Rta Newsletter July-September 2014

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Upcoming Events:

Quarterly Journal of the RTA

RTA: News on the Go!

July through September 2014


RTA is looking for volunteer drivers in Delaware County! If you are interested contact Bridget at 563-690-5761 or BBartlett@ecia.org.


Do you have a suggestion or bright idea?

If you or someone you know may be interested in becoming a driver for the RTA please contact us at 1.800.839.5005 or visit rta8.org and fill out an application on our Contact Us page.

563-588-4592 1-800-839-5005

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Thank you Dubuque Racing Association! P.2 Driver Spotlight P.3

Upcoming Events P.4

Do something wonderful, people may imitate it! - Albert Schweitzer Connecting People to Life’s Destinations

7600 Commerce Park Dubuque, IA 52002


Contact Bridget Bartlett (563-690-5761) for any suggestions or story ideas for the quarterly newsletters!

RTA Dubuque, Delaware and Jackson Counties

This issue

RTA Driver Wins National Roadeo


he RTA is proud to announce that our full time driver Jean Dalsing won this year’s National Community Transit Roadeo competition in St. Paul Minnesota in June 2014. The National Roadeo is the only national venue to honor and celebrate the value of rural and community transit operators, the backbone of the Community Transportation industry. This exciting event draws drivers from around the country to compete for top scores on a course that tests skills on every level of the drivers' abilities. Jean has competed for the last 16 years and this year she received first place in the Van division further more, at the Roadeo, Jean received the Otis Reed Jr. Driver of the Year award which is the first time in 25 years that a female driver received this prestigious award! Lori McKinley, RTA Transit Manager, stated; “We are very proud of Jean and it just goes to show how reliable and safe our drivers really are by one of them winning these awards at the National level.” Page 1

Did you know…

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Thank you Dubuque Racing Association!


hank you to the Dubuque Racing Association for awarding $7,500 to the “Running the RTA on All 4 Wheels” Project! The goals of this project are to extend the life of our current fleet, decrease roadside breakdowns, and avoid unplanned maintenance by purchasing bus maintenance software. The RouteMatch software upgrade will track regular maintenance schedules, fuel and vendor expenses, parts and materials needed for each vehicle, and reminders for upcoming service. Safety is our number one concern and having a properly maintained fleet will assure this happens. With the help of the DRA, we can purchase this fleet maintenance software, which will aid us in keeping a preventative maintenance schedule with a convenient way of monitoring previous maintenance appointments.


ransportation is the link to any services our passengers utilize in the community. Not only will the software help us continue our mission of getting people to life’s destinations, but it will also save money and time for the organization and for the passengers. This software is unique, not only because it will save the RTA time and money, but it can also be an integrated system to ensure all vehicles are accurately maintained, operated and inspected for consumer safety and security. The RTA plans to purchase the software by August and have it installed within six months. After staff training the software should be implemented sometime in February 2015.

Driver Spotlight: Leon “Bud” Kyarsgaard


eon Kyarsgaard or “Bud” as he is affectionately known by all, is the senior RTA driver at the Maquoketa, IA garage and is the winner of the 2014 Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) Driver of the Year Award! Bud has been employed with the RTA since February 2002. Bud is 84 years with an unbelievable work ethic and Lori McKinley (RTA Transit Manager) with Bud as a huge caring heart. When discussing this nomination with other he accepts his award drivers, the words “faithful” and “caring” came up each and every time! Even at 84, Bud is the most reliable driver we have. He is always the first driver in the bus garage before and after his shift yet lives the farthest away (13 miles) from the garage in another community. Even when routes are delayed or cancelled due to the weather, Bud is already in Maquoketa ready to go for his day. Bud always has the garage lit up, heat or air turned on in the office, and paperwork set out of the other drivers. Bud is always assisting passengers on and off the bus more than any other driver. If Bud ever has a concern about a policy or how the bus/equipment may be functioning the underlying reason is how it may affect the passengers.

Thank you Bud for everything you do for your passengers, the RTA and your community!!

The RTA is looking for part time drivers! If you or someone you know is interested contact 1.800.839.5005 or visit www.rta8.org on our “contact us” page to download an application! Page 2

In the 1930s, with the Great Depression reducing the market for personal automobiles, General Motors Corp. made a push to convert all U.S. transit systems to rubber-tired diesel buses. This effort was supported by Congress, which, in 1935, passed the Public Utility Holding Company Act, requiring most power companies to divest themselves of public transit operations. General Motors purchased transit systems across the nation through its subsidiary, National City Lines. They quickly turned around and bought diesel buses from the parent company and discontinued rail service. The rails were abandoned, often paved over in the city streets, although many ended up being salvaged for their steel once World War II began. - Source IADOT Office of Public Transit Page 3

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