FMLA Takes Back the Night SRU's Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance hosted Take Back the Night to end sexual violence. Page D-1
Friday, November 8, 2013 • Volume 97, Issue Number 9 • Slippery Rock University's Student Newspaper
the rocket
Here’s the rub:
PASSHE Chancellor addresses the future of the state system
Spotts Bridge Shut Down The bridge connecting Spotts to the Fieldhouse parking lot was closed indefinitely. Engineers examine the cause. Page A-2
SRU Professors Moved Around Provost Way's "third way" plans to transfer professors to different departments. Page B-1
Rock prepares For Semifinals After receiving a first-round bye, the Slippery Rock men's soccer team gets ready to play Millersville University Friday. Page C-2
iTunes Music Top 10 Hits Side Notes columnist Harmony Kasper takes a look at some of iTunes' chart-topping hits this week. Page D-1
SRU defeats Cal-U The Slippery Rock University football team claims first place in the PSAC-West with 35-17 win over the California University of Pa. Vulcans. Page C-1
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Chancellor Frank T. Brogan discusses with the Slippery Rock University community the importance of establishing a strong unified system amongst all 14 PASSHE universities.
By Kevin Squires Assistant News Editor
Frank T. Brogan, Chancellor of t h e Pe n ns y lv an i a St at e System of Higher Education (PASSHE), is traveling all over Pennsylvania with each of the 14 PASSHE universities as stops so he can introduce himself to the universities’ communities. Slippery Rock University was number 10 on Brogan’s crossstate tour after visiting California University of Pa. Tuesday and before visiting Edinboro on Thursday. Slippery Rock held a public forum for the chancellor Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the
theater of the Robert M. Smith Student Center. “G e tt i n g out t o a l l t h e Universities is not the gracious thing to do, it’s the right thing to do,” Brogan said. “It is important, I think, to at least talk to and listen to some of the representation of the University community.” Brogan commented on the positive things Slippery Rock’s admissions program is doing, especially with regards to social media and recruiting international students. “The more students can rub elbows with students from other parts of the state, other parts of the country, and other parts of
the world, it gives them a more eclectic experience without even leaving the campus,” Brogan said. He felt that this was an important part of a good education. S ome of t he ot her st ate universities are not so fortunate. “Here’s the rub, some of our universities are dealing with some rather significant declining enrollment, in large measure because the areas in which they reside are dealing with declining population generally and therefore declining high school populations generally,” Brogan said. “We’re going through some SEE STATE, PAGE A-2
Vincent Planetarium begins offering free light shows Students create and educate with presentations about universe By Haley Barnes Rocket Contributor
Located in the center of Vincent Science Hall, the Slippery Rock University planetarium is being utilized to a greater extent this fall, providing learning experiences through shows created by SRU students and presented to students from SRU and surrounding school districts. “The Slippery Rock University Planetarium Rocket Room is a theater, OmniMax, and Planetarium all in one,” the planetarium’s Facebook page says. “It is a place to discuss and learn about Space, Technology, Science, Human Advancement, and much more, hidden away in the Vincent Science Center.” Dr. Krishna Mukherjee is an assistant professor in the department of physics and pre-engineering. She is the supervising professor of the planetarium. “The SRU planetarium is different from others because it is run by students,” Mukherjee said. “They come up with ideas for the show. They are also responsible for the music and light effects.” Mukherjee said the star projector has been around since the late 1960s and cost about a half a million dollars to set up. She said there was talk of demolishing it in the 1990s, but the Physics department was dedicated to saving the Planetarium.
“When I started teaching Astronomy and then later Space Science, I had a service learning component built into these two courses.” Mukherjee said. She said students from her astronomy and space science courses do shows for elementary and middle school students and the staff sometimes dresses up in costumes. Daniel Arnett is a computer science major who works as the director of the planetarium. “Recently ever since I have discovered Daniel Arnett, I have made him the student director of the planetarium and now every Thursday he gives shows,” Mukherjee said. “He has recruited a number of other Computer Science and Physics majors.” She said Arnett works wonders with the software and has really transformed the planetarium. “Now we have transitioned to only digital images and this would not have been possible if it wasn't for Dr. [Manuel] Valera of Physics who came up with a brilliant idea of using a cheap spherical mirror and a projector to show full-dome movies,” Mukherjee said. “Dr. Valera then trained Dan [Arnett] and a few others who have graduated.” Mukherjee said the planetarium is planning to do a brand new show next year for the 125 anniversary of SRU and if Comet ISON is bright enough, they will do a show open to the public after Thanksgiving. Regular shows are open to students on Thursdays at 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Cold with variable clouds
Breezy with partial sunshine
Windy; a shower in the morning
A couple of showers possible
Partly sunny and cold
Snow or flurries possible
Cloudy with snow possible
Sun. Mon.
Wed. Thu.
The patented RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors. Shown are the highest and lowest values for each day.
REGIONAL CITIES CITY Akron Allentown Altoona Cleveland Erie Harrisburg Indiana Johnstown Philadelphia Pittsburgh Scranton State College Wheeling Williamsport Youngstown
Friday HI LO W 44 33 pc 51 28 pc 46 29 c 46 36 pc 42 37 c 50 29 pc 42 29 sf 40 30 c 52 35 s 44 32 pc 46 27 c 44 30 c 46 34 pc 44 27 c 44 31 c
Saturday HI LO W 54 37 pc 51 32 pc 50 37 pc 57 40 pc 52 42 c 53 35 s 51 37 pc 47 36 pc 52 40 s 54 39 pc 48 34 pc 50 36 pc 54 41 pc 51 32 pc 54 39 pc
Sunday HI LO W 48 32 pc 54 32 pc 48 33 pc 49 36 pc 47 38 c 54 33 pc 45 31 pc 42 29 pc 58 38 s 48 32 pc 50 31 pc 47 32 pc 49 35 pc 49 31 pc 47 31 pc
Sun. Mon.
Wed. Thu.
The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.
Tuesday HI LO W 40 27 c 45 28 pc 39 29 pc 40 30 sf 40 32 c 45 33 pc 37 28 pc 31 22 pc 46 33 pc 38 28 pc 40 28 pc 37 28 pc 40 28 pc 43 29 pc 37 26 c
Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal
Monday HI LO W 48 29 sh 52 32 s 50 31 pc 48 31 sn 44 32 sn 54 34 s 48 28 pc 46 26 pc 56 36 s 51 32 pc 51 30 pc 50 29 pc 53 32 pc 51 29 pc 47 26 sh
Wednesday HI LO W 35 27 sn 41 30 r 35 27 sn 37 30 c 36 31 c 41 33 sn 34 27 sn 27 25 sn 44 35 r 34 28 sn 38 31 sn 34 28 sn 38 28 sn 37 30 sn 34 27 c
Thursday HI LO W 38 22 c 42 28 sn 41 23 sn 41 25 c 40 25 sn 45 26 sn 38 22 sn 36 23 sn 49 29 r 40 23 sn 44 24 sn 39 23 sn 39 22 sn 43 24 sn 40 22 c
ROCK NOTES The Rocket is Now Hiring
There will be openings on the staff of the Rocket next semester for the positions of Sports Editor, Assistant Sports Editor, and Multimedia Reporter. Applications can be picked up outside of the Rocket Office, 220 Eisenberg and are due Nov. 18 at 5 p.m. Interviews will be Nov. 19 during common hour.
Azucar Latin Dance Band
Azucar, a top Latin dance band from Pittsburgh will be playing at the ARC, in Gym B on November 8, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. The dance will kick off the Up Till Dawn, St. Jude event. Event is free, donations welcome for St. Jude. Student IDs required. Hosted by the SRU Hispanic/Latino Culture Series
Buy Organic, Buy Local
Buy Organic, Buy Local, which is sponsored by the Sustainable Enterprise Accelerator will be held at the Macoskey Center on November 11 at 7 pm. The panel will feature Bob McCafferty from the North Country Brewery, Greg Boulos from Blackberry Meadows, and Eric Rifenberrick from Pine Run Farm.
To submit a Rock Note please send your announcement by 6 p.m. Wednesday to Jon Janasik at or to The Rocket does not guarantee that all requests will be published in the paper.
INDEX Rock Notes...............A-2 Comics...................B-4 Blotter.................A-3 Sports...................C-1 Opinion...............B-1 Campus Life.............D-1
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Rise 7:00 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 7:02 a.m. 7:03 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 7:07 a.m. Rise 11:54 a.m. 12:36 p.m. 1:13 p.m. 1:47 p.m. 2:19 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:23 p.m.
Set 5:08 p.m. 5:07 p.m. 5:06 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 5:04 p.m. 5:03 p.m. 5:02 p.m. Set 10:26 p.m. 11:35 p.m. none 12:43 a.m. 1:49 a.m. 2:55 a.m. 3:59 a.m.
November 8, 2013
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2013
Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal
National Summary: High pressure will promote settled weather from the Carolinas to California over the weekend. Rain and snow showers will occur in the Great Lakes Saturday, spreading into New England Sunday due to a quick-moving low pressure system. Meanwhile, a disturbance moving into the Northwest will spread showers along the region’s coast Saturday with a few snow showers in the northern Rockies. This disturbance will extend the chance of rain into Sunday with showers of rain and snow in the northern Plains. As it progresses eastward, the disturbance will bring the chance of snow showers to the Great Lakes and Northeast for Monday.
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday CITY HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W Atlanta 62 40 s 62 42 s 69 46 pc 67 46 pc 67 45 s 57 35 c 52 32 pc Boston 51 35 pc 49 41 pc 55 39 pc 55 33 s 43 31 pc 45 32 pc 48 41 r Chicago 47 40 pc 56 33 pc 48 34 s 43 32 pc 39 28 c 40 28 pc 45 22 pc Cincinnati 50 33 s 61 39 s 55 32 s 56 37 s 45 31 r 38 26 sn 43 24 c Dallas 69 50 pc 73 53 s 73 54 pc 71 52 pc 72 46 pc 54 37 pc 56 36 c Denver 68 36 pc 64 37 s 64 38 s 66 37 pc 58 29 c 51 26 pc 49 27 c Detroit 46 35 pc 56 38 c 47 33 pc 43 27 sn 39 28 c 37 28 c 42 23 pc Houston 69 50 pc 74 53 pc 76 57 pc 78 61 pc 79 54 pc 70 47 pc 62 49 pc Indianapolis 52 36 s 60 38 s 51 32 s 52 33 pc 38 27 r 37 26 c 45 24 pc Kansas City 62 40 pc 61 39 s 59 43 s 57 33 pc 40 18 r 36 24 s 44 23 c Los Angeles 79 56 pc 73 55 pc 79 56 pc 78 56 pc 74 56 pc 77 55 s 81 60 pc Miami 84 76 pc 83 75 t 84 75 sh 83 73 pc 83 73 sh 83 69 pc 82 71 pc Nashville 57 34 s 63 43 s 65 40 s 67 41 pc 62 39 s 44 28 c 47 27 pc New Orleans 67 54 pc 74 60 pc 76 57 pc 75 58 pc 75 54 pc 63 44 pc 61 45 pc New York City 51 39 pc 50 41 pc 56 39 pc 54 37 s 46 35 pc 45 40 r 47 32 sn Orlando 78 64 c 80 65 pc 82 63 pc 82 65 pc 82 65 sh 81 56 pc 76 51 pc Phoenix 82 57 s 83 59 s 85 61 s 85 63 s 87 62 pc 82 57 s 79 53 s San Francisco 64 49 pc 65 49 pc 63 50 pc 65 53 pc 65 50 pc 66 49 s 65 54 s Seattle 52 42 sh 50 43 c 53 46 r 54 47 c 54 45 r 53 39 pc 51 38 c Washington, DC 55 37 s 57 42 s 60 41 s 59 40 s 49 36 c 47 38 r 54 29 r Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
State system general education targeted as point of examination by PASSHE Chancellor Continued from Page A 1
tough times as a system right now, but guess what, who isn’t?” For Brogan, addressing these tough times means looking to the future and where the state system is going. “Here’s the rub, as old as the commonwealth is, even the commonwealth is trying to figure out what it wants to be for the next 50 years,” Brogan said. “The question is where do we [as a system] go next.” Mo s t l y f o c u s e d o n PASSHE as a whole, Brogan said, his address to the University was centralized around one word: system. “It is important that we as a system look at what we’ve done, what we do, and what we’re going to need to do in the future in order to make sure that we are competitive,” Brogan said. “You do not have to surrender what makes you unique and different to be a part of a system,” Brogan said, emphasizing the idea that the PASSHE schools, while functioning as different individual universities must also be able to come together as a single entity in the state system. “We’ve got to organize ourselves as
a system,” he added. He stated that there was an unmistakable derived benefit in coming together as a system. While Brogan wants to maintain the differences and uniqueness present in each school, he also does not want that to transform into any of the universities serving as giant vocational schools. “We are not nor should we ever become giant vocation schools,” Brogan said. However, Brogan stated that the general education was something to examine more closely. “It is something I think we need to look at is our [general education] program and look at it deeply, just to make sure it is a world class experience for any student in any PASSHE school.” This examination will include determining what works and what needs changed or eliminated. “Here’s the rub, you close down some of our programs they are typically programs that are undersubscribed with students, they are typically, and please allow me the generalization, they are typically programs without a sufficient enough demand at the other end of the pipe to assure students that there’s a great chance
Spotts' bridge closed, declared dangerous By Jonathan Janasik News Editor
Students attempting to enter Spotts via the bridge entrance were greeted with an unpleasant surprise this week. The bridge Newsroom: 220 Eisenberg Building was closed down, and they would have to walk around the building to enter. (724) 738-4438 Slippery Rock According to Herb Carlson, the SRU Advertising: University Assistant Vice President for Construction (724) 738-2643 Slippery Rock, PA Design and Management, an engineer was brought in last week to look at the Fax: 16057 bridge right after someone noticed that (724) 738-4896 pieces of concrete were falling from the Email: bottom of the bridge. The engineer determined that the bridge was unsafe to cross, and recommended closing it. “We asked them if there were some 2012 Mark of Excellence First short term options to reopen it and what Place Winner in Region 4 from the Society of Professional they would cost and what the permanent Journalists. solution would cost,” explained Carlson. “We don’t have that information yet.” Carlson said that they should have the planning finished soon, but the construction may take a while to complete. He estimated that the construction would most likely not be finished this semester.
they’re going to be hired in the Commonwealth when they get out of it, and they are often programs that have been kept on life support for years.” Brogan explained. He said that the life support is being gained by taking money from other programs. “The final cut is to say we can no longer have that program for a variety of reasons. That’s where the rubber meets the humanity road,” Brogan said. “We would be naïve if we didn’t know that programs cost money and we’ve got to keep them buoyant and involving,” he said. Still, Brogan wanted to make clear that this was not an effort to destroy the humanities adding, “It doesn’t mean to kick the humanities and fine arts and the arts to the curb. Those programs provide us with something that make us different from any other education delivery system that’s out there – the well rounded educational experience.” “At the end of the day, we’ve got to organize ourselves in a way that will also assure that that well rounded education is meeting the needs of the commonwealth and country and the world.” Brogan concluded.
Visit the Rocket online!
Scan this QR Code to see the highlights from the new PASSHE Chancellor's speech to the Slippery Rock University community.
November 8, 2013
POLICE BLOTTER Borough Oct. 29 - this department received a complaint from an outside agency regarding an Unlawful Restraint complaint. The incident is still open and being investigated. Nov. 2 - Griffin Mickail, 18, was cited for Underage Consumption and an Open Container violation along South Main Street. Nov. 2 - Joshua Rectenwald, 21, and Joshua See, 24 years of age were cited for Disorderly House after this department received a complaint about a large, loud party at Stonecrest Apartments. Nov. 2 - Anthony Gagliani, 20, cited for Public Drunkenness and Disorderly House after being found passed out in the rear yard of another person’s residence along South Main Street. Nov. 2 - Levi Buck, 23, was cited for Disorderly Conduct and Disorderly House after an incident along Midway Alley. Nov. 2 - Kelly Rogers, 18, Disorderly House after being found possessing an alcoholic beverage while walking along West Cooper Street. Nov. 3 - Nathan Ehrlich, 20, cited for Disorderly House after being found consuming an alcoholic beverage along West Cooper Street.
Nov. 1 – The Metis alarm was accidentally tripped in room 007 of Bailey Library.
Nov. 3 – Police responded to a smoke alarm going off in the R.O.C.K. Apartments. The alarm was triggered by burnt food and was reset.
Nov. 1 – There was a reported theft of an Android cell phone in Spotts.
Nov. 3 – There was a reported theft from a car in the Alumni Commuter Lot.
Nov. 1 – David Galloway, 19, was issued an underage citation when police responded to a report of an intoxicated individual at the health center. Galloway was transported to Grove City Hospital by an ambulance.
Nov. 3 –Police responded to a 911 call for a fight taking place at the intermural fields. One student was taken to the hospital and one student left the area. The case remains under investigation.
Nov. 2 – An individual was issued a citation for expired plates after a traffic stop on Kiester Road.
Nov. 4 – There was a report of possible harassment at Building A. An officer advised actors not to make contact. No other action was taken at this time.
Nov. 2 – A victim reported being assaulted behind Watson Hall and was transported to the hospital. The case is under investigation and a suspect was obtained by the police. Nov. 2 – Multiple alarms were tripped in Building F. Nothing was found and the alarms were reset. Nov. 2 – A child set off the Metis alarm accidentally in the Robert M. Smith Student Center. The alarm was reset.
Nov. 3 - Alyse Evans, 20, was cited for Disorderly House after being found possessing an open bottle of alcohol while walking through the parking lot of Sheetz.
Nov. 3 – Derrick Fulmore, 18, was issued an underage citation when police responded with a community assistant for an intoxicated individual in their room. There was no response to knocking and when the community assistant keyed in, Fulmore was found on the floor laying next to his own vomit. Fulmore refused an ambulance and was watched by his roommate.
Nov. 3 - Candace Corcoran, 21 years of age was cited for Disorderly House after an alcohol violation near the intersection of Midway Alley and West Cooper Street
Nov. 3 – Police responded to a request for a welfare check for a student at Rhoads Hall. The student was located, taken to the health center, and referred to student services.
Nov. 3 - Mohammad Majeed, 20 years of age was cited for Disorderly House after being found possessing and open container of alcohol along West Cooper Street.
Nov. 3 – Police responded to a medical call at the Smith Student Center. The health center van responded and transported the individual to the health center.
Nov. 4 – This department took a report of a Hit and Run that occurred over the weekend. The victim was visiting a friend on Kelly Blvd. and when she went to her car Sunday, she noticed damage to the rear of her vehicle.
Nov. 3 – An intoxicated female found in her room at Building E was transported to the health center by police and referred to student standards.
Campus Nov. 1 – Police responded to a report of alcohol violation at Building E. The incident was referred to judicial.
Nov. 3 – Police responded to a smoke alarm going off in building E. The alarm was triggered by burnt food and was reset.
Nov. 4 – There was a report of a drug violation at Watson Hall. Contraband was found and charges are pending. Nov. 4 – There was a report of a vehicle possibly being hit while parked on campus. The case is under investigation. Nov. 5 – Police made a welfare check at North Hall. Contact was made and no other action was taken. Nov. 5 – There was a reported theft of a credit card in the Quad. The incident is under investigation. Magistrate Oct. 30 – Eric Turner, 21, of Butler was seen for two counts DUI, careless driving, driving while operating privileges were suspended or revoked, and period for regulating lighted lamps. Oct. 30 – Jerrit Young, 21, of Butler was seen for use and possession of drug paraphernalia. Oct. 30 – Matthew Frances, 21, of Moon Township was seen for use and possession of drug paraphernalia, DUI, and careless driving. Oct. 30 – Brooke Carlson, 20, of Pittsburgh was seen for two counts DUI and for driving at a safe speed. Oct. 30 – Gavin Wiefling, 23, of Butler was seen for a small amount of personal use of marijuana and for use and possession of drug paraphernalia. Compiled by Kevin Squires
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Our View
OPINION Volume 96, Number 9
220 Eisenberg Classroom Building Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057 Phone: Fax: E-mail:
(724) 738-4438 (724) 738-4896
Jon Janasik
News Editor
Rebecca Marcucci
Campus Life Editor
Madeline Williams
Sports Editor
Alex Mowrey
Photo Editor
Todd Hart
Web/Social Media Editor
Mary Leach
Copy Editor
Kevin Squires
Stephanie Cheek
Assistant Campus Life Editor
Kristin Karam
Assistant Sports Editor
Rebecca Dietrich
Assistant Photo Editor
Alyssa Cirincione Mark Zeltner
Multimedia Reporter Faculty Adviser
Advertising Manager
ABOUT US The Rocket is published by the students of Slippery Rock University every Friday during the academic semester with the exception of holidays, exam periods and vacations. Total weekly circulation is 3,000. No material appearing in The Rocket may be reprinted without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. The first copy of The Rocket is provided free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased for 50 cents each. The Rocket receives approximately five percent of its funding from the SGA General Service fee paid each semester by students. All other income is provided through the sale of advertising. Advertising inquiries may be made by calling (724) 7382643 or by e-mailing
CORRECTIONS If we make a substantial error, we want to correct it. If you believe an error has been made, call The Rocket newsroom at (724) 738-4438. If a correction is warranted it will be printed in the opinion section.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions to The Rocket are available. Subscriptions are $20 per academic semester and $35 for the full academic year. Inquiries should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at the address listed here.
Transferring professors doesn’t make sense Recently the University announced Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Phillip Way’s solution to retrenchment the “third way”. As stated by the Provost, the first option to deal with the University’s deficit would be retrenchment, and the second would be pulling from the budgetary reserves, which the administration isn’t allowed to do at such a large extent, and the new plan is the “third way”. Way’s “way” is comprised of faculty and administration working together to protect positions, transferring some members of the faculty and working together to try to increase recruitment, retention, and grant money, in order to guarantee there’s more resources to cover the University’s costs. “It’s a win-win situation rather than one side winning
and the other side losing,” Way said. The idea behind the third way is that the administration and faculty will participate in extra initiatives to bring money to the university, and in exchange, there will be no retrenchment for certain faculty members. We only see one problem with the whole plan. Professors generally have Ph. D’s in a certain field, and also have professional experience in that given field. So why would the University transfer a professor who is arguably unqualified to teach specific classes unrelated to their field? The University has offered to provide retraining to professors who are being transferred, but in our opinion that still does not make up for the loss of real world experience in a given
In the Quad
profession. Part of the appeal of SRU, unlike other large universities, is that real professors teach the majority of classes and not teaching assistants. A teaching assistant in a certain field could potentially be more qualified than a professor from a completely unrelated field. Also, by having unqualified professors teaching key classes in any given major program, it is effecting the equality of the students’ education. The sharing of experiences and what it is really like to work as a professional in a given career wouldn’t exist. What if the foundation of our ‘Rock Solid Education’ begins to crumble? We hope the use of transfers are used sparingly, and that it doesn’t get to that point.
This week’s question:
In the Quad is a segment in which random students, faculty and staff are asked for their opinions on a specific topic.
What do you think about professors being transferred to areas outside their field to avoid retrenchment?
EDITORIAL POLICY The Rocket strives to present a diverse range of opinions that are both fair and accurate in its editorials and columns appearing on the Opinion pages. “Our View” is the opinion of the Editorial Board and is written by Rocket editorial board members. It reflects the majority opinion of The Rocket Editorial Board. “Our View” does not necessarily reflect the views of Slippery Rock University, its employees or its student body. Columns and cartoons are drafted by various individuals and only reflect the opinions of the columnists.
LETTERS POLICY The Rocket welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Rocket retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes the property of The Rocket and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Please limit letters to a maximum of 400 words. Submit all material by noon Wednesday to: The Rocket, 220 ECB, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057. Or send it via e-mail to:
Zoe Olm Exercise Science Major Phoenix, Arizona
Kailie Strouss Therapeutic Recreation Major Jackson Center, Pa.
Walter Scott Marketing Major Derry, Pa.
“They should stay in their own field. It’s their specialty and they shouldn’t teach anything else.”
“As long as they’re knowledgeable of the other subject that they’re teaching, I think it’s okay.”
“They should only teach another subject if they’re sure of it and comfortable enough to teach it.”
November 8, 2013
Students should take full New iPhone case advantage of varied traveling houses a stun gun opportunities in college
Ashley Cook Pixie Posts Ashley Cook is a senior English major from Gibsonia, Pa.
Walking through the halls of Spotts, you cannot help but notice the countless numbers of posters advertising travel abroad. Cuba, Istanbul, Italy. All of these are experiences any one would love to have and places most people only dream of going. I cannot stress enough the importance of travel in life. Personally, I have gone to Italy in the pre session trip twice and it has changed who I am. Not only did I experience an entirely new culture and way of life, I made friends that feel like family to me now. Being forced to live with a group of people you hardly know for two weeks without cellphones and texting is extremely eye-opening. You learn to live without the devices that most of us are addicted to. You grow as a person and you learn to look at life through a new lens. I know a major concern for people when deciding whether or not they want to travel abroad is the language barrier. When I went to Italy, I literally knew zero Italian. All you need is a few basic phrases like, “Parla i ng l e s e ? ” ( D o you s p e a k English?) and “Quanto costa?” (How much? To be used when
you want to know how many Euros that scarf you’re dying to have costs.) For the most part, people are understanding and if you don’t know how to say something, simply ask. As long as you show you are trying and are not rude about it, people love to help in any way possible. Oh, and I forgot to mention the best part: you earn class credits on this trip too. If you’re thinking that going out of the country isn’t an option for you right now, I’d strongly encourage you to travel somewhere regardless. Traveling to conferences and presenting works from your major is another great opportunity to travel. In March, I traveled to Portland, Oregon for the Sigma Tau Delta English International Convention and it was another life changing experience. Seeing cities other than Slippery Rock and Pittsburgh is exciting and challenging. It requires a sense of adventure and prepares you for life outside of college and a career in an unknown city. Just recently, I went to a wedding in Savannah, Georgia and it was gorgeous and thrilling. Little shops and surprises wait around every corner for you no matter where you go. You can find quaint coffee shops somewhere as simple and close as Shippensburg, Pa. If you’re thinking about traveling to Italy for precession, lucky for you, there is an informative meeting on Nov. 12 during common hour in room 304 of Spotts. Oh, and there’s free pizza. So go, learn a little Italian, and start planning your exhilarating adventure to Italia. There’s no obligation attached to attending. Like I’ve said before, live a little; it’s worth it. It doesn’t matter where you go, just go.
The United States needs more women in the comedy industry
Hannah McLaughlin Commentary Hannah McLaughlin is a senior Public Relations major from Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Funny women aren’t anything new. If you don’t believe me, watch an episode of I Love Lucy, The Carol Bernet Show, or my personal favorite, The Golden Girls. Women like Tina Fey, Amy Pohler, Kirsten Wiig, and Mya Rudolph carried Saturday Night Live in the 2000’s. Today, women like Chelasea Handler, Anna Farris, Mindy Kaling, Rebel Wilson, Zooey Deschanel, and Amy Schumer are making sure women maintain a strong presence on TV while Melissa McCarthy, Jane Lynch, and Anna Kendrick continue to act on the big screen. Lena Dunham and Liz Meriwether, writers for Girls and New Girl respectively, are powerhouses when it comes to
writing comedy. Then why in this crazy world of ours are funny women not acknowledged as actually being funny? It really grinds my gears when I hear someone say a movie/ show/ what have you isn’t as funny as a male centered movie/ show/ what have you. Haven’t we as a species evolved past the point were we believe that women can’t viewed as hilarious? I’m not trying to make the case that all movies that women star in, write, or direct are outstanding works of art. We’ve all seen movies that were less than fantastic and made us feel sad on the inside, but both men and women are guilty of this (I’m looking at you Hangover 2.) But these mistakes shouldn’t write off everything good and wonderful that women have to offer. I think Bridesmaids and The Heat director Paul Feig sums it up best, “I’d like to get away from ‘men’ movies [and] ‘women’ movies, and just be like, a movie’s a movie. If it happens to star all women, guys shouldn’t be going ‘Ugh, I can’t go see that.’ That to me is the long-term goal. But clearly it’s an uphill slog. More people need to do it. If it’s just going to be me doing it, it’s going to be once every two years.” And that’s just not gonna cut it.
for self defense
Casey Young Casey’s Corner, Consider This Casey Young is a sophomore Communication-Journalism major from Orchard Park, NY.
Every girl knows the feeling of walking alone and feeling unsafe. Although Slippery Rock University is a very safe campus, one should always be prepared. Yellow Jacket now makes a case for iPhone 4 and 4S that has a hidden stun gun amongst its features. I believe that everyone should take precautions in life. Do what makes you feel safe. If you want to walk with a whistle on your keys, that is what works for you. I like the idea of a stun gun on an iPhone case for safety, however, I do not know how practical it is. For starters, the case itself has a hefty price tag of $100. Although a competing OtterBox case could range from $50 to $100, most people just do not
want to spend that much money for a phone case. Yes, the Yellow Jacket case hides a stun gun, but how handy would this really be in times of need? Navigating the Yellow Jacket website, I found the case has some safety features to prevent a person from accidentally stunning themselves. It has an electrode cover, a safety switch, and an activation button that will only register when touching flesh. It seems like the case would prevent accidental discharge, but what about when it is needed? It seems that the case could come in handy when there is a minute to spare before an attack of some sort, however, I believe all the safety features may not be perfect for fast action moments. All in all, the case is a really interesting gadget. It would give people, especially girls, peace of mind whenever they feel unsafe. If you have the money and the desire for a protective iPhone case, extra battery life, and a stun gun, you are the perfect candidate for the Yellow Jacket case. The case will also be available for iPhone 5C and 5S models before the holidays, according to president Seth Froom. I have my doubts about the product, however, many people are giving really good feedback after their purchase. It seems to me, it is a good product for a specific customer. I will just not be one.
Take an Online Class at Clarion University for the Holidays Clarion University’s Virtual Campus is offering a Winter Intersession between Fall and Spring semesters. Pick up quick credits over the holidays while you work or relax at home. Classes begin Monday, December 16, after the last day of the Fall Semester examinations, and run until January 15, 2014.
Admission for this term is quick and simple.
For information, contact the Clarion University Virtual Campus at 866-272-5612 (opt 3) or via e-mail at ACCREDITED.ACCESSIBLE.ANYWHERE. For a list of classes or for more information, check our Website at Clarion University is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer.
Students from other universities interested in taking a Winter Intersession course can contact the Admissions office at 814-393-2306 or or click on to fill out a “Quick Admit” form.
November 8, 2013
COMICS Spaghett Kat No, Spaghett Kat! If you eat all of my
Mmm, I‛m in the mood spaghetti, I‛ll have to cancel my date tonight! for some spaghetti! I think I‛ll chomp down on Jon‛s spaghetti!
Looks like the only date you‛re going to have tonight will be with your left hand. If you know what I mean!
Spaghett Kat is about a cat and a bowl of spaghett.
A companion comic has been attached to explain the story. Oh my gosh! I finnally understand the name of the comic!
By Nancy Black Tribune Content Agency (MCT) Today's Birthday (11/08/13). Your creativity flourishes this year. Your finances transform with Pluto direct, and it's easier to make money. Fix up your place. A new door opens regarding love, and partnerships are your secret power. Exhibit or launch a new endeavor; your career sparks this summer. Focus on what (and whom) you love. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
By Jack Johnehsick
Spaghett means Spaghetti! And kat means cat!
Best in Show
I didn‛t even I don‛t know what he means! know that kats could eat spaghett!
By Phil Juliano
Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 9 -- With Jupiter in retrograde, give extra care to communications and negotiations. Return calls and correspondence. You meet a key person at a social gathering. Begin to see what needs to be done. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 8 -- Make new connections and discover new rewards. Scratch another person's back without expectations. Just do a good deed. Keeping your promises gives you the superpower of making things happen. Get ideas from home and family. Gemini (May 21-June 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Encourage group unity. Travel compels but could get complex. Friends help you understand. Expand your customer base by figuring out what the opposition wants. Others find you charming. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is a 9 -- They're saying nice things about you again. But don't fall asleep at the wheel; use those endorsements to generate new sales. Now's a great time to step on the accelerator. You provide the imagination.
Brewster Rockit: Space Guy
By Tim Rickard
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 8 -- Get rid of some of your surplus stuff. It's easier with the help of a friend who's not attached to your possessions. Work with a partner, and accept their coaching. Over the next four months, rejuvenate an old bond. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Turn your attention toward work. Find support and resources where you didn't see them before. Your family is willing to make a difference. Stay out of somebody else's argument. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Work's getting fun. Play with your tasks, and make fascinating discoveries. Take note of your ideas. Your patience is rewarded. A beautiful moment sneaks up on you. Love is contagious, and you have what another seeks. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Investigate ways to increase income and savings. A potential disruption can be avoided. Neatness counts double, especially at home. Work that you love pays very well. Hold out for the best deal. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- You have an unusual advantage when you listen closely. You inspire others. Don't ignore a brilliant idea. Make love your top priority. Spread your love letters to the four corners. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- You may notice temporary overwhelm and possible delays in career advancement, but don't worry. Focus on today, and use renewed confidence to make extra money. Talk about your dreams, and what you love. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is an 8 -- Don't compare yourself to others. You do best focusing on your work. It's not a contest, anyway. Inspiration goes farther than being demanding. Pay back a favor. Good will builds from kindness freely given. Dream out loud. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 9 -- The pressure is increasing. Only use what you need. Kindness is the most valuable gift. Find the good news among the rubble. Don't worry ineffectively. Collect an old debt. Blow off steam with someone you love. (c)2013 bY NANCY BLACK DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
By Harry Bliss
November 8, 2013
Men's Soccer
Women's Soccer
Due to a violation by West Chester, Slippery Rock moves up to the No. 2 seed in the PSAC tournament.
SRU falls to Gannon 1-0 in the opening round of the PSAC playoffs.
See Page C-2
See Page C-3
Rock shuts down Vulcans By Kristin Karam Assistant Sports Editor
Senior quarterback Nigel Barksdale celebrates after rushing into the endzone to give Slippery Rock the lead over California University of Pa. last Saturday afternoon. Barksdale ran for 125 yards and threw for 274 yards against the Vulcans.
The Slippery Rock football team took down California University of Pa. 35-17 last Saturday to become the sole leaders of the PSAC-West. In order to hold the title by themselves, SRU must defeat their final conference opponent, Seton Hill University, Saturday. The win over Cal-U moved Slippery Rock ahead in several rankings. They moved up four spots in the NCAA AFCA poll to No. 20, five spots in the D2Football. com poll to No. 15, eight spots in Beyond Sports Network’s Division II Power Rankings to No. 14 and one place in regional rankings to No. 4. Redshirt senior linebacker Quindell Dean was part of the 2011 team that came close to obtaining a playoff berth but were passed over after the loss to Kutztown University in the PSAC Championship game. “We’re not letting go this time,” Dean said. “We’re going to continue to push and get these last two games so they can’t pass us up.” Despite the potential NCAA playoff appearance looming, head coach George Mihalik is focused on claiming the conference title. “We can’t get ahead of ourselves,” Mihalik said. “This weekend is for the outright sole possession of the Western Conference. We don’t want to share it with anyone else.” Seton Hill has yet to win a game in their first season as a member of the PSAC-West. They will be bringing everything they have into Saturday’s match in order to upset the Rock. “You don’t ever overlook an SEE GREEN, PAGE C-2
SRU loses to Pitt, starts regular season By Madeline Williams Sports Editor
Af ter falling to t he University of Pittsburgh 96-60 in an exhibition game last weekend, the Slippery Rock men’s basketball team is hopeful to kick off the regular season with a win on Saturday. Against Pitt, senior center Maurice Lewis-Briggs led the Rock with 20 points and eight rebounds. Senior forward Tabari Perry recorded a doubledouble with 10 points and 10 rebounds, while senior guard Josh Martin contributed eight points and three assists. Pitt had four players score in the double digits. The Green and White shot 34 percent from the floor, 30 percent from 3-point range, and 63 percent from the foul line. Pitt shot 50 percent from the field, 36 percent
from behind the arc, and 62 percent from the freethrow line. The Panthers held a 45-39 advantage in rebounds. The team enjoyed the opportunity to play against Division I competition during the pre-season and experience the exciting atmosphere of the Petersen Events Center. “Playing Pitt at the Petersen Center is an event that I will remember for the rest of my life,” said redshirt sophomore Jordan Grady. “I will be telling stories of that night for a long time. It was an awesome environment to compete in. The "Zoo" was alive. Playing high Division I players really gave us a sense of where we stand in the world of basketball.” This season, the NCAA i s c r a ck i ng d ow n on hand checking and the interpretation of the blockcharge call, and it definitely has changed the way the game is played. There were 63 fouls in t he R o ck ' s e x h i bit i on
game against Southern Mississippi last Tuesday and 53 fouls called in the Pitt-SRU game last Friday. “The preseason games t aug ht us t hat most importantly we need to work on free throws, especially with the new officiating rules” said redshirt sophomore Maxx Rynd. “Since we competed well with two top Division I teams, I think with some improvements we will be able to achieve a lot of our goals this season. We’re focused and have the right mind set going into the start of the season.” This weekend, Slippery Rock will travel to Shepherd University for the Clarion Hotel Conference Classic where they will take on Charleston in the opening day of action. On Sunday, the Rock will play the tournament’s host team. The next game for SRU will be the home opener on Nov. 14 against Ohio Va l l e y Un i v e r s i t y at Morrow Field House.
Redshirt senior forward Tabari Perry goes up for a layup against University of Pittsburgh last Friday night. Perry earned 10 rebounds and scored 10 points against the Panthers.
November 8, 2013
Men's soccer ready for semifinals By Brian Hepfinger Rocket Contributor
Following the NCAA violation by West Chester University, the Slippery Rock men’s soccer team moved up to the second-seed in PSAC rankings and earned a bye into the semi-finals. West Chester was forced to forfeit their final two conference games due to a player violation. SRU was originally ranked fourth and scheduled to play in the quarterfinals on Tuesday. Junior forward Dom Francis feels the added rest will help the team. “We were all looking forward to the quarterfinal game, but now the rest will help us prepare,” Francis said. Head coach Michael Bonelli said that his team is not concerned with rankings and seeding. “It gives us a couple of more days to prepare, but we’re going to play whoever they give us; we’re not concerned with the seeding,” Bonelli said. Francis earned the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference Men’s Soccer Athlete of the Week because of his lategame heroics in SRU’s game against Millersville University last week. Francis is second on the team with five goals, four assists, and 29 shotson-goal this season. “It’s a great honor to be PSAC Athlete of the Week,” Francis said. “It shows that my hard work in practice is paying off for myself and for my team.” In last week’s game against Millersville University, Francis scored the game-winning goal with eight seconds left. Bonelli said that Francis is having a great season and is a big time player. “Dom is a great attacking player. He’s very good in one-on-one situations,” Bonelli said. “He’s on another level this
season. It was a big time play from a big time player.” The Rock’s last game of the regular season ended in a tie with Shippensburg University 1-1 in double overtime Saturday. The first goal of the game came from Shippensburg junior forward Derrick Roy. He scored off of a penalty kick with 28 seconds left in the first half of the game. It was Roy’s 11th goal of the season. SRU sophomore midfielder Ryan Lutke tied the game up in the 77th minute off of an assist from junior defender Declan Brennan. SRU senior goalkeeper Joe Agerskow made his first start since the beginning of the season and made 11 saves. Shippensburg senior goalkeeper Clay Sale made seven saves. Shippensburg had 29 shots-on-goal, while SRU had 19. The one point scored earned the Green and White a home playoff game. The Rock ends the regular season ranked number 24 in Division II. They finished the season with a record of 12-3-2 overall and a PSAC conference record of 7-3-1. They were 5-3 at home and 7-0-2 away. SRU was ranked eighth at one point in the season, but slipped out of the rankings last week. With their win over Millersville and the tie at Shippensburg they moved back into the rankings. SRU is one of three PSAC teams and four Atlantic Region teams ranked in the top-25. Bonelli thinks that his team was a top-25 team all season. “Throughout the regular season we were a top-25 team in the nation,” Bonelli said. “We embrace it for a little while and enjoy it, but then we focus on the next game.” The Green and White’s first playoff game will be at Mercyhurst against
Senior forward Michael Ramirez takes the ball across the field against last week's 4-3 win over Millersville University. Ramirez has recorded one shot on goal in the last two regular season matches.
Millersville in the semifinals at 2 p.m. today. Bonelli said that his team does take into account their game against Millersville last week, but that it doesn’t matter who they play. “It’s obviously a higher-level game; we’re one of only two teams to qualify for the PSAC semifinals three of the last four years,” Bonelli said. “Our goal
is to win the PSAC over whoever they put in front of us, but of course we put some stock in the game against Millersville last week.” Mercyhurst has the first seed in the playoffs and will host West Chester for a semifinal game at 11 a.m. on Friday. The winner of each game will square off for the PSAC title at 1 p.m. on Saturday.
Green and White set to play Seton Hill
Redshirt junior wide receiver Ken Amos gains a few extra yards after a completion against the Vulcans last Saturday afternoon. Amos totaled six completions for 48 yards.
Continued from Page C 1
opponent,” Mihalik said. “We did that in week three. We learned our lesson and we’re not going to let history repeat itself.” Slippery Rock heads into the game with a versatile offense and a defense that hasn’t allowed more than 20 points in the past five games. Dean led the defensive effort against Cal-U with 16 tackles, earning him national
recognition as one of Beyond Sports Network’s Division II Athlete of the Week. Redshirt senior defensive lineman Tony Papley recorded seven tackles, followed by redshirt senior linebacker Bob Westerlund with six. Junior Austin Miele, redshirt junior defensive end Kevin Kulka and freshman linebacker Bob Vernick each recorded five tackles. Vernick was asked to step in this game after a review
on a targeting penalty during the game against Edinboro University prevented senior linebacker Gary Allen from being eligible to play. “Gary is a big part of our defense,” Mihalik said. “The defense is like a brotherhood and they knew they had to up their level of play to support Vernick. Vernick stepped up and played a good game.” The Rock defense has been utilizing the efforts of different players each game to try and
throw off the opposing defense. Redshirt sophomore safety Derek Morgan recorded SRU’s only interception against Cal-U late in the fourth quarter to end the Vulcan’s comeback attempt. “Our motto is to play relentlessly,” Dean said. “We’re just going to keep playing relentlessly. It doesn’t matter if a team is 0-9. We have to push and that’s just the way it is.” The strong stance from the defense allowed the Rock’s offense to take their time finding a comfortable rhythm. Out of their four possessions, SRU was forced to punt three times and senior quarterback Nigel Barksdale was picked off once. “Cal shut me out the first quarter,” Barksdale said. “I wasn’t too happy about it but the defense stepped up and I was able to get into a rhythm after the first touchdown.” After figuring out Cal’s defensive attack, Barksdale was able to throw for 274 yards and two touchdowns. Barksdale also added to the offensive effort on the ground with 125 rushing yards and one touchdown. “When you have a mobile quarterback that is a threat with his arms and legs, it puts tremendous pressure on the defense,” Mihalik said. “Barksdale can make things happen for the offense.” Barksdale’s effort earned him the PSAC Offensive Player of the Week, as well as one of the recipients of Beyond Sports Network’s National Division II Athlete of the Week. Redshirt senior wide receiver John Schademan earned his sixth 100-plus yard game of the season with 105 receiving
yards. Schademan also caught a touchdown pass from redshirt senior wide receiver Michael Bongivengo. Bongivengo also contributed to the offensive effort with two completions for 12 yards. Barksdale’s two touchdown passes went to sophomore wide receiver Jaimire Dutrieuille and redshirt senior tight end Robert Joyce. Dutrieuille had seven completions on the day for 57 yards. The touchdown pass was Joyce’s sole completion of the day for 14 yards. Redshirt junior Ken Amos added 48 yards off six completions. Slippery Rock totaled 249 yards rushing. Redshirt sophomore running back Brett Crenshaw took 14 carries for 65 yards and ran in one touchdown. Redshirt junior Teddy Blakeman totaled 17 yards on three carries, followed by senior Jimmy Zubik with 16 yards and six carries and redshirt freshman Shamar Greene with 13 yards on four carries. With the offense continuing to produce solid numbers and the defense stepping up, Mihalik said he’s noticing the team evolve. “We’re becoming a total, complete team,” Mihalik said. “I love the play of the defense and the offense, but we still need to improve on phases of special teams. We had a blocked field goal attempt and you can’t have that.” Slippery Rock will face off against their final regularseason opponent, Seton Hill, at 12:30 p.m. in Greensburg and look to claim the PSAC-West title.
November 8, 2013
Rock upset in opening round of PSACs By Matthew Morgan Rocket Contributor
The SRU women’s soccer team fought to defend their 2012 PSAC title against Gannon University Tuesday night. The second-seed Rock was upset at Mihalik-Thompson stadium, losing to the Golden Knights 1–0 in regulation play. The loss not only ended SRU’s nine game winning streak, but also knocked the Rock out of the PSAC playoffs. The lone goal of the game came in the 29th minute when Gannon deposited a goal behind senior goalkeeper Dana O’Neill off of a free kick. Following the goal, Gannon cancelled any offensive opportunities for the Rock by overloading their players on defense. With only three shots and none on target, SRU struggled to provide themselves with any chance of scoring. “I don’t think we did enough or created enough chances to win the game,” head coach Noreen Herlihy said. “You need to create opportunities to score goals. We didn’t do that well enough. In retrospect, this was only our third loss this year. I think we need to put the loss behind us. It’s been a great experience participating in the conference playoffs but the title is a very difficult thing to defend." With the win, Gannon will advance to the PSAC semifinals against sixth-seed West Chester University who defeated third-seed Kutztown 2-1 Tuesday afternoon. The two teams will face off at 1:30pm today. Slippery Rock now awaits the NCAA Selection Show on Monday night in hopes of earning a sot in the NCAA Atlantic Regional playoffs. SRU has been the top seed in all Atlantic Region polls from the NCAA thus far this year.
“There is a good chance we will still be selected for the NCAA tournament,” O’Neill said. “We will have to keep our hopes high and keep practicing with intensity as if we are going to be selected.” On Wednesday evening, the PSAC announced their All-PSAC selections for the 2013 season with the Rock earning six positions. Andrea Felix was named the PSAC Freshman of the Year for her impressive performance on offense in her first season. Felix finished the regular season in a three-way tie for third place in the PSAC standings for overall goals. She tallied 10 goals on the year and tied Brittney Kuhns of IUP and Mani Brueckner of Gannon. Freshman Dara Demich finished tied for sixth with ninegoals. Senior Lauren Impey was named the PSAC Defender of the Year thanks to her aggressive and effective play. O’Neill was named a PSAC first team selection at goalkeeper, along with Impey at defense and sophomore Allison Harbart at midfield. Junior Leslie Henny was named to the PSAC second team for a second consecutive year at midfield. Felix earned her first selection at forward. Freshman Lynn Neef was named to the PSAC third team at defense. “If I were to give one message to my teammates, it would be to not take the game for granted,” O’Neill said. “Your years will fly by and it’s important to truly embrace every opportunity you get to step on the field.” O’Neill concluded her final regular season as net minder for the Rock with the second lowest Goals Allowed Average (GaAvg) in the PSAC at .582. Ashley Magruda of California University claimed first place with a
Sophomore forward Cailin Conner moves past a Gannon University defender at the quarterfinal round of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference playoffs Tuesday night. The Golden Knights upset the Rock 1-0.
.354 GaAvg. Slippery Rock finished the 2013 regular season with a 13-2-2 record and a 12-2-2 record in the PSAC. Shippensburg finished the year 11-5-1 and 10-5-1 in PSAC play. “Overall I am very proud of this team. A lot of new faces coming in
as defending champs and it’s a lot of pressure,” Herlihy said. “The future of this team remains bright, we still have a lot of soccer left to play this year. The loss to Gannon should propel us forward, I have no doubt that we have enough characters on this team to see that happen.”
November 8, 2013
Senate November 11th at 8:45pm in the Smith Student Center Theater Co-op November 21st at 12:30pm in 321 Smith Student Center
We’re the Millers Show Times: Friday 4pm & 8pm Saturday 8pm Sunday 8pm
The Happy Bus will be taking a trip to Butler shopping areas, including Target, Walmart, and Clearview Mall. A detailed bus schedule can be found at
Saxophonist comes to campus Check out this video of saxophonist, David Liebman at SRU. Online Exclusive
Made in the U.S.A Rock 'N Fashions writer Katie Ellis reviews some styles made only in America by U.S. designers. See Page D-2
By Rebecca Marcucci Campus Life Editor
With SRU being a nationally recognized MilitaryFriendly school, they are proud to award their Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) students with various scholarships they can apply for. For junior criminology and criminal justice major, Geurin Barrows, 20, being awarded an active duty scholarship was more than an honor, he said. “Before receiving the scholarship I was doing anything asked of me by the ROTC cadre to prove to them I was worthy to receive the scholarship,” Barrows said. Barrows added that once he was awarded the scholarship he actually felt more pressure, he said.
"I have to further push myself and prove to the cadre through hard work that they made the right choice."-Geurin Barrows “I have to further push myself and prove to the cadre through hard work that they made the right choice,” he said. Barrows was also given the scholarship based on his academic merit with a QPA of 3.9. Barrows is also involved with CULP (Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program), Ranger Challenge, and Air Assault School through the ROTC. The scholarship guarantees that Barrows will have three and a half years of his education at SRU paid for. A monthly stipend will also be included. The terms of the scholarship require Barrows to serve at least four years active duty and four additional years of either active, guard, or Army reserve duties. Barrows also serves as a cadet command sergeant major in the Frontier Battalion on campus. Military science and ROTC enrollment officer at SRU, Captain Bryan Morgan agreed that Barrows deserved the SEE ROTC PAGE D-3
" He was physically fit and mature for his age and well on his way to being a military leader." - Captain Bryan Morgan
PHOTO COURTESY OF GEURIN BARROWS Junior criminology and criminal justice major Geurin Barrows, 20, has displayed tenacity through ROTC training programs such as CULP (Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program), Ranger Challenge, and Air Assault School in preparation for his active duty scholarship.
SRU's FMLA Organization hosts Take Back the Night By Amber Cannon Rocket Contributor
“This is me taking a stand and saying no more violence on this campus for men and women. They should feel safe on their college campus,” passionate Political Science professor, Dr. Heather Frederick, said about the Feminist Majority L e a d e rs h ip A l l i anc e’s (FMLA) hosted event Take Back the Night on Tuesday night under the SGA Gazebo. Take Back the Night is a nationally recognized event primarily led by women to rally against sexual violence. Take Back the Night started in the 1970s.The event drew a large crowd of females and males as they gathered to take a march around campus, share survivors’ stories and hold a candlelight vigil. The women’s movement at SRU has been a very popular movement for years, Frederick said. FMLA is one of the primary groups on campus that focuses
greatly on the implication of the feminist movements. Frederick is the club’s advisor. She is very involved with the club as well as the feminist movements on campus. “Just the title alone, Take Back the Night, is a way for people to reclaim the night and say 'I can walk across campus late at night and should not be afraid of being raped,'” Frederick said. “Rape happens to women in high school and college, but we never choose to talk about it.” President of FMLA and senior secondary English education major and women’s studies minor, Brandy Geist, 21, explained that the event was very important because it honored those affected by sexual violence. “I think a lot of times women are told the ways to avoid getting raped, but sometimes we don’t really understand how to interpret that. This event is a way to take a stand and be defiant and know that women
PHOTO COURTESY OF CASEY SQUIRES A group of students attended the "Take Back the Night" event to support survivors of sexual violence and to take a stand and not be afraid to walk across campus at night without the fear of rape.
should be safe no matter what they are doing,” Geist said. Although FMLA is a feminist-based club, not everyone in FMLA is female. There are many males
involved in the club. The club tries to raise awareness on areas of life outside the campus in which men and women are not equal, such as salary inequalities and laws that treat women differently
than men that create a more difficult environment for women. Not only are thousands of women raped each year, but men as well. SEE WOMEN PAGE D-3
CAMPUS LIFE American-made fashions hit the runway November 8, 2013
Katie Ellis "ROCK'n Fashion" Katie Ellis is a junior journalism major and a regular contributor to The Rocket. When the average person looks through clothes hanging in their closet, it’s likely that labels on the inside of the clothes are stamped with “Made in China” or “Made in Thailand”, among other places. A number of brands are beginning to make their clothes in America, and others are gaining recognition for the strides that they have made for homegrown fashion. Brooks Brothers, ModCloth, and Ralph Lauren are leading the comeback of American clothing brands. Brooks Brothers has been an American fashion institution for 195 years because of their timeless designs and commitment to using high-quality materials. It is undoubtedly one of the nation’s finest clothiers of women’s and children’s fashions, although it is most recognized for their menswear pieces. A collection of menswear ranging from tuxedo jackets to loafers is proudly made in America by family-owned
companies with storied histories. The Rancourt & Co. Five-Eyelet Mudguard Boots are a prime example of a quality product made stateside by a familyowned company that spans three generations in Maine. These shoes are shaped and stitched by hand, by company experts creating products that rivals similar boots made by Gucci and John Varvatos in Italy. Unconventional items sold through Brooks Brothers like the limited edition Fly Fishing Vest, are crafted by one of the nation’s premiere outerwear brands, Filson. An American institution ever since the Gold Rush, Filson is committed to selling American made products guaranteed to last, which makes their partnership with Brooks Brothers all the more perfect. While the items sold at Brooks Brothers aren’t fit for a college budget, their made in America pieces are suitable for the working man’s wardrobe. It’s no surprise that ModCloth is catching on like wildfire, with their designs showing up on Taylor Swift. The brand’s vintage inspired designs are what drew the American sweetheart to their clothing, and with vintage silhouettes becoming more popular by the day, the Pittsburgh-born company is quickly growing in size to accommodate their growing fan base. Susan Gregg Koger and her husband, Eric, founded ModCloth whenever they were students at Carnegie Mellon University, and have since expanded their business to include offices based on the west coast in San Francisco and Los
PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS American fashion designer Ralph Lauren is in preparation for designing American-made clothing for Team USA for the Winter Olympics
Angeles. Although the brand’s designs feature silhouettes pulled straight from the ‘50s, their eyecatching colors and prints bring them into the 21st century. All of the styles from ModCloth retail at affordable prices and are classic enough to be worn well in to the future. Following the controversy surrounding Chinese-made uniforms worn by athletes participating in the Summer Olympic Games at London in 2012, Ralph Lauren has made all of the clothing for the Winter Olympic Games in
Sochi in the United States. To account for every detail, Lauren began designing the clothing for the Games at the company headquarters in New York City, and used materials from across the country to assemble his designs. Wool was taken from the Imperial Stock Ranch in Ohio. Yarn was spun in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, dyed in Hickory, North Carolina, and brought together in Los Angeles to create nearly 65,000 items for the athletes of Team USA. Starting November 15, all of the items
to be worn in Sochi this January will be available for purchase on Lauren’s website and in various retail locations, including Macy’s, across the country. Although it has become standard for Americans to buy clothing made in other countries, it is possible to find quality items made in the United States. Brooks Brothers, Mod Cloth, and Ralph Lauren are just three of the brands known for manufacturing their clothing stateside, and are committed to maintaining the legacy of American fashion for many years to come.
iTunes top 10 hits have alternative sounds
Harmony Kasper "Side Notes" Harmony Kasper is a junior journalism major and a regular contributor to The Rocket.
The iTunes top 10 songs at the moment could not be any more different from each other. The list includes soulful music, hip-hop, R&B, pop and more. There is a reason these songs are the most popular downloads right now. Each one reflects the artist’s personal sound that connects with so many fans around the world. 1. “Bad Day”- Justin Bieber Let’s begin with everyone’s favorite “bad boy”. Even though I dislike Bieber, I will admit, the sound is different from his previous hits and ties closer with other pop/R&B favorites like Chris Brown and Justin Timberlake. The song displays a raw voice for Justin that sometimes cannot be credited with all the electronic sound and digital editing with his previous singles. I don’t know if it’s the music or the lyrics, but this song is definitely a new Justin. 2. “Royals”- Lorde Did you know Lorde (whose real name is Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O’Connor) is only sixteen years old? Listening to “Royals” without knowing the age of this up-and-coming superstar from New Zealand could fool anyone. Currently on many radio stations, this
song holds the No. 1 spot for numerous reasons. It may be the snapping in the background, the sultry music that goes along with Lorde’s unique voice, or the exotic lyrics that sound different from anything you have ever heard. I know one thing’s for sure when this song is in my head, I cannot get it out. 3. “Story of My Life”- One Direction Could this boy band be any more on top of the world right now? Their new song brings emotion along with a video that I am sure will make any viewer’s heart melt. Sometimes it’s hard to tell which member is singing because their voices blend so perfectly. I must give credit to a band that has done it right since their formation on the British X Factor. 4. “Roar”- Katy Perry Katy Perry never fails in releasing a powerful, independent, female anthem. This singer has repeatedly released hits that have stayed on the charts for weeks and have never left our minds. This song specifically includes upbeat rhythm and lyrics that many can relate to at some point in our lives. Not to mention the over-the-top, crazy video that Perry does so well with every single she releases. You’re going to hear her roar! 5 . “C ou nt i ng St ars” OneRepublic I do not follow OneRepublic, but after listening to this song a few times, I am obsessed. This song definitely gives that cool, alternative vibe that has both fast and slow transitions to it. For a band that has been in the business since 2003, there is nothing stopping them from continuing their
PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS Artists such as Justin Bieber are familiar with being on top of the iTunes top 10 list, turning out songs that fans find to be catchy and lyrically upbeat.
dreams of making music. I can see this song continuing to rise, possibly to the number one spot. 6. “Wake Me Up”- Avicii I feel as though this song has been out for a while, so I was very surprised to see it on the list. Avicii’s hit may be overplayed on the radio, but it’s still popular amongst iTunes users. In case you didn’t know, Avicii (whose real name is Tim Bergling) is a Swedish DJ. This song combines the soulful voice of Aloe Blacc with the hard, techno beats by the DJ’s board to make something special. 7. “Wrecking Ball”- Miley Cyrus After already writing a music review on Miley’s new album, I can deem myself an expert on her music. I don’t know of anyone who has heard this song and cannot
sympathize with Miley. The emotions are raw and without thinking about the confusing video, you can feel the pain she must feel based on her break-up with Liam Hemsworth. 8. “Perfume”- Britney Spears Britney is back! With a new album titled “Britney Jean” out this month, there is no stopping this mother of two from doing what she has done for so long. Loyal Britney fans will love the song but if you’re not one who usually follows her, it won’t do anything for you. The title and song lyrics do not have a great purpose that draws me in to listen more than once. 9. “Let Her Go”- Passenger The s ong s eems lig ht, resembling the music a “hipster” might gravitate
towards. Passenger was a British folk/rock band until they broke up and lead singer Mike Rosenberg continued solo under the band’s name. His voice has a higher pitch, but is soft and fits along with the acoustics. It is definitely unique in a world with so many singers. The song is good for long car rides home this current season. 10. “Timber” Pitbull (feat. Ke$ha) - The sound to this song is upbeat countr y, which does not correspond with either of the two artists. Pitbull does his usual rap parts while Ke$ha carries most of the song. If you are a fan of either of these two artists I am sure you will enjoy the song. For me, it was nothing new from either of these two artists and their previous collaborations.
November 8, 2013
SRU Celebrates Internations Week Active duty scholarship awarded Continued from Page D 1
REBECCA DIETRICH/THE ROCKET Freshman Athletic Training major London Heard was showcased in this year's Internations Week fashion show in a cultural outfit.
Slippery Rock held their annual Internations Week that celebrates different cultures on campus. The events included Sports Night on Sunday, The Internations Fashion Show on Tuesday night, the Showcase and Coffee House also on Tuesday, "Gay Rights Around the World", on Wednesday, the Round Table Discussion on Thursday, and lastly the International Dinner on Saturday night.
scholarship. “If he wasn’t qualified for the scholarship he wouldn’t have one,” Morgan said. Morgan noted that Barrows has accepted responsibility for the welfare of his subordinates and his nation as a future military leader, he said. “I met Guerin in military science class when he was a freshman,” Morgan said. “He was physically fit and mature for his age and well on his way to being a military leader.” The scholarship is roughly worth $42,300 over seven semesters of college, Morgan said. It pays for tuition and fees, books every semester, and a cost of living stipend every month during the academic year. “Guerin is competing for an active duty commission,” Morgan said. “Which means he can be stationed worldwide participating in either peacekeeping or combat missions.”
To apply for any of the available ROTC scholarships Morgan said cadets must pass a Department of Defense medical examination, be enrolled as a full-time student at the university and maintain a 2.5 GPA to be eligible. Then they must compete further to earn a scholarship by demonstrating to the ROTC Cadre a strong aptitude for military leadership, Morgan said. “While a 2.5 GPA is a minimum for the scholarship,” Morgan said. “We expect our cadets to maintain much higher grades in order to compete for the jobs they want in the military, and to be eligible for advanced education programs in the military. “ Barrows will eventually lead soldiers and be a military leader, Morgan said. “We only want the best qualified candidates to take on that responsibility,” he said.
Women fight for right to be safe anywhere Continued from Page D 1
Frederick explained why females and males should be concerned about these issues. “I think all women should be concerned when women are victimized or raped or violence occurs against men or women,” she said. “I think violence in general is a thing, but sexual violence in particular is something that happens a lot on college campuses. Slippery Rock is not an exception to that.” Frederick went on to say that men and women are both raped on this campus. She stated that women should be aware of ways to empower themselves and prevent violence happening against them and men need to understand how to end the violence as well.
“Just because a woman is wearing a short skirt doesn’t mean she wants to be raped or have sex,” she said. “Also, a lot of men don’t realize that drunk women cannot consent to sex. If they are having sex with someone really drunk, that’s rape.” At the event, Geist stated a statistic that shocked a lot of students. One ub four college women will experience attempted or completed rape. She explained that rape is not something that happens to a selected few and even students in her classroom have experienced it at one time or another. Geist also went on to explain that not enough women are educated about feminist issues on campus. “Do I think women are educated about the
feminist movement? Generally, probably not. I think there is a select minority of people that are really passionate about it.” Among the many students that attended Take Back the Night, senior political science major Kim Graziano, 23, said that the event was very moving. “This event is always good. It’s very moving to hear all of the survivors’ stories of rape,” she said. Graziano went on to explain how hearing the survivors’ stories are always refreshing and inspiring. She said that FMLA always does a great job with this event. The Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance meets every Tuesday at 9PM in the Women’s Center located in the CSIL office.
Are you an SRU Student? No matter where you Live the Student Health Center is there for
McLachlan Student Health Center Location: Rhoads Hall Hours: Open 24/7
Services Available for BOTH On and Off Campus Students: x x x x x x x x x x
Evaluation, Treatment and Management of Injury, Illness, and other Health Related Issues Self-Care Cold Center son! a e S s Allergy Injections ot thi 2 h S u l 5 F Immunizations FREE 724.738.20 r u o y TB Testing n call o ge t o t i t t a e g rm or Free Pregnancy Tests on’t F r more info D STI Testing Available for a Minimal Fee Fo Gynecological and Contraceptive Services Peer to Peer Wellness Education Safer Sex Supplies Sold at a Reduced Fee through the Protection Connection
November 8, 2013