sru rocket 10-19-12

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A look into the background A6-A7 and policies of both candidates

The Rocket

New university nature trails in planning stages By Harmony Kasper Rocket Contributor

A public meeting was held on Tuesday in the Ballroom of the Robert M. Smith Student Center discussing the development of new nature trails and improvements to the existing ones on Slippery Rock’s campus. Christine McHenry-Glenn, an instructor in the Department of Parks and Recreation, introduced the Campus Trail Project and the graduate students from the department who gathered the information and put together the presentation. The trails system on campus serves purpose for both recreational and alternative transportation. The meeting outlined what already exists on campus, what is wanted for the future of the trails and the steps to make them happen. “This project began late last spring with Dr. Randall Nichols and Jeffrey Smith from the Physical Education Department when they proposed a formalized trail system be made here on campus,” Glenn said. Interested students decided to form the Campus Trail Committee to help with this project. Pashek Associations, a leading landscape architecture and recreation-planning firm located in Pittsburgh have offered assistance to the Parks and Recreation department on this project. “Graduate students from my Design for Sustainable Landscapes class have spent this semester researching this proposal and will be taking the information that they gather to create conceptual planning of the trail design, as well as management and maintenance,” Glenn said. The initial site analysis was presented during the meeting that included an aerial map of campus that displayed the current trail system, its existing condition, and identified locations of concerns and problems. After the presentation, the attendees broke off into the small groups and discussed the concerns and ideas for the trails. Two main points from each group was recorded and posted near the exits. As people left, they were to choose from the results three items that they felt were the most important to be done with the trails. Ideas and information from the Slippery Rock community residents, as well as other communities, were gathered to help accommodate the likes of everyone in the area. The current trails have become a useful resource for activities such as walking, jogging, hiking, biking and equestrian activities. Some of the important points that were repeated within the group’s discussions were safety concerns, signs throughout the trails displaying animals and plants someone might encounter, the future expansion plans for the university and ways to get the community involved and informed on the trails improvements that will be taking place. Sponsors of the meeting were the Parks and Recreation department and the Physical Education Department.

Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper

Friday, October 19, 2012

Est. 1934

Volume 96, Number 7

SRU adopts new weapons policy By Erica Kurvach Rocket Staff Reporter

The Slippery Rock University cabinet approved SRU’s new weapon policy in August to prohibit all students, faculty and visitors from possessing any weapon in university owned or operated buildings that are not authorized by police. RockPride Online published an article on Oct. 5 stating that President

Cheryl Norton wanted the policy online for easier access. The university cabinet approved the policy because the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Board of Governors mandated a systemwide and consistent approach to weapons on campus. On, Steven Strausbaugh, a Pa. field representative for the Leadership Institute, said that PASSHE disregards the Second

Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by making these policies. State schools are public property, and private property laws do not apply to this case. Strausbaugh said that students should challenge the weapon policy and connect with groups such as Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and SEE SECOND, PAGE A-2

PASSHE declines arbitration, APSCUF to vote on strike authorization


APSCUF President Dr. Patrick Burkhart (far right) speaks with Ms. Judy Silva (left) and Dr. Bradley Wilson (back) at Tuesday's APSCUF rally in the quad.

Teachers' union plans next steps in settling extensive negotiations By Jonathan Janasik Rocket News Editor

APSCUF is considering passing a strike authorization after contract negotiations with PASSHE continue for over two years with little progress. Dr. Patrick Burkhart, professor of geology and President of the SRU chapter of Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) that negotiations have changed within the last month, but not for the better. Recently APSCUF requested binding interest arbitration

as a way to settle the contract negotiations that have lasted since 2010. A binding interest arbitration is when both sides turn over their documentation of the negotiations to a third party. The third party finds a middle ground between the desires of both APSCUF and Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), and then reaches an agreement. Because it is a binding agreement, both parties SEE APSCUF, PAGE A-2

Professors predict an Obama victory SGA plans APSCUF advocacy event By Catie Clark and Jonathan Janasik News Editorial Staff

Tu e s d ay n i g ht’s d e b at e between President Barack Obama and Republican Gov. Mitt Romney sparked the attention of millions of Americans. The debate, which was held at Hofstra University in New York, left many voters including students, faculty, and staff at Slipp er y Ro ck University wondering who would be the best candidate to vote for. Dr. Tom Sparrow, professor of philosophy, doesn’t think that the debates are a viable way of understanding where the

candidates stand. “They only have two minutes to give an answer,” Sparrow said. “You can’t really give a substantial, justified response to any of these questions, even if they go over time, which they inevitably do.” D r. He at h e r Fre d e r i c k , assistant professor of political science, thinks that both candidates are taking the wrong approach to winning over undecided voters. “Both need to stop caring about undecided voters and start energizing their bases,” Frederick said. “I don’t care SEE OHIO, PAGE A-3

By Catie Clark Assistant News Editor

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association announced plans Monday to hold an advocacy event regarding the ongoing APSCUF and PASSHE negotiations. The event will be held next Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 12 to 2 p.m. in the Quad with the goal of informing and educating students on the status and ongoing negotiations between the state government and the state school faculty members over contracts. According to APSCUF President Dr. Patrick Burkhart, a strike authorization vote is coming up, and he believes it is important to convey to students that they need to advocate for successful negotiations. PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS




October 19, 2012








A shower in the afternoon

Mostly cloudy, showers; cooler

Warmer with clouds and sun

Mostly sunny and nice

Mild with some sun

A shower possible

Spotty afternoon showers










Sun. Mon.


Wed. Thu.

The patented RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors. Shown are the highest and lowest values for each day.

REGIONAL CITIES CITY Akron Allentown Altoona Cleveland Erie Harrisburg Indiana Johnstown Philadelphia Pittsburgh Scranton State College Wheeling Williamsport Youngstown

Friday HI LO W 60 41 sh 70 47 r 63 43 pc 58 43 sh 60 46 sh 68 47 pc 64 43 pc 64 40 pc 72 55 r 62 43 c 66 46 c 64 42 pc 62 42 c 66 42 c 64 43 sh

Saturday HI LO W 52 42 sh 64 42 pc 55 41 c 54 45 sh 53 48 sh 61 43 pc 53 42 sh 48 38 sh 68 49 pc 53 41 sh 60 43 c 56 40 c 53 41 sh 59 43 c 51 42 sh

Sunday HI LO W 61 48 pc 63 41 s 58 39 pc 63 50 pc 61 50 pc 64 41 s 58 42 pc 53 44 pc 66 49 s 62 45 pc 59 42 pc 58 42 pc 60 46 pc 60 42 pc 60 45 pc







Sun. Mon.

Tuesday HI LO W 68 51 pc 70 50 s 72 52 pc 67 52 c 65 51 c 74 53 s 67 52 pc 64 50 pc 72 54 s 71 55 pc 67 50 s 68 50 pc 68 51 pc 67 50 s 66 48 c

The Latino/Hispanic Culture Series Planning Committee is inviting you to come and practice your salsa and merengue moves on October 26, 2012 from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight in the Robert Smith Student Center Ballroom. Dance the night away to the beats of Pittsburgh’s popular salsa band Azucar. Light refreshments will be available. For more information email Dr. Christine Pease-Hernandez at or call ext. 2563.

3rd Annual Race to Anyplace The 3rd Annual Race to Anyplace and will take place on Saturday, March 9, 2013 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. This event is a team competition, 6 hour Stationary Bike Race that benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They are looking for participants for the March race. Students can learn more or register at

WSRU Celebrates 50th Anniversary To celebrate their 50th anniversary, WSRU 88.1 FM "The Voice of The Rock" will host alumni broadcasts over the weekend. There will also be a round table discussion Friday from 3 - 5 p.m. in the Theater of the Smith Student Center.

Presidential Election and Foreign Policy Presentation The Middle East Studies Center at SRU, The School of Business, and CBISS are presenting clips about the presidential candidates' views on Syria, heightening tension between Turkey and Syria, nuclear development in Iran, and the Israeli elections. The presentation will be on Oct. 25 at 6 p.m. in Spotts Auditorium (Room 111).

To submit a Rock Note please send your announcement by 6 p.m. Wednesday to Jonathan Janasik at or to The Rocket does not guarantee that all requests will be published in the paper.


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220 Eisenberg Building Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 16057

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Wed. Thu.

Wednesday HI LO W 71 53 pc 68 53 pc 68 50 pc 73 54 pc 71 56 c 70 54 pc 70 52 pc 67 54 pc 74 53 pc 71 53 pc 69 53 pc 68 54 pc 69 54 pc 68 52 pc 73 53 pc

Dance the Night Away with Azucar

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The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.

Monday HI LO W 68 57 pc 68 47 s 70 48 s 69 57 pc 68 56 s 69 51 s 67 52 s 65 52 s 70 52 s 71 53 s 65 52 s 66 48 s 70 55 s 68 50 s 68 55 s







Rock Notes...............A-2 Weather map...........A-2 Blotter.................A-3 Election Guide.........A-6


Thursday HI LO W 72 48 sh 70 52 pc 68 48 c 72 53 r 69 50 sh 71 51 s 70 50 s 66 47 pc 74 56 s 71 49 pc 69 49 c 67 48 c 70 51 s 68 49 c 71 50 sh

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Rise 7:37 a.m. 7:38 a.m. 7:39 a.m. 7:40 a.m. 7:41 a.m. 7:42 a.m. 7:43 a.m. Rise 12:20 p.m. 1:14 p.m. 1:59 p.m. 2:38 p.m. 3:12 p.m. 3:42 p.m. 4:11 p.m.


Set 6:33 p.m. 6:32 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:29 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 6:26 p.m. 6:25 p.m. Set 10:08 p.m. 11:14 p.m. none 12:22 a.m. 1:28 a.m. 2:33 a.m. 3:36 a.m.









Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2012


Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal


Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal

National Summary: Much of the nation will experience dry, tranquil weather to begin the weekend Saturday. However, there will be a few notable exceptions in the Northeast and Northwest. Lingering showers will spread from the Great Lakes into New England as a storm system departs. In the Northwest, a blast of chilly air will bring wet weather and even some higher-elevation snow. Beautiful weather is anticipated in the Southeast in the wake of a cold front while mild, sunny conditions dominate the Great Plains. Warm weather will persist in the Southwest while the heat along the West Coast abates. The eastern half of the nation should be dry for Sunday while some showers dampen the Rockies.


Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursda CITY HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W Atlanta 73 47 s 68 50 s 74 54 s 76 53 s 76 54 s 75 56 s 76 57 p Boston 66 61 sh 71 50 sh 62 49 s 64 53 s 66 54 s 64 50 pc 67 53 Chicago 52 43 sh 60 46 pc 66 53 pc 70 55 sh 70 55 t 72 55 t 70 45 Cincinnati 56 42 sh 58 42 pc 70 52 pc 75 57 pc 74 57 pc 75 55 s 74 54 p Dallas 80 58 s 84 69 s 86 71 pc 85 68 pc 81 65 pc 85 64 pc 84 59 p Denver 76 47 s 80 46 s 70 37 pc 66 40 s 70 39 sh 71 41 pc 65 28 s Detroit 56 43 sh 56 44 c 64 51 pc 68 57 pc 66 48 c 72 54 c 72 44 Houston 85 56 s 87 67 pc 88 70 pc 88 70 pc 86 68 pc 86 70 pc 86 66 s Indianapolis 54 43 sh 59 46 pc 70 56 pc 73 58 pc 74 53 pc 78 56 s 75 53 Kansas City 58 40 s 69 53 s 74 64 pc 79 56 t 72 57 pc 75 57 t 75 43 s Los Angeles 79 62 pc 74 62 pc 72 58 pc 69 56 pc 72 55 pc 71 57 pc 73 56 Miami 86 74 t 87 72 pc 84 73 pc 85 75 pc 86 75 t 86 74 pc 84 73 Nashville 64 44 s 66 47 s 76 54 pc 80 57 s 78 56 s 79 56 s 76 55 New Orleans 82 57 s 79 59 s 82 65 s 83 67 s 83 67 pc 84 65 s 82 68 New York City 68 57 r 69 49 pc 64 49 s 68 54 s 70 56 s 70 56 pc 72 56 Orlando 87 65 pc 83 58 s 82 64 s 84 68 s 87 68 pc 84 66 pc 84 65 p Phoenix 92 66 s 93 69 pc 89 66 pc 87 67 s 87 64 s 83 61 s 82 61 San Francisco 72 56 pc 69 55 pc 67 51 pc 66 48 c 65 50 c 62 50 sh 66 48 p Seattle 57 44 r 51 40 sh 49 40 sh 51 40 sh 52 40 r 51 40 sh 52 37 Washington, DC 74 52 pc 66 47 pc 66 48 s 71 51 s 76 55 s 75 58 pc 74 58 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.

Second Amendment rights questioned under gun policy Continued from Page A-1

the National Rifle Association. In fact, Students for Concealed Carry won a court case for the University of Colorado students affirming the right to bear arms and concealed carry on campus. Strausbaugh mentioned that the Colorado State University saw a reduced violent crime rate after they allowed lawful carrying on campus by the 2002 Supreme Court ruling. Other professors had different opinions than Strausbaugh about the policy. Dr. David Champion, a criminology and criminal justice department professor said that by law anyone can carry a gun except in Philadelphia where a license is required according to the Uniform Firearm Act of Pa. “They are allowed to develop a policy that can be enforced but not make it illegal,” Champion said. “If faculty or students do not follow this policy, they can get expelled.” Violators may not be arrested for having the gun, but will be directed to remove the weapon immediately from university property. Criminology and Criminal Justice Professor Dr. Youngyol Schanz agreed that those who are on university ground should follow the rules. “Obviously students and staff should follow the policy,” Schanz

said. “As long as they are doing so legally, it doesn’t bother me in general. Personally, I think students and staff should follow the policies.” Both professors agreed that they don’t want their students to carry a gun in their class, and the policy should be followed. Dr. Heather Frederick, a political science professor, also agreed that the weapon policy should be followed and does not violate the Second Amendment. However, she finds the policy was written poorly. “Office supplies are dangerous,” Frederick said. “I think the policy is overly broad and awfully vague. I want to know if they are going to ban any office equipment. The paper cutter is in all of the offices, and it can decapitate anyone.” The policy indicated that weapons should not be brought in academic buildings, administrative buildings, student residence buildings, dining facilities, recreational facilities, student centers or while attending a sporting, entertainment, recreational or educational event on the university’s property. The policy’s definition of weapon includes, but is not limited to, any firearm, shotgun, rifle, knife, cutting instrument, bow, nunchaku, BB gun, paintball gun, and any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury. This

policy doesn’t include Nerf guns like opponents use in Humans versus Zombies. They are bright orange and have foam pistols that do not inflict serious bodily injury. The exceptions to the definition are police officers who carry the proper identification or U.S. military personnel in the performance of their duties. Also, current SRU employees and contractors may utilize tools or other field/office instruments to perform their duties. “I think we need a weapon policy, but need one that makes sense,” Frederick said. “I don’t want students to have guns. I am pro Second Amendment. I just personally don’t like guns and don’t want them in classrooms because accidents happen.” 20-year-old Senior Public Health Major Danika Grom, who is in the military and carries a licensed pistol, thinks the policy is a double-standard since the university can ban guns, but the laws says that people can carry them. “However, I don’t really think you need a weapon for the classroom and sporting events,” Grom said. “There are cameras around the buildings so people can see if something bad happens. However, I have no problem with pocket knives. I know a lot of people who carry them.”

APSCUF asks for student assistance to settle negotiations Continued from Page A-1

must accept what the third party has decided on. “As the provost says, a contract negotiation is like a good divorce,” Burkhart said. “At the end of a good divorce, everybody is mad. No b o d y g e t s e v e r y t h i n g that they want. Everybody’s mad. Mad but teaching, mad but administrating, mad but working.” PA S S H E d e c l i n e d t h e request for the binding interest arbitration, and sent PASSHE chancellor Dr. John Cavanaugh sent a press release explaining the reasoning. “We believe it would be improper to delegate those responsibilities to a third party arbitrator who does not have the responsibility or duty to consider the financial implications of their decisions and who is not obligated to take into account the interests of Pennsylvania taxpayers or the long-term effects of those decisions on the Commonwealth or PASSHE,” the press release stated. Burkhart explained that APSCUF will be holding a meeting Saturday where they will most likely vote on and pass strike authorization vote. A strike authorization is an agreement to start considering going on strike in order to increase the amount of pressure to reach a decision. “The truth of the matter is, everything we do, we do

because we do not want to strike,” Burkhart explained. “The facility wants to teach. Nobody wants to strike. So we try to do everything we can before it gets to that point, but in the end, that is the only leverage that we have. It’s the only thing that we can do to really push things along.” Burkhart wants students to be actively involved with the contract negotiations. He explained that students were able to work together to eliminate Governor Tom Corbett’s proposed cuts to education, and that students could influence the negotiations by contacting chancellor Cavanaugh. “What I really want from the students is to say to the state system is, ‘for goodness sakes, stop stressing us out. Settle the contract and lets put all these conversations about strikes to rest,’” said Burkhart. “I want the students to advocate for a resolution. I want resolution.” APSCUF members handed out fliers to students in the quad Tuesday in order to raise awareness about the negotiations. Next Tuesday, Student Government Association will hand out fliers about the implications of a strike authorization. “I really hope [students] want a quality education,” Burkhart explained. “Affordable, tolerant, public education. If they’re not willing to exercise their voice that they want that, there’s a good chance that they’re going to have less of it.”


October 19, 2012


Police Blotter Magistrate Oct. 3 – Charles T. Wilcox, 69, was seen for sexual abuse of children – possession of child pornography, corruption of minors, unlawful contact with a minor (sexual offender), indecent assault to a person less than 13 years of age, and criminal use of a communication facility.

use/possession of drug paraphernalia and intent to possess controlled substance by a person not registered. Oct. 17 – Eric W. Hyer, 26, was seen for endangering the welfare of children, two counts of recklessly damaging another person and disorderly conduct.

Oct. 3 – Daniel L. Murtaugh, 20, was seen for four counts of manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver, and two counts of intent to possess contraband by person not registered.

Oct. 17 – Alex P. Keppler, 28, was seen for two counts of DUI and driving the wrong way. He was released on his own recognizance.

Oct. 10 – Justin S. Gutauskas, 21, was seen for receiving stolen property.

Sept. 21 – Cristina Mahoney, 39, was cited with retail theft.

Oct. 10 – Chad A. Wimer, 21, was seen for two counts of DUI. He was released on his own recognizance.

Oct. 3 – There was a report of criminal mischief to a car mirror valued at $336.

Oct. 10 – Melissa S. Tilton, 35, was seen for DUI, disregard of traffic lane and careless driving. She was released on her own recognizance.


Oct. 3 – Jody Dean Madison, 41, was cited with defiant trespassing. Oct. 6 – Amanda Mossing, 21, was cited with disorderly conduct.

Oct. 17 – Carl D. Jackson, 33, was seen for

Oct. 14 – Madeline Fried-Deangelis, 20, was cited with DUI. Campus Oct. 10 – There was a report of terroristic threats. The alleged incident occurred off campus. The individual was referred to the Pa. State Police. Officers assisted individual and provided service information. Oct. 10 – Kenny Coffman, 22, was charged with defiant trespass after a report of a no-trespass violation at Aebersold Recreation Center. Oct. 11 – There was a non-reportable theft accident at the University Union. No injuries were sustained. Oct. 11 – There was a report of theft of a vehicle registration plate at the Alumni Parking Lot. The case is under investigation. Oct. 12 – Katherine Carpin, 18; Andrea Hegarty, 18; and Shane Prince, 18, were cited with underage consumption of alcohol after a report of an alcohol violation at Building D.

Oct. 12 – A traffic stop at Service Drive resulted in a citation for expired inspection. Oct. 12 – Kaitlynne Carman, 18; Alyssa Dirienzo, 18; Jenna Rizzonelli, 19; and Sophia Sambuchino, 18, were cited with underage consumption of alcohol after a traffic stop on Kiester Road. Oct. 15 – An SRU student reported a maintenance man cutting grass on South Main Street caused a rock to hit his car, which sustained minor damages. Oct. 15 – A non-affiliated person reported they received harassing phone calls from on campus. The case was referred to the Sewickley Police Department. Oct. 16 – The Pa. State Police requested assistance from SRU Police for an altercation at Sheetz.

Compiled by Catie Clark

Ohio votes essential for Romney to win presidential race Continued from Page A-1

what polls say, Obama supporters won’t vote for him again if they aren’t as jazzed about him as they were four years ago. And Romney is a moderate; so true conservatives don’t like him. Instead of trying to reach [for undecided voters], both candidates need to appeal to their bases to get them to the polls to vote.” Another political science professor, Dr. Daniel McIntosh, believes that Romney and Obama take a vastly different approach to politics, particularly foreign policy, the subject of Tuesday evening’s debate. “Obama has a different way of doing things,” McIntosh said. “He believes in ‘leading from behind’… He knows the U.S. can’t run the world, but he tries to nudge them in the right direction. Obama likes to do things quietly, a prime example being how he handled the Libya [incident].” McIntosh said that Romney tends to

take the opposite approach. “Romney, on the other hand, likes to do things loud,” McIntosh said. “He would like to make the world into what he would want it to be, and thinks it necessary because the world is a dangerous place.” Sparrow said he believes that the results of the election will depend on how trustworthy people view the candidates. “I’ve spoken with people and have asked them about the candidates,” Sparrow said. “One of the things that they remark upon is whether or not they actually trust what the candidate is saying. I think that sort of factor is just as powerful at determining someone’s vote as what the actual policies are that the candidate is recommending or suggesting.” Out of the professors interviewed, most thought that it was more likely for Obama to win the election, with one possible exception.

“For Romney, the road to the white house goes through Ohio,” Frederick said. “It will be virtually impossible for him to win without it.” McIntosh also believes the election hinges on Ohio, but Romney stealing it from Obama won’t be a walk in the park. “I think there are too many people in the automobile industry in Ohio who think that Obama saved their jobs for Romney to win, but it could come down to that,” McIntosh said. “Virginia and Florida will also help determine how Romney will [fair at the polls].” According to Sparrow, Obama is more likely to win the election. “My intuition is that Obama will win the election, partly because Romney’s character has been in question the whole time that he’s been in the spotlight and I don’t necessarily know that enough has been done to win the trust of people or at least that enough has been done to convince people that Romney is in fact someone who has everyone’s

best interest in mind rather than the interest of the wealthy,” Sparrow said. “I think when it comes to electing a new president when you have a president up for reelection, it takes a lot of convincing that the opponent is going to do a substantially better job than the incumbent president.” McIntosh also makes a prediction. “I think it will be close, but Obama is going to win,” McIntosh said. If a third party, such as the Libertarian or Green parties, were to earn five percent of the votes in the election, they would earn governmental funding for the next election. However, it remains to be seen weather or not that is likely to happen. “We are no where near a third party rising up,” Frederick said. “We’re closer to the demise of the Republican party, and that is only because the Tea party has fractured them.”



New SGA commuter senator elected Two new student organizations approved

Co-Op freezes UPB stipends By Catie Clark Assistant News Editor

Continued from Page A-2

“We have no intent to strike, and there has never been a strike before,” Burkhart said, “but it is important to bring about a contract, because the school year will not get off without hitches otherwise.” SGA President Dave Wolfe noted that it was important to understand what stance SGA was taking on the situation. “Because they are not allowed to publicly negotiate by law, we don’t know what side to advocate for,” Wolfe said. “We need a deal to get done, but we also need to make sure both sides are negotiating in good faith.” D r. P e a s e - H e r n a n d e z , S G A faculty advisor and communication professor, reminded senators not to spread false information. “Share this information with residents and friends very carefully and be educated,” Pease-Hernandez said. “Be informed, and don’t say the faculty are going on strike.” SGA also elected a new commuter senator, Matthew Van Kirk, a senior communication major with minors in political science and European history. As a part of SGA, Van Kirk wants to participate on the Student Affairs Committee. The committee addresses student concerns, campus safety and university policies. “I want to change the campus to make it better for students with disabilities, particularly by adding

more disabled access and wheelchair ramps,” Van Kirk said. Two new organizations, SRU Film Society and SRU Men’s Choir, were approved at the Monday evening meeting. The SRU Film Society plans to hold weekly meetings and participate in activities such as watching and making movies and starting a film blog. They plan to convert techniques learned from watching different films into projects for independent, low-budget movies. SRU Men’s Choir, which currently has 15 members, plans on becoming involved with the music department. The organization is open to everyone on campus, and they are currently looking for more representation. Their first concert will be in December. Wolfe was recently appointed to the PASSHE Board of Governors as a student representative. “I will do my best to represent the student body and the missions of the University,” Wolfe said. Jim Henry, Vice President of Student Affairs, said that there is a possibility of a footbridge being built in between the Rock Apartments and Building F. According to Henry, they are also investigating the idea of building another ‘green shelter’ bus stop next to the Rock Apartments, which will be similar to the one that is presently located near Weisenfluh Dining Hall.

October 19, 2012

The Board of Cooperative Activities froze several stipends for positions currently not being filled by the University Program Board Thursday. The positions of Vice President of Concerts and Vice President of Cultural Arts, which are currently vacant, will be frozen until the 2013 – 2014 academic year when the positions can be filled again. According to Vice President of Financial Affairs, Ben Motyl, UPB is freezing the stipends because they want the money to be available for next year, but the positions are currently vacant. Co-Op also approved three line transfers for the Feminist Majority Leader Alliance (FMLA). The first transfer was from the event “I Love Female Orgasm” to the event “Car Repair Workshop”. The money was transferred because the “I Love Female Orgasm” event no longer exists. Plans for the Car Repair Workshop include taking interested men and women to see a mechanic for instructions on how to change oil, change car tires, and other basic vehicle maintenance work. The second transfer for FMLA was from the event “I Love Female Orgasm” to

the “Body Image” event. The money for the Body Image event will be spent on supplies such as trash cans, mirrors, lipstick, and dry erase markers. The purpose of the event will be for men and women to reflect on and further explore their thoughts on their personal body image. The third approved line of transfer was from the event “Feminist Coming Out Week” to the event “Take Back the Night”. Because Feminist Coming Out Week no longer exists, the money will be used to buy supplies for the event Take Back the Night. Supplies

needed for the event include candles, which were lost in move of the Women’s Center from the Behavioral Science Building to the Student Center. The Take Back the Night event is designed for men and women who were victims of sexual assault. The current budgetary reserves for Co-Op are estimated to be around $176,543.56. According to Motyl, there will be more accurate figures at the next CoOp meeting because there is still more money that needs to be transferred into the reserves.

Launch your international career through Peace Corps service. INFORMATION MEETING: Returned Volunteer Shares His Story From Togo Wednesday, October 24 12:30 pm - 1:30pm Student Center, Room 332

Peace Corps -


October 19, 2012




Presidential E Barack Obama

On the

Background on Obama

Vice Presidential Candidate

Born: Barack Hussein Obama II Birth date: August 4, 1961 Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii Wife: Michelle Obama Children: Malia and Sasha Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Religion: Christianity Education: Columbia College (BA), Harvard Law School (JD)

Joe Biden - 47th Vice President of the United States (2008-present) - U.S. Senator from Delaware (1973-2009) - Served as the chairman of the Senate Committee of the Judiciary (1987-1995), International Narcotics Control Committee (20072009), and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (2007-2009)

- 44th President of the United States (2008-present) - United States Senator from Illinois (2005-2008) - Member of Illinois Senate (1997-2004) - Political party: Democratic - Former Professions: Community organizer, lawyer, Constitutional law professor

The Electoral College

Information compiled by Will DeShong. Background sources of information appearing on page:,, The New York Times, Associated Press, Photos courtesy of MCT Campus.


Wants to mix spending cuts and revenue increases to tackle debt. Main part of his plan is to let the Bush tax cuts expire for couples making over $250,000.


Wants to raise taxes to wealthy. Supports the Bush tax cuts to couples making less than $250,000. Wants to increase top two tax rates to pre-Bush levels and raise taxes on capital gains and dividends for the wealthy.


Ended war in Iraq, pledges to get troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Approved raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Wants to cut military spending over the next decade in an agreement made with congressional Republicans.


Acted to free states from many requirements of George Bush’s "No Child Left Behind" law. Has rewarded states with billions of dollars for pursuing educational achievements. Has worked with Congress to increase Pell grants and other forms of financial aid.


Led overhaul of U.S. health care system, leading the country to universal coverage that will allow millions of previously uninsured Americans to have access to health care. Under the law, insurers will be banned from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions.


Political background:

Political background:

The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors, consisting of the total membership of Congress. It includes 435 members of the House of Representatives, 100 Senators, and three electors from the District of Columbia. Each state has two Senators, while the number of Representatives is based on a state’s population. So the higher a state’s population, the more electoral votes that state will have. On Election Day, registered voters vote for their choice for president. The candidate who wins the most votes in a state gets all the votes of that state’s Electoral College Representatives, regardless of the margin of victory. California has the most electoral votes with 55, followed by Texas (38), New York (29), and Florida (29). Pennsylvania has the fifth most electoral votes, with 20. Seven states and the District of Columbia have the fewest votes, with 3. The Electoral College has chosen the same candidate that has won the popular vote in every election but in 1876, 1888, and 2000.

Hopes to use tax cuts to the middle class to stimulate the economy. Issued an $800 billion stimulus plan as president that has had mixed results. Unemployment rates have been dropping recently, but remain at a high level.

Swing States Current support in larger, more competitive states Obama



54 percent

42 percent


53 percent

43 percent


53 percent

44 percent


50 percent

47 percent


51 percent

46 percent


47 percent

48 percent

Results based on a series of "swing state" polls of likely voters conducted by Quinnipiac University, The New York Times and CBS News, as of Oct. 17. The polls asked people which candidate they would vote for if the election were held on the present day. Source: The New York Times

Supports abortion rights. Health care law would require workplace health plans to cover free contraceptives for women.

Reprod Rig

Supports same-sex marriage. Helped repeal a military ban on openly gay soldiers. Has not repealed the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

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All forms of U.S. energy production have increased under Obama. Helped create high fuel economy standards that will make cars more fuel efficient. Set regulations on heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming. Spent heavily on green energy.


19, 2012


Election Guide Mitt Romney



Low taxes on the wealthy and less regulation will spur economic growth. Also wants to expand trade deals with other countries and be strict on China trade deals to help discourage outsourcing of jobs.


While not very specific about spending cuts he would make, wants to drop federal spending to 20 percent of the gross domestic product.


Wants to keep Bush tax cuts for all incomes and drop tax rates by another 20 percent. Wants to cut corporate tax from 35 percent to 25 percent.


Wants to increase military spending, adding $100 billion to the Pentagon budget in 2016. Agrees with leaving Afghanistan in 2014 if the conditions are fit at the time. Wants no constitutional rights for foreign terrorism suspects.


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Vice Presidential Candidate

Born: Willard Mitt Romney Birth date: March 12, 1947 Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan Wife: Ann Romney Children: Taggart, Matthew, Joshua, Benjamin, Craig Hometown: Belmont, Massachusetts Religion: Mormon Education: Brigham Young University (BA), Harvard Law and Business Schools (MBA, JD)

Paul Ryan Political background:

Supported standards set by "No Child Left Behind." Wants federal government to have less control of education. Claims increases in federal aid cause tuition prices to increase. Wants aid to rely more on private lenders.

Said he would repeal “Obamacare� his first day in office, despite the law being modeled after his health care plan while Governor of Mass., claiming states should control policies on uninsured. Plan has no major changes from preObama health care laws.

Opposes abortion rights. Once supported them as Governor of Mass. State law should decide abortion rights, and Roe v. Wage should be reversed. Would end federal aid to Planned Parenthood.

- Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin's 1st district (1999 - present) - Chairperson of the House Budget Committee (2011 present), also a member of the House Committee on Ways and Means -Never recorded fewer than 57 percent of his district's vote in the seven elections he has won

Promises to make U.S. independent from energy sources outside North America by 2020. Supports Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, and supports opening other environmental hotspots for drilling, such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Political background:

- Won 11 primaries and caucuses as a Presidential candidate in 2008 - 70th Governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007) - Political party: Republican - Former Professions: Cofounder and CEO of Bain Capital, management consultant, capitalist

Young Voters

Where to Vote

Percentage of support among likely voters age 18 to 29

If you live in the Slippery Rock Borough: Vote at the Slippery Rock Community Rec Center, located at 320 North Main Street, Slippery Rock Pa., 16057

55 percent 50 40 34 percent


Opposes same-sex marriage and wants a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Opposes civil unions if they guarantee the same protections as marriage.

Background on Romney

If you live in Slippery Rock Township: Vote at the Slippery Rock Township Community Building, located at 155 Branchton Road, Slippery Rock Pa., 16057 If you live in Mercer Township: Vote at the Township Building, located at 152 Boomerang Road, Harrisville, Pa., 16038.

20 10



The study conducted for the Harvard Institute of Politics by Knowledge Networks was released Oct. 17. Researchers polled 2,123 likely voters between Sept. 19 and Oct. 3, asking which presidential candidate they supported. Sampling error +/- 2 percent. Source: The New York Times

If you live in Brady Township: Vote at the Brady Hills Mobile Home Park, located at 153 Lilac Lane, Slippery Rock, Pa., 16057. If your place of residence is not listed above, please visit: to find your polling location. Scan the QR code to the right to visit the website on your smartphone.


October 19, 2012


The Rocket


October 19, 2012

The Rocket

Our View

Volume 96, Number 7

220 Eisenberg Classroom Building Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057 Phone: (724) 738-4438 Fax: (724) 738-4896 E-mail:

Editorial Board Will DeShong Editor-in-Chief Jon Janasik News Editor Andy Treese Campus Life Editor Madeline Williams Sports Editor Alex Mowrey Photo Editor Stephanie Holsinger Copy Editor James Intile Web Editor Catie Clark Assistant News Editor Courtney Tietje Assistant Campus Life Editor Kristin Karam Assistant Sports Editor Emily Schubert Assistant Photo Editor Erica Kurvach News Reporter GRAPHIC BY EMILY SCHUBERT

Mark Zeltner Faculty Adviser

Advertising Staff Zach Dornisch Advertising Manager Karleigh Santry Advertising Manager

About Us The Rocket is published by the students of Slippery Rock University every Friday during the academic semester with the exception of holidays, exam periods and vacations. Total weekly circulation is 3,000. No material appearing in The Rocket may be reprinted without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. The first copy of The Rocket is provided free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased for 50 cents each. The Rocket receives approximately five percent of its funding from the SGA General Service fee paid each semester by students. All other income is provided through the sale of advertising. Advertising inquiries may be made by calling (724) 738-2643 or by e-mailing

Corrections If we make a substantial error, we want to correct it. If you believe an error has been made, call The Rocket newsroom at (724) 738-4438. If a correction is warranted it will be printed in the opinion section.

Subscriptions Subscriptions to The Rocket are available. Subscriptions are $20 per academic semester and $35 for the full academic year. Inquiries should be directed to the Editorin-Chief at the address listed here.

New weapons policy allows for safe learning environment Slippery Rock University has a new anti-weapon policy in coordination with a mandate from the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education to develop a system-wide approach to weapons on the system’s campuses. The new policy prohibits any weapon in university ow n e d o r o p e r at e d buildings, except by authorized police. It sounds reasonable enough, but any gun control law always brings with it a lot of debate, especially in western Pa., and this policy is no exception. Using the Second Amendment as their basis, opponents of the new policy are

outraged at the university and PASSHE for limiting, what they feel, are their rights as Americans. In our view, as tuitionpaying, full-time students of SRU, the new policy is p er fe c t ly f ine. It doesn’t limit any of our constitutional rights and it further establishes a safe learning environment for the university’s students. There should not be guns on campus. It’s ridiculous. There is no need for them. Opponents of the policy will claim that as a state school, private property laws do not apply to the decision-making, and as public land, restrictions such as these cannot be created.

We’re not sure that is true. Yes, PASSHE schools are state run schools, meaning they are funded heavily by the public. But that doesn’t mean they promise the same rights as other public places. For instance, public schools and universities offer only limited access to the public that is funding them. People not working for or enrolled in the university are not allowed to just walk into a classroom building on campus and exercise their right to free speech like they could on public prop er ty, such as a sidewalk. A state university is

In the Quad In the Quad is a segment in which random students, faculty and staff are asked for their opinions on a specific topic.

considered limited public land. But beyond that, the chancellor and university presidents are not only allowed, but are obligated by Act 188 of 1982 to provide a safe and secure educational environment, and they are “authorized to est ablish p olicies governing the use of university facilities and property.” This new policy falls right in line with a policy that has been around for three decades. We, as students, certainly feel far safer walking into a classroom when we are sure that no one in that classroom is packing heat. Now, opponents will

argue that they have the right to have a gun to protect themselves should any danger arise on campus. We’ ll maintain the stance that it is up to the university and the police to protect us rather than relying on individual s tu d e nt s t o prot e c t themselves. At least on campus. Because allowing guns on campus will lead to far more trouble than any benefit it might bring. We feel the school has a right to judge whether or not they want to allow guns on their campus. Luckily for us, it seems SRU has made a good decision on the matter.

This week’s question: Should the university be allowed to ban guns on campus?

Editorial Policy The Rocket strives to present a diverse range of opinions that are both fair and accurate in its editorials and columns appearing on the Opinion pages. “Our View” is the opinion of the Editorial Board and is written by Rocket editorial board members. It reflects the majority opinion of The Rocket Editorial Board. “Our View” does not necessarily reflect the views of Slippery Rock University, its employees or its student body. Columns and cartoons are drafted by various individuals and only reflect the opinions of the columnists.

Letters Policy The Rocket welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Rocket retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes the property of The Rocket and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Please limit letters to a maximum of 400 words. Submit all material by noon Wednesday to: The Rocket, 220 ECB, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057. Or send it via e-mail to:

Richard Klumph Freshman physical education major Hometown: West Middlesex, Pa. “Yes, if they feel it is a safety issue they should be allowed to make rules even if this is a public campus.”

Kevin Worobey Junior safety management Hometown: Slippery Rock, Pa. “Yes, there is no reason to have it [guns] on campus. I don’t see the need to have it on campus. I think students should not have it. In emergency response class, I learned there are other ways to handle this situation.”

Bethany Bickel Senior social work major Hometown: Ambridge, Pa. “No, because I believe in the Constitution. I don’t think anyone who would bring a gun would harm anyone when they are on campus. They are less likely to commit an act of violence because they are registered.”

Opinion Environmental protection Country in need of more can create big problems unity during the election A-10

October 19, 2012

Jon Janasik Commentary All of this hoopla on campus about “saving the environment” is starting to get to me. It seems like I can’t even roast marshmallows over a Butler Eagle-fuel flame without getting some shpeal on so called “air pollution”. Excuse me, this is America. The land of the free. And you’re telling me I’m not free to roast marshmallows? People try to justify taking our freedom by saying we need to protect the environment, as if it was your dweeby little brother. News Flash: the environment is 4.66 billion years old, it’s a big boy now, and it should be responsible for itself by now. Second News Flash: the environment is home to bears, it doesn’t need your protection. If anything, you need protection from the environment. It’s a bear-eat-man world out there and I’m starting to feel like everybody is leaving the winning team. As much as I would like would like to lead humanity on a full tank, I simply cannot do it all by myself. The fight against environmental protection is something that we must all participate in. This isn’t about self-interest, and it isn’t to protect our gas providing heroes in the 1 percent, this this is for all of us as a campus. I’m about to tell you a very real and personal story about the dangers of environmental protection. With that being said, I’m going to have to recommend that the faint of heart stop reading now, this is tragedy comparable to the Shakespearian classic, Macbeth. So I was sitting at Boozel the other day, reading the latest and greatest edition of the Rocket. Suddenly, I had the urge to eat a cheeseburger. This troubling turn of events caused quite the conundrum because I only have two hands. As everybody knows, you cannot properly read the newspaper and eat a cheeseburger at the same time with only two hands. I made the decision to put the newspaper on the table, and to use both of my hands to eat the cheeseburger. When I was finished, I picked up the paper and saw the most chilling sight that I had ever seen. A ketchup stain had soiled my copy of the Rocket. The bloody red goop had covered the front page photo of our dearest 16th president, Dr. Cheryl Norton. The horror! I could not even recognize our own president. You may be asking how something like this could even happen on our campus. Boozel used to stand as a symbol of cleanliness for the Slippery Rock campus. It was the diner that campus needed. It was the diner that campus deserved. But that all changed when the environmentalists broke in and “liberated” us from our trays by

saying that they use too much water. As it turns out, without trays, food frequently spills all over the tables. Guess what needs to be used to clean tables. Water! I’m assuming that the environmentalists have figured this out, and have decided to save water by not cleaning the tables anymore. I know that some of the environmentalists may be up in arms after such a riveting accusation, and they may ask me for proof. And with that, I would point to any table at Boozel, they are all littered with proof. If you go to Boozel and they have cleaned the tables, then they have tampered with the evidence, and that is against the law! This Boozel example really shows what we’re all fighting against. These environmentalists want to change the way we live. Change is scary. I know it takes a lot of courage to admit that you’re afraid to admit that you’re afraid of something, but things will only get worse if we don’t admit to ourselves that changing our way of life for the environment is scary. If we don’t take a stand today, when you go visit you families for Thanksgiving, you might find that your grandpa was replaced by a bear in order to make your house “more environmentally friendly”. In fact, just a few weeks ago SRU released a statement that campus will be completely self-sustainable by 2037. This sounded fishy to me, so I dwelled deeper into the matter and spoke with a correspondent who will remain unnamed. She told me that the campus plans to quit burning our safe, dependable, and completely harmless supply of coal. Instead, we’re going to become mostly dependent on burning “biomass”. Biomass sounds like something an evil professor would create to turn the entire population of Pittsburgh into zombies. After doing a little bit more prying, I found out it was much worse than that. Biomass is poop. The environmentalists want us to breathe our own excrement. To be fair, she said that it would not make any smell, but that’s what I tell myself when I’m about to pass “biomass”. Newt Gingrich said that we should colonize in space. NASA has recently sent a rover to Mars, and it has confirmed through pictorial evidence that no bears live up there. With our growing population and recent environmental concerns considered, it seems like the only sane option is for us as a nation to colonize on Mars. We’ve all seen Star Trek, Star Wars, or Lost in Space, so we all know that nothing ever bad happens in space. But before we depart, I recommend that you do your part to destroy the environment. Think about it this way, if we don’t get rid of it on Earth, it may follow us to Mars. I really don’t want to deal with yet another environment controversy. Space bears are the worst. Jon Janasik is a junior professional writing and geology major from Mechanicsburg, Pa. and the News Editor for The Rocket.

Beauty of autumn can help students better handle the stresses of college

Nicole Crevar Dare and Share Change is everywhere. During this time of year, the leaves are changing colors, our lifestyles are adjusting to college, and the hours of sunlight are getting slimmer. Our schedules change on a daily basis, and we never know what the next day will bring. It’s inevitable to avoid changes, but it is possible to embrace them. By far, fall time is the most aesthetically pleasing time of year in western Pennsylvania. Everywhere you look there are wonderful hues of red, orange, and yellow spotting the horizon. Front lawns are decorated with pumpkins and

Indian corn. And Halloween decorations are creeping their way around corners. On the other hand, the wind is picking up. Leaves are free-falling off trees and piling up around our cars. The chilling temperatures bring the need for scarves, hats, and layers of clothing. And although all of this is a sign that winter is coming, dwelling on the negatives is no way to the seasons. But it’s not just the season changes that affect us. College is nothing but a bag full of change, and we can’t just go to a CoinStar to cash in our problems. Midterms are coming, papers are due, and there’s a meeting every other day with your name all over it. But we’re all busy. We all have crazy lives. And at the end of each week, we all rejoice over our accomplishments. In fact, I urge you to think about every little thing that you accomplish in one week. Try to make a list. Write down the number of hours you work, study, and spend in class. List all of the extra-curricular things

you do. Even make note of hobbies--Did you cook dinner this week? Call home? Create memories with friends? I bet at the end of your list, you will be amazed at everything you do. It’s time to embrace these things. All of our schedules are stressful, and none of us can stop the ground from freezing over. We can, however, embrace the daily changes that get us through each week. Instead of turning into a witch or warlock, be thankful that we have crazy, beautiful lives. Because as college students, we accomplish more in one week than most people do in a month. And if it weren’t for the little changes that keep us on our toes, our lives would be lackluster. So appreciate the fall, love the leaves, and keep up with the changes of the seasons. Nicole Crevar is a junior journalism major with a minor in Spanish from Mercer, Pa.

Michael Santoro Observation Station So here we are once again, approaching another election. For how many months prior, our candidates have been fighting and toiling to get the approval of the American public. Oh wait, I said “our candidates.” Poor choice of wording there. I’m sure most of you had something along the lines of “*insert name of candidate here*- isn’t my candidate!” running through your heads. Well, I’ll take that back. With how much these opponents have been riling people up all over the board, I don’t want to run any risks. It seems as though our house divided is going to continue to not stand. When it comes to voting, it’s hard to separate the candidate and what they believe from the actual person running for office. I believe this is tied into human nature. We are naturally adverse to things we don’t agree with. When it comes to a grander scale, like the presidential office, it becomes a lot bigger of an obstacle to overcome. Yet isn’t what a candidate believes tied to who they are as a person? Should we even strive to separate that when, on the television and internet, that’s all we’re exposed to? It may take some digging around, but

I’m sure if you looked up the personal life of either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, you’re bound to find something that you like about either of them. As I said before, this becomes increasingly difficult as we get close to an important election. Also, it may be hard for some people to grip onto facts that may not be in line with what they believe about either Obama or Romney. Sometimes it’s just that we’re exposed to so much negativity and controversy in any news outlet, whatever political affiliation they seem to cater to. Every piece of information is delivered in a way to create and foster extreme emotions about the candidate. I wouldn’t necessarily call them the “politics of hate,” but something along the lines of the “politics of division” or the “politics of turmoil” sounds pretty fitting to me. Now for the real message of this article. It may come off as a bit disingenuous when compared to the rest, or it may seem like an obvious no-brainer. Yet it’s something I feel compelled to say. Let’s be as patriotic and American as we can be this November. In that I mean despite who you’re voting for, just get out there and vote. As it’s been said millions of times before, people have sacrificed all that they have so that we can complain about having to drive 1.8 miles, wait in line for five minutes, and cast our votes. Hopefully that’s an accurate breakdown of the voting process. It was for me back in 2008, so hopefully I’m not too off-base here. While you’re at it, pick up an extra coffee for the ladies

running the ballots. Pick up a friend who’d like to vote but can’t. Make small take with the people in front of you or behind you in line. Be civil, be kind, and most importantly, be proud. It sounds strange to be proud of something so small, doesn’t it? Some of you likely vote multiple times a year, and some vote once every four years when the presidential election comes around. Either way, be proud. You’re contributing and although it seems small, you’re making your voice heard. There are thousands of men and women who, for whatever reason, can’t vote and have their say in things. Honor their memory and their life by getting out there. It would just be nice to see an election November that isn’t completely tied up with a certain candidate taking the cake. Let’s come together and just enjoy the fact that we have the freedom anytime we want to jump in our cars, drive to a voting center, and help decide the future “leader” of our country. There could be some major changes depending on who gets elected, but either way, the world will still turn. You’ll still be living in the U.S., and you’ll continue to have your loved ones with you. In a world so seemingly cold sometimes, that’s really all we have. So as I stated before, be proud of your American status (if you have one,) and if not, be proud of whatever country you hail from. Let’s cut the division and make our house a united one. Michael Santoro is a senior public relations major from Pittsburgh, Pa. and a regular contributor for the Rocket.

Systematic violence against women needs to stop in the Middle East Nicole Geyer FMLA The constant unrest and fighting in the Arab nations has been a source of turmoil throughout the world for the past two years. The news coverage we see daily in this country involves the uprising in the Middle East and the attacks on United States’ embassies. What we do not hear about or consider are the lives of individuals in those countries who do not have the ability to speak for themselves. I am specifically speaking about women and how these conflicts are affecting women’s lives by oppressing their basic human rights. The Middle East has never been a region known to be accepting of women. In fact, Egypt’s criminal code states that if a husband beats his wife with “good intentions” then no disciplinary actions can be taken. The conflicts around the area have made the situation much worse for women than ever before. The current civil war in Syria has caused major problems for women in that nation. One tactic that the Syrian government is currently using against its own citizens is one of sexual violence and rape. Women Under Siege, an independent initiative that documents forms of sexual violence used as weapons in wars, has reported that the sexual violence against women by governmental forces is at an all time high and women are currently suffering beyond belief. The initiative has also collected data that suggests 61 percent of rapes, cases of sexual violence, and genital mutilations in Syria are committed by government perpetrators. That means that the government is facilitating sexual violence against its own citizens.

In the current climate of the world, where steps are being taken to further the position and status of women, I cannot help but be disappointed in the global communities’ response to the conflict in Syria. There needs to be more of an interest taken in the violence against not only women in Syria but also all innocent citizens who are forced to live in fear of torture. The United Nations drafted the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,” which is an international human rights document that requires countries in agreement with the Convention to take all steps possible to end violence against women. Syria and many other countries in the Middle East signed this form. What we must ask is why there is nothing being done to punish the Syrian government for their actions that are direct violations of not only this Convention but also the Universal Doctrine of Human Rights. I am not in any way discounting the progress other countries are making in regards to the status of women. I do think it is time for countries to start realizing that they cannot progress if there are still countries in the dark ages in regards to the rights and protections afforded to women. Raping women and girls as a systematic tactic of war is not a new phenomenon, but it is one that needs to be stopped. All countries, including the United States, must come to the full understanding that sexually abusing and raping women and girls is unacceptable under any circumstances.

Nicole Geyer is a senior political science and philosophy major from Marienville, Pa. and a member of FMLA.


October 19, 2012


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The views expressed in the “Letters to the Editor” section are those of the writer(s) alone. The Rocket cannot verify all facts presented in a given letter, but if we are aware of an error or omission, we reserve the right to include an editorial note for accuracy’s sake.

APSCUF prepares to vote on strike

demand significant concessions not expected of any of the other state unions, which have already settled their contracts. By voting to approve strike authorization, the delegates set in motion strike authorization votes at each of the 14 campuses. A strong strike authorization vote by membership gives the authority to the APSCUF Negotiations Committee, comprised of the 14 chapter presidents, to call a strike should negotiations fail. Hence the loaded gun metaphor. Unions have only one bullet in their gun when it comes to negotiations—a strike. Sadly, it is a nuclear option, one that hurts students, their families, the State System, and certainly faculty and coaches. Most faculty will tell you that they don’t want a strike; they understand the devastating consequences, but historically PASSHE has pushed APSCUF into a corner with proposals that not only significantly reduce benefits and limit shared governance, but also reduce the quality of the education that faculty are able to offer students, and refused to budge until the gun is loaded, cocked, and pointed. Now what is it that PASSHE is proposing that has angered an ordinarily calm and caring faculty enough to plan for a strike authorization vote? The length limits of this letter do not permit an answer here and now, but stay tuned. Students should be concerned because faculty working conditions are student learning conditions.

Soon, faculty delegates from each of the 14 PASSHE universities will attend a specially called APSCUF Legislative Assembly in State College to take a Strike Authorization vote (if PASSHE accepts binding interest arbitration, the meeting will be canceled). Approximately one hundred faculty will attend this meeting. The SRU APSCUF delegation includes Dr. Burkhart, GG&E; Ms. Smiley, THEA; Ms. Nolen-Holland, DANCE; Dr. Wilson, PHIL; Ms. Silva, LIB; Dr. Sanftner, PSYCH; Dr. Cohen, MOD LANG; Dr. Gocal, COMP SCI; Dr. Condravy, ENG. The vote is likely to be unanimous. Why should students be concerned about a strike authorization vote? Because, to use a violent but apt metaphor, a strong strike authorization vote is like loading a gun. Let me explain. Contract negotiations between APSCUF, which represents almost all of the faculty in your classrooms and coaches on the field, and PASSHE have proceeded at a glacial pace and despite the fact that faculty and coaches have worked for over a year without a contract, appear to be going nowhere quickly. The State System stands by proposals that severely Jace Condravy debilitate faculty working conditions and English Professor

SRU students need to get out and vote

Look for the posted schedule and hopefully the schedule will appear in the Rocket. Your vote counts! There are some issues for you to consider. The Democratic Party will protect the opportunity for you to obtain Pell Grant loans. Also, the Democratic Party will continue to support the Affordable Health Care Policy which allows you to remain on your parent’s insurance policy until age 27. The Republican Party says they will do away with these programs. So vote your conscience. Another issue on the ballot this year is a referendum regarding raising taxes 12 percent for taxpayers in the Slippery Rock Public School District. It is my opinion that SRU students should not vote on this issue. You will be here only about four years and this issue will affect local residents for many years – well after you are gone. Be sure you vote on Nov. 6. Know where to vote and how you will get there!

I have been a resident of Slippery Rock Twp. for 15 years. My wife and I enjoy the enthusiasm and excitement you students bring to the area. Your participation in SRU activities such as sporting events, Performing Arts, and other activities brings enjoyment to our lives. An important event is coming up soon which requires your participation. That is Voting Day on Nov. 6. I strongly urge you to exercise your right to vote on Nov. 6. There are two polling places, depending on where you live. If you live in the borough, you will vote at the Community Park located on North Main St. If you live in the township, you will vote at the Township Arthur Richards, Jr. VMD Bldg. at Harmony and Branchton Rd. The 118 Applewood Lane Student Government Assoc. will provide bus Slippery Rock, Pa. transportation to the polls on Nov. 6 all day.

Correction on Rocket article The Student Counseling Center strives to provide education on mental health and encourages students to be aware of the signs and symptoms that can indicate when a student should consider seeking services. We were delighted to have the opportunity to share our expertise with the University through the Rocket Campus Life articles in the October 5 edition. However, after reading the articles we, were compelled to correct some misinformation that was included. While students in colleges across the nation are hospitalized at a growing rate and the reasons for these hospitalizations vary, most

commonly they occur as a result of imminent danger to self or others and not as was stated in the article, due to stress or anxiety. We believe that counseling is a collaborative relationship and when hospitalization is a viable treatment option it is explored and decided upon with the student. Almost always, students are very willing to seek the safety and higher level of care that a brief hospital stay can provide. We see a wide variety of presenting concerns, many of which require short-term counseling. But we also provide more intensive counseling and crisis management when the need arises. It is our goal to provide the highest quality of care to all students.

Dr. Melissa Nard, Dr. Carol Holland, Dr. Jason Braun, and Dr. Chris Cubero SRU Student Counseling Center

Faculty working conditions affect student learning conditions

the teaching load for all faculty. Meanwhile, oh so many classes are already substantially growing in size. Administration seeks the ability to assign distance education sections and courses. Is there a single of my thousands of Environmental Geology alumni who would suggest they could learn as much from blogs, chatrooms, and online quizzes, as they do from me – a scholar with decades of experience teaching in the same room with students? PASSHE wants to be able to staff classes with graduate students. They want to hire as many part-time temporary faculty as they would like. Do you want every other class to be taught by someone with little experience or time to spend with you? Will faculty teaching part-time at four different places be there to advise your clubs, let alone your course selections? Incidentally, you might want to know that faculty salaries and benefits account for about a third of the cost to run SRU. Plus, their salaries are not quite keeping-up with inflation. Plus, they are paying more for health care - higher co-pays and higher premiums. PASSHE is now also asking current faculty to throw the retirement terms of future hires under the bus. Guess what? Future faculty will include current students and their children. Meantime, last year SRU saved a couple million dollars – banked it. SRU is making money. Do not believe it when you are told that the school cannot afford quality faculty. Examine everyone’s claims that they support quality education. Your faculty is helping you to mature, develop vision, define a career path, become a better citizen, learn to respect all, and pay your bills. What choices will we make? Rigor of glamour? Diligence or convenience? Personal attention or increased expedience? Should affordable education be available across the economic spectrum of society? Is a private education always as tolerant as a public one? Without the oversight of courts in public schools, can you be certain that what you might be taught as science can actually be observed in nature? So many questions, so little time… Ask yourself, is it in your best interest to listen to faculty who describe what resources best favor your quality education? Are you worth a substantial investment? R e m e mb e r, f a c u lt y wor k i ng conditions ARE student learning conditions. Want more cuts? Ask the Chancellor to negotiate in good faith and forge a contract with the faculty. We want to teach you! You deserve a high quality, affordable public education! I consider such to be a basic human right.

I recall well a year ago, Fall 2011, when I was compelled to ask our secretary (Secretary of the Century, as named by GGE students!!!) to go to the bookstore to get me large binder clips. The medium binder clips could no longer swallow a pack of quizzes from Environmental Geolog y. Unbeknownst until I downloaded the roster, class enrollment had risen over the summer from 100 to 150 tuition payers, now standard. This example exemplifies; allow me a few more reflections. The same fall, the contact time for my Environmental Geology Laboratories was cut from two class hours to one, thus requiring me to teach 2x as many sections. I was asked, what 50 percent of content I would expel? I answered, tell them Burkhart is now teaching only from the right side of his body. Would it not change the story of your favorite novel, if someone removed every other chapter? In my discipline, a student’s ability to write is paramount to their success. Really! When I arrived here 15 years ago, a student took College Writing I & II, plus completed three # courses – upper division writing intensive - 2700 words, including at least one substantial rewrite. Now there is only College Writing. Have my students become three times better writers? Nope. They are leaving SRU, perhaps, 1/3 as practiced. Field trips? Ha! I built the Environmental Geology Laboratory to immerse students into the landscape of western Pa., to learn the hazards in their back yard. We study soil erosion, flooding, acid mine drainage, landslides, drowning hazards, mining, and the list goes on. Now I have 50 minutes to brief them, transport them, let them experience something unfamiliar, bring them back to campus, and send them to their next class. The lab used to be limited to 14 students; with me, 15 of us in a van watching and talking all the way. Now, 18 students with a 12 passenger van, plus a caravan. No more discussion on the road. Fewer papers assigned, as there is not enough time. Our major, maybe your major, many majors used to require more credit hours. A few years back, all but the fewest majors had to jettison courses and reduce their requirements to 120 hours. Many Patrick A. Burkhart, PhD fine courses were left behind. Gotta Professor of Geology keep the juices flowing! Gone President, SRU APSCUF is the required natural science enrichment course. Now for some projections. PASSHE is seeking to increase


October 19, 2012


The Rocket

October 19, 2012



Redshirt freshman runningback Brett Crenshaw runs into the end zone to score a two-point conversion for Slippery Rock during the Kutztown game two weeks ago. Crenshaw scored a touchdown last weekend during SRU’s 28-20 win against Clarion University.

SRU ready to rock Homecoming By D.J. Vasil Rocket Contributor

It’s homecoming at Slippery Rock University and nothing would cap off an exciting week like a win for the Rock football team. The Rock (3-4, 2-2) is 20-4 all time for homecoming games under current head coach George Mihalik. They will look to add another win as they take on the Fighting Scots of Edinboro University (3-3, 2-2) in Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference-West play tomorrow at Mihalik-Thompson Stadium. An ongoing trend facing the Green and White this season has been dealing with teams that are pass heavy, and that trend will continue against Edinboro. They are led by junior quarterback Cody Harris. Harris has completed 70.2 percent of his passes while throwing for 11 touchdowns this season. He is 153-218 while passing for 1,637

yards and has been intercepted four times. He has also rushed for five touchdowns on the year. “Harris is a good quarterback,” Mihalik said. “They are doing a lot of screens and short passes. He’s smart enough to get the ball out quick. Therefore, it’s tough to get a lot of rush on him because they are quick throws and he has a quick release.” Harris’s favorite target is junior receiver Marcus Johnson. Johnson is a big play threat who has 36 catches for 429 yards and four touchdowns. He is complimented by senior tight end Shawn Walker. Walker is a big bodied tight end at 6’3, 250 pounds. He has 18 catches for 178 yards and one touchdown. “Johnson is very athletic and a dangerous guy to take it all the way when he catches the ball,” Mihalik said. “Walker is not your typical tight end. He’s big and athletic and they will put him

in the slot and out wide so he can create some mismatches with his size against a smaller defensive back.” Offensively, junior quarterback Nigel Barksdale has made the most of his opportunities filling in for regular starting quarterback, redshirt sophomore Jared Buck. Barksdale has thrown for 715 yards and six touchdowns on the year. He is also second on the team in rushing with 247 yards and four touchdowns on the ground. Barksdale could be making his third start Saturday against an Edinboro defense that gives up an average of 380.2 yards a game, 194.5 passing, and 185.7 rushing. “If a team is going to stack the line and take the run away, Nigel is good enough as a passer that he will beat you passing,” Mihalik said. “With each week, and with him getting more comfortable with the offense, I think he will keep getting better.”

Defensively, Edinboro has recorded nine interceptions on the year and is led by senior cornerback Branden Williams, who has two interceptions and has also blocked two kicks. Senior linebacker Bruce Davis is leader of Edinboro front seven. Davis has recorded a team high 6.5 tackles for loss. “They have an All-American corner in Williams,” Mihalik said. “He’s a big time player. “They have good size at linebacker and a transfer from Iowa in Bruce Davis. They always have a tough defensive line. They are an aggressive secondary. I’ve always been impressed with them. They are physical and will come down and hit you hard.” The Green and White will continue Pennsylvania State Athletic-West Conference play next weekend as they travel to #14 California University of Pennsylvania (6-1, 4-0) to take on the Vulcans at Adamson Stadium at 3:30 p.m.



SRU snaps losing streak


Junior wide receiver LaQuinn Stephens-Howling leaps up to make a catch and score a touchdown for the Green and White during the Kutztown game.

Athletic Conference-West play last Saturday afternoon Rocket Contributor at Memorial Stadium in Led by junior quarterback Clarion. Nigel Barksdale, who was Barksdale was 19-26 for 257 making his second start yards and two touchdowns of the year, Slippery Rock and one interception. He University football (3-4, 2-2) also racked up 55 yards on was able to end a three-game the ground on 16 carries and losing streak by defeating scored one touchdown on Clarion University (3-4, 1-3) foot. 28-20 in Pennsylvania State “He had a full week to

By DJ Vasil

prepare and get his reps in practice,” Rock head coach George Mihalik said. “He managed the game very well. He made the right checks and reads. I was pleased with his mental preparation and the way he performed. He showed his ability to beat an opponent in two ways, through his running ability and his passing ability.”

Barksdale kicked off the scoring as he found freshman receiver Jaimire Dutrieuille from 14 yards out, after SRU forced a Clarion punt on the opening drive of the game. Barksdale continued to make plays as he made the score 14-0 with 10:54 left in the first half with a twoyard touchdown run. The Rock went into halftime leading 14-6. Barksdale finished out the scoring for the Green and White with a three-yard touchdown pass to senior receiver Josh Gardner in the opening minute of the fourth quarter. D efensively, SRU upheld the saying, “bend but don’t break.” Despite being outgained 404-376, the Rock defense was able to hold off a Clarion comeback late in the fourth quarter and also held Clarion to four for 14 on third downs. SRU respectfully was eight for 14 and also was four for four inside the red zone. “We needed to win badly,” Mihalik said. “It’s amazing what a win can do for the morale of a young team. The confidence is back, knowing that when we play a full 60 minutes, we can win a football game.”

October 19, 2012

Volleyball drops three matches in straight sets By Brian Hepfinger Rocket Contributor

The Slipp er y Ro ck Un i v e r s i t y w o m e n’s volleyball team lost 3-0 to Indiana University of Pennsylvania on Friday, losing by sets of 25-13, 2520, and 25-21. Senior Sarah Cadwallader had nine kills and freshman Morgan Tyree had 10 kills. Junior Caroline Houston had seven kills and 13 digs and sophomore Janna Reilly had 23 assists and 12 digs. Senior Hannah McShea had 16 digs and senior Hayley Wilson had three blocks. The ladies traveled to California University of Pennsylvania on Saturday, but again they were downed in three sets, losing 25-13, 25-13, and 25-16. Houston had six kills and 11 digs and Wilson had four kills. Freshman Shelby Obitts had one service ace. Reilly had 15 assists and McShea had 11 digs. Sophomore Michelle Hren had one solo block. The team finished the weekend with an overall record of 13-10. Head coach L aurie Lokash thought that the

team wasn’t clicking quite right all weekend. “We didn’t gel as a team at times; we’ve had some injuries, so the lineup hasn’t always been consistent,” Lokash said. She went on to say that the team also has had some inconsistency. “We've also had some fluctuating levels of play as a team," Lokash said. "We know what we have to do, we just need to find it in ourselves and get it done.” The Green and White hosted Emory University for a home match on Tuesday night as a part of the “Dig for the Cure” event that raised money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer res e arch and awareness. The ladies lost again in three sets, losing 25-22, 25-19, and 25-11. This was the team’s third-straight 3-0 loss. Cadwallader had 13 kills. Hren had five kills and three blocks. Houston had four kills and seven digs and Tyree had four kills. Reilly had 26 assists and McShea had 10 digs. The ladies now have an overall record of 1311, with a 6-5 record in Pennsylvania State At h l e t i c C o n f e r e n c e (PSAC) matches.


October 19, 2012


Men's soccer wins on Senior Night By Kristin Karam Assistant Sports Editor

After suffering a loss on Saturday against the reigning PSAC champions, Millersville University, the Slippery Rock men’s soccer team shut out Lake Erie College 3-0 Tuesday on Senior Night. The Rock lost to Millersville University 2-1 in overtime. Senior defender Blake McChesney got the only goal of the game for SRU off of an assist from senior forward Michael Ramirez. Millersville tied the game up midway through the second half and took the win with just 1:11 remaining in overtime. On Tuesday, the Green and White held their annual Breast Cancer Awareness game and celebrated Senior Night. McChesney, Ramirez, senior defender Drew Donoghue, and senior goalkeeper Clayton Master played their final game at Mihalik-Thompson Stadium on Tuesday. Their parents presented them with roses during the ceremony before the game started at 7 p.m. Being a part of the team while at Slippery Rock has helped Master appreciate the opportunities he has been given in his college career. “It’s pretty cool that you get to spend a part of your day with someone almost every day of your collegiate life,” Master said. “They become family away from family. They keep me sane.” With only a few games left in the regular season, Master says that he reminds himself to continue having fun and to not take everything too seriously. Master and the team went into Tuesday’s game focused and

prepared to fight. Sophomore forward Chris Davis had a great performance against Erie and recorded two goals in the fi rst half and an assist in the second. Davis’ first goal came in the 11th minute of the game after he broke free from three defenders and took a shot on the inside of the far post. Later in the half, Davis was denied a header by Erie’s Filip Ljubevski. Moments later, Davis cashed in his second goal of the game with diving header off of a corner kick. “I was actually highly upset with myself because I didn’t score the diving header the first time,” Davis said. “It added fuel to the fire for me to get another one and redeem myself. When I got, it I felt very relieved.” After each of Davis’s goals, the team ran over to the corner with him to celebrate. “The adrenaline rush was huge,” Davis said. “I turned around and saw all my teammates chasing after me. I couldn’t do anything else but smile.” Slippery Rock went into the half with a 2-0 lead. Davis said that even with the 2-0 lead, the team had to stay focused and not get too comfortable. Ju n i o r f o r w a r d T h a d Madzelonka took an assist from Davis in the 69th minute of the game to increase SRU’s lead to 3-0. The Rock’s defense and Master were able to keep the Storm from scoring any goals the remainder of the game to record their fourth shut-out of the season. Master has a lot of hope for the team in the future. “They’ll be a very talented team with a lot of chemistry,”


Sophomore forward Stephen Donnelly moves the ball down the field during the Rock’s 3-0 win over Lake Erie College on Tuesday. Donnelly has five goals so far this season.

Master said. “The majority of the team will be back and have more experience than they already have.” Davis said that the he has learned a lot from the seniors. “One big thing that I have

learned from the seniors is that to get respect, you have to respect those with higher authority than you do,” Davis said. Slippery Rock will play their final three games on the road, closing the regular season with

two PSAC matchups against Gannon University and Lock Haven University. SRU heads to West Virginia Wesleyan University Saturday for a non-conference game at 7 p.m.


October 19, 2012

Field hockey makes playoffs


Senior midfielder Gabrielle Malishchak battles against a Mansfield player to help the Rock to a 2-1 win Wednesday afternoon. Malishchak earned an assist at Wednesday’s matchup.

By Cody McCullough Rocket Contributor

The Slippery Rock women’s field hockey clinched its second consecutive playoff berth with a 2-1 win over Mansfield on Wednesday. The Rock is now 8-8 and are ranked eighth in the nation. With the win over Mansfield and a Mercyhurst loss, they secured a spot in the post-season, no matter how the rest of the regular-season goes.

It was looking like the playoffs were going to elude the Rock when they went on a five-game skid the last three weeks. However, the team pulled it together and has won their last two games over Mansfield and a 3-1 win over Seton Hill in the Corners for Cancer game last Friday. The two-game winning streak started their must-win game against Seton Hill. The team stepped up after having problems scoring goals in their five-game losing streak. The goals came

from Allison Shade, Kelsey Gustafson, and Lindsay Brown. They also had assists from three other teammates giving the Rock six players with points. Courtney Lee was happy with the Seton Hill game and is excited for the upcoming schedule. “As a team, we were really happy to earn 11 corners, which means we should be able to collect a lot of money for the Susan G Komen Foundation," Lee said. "We also played really well and as a team so I'm hoping that propels us forward for the rest of our season. Our goal is to win the next two games and I have the utmost confidence in my team to do that and to have a winning season for the first time in a very long time.” Coach Swiney was proud of the team's effort against Seton Hill and said the team has made steps in order to continue their season. “The team played hard on Friday night and earned 11 corners which was a little above our average per game," Swiney said. "We established goals for the remainder of the season and are focusing on what we can control moving forward.” The team kept it rolling with a 2-1 victory on Wednesday with another victory. Goal scoring came from Lindsay Brown and Rebecca Williams, both coming in the first 15 minutes of the game. That was all they needed with Lee putting in a great performance, with a career-high 12 saves. The game moved the Rock up to No. 8 in the rankings, and gave them an eight-win season for the first time since 1998. The Green and White play at IUP on Sunday, and then starts PSAC tournament play.

Women's soccer wins two PSAC shutouts By Nikolas Horniacek Rocket Contributor

The Slippery Rock women’s soccer team handed out two shutout conference wins last week to set them up for a great opportunity for post-season play The Rock rolled past Mansfield University 4-0 on Tuesday at Egli Field advancing their record to 9-41 overall and 6-4-1 in Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference play. Mansfield drops to 2-10-2 overall and 0-9-2 in league games. Slippery Rock also managed a 2-0 win last Saturday against Millersville University in another PSAC matchup. Millersville dropped to 3-6-4 overall and 1-63 in league games. Senior midfielder Shelby Ward came up big again for the Rock this week, scoring one goal and handing out two assists to lead Slippery Rock past Mansfield. She also tallied a goal in Saturday’s game. Freshman forward Caitlin Conner added a goal and an assist while sophomore forward Nicole Krueger and freshman forward Crysta Ganter both picked up one goal apiece. Junior goalkeeper Dana O’Neill got the win and snagged her sixth shutout of the season recording one save. Freshman Shannon Mahoney got her first collegiate appearance, coming into the game in the 59th minute. The scoring started early when Ward racked up what would become the game-winner in the 12th minute when she received a cross from Conner, putting it away into the empty net. Three minutes later, Krueger made it 2-0 when she beat Mansfield’s goalie on a breakaway.

Ganter nabbed her second goal of the year when she capitalized on a Mansfield error, putting the game out of reach for the Mounties. The final goal of the match game just three minutes later, when in the 49th minute, Connor would grab her second goal of the year off an assist from Ward. Last Saturday, SRU shut down Millersville at home at the annual Coins for Cancer and Senior Day game, with donations going toward the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Ward and sophomore Lucy Hannon each tallied a goal and Hannon and junior defender Izabel Scott picked up assists. O’Neill earned the shutout with five recorded saves. Ward scored the game winner in the 17th minute from a pass off Hannon’s foot to beat the goalie on a one-on-one opportunity. After the first half, SRU led 1-0, posting a 5-2 advantage in shots and a 1-0 edge in corners. The Rock closed out the match with a mark in the 86th minute when Hannon scored her 8th of the season off a pass from Scott. Millersville had two opportunities to come back while the game dwindled to an end, but it was O’Neill who came up big and stopped both chances. Slippery Rock will play its final three games of the regular season on the road at Edinboro Saturday October 20, Gannon October 24 and Lock Haven October 27. The Rock is currently in playoff position in the PSAC standings, sitting at seventh place with 19 points overall. They sit five points up on the ninth seed, with the top eight teams earning playoff berths. The top four seeds will host an opening round game, with the highest remaining seed hosting the semifinals and finals.

October 19, 2012



October 19, 2012

The Rocket

CAMPUS LIFE C-1 October 19, 2012

Stink bugs a common pest in Slippery Rock By Stephanie Cheek Rocket Contributor

participate in cheerleading there. When he transferred to SRU, Doyle joined the co-ed cheerleading team. “It’s taught me everything in my life, I think,” Doyle said. “It’s given me a job. I’ve met so many people. My closest friends are all cheerleaders. It’s a lot of responsibility with money and making sure you know your stuff and knowing what time you have to be at practice and what to do at practice and fundraising.” Thomas Foley, a post-baccalaureate exercise science major, 26, has been cheering for nine years.

There are many myths that surround the stink bug, like the smell can attract many more, and that they bite humans, but contrary to popular belief, brown marmorated stink bugs and their large population in the Slippery Rock area are nothing more than a smelly nuisance. Dr. Jack R. Layne Jr., professor in the biology department, claims that to first understand stink bugs you have to understand the difference between an insect and a bug. “Not all insects are bugs, but all bugs are insects,” Dr. Layne explained. Insects are the broad group that contains many different genres of insects. Bugs are a specific group of insects that have a particular winged structure, and a tubular mouth that is used to draw up fluids into the mouth. Stink bugs are a specific type of bug that causes a nuisance to the campus population, Dr. Layne explained. According to the Slippery Rock Pest Control website, there are two types of stink bugs that could be found in the Western Pa. area. The two species are the green stink bug that was originally from the area, and the brown marmorated stink bug that was initially brought over from Asia to Allentown, Pa. Between the two species, the brown marmorated stink bug has overpopulated, making it the most common stink bug seen, as compared to the rarely seen green stink bug. “It is unclear how the brown stink bug came to America, but one option is that they could have came through a shipping container from Asia,” Dr. Layne said. Stink bugs not only are a nuisance to homeowners and students around campus, but they can do quite a bit of damage. According to Penn State’s College of Agriculture website, stink bugs can do severe damage to crops, such as corn, apples, peaches, and other plants. The fruit, when eaten by stink bugs, become bruised and the crop looks distorted, causing the produce to be considered unmarketable. Scientists are trying to figure out a way to control the population, but it is not the top priority compared to some other species in the area. The main problem is that the brown stink bug has few natural predators, because their smell does not make it easy for animals to consume, according to Dr. Layne. David Trozzo, former SRU student and owner of Slippery Rock Pest Control, explained that mild winters and summers are when stink bugs reproduce the most, up to 400 eggs at a time per




Senior sustainable management major Corey Doyle, 21, performs a back flip during a basketball game at home this past semester against Gannon University on Saturday, Feb. 4.

Male cheerleaders defy negative stereotyping By Courtney Tietje Assistant Campus Life Editor

When the word “cheerleader” is mentioned, most people think of football games, high school pep rallies, and girls in skirts waving pom-poms in the air, but the SRU male cheerleaders are out to disband what most people view as the stereotypical cheerleader. Of the 44 SRU cheerleaders and the 18 of those that are on the co-ed team, only five are male. But according to, coed teams mean higher baskets and stunts and more extreme tumbling. In other words, men are necessary to the

sport of cheerleading, according to senior sport management major and cheerleader Nick Price. “We have a much louder dominating voice than females that is able to carry to the beat of the cheers and project farther into the crowd,” Price, 21, said. “Also, we are able to do co-ed stunts that require one male to one female and can look more impressive and eye-catching to the crowd.” Senior sustainable management major Corey Doyle, 21, began tumbling in eighth grade, which led to his discovery and love of cheerleading throughout high school. Upon graduating, Doyle enrolled in King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., but did not


Senior criminal justice major Angelo Hazlip (left) and senior criminology and philosophy major Travis Mateleska (right) provided support for criminology professor Neil McEwen while he was being tased for a demonstration held Tuesday afternoon. For video of the taser demonstration, be sure to scan the QR code below, or you can visit our YouTube channel, TheSRURocket. Video taken by Erica Kurvach.

Criminology professor volunteers as participant in taser demonstration By Alyssa Cirincione Rocket Contributor

When hearing that someone was hit by a taser gun, it is often a negative thought connected to crime, but criminology professor Neil McEwen turned what is typically a scary situation into an educational one. Students packed into Spotts auditorium Tuesday during common hour, to see McEwen demonstrate what it is like to be hit with a taser gun. McEwen showed students that taser guns are the most

effective way to have control over someone who is out of control. “I think it’s good education for students who are in the criminal justice department that are thinking about a career in law enforcement, just so they can see that this is the most effective tool in force continuity for police officers, because it incapacitates someone who is out of control,” McEwen explained. Officer Josh Malczak set up the demonstration and made sure that

McEwen was as safe as possible during the procedure. Going on 13 years as an officer and six years as a taser instructor, Malczak said the after effects of the taser are very minimal. “Some people have signature marks on them from the taser, which can leave some redness, but for the most part it’s nothing too serious, Malczak said. “You have to aim for the center part of the body. If you hit them in the face or throat, then you could have a problem.”

Currently an officer for Grove City, Malczak has been to SRU previous years to do demonstrations very similar to this. “This is my third or fourth time I’ve been here at SRU to do a demonstration,” Malczak said. “I’ve had some talks with kids at the police department, explaining that if they didn’t stop the crimes that they were committing, they could get shocked by a taser or worse, but I never had to demonstrate it on them.” With his two young sons watching and SEE POLICE, PAGE C-4

Campus Life


October 19, 2012

Hyped-up action flick sequel struggles with weak plot, dialogue

Jimmy Graner "Jimmy G's Rock Reviews" Film: “Taken 2”

3 Stars Back in 2009, director Pierre Morel, who was best known at the time for directing the film “District B13,” introduced us to a crime action thriller film known as ‘Taken.” Liam Neeson, who’s played a number of roles in his lifetime, acts as the main character in this story. As an ex-CIA agent, Neeson must track down his daughter who has been kidnapped by slave traders in Europe, and find her before anything happens to her. In “Taken 2,” the tables are turned when Neeson as well as his ex-wife in the story are kidnapped in Istanbul while vacationing with their daughter. You thought by now, maybe they would learn their lesson when traveling out of the country? Like the original, “Taken 2” takes us through the same mumbo jumbo, only this time, we find the daughter

searching for her parents after they are taken. Like before, the movie has a slow start with a little introduction explaining what the characters are up to since the kidnapping last happened. Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) has come out of retirement and gone back into what he does best, kicking butt and being an overprotective father. Kim (Maggie Grace) continues to try and lead her normal life, whether that is with her new boyfriend or the difficult task of trying to pass her driver’s exam. One thing is for sure – her father is more overprotective than ever. “Taken 2” does a poor job trying to match the performance made by its predecessor. In the original, there’s a constant flow of information being taken in and it’s driving the storyline into different aspects to make the story worth watching. As the viewer, you don’t know what to expect. In “Taken 2,” all the information is presented quickly without hesitation. Most of the film is driven t h rou g h a c t i on and implausible scenes. If you’re looking for someone who’s hiding in a closet and all you do is open the closet door and look in, you’re not really doing your job. If a simple unlicensed teen can get into a car and drive around the streets of a country where they have never been to without hesitation, I say let’s lower the driving age to 13. Time after time, things happen in this story that I

can’t even begin to question are possible in real life. I understand it’s a movie and that a point is trying to be made, but please try and make it look even a little believable. As far as trying to accomplish the same deal as the first from a technical perspective, it succeeded. The cinematography used for each shot is very good. For many of the shots, whether they were moving, aerial, or close ups, the director knew what he was doing when trying to represent the picture of a said shot. In some points, the dialogue used among some of the characters is witty, but not thought out well enough to be taken seriously. If the writers wanted to bring the terrorists across as dumb and unconventional, then they succeeded. In the final fight scene, Mills is put into a fight with someone half his size and not even up to his standards. Although it may look like a he’s taking a beating, a couple punches to the face are all it takes to knock someone out. F o r t u n a t e l y, Liam Neeson, like in all his films, accomplishes the work of his character in carrying the film along. Overall, you’re not getting as much material as you would want to see in a sequel of this nature. And for that, I give “Taken 2” a 3-star rating. Jimmy Graner is a sophomore journalism major, a film and media studies minor and a regular contributor to The Rocket.


Returning to the silver screen as the lead role in the film, “Taken 2,” Liam Neeson stars as ex-CIA agent and overprotective father Bryan Mills, who must fight to protect his family against terrorists once more.

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October 19, 2012

Campus Life


Various accessories produced, marketed to commemorate breast cancer awareness

Katie Ellis "ROCK'n Fashion" October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which means that now is the time to pay tribute to the thousands of women who are diagnosed with the disease every year. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women, with over 220,000 diagnoses per year in the United States, according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. There are a number of products available, with proceeds going to benefit different organizations in their fight to find a cure. The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation is the most widely recognized organization in the fight against breast cancer in the United States. Every year they hold “Race for the Cure” events across the country that benefits their organization, in addition to selling a variety of products including jewelry and clothing. The “Embrace Your Girls” T-shirt is part of the Circle of Promise campaign that supports African American women in their battle with cancer. For $22 you can own this shirt, and the proceeds from your purchase will go to the Komen foundation. Other products available for purchase include the Logo Ribbon Hat and Glitter Stretch Bracelet for $20 and $10, respectively.

Visit for more product information, and to learn more about the foundation’s fundraising initiatives. Popular retailer, Avon, is also dedicated to raising money for cancer awareness. This year, the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade is celebrating 20 years of service and over $780 million donated to numerous organizations worldwide. Money raised goes to benefit research, access-to-care programs, and various outreach programs. Check their website, www. avon fou n d at i on . org / c au s e s / breast-cancer-crusade/ to find out how you can get involved, and to shop their selection of fashionable products. The Breast Cancer Crusade Tennis Bracelet is available for $5 and the Ribbons Backpack can be purchased for just $8, with over half of the proceeds from the sale of each item benefiting their foundation. The Pink Pony Fund is a cause close to designer Ralph Lauren’s heart. For more than two decades, he has been pledging money to fight breast cancer ever since his friend, Nina Hyde, was diagnosed with the disease. In 1994, he took the lead in the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign, and has since then founded the Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention. A great feature of Lauren’s Pink Pony initiative is that there are a wide variety of products available for men, women, and children. Pick up the Men’s Classic-Fit Pink Pony polo for $85, or the Big Pony Tee for $55 on www. Campus favorite, Vera Bradley, has also been in the fight against breast cancer since the 90s. Each


In addition to various forms of fashion and accessories being sold to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month, companies and organizations such as the National Football League (NFL) are supporting the cause through promotion in other forms of fashionable accessories, from pink ribbon pins to pink-colored jerseys.

year the company donates a total of $1 million to the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer, in addition to sponsoring a golf and tennis tournament. Ten percent of the proceeds from the purchase of any of the six stylish patterns available from the retailer, including the new “Ribbons” pattern, go to their foundation to put an end to the disease that affects so many women every year. Before going out to buy any of these products, you may

be surprised to find out that there are already some in your refrigerator. The Save Lids to Save Lives campaign was started in 1997 by a Yoplait employee who lost a family member to breast cancer. For each lid saved, General Mills will donate ten cents to the Komen Foundation, up to $2.5 million, by June of 2013. By going to https://, you can dedicate a lid to honor someone who is fighting, or has lost their battle against cancer.

This October, pledge your support to one of the many organizations dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer. Honor the grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, or friend in your life that has been affected by the disease. Remember that every donation counts, no matter how big or small. Katie Ellis is a sophomore journalism major and a regular contributor to The Rocket.


Campus Life

October 19, 2012

Cheerleaders prepare for upcoming national competition Continued from Page C-1

“Before I came to Slippery Rock, I went to Syracuse University,” Foley said. “My freshman year they did something similar to our Weekend of Welcome, and at this pep rally, I saw this guy hold up a girl with one arm, and I thought that was really cool. So I was like, I’m going to do it, and I got into it.” According to Doyle, the men attend practice twice a week, go to the gym together once a week, and attend games on weekends. A large portion of preparation and practice for cheerleading happens on their “off ” time, Price said. Many of the guys visit the gym several times a week, eat healthy, coach at cheerleading gyms or camps, and

work cardiovascular exercise in order to remain at their physical peak throughout the season and competitions. “You have to be personally motivated to do it,” Price said. “Our coach isn’t there to breathe down our back and to tell us everyday this is what we need to do. We have to find motivation within ourselves or within each other.” Plus, Foley asserted that a lot of cheerleading is speed, coordination, and power, which require extra practice time or time at the gym to maintain. Throughout December and part of January, the men will begin twoa-day daily practices in preparation for competition. “Our routine is just two and a half

minutes long, so we’re just running that constantly,” said Foley. “Our bodies are taking a beating and just pushing through it. Especially that second practice can be a struggle sometimes. You’re already sore, and you practice two times each day, and the day before that you practice two times, and the day before that, and you just keep going. It kind of takes a toll.” Many may find it surprising, however, that the intense physical demands of the sport are not the most difficult part of cheerleading. According to Price, the difficulty lies in the fact that cheerleaders, male or female, face many negative stereotypes on a day-to-day basis, such as the beliefs that cheerleaders are stuck up or believe that they

are better than others. Foley and Doyle both said that they have dealt with stereotypes as males in a predominantly female sport. “A lot of people will automatically assume that I am homosexual because I’m a cheerleader, but that is, I think, the most pervasive stereotype that I’ve encountered,” Foley said. “I just brush them off. I honestly don’t think what other people think about me matters that much. If someone I don’t know wants to think that I’m gay, more power to them. If they want to think I’m dumb, great. I’ll just prove them wrong at some point, so I just let it go, let it roll off my shoulder.” Doyle, too, has learned to ignore comments and stereotypes. With the Universal Cheerleaders Association

College National Competition coming up in January, Doyle, who will be competing, has bigger things to worry about. “This year is the first year that we’re going small co-ed, which means that there are only four guys that get to compete, compared to my first year when we had eight guys compete in nationals,” he said. “Now that we’re in a small co-ed division, I feel like we definitely stand a chance, and we should have a good season as well as be able to compete highly with the other teams,” Price said. “We’re just really excited for this season. We’ve had a really close good team so far, and I hope we can carry that over and continue everything to nationals season.”

Police officer demonstrates power of taser Stink bugs overpopulated due to lack of Continued from Page C-1

students waiting in anticipation, McEwen was shocked with the taser, supported by two male SRU students for safety. Being that this was McEwen’s fourth time being voluntarily shocked by a taser, he explained what his thoughts were before it happened. “Immediately b efore the demonstration, I just wanted to get it over with,” McEwen complained. “I’ve had it done three times before previously and I know how bad it is and I just want it to be finished. I’ve done it two other times for students and then once for the Sharon Police Department, so they could understand how the technology worked.” McEwen wasn’t just nervous right before being shocked, he said that this is his last time

demonstrating because of the anxiety he feels months before the demonstration. “Literally months before I get tased, I stress about it,” McEwen said. “It actually causes a physical reaction within me just worrying about it. Four times is enough. It has an effect on how I feel, when I’m at home with my kids, thinking about it. It has a longer term effect on me and my family.” McEwen said that he couldn’t describe what he felt during the taser shock because he felt something different every time that he demonstrated and it was a traumatizing pain. “My feeling when it was done was ‘this was the worst’, but I think that might be because I don’t remember exactly what the feeling was like before,” McEwen said. “My experience has been different every time. Once I

went into the fetal position, where my feet actually came off of the ground. The other time my legs felt like they were going through the floor and this one my legs were stiff, but I felt like I was being stretched from head to toe, like I was being pulled apart.” “Your body has a way of remembering your reaction to something, but it also has a way of suppressing what physical pain you felt,” he said. “I’m assuming that it must be like what women go through giving birth more than once. I know that they go through a lot of pain, but they continue to go through it because your body eliminates that physical pain, it’s what your body does to get through trauma. Then again, now I’m fine and that’s the lesson to be learned and why it’s so effective.”

natural predators, mild summers and winters Continued from Page C-1

female, and winter is when they go into hibernation looking for warmth. Stink bugs, like most animals, have instincts and these insects are able to tell that winter is coming. “They start coming inside [homes] because the days become shorter,” Trozzo said. Trozzo said the insects can be found in door cracks, in the sides of windows, in the basement, and even the bathroom, but the difficult task is how to properly kill them. “Stink bugs are very difficult to kill, due to their winged shield on their backs, because the insecticides bounce right off the shield,” he said, explaining that the spray needs to hit the insect on the abdomen for them to truly be affected by the insecticide. The best thing to do with stink bugs is repel them before an infestation

can start, according to Trozzo. Around campus, especially in the dorm rooms, the way that stink bugs enter the building is mostly through opened windows. Trozzo advises that students try not to open windows that do no have a screen, and make sure that the screen does not have any holes. Killing a stink bug is a different process than just smashing them with a shoe or book. “Don’t crush the [stink bugs]. Catch them with a tissue, and flush them down the toilet,” Trozzo said. Crushing stink bugs releases an odor that is used as a protective mechanism against predators. Stink bugs are going to be around for a long time, and it is best for students and faculty to properly learn how to handle the stink bug, until a way to control their population is established, according to Trozzo.


The Rocket


October 19, 2012

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Horoscopes By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT) To d ay ' s Bi r t h d ay (10/19/12). Your thrifty ways provide great savings this year. An income increase could come as soon as this month and gets reinforced by the solar eclipse (Nov. 3). Stick to your financial plan, while diving into specialized study to expand the tools in your belt. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (Mar. 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Keep up the good work. Take some risks, maybe, but keep it steady. Your credit rating's on the rise. Challenges in romance pay off later. Hide a treasure. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 5 -- Study an ancient source and combine the new. Listen to a bright idea (from yourself or someone else). Sometimes small is beautiful. Postpone launches, travel and romance. Gemini (May 21-June 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Be careful so that you don't double-book or forget an important date. Spend time

outdoors to replenish your energy. It's not a good idea to stretch the truth now. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- You have less than you thought, but that can change with intelligent work. You have the support of loved ones (even if it doesn't always seem so). Meet with friends later. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- A new trick doesn't necessarily work, but it may still be worth trying (results may surprise). Sell something you've kept hidden. Let a loved one help you decide. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is an 8 -Provide plenty of positive reinforcement as it's needed. Achieve harmony through meditation. Send a scout to gather information. Postpone long journeys for later. Compromise. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Consider all possibilities. Make sure you have all the facts before choosing. Working at home increases your efficiency. There's no need to spend money now; you have what you need. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Don't tell everything to everybody.

Watch out for mistakes with numbers. Check for changes in requirements. Exceptional patience may be required. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- The glitches in romance will go away. For now, focus on taking advantage of your new boost of confidence. Thank the others who stand by your side. Capricorn (Dec. 22Jan. 19) -- Today is a 5 -You can be social, but it's better to postpone having company over. Every experience adds wisdom. Investigate suspicions and avoid gambling. Optimism is within reach. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 7 -- Friends play an important role today, especially providing assistance in difficult situations. Listen and be heard. You have the support of the most important people. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Stand up for yourself. The group helps out, even as it seems that they may disagree. Give and receive love, and compromise. Logic wins. A bond gets renewed.



October 19, 2012

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