Community Character Dubuque County is composed of a collection of communities that each have their own unique history and character. Community character is subjective. There is no exact formula for community character. Some of the components that make up community character include community culture and heritage, small town atmosphere, historic buildings, natural features, and the people who live in the community. Community character determined the characteristics, landmarks, and intangible elements that people identify with a specific community and that make the community a great places to live. Community character is the reason why people choose to live where they do. During the Smart Planning Process, the Consortium asked local residents to write down the things that they liked most about their community. Many of the comments focused on community specific topics, but there were a few common elements that came up in all communities. Small Town Feel - Despite the wide range in community sizes “small town feel” was cited as a positive characteristic in every consortium member community. Agriculture – Many residents in all Dubuque County communities feel a close connection to agriculture. Agriculture is a very important part of the regional economy, and many rural and urban residents are employed directly or indirectly in the industry. Historic Architecture – Dubuque County was one of the first areas settled in Iowa, and as a result is home to many historic buildings. Historic downtowns, homes, and churches can be found across the county. Natural Environment –Dubuque County’s unique geography and location on the Mississippi River provides wonderful natural setting. The county has an abundance of natural landscapes, scenic vistas, and diverse wildlife. Dubuque County communities have many things in common, but they also have distinct differences that make each community unique. It is important for communities to identify, protect, and expand on those unique things that make their community a great place. The Consortium members have provided a description of the unique aspects of their community. Dubuque County The area that is now the State of Iowa was included as part of the Michigan Territory in 1834. When a portion of the Michigan Territory was admitted to the Union as a state in 1836 the rest was set aside as the Wisconsin Territory, which included all of what is known as the State of Iowa. Iowa was originally two counties, Demoine County and Dubuque County. In 1837, during the second session of the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature, Dubuque County was subdivided into 14 other counties: Benton, Buchanan, Cedar, Clayton, Clinton, Delaware, Fayette, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Keokuk, Linn, Scott and Dubuque. Dubuque County contains land area of 612 square miles which includes the City of Dubuque as the largest of 21 cities in the County and which serves as the county seat. The first official meeting of the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors was held on May 13, 1836. The first courthouse building was made of logs and was completed October 1, 1836. It was intended to be