3,597 served.
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Technical Assistance
Region 1 Employment and Training in Delaware and Dubuque Counties
WIA Adult Program
Region 1
Dubuque Works/IowaWORKS
Dubuque Works/IowaWORKS
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque, Project Hope, NICC, Dubuque Community Schools, ECIA, local businesses
Opportunity Dubuque
Long term, community generated and sustained initiative Vital to equip unemployed and under employed with the skills necessary to advance to career track, high wage jobs with full benefits; Program launched in fall 2011; Welding, CNC, Adv Manufacturing training; 12 employers participating; 100 students completed training; 89% working
Technical Assistance
Dubuque County
West Dubuque School District
Increase learning skills; Increase ITBS results
Delaware County
NICC, West Delaware Schools, local industries: Henderson Products, XL Specialized Trailers, Paladin and EIP, DCED, Great Delaware County Foundation
Elementary School Facility Expansion Manchester Welding Program
ECIA Region
Region 1
Region 1 Employment and WIA Dislocated Training in Delaware and Worker Program Dubuque Counties Delaware and Dubuque Counties IowaWORKS
Dubuque County
Long term, community generated and sustained initiative Vital to equip unemployed and under employed Iowans in Eastern Iowa with the skills necessary to advance to career track, high wage jobs with full benefits; Manchester: 50 have graduated from the program, Currently 31 are working in Adv Manufacturing, 2 went back for further Welding training, 10 working in other positions (self-employed, etc), 2 not working
Technical Assistance
Dubuque Community Schools, WIA
$100,000 Ongoing
Ongoing NICC, local businesses
$71,900 WIA (Promise Jobs), ECIA, Gap funding
Number of workers obtaining re-employment  was Vital 83.2% in FY13 while the average six months earnings was $14,792 in FY13 Facilitate industry requested for joint training of multiple Vital employers for specific assistance and educational programs; Represent industry and actively participate in workforce development activities and programs
Technical Assistance
Greater Dubuque Development Strategic Plan Corporation; Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, ECIA, Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque, Dubuque Area Labor Management
Develop a strategic work plan for the Dubuque area to address impending workforce shortage - Dubuque Works
Dubuque County
E.C.I.A. Business Growth, Inc.
Dubuque County
Community Foundation of Project Hope Greater Dubuque, Dubuque Community Schools, Northeast Iowa Community College, ECIA, city of Dubuque, city of Dubuque Housing, Greater Dubuque Development Corp.
SBA 504 Loans, Local RLF loans and Energy Efficiency Vital Loans are available through and processed by E.C.I.A. Business Growth, Inc.,.; loans to local businesses result in the creation of new jobs and the retention of existing jobs. Meet regularly to discuss re-engaging the dropout youth Vital and the unemployed and under employed; EDA technical assistance planning grant funded in August 2011; Business Plan completed Spring 2012;
Assist low-income or at-risk youth obtain employment or Vital improve their employment potential; Number of clients obtaining employment (87.5% in 2011); High school diploma/GED attainment (86.7% in 2011); average six month earnings change ($4,823 in 2011)
Technical Assistance
Region 1 Employment and Training
Local Business Loan Program
WIA Youth Program
Promote programs to encourage Region 1 high school and college age students to explore career paths in the region such as utilizing the career readiness program and/or the career based f
New Industrial NICC will be offering both a one-year diploma and a Maintenance Program two-year Associates of Applied Science degree in the field of Industrial Maintenance. Begins Fall 2013.
Private Funding Source
Region 1
Region 1
Maintain and create new partnerships in the region
Lead Organization
$45,000 Ongoing
CEDS Goal: Create a Skilled, Highly Educated, Permanent, Full-Time Workforce for Business and Industry Difficulties Encountered: Securing funding, local match, assessing/developing skills Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds Task to be Implemented website,
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Region 1
Delaware and Dubuque Counties IowaWORKS
Delaware County
Delaware County
Labor Tool Guide
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque/Project Hope, NICC, Dubuque Community Schools, ECIA
Youth Re-Engagement Center
ECIA Region
Career Test Drive
Clinton County
DeWitt Chamber & Development Business Education Company Coordinator
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Coordinate with high schools and NICC in the school to Vital work program to train individuals Assist potential employers, develop and distribute to Vital area guidance counselors a labor tool guide; Labor tool guide completed Reconnect with high school drop-outs and encourage Vital them to work on GED attainment or return to high school for their diploma; Re engagement center opened fall 2012; two success coachs hired
Vital Career test drive component to website; program developed and available to students in Dubuque County and DeWitt Connect business and education to create youth Vital awareness of local career opportunities
Technical Assistance
Dubuuqe Community Schools
$2,000 Clinton County
$100,000 Ongoing
$12,000 Ongoing
CEDS Goal: Facilitate the Improvement and Maintenance of the Housing Stock and Housing Supply in the Region Difficulties Encountered: Lack of grant funding, community awareness, qualifying buyers, weather Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Encourage homeownership opportunities
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Cedar County
Durant, Mechanicsville, Tipton
Land Annexation and Subdivision Annex land to accommodate new housing development, Development add streets and improvements as needed to accommodate subdivision development, increase and provide utilities for subdivision development
Cedar County
Spec Housing Construction
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
TIF Housing Development
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Delaware County
Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Assistance Homeownership Program
Delaware County
Manchester, Ryan
Housing Development
Ongoing construction for re-sale of spec houses and apartments; Lowden development completed Continue supporting a TIF Housing Development on 7 acres of land Provide owner-occupied rehabilitation assistance to seven (7) households; Applied for funding in 2011 EIRHA purchased a lot in Manchester to develop an affordable singel family home Encourage private development to accommodate new housing development for median income, add streets and improvements as needed to accommodate subdivision development, increase and provide utilities for subdivision development; In Manchester, seven projects complete, two in progress; Additional housing within the communities
Delaware County
Housing Development
Encourage a private developer to renovate a local pub into workforce housing rental units; County needs to provide rental needs assessment to potential developers
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Delaware County
Housing Development
Encourage a private developer to renovate an old school Vital into rental workforce housing; County needs to provide rental needs assessment to potential developers
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Delaware County
Housing Development
Encourage a private developer to renovate an old school Vital into rental workforce housing; County needs to provide rental needs assessment to potential developers
Facility Construction / Rehab.
ECIA Region
Cascade, Holy Cross, Farley Worthington, Epworth, Zwingle, Peosta
Housing Development
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
City, EIRHA Ongoing
Annex land to accommodate new housing development Vital including low and median income housing, add streets and improvements as needed to accommodate subdivision development, increase and provide utilities for subdivision development Subdivision Development Promote Urban Revitilization/tax incentive plan for new Vital subdivision development Expansion of Housing Subdivisions Possible 230 units constructed Vital
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Jackson County
LaMotte, Miles
Housing Development
Annex land to accommodate new housing development of Vital all income ranges; add streets and improvements as needed to accommodate subdivision development; increase and provide utilities for subdivision development; encourage spec housing; Miles under construction
Jackson County
Rural Housing Enterprise Zone
Clinton County
Camanche, DeWitt, Lost Nation, Wheatland
Housing Development
Promote city status Rural Housing Enterprise zone and city Vital wide urban revitilization Annex land to accommodate new housing development, Vital add streets and improvements as needed to accommodate subdivision development, increase and provide utilities for subdivision development
ECIA Region
Homeownership Program
Work with existing tenants to purchase their unit; Number Vital of public housing units sold; five homes sold to date
Technical Assistance
Dubuque County
DeWitt, Manchester, Worthington, Preston, Dyersville Dyersville
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Clinton County
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Jackson County
Condominium Project
Provide homeownership assistance for first time homebuyers Provide homeownership assistance to one household; Applied for funding in 2011; Four houses are complete, one is in the final stages of completion, and DeWitt is looking for one more applicant. Up to 400 upscale condominiums; Land for project annexed; 20 units constructed; Up to 400 condominiums
Facility Construction / Rehab.
CEDS Goal: Facilitate the Improvement and Maintenance of the Housing Stock and Housing Supply in the Region Difficulties Encountered: Lack of grant funding, community awareness, qualifying buyers, weather Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Encourage the construction of affordable housing developments
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Dubuque County
Housing Development
Jackson County
Rental Housing
Clinton County
Delaware County
Manchester, Dyersville, Earlville, Hopkinton
Jackson County
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Encourage developers by providing incentives for opening Vital new developments inside City limits while increasing City tax revenue Coordinate with developers to construct rental housing Vital
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Technical Assistance
Facility Construction / Rehab.
20 housing units will be created; 1689 Main St (6), 407- Vital 409 Loras Blvd (4), 324-326 W. Locust (5), 346-348 W. Locust (5) Provide assistance to 13 owner occupied households; Vital Applied for funding in 2011; 13 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Funds Vital applied for in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011; 2012; 10 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Encourage the reuse and Dubuque County redevelopment of vacant existing properties in the region converting to housing stock
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Residential Housing Development New houses for less than $210,000; The 34-lot subdivision with D&N Investment Partnership with 19 family lots and 15 condominium units on 15.4 acres on the city's west side is targeting lower cost new housing. Multi-Family Housing Applied for funding Manchester (2), Dyersville (1), Development Earlville(2), Hopkinton (1); Applied for NP program but denied in 2013 Hansen Subdivision Shovel-ready; need funding; Development of new subdivision of 15 new lots Energy Efficiency Upgrades Provide energy efficiency upgrades in commercial sector, energy audits of municipal buildings, RLFs for energy efficiency for landlords, property owners, and municipal buildings; Funds awarded; Self-sustaining source of funds for energy efficient retrofits Rental Property Rehabilitation Provide long term low interest loans for rental property rehabilitation Novelty Ironworks project 76-unit development
Dubuque County
EZ Contracts
Clinton County
Homeownership Program
Clinton County
Homeownership Program
Clinton County
Student Housing
Rehabilitate vacant property in City for student housing; Vital Partially done with Ashford Community College rehab of best western hotel; Develop student housing
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Portside Plaza
Provide assistance to 6 owner occupied households; Vital Applied for funding in 2009 and 2013; Six owner occupied households rehabilitated Funding; construction timeline; owners; tenants; Flexsteel Vital home office started in Port of Dubuque; $63 million mixed use condos, office and retail in Port of Dubuque
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque/Millwork District
Millwork District revitalization
Cost: $200 million; Plan adopted by city council; securing Vital historic tax credits in progress; Applying for new market tax credits and Iowa Finance Authority funding; 72 units of workforce housing in the CARADCO building; $200 million in residential and commercial development in 29 vacant buildings; two additional buildings under construction for 2013-2015
Clinton County
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Delaware County
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Delaware County
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Delaware County
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Delaware County
Homeownership Program
Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Seeking funding; homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Seeking funding; 13 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Seeking funding; 13 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Seeking funding; 13 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Seeking funding; 13 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city
Technical Assistance
CEDS Goal: Facilitate the Improvement and Maintenance of the Housing Stock and Housing Supply in the Region Difficulties Encountered: Lack of grant funding, community awareness, qualifying buyers, weather Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Clinton County
Lost Nation
Homeownership Program
ECIA Region
ECIA, EIRHA, local contractors, New Production Homeownership regional cities Program
ECIA Region
ECIA, EIRHA, local contractors, New Production Homeownership regional cities Program
ECIA Region
ECIA, EIRHA, local contractors, New Production Homeownership regional cities Program
ECIA Region
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Provide assistance to owner occupied households; Seeking Vital funding; 13 homeowner occupied units rehabilitated within the city 25% downpayment housing assistance to LMI buyers in Vital ECIA region - New Production (NP1) - 2008 State flood funds to construct 16 units in Dyersville; 16 units complete
Technical Assistance
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Private loans
25% downpayment housing assistance to LMI buyers in ECIA region - New Production (NP2) - 2008 State flood funds to construct 41 units in Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Dyersville, Edgewood and Dubuque County; 40 units complete; 1unit remaining; 25% downpayment housing assistance to LMI buyers in ECIA region - New Production (NP3) - 2008 State flood funds to construct 54 units in Dubuque; 54 units complete
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Private loans
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Private loans
ECIA, EIRHA, local contractors, New Production Homeownership regional cities Program
25% downpayment housing assistance to LMI buyers in ECIA region - New Production (NP4) - 2008 State flood funds to construct 49 units in Dubuque and Dubuque County; Funds secured; construction in progress; Collaboration with internal and external partners; increased number of housing units; 39 units complete; 10 units remaining
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Private loans
ECIA Region
ECIA, EIRHA, local contractors, Rental Rehab regional cities
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Private loans
ECIA Region
25% downpayment housing assistance to LMI buyers in Vital ECIA region - New Production (NP5) - 2008 State flood funds to construct 16 units in Betty Building in Millwork District; project cost: $4 million; 72 units in Bob Johnson building; project cost: $27 million; Funds secured; construction in progress Work with existing tennants to purchase a unit using their Vital existing rental assistance; 21 tenants assisted to date with homeownership
Homeownership Program
Technical Assistance
Public Funding Total
CEDS Goal: Promote Improvement of Basic Public Works Facilities and Community Services Which Improve the Public's Health, Safety, and Living Conditions
Difficulties Encountered: Lack of adequate state, federal and grant funding Funding Sources: Private, Local, State (CDBG, RISE, SRF) and Federal (DOT, USDA, EDA) funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Disseminate information on available funding resources
Project Location
Cedar County
Clinton County
Clinton County
Grand Mound
Cedar County
Cedar County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Vital Suggested Vital
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
2009-2014 Ongoing
Delaware County
Lake Delhi
Wastewater System
New wastewater system; Preliminary engineering report completed; seeking funding
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
Water Tower Replacement
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
Cedar County
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
Cedar County Maintenance Building Yankee Avenue Lift Station
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
Cedar County
Cedar County
Cedar County
West Branch
North First Street Water System Improvements
Cedar County
West Branch
Inflow and Infiltration
Construction of a new 350,000 gallon water tower; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Would house some of their big road equipment and also their engineer Replace Yankee Avenue Lift Station; replace the lift station including the alarm system; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Wastewater treatment facility upgrade; Shovelready; seeking funding Cedar Street (Highway 38) Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Cedar Street (Highway 38) Water Main Replacement; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Replace two blocks of 2 inch water main with 4 inch water main and update outdated piping serving approximately 15 homes; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Reduce the amount of stormwater entering the wastewater system by repairing and replacing wastewater mains; Study completed and areas identified; initial repairs complete; need to secure funding for remaining repairs
Cedar County
West Branch
Reduce ammonia levels; Researching options
Cedar County
West Branch
Waste Water Treatment Facility Improvements Lift Station
Construct a new lift station; Design work in progress; need to secure funding (likely a GO bond)
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Clinton County
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Improvements at WWTF to meet new limits; Shovelready; seeking funding
Sunbury Bellevue Petersburg Leisure Lake
Water System
Project Priority
Water system improvements; Applied for funding in 2005 and 2006; not yet funded Sewer System Combined sewer system separation; Cost: $75,000,000 Wastewater System Wastewater system improvements; Construction in progress Water System Water system improvements; Funds secured; work in progress; applying for additional funds in November 2012 Wastewater Facility Wastewater treatment facility improvements; Project is under construction Water Pollution Control Water pollution control plant upgrade; Cost: $65,000,000 Sewer and Water Extension Sewer and water extension to DOT facility on Hwy 136; Cost: $1,500,000 Wastewater treatment Double the capacity of the sewer system to mitigate facility upgrade raw sewage going into nearby rivers; Cost: $4,000,000; Received $1,000,000 EDA Public Works award 12th Ave SE Utility Extension Sewer and water extension and improved water quality; Cost: $974,500 Project Wastewater System Wastewater system; Cost: $500,000 Spruce Creek Subdivision Wastewater System New wastewater system; Not funded; applied for funding in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Wastewater System New wastewater system; Funds secured; work in progress Wastewater System New wastewater system; Seeking funding
Jackson County Encourage the use of EIRUSS for Delaware County small communities and unincorporated areas in the Jackson County region Clinton County
Encourage partnerships in the region
Lead Organization
Wastewater Treatment Facility Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Water Main Replacement
CEDS Goal: Promote Improvement of Basic Public Works Facilities and Community Services Which Improve the Public's Health, Safety, and Living Conditions
Difficulties Encountered: Lack of adequate state, federal and grant funding Funding Sources: Private, Local, State (CDBG, RISE, SRF) and Federal (DOT, USDA, EDA) funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Washington Blvd - Street and Cost: $4,500,000; need to secure funding Vital Storm Sewer Improvement Project Asbury Road Water Looping In order to improve the reliability, quality, and Vital redundancy in the City of Asbury's water system it is essential to extend the 12" existing transmission main to the east City limits to eliminate multiple dead-ends in the system and provide public water system; Shovelready; seeking funding
Project Type
Clinton County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Clinton County Dubuque County
DeWitt Dubuque
Dubuque County
Jackson County
Jackson County
Jackson County
Delaware County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Jackson County
Jackson County
Jackson County
Jackson County
Cascade’s $400,000 low-interest state revolving is Vital zero-interest and will go toward planning and design; for preliminary planning of the Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades New police station Improved facility; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Vital Garfield, Heeb, and Cooper New retaining walls; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Vital Retaining Walls Utillity Expansion to Dubuque New sanitary sewer and water main serving the Vital Regional Airport Dubuque Regional Airport expanded terminal; Shovelready; seeking funding Sewer System Upgrade Sewer System; Shovel-ready; seeking Vital funding Water Main Replacement Water Main replacement Phase 2 and 3; ShovelVital ready; seeking funding Sewer and Water Extension New sewer and water extension to development north Vital of City; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Wastewater System Wastewater treatment plant upgrade; Shovel-ready; Vital seeking funding Wastewater System Wastewater treatment disinfection; Shovel-ready; Vital seeking funding Water Main Replacement First Street Water Main Replacement and Vital Reconstruction; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Water-Sewer Replacement Downtown Overlay; New mill/overlay; new water Vital mains; new sanitary sewer mains; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Wastewater System Improved wastewater system; Project needs Vital Upgrades New water system; Cost: $425,000; Project Vital Water Project complete Water Main Project Phase I New water main; Cost: $180,000; Study completed Vital
Jackson County
Water Main Project Phase II
New water main; Cost: $290,000; Study completed
Jackson County
Water Main Project Phase III New water main; Cost: $303,000; Study completed
Jackson County
Water Main Project Phase IV New water main ; Cost: $247,000; Study completed
Jackson County
Storm Water New storm water levee system; Construction complete; Vital Project/Wastwater Collection (work remains due to City & funding) System Investigation and Improvements
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Jackson County
Wastewater Treatment project
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Jackson County
Well Project
Facility Construction / Rehab.
West Annexation Sewer Extension Project Municipal Campus 09' Manhole Replacement Project Delong Avenue Water Main Looping Project Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades
Extended sanitary sewer main to newly annexed property; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Combines City Hall, Police, and Library into one building New sanitary sewer manholes; Shovel-ready; seeking funding New water main; Shovel-ready; seeking funding
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Individuals, local businesses
$183,500 City of Asbury, County,
$630,000 2014-2015
Infrastructure Facility Construction / Rehab.
Ongoing 2010-2014
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Infrastructure 2009-2012
2012-2015 2012-2015 2012-2015 2012-2015
2010-2014 New wastewater treatment facility; Proceeding with engineering selection and design; upgrade project in progress New additional well; Cost: $350,000
2010-2015 2010-2014 47
CEDS Goal: Promote Improvement of Basic Public Works Facilities and Community Services Which Improve the Public's Health, Safety, and Living Conditions
Difficulties Encountered: Lack of adequate state, federal and grant funding Funding Sources: Private, Local, State (CDBG, RISE, SRF) and Federal (DOT, USDA, EDA) funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Jackson County
Storm Water Project
New storm water system
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Jackson County
Water Project
Improved water system
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Jackson County
Facility Construction / Rehab.
St. Donatus
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Delaware County Delaware County Delaware County Cedar County
Colesburg Delhi Ryan West Branch
Vital Vital Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Facility Construction / Rehab.
Cedar County
West Branch
Town Hall Renovation
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Clinton County
Library Expansion
New wastewater treatment facility; Analyze capacity needs New wastewater treatment facility; no cost determined In progress; Local: $1,307,500 Project Complete Seeking funding; Local: $176,035 Additional space to existing library; Shovel-ready; seeking funding New modern WPA municipal building; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Expanded library; Shovel-ready; seeking funding
Jackson County
Wastewater Treatment Project Wastewater Plant Improvements Sewer Sewer Well Application Library Addition
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Clinton County
Public Library
Improved public library; seeking funding
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Dubuque County
Dubuque Community School District Loras College
Sageville - New elevator; new classrooms and office. Vital Senior - New media center; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Improved campus halls; additional coaches offices; Vital increased teaching and research space; new retail space; improved housing stock - Cox Street Improvements; Shovel-ready; seeking funding; Federal DOT grant funded for Cox Street improvements on campus completed in 2012
ECIA Region
Sageville Elementary Improvements - Senior High Media Center Campus Improvements
ECIA Region
Campus Improvements
ECIA Region
University of Dubuque
Campus Improvements
Improved campus buildings; new hybrid car fleet; rural Vital broadband; upgraded college IT backbone; improved energy efficiencies-Peosta/Calmar; new recreation/wellness center; seeking funding; multiphase project; phase 1 and 2 complete Performing arts center under construction and will be Vital complete in 2012. New student housing; new performing arts center; new parking ramp; new administration/educational building; Van Vliet renovation; student dining renovation; new student union; new campus day care center; Shovel-ready; seeking funding; Performing arts center completed in 2013.
Delaware County
Delaware County Emergency Emergency Services Facility Management
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Jackson County
Bellevue Community School
New facilities to house sandbag supply, emergency Vital shelter trailer, communications trailer, generators and other disaster related supplies; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Renovation 1848 Elementary Improved building; Shovel-ready; seeking funding Vital
Cedar County
West Branch
Lift Station
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
2010-2015 2010-2015 2010-2015
$300,000 $300,000 $160,000
2014 2013 2016 2010-2015 2010-2015 2013-2014 2010-2015
New lift station and 14" force main; Design work in progress; need to secure funding (likely a GO bond)
2010-2014 Infrastructure
2010-2015 Infrastructure
Ongoing Ongoing 2010-2014
CEDS Goal: Promote Improvement of Basic Public Works Facilities and Community Services Which Improve the Public's Health, Safety, and Living Conditions
Difficulties Encountered: Lack of adequate state, federal and grant funding Funding Sources: Private, Local, State (CDBG, RISE, SRF) and Federal (DOT, USDA, EDA) funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Dubuque County
Lead Organization
City of Dubuque
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Bee Branch Flood Mitigation
Project Priority
Project Type
Facility Construction / Rehab.
Facility Construction / Rehab.
1. Carter Road Detention Basin Completed in 2004 $1,076,315; 2. West 32nd Street Detention Basin Completed in 2009 $4,158,589; 3. Historic Millwork District Complete Streets Completed in 2012 $7,977,311; 4. Lower Bee Branch Creek Restoration Est. Completion 2014 $21,274,685; 5. Flood Mitigation Gate Replacement Est. Completion 2015 $2,099,000; 6. Impervious Surface Reduction (alley reconstruction) Est. Completion 2033 $57,420,000; 7. Upper Bee Branch Creek Restoration Est. Completion 2016 $64,823,636; 8. 22nd Street Storm Sewer Capacity Improvements Est. Completion 2020 $3,380,000; 9. Flood Mitigation Maintenance Facility Est. Completion 2020 $4,360,000; 10 North End Storm Sewer Capacity Improvements Est. Completion 2019 $1,160,000; 11. Water Plant Flood Protection Est. Completion 2020 $3,800,000; 12. 17th Street Storm Sewer Capacity Improvements Est. Completion 2020 $7,520,000. Total project cost, excluding interest on debt: $179,049,536. Received $98.5 million from Iowa Flood Mitigation Board. Delaware County
Delaware County
Jail Expansion
Private Funding Source Wahlert Foundation; Private Donations
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
$165,000 State RECAT; National Scenic ByWays; Mississippi River Trail; Federal Pass-Thru (DMATS); GO Bonds; Iowa SRF Loan; Iowa SRF Loan (Forgivable); I-JOBS EDA Disaster Recovery (Awarded 2013) - $1,200,000 Iowa Flood Mitigation Board - $98,500,000
Public Funding Total
$140,866,780 2004-2020
CEDS Goal: Promote and Encourage Sustainability throughout the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Project Location
Lead Organization
Project Title
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Collaborate regionally to PEI Region create ECO-EI building on the Sustainable Dubuque program PEI Region
Prosperity Eastern Iowa
Petal Project
Green business certification program to encourage encourage environmental Vital practices in the business communtiy; Companies will learn sustainability practices; Program in place; 25 businesses participating; 10 businesses certified
Technical Assistance
Prosperity Eastern Iowa
Community Development
Technical Assistance
Encourage community design Clinton County and reuse which contributes to identity, heritage and sense of place
Community Recreational Projects
Vital Encourage sustainable and energy conserving measures in all housing rehabilitation and construction activities; Work with funding entities and contractors Explore ways for expanding recreational/historic trail system from park along Vital historic highway; construct sidewalks from depot to old jailhouse; add recreational equipment to the park; develop a camp ground, athletic field, establish bike paths; Funding sources identified, matching funds secured, timeline for project finalized, work complete; park improved, sidewalks installed, athletic field constructed, etc
Clinton County
City of Delhi Dubuque County
Most of the recreational trails are complete; Replacing pedestrian bridge in Vital progress Started discussion with a Walkway/Bikeway Committee Vital Improved connectivity between small communities and recreational trail access; Vital Funding source for improvement planning has been identified with an estimated cost of $12,500; Cost of suggested improvements remains TBD.
Delaware County Dubuque County
Recreational Trail/Bridge Walkway/Bikeway Heritage Trail Improvements
Infrastructure Infrastructure
2013-2015 2011-2015
Dubuque County
Develop a trail to direct pedestrians and bicyclists around Asbury Road; Safe alternative route for pedestrians and bicyclists; trail location identified and a portion of funding secured; sidewalk is complete, bicycle lane in future
Dubuque County Jackson County
Dyersville Bellevue
Comprehensive Plan Recreational Park Development
Partial plan complete for Westside Park to link with Heritage Trail Develop 11 acres of park land with recreational facilities; Number of acres acquired and developed; enhanced recreational opportunities, new tourists to the area Participate in the MRT board activities and encourage participation by MPO and RPA in the region; Development of national trail in region; Funding secured for different phases Community visioning program identified plan; Shovel-ready
Vital Vital
Planning Infrastructure
2009-2013 2009-2013
New Bike/Pedestrial Trail System BF Park - campground Additional land adjacent to Spring Branch Stream (the park is on that stream); improvements additional land to expand the boundaries of the park; additional amenities including a water well, restrooms, etc. Shovel-ready; need to secure funding
ECIA Region
Mississippi River Trail
Cedar County
Delaware County
Delaware Co. Conservation Dept.
Dubuque County
Installion of Sidewalks Shovel-ready; need to secure funding
Jackson County
ADA Sidewalk Project New compliant curb cuts in the City; Shovel-ready; need to secure funding
Jackson County
Heating and Cooling Upgrades Trail Dubuque County Comprehensive Plan
New energy efficient windows; upgraded heating, new cooling system; Shovel- Vital ready; need to secure funding Trail from Preston to Spragueville; Applying for Iowa DOT funding Vital Encourage community design that results in sustainable design and land use Vital with "smart growth" components; Funding secured; work in progress; all communities except for Dyersville, have adopted the plan in 2013
Jackson County Dubuque County
Maquoketa Community School District Spragueville Dubuque County
Delaware County
Delaware County
Delaware County Comprehensive Plan
Clinton County
Comprehensive Plan
Jackson County
Comprehensive Plan
Jackson County
Clinton County
Delaware County
Delaware County
Dubuque County Clinton County Clinton County
Cascade Camanche Camanche
Bellevue Riverview Trail: Phase II 2012 Washington Boulevard/ MRT West Marion Street Trail Riverfront Trail Extension 1st Ave Trail Project 9th St Trail Project 9th Ave to Platt Trail Project
Encourage community design that results in sustainable design and land use with "smart growth" components; Funding secured; County adopted in 2013 and 3 communities participated. Encourage community design that results in sustainable design and land use with "smart growth" components; Funding secured; work in progress; Commission would like to see the plan address how to entice development of new housing that falls in a higher price-range than the average in order to attract residents and businesses. Encourage community design that results in sustainable design and land use with "smart growth" components; Funding secured; work in progress Improve recreational activity; Project in progress
2010-2013 2010-2011 Ongoing
Infrastructure Planning
2010-2015 2010-2011 Ongoing
Improved recreational activity; Project in progress
Improve Recreational activity; Project in progress
Improve Recreational activity; Project in progress
Improve Recreational activity; Project in progress Improve Recreational activity; Project in progress Improve Recreational activity;Project in progress
Vital Vital Vital
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
$190,718 $160,010
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
2013-2015 2013-2015 2013-2015 2013-2015 2012-2014 2012-2014
CEDS Goal: Promote and Encourage Sustainability throughout the Region Difficulties Encountered: State and Federal funding; community support; weather; competitive markets; land owners; rising construction costs Funding Sources: Private, Local, State and Federal funds; grants Task to be Implemented
Project Location Clinton County
Encourage energy conservation
Encourage environmental integrity through healthy air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing health risks
Lead Organization Clinton
Project Title
Dubuque County
ECIA, Dubuque County
Liberty-Lincolnway Mississippi River Trail Connection Smart Planning
Dubuque County
ECIA, Dubuque County
Smart Zoning
Dubuque County
Dubuque, IBM, AY McDonald
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Smart City pilot program for sustainability Solar Power Pilot Study
Dubuque County
ECIA Region
ECIA Transportation and Planning
Cedar County
West Branch
Clinton County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Dubuque County
Delaware County
Delaware County
Jackson County
Dubuque County
Dubuque School District
Recreational Trail
Project Description and Status
Project Priority
Improve Recreational activity; Project in progress
Project Type
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Create a smart comprehansive plan for cities and county in Dubuque county Vital to to address sprawl, strong urban core, etc. Create a smart zoning code for cities and county in Dubuque county designed to Vital help implement form based zoning; Project underway Revamp how water, energy and tranportation systems operate; reduce carbon Vital footprint; Cost: $2.5 million; Water meter replacement underway
A state agency has been awarded a $1 million grant from the U.S Department Vital of Energy to launch a statewide program aimed at promoting the installation of solar power systems. Pilot organizations will implement measures to reduce barriers to solar installation. The Iowa Economic Development Authority will work with the Iowa Environmental Council and other groups to implement the program over the next three years. The money will be used to increase solar awareness and encourage installation of solar power generation systems.
US Department of Energy>Iowa Economic Development Authority>Iowa Environmental Council
Develop a recreational trail within City along the Maquoketa River North Fork; Vital Design work complete; applied for REAP-not funded; trail completion date, trail identified in comp plan, trail useage; Project in progress
Schedule 2012-2014
RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
Jule/RTA transit study Creating projects to facilitate future changes in the area for all modes of transportation by taking into consideration safety and security of the area; primary input for TIP; Shopping Route implemented in October 2011; Applied for funds for evening college route and mid-town loop (2012-2013); Project in progress Five projects consisting of 14 sections and more than 6 miles of new pathways; Pathway project Conceptual plan; searching for funding Silver Creek Trail Trail extension -east from Well #7 to 5th Street; Shovel-ready; need to secure Phase III funding Sustainable Develop sustainable stormwater management practices; Reduced maintenance Stormwater costs, improved quality of streams, reduced erosion; Revised ordinances Management Green Dubuque Reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030; Greenhouse gas emissions study complete; Project in progress Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; In close damaged properties out process Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; In close damaged properties out process Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; Starting damaged properties purchase agreements Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; Funding damaged properties secured - project delayed Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; Funding damaged properties secured - closed out Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; Funding damaged properties secured - closed out Acquire floodRemoval of damaged properties and mitigate future flood damage; Funding damaged properties secured - application is in Walking school bus Create a safe walking route for kids to walk with adult supervision; Monitor increase in children walking and biking to school,
Public Funding Total
2013-2014 $1,000,000 Ongoing
Ongoing RPA 8 Enhancement Grant
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Ongoing 2013
Name of Employer
Business/Industry Type
Existing or New Business/Industry
West Branch
Acciona Windpower
Rail Ties
Jobs Created or Gained
Jobs Lost 40
Reason for Gain or Loss Decrease in turbine sales New branch
Private Funding Source
Private Funding Total
Public Funding Source
Public Funding Total
Economic Development Set Aside Letter of Credit
Total Dollars Invested $21,104,000
Nevada Rail Materials
Rail Recycling
New facility
Moving headquarters
Winkel, Parker & Foster Accounting
Data Dimensions
Process Automation
New facility
$1,300,000 $6,200,000
Giese Manufacturing Company, Inc
IIW Motor Parts
TM Logistics
Food Processor
Medical Supplies
New Contract
Medical Claims
Design Mill
Software Designer
Bright Wood Corporation
T.J. Maxx
Dyersville Dyersville
$50,000,000 SBA 504
$2,200,000 $6,200,000
$450,000 $16,000,000
Wood Component Manufacturer
Supplier to Eagle
New store
Dardis Communications
Clothing Distribution Center
First American location
Farley Peosta
Behnke Enterprises MH Equipment
Manufacturing Material Handling
Existing New
30 5
Expansion Wanted stronger presence in Dubuque
Bodine Electric
Gavilon (PV Grain)
Rainbow Oil/Mulgrew
Decker Precision Machining
Quad Graphics
McGraw Hill
Eagle Point Solar Pilates Fundamentals
Solar Panels/Pilates Studio
New branch
Greater Dubuque Development Corporation
Economic Development Corporation
Zazou's Bridal Boutique
RP2 Furniture Warehouse
Maquoketa Maquoketa Preston
Sonac Dynamic Tube Plastics Unlimited
Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing
Existing Existing Existing
SBA 504
$1,700,000 $5,500,000 $320,000
$3,500,000 $500,000
216 27
Delaware Jackson 12 20 25 839
Expansion Expansion Customer demand 283
$4,500,000 $3,000,000
Schedule - 2014 Proposed Scope of Work
EDA Planning funds will support the implementation of an Economic Development program designed to create and retain jobs throughout the region. A five-year Economic Development Strategy was adopted in 2009 for the region and runs through 2013. A new and updated five-year Strategy will be developed in 2014 for the region and run through 2018. We intend to perform the following activities: LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP MEETINGS ECIA staff regularly attends meetings of local governments and local economic development groups to provide information and facilitate program implementation.
1. ECIA participates and sits on the Board of the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation and attends their regular board meetings at least quarterly. 2. ECIA participates and sits on the Board of the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce and attends their monthly board meetings. 3. ECIA staff regularly hosts and participates in City Clerk meetings in Delaware and Dubuque Counties and has added meetings in Cedar County. ECIA hosts two meetings a year of the regional city clerks. 4. ECIA staff regularly attends and acts as the secretary for the Jackson County Mayors. Meetings are held monthly in Jackson County. ECIA intends to implement the county-wide Mayors Meetings in at least two additional counties in 2014. 5. ECIA staff will implement regular roundtable discussions within each county beginning in 2014 on a semi-annual basis with ED groups, Clerks, Mayors and Boards of Supervisors to discuss potential projects, needs for their county, etc. 6. ECIA staff participates in the Tri-State Alliance regional partnership. The entity focuses on furthering economic development and transportation in the tri-state region of Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. The Tri-State Alliance meets quarterly in person and monthly by teleconference. 7. ECIA holds monthly Prosperity Eastern Iowa meetings with local economic developers. 8. ECIA ED staff to meet with GDDC staff on a monthly basis to discuss local and regional ED projects related to retention and expansion of local businesses. 9. ECIA staff participates and sits on the Enterprise Zone Committee for the City of Dubuque. The committee meets as needed to review and approve economic development related proposals seeking enterprise zone benefits in the City of Dubuque. 10. ECIA staff participates in the City of Dubuque’s Project Hope meetings. The group is focused on defining poverty in the Dubuque area and finding solutions to the barriers that people experience in finding and maintaining long term employment. The group meets monthly. 11. ECIA staff participates in the DubuqueWorks, Opportunity Dubuque, and the Re-Engagement Center committees. The three groups are focused on workforce solutions for the Dubuque area. The groups meeting monthly and quarterly. 12. Complete the five year CEDS report for 2014-2018 and submit by 12/31/2014. TRAINING AND CONFERENCES Attend and participate in meetings of national, state, and local organizations affecting regional strategy policies and programs. 1. ECIA staff will continue to participate in the annual trip of the Clinton and the Dubuque communities to meet with federal officials concerning local needs. Trips are scheduled for February and May, 2014. 2. ECIA staff will attend the Iowa League of Cities meeting. 3. ECIA staff will attend Iowa DNR meetings in Des Moines. 4. ECIA staff will attend regional meeting hosted by the EDA.
53 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
5. ECIA staff will attend two national meetings - either NADO, NARC, or the IEDC meetings. 6. ECIA staff will attend training to become familiar with “green� and sustainable business practices that can be introduced to Buyer Supplier companies and member governments. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION Disseminate census, economic, statistical and program information by telephone, e-mail, letter, newsletter, personal contact, and training programs. Maintain a database for use in program development and implementation. 1. ECIA staff prepares six newsletters each year that is emailed out to over 800 individuals and/or entities in the region and archived on our website. 2. ECIA staff maintains the websites for ECIA, Prosperity Eastern Iowa, the Regional Transit Authority, and the Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority/Corporation and the Eastern Iowa Regional Utility Service Systems, Buyers Supplier Connection, Petal Project, Dubuque Metropolitan Transportation Study, and Accessmyfuture. com. 3. ECIA staff responds to approximately 150-200 requests for information each year pertaining to grant applications, TIF districts, enterprise zone, etc. 4. ECIA staff participates in local, regional and national meetings discussing programs, projects and successes in our region related to economic and community development. GRANT/LOAN APPLICATIONS Assist local governments in the preparation of grant/loan applications for funding of projects of local and regional concern. 1. ECIA staff regularly prepare grant applications and loan applications for CDBG projects such as water, sewer, child care centers, etc. 2. ECIA staff regularly prepare applications for Enterprise Zone and other State economic development programs. 3. ECIA staff regularly prepare federal grant program applications for programs such as State of Good Repair, Clean Fuels, Bus Livability, EPA Brownsfield, TIGGER and TIGER. ECIA staff will continue to pursue these grant programs annually for communities in the region. 4. ECIA staff prepare Community Attraction and Tourism grant applications for communities. We anticipate 1 applications per year for this funding. 5. ECIA staff will prepare grant and loan applications for flood recovery programs in the region. ECIA will continue this work through 2014. DATA CENTER Collect data and program information on economic development trends and conditions including finance, labor, business development, industrial development, and the agricultural economy. 1. ECIA maintains data for grants and reports which is used in applications. 2. ECIA maintains the Location One Information System for the region to track the available sites and buildings through the Prosperity Eastern Iowa web site. This is updated on an ongoing basis. 3. ECIA is working with the City of Dubuque and Greater Dubuque Development and exploring the uses and creating a Data Dashboard for Dubuque and also to the greater ECIA Region. We are talking with consultants, reviewing best practices and determining our data needs for the region. In this next year we intend to apply for an EDA Technical Assistance grant to assist in developing our regional Data Dashboard.
54 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Assist local governments and economic development entities in preparing Community Builder Plans. 1. ECIA staff will prepare strategic plans for development groups, chambers or cities in the upcoming year. 2. ECIA has implemented a new program and are working with small communities and no-profits on fundraising plans for community and economic development projects. ECIA staff prepare feasibility studies for the community projects and provide oversight and assistance to communities in conducting their communitywide fundraising efforts for community projects. We plan to do two feasibility plans in 2014. EASTERN IOWA RURAL UTILITIES, INC. Provide technical assistance to local governments and coordinate with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) in the efforts to administer the 28E organization that provides water and sewer services to cities and rural residents. 1. ECIA will continue work with counties in the region in the design and application plans for funding for unsewered communities in the region. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Provide technical assistance to local governments, development corporations, chambers of commerce, businesses, and individuals, in the ongoing implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. ECIA has traditionally provided technical assistance to local governments via a Manager of Government Relations and has extended this to economic development technical assistance. The association will provide technical expertise in financing and deal packaging. 1. ECIA will assist with Tax Increment Financing in the region. 2. ECIA will assist in writing ordinances and in developing zoning plans. 3. ECIA will assist with RISE applications for roadways in to business parks. 4. ECIA will assist communities in preparing Urban Revitalization plans and Urban Renewal Plans. 5. ECIA will assist with EPA, IDNR and IDED Brownfield grant applications. 6. ECIA staff will continue to assist small communities under 500 population with utility billing and accounting services. 7. ECIA staff through the Prosperity Eastern Iowa entity will continue to provide expertise in web page design and optimization and developing and submitting proposals to leads and inquiries in the region. PROSPERITY EASTERN IOWA COLLABORATIVE MARKETING Administer and conduct the activities identified by the Prosperity Eastern Iowa Economic Development Partnership to further business retention and expansion in ECIA’s three of ECIA’s Counties, Dubuque, Delaware, Jackson and then Jones County. Key projects and activities that will be conducted include: 1. ECIA implemented the local industry business retention and expansion program and regional compiling of this data 2. Continue updating the regional websites: Buyer Supplier; Prosperity Eastern Iowa;; and 3. Continue to seek partners and raise funds for the Prosperity efforts. 4. Continue to partner with the State of Iowa on the export conference and program. 5. Continue to pursue partnerships to expand Buyer Supplier into other parts of Iowa; into Wisconsin; and into Illinois. 6. Continue to promote and seek businesses to participate in the Petal Project sustainability program and green business program that can be incorporated into their daily business practices. 7. Continue to focus on recruitment and retention of the younger workforce in the region. 8. Research and develop a data dashboard for our regional partners.
55 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy