nt me oy pl and Training
ECIA FY 2013 Annual Report
H o usi ng
Community Deve t i lo p s n me Tra n
c Developme nomi nt Eco
rtation and Pl a nspo n nin Tra g ECIA-AnnualReport2013.indd 1
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A Note from the Executive Director
East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) just completed its 39th year of service to our member governments. This upcoming year in 2014, ECIA will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. As I reflect back on our history and this past fiscal year and look to our future, four simple words describe the region….”A Region in Action”. ECIA was established as an association of local governments to convene as a forum to address regional issues in a more efficient and cost effective manner. Elected officials from member communities from ECIA’s Executive Committee, ECIA Council, and various other Policy Committees have the responsibility for representing the ECIA region on issues such as transportation investments, growth strategies, housing assistance and development, economic development investments, workforce strategies and community development initiatives (see Council member list on p 11). Through active participation, ECIA members get the satisfaction of knowing they’re providing a voice for their community and their region. ECIA is a place to introduce, test, nurture new ideas and put them to action. ECIA’s staff closely monitors legislation and informs the Regional Council about key legislative and administrative agency developments. Members receive assistance in finding and Kelley H. Deutmeyer securing grant funding from federal and state agencies for local projects and ECIA provides the technical assistance to administer grants and programs. ECIA is a forum for discussion and is an extension of our member government staff providing assistance more efficiently and economically than providing a service individually. As we read this report and think about our “Region in Action”, keep in mind that the return on investment to the region in this past fiscal year for each membership dollar invested is estimated at $165:$1. For every $1.00 paid in membership dues by our members, the region realized a $165 return for that $1. We are proud of this return and as we look forward to the next 40 years as your Council of Governments, we strive to continue to maximize this return and bring additional dollars and resources to our member governments. 2 ECIA-AnnualReport2013.indd 2
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Multiplying Your Investment
FY 13 Revenues 29%
Federal & State Grants
58% 1%
FY 13 Expenditures
Contracts Dues Pass Thru
29% 60%
$165 : $1
Total FY13 grants secured: $17,304,070.87. Return on investment from membership dues: $165 : $1
Building Contract Services Pass Thru
2% 3
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Region 8 Regional Transit Authority
Shoppers in Delaware County 4 ECIA-AnnualReport2013.indd 4
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FY 13 Highlights • • •
In FY 2013, the RTA provided approximately 170,000 rides and drivers logged in 27,780 hours, covered 381,950 miles to 25 communities. Riders access services such as work, school, shopping, medical appointments, and other errands.
RouteMatch software implementation – Enhancing communication between dispatchers and bus drivers ultimately serving passengers more efficiently; More effective accounting tracking. New four-camera systems – Intended to improve security and passenger safety onboard buses. Volunteer driver program – Thanks to a grant from the Foundation for the Future of Delaware County, RTA was able to begin a volunteer driver program in Delaware County, providing passengers access to medical appointments or other critical services.
Funding Source - Secured in FY13
Volunteer Driver Program Learn to Ride Courses Safety Equipment Security Cameras on Buses
Foundation for the Future of Delaware County Community Foundation of Jackson County Theisen's Foundation Department of Transportation/Regional Planning Affiliation 8 Total
$3,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $59,770.00 $67,270.00
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Community Development
EIRUSS Leisure Lake Wastewater Treatment System Groundbreaking 6
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FY 13 Highlights
ECIA assists communities by providing • Leisure Lake breaks ground for Wastewater Treatment System – management support and technical assistance ECIA Community Development staff secured $4,358,000 in Federal in vital areas such as grant administration, and State grants and loans which enabled the project to proceed. city codes and ordinances, comprehensive • Program Provides 25% Down Payment Assistance – 34 homes were constructed/closed for the Single Family New Production program and land use plans, hazard mitigation plans, providing $1,170,200 in downpayment assistance in the region. housing rehabilitation, building inspections, • ECIA Offers Service to Assist Communities Raise and Secure Money – and other city services. In FY 2013,the ECIA Project Funding and Organizational Development is a resource Community Development Department assisted for local governments and their non-profit organizations that launched in the Spring of 2013. During FY 2013, staff assisted two 33 communities with grant or loan applications communities with library construction projects and secured over in the areas of water, wastewater/storm $100,000 toward these community projects. sewer, housing rehabilitation, homeownership • Delaware County Smart Plan Adopted – Encourages sustainable community design and land use with “smart growth” components. assistance, daycare facilities, libraries, and imminent threat/emergency; Project Funding Source - Secured in FY13 Amount and 38 communities with Dubuque County Demo Federal Emergency Management Agency $811,867.33 technical assistance in Hazard Mitigation the areas of city codes/ City of Dubuque Demo Federal Emergency Management Agency $824,922.19 ordinances, personnel Hazard Mitigation policies, comprehensive and Manchester Demo Federal Emergency Management Agency $618,831.85 land use plans, annexation/ Hazard Mitigation Hopkinton Demo Federal Emergency Management Agency $89,965.50 disincorporation petitions, Hazard Mitigation hazard mitigation programs/ $2,248,820.00 plans, utility billing/accounting, Linseed Oil Paintworks Co. (Caradco) Community Development Block Grant Sageville Homeland Security & Federal Emergency Management Agency, $2,500,934.00 census information, building Emergency Management Community Development Block Grant inspections. Fairview - Extend Sewer (EIRUSS)
Department of Agriculture Total
$210,860.00 $7,306,200.87
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Employment and Training
CNC Worker 8 ECIA-AnnualReport2013.indd 8
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• • • •
ECIA’s Employment and Training division assists youth, adults, and dislocated workers in connecting with training opportunities and securing employment as part of the collaborative effort known as IowaWORKS of Northeast Iowa. In Fiscal Year 2012, this partnership served 3,787 participants and in Fiscal Year 2013, 3,597 participants were served through our Workforce Development Act funding.
FY 13 Highlights
Region 1 Enters Partnership – Opportunity Dubuque is a communitygenerated and sustained initiative that equips unemployed and under employed Iowans in the Dubuque region with skills necessary to advance to career track, high wage jobs with full benefits. Partners include Northeast Iowa Community College, Dubuque Community Schools, Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque, and many local employers. Manchester Welding Program Launches – Equips unemployed and under employed Iowans in the Dubuque region with skills necessary to advance to career track, high wage jobs with full benefits. Partners include Northeast Iowa Community College, West Delaware Schools, Delaware County Economic Development, Foundation for the Future of Delaware County, and local businesses. Opportunity Dubuque Initiative Honored – An award was presented by the Mid-America Economic Development Council and recognized Opportunity Dubuque in the category of workforce development. Quad Graphics Early Intervention Grant – 216 Quad Graphics employees were assisted which included basic computer classes and welding certification.
Funding Source - Secured in FY13
Quad Graphics Iowa Workforce Development Early Intervention Grant Total
Amount $21,600.00 $21,600.00
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Transportation and Planning
Smart Plan Community Engagement ECIA-AnnualReport2013.indd 10
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FY 13 Highlights
The Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS) is a tri-state Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and is responsible for the development of a seamless transportation system for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within and between modes of transportation in Dubuque County. The Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA 8) identifies transportation improvements and prepares plans for the development of all parts of the transportation system in the four-county region which includes Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque and Jackson counties in Eastern Iowa. ECIA Transportation and Planning also offers planning services, comprehensive planning, planning and zoning/subdivision ordinances, travel demand modeling, and geographical information systems. During FY 2013, staff assisted 20 communities in four counties with their transportation and planning priorities.
Funding Source - Secured in FY13
City of Clinton Iowa Department of Transportation Airport Airport Planning and Zoning Grant Smarter Travel Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Pilot Study
Amount $21,250.00 $1,050,000.00
• • •
DMATS Receives $1.05 Million for Smarter Travel Pilot Study – Project will identify options for Dubuque commuters to save money, conserve resources, and improve the environment through better travel choices. Dubuque County Regional Smart Plan Adopted – The county was awarded an $89,000 grant from the Iowa Economic Development Authority in 2010. Representatives from the county and the cities of Asbury, Cascade, Dubuque, Dyersville, Epworth, Farley and Peosta, as well as the Dubuque Soil and Water Conservation District oversaw development. Communities also contributed, bringing the total project budget to $184,000. The Plan contains recommendations on economic development, transportation and education as well as suggestions for ordinance changes to promote sustainable development and growth. Clinton Airport Receives Grant – ECIA staff wrote a grant to update the City of Clinton’s Airport Zoning Ordinance and Airport Zoning Maps in conformance with Iowa DOT regulations and the Iowa Code.
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Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority
Peosta Community Garden
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EIRHA is ECIA’s housing division and its mission is to empower families to become self-sufficient through housing assistance programs. In FY 2013, EIRHA assisted 1,081 households through its Housing Choice Voucher program, and maintained 164 rental units, inhabited by lowincome families, seniors, and persons with disabilities, through its Public • EIRHA Celebrated its 35 Year Anniversary – In 1978, EIRHA Housing Program, assisted 124 families began serving 126 families in the region with rental assistance. with Housing Counseling, and 130 • Adopted National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling – Standards ensure consumers are provided the families through the Self-Sufficiency most consistent and critical information and guidance when programs. Through its subsidiaries, purchasing a home. it owns and manages 10 elderly • Opportunity Dubuque Program – Through coordinated efforts of and/or disabled USDA rental units, Iowa Works and EIRHA, an EIRHA client completed certification in and apartment complexes in Peosta Computer Numerical Control training which improved wage earnings and enhanced employment options by participating in the program. and Asbury. Total amount of rental • Green Organizational Provisional Accreditation – Designed to assistance provided to landlords reduce operating costs through energy and water savings on behalf of low-income elderly/ impacting the long-term sustainability of the housing portfolio as disabled and families in the EIRHA well as the health and welfare of the residents. region was $3,269,075. EIRHA serves seven counties: Cedar, Project Funding Source - Secured in FY13 Amount Clinton, Delaware, Housing Choice Voucher Department of Housing and Urban Development $3,269,075.00 Dubuque, Jackson, Section 8 FSS Department of Housing and Urban Development $138,000.00 Jones Counties and, Public Housing Operating Subsidy Department of Housing and Urban Development $325,497.00 new July 1, 2013, the ROSS FSS Department of Housing and Urban Development $66,746.00 city of Bettendorf ROSS ESS Department of Housing and Urban Development $80,000.00 in Scott County. Capital Fund Department of Housing and Urban Development $174,159.00
FY 13 Highlights
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The Jule
Passengers board the Nightrider
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Through a management contract with the city of Dubuque, ECIA manages Dubuque’s Jule transit system. In FY 2013, the Jule provided approximately 445,046 rides and drivers logged in 50,840 hours and covered 611,323 miles within the City.
FY 13 Highlights
• Nightrider Evening Service – Partnership between The Jule, Clarke University, Loras College and University of Dubuque, where new evening route on Friday and Saturday nights with four different lines implemented and all college students ride free. FY 13 Total – 10,112; Students – 4,242; General Public – 5,870. The route was also funded through a State ICAAP grant. • Scavenger Hunt – Encouraged the entire community to participate in a free activity to learn how to ride the bus. The route was a way for the general public to become familiar with the transit system and targeted parents with young children, college students, people new to Dubuque, girl and boy scout troops, or anyone looking for something fun to do. Nearly 30 people participated. • Jule 101 - Jule 101 training sessions were launched and include a basic overview of public transit, the routes provided by The Jule, and the basics of how to ride the bus. During FY 2013, there have been 417 attendees. • The Jule Visits One Magic Classroom – In March 2013, Jule staff took one of the new buses to East Dubuque and visited one of the third grade classes to discuss the benefits of public transit and increase awareness about public transportation in the Dubuque metro area. • ITS Equipment on all Jule Buses – A 2010 FTA Clean Fuels grant was used to install an intelligent transportation system on all the buses, which includes streamlining the dispatch process, non-verbal communication between bus drivers, and improved service routes and schedules.
Funding Source - Secured in FY13
Shopping Circulator Route Smart Transit/Nightrider Route
Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Total
Amount $187,836.00 $614,105.00 $801,941.00
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Economic Development
Kramer Funeral Home Groundbreaking
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FY 13 Highlights
E.C.I.A. Business Growth, Inc. promotes the expansion of businesses and the creation of new • E.C.I.A. Business Growth, Inc Celebrated its 30 Year jobs through the following programs: Small Business Anniversary – Since its inception, 285 SBA 504 and RLF loans Administration 504 Program, Revolving Loan Fund have been approved totaling $86,652,699, 3,706 jobs have Programs, Grant Writing, and Prosperity Eastern been created, and 1,223 jobs have been retained. • Petal Project Receives Award – ECIA received a Gold Excellence Iowa. In FY 2013, Business Growth assisted nine in Economic Development Award for their Petal Project program in businesses with four SBA 504 loans, one RLF, the category of Sustainable & Green Development for communities wrote three RISE grants, created/retained 151 with populations between 25,000 and 200,000 from the jobs. Prosperity Eastern Iowa is a partnership International Economic Development Council. of economic development stakeholders that • Petal Certification – Five local businesses completed the Petal Project green business certification program in FY13, bringing leverage financial and human resources to achieve the total number of certified businesses up to 10. efficiencies, utilizing our natural, cultural, and physical assets to strive for the economic prosperity Project Funding Source - Secured in FY13 Amount of the region. Y-50 (Herber Road) Over Little Maquoketa River Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy $1,430,000.00 Staff assisted Industrial Park South Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy $250,316.00 24 businesses Kramer Funeral Home, Inc. Small Business Administration 504 Loan $660,000.00 through Petal Dardis Properties, LLC Small Business Administration 504 Loan $742,000.00 Project and over Dardis Communications, Inc. Economic Development Administration RLF Loan $250,000.00 1,200 businesses Waste Authority of Jackson County Jackson County Revolving Loan Fund $225,000.00 in the Buyer Andrew Jackson Care Facility Jackson County Revolving Loan Fund $300,000.00 Energy Efficiency Loan Fund $4,681.00 Supplier program. Miracle Car Wash Gronen Restoration Energy Efficiency Loan Fund $40,000.00 Additionally, CarteGraph Systems, Inc. Energy Efficiency Loan Fund $50,000.00 staff shared six Courtside, Inc. Energy Efficiency Loan Fund $6,335.00 business leads with Prosperity Eastern Iowa (Buyer Supplier, Access My Iowa Economic Development Authority $24,000.00 Prosperity partners. Future, Opportunity Eastern Iowa marketing) Total
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ECIA is a Winning Workplace “ECIA contains an atmosphere where innovative thinking and new ideas are encouraged. We assist member communities by providing affordable expertise for municipal services. ECIA inspires an environment of creative solutions to challenges the communities in our region face. ECIA is a great place to work for many other reasons, but working in an environment where management is constantly seeking fresh approaches to old and new problems, is one where staff feel valued and finding efficiencies is celebrated.� - Telegraph Herald, Winning Workplaces, January 27, 2013
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Thank You ECIA Council for your Leadership and Service!
Cedar County
Wayne Deerberg, Supervisor Cedar County Board of Supervisors Betty Ellerhoff, Supervisor Cedar County Board of Supervisors Shelise Parsley, Executive Director CCEDCO/Iowa State University Extension Matt Muckler, City Administrator City of West Branch Shirley Kepford, Mayor City of Tipton Abby Kisling, Community Development Director TEDCO Chris Nosbisch, City Manager City of Tipton Peggy Kedley, City Clerk City of Lowden Orville Randolph, Mayor City of Bennett
Clinton County
Donald J. Thiltgen, Mayor City of DeWitt Steve Lindner, City Administrator City of DeWitt Tim Cottle, Associate Director, Business & Industry Center Clinton Community College, Eastern IA CC John Staszewski, Supervisor Clinton County Board of Supervisors
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Peggy Sellnau, Mayor City of Charlotte Mark Vulich, Mayor City of Clinton Rod Tokheim, VP-Business Development Mercy Medical Center
Delaware County
Milt Kramer, Mayor City of Manchester Linda Gaul, City Clerk City of Earlville Shirley Helmrichs, Superviser Delaware County Board of Supervisors Elise Bergan, Director Edgewood Chamber, Economic Development Jeff Madlom, Supervisor Delaware County Board of Supervisors Jim Vermazen, RWIB City of Manchester Timothy Vick, City Manager City of Manchester
Dubuque County
Roy Boul, Mayor (Exec only) City of Dubuque Wayne Breckon, Senior Vice President Dubuque Bank & Trust Wayne Demmer, Supervisor Dubuque County Board of Supervisors
Daryl Klein, Supervisor Dubuque County Board of Supervisors Don Recker, Mayor City of Sageville Bill Rediger, Chair EIRHA/EIRHC Ray Stephan, Council Member City of Peosta Donna Sweeney, City Clerk City of Sageville Michael Van Milligen, City Manager City of Dubuque
Jackson County
Judy Carr, Deputy City Clerk City of Maquoketa Steve Flynn, Supervisor Jackson County Board of Supervisors Dave Heiar, Economic Development Director Jackson County Economic Alliance Paul Konrardy, Mayor City of LaMotte Larry (Buck) Koos, Supervisor Jackson County Board of Supervisors City of LaMotte Amy Moore, Council Member Maquoketa City Council Brian Wagner, City Manager City of Maquoketa
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nt me oy pl
Community Deve lo p sit n a me r T n
c Developme nomi nt o c E
1974 - 2014
and Training
40 Years of Serving Communities
Ho u sin g rtation and Pl a nspo n nin Tra g
ECIA will be celebrating its 40 year anniversary in 2014. ECIA looks forward to the next 40 years to continue to assist member communities enhance their quality of life and create an atmosphere of collaboration and partnership that will strengthen individual communities as well as the entire region.
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