sru rocket 10-19-12

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A look into the background A6-A7 and policies of both candidates

The Rocket

New university nature trails in planning stages By Harmony Kasper Rocket Contributor

A public meeting was held on Tuesday in the Ballroom of the Robert M. Smith Student Center discussing the development of new nature trails and improvements to the existing ones on Slippery Rock’s campus. Christine McHenry-Glenn, an instructor in the Department of Parks and Recreation, introduced the Campus Trail Project and the graduate students from the department who gathered the information and put together the presentation. The trails system on campus serves purpose for both recreational and alternative transportation. The meeting outlined what already exists on campus, what is wanted for the future of the trails and the steps to make them happen. “This project began late last spring with Dr. Randall Nichols and Jeffrey Smith from the Physical Education Department when they proposed a formalized trail system be made here on campus,” Glenn said. Interested students decided to form the Campus Trail Committee to help with this project. Pashek Associations, a leading landscape architecture and recreation-planning firm located in Pittsburgh have offered assistance to the Parks and Recreation department on this project. “Graduate students from my Design for Sustainable Landscapes class have spent this semester researching this proposal and will be taking the information that they gather to create conceptual planning of the trail design, as well as management and maintenance,” Glenn said. The initial site analysis was presented during the meeting that included an aerial map of campus that displayed the current trail system, its existing condition, and identified locations of concerns and problems. After the presentation, the attendees broke off into the small groups and discussed the concerns and ideas for the trails. Two main points from each group was recorded and posted near the exits. As people left, they were to choose from the results three items that they felt were the most important to be done with the trails. Ideas and information from the Slippery Rock community residents, as well as other communities, were gathered to help accommodate the likes of everyone in the area. The current trails have become a useful resource for activities such as walking, jogging, hiking, biking and equestrian activities. Some of the important points that were repeated within the group’s discussions were safety concerns, signs throughout the trails displaying animals and plants someone might encounter, the future expansion plans for the university and ways to get the community involved and informed on the trails improvements that will be taking place. Sponsors of the meeting were the Parks and Recreation department and the Physical Education Department.

Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper

Friday, October 19, 2012

Est. 1934

Volume 96, Number 7

SRU adopts new weapons policy By Erica Kurvach Rocket Staff Reporter

The Slippery Rock University cabinet approved SRU’s new weapon policy in August to prohibit all students, faculty and visitors from possessing any weapon in university owned or operated buildings that are not authorized by police. RockPride Online published an article on Oct. 5 stating that President

Cheryl Norton wanted the policy online for easier access. The university cabinet approved the policy because the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Board of Governors mandated a systemwide and consistent approach to weapons on campus. On, Steven Strausbaugh, a Pa. field representative for the Leadership Institute, said that PASSHE disregards the Second

Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by making these policies. State schools are public property, and private property laws do not apply to this case. Strausbaugh said that students should challenge the weapon policy and connect with groups such as Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and SEE SECOND, PAGE A-2

PASSHE declines arbitration, APSCUF to vote on strike authorization


APSCUF President Dr. Patrick Burkhart (far right) speaks with Ms. Judy Silva (left) and Dr. Bradley Wilson (back) at Tuesday's APSCUF rally in the quad.

Teachers' union plans next steps in settling extensive negotiations By Jonathan Janasik Rocket News Editor

APSCUF is considering passing a strike authorization after contract negotiations with PASSHE continue for over two years with little progress. Dr. Patrick Burkhart, professor of geology and President of the SRU chapter of Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) that negotiations have changed within the last month, but not for the better. Recently APSCUF requested binding interest arbitration

as a way to settle the contract negotiations that have lasted since 2010. A binding interest arbitration is when both sides turn over their documentation of the negotiations to a third party. The third party finds a middle ground between the desires of both APSCUF and Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), and then reaches an agreement. Because it is a binding agreement, both parties SEE APSCUF, PAGE A-2

Professors predict an Obama victory SGA plans APSCUF advocacy event By Catie Clark and Jonathan Janasik News Editorial Staff

Tu e s d ay n i g ht’s d e b at e between President Barack Obama and Republican Gov. Mitt Romney sparked the attention of millions of Americans. The debate, which was held at Hofstra University in New York, left many voters including students, faculty, and staff at Slipp er y Ro ck University wondering who would be the best candidate to vote for. Dr. Tom Sparrow, professor of philosophy, doesn’t think that the debates are a viable way of understanding where the

candidates stand. “They only have two minutes to give an answer,” Sparrow said. “You can’t really give a substantial, justified response to any of these questions, even if they go over time, which they inevitably do.” D r. He at h e r Fre d e r i c k , assistant professor of political science, thinks that both candidates are taking the wrong approach to winning over undecided voters. “Both need to stop caring about undecided voters and start energizing their bases,” Frederick said. “I don’t care SEE OHIO, PAGE A-3

By Catie Clark Assistant News Editor

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association announced plans Monday to hold an advocacy event regarding the ongoing APSCUF and PASSHE negotiations. The event will be held next Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 12 to 2 p.m. in the Quad with the goal of informing and educating students on the status and ongoing negotiations between the state government and the state school faculty members over contracts. According to APSCUF President Dr. Patrick Burkhart, a strike authorization vote is coming up, and he believes it is important to convey to students that they need to advocate for successful negotiations. PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS


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