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Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper
Friday, October 21, 2011
Parliamentarian Zach Dornisch, Senator Oliver Laniear, and Senator Justina Cerra express concern about President Jordan Bailley's sudden decision to change the homecoming process.
Est. 1934
Volume 94, Number 7
Executive board members Carmen Fortunato, Jim Henry and Jordan Bailley address concerns about the homecoming process at the SGA meeting on Thursday, October 13th.
Sudden decision causes controversy within SGA By Courtney Nickle Editor-In-Chief And
Steph Holsinger Assistant News Editor
Slippery Rock University Student Government Association (SGA) President Jordan Bailley made an executive decision on Friday, Oct. 7 to disband the original
homecoming court and allow all 37 applicants the chance to campaign and be included on the ballot. Bailley announced at the senate meeting Thursday, Oct. 13 that he had formed an ad hoc committee to investigate the constitutionality of his decision. S G A Pa r l i a m e nt a r i a n Zachariah Dornisch and Commuter Senator Corey Street will chair the committee. Bailley will not be involved with
Homecoming brawl ends in tased student
the committee. Bailley appointed Dornisch as parliamentarian at the senate meeting Oct. 13. “Being appointed and sworn into the position of parliamentarian during the same meeting in which the homecoming decision was being discussed was stressful,” Dornisch said. SGA’s executive board is currently working to appoint the members of the committee
to review the homecoming decision, which will most likely consist of members of the student body and faculty, according to Dornisch. “[Street] and I have met to discuss the committee and will be meeting later this week to further discuss the committee and work on setting an agenda,” Dornisch said. Article II, section six of SGA’s constitution found at srusga. com states “the senate shall
have final decision making authority for the SRUSGA unless otherwise stipulated herein.” According to Jim Henry, vice president of student affairs, this means the senate would’ve had to pass Bailley’s decision by a two-thirds vote. “There’s nothing in the constitution outside of that that can change that or make it right for an executive decision to be made by [Bailley],” he said.
Bailley sent out an email to all students on Friday, Oct. 7 detailing his decision to open up the homecoming ballot to the 37 original applicants. Prior to that decision, Bailley had met Thursday, Oct. 6 with Dr. Constance Foley and Brad Kovaleski, faculty advisors for SGA, Dr. Jessamine Montero, senior officer for diversity and inclusion, and a student who SEE BAILLEY, PAGE A-2
SRU 2011 grads have five percent unemployment
By Brian Brodeur
By Will Deshong
A song incited a brawl Saturday night at the Black Action Society’s annual homecoming party, according to Black Action Society (BAS) President, 20-yearold accounting major, Mariah Banks. “A fight broke out and then there was just chaos,” Banks said. Banks said the last song of the night was to blame, "Knuck if you buck" by Crime Mob, and that opinion was reinforced by Jeff Brady, a 22-year-old senior criminology major and military police officer in the Navy. “It was because of a hyper song,” Brady said. “I guess it amped something, and then someone bumped into someone else and it just escalated from there.” Elford Jarret, a 21-year-old health and public safety major, blamed the song for inciting things. “The song that was playing just made it a hostile environment,” Jarret said. “The song that played was a fight song and gets everybody’s blood flowing.” During the altercation, several officers were assaulted and suffered minor injuries, according to Slippery Rock University Chief of Police Michael Simmons. Four people will be charged due to the fights, only two of which are SRU students. One student was tased by a police officer from a responding agency that was called in after several fights broke out.
The national unemployment rate for individuals with a bachelor’s degree was 4.6 percent this past August, as reported on in part one of this series. While much lower than the 9.1 percent overall national average, it is more than twice as high as it was before the current economic recession hit. With the nation slumping in gloomy economic times, students at Slippery Rock University need to be aware that they’re in the same boat as the rest of the country. According to the u n i v e r s i t y ’s O f f i c e of C are e r Services’ 2011 annual executive report, the unemployment rate for Slipper y Rock University graduates with a bachelor’s degree in 2011 was five percent. While percentage points are higher than the national average this past June, this report was released in June 2011 when the national average was also around five percent. Like the national average that dropped over the past year, SRU’s unemployment rate for recent graduates fell from seven percent in 2010, but is still more than twice as high as the two percent mark from 2007, prior to the recession. As a result of the weakening job market, Slippery Rock grads are following the national trend in an increase in students advancing their education beyond a bachelor’s degree. The number of graduates continuing their education has increased
News Editor
Rocket Staff Reporter
Zachary Cabaday, 21-year-old sophomore criminal justice major, bikes for breast cancer awareness.
"Tour de Pink" raises $2,500 By Will Deshong Rocket Staff Reporter
The fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha raised $2,500 riding stationary bikes last week for breast cancer awareness and is still receiving donations. The “Tour de Pink” was a three-day long event that began on Oct. 12 in which participants alternated in riding a stationary bicycle located outside Bailey Library. “We wanted to do something philanthropic,” Pi Kappa Alpha President Patrick Cole, 21, said. “We do one or two events every year and thought of this because it’s October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so they went handin-hand.” The fundraiser was a success as the fraternity sold all of the
t-shirts and bracelets they had for sale, in addition to collecting straight donations. “We got in touch with the Susan G. Komen foundation and they donated 300 bracelets for us to sell,” Cole said. “We sold those for $2 a piece and we also had shirts made, which sold out in two hours, at $10 a piece.” The Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation is the largest breast cancer organization in the country. The total donation tally has yet to be determined as donations for the event are still coming in a week after its conclusion. “We had donation forms sent to our families and they’re still coming in,” Cole said. “So not all checks are accounted for because we’re still getting
checks. More people are still ordering shirts, too.” The fraternity hoped to ride the stationary bike for 74 total hours from last Wednesday up till the parade on Saturday, but had a setback. “We intended to ride for 74 hours, but on Friday a big gust of wind took our tent out,” Cole said. “We ended up riding about 62 hours, but we still finished on the float.” With the success of the fundraiser, Cole looks forward to similar events in the future. “It was our first year doing this,” he said. “Hopefully there are many more to come.” The “Tour de Pink” closely preceded the fifth annual “In the Pink: Stride for a Cure” breast cancer awareness walk sponsored by the ARC and the Women’s Center.