Celebrating 125 Years President Cheryl J. Norton leads the parade to mark the start of the anniversary year events.
Friday, January 31, 2013 • Volume 97, Issue Number 13 • Slippery Rock University's Student Newspaper
the rocket
Slippery Rock celebrates 125 anniversary
Credit Cards For Vending Machines With RockDollars no longer being accepted in vending machines, some will be accepting credit cards. Page A-2
Textbook costs Hinder Students The cost of textbooks, access codes, and other classroom extras are breaking students' banks. Page B-1
Blue Devils Coach Hits 900 Steven Bartley discusses the legacy of Duke's Coach K in his new column, "A View from the Cheap Seats." Page C-1
Seniors Share SRU Bucket Lists Seniors preparing for graduation are checking off the last items on their lists of things they want to do before May. Page D-3
Basketball Falls To Golden Eagles In the final seconds of overtime, Clarion University takes the win from Slippery Rock's men's basketball team Wednesday night. Page C-1
Stephanie Grabowski, 19, safety management major, Alyssa Kallenbaugh, 18, exercise science major and Gabby Kuster, 19, early childhood education major pose to have a caricature created in their likeness Thursday during common hour during the "Rocking into the 125th." In addition to the caricatures, the event featured airbrush shirts, photographs, and a chocolate fountain and was hosted by the University Program Board as part of the kickoff festivities for Slippery Rock University's 125 anniversary.
By Jonathan Janasik News Editor
Kicking off the celebration of Slippery Rock University’s 125 anniversary, SRU President Cheryl J. Norton led a parade of SRU students, alumni, faculty and administration from oldest building on campus, Old Main, to the newest building, the Robert M. Smith Student Center Thursday at noon. “I invite each of you to join us throughout 2014 as we celebrate 125 years of Slippery Rock University history, an inspiring story of community, resilience, and bold innovation” Norton said after arriving at the student center. “We are, have always been, and forever will be, the Rock.” Council of Trustees President and Board of Governers member Robert Taylor, city council member Ken Harris, SGA President Buddy Clements, and SRU Vice President of Student Affairs Robert Watson each spoke about the history of SRU. “In December of 1887, hardly more than a heaping handful of concerned citizens of the Centerville area, later to be renamed Slippery Rock, gathered in the Presbyterian Church to discuss the possibility of an education beyond eighth grade for their sons and daughters,” Watson said. “It’s almost unfathomable to comprehend that in just 14 months that small group of extremely dedicated people had acquired the original 10 acres of land, designed and constructed three buildings, appointed a principal, selected a faculty of six, and recruited, enrolled 106 students
and laid the foundation upon which we stand today.” Members of the faculty then took turns reading the names of the first class that graduated from SRU. According to Executive Director for University Public Relations Rita Abent, every student who has graduated from SRU will be read at various locations everyday from the opening ceremony until December. The names of the students were researched by the Green and White Society. “Throughout the course of the year, there will be other major events that will be [related to the 125 anniversary]. For example, Black History Month will also tie into the history of the institution.” A webpage dedicated to the anniversary launched Thursday to coincide with the first day of the celebration. It can be accessed through the official SRU website. The webpage includes a calendar of upcoming events related to the anniversary. Abent stated that one of the biggest events will be Founder’s Day on March 26 which celebrates the first day that SRU opened its doors. In June there will be a picnic for the families of the original members of the university. “It’s great to make sure that we always remember that we grew from fact that there were families here who said, ‘we need this, and we’re going to do whatever it takes to do it,’” Abent explained. Abent said planning for the 125 anniversary started eight months ago and a lot of time was spent creating the webpage, logos and organizing the events. There have been over 300 students that have volunteered to join the student committee.
Winter weather requires extra preparation from staff By Haley Barnes Rocket Contributor
Due to harsh weather conditions throughout the week, several departments of Slippery Rock took action to ensure the safety of students and staff. SRU’s Assistant Director of Campus Services Dallas Cott explained how the removal of snow works. Cott said there are three different crews that each fulfills their own responsibilities in the process of snow removal. He said there is a 5 a.m., a 6 a.m., and an 8 a.m. crew. “If we get snow after hours the University Police call the Grounds Supervisor who then calls out staff members based on the amount of snow we have received,” Cott said. “We are not staffed nor funded for a 24 hour operation like PennDot is.” Cott said the 5 a.m. crew is responsible for the plowing and salting of roads around campus that need to be cleared for 6 a.m. He said the 6 a.m. crew is responsible for the starting of shoveling around buildings A through F, the upper, and lower campus. He said they also continue working on the parking lots. Lastly, the 8 a.m. crew adds
additional help to the previous jobs. Cott said there is roughly eight to 10 miles of roads back and forth that need plowed. He said it is not the university’s responsibility to plow Keister Road and Harmony Road, as those roads belong to the borough and township. Cott said there are two products used to melt snow and ice: rock salt and rock salt/calcium chloride mix. He said rock salt is the primary ice melter for roads and parking lots and the rock salt/calcium chloride mix is used for the sidewalks around campus. “We cannot be everywhere at once when it snows,” Cott said. “My top priority is trying to provide the safest conditions as possible given the conditions we are dealing with for the students, faculty, staff and visitors to this campus.” Cott said the amount of snow heavily impacts how much the crews can get done in a timely manner. For example, the crews can clear one to two inches of snow in about a half of day. He said if staff calls off, there is no backup and those areas must be covered by employees who are already working.
“This same crew is responsible for all trash pickup on campus including the small cans out on campus and the large green totes next to each building,” Cott said. “Trash removal is a five and a half days a week job to keep up with the demands.” “This crew has a lot of responsibilities that occur on a daily basis so again and we do the best we can to accommodate all of these duties.” Cott said. SRU Director of Environmental Health and Safety Paul Novak commented on shoe wear during times of snow. Novak said the risk of someone falling during times of snow and ice are greater with common shoe wear. He said shoes with rubber treads decrease the risk of falling. “Additional factors include whether a person is carrying books, a backpack, or a gym bag that could affect their center of gravity,” Novak said. “How much in a hurry are they that might affect how fast they are walking, do they hold onto rails, etc. Being as careful as possible to not fall is the best course of action anyone can embrace.”
Cloudy with snow at times
A little icy mix in the a.m.
Snow or flurries possible
Partly sunny and cold
Sun, then clouds; ice at night
Cloudy with snow showers
Mostly cloudy and colder
Sun. Mon.
Wed. Thu.
The patented AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors. Shown are the highest and lowest values for each day.
REGIONAL CITIES CITY Akron Allentown Altoona Cleveland Erie Harrisburg Indiana Johnstown Philadelphia Pittsburgh Scranton State College Wheeling Williamsport Youngstown
Friday HI LO W 34 27 sn 37 28 c 38 28 sf 32 27 sn 32 29 sn 38 28 c 35 29 sf 34 28 sf 40 30 c 35 31 sf 36 29 c 36 27 sf 35 32 c 38 28 sf 34 29 sf
Saturday HI LO W 44 24 sn 41 30 c 40 34 i 42 22 sn 40 25 sn 41 31 c 45 32 sn 43 31 sn 45 36 c 47 36 sn 39 32 sn 39 33 i 48 29 sn 39 33 sn 42 25 sn
Sunday HI LO W 27 9 pc 46 27 c 41 17 c 25 10 pc 28 13 pc 45 23 c 38 12 c 37 13 c 50 30 c 37 18 c 40 17 c 40 18 c 34 14 sn 41 17 c 27 10 pc
Sun. Mon.
Wed. Thu.
The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.
Tuesday HI LO W 30 25 sn 35 25 pc 28 27 sn 30 23 sn 28 25 pc 32 26 pc 29 27 sn 28 27 sn 38 32 pc 34 32 sn 30 25 pc 29 20 pc 36 31 sn 32 23 pc 29 25 pc
Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal
Monday HI LO W 22 12 pc 36 17 c 27 14 pc 20 11 pc 21 14 pc 33 18 c 25 12 pc 23 11 pc 38 26 sn 28 15 pc 29 15 pc 28 14 pc 27 20 pc 31 14 pc 23 13 pc
Wednesday HI LO W 29 13 sf 38 24 i 39 21 i 29 13 sf 31 18 sf 41 27 i 39 20 sn 38 16 sn 42 29 r 38 18 sf 39 23 i 40 22 i 36 18 sf 39 23 i 32 15 sf
Thursday HI LO W 16 10 pc 32 22 s 24 13 c 16 11 c 21 10 c 33 15 s 24 16 c 22 11 c 38 20 s 23 12 c 26 13 pc 24 13 c 23 16 c 28 10 c 19 9 c
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Rise 7:32 a.m. 7:31 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:29 a.m. 7:28 a.m. 7:27 a.m. 7:26 a.m. Rise 7:40 a.m. 8:19 a.m. 8:54 a.m. 9:29 a.m. 10:03 a.m. 10:38 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Set 5:36 p.m. 5:37 p.m. 5:38 p.m. 5:39 p.m. 5:41 p.m. 5:42 p.m. 5:43 p.m. Set 7:01 p.m. 8:14 p.m. 9:24 p.m. 10:33 p.m. 11:38 p.m. none 12:40 a.m.
January 31, 2013
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014
Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal
National Summary: A storm system will push into the Great Lakes and edge into the Northeast Saturday, bringing a mixed bag of precipitation. From northern Illinois into Michigan, and eastward into upstate New York, precipitation will fall as steady snow. An icy mix will fall farther south across central Ohio and Pennsylvania, especially in the morning. Rain showers will occur farther south from West Virginia and Kentucky to the Gulf Coast. Rain showers will push into the East Coast Sunday, while rain will mix with snow across central Pennsylvania and New York. Another storm system will surge into the mid-Atlantic Monday, bringing rain to the Carolinas, and a bit of snow to Washington, D.C.
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday CITY HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W Atlanta 52 36 pc 56 51 c 66 41 c 51 39 sh 54 51 r 61 35 sh 50 34 pc Boston 41 32 c 42 34 c 47 26 c 33 21 pc 34 28 s 39 24 r 31 20 pc Chicago 19 15 sn 25 4 sn 7 -9 pc 11 5 pc 26 18 sn 23 -2 pc 4 3 pc Cincinnati 37 33 c 50 25 sh 30 10 c 28 21 pc 36 27 sn 34 13 sf 22 13 pc Dallas 74 57 pc 63 33 c 37 31 i 41 34 r 45 28 r 44 30 s 45 28 c Denver 27 12 sn 30 8 pc 29 12 pc 29 10 sn 25 4 sn 19 -2 sn 20 7 sf Detroit 29 23 sn 32 13 sn 23 3 pc 18 4 pc 25 20 sn 30 14 sn 17 11 pc Houston 71 61 c 76 58 c 62 42 r 56 47 r 68 41 r 51 36 pc 59 40 c Indianapolis 32 29 sn 41 13 r 19 2 pc 22 17 pc 30 20 sn 26 6 c 13 12 pc Kansas City 28 16 sn 29 5 sn 20 7 pc 30 20 pc 30 7 sn 19 4 pc 19 12 c Los Angeles 66 46 pc 66 45 pc 63 45 pc 62 45 pc 67 44 pc 69 50 pc 70 49 s Miami 81 72 sh 82 71 pc 81 71 pc 82 72 pc 81 71 pc 83 71 pc 80 70 sh Nashville 51 42 c 59 35 c 41 26 sh 48 37 pc 54 33 r 41 24 sf 37 24 c New Orleans 65 56 pc 72 60 c 68 43 c 54 50 sh 72 50 pc 58 44 pc 57 43 c New York City 40 33 c 43 37 c 49 28 c 36 25 pc 36 29 s 40 32 r 34 23 s Orlando 74 61 pc 83 63 pc 84 62 pc 82 63 pc 83 64 pc 81 63 pc 74 58 c Phoenix 68 46 pc 65 45 pc 65 46 pc 63 42 pc 62 43 s 68 48 s 73 42 pc San Francisco 57 43 pc 56 42 pc 56 45 r 56 44 pc 56 46 pc 58 43 pc 60 48 s Seattle 44 34 sh 44 32 pc 44 32 c 42 29 pc 41 29 pc 42 29 pc 43 27 s Washington, DC 44 29 pc 50 38 c 53 30 c 41 26 sn 35 31 sn 51 32 r 39 24 pc Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
Vending machines drop RockDollars, P 10 credit card readers to be installed Catch something exciting happening on campus? Want your Insta-photos to be featured in The Rocket? Just follow @SRURocket on Instagram and use # in the caption for your chance to be featured here every week!
By Kevin Squires Assistant News Editor
Ten vending machines around campus will be fitted with credit card readers. “We’re getting 10 [vending machines with credit card acceptors] for free. If it turns out well, and I think it will, we’ll implement more,” Cody Moody, Student Government Association (SGA) senator said during the senate meeting Monday evening. SGA voted to create a stipend review committee with Moody as chair with the help of Wendy Leitera, Business Manager of SRSGA, Inc. “Our vending has gone down dramatically over the past few years. Even this one compared to the last one its down over 22 percent,” Moody said. Funds from vending machines go towards supplying stipends for various organizations on campus including the Student Government Association, University Program Board, WSRU, and The Rocket. “We all know that stipends are going to have to be cut which will affect quite a few people in big organizations on campus,” Moody said. The committee is expected to examine the locations and success of vending machines, relations
with AVI and to discuss the specific vending machines being altered to accept credit cards and if more systems will be implemented. They will have their first meeting Wednesday at 5 p.m. Any student interested in the committee is able to attend. SGA, at their onday evening meeting, also voted to approve University Program Board member Matthew Steffey’s stipend of $750 for the spring semester following an executive session meeting of the senate. Senator Bailey Childress was elected to the position of SGA Vice President of Internal Affairs. Childress was also named the “liter” of the week in recognition of her new position. Caleb Martin was elected as a North Hall senator, and Steven Zamborsky was elected as a commuter senator. “I was involved in SGA last year and I loved it. Just coming to this meeting today, I learned so much and it made me really miss and want to get back involved and get back in the loop about what’s happening on campus,” Zamborsky said, “I just want to get involved again.” The next meeting will take place Feb. 10 at 8:45 p.m. in the theater of the Robert M. Smith Student Center.
Happy Bus schedule accommodates delays Return of evening route in discussion by SGA By Kevin Squires
Assistant News Editor
Slippery Rock University’s Blotter.................A-3 Sports...................C-1 shuttle service, the Happy Bus, is easily recognized as the buses Opinion...............B-1 Campus Life.............D-1 drive across campus and to Comics...................B-4 various locations in the Slippery Rock area. However, the service has gone through some changes this academic year with some doubling in service and other routes being cut entirely. The service is managed and run by the Student Government Newsroom: 220 Eisenberg Building Association (SGA). The frequencies of the route stops (724) 738-4438 Slippery Rock present for the buses were Advertising: University temporarily doubled due the (724) 738-2643 Slippery Rock, PA two-hour delays Tuesday and Wednesday. This meant that onFax: 16057 campus stops were visited ever (724) 738-4896 10 minutes and off-campus stops Email: were visited every 15 minutes. rocket.letters@sru.edu “That was an emergency decision and Dr. Watson facilitated the discussion between the University and 2012 Mark of Excellence First us,” Anthony Plumberg, Vice Place Winner in Region 4 from the Society of Professional President of Campus Outreach Journalists. for the Student Government Association said, “It was [a decision] made by the group that decided to shorten classes and the cost was covered by the University.” Dr. Robert Watson, Vice President for Student
Affairs said Monday during the Student Government Association meeting that the group consisted of himself, the president, and other members of her administration. He also commented that SGA had significant influence in the discussion of whether or to have regular classes. SGA President Buddy Clements and other members of SGA approached Watson Monday encouraging him to consider the weather and its impact on students. “I feel like our advocating did create the compromise for the two hour delay,” Plumberg said, “I had at least 30 people come up to me independently and say ‘You’re on student government. Do something about this.’ We’ve had well over 100 people express their concern over the weather.” In contrast to this additional service of the Happy Bus, last semester SGA decided to temporarily discontinue the evening route after discussion within the campus outreach committee which is responsible for the daily activities of the Happy Bus, the movie series, and advertising for SGA activities and events. “There was a lack of a demand. It had been declining by almost 50 percent over the past two years,”
Plumberg explained, “Obviously it’s very hard to service everyone in every way shape and form, but we are always looking for ways to improve how the route is going, how easy the schedule is to read, obviously we’ve had some trouble with the evening route.” In addition to ridership decreasing, the increase in gas prices did not help save the evening route. “With gas prices rising, to which the cost of the Happy Bus is connected, it would have cost over $30,000 to maintain the evening route. We decided that it was not a wise use of money for about 30 people to use the bus for the evening route,” Plumberg said. For students that do seek that later grocery trip to Giant Eagle, or a ride back to their apartments after evening classes, there is hope for the evening route to return. “Our mandate this semester is to not only figure out how we can bring the evening route back and not waste money, but use it in a wise manner but also inform people about the service and how to use the service. I want every student that can use this service to use this service,” Plumberg said.
January 31, 2013
POLICE BLOTTER Campus Jan. 8 – Police informed maintenance of a Jan. 21 – A drug violation was reported Jan. 24 – Derek Jones, 19 and Richard Earls, water leak at Building F. in Rhoads Hall. Contraband was found and 19, were issued citations for being underage charges are pending. and disorderly conduct following an alcohol violation at Building E. Jan. 8 - Police informed maintenance of a water leak at the Advanced Technology Jan. 21 – A drug violation was reported Center. in Building B. Contraband was found and charges are pending. Jan. 25 – There was a report of a damaged Jan. 9 – Police informed maintenance of window at the Lifelong Learning Center. The a water pipe break at the Robert M. Smith Jan. 21 – DUI charges were filed when a case is under investigation. Student Center. suspicious vehicle was investigated by police at Rock Pride Drive. Jan. 13 – A projector was reported as stolen from Vincent Science Hall. The case is under Jan. 21 – David Christy, 23, was issued a Jan. 25 – Police responded to a medical call investigation. citation for DUI for a previous case. for an individual that fell in the bleachers in Morrow Field House. An ambulance transported the individual to Grove City Jan. 17 – Report of suspicious behavior on Jan. 23 – Maintenance was notified of a Hospital. Twitter at Old Main. No action was taken by water leak in Building B. officers. Jan. 23 – Maintenance was notified of a Jan. 19 – Police issued a citation after a water leak in Watson Hall. Jan. 25 – Police responded to a report of report of an alcohol violation at Building B. disturbance (verbal argument) at Building B. The individuals were separated and one Jan. 24 – Police responded to a nonreportable was transported to the Health Center for Jan. 19 – Andrew Baysura, 20, Christopher traffic accident on Rock Pride Drive. No evaluation. No other action was taken. Bugajski, 19 and John Sheerer, 19, were injuries were reported. issued underage citations for a previous case. Jan. 24 – A sprinkler head break occurred Jan. 20 – A vehicle backed into another at at Boozel Dining Hall resulting in a water Jan. 25 – Derek Beamer, 18, Brandon Rock Pride Drive. No injuries were reported. leak. Maintenance was notified. Brittain, 19, Dustin Fisch, 19, Tristan Hileman, 18 and Wesley Keefer, 19, were cited with underage alcohol violations at Jan. 20 – Jeremy Hirth, 18, was issued a Jan. 24 – Police responded to a medical for Building D. citation for possession of drug paraphernalia. an individual with difficulty breathing at the heating plant. An ambulance transported the individual to Butler Medical Hospital. Jan. 21 – A stereo was reported as stolen from Watson Hall. The case is under Jan. 25 – Thomas Robabaugh, 18, was investigation. Jan. 24 – Hayden Underwood, 21 and issued with possession of a small amount and James Donvito, 21 were cited with disorderly paraphernalia of contraband at Building D. conduct following an alcohol violation at Building E. Compiled by Kevin Squires
Our View
OPINION rocket.letters@sru.edu Volume 96, Number 13
220 Eisenberg Classroom Building Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057 Phone: Fax: E-mail:
(724) 738-4438 (724) 738-4896 rocket.letters@sru.edu
Jon Janasik
News Editor
Rebecca Marcucci
Campus Life Editor
Kristin Karam
Sports Editor
Alex Mowrey
Photo Editor
Todd Hart
Web/Social Media Editor
Mary Leach
Copy Editor
Kevin Squires
Assistant News Editor
Stephanie Cheek
Assist. Campus Life Editor
Matthew Morgan
Assistant Sports Editor
Rebecca Dietrich
Assistant Photo Editor
LaRae Ferguson Mark Zeltner
Multimedia Reporter Faculty Adviser
Advertising Manager
ABOUT US The Rocket is published by the students of Slippery Rock University every Friday during the academic semester with the exception of holidays, exam periods and vacations. Total weekly circulation is 3,000. No material appearing in The Rocket may be reprinted without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. The first copy of The Rocket is provided free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased for 50 cents each. The Rocket receives approximately five percent of its funding from the SGA General Service fee paid each semester by students. All other income is provided through the sale of advertising. Advertising inquiries may be made by calling (724) 7382643 or by e-mailing rocket.ads@sru.edu.
CORRECTIONS If we make a substantial error, we want to correct it. If you believe an error has been made, call The Rocket newsroom at (724) 738-4438. If a correction is warranted it will be printed in the opinion section.
Textbooks and access codes financially burden students, university should adopt open textbooks College textbooks notoriously break the bank of our nation’s youth and SRU students are no exception to that rule. A survey released earlier this week by the U.S. PIRG Education Fund and the Student PIRGs shows that 65 percent of student consumers have opted out of buying a college textbook due to its high price, and of those students, 94 percent say they suffer academically. According to the survey “Fixing the Broken Textbook Market: How students respond to high textbook costs and demand alternatives,” college textbook prices have increased by 82 percent over the past 10 years, or at three times the rate of inflation. Textbooks are one of the largest out-ofpocket expenses for students each and every semester. Despite the rise in textbook costs, that isn’t all students have to worry about today. The dawn of the ‘textbook access code’ age is upon us, making it extremely difficult for students to save money by buying books through other avenues. In the glorious days of yore when print was the only option, students had a plethora
of cheap, or even free, ways to acquire textbooks. Students could use a copy from the library’s reserves, borrow one from a friend, buy a used copy for a fraction of the price or rent a copy through a company that provides that service, or even the campus bookstore. But the latest and greatest of textbook enhancements require individual access codes to get to bonus materials online. And they’re threatening to displace all of student’s alternatives options. Most access codes only work for a limited time, like a semester, and once they are activated they aren’t usable by other students. The U.S. PIRG Education Fund suggested a solution to the rising costs of textbooks and classroom extras in their survey – open textbooks. “Open textbooks are facultywritten and peer-reviewed like traditional textbooks, but they are published under an open license, meaning they are free online, free to download, and affordable in print,” according to the survey. “82 percent of survey respondents said they would do significantly better in a course if the textbook were free online and a hard copy was optional, which is
exactly how open textbooks work.” The survey suggests that open textbooks save students $100 per student, per course on average. We agree the savings could be, well, monumental. Slippery Rock University should adopt an op en textbook network campuswide and begin to encourage professors to utilize these as viable options for students. Campus administrators should consider an open textbook pilot program on campus. The University System of Maryland’s MOST Initiative is a positive example of how these programs are working for campuses across the country, and saving the students loads of money in the process. The U.S. PIRG Education Fund also recommends that faculty, on their own, begin to adopt open textbooks in their classrooms, utilizing resources such as the U. Minnesota Open Textbook library as a resource. Textbooks shouldn’t cost more than tuition. We say open textbooks are more than a step in the right direction; maybe they are even a leap for mankind.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions to The Rocket are available. Subscriptions are $20 per academic semester and $35 for the full academic year. Inquiries should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at the address listed here.
In the Quad In the Quad is a segment in which random students, faculty and staff are asked for their opinions on a specific topic.
The Rocket strives to present a diverse range of opinions that are both fair and accurate in its editorials and columns appearing on the Opinion pages. “Our View” is the opinion of the Editorial Board and is written by Rocket editorial board members. It reflects the majority opinion of The Rocket Editorial Board. “Our View” does not necessarily reflect the views of Slippery Rock University, its employees or its student body. Columns and cartoons are drafted by various individuals and only reflect the opinions of the columnists.
This week’s question: Do you feel that you get your monies worth when buying textbooks and extras for classes?
LETTERS POLICY The Rocket welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Rocket retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes the property of The Rocket and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Please limit letters to a maximum of 400 words. Submit all material by noon Wednesday to: The Rocket, 220 ECB, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057. Or send it via e-mail to: rocket.letters@sru.edu.
Penny Parison Junior Biology Major
Ben Lilly Freshman Exercise Science Major
“It is a little expensive, but yes I like the extra online segments that I get.”
“No. Absolutely not. I do not even use half my books.”
Maggie Burns Sophomore Communication Major
“No, I only get my monies worth from the books i buy for my major. Liberal studies books are a waste, especially when I can not sell them back.”
January 31, 2014
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The views expressed in the “Letters to the Editor” section are those of the writer(s) alone. The Rocket cannot verify all facts presented in a given letter, but if we are aware of an error or omission, we reserve the right to include an editorial note for accuracy’s sake.
TWEET @SRURocket Need your voice to be heard? Want to be featured on The Rocket’s opinion pages? Tweet the @SRURocket and use #opinion for your chance to be featured weekly.
A.J. Burnett to test free agent market for 2014 season
Ryan Barlow Sports Commentary Ryan Barlow is a freshman Public Relations major from Girard, Pa.
With Spring Training just around the corner, the Pittsburgh Pirates have announced that they preparing to enter the 2014 season without starting pitcher A.J. Burnett. Burnett, 37, announced during the 2013 regular season campaign that he was contemplating going into retirement at season’s end, but was still open to negotiating with only the Pittsburgh Pirates for one last season. Just weeks after the 2013 season came to an end, the Pirates declined Burnett’s qualifying offer of 14.1 million dollar. As a result, many fans (myself included) assumed Burnett would now choose to enter retirement, and walk away from the game for good. That was until earlier this week, Travis Sawchik of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that Burnett does intend to play this season, but is now open to negotiating with teams other than the Pirates. There is no question in Burnett’s team value. In two seasons with the Bucs, Burnett has a combined record of 26-21, and combined earned run average (ERA) of 3.41. Pretty outstanding numbers for a 35 year old who struggled in years prior with the New York Yankees. His locker room presence has been outstanding for the Pirates, and he did a great job mentoring young pitchers such as Jeff Locke and Gerrit Cole. All good things aside, the real question is do the Pirates even need Burnett anymore? Without him, the Pirates already have solid starting pitching rotation consisting of Francisco Liriano, Gerrit Cole, Charlie Morton, Wandy Rodriguez, and either Jeff Locke, or the recently signed Edinson Volquez. Liriano, Cole, Morton and Rodriguez are all likely to be guaranteed spots in the rotation, leaving Volquez and Locke fighting for that final fifth spot. Volquez, who really has not been relevant since his days with Cincinnati will be working hard during spring training to try and return to his original form under the Bucs pitching coach Ray Searage. Locke on the other hand put up an outstanding first half to the regular season, earning him a spot on the National League All-Star team. Unfortunately, Locke’s second half of the year was not nearly as successful and he ended up pitching himself out of a rotation spot. If Locke and Volquez don’t pan out, it’ll be very easy for the Pirates to turn to top prospect Jameson Taillon, who is already likely to make his major league debut in mid-June or July. From a fan’s perspective, I would love to see Burnett return in 2014. But from a business perspective, it may not be a necessary move. As a fan, I’d like to thank him for what he has done for the Pittsburgh Pirates organization. He was a part of a franchise I have been watching for 19 years, a franchise that wasn’t winning. A team which is arguably the most memorable in Pirates history. A team that made the great city of Pittsburgh fall in love with baseball again. Whether he returns or not, I wish him luck in 2014, but it would be tough seeing him in other colors than black and gold.
New PASSHE Chancellor address issues encountered in first 100 days One hundred days. It’s not a long time, but it is long enough to get a feel for a place. Coming from Florida, my family and I have been struck by the beauty and diversity of Pennsylvania, and by the warm and welcoming nature of the people. We’ve always known the Commonwealth to be the birthplace of our nation. However, since arriving, we’ve learned that it is also the birthplace of the nation’s first daily newspaper and first medical school…not to mention Jimmy Stewart and Hershey’s Chocolate. As the new chancellor of Pennsylvania’s State Sy s t e m o f Hi g h e r Education (PASSHE), 100 days is certainly long enough to understand the real impact our 14 public universities have on the culture and economy of their individual regions, and in the Commonwealth as a whole. The arrival of a new CEO is oftentimes accompanied by over-the-top proclamations and hardto-deliver commitments, but I wanted my first 100 days to be different. For me, this time has been an opportunity to visit each of our remarkable institutions and talk with their talented students, faculty and staff. Those visits affirmed my belief that we have extraordinar y people doing extraordinary work, oftentimes in the face of serious challenges. Even with lagging state support and fluctuating enrollments due to the Commonwealth’s changing population, our universities are finding ways to do more with less—something every Pennsylvanian has learned to do. PASSHE is reinventing
itself to meet the everchanging workforce needs of the Commonwealth. The universities have been doing that for a while now—working in partnership with employers to develop and expand programs in areas such as nursing and allied health, energy production, advanced technology, and software and computer engineering. We must not only maintain that momentum, we must do more to be nimble and responsive to emerging workforce needs. And while fiscal challenges aren’t going away anytime soon, they cannot be allowed to paralyze our mission. We must maintain our focus on how to best serve our students, today and in the future. We must ensure all of our students receive a quality educational experience that prepares them for a career or further education, whether studying on campus or online. We must be accountable to our students and the C ommonwe a lt h and ensure that both realize a return on investment. We will provide our s tu d e nt s — an d t he i r future employers—a clear understanding of the knowledge and skills that a PASSHE graduate will have when they walk across the stage at commencement. To accomplish these things, and more, we will challenge the basic assumptions and ask the tough questions. We must be willing to retain the best of our past and organize ourselves to prepare for a very different future. The benefit of having a well-coordinated university system, such as PASSHE, is that institutions
can achieve more working collectively than by working separately. A high quality system will raise the quality of each individual institution within it. Just look around the country: most of the top 10 public universities are also part of great systems. The Board of Governors celebrates the unique strengths of each PASSHE institution and seeks to leverage those strengths to benefit the whole system. Our universities will expand shared business and support services when beneficial—freeing up funds to enhance the academic enterprise. At the same time, the universities will work together with the system to reduce unnecessary program duplication and increase programming that responds to the demands of both students and employers. These are not just good ideas, they are essential. Working together— with a balance of local decision making and system coordination—we will find innovative ways to overcome the fiscal challenges. Together, we will reinforce the State System’s national reputation as a leader in accountability. And, together, we will enrich the student experience by elevating the quality and prominence of each university. Pennsylvania and its citizens deserve nothing less. In October 2013, Frank T. Brogan began as chancellor of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Prior to that, he held the same position at the State University System of Florida.
Students experience ‘mid-college crisis’ in vain, inevitably change major
Casey Young Casey’s Corner, Consider This Casey Young is a sophomore Communication-Journalism major from Orchard Park, NY.
At one point or another, everyone in college doubts his/her choice of major, wants to change majors, or just has no idea what he want to do with his life. Give an 18 year old college student the decision of what he/she wants to do with the rest of his life, what else can you expect? I have come to this “midcollege crisis” myself. I keep thinking about where I want to be in ten years, debating what path I want to take to get there, and running different scenarios in my mind all day long. Do not fret. According to The Washington Post, only 27 percent of college graduates get
a job related to their major. So, why does everyone in college stress out so much? I guess, everyone should quit worrying. Pick a path that fits what you are feeling now. People change, priorities change, and circumstances change in the future that no one can possibly predict this early in life. So, I guess all of those freshman that came in as undeclared may actually be the smart ones after all. Although it seems scary, and many students feel as though they are giving up on the dreams they came to school with, overthinking a choice of major does nothing to help the situation. Students needs to learn to trust their gut. Every teacher will tell his class to go with their first instinct when answering a multiple choice question. So, maybe instinct should be at the basis of such a stress inducing decision. College is for the betterment of one’s future, it does not come with a direct path to graduation. The path may include many twists and turns or may be a simple straight line. No matter what, college is a great place to expand one’s knowledge. Whether a person sticks with one major, or plows through five, all the knowledge gained along the way helps in navigating to the finish line. If The Washington Post is right, none of the stress matters anyway.
January 31, 2013
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COMICS Pasteh Kat
It is Monday. I detest Mondays for no raisins.
Pasteh Kat is a high-brow critique of the twenty-first century middle-class suburban lifestyle. As such, a companion comic has been attached for your benefit. Refer to it if you need help understanding the many themes that Pasteh Kat explores. In the first pannel the cat is sleeping. Sleeping cats are cute!
By Nancy Black Tribune Content Agency (MCT) Today's Birthday (01/31/14). This year growth and fulfillment come from creative fun with people you love and admire. Mercury enters Pisces (until 2/13): communicate compassion and dreams. Meditate and exercise, to balance busy work and social life. Practice childlike fascination. Use intuition to find joy and passion; grow it with disciplined action. Infuse it into career for tangible results. Express your love.
By Jack Johnehsick
Best in Show
Ooooh, he‛s waking up. I wonder what will happen next!
Wait a second. A fat lazy cat who hates Mondays?
This is rip off of Spagghet Kat! Who are they trying to fool? I dislike this for plenty of raisins!
By Phil Juliano
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21 -- April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- For about four weeks, your dreams seem prophetic, with Mercury in Pisces. Love comes easier with Venus direct today. Don't get greedy. Do without something that could serve another better than you. Share with friends. Taurus (April 20 -- May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- For about four weeks, expand your influence. Listen carefully to others for the gold in their words. Team projects go very well. Create new possibilities with difficult relationships. It's getting easier to get along. Gemini (May 21 -- June 20) -- Today is an 8 -- Follow the rules, even if it seems harder. There may be short-term financial shortage. But this next month with Mercury in Pisces, new career opportunities and investments arise. Relax and let it all out. You'll be fabulous.
Brewster Rockit: Space Guy
By Tim Rickard
Cancer (June 21 -- July 22) -- Today is a 7 -- For about four weeks, your interests turn to philosophy, metaphysics or spirituality. Dissolve limits. It's getting easier to make money with Venus direct, and to compromise. There's an art to growing prosperity. Plan the garden. Leo (July 23 -- Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You're very attractive now. For about four weeks, your work gets more fun and profitable. Ask for what you think the work is worth. Organize finances. Reward your discipline with a delicious flavor or experience. Invite a partner. Virgo (Aug. 23 -- Sept. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Listen to the competition carefully for the next four weeks, and learn useful strategies to improve your own performance and service. Emphasize those qualities you have which others admire. Visualize success. Love and money come easier now. Libra (Sept. 23 -- Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Face something you've been avoiding, and discover freedom. New opportunities are opening up. No need to broadcast your strategy. Build the fun factor at home and work. Fix up your space to reflect this. Scorpio (Oct. 23 -- Nov. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- It's getting easier to earn and save. For the next four weeks with Mercury in Pisces, you're exceptionally persuasive. Capture your thoughts onto paper. There's love all around at home. Soak it up. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 -- Dec. 21) -- Today is a 7 -You may crave travel, but resist temptation to spend your savings. Luckily, for the next month, you'll do your best thinking at home. Accept support from a partner more easily now that Venus is direct. Capricorn (Dec. 22 -- Jan. 19) -- Today is a 9 -Things go better than expected, especially regarding business and finances. For the next four weeks, you're even smarter than normal. Consult an expert in the areas where you have less experience. A female adds an artistic flourish. Aquarius (Jan. 20 -- Feb. 18) -- Today is a 9 -- Your desires realize with greater ease, with Venus direct. Obstacles seem like nothing to you with the Moon in your sign. You're hot today and tomorrow. For about four weeks, it's easier to finish old business. Celebrate a windfall. Pisces (Feb. 19 -- March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Work moves forward harmoniously now. For the next four weeks with Mercury in your sign, you're even smarter than usual, and team projects go well. Capture your love in artistic expression. Share it. (c)2013 bY NANCY BLACK DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
By Harry Bliss
January 31, 2013
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Women's Basketball
Indoor Track
SRU falls to Clarion 89-73 Wednesday night as Clarion completes season series sweep against SRU.
Green and White earn 19 top-10 finishes at YSU Invitational.
See Page C-2
See Page C-3
SRU suffers overtime loss to Golden Eagles
Coach K reaches career milestone Steven Bartley "View from the Cheap Seats" Steven Bartley is a senior journalism major and a regular contributor to The Rocket.
aggressive in overtime and were the first to score. SRU senior center Maurice Lewis-Briggs answered the effort, shaking off an attempted block from Clarion. Momentum swung back and forth throughout the overtime period, keeping the game within three points at all times. With 25.9 seconds remaining, Slippery Rock held the lead 8481. SRU's crowd cheered on their team as Queen's "We Will Rock You" played during a timeout. The cheers turned into nerves as Clarion sank a shot and made the score 84-83 with 9.4 seconds remaining. In an attempt to get the ball back, the Golden Eagles fouled Lewis-Briggs. Lewis-Briggs made both shots to put the Rock up 86-83. Head coach Kevin Reynolds made a strategic decision to foul Clarion and send
Duke’s head coach Mike Krzyzewski, is in many people’s mind the greatest coach in men’s basketball history. Coach K, as he is known in and around the basketball scene, got his 900th win as head coach at Duke on Saturday Jan. 25 against Florida State. He has led Duke to the NCAA tournament every year since 1985. He is the winningest coach in NCAA history. Could he be the greatest coach to ever live? Compared to the rest of the major sports, one would start in football. Let’s be fair here to football. Games are played every Saturday and there isn’t a 36-game season. Some of the greatest coaches of all time in college football are John Gagliardi, Eddie Robinson. Gagliardi was the head coach at Saint Johns University in Minnesota for 59 years. He compiled a 489-138-11 record over that time. He has a win percentage of .775 and could be one of the greatest coaches ever in the college ranks. Eddie Robinson coached Grambeling State from 19411997 which is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Robinson compiled a 408-167-16 record with a .703 win percentage. Coach K has a career win percentage at Duke of .764. Both of these men compiled these records at much smaller name schools and only Robinson actually competed on a Division I platform and that was only for a short time. If you take a look at women’s basketball, Pat Summit of Tennessee and Geno Auriemma of University of Connecticut are the only two that compare to Coach K on the basketball scale. Summit has won over 1,000 games during her tenure and won eight NCAA titles. Auriemma has won over 850 games and has also coached eight NCAA championship teams. Don’t get me wrong here, these are amazing accomplishments, but to be considered the best there has to be some sort of resistance. There is, in my opinion, a big difference between No. 1 and No. 2 in women’s basketball. There are games that seems like David is up against Goliath. There are very few cinderella stories at the collegiate level in women’s basketball. Although there are no guarantees in sports, there are little surprises to who is going to compete in the championship games at the DI women’s level. In men’s basketball there is always a few surprise teams making a statement during March. Duke, along with the rest of the NCAA, has to deal with them. Coach K is already the best men’s basketball coach in NCAA history but the question still remains: Is he the best ever in college sports? I say yes. He is competing in the ACC, which is an extremely tough division in men’s basketball. The Blue Devils have to play North Carolina every year. When you represent the ‘brand’ of Duke, you’re going to be playing a team’s best every night. I find it funny to hate the best and I think that is what most people tend to do when it comes to sports. When Duke came into the ‘Pete’ and beat up Pitt, all I heard was how much everyone hates Duke. I believe Coach K has created some of that distaste with the success of his program over the years. Coach K has kept his teams competitive every year since the mid-eighties and that alone is an amazing accomplishment. The Atlantic Coast Conference is only going to get tougher with the addition of Syracuse and Louisville in 2014. I
Redshirt senior forward Tabari Perry drives down the court Wednesday night against Clarion University at Tippin Gym. Perry recorded 18 points and 11 rebounds against the Golden Eagles.
Golden Eagles take win with three-point shot By Kristin Karam Sports Editor
Taking advantage of a wideopen shot, Clarion junior Marques Jones sank a threepoint shot with 1.4 seconds remaining in overtime to ups et t he Slipp er y Ro ck men's basketball team 8786 Wednesday night in a Pennsyvania State Athletic Conference match-up. The loss drops SRU's overall record to 15-6 (6-3 PSAC-West) while Clarion improved to 4-13 overall (2-7 PSAC-West). In their first meeting of the season, the Green and White defeated the Golden Eagles 7965. Slippery Rock is now in
a tie for third place with Gannon University while Indiana University of Pa. and Mercyhurst sit tied for first. Slippery Rock was leading Clarion 39-31 heading into the half but struggled to contain the Golden Eagles the remainder of the game. Redshirt senior Tabari Perry, who contributed 18 points and 11 rebounds for the Rock, said that the team must improve their defense before they face California University of Pa. this Saturday. “We can’t close out the second half because we keep breaking down defensively late in the game,” Perry said. “We also keep giving up offensive rebounds.” The game was sent into overtime with the score 71-71 after Clarion’s Mike Kromka missed a free throw with 2.7 seconds remaining. Kronka scored 26 points and earned 15 rebounds while Jones hit 23 points. The Golden Eagles came out
January 31, 2014
Women's basketball falls at Clarion By Matthew Morgan Assistant Sports Editor
Slippery Rock trailed the Golden Eagles of Clarion University by 17 points at halftime, a deficit that proved too great in the end as the Rock fell 89-73 on Wednesday night. Slippery Rock has trailed at the half in 14 of 19 games this season. “We have worked on different things during practice to get us off to a better start,” SRU head coach Tanya Longo said. “Teams generally play how they practice. We need to start practicing with a higher focus and level of play, start to finish.” With the win, the Golden Eagles improved to 8-11 overall and 2-7 in PSAC-West play. Slippery Rock now holds a record of 4-15 overall and 1-8 in the PSAC-West. Clarion defeated the Rock 95-80 on Nov. 11 at the Morrow Field House, and with the win Wednesday night they complete the regular season sweep against SRU. “They have been playing great basketball in the last four or five games," Clarion head coach Gle Parsons said. "We were never going to take them lightly. We really respect them and we knew it was going to be a tough game.” Slippery Rock held the game within six points until there was 10:39 remaining in the first half and then Clarion began to pull away. Clarion’s lead went as high as 23 points but was reduced to 17 at the end of the first half of play. The Golden Eagles held a convincing lead over the Rock throughout the second half, at one point rising as high as 24 points. With 1:28 left in regulation SRU managed to reduce that lead down to 10 points. However, the early deficit and missed shots down the final stretch led the Clarion Eagles to their victory over SRU. Clarion snapped a four game losing
streak with the win. “We were in a bit of a slump,” Parsons said. “It helped that we already beat Slippery Rock. We came out with a lot more confidence.” The Rock shot 38.9 percent Wednesday night, making 28 shots out of a seasonhigh 72 attempts. SRU attempted 25 shots shots from behind the arc with eight counting for points. Clarion shot 46.2 percent(30-65) from the field and made 67.7 percent (21 -31) of their free throw shots. Clarion has attempted at least 31 free throws in both games against SRU this season. Junior D’Asia Chambers led slippery Rock in points with 19 and six rebounds. Chambers has scored 19 or more in seven games this season. “It’s frustrating because I don’t go out there to play for stats,” Chambers said. “It’s pointless to get double-doubles and score big points if we aren’t winning. I would rather score two points or sit on the bench and be winning.“ Senior Jazmyne Frost had her fifth double-double game of the season with 16 points and a career high 16 rebounds. “Chambers is playing at a great level and Jazmyne, with her double-double, is really incredible,” Parsons said. Sophomore Megan Hardimann added 17 points and 11 rebounds for the Rock, her first double-double at SRU, as well as a career high in rebounds. Clarion was led on the court by freshman Kelly Johnson with 29 points and 12 rebounds. Junior Hannah Heeter contributed 10 points and 11 rebounds for her team leading eighth double-double of the season. Senior Emma Fickel added 18 points for the Golden Eagles. SRU welcomes the Vulcans of California University (11-7, 5-4 PSACWest) to the Morrow Field House on Saturday with tip off at 1pm. SRU fell to Cal-U 79-52 during their last meeting Nov. 23.
Junior D'Asia Chambers looks for a pass in Wednesday night's 89-73 loss to Clarion University. Chambers is averaging 17.4 points per game this season.
Rock set to face Cal-U at home
Redshirt sophomore guard Maxx Rynd drives to the hoop Wednesday night in the game against Clarion. Rynd scored seven points against the Golden Eagles.
Continued from Page C 1
them to the free throw line. This was done in hopes of preventing the Golden Eagles from going for a three-point shot and tying the game. "We were trying to play to percentages," Reynolds said. "That was my decision as a coach and obviously that ended up being a poor decision because they made one of two, we failed to rebound and then
they hit the three to win the game. We should've just played it out." Lewis-Briggs led the Rock’s offensive effort with a total of 27 points, 25 of which came in the second-half (nine in OT). Ju n i or for w ard Kelv i n Dixon added 12 points and 10 rebounds, senior guard Josh Martin scored 11 points and redshirt junior guard Antonio Butler scored eight points. R e y n o l d’s c o n t r i b u t e d
the Green and White’s lessaggressive second half performance to a combination of his coaching mistakes and the other team’s ability to adjust their style of play. The past three games have been decided in the final moments, including last Saturday's loss to IUP 64-66 and January 22's win overSeton Hill 72-71. “We haven’t played as well (in the second half ),” Reynolds said. “It’s been a lot of bad plays by me. We haven’t been making the adjustments we should and (our opponents) are.” In the second half, Clarion hit 41.7 percent (5/12) of their three-point shots while SRU was 0-3. Slippery Rock also failed to make a three-point shot in overtime (0-2), while the Golden Eagles made two, including the game-winner. Slipper y Rock held the advantage in rebounds 45-37 and in turnovers 8-7. “ The guys played good enough to win,” Reynolds said. “We got caught in a trap game tonight but it was a bad job from me. I made a bad decision. We should’ve won.” SRU will look to snap a two-game losing streak this Saturday when they face the Cal-U Vulcans. “We have to turn it around,” Reynolds said. “We have to play better, we have to do better and there’s no way around that.” The Vulcans are 9-10 overall, 4-5 in the PSAC-West, and are heading to SRU off a 62-59 win over Gannon. Slipper y Rock faces California University of Pa. at home Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the Morrow Field House.
Duke's Coack K earns his respect
Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski yells orders to his players at the Petersen Event Center on Monday Jan. 27, Duke defeated the Pitt Panthers 80-65.
Continued from Page C 1
think Coach K will be more than ready for the challenge. Coach K has also done well at the international level. He has won gold twice as head coach of team USA in the Olympics. Although he is coaching dream teams, he has to make those guys believe in his system and motivate those guys to work together. Coach K is also a great humanitarian. He founded the Emily Krzyzewski Center, named after his mother, a non-profit organization which was established in 2006. The mission is to inspire students from kindergarten through high school to dream big, act with character and purpose, and reach their potential as leaders in their community. Add that to his impressive basketball background and you have, in my opinion, the best college coach ever.
January 31, 2014
Indoor track qualifies 40 at YSU By Christian Stangroom Rocket Contributor
The Slippery Rock men’s and women’s indoor track teams secured a combined 19 top-10 finishes and 40 Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference qualifying marks at the Youngstown State University Invitational last Friday. “It’s obvious by our performance level at YSU that the athletes worked out faithfully over the long semester break,” head coach John Papa said. “I feel that the teams had some very good performances, however we all need to sharpen our skills and improve our fitness level this next month.” The Rock women earned nine top-10 finishes and 19 PSAC qualifying marks. “We had several PSAC qualifying performances in almost every event area,” Papa said. “We also had a school record in the weight throw from Brittany Christiansen.” Christiansen set the record last weekend with a throw of 15.79 meters and threw for 16.56 meters at YSU to break her own record, hit NCAA qualifying standards and finish eighth overall. Senior Amanda McCool met PSAC standards in the weight throw with a throw of 13.68 meters, as well as sophomore Breanna Northcott at 13.31 meters and sophomore Marissa Buccilli at 12.57 meters. In the shot put, freshman Ava Bonetti qualified at 12.10 meters, Christinasen at 11.45 meters,
x Fully
freshman Caitlin Whalen at 11.30 meters and Northcott at 11.17 meters. Sophomore Mariah Burns placed fourth in the long jump with a leap of 5.38 meters. Burns was joined in the top10 by sophomore Sam Taylor with a leap of 5.28 meters and a seventh place finish. Senior Kara Styles took fourth in the 3,000-meter run with a time of 10:32.66. Junior Janine Powis finished fifth in the mile with a time of 5:11.61. The 4×400-meter relay team of sophomore Lexie Nowakoski, sophomore Jasmine Bailey, s ophomore C assandra Swartzbaugh and sophomore London Parris finished seventh with a time of 4:08.23. Parris also took sixth in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 9.42 seconds, followed by freshman Caryl Evans in 13th at 9.69 seconds. The men’s team earned 10 top-10 finishes and 21 PSAC qualifying marks. Junior Jarrod Galloway finished sixth in the shot put with an NCAA qualifying distance of 15.78 meters. Junior Trevor Miller and sophomore Kaleb Kingston met PSAC standards, Miller placed 12th with a throw of 15.14 meters and Kingston in 21st at 13.92 meters. In the weight throw, junior Nick Turk placed eighth at 16.03 meters, followed by senior Billy Martin in tenth at 15.75 meters, sophomore David Reinhardt in 13th at 15.38 meters, Miller in 15th at 14.95 meters and Galloway in 19th at 14.27 meters.
Junior Brittany Christiansen spins as she prepares to release the weight at the Youngstown State University Invitational. Christiansen threw for 16.56 meters, breaking her previous record of 15.79 meters.
Rock vaulters were led by a third-place finish from sophomore Cody Colagrande. Colagrande cleared 4.60 meters and was joined by freshmen Jordan Pacheco and Samuel Shipley in the top-10. Pacheco and Shipley both cleared 4.30 meters but Pacheco tied for fourth and Shipley finished ninth due to missed vaults. Senior Victor Santoyo had a PSAC qualifying mark in the long jump, finishing fifth with a leap of 6.56 meters.
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SRU had three qualifiers in the 400-meter dash. Junior Hunter Williams led the way with a fifth-place finish of 49.33 seconds. Williams was followed by freshman Jacob VanHouten in 14th 50.66 seconds and senior Trevor Foley in 22nd at 51.29 seconds. The 4×400-meter team of Williams, VanHouten, Foley and senior Nathaniel Helfferich placed fifth with a time of 3:24.13. Foley also reached the PSAC
standard in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 8.97 seconds. “Trevor is a very determined and hardworking athlete,” sophomore sprinter Michael Hartos said. “He’s a captain and a good role model for the rest of us.” Hartos ran a 9.04 in the 60-meter hurdles, placing second amongst SRU hurdlers. Slippery Rock heads to the SPIRE facility in Geneva, Ohio this weekend to compete in the Division II Challenge.
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January 31, 2013
What's on your bucket list?
Is your perfect mate your computer?
Check out this online exclusive about SRU senior bucket lists.
Her surprises audiences with a heart-warming story about a man and his operating system.
See Page D-2
See Page D-2
Student teaching: Not your average internship By Stephanie Cheek Assistant Campus Life Editor
Many majors at SRU require that students complete an internship before they can graduate. Education majors are no different, but instead of interning with a company, they have to experience student teaching, where they go into the classroom and become a teacher for a semester. “While other internships end at the end of the work day, student teachers must make lesson plans, grade, make tests, and do all the other responsibilities as other teachers, such as parent-teacher conferences, outside of normal work hours,” Joey Streiff, 22, a senior secondary education English major, explained. Streiff is a student teacher this semester at Union School District teaching his main subject of English. He further explained that student teaching is more like a full time job requiring a lot of extra work in and outside the classroom. While many student teachers arou nd c ampus l i ke t he experience that they gain from working in the classroom, it becomes a balancing act between being a teacher and being a student themselves. Streiff along with teaching has to work his Desk Attendant job hours around his new schedule and had to basically drop all clubs and on campus government organizations. “I have had to drop my ties with any club and student government due to the busy lifestyle,” Streiff said. “However, I do try and get involved with the theatre as often as I can.” Another student who has fully immersed herself into the classroom during her student teaching experience is senior Colleen Lugar, 21, a health and physical education major. “I am doing two work samples, one for middle school health
that lasts eight weeks and the other for high school physical education for another eight weeks,” Lugar explained. “A work sample is creating a pre unit test to find out where the students are, six lesson plans, and then a post test.” Lugar is teaching in the Hermitage school district, more specifically at Delahunty Middle School and Hickory High School. While Lugar is another student who feels that student teaching is a rewarding experience and can grow from it, she also expressed that it is a challenge. “For almost 12 hours I am in teacher mode,” Lugar expressed when explaining her in-depth daily schedule. She wakes up around five in the morning and has to be out of the house by six to travel 45 minutes to be at the school by 7 a.m. She teaches all day and does not get back on campus until 4 p.m. According to Lugar, she also makes a priority in working out and making sure she can still work some of her student jobs. “It is not healthy to not have me time,” Lugar explained, “and my me time is working out.” Along with teaching during the week, Lugar tries to earn some money by still working as much as she can at her on campus jobs during the weekend. She works at the ARC as a lifeguard and still tries to do whatever she can as a HOPE Peer Educator. Not only does Lugar have to teach during school hours, but has to also participate in a service learning project during her student teaching. “I have to coach the middle school track and field team for at least three hours a week for at least six weeks,” Lugar PHOTO COURTESY OF COLLEEN LUGAR stated. “The project has to show Senior health and physical education major, Colleen Lugar, 21, teaches elementary school that I’m being involved with students during her field training. something with my district.” B efore student teaching, less of a full teaching experience. final years at Slippery Rock, but Both fieldwork and student some wish they could get hands students also have to participate in field training, which also teaching are two experiences SEE SRU PAGE D-3 involves classroom work, but is that are mostly done in the
Students vow to continue reveling in New Year's resolutions By Jenna Rindy Rocket Contributor
The new year of 2014 has brought some unique New Year’s resolution ideas to students. Many are bundling up tightly to head off to the ARC, or to a nearby volunteer center to uphold their resolutions. Freshman accounting major, Leanne McDermott, 18 said she is pushing herself to perform better academically. “I decided that I would try even harder in my classes this year, and strive for a 4.0 GPA,” McDermott said. “I know that it’s possible, and by making this resolution, it will help me strive for it even more.” Regardless of the extent of academic perseverance, keeping it going throughout the year may be tough, McDermott said. This can also apply to one of the most common resolutions made every year: getting in shape. According to Time magazine,
losing weight or exercising more is the most popular New Year’s resolution to make, but is also the most commonly broken. Freshman athletic training major, Hailey McLaughlin, 19, is determined to keep her resolution. “Most of my friends made resolutions to work out more, too,” McLaughlin said. “It’s just easier to keep when you have other people by your side as well, all working toward the same goal.” McLaughlin explained her
While some students may be making time for their favorite TV shows, some others might have too much time on their hands. Freshman secondary GRAPHIC BY REBECCA DIETRICH/THE ROCKET education major Max Meyer, 18, admits he might be one of those plan for action. “I go to the ARC every day, people. “I decided to not play video even if it feels too cold outside,” she said. “If you’re determined games every day,” Meyer said. enough, you won’t let things like “Instead, I take some time to usual Slippery Rock weather get just listen to music, or use that extra time to study. I know that in your way.” The Wall Street Journal playing once in a while isn’t bad, has named another popular so that’s what I’m going to start resolution this year to be “keeping doing.” Meyer isn’t the only person up with current TV shows.” It could require a subscription to making this decision. To spend Netflix, something many college less time with electronics is students have done, or simply a another top resolution for 2014, vow to set aside some time each the Wall Street Journal says. week for your favorite show.
January 31, 2014
Can't afford to update your wardrobe? Rent your next item!
PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS A Chloe purse, Vera Wang apparel, a Chanel handbags, and Loius Vuitton accessories are just a few of the many items that can be rented through online resources. These online borrowing websites were created as an alternative for those who cannot afford to buy the clothing and accessories at full price.
Katie Ellis "ROCK'n Fashion" Katie Ellis is a junior journalism major and a regular contributor to The Rocket.
Millions of dollars are spent every year on designer clothing, purses, and jewelry by women across the globe. More than likely, a significant number of items women purchase will only be worn once or twice and then be pushed to the bottom of a drawer or the back of a closet. In order to save money on clothing and still be able to afford beautiful designer fashions, women should start taking advantage of deals offered by companies like Rent the Runway and Bag Borrow or Steal. Each of these retailers offer deals on designer items for a fraction of the cost, and the best part is they can be returned hassle-free after having them for just a few days or weeks.
Rent the Runway is the premiere website to find dresses and accessories to rent, for up to 90 percent off the original retail price. Founded in 2009 by Harvard graduates Jennifer Hyman and Jennifer Fleiss, RTR has experienced tremendous success since its creation, as it boasts nearly 3 million members to date. Their available stock of dresses and accessories includes items from notable red carpet designers like Alberta Ferretti, Oscar de la Renta, and Vera Wang. While this site may seem too good to be true, skeptics can put their minds at ease simply by reading customer testimonials and reviews of nearly every item for rent. Finding a dress for every occasion is a breeze thanks to the array of categories listed including “Ladies’ Night” and “It’s a Date”, which takes the hassle out of determining whether or not the dress you pick is appropriate for the event you wish to attend. Next, choose a size and select a second size for free in case of an unforeseen fit error, and choose the date that you want your dress to arrive. Rental periods occur over the span of either four or eight days, with the eightday rental costing a few dollars extra. Don’t worry about having to pay for the dress in the event that it gets stained or ripped. Minor accidents are covered because of the rental insurance applied to every order for just $5. After your Cinderella moment is over, returning your dress is as easy as 1-2-3 thanks to the UPS return envelope included with your rental.
After finding the perfect dress through RTR, head over to Bag Borrow or Steal’s website, to find a handbag to compliment your ensemble. The concept behind this site is nearly identical to the clothing retailer’s, but there are slight differences in item availability and the rental period. Bags from designers like Louis Vuitton and Celine are available to rent through the highend retailer, although it’ll cost a pretty penny. Depending on the designer and style of bag, a rental can cost upwards of $200 for a standard month long rental. Gratification isn’t always instant when it comes to the purse renting game, because the site doesn’t offer duplicate styles. If a bag is labeled available, then your rental period can begin immediately, but if it says “on loan”, you’ll have to keep an eye out for it to be back in stock. If you’re lucky enough to take advantage of the “bag” part of Bag Borrow or Steal, consider using money intended for borrowing a purse to put towards the purchase of a designer bag in either pristine or pre-loved condition. There are also deals women can take advantage of on shoes from designers like Jimmy Choo and rare vintage Chanel jewelry. Rent the Runway and Bag Borrow or Steal can take the hassle out of trying to find that special something to wear, for just a fraction of what you’d spend at a department store. Getting a deal on a designer item is an offer that no woman should refuse.
Johansson's voice charms audiences in technological romance
Jimmy Graner "Jimmy G's Rock Reviews"
4.5 Stars
Jimmy Graner is a junior journalism major and film and media studies minor and a regular contributor to The Rocket.
Love is complex when it comes to defining the right person. Some of us move from relationship to relationship, some of us find love the very first time around, and for others, love seems impossible. With today’s judgment, it can be hard for a person to express their true feelings for someone else. But when that special someone does come into your life, no matter what the circumstances are, will you show and embrace that love, or let others deprive you of it? Her, a film written and directed by Spike Jonze, follows a man by the name of Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), a wistful writer who composes love letters for people who cannot express feelings on their own. After going through the process of a harsh divorce with his longtime love, Catherine (Rooney Mara), Theodore purchases an operating
PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS Joaquin Phoenix plays Theodore Twombly in the technological-insipired romance Her where he portrays a man who falls in love with his operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
system (voiced by Scarlett Johansson) that’s designed to make him happy in every way. After a few short weeks, the operating system, now known as Samantha, becomes more than just a talking device. In a way, this movie is more than just entertainment; it’s more of a wake up call for the people watching it. It takes place in a near future where technology has seemingly taken over. People are more active with the online realm, whether it is for their job or enjoying a video game. It leaves the message that we as people are relying too much on technology to make our lives better when it’s other people and
our surroundings that can do it. Although, the bond the two share is like something I’ve never seen before. To have a device that is capable of having a conversation and learning from you is simply remarkable. Because technology keeps evolving, it can be hard for us to drop everything we’re doing and resort back to the Stone Age like nothing’s ever evolved. In the end though, all good things must have some sort of declining end, and that’s when the truth about love and technology finally comes to a halt. Phoenix, who usually plays a more serious role, brings more to the table as a troubled romantic than the usual protagonist.
Johansson, whom many have come to know and love in countless movies, is simply astounding as a female voice who can merely please any man with a tearful laugh or remark. The supporting roles of Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Chris Pratt and even the voice of Jonze himself adds to the spark of interest in the storyline. As this movie teaches, as crazy as it seems, we all have some type of relationship with our own operating devices. While our devices may not have brains, the treatment we give them is almost as if they do. Either way, we’re all looking for some sort of acceptance and intimacy when it comes to feeling loved.
January 31, 2014
Seniors share SRU bucket lists, what to experience before graduation By Amber Cannon
diversity within the university. "I would love to see a more diverse campus,” Rocket Contributor she said. “You can never have too many When making a bucket list, many people friends, so meeting new people is always a construct their list based off of what celebrity plus. There are so many small clubs on campus they want to marry, becoming famous, or that have a great message that people don't travelling the world. As seniors prepare for know about because they are afraid that it's not what they like," she said. graduation, they begin to Along with getting construct bucket lists of involved on campus, their own. Between now Snyder expressed that she and May, several seniors wants to do more around are trying to experience town as well. Getting out as many things as they on a Saturday evening and can before their time in viewing the whole town college runs out. is something that she is S enior psycholog y interested in doing before major, Ashley Snyder, 21, she graduates. Snyder also is one of several students wants to experience the that are gearing up to drive-In theater, she said. graduate in May. She Another senior that is wants to experience all the preparing to graduate this events that Slippery Rock semester is public health has to offer this semester GRAPHIC BY ALEX MOWREY/ THE ROCKET major, Nicholas Jones, 21. before she graduates, “I’m grateful to be here,” he said. Snyder said. Jones said he’d add to his bucket list the "I know in the past there were events that I really wish that I would have gone to. Now, I opportunity to see more out-of-states students want to experience every event possible," she on campus. Since he is an out-of-state student, said. "Most of these events that are thrown are he would like to meet more people who have amazing and they can really make a big impact gotten out of their comfort zones to experience the western Pennsylvania life. on your life." “Before I leave, I just want to experience Snyder would also like to experience more
people becoming their best selves. I want people to go out there and volunteer and find all the opportunities that this school has to offer,” he said. “Slippery Rock is more than just going to class and meeting friends. It’s actually all about experiencing and gaining an opportunity to do something great with your life.” Jones said he is very sad to be leaving in May, but he is very grateful for all of the things that he was able to experience during his time here.
Student teachers prepare final qualifications for teaching certification Continued from Page D 1
on experience earlier in their college career. “I would like to add that I wish the Education Department would get Secondary Education students into schools earlier than our senior year,” Streiff explained. “One of my friends told me she does not like teaching and wishes she could have been placed into school in freshman year like Elementary Education students get to do.” After all the experience that students get training and preparing to be in the classroom by the time student teaching came, Lugar explained that she was ready to have her own class and be creative. “I’m tired of being watched with a magnifying glass and I’m ready and prepared to be creative and have my own class and teach,” Lugar stated. Student teaching is another way that education majors get a
feel for their job, and all that is required in the field, but their learning experiences and work is different from any other major internship. “It is a rewarding experience and I can see myself growing from it,” Lugar said about her student teaching. Student teaching is also the closest that these students are going to get before thy have to teach no longer as a student, giving them a glimpse at their future careers. “While it is certainly hectic and fast-paced at times, I will say student teaching offers an amazing opportunity to really see what it is like to be an "adult" with an "adult" job,” Streiff explained while showing his passion. “It really shows what life will be like after we graduate.”
Senate February 10th 8:45pm Smith Student Center Theater Co-Op February 6th 12:30pm 322 Smith Student Center
2 Commuter Senators 2 Co-Op at Large Rhoads Hall Senator
The Breakfast Club Show Times: Friday 4pm & 8pm Saturday 8pm Sunday 8pm
January 31, 2013