sru rocket 2-22-13

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Double-digit scores for five Rock players

The Rocket

Friday, February 22, 2013

MTV's Nev Schulman lectures on campus

Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper

Volume 96, Number 16

Music Therapy hosts their first Black History Month event By Kevin Squires Rocket Contributor


See the Campus Life Section on Page C-1 for the inside story on Catfish on Campus and Nev's SRU visit.

"Vagina Monologues" offers diverse insight into female sexuality

Est. 1934

The Slipp er y Ro ck University Music Therapy hosted its first ever Black History Month event on Wednesday night. The event took place at 7 p.m. in Swope Music Building and consisted of a presentation on African music followed by a drum circle with participation by everyone in attendance. A drum circle is a group of individuals making music together in a circle. Ashley Taylor, senior music therapy major and president of the Music Therapy Club, explains just how important it was to have an event like this in honor of Black History Month. “I think people take for granted the music we have in America and don’t realize how much of it is influenced by African culture,” she said. The Club

chose to do a drum circle because it was interactive and offered good cultural information and a unique musical experience. The event began with an introduction to the impact African music has made on America. “[In America] there existed a love for African music and a refusal to respect the people who made it,” Taylor said. Some of the most successful and popular music in the United States is thanks to AfricanAmericans. “R agtime, blues, jazz, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, soul, funk, disco, hip-hop, and electronic dance music all have origins from African and African-Americans.” Taylor also explained. Next, the presentation took a look at African music as a whole and the SEE DRUM, PAGE A-3

Flat tire leads to two-vehicle crash on Kiester

By Jonathan Janasik Rocket News Editor

“Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!” the audience members of the Swope Music Auditorium cheered with SRU student Paige Niezelski, who was wearing a dress with the word “cunt” spelled out in large red capital letters. This was a part of the episodic play The Vagina Monologues entitled “Reclaiming Cunt” in which a woman explains how the word “cunt” is actually a beautiful word despite often being used in a negative way. The Vagina Monologues is a play written by Tony award winning playwright Eve Ensler that features different monologues that focus on the female experience. “The show is vulgar, honest, and it’s startling,” English professor and cast member Dr. Rebecca May said. “I think that’s the point of the show. It’s to startle people into acknowledging the silence that surrounds women’s sexuality, and the kinds of experiences women can have. Some of those are heartbreaking, some of those are terrifying, and some of those are hilarious. Throughout the event, facts about violence against women were presented to the audience. An example provided by the National College Women Sexual Victimization Study was that an estimated 1 in 4 to 1 in 5 college women experienced a completed or attempted rape within their years at school. Another statistic stated that there have been 17.7 million reported cases of women being victims of completed or attempted rape. Ensler is also the founder of V-Day, which is an organization that raises awareness about violence against women and girls. “I want the issue of violence against women and the V-Day organization to be something that the audiences takes away from the show," senior Political Science cast member Nicole Geyer said. “But I also want them to take away the fact that things don’t always have to be so serious. We don’t always have to be so upfront. We can be funny and can joke about things that women go through.” The play will be performed from Wednesday Feb. 20 to Friday the Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $5, or $3 with a student ID. Proceds from the event will benefit Butler County VOICe and Lawrence County Crisis Shelter. “Whether or not you have a vagina, you’re welcome to come to the show,” senior mathematics and professional studies major and cast member Grace Evans said. “A lot of it is funny, and a lot of it is serious. That dynamic provides a really good show for people to see. It’s not about bashing men. It’s about awareness and making every woman in the world feel like they have a voice in this matter."


The Slippery Rock Fire Department responded to a two-vehicle accident Tuesday evening, resulting in one injury. The accident involved a white Suzuki sedan and a gray Toyota SUV (seen at Back Left). For video footage of the accident, scan the QR code below or see

By Andy Treese Campus Life Editor

and Catie Clark Assistant News Editor

A two-vehicle traffic collision o c c u r re d on Ki e s te r ro a d. outside of the southern entrance to SRU and injured one person Tuesday evening around 6:30 p.m. According to Slippery Rock Fire Marshal Dave Taggart. According to Taggart, the accident was called in at 6:32 p.m. after a gray Toyota SUV turned left onto Kiester Rd. from the university entrance as a white

Suzuki sedan with a flat front tire was coming down the hill on the road. The driver of the sedan, Kimberly Arntz, a junior Business Major, attempted to swerve off of the road and to the right in order to avoid colliding with the gray SUV. As the sedan swerved right, the car flipped onto its left side and pinned Arntz inside of her vehicle as the gray SUV collided into the flipped vehicle, according to Taggart. The identity of the driver of the gray Toyota SUV is currently unknown. Arntz had to be extricated from the

wreckage by emergency officials. After officials removed her from the vehicle, Arntz was taken to Grove City Medical Center by paramedics, according to Taggart. Arntz refused comment at press time, and the extent of her injuries remain unknown.



February 22, 2013








Freezing rain in the morning

Variable clouds with a shower

Mostly cloudy, snow showers

Breezy with clouds and sun

A chance for rain and snow

Cloudy with flurries

Cloudy, a rain or snow shower









Sun. Mon.


Wed. Thu.

The patented RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather factors. Shown are the highest and lowest values for each day.

REGIONAL CITIES CITY Akron Allentown Altoona Cleveland Erie Harrisburg Indiana Johnstown Philadelphia Pittsburgh Scranton State College Wheeling Williamsport Youngstown

Friday HI LO W 36 32 i 38 32 pc 34 28 sn 38 33 sn 38 33 sn 36 33 sn 36 31 sn 34 28 i 40 35 pc 36 33 i 38 31 pc 34 30 sn 40 35 i 38 31 sn 38 32 sn

Saturday HI LO W 41 26 pc 39 33 r 41 29 r 39 26 pc 41 28 c 42 33 r 44 27 c 40 26 c 44 36 r 45 27 c 38 33 sn 39 29 i 46 28 pc 40 31 i 43 25 c



Sunday HI LO W 37 25 pc 42 28 pc 40 23 pc 36 25 c 35 25 sf 43 28 pc 37 22 c 33 23 pc 45 32 pc 40 25 c 37 26 pc 39 23 pc 40 26 pc 42 25 pc 35 22 c






Sun. Mon.

Tuesday HI LO W 38 26 sn 44 26 r 38 25 i 39 27 sn 38 27 sn 45 29 r 38 25 i 35 23 i 46 36 r 39 26 sn 41 27 i 39 26 i 41 26 sn 41 26 i 39 26 sn

Students planning on student teaching during the spring semester 2013 should pre-register for student teaching by April 12, 2013. Please see your advisor for more information. Students must take all Praxis, PAPA or PECT exams prior to student teaching.

Visiting Artist Emily Walley The Martha Gault Art Society Lectures Series presents Emily Walley. The artist's lecture will be held Tuesday, March 12th during common hour. The event is located in Room 107 of Art Building I.

Rock Writing 2013 is Seeking Writers Students of any major are being asked to submit their poetry, stories, and essays to be published in Rock Writing. Submissions must be e-mailed to or dropped off the English department mailbox 314 in Spotts World Culture Building by March 8, 2013.

To submit a Rock Note please send your announcement by 6 p.m. Wednesday to Jonathan Janasik at or to The Rocket does not guarantee that all requests will be published in the paper.

Index Rock Notes...............A-2 Comics.....................A-7 Weather map...........A-2 Sports...................B-1 Blotter.................A-3 Campus Life.............C-1 Opinion...............A-4

220 Eisenberg Building Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 16057

2011 Runner-up Most Outstanding Newspaper Society of Collegiate Journalists


Wed. Thu.

Wednesday HI LO W 37 23 sf 38 26 pc 37 26 sf 36 26 sf 36 26 sf 42 28 pc 37 25 sf 33 23 sf 46 34 pc 38 26 sf 40 25 c 37 26 sf 39 26 sf 39 26 sf 36 25 sf

Student Teaching Pre-Registration

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The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.

Monday HI LO W 43 29 c 44 32 pc 43 28 pc 42 31 c 45 32 pc 48 33 pc 42 29 pc 41 28 pc 48 34 pc 48 30 pc 44 32 pc 43 29 pc 49 29 c 45 31 pc 42 27 pc






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Thursday HI LO W 36 21 sn 43 30 c 37 24 sn 36 30 sn 35 28 sn 43 30 i 37 28 c 33 19 sn 45 32 sh 38 23 c 39 26 c 38 27 sf 38 24 c 43 25 c 36 24 sn

Rise 7:05 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 7:02 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 6:59 a.m. 6:58 a.m. 6:56 a.m. Rise 3:13 p.m. 4:14 p.m. 5:16 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:31 p.m. 9:38 p.m.

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Set 6:03 p.m. 6:04 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:07 p.m. 6:08 p.m. 6:09 p.m. 6:10 p.m. Set 4:51 a.m. 5:26 a.m. 5:59 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:31 a.m. 8:03 a.m.









Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2013


Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal


Above Near Below Normal Normal Normal

National Summary: An area of low pressure over the Great Lakes will bring snow showers to the region Saturday with a rain and snow mix over much of upstate New York. A low pressure system forming off the East Coast will provide rain to most coastal areas with thunderstorms farther south in Florida and Georgia A storm in the Rockies will bring snow from Utah to Idaho. The coastal low will intensify Sunday and bring heavy snow to the coast of New England. The low in the Rockies will move into the plains, bringing snow t the Dakotas and Nebraska. The storm in the Plains will intensify Monday with thunderstorms along the Gu Coast, rain farther north and snow in Iowa and Wisconsin.


Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursda CITY HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W HI LO W Atlanta 48 44 r 61 40 r 66 47 pc 58 38 r 56 37 pc 59 39 s 57 33 Boston 38 30 pc 40 34 c 38 30 sn 39 33 pc 42 33 r 42 28 sn 40 31 Chicago 36 25 sn 31 21 c 34 28 pc 38 28 sn 37 24 sn 35 24 sf 36 20 s Cincinnati 50 30 c 43 26 pc 47 35 pc 48 31 r 41 29 c 43 27 c 41 23 Dallas 50 30 s 56 41 pc 72 37 pc 61 39 s 67 46 s 65 41 s 63 39 Denver 36 18 c 48 18 pc 36 14 sn 43 23 s 42 20 pc 47 26 s 53 27 Detroit 36 29 sn 36 24 sf 35 25 pc 41 29 pc 37 26 sn 39 25 sf 38 28 Houston 71 42 c 68 45 pc 69 49 c 67 43 pc 69 47 pc 64 42 c 69 42 Indianapolis 44 26 r 36 25 pc 44 31 pc 43 28 r 38 28 c 40 26 sf 40 20 s Kansas City 28 10 pc 33 19 s 36 25 c 36 20 sn 37 21 pc 39 25 pc 42 24 p Los Angeles 67 46 s 65 48 pc 74 50 s 72 48 s 69 48 s 72 50 s 73 59 p Miami 83 72 pc 84 70 pc 85 70 pc 86 71 pc 78 61 t 77 65 pc 78 54 p Nashville 64 35 c 52 30 pc 57 41 pc 57 35 r 51 32 c 58 36 pc 49 28 New Orleans 72 54 r 68 49 r 69 57 t 66 43 t 64 45 pc 67 51 s 70 43 p New York City 38 34 pc 43 36 r 43 32 sn 46 34 pc 44 36 r 46 37 pc 46 33 Orlando 85 65 pc 86 67 pc 83 64 c 85 61 c 69 44 c 73 54 pc 76 42 Phoenix 62 44 pc 66 46 s 66 44 pc 67 44 s 71 49 s 73 52 s 78 57 San Francisco 59 46 pc 58 43 pc 60 45 s 58 43 pc 59 43 s 59 46 pc 62 52 p Seattle 48 38 r 48 39 r 49 41 r 49 36 sh 47 38 c 48 38 r 49 44 Washington, DC 39 36 sn 44 39 r 50 33 pc 50 38 pc 53 34 r 47 33 pc 46 31 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.

University offers fair appeal process for grades By Erica Kurvach Rocket News Editor

A Lehigh University student sued her school over her grade, but the court overruled the case. “I’m not surprised they threw out the case,” Eliott Baker, the executive Director for Academic Records, Summer School and Graduate Studies, said. He said that SRU has never been sued for grades. However, students have the right to get a change through an appeal if their grade is inaccurate. The due process can be found in the Final Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure. “It’s always fair for the students and for the university to have due process if they think they have been treated unfairly,” Baker said. “They should be able to discuss the matter.” Due process is set up like an algorithm, but in general, a student would have to

start the process with his or her professor first, the chair person, dean and then a hearing board. Baker said that the vast majority of grades are changed without further appeal. As a word of advice, Baker suggests that student should keep a record of the process. “Keep e-mails, notes and copies that you send,” Baker said. “Make sure you appeal in the first two weeks in case your professor doesn’t respond.” Baker encouraged students to informally talk with their professors about their grades first. Most changes in grades are made through an informal talk with professors. “Sometimes professors accidentally type the wrong grade and will change it if a student points it out,” Baker said. Baker said that the court does not judge grades because they do not qualify to do

so. Richard Rainsberger, a retired formal registrar at Carnegie Mellon University and expert in the privacy education acts, said that Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not cover the appeal of grades. They would suggest that if students with disabilities were not accommodated that they retake the course with the accommodations. Lehigh student, Megan Thode, sued her school for giving her a C+ which prevented her from pursuing a career as a licensed professional counselor. Thode received a zero in classroom participation—the points she needed to have received a B. One of Lehigh’s lawyers said she lost points in participation due to her unprofessional behavior including swearing in class and having an outburst once in the classroom. She now is a drug-and-alcohol counselor after graduating Lehigh with a master’s degree in human development.

SGA votes to raise Student Life and Campus Rec fees By Catie Clark Assistant News Editor

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association voted to support the raise of three different fees Monday night. The fees, which will be officially approved or denied by the Council of Trustees the first week in March, will impact the entire student body. The fees that SGA chose to support include the Student Life Enhancement fee, the Campus Recreation fee, and an increased housing fee in North Hall, Rhoads Hall and the Rock Apartments. Dr. Constance Foley, Vice President of Student Life, said there was a need for the rise in cost not only to keep up with the other residence halls, but also to go towards the broadband project to improve Internet in the dorms. The letter SGA plans to send to the Council of Trustees will be in support of a two percent increase, in confidence the broadband project will be further pursued. “The increase will only amount to about $34 per student, per semester living in the average double,” Foley said. “Buildings A through F automatically go up two percent every year, so the increase in fees will only be to match other residence halls.” Anthony Plumberg, Commuter Senator, said the fees are a price students are willing to pay. “Students are not excited about any increase in fees,” Plumberg said. “But they are willing to accept and pay these fees if it means better Internet.” Foley controls the Student Life Enhancement fee, and is hoping to allow extra in the fund to go towards athletics in upcoming school years. SGA is supporting this fee with the stipulation that a cap of five percent is set on any athletic spending that may occur from the fee’s account. According to Foley, students are charged five dollars for every credit hour they take for the fee, amounting to about $75 a semester for the average 15 credit hours. “This year [the fee] brought in $1 million,”

Foley said. “About $800,000 goes to support salaries.” Foley said with the $200,000 left over she is able to help certain areas on campus that don’t have as large of a budget. “Last year the extra funds went towards purchasing a new van for the Health Center and a police car,” Foley said. “This year some is going towards a new computer system for the campus police.” While The Board of Cooperative Activities does cover some funds for athletics, Foley said that it can’t cover all of their necessary costs. The funds would not be provided yearly, but instead on an as-needed basis. “I want to be able to help athletics out, just like other organizations,” Foley said. The third fee SGA is in support of is the one that goes specifically to Campus Recreation, including the Aebersold Recreation Center. Greg Sferra, Director of Campus Recreation, said the fee for the Campus Recreation, which includes care for the ARC, the MAC, the Ski Lodge and Campgrounds, has not been raised since 2002. Sferra said that there are twice as many participants in club sports as there are athletes, which are all run through the ARC. “We currently have the largest facility out of the fourteen state schools, and yet pay second to least amount of money in fees,” Sferra said. “The current fee is $87, and only IUP has a lesser fee at $67.” According to Sferra, by raising the fee $23 per student, per semester, the ARC will be able to hire back a seventh fulltime employee, as well as be able to better maintain and update equipment. A fourth fee that was proposed to SGA Monday evening was denied their support. The parking fee, which is currently at $25 a year for SRU students, was proposed to rise to $50 per year. According to Foley, the Parking Department needs to make more revenue to stay afloat. “Their revenue comes from parking stickers, while their expenses come from the salaries of the Director and student workers and maintenance to parking lots,” Foley said. “Their ends just don’t meet to

cover all expenses.” Because the motion failed, SGA will be sending a letter of non-support to the Council of Trustees. SGA also approved Winter Guard as a new organization Monday. According to Director Bruno Zuccala, Winter Guard is a way to bring color guard into an indoor setting. Zuccala said part of their goal is to bring an international name to the university. “Winter Guard is an international competition, and we plan to attend the world championships in Dayton, Ohio,” Zuccala said. “While it is about having a place to perform, it is also about bringing more recognition to the university.” Winter Guard’s first performance will be in Morrow Field House on March 26 during common hour, four days before their first competition. Five new senators were sworn into SGA Monday evening as well. Two Commuter Senators, including Baylee Childress, were accepted into the organization. Childress said that she wanted to be involved, especially in student affairs. “Recycling for commuters off-campus will be my main focus,” Childress said. Megan Black and Vanessa Dufford were also elected for the two open Freshman Senator positions. New Building F Senator Alys Cook was sworn in Monday evening as well. “I enjoy interacting with people,” Cook said. “I want to be involved with the Campus Outreach group.” SGA also proposed a change to their scholarship program. According to President Dave Wolfe, the two $500 scholarships used to automatically go to the Speaker of the Senate and the Parliamentarian because they don’t receive stipends. “It was approved in Co-Op that the scholarships should go to two student leaders instead,” Wolfe said. “This is just changing the rules, the nomination process will be discussed and voted on at a future Co-Op meeting.”


February 22, 2013


Police Blotter Campus

Magistrate Feb. 20 – Johnathan Carvelli, 20, of Beaver Falls, Pa., was seen for two counts of DUI and purchase of an alcoholic beverage by a minor. He was released on his own recognizance. Feb. 20 – Adam R. Took, 26, of Butler, was seen for three counts of DUI, accident involving an attended vehicle, careless driving, reckless driving, and failure to use safety belt. He was released on his own recognizance. Feb. 20 – Tina L. Rivera, 44, of Butler, was seen for four counts of DUI, failure to keep right, disregard of traffic lane, careless driving, and failure to use safety belt. Feb. 20 – Mark Thomas, 45, of Butler, was seen for writing bad checks. Feb. 25 – Jennifer Shoaf, 33, of Chicora, Pa., was seen for forgery, identity theft, theft by unlawful taking, and receiving stolen property.

Feb. 8 – Michael J. Mascara, 18, was charged with disorderly conduct after a report of an alcohol violation at Building E.

Feb. 16 – Kevin Ubrey was cited with underage consumption of alcohol, disorderly conduct, and public drunkenness after a report of an intoxicated individual at North Hall.

Feb. 13 – There was a report of theft of computer parts at Bailey Library. The case is under investigation.

Feb. 16 – There was a report of damage to a vehicle at the Stadium Lot. The case is under investigation.

Feb. 14 – An individual was hit by a vehicle at Service Drive, resulting in a knee injury. The individual was transported to the Grove City Medical Center.

Feb. 18 –There was a Metis alarm activation at Eisenberg Classroom Building. Officers responded and nobody was around, an individual accidently tripped.

Feb. 14 – There was a medical call for an individual who slipped on ice on Harmony Rd. The individual was transported to the Grove City Medical Center for a head injury. Feb. 14 – There was a report of a drug violation at Watson Hall. No contraband was found. The incident was referred to Student Conduct.

Feb. 18 – There was a traffic stop at Campus Drive resulting in a driver driving on a suspended license, expired inspection, no insurance, fraudulent use of a registered plate on motor vehicle, and expired registration.

Feb. 19 – There was a report of a male student falling and hurting his knee after playing basketball at the Aebersold Recreation Center. The Slippery Rock Ambulance responded with the police department, and the individual was transported to the hospital. Feb. 19 – SRU Police assisted the Pennsylvania State Police in responding to a traffic accident on Kiester Rd. with an overturned vehicle. The Slippery Rock Ambulance responded and transported an individual to the hospital. The accident is under investigation. Feb. 19 – SRU Police responded to accident on the West Central Loop. A car slid and hit a curb and broke their axle. The vehicle was towed from the scene and the student was transported to their apartment. Feb. 19 – The SRU Police responded to suspicious activity at Rhoads Hall. The case is under investigation.

Compiled by Catie Clark

Drum circle offers African heritage insight to students Check out The Rocket's Continued from Page A-1

various instruments that are used in drum circles, instruments like the djembe. “The djembe drum is possibly the most influential and basic of all the African drums.” Taylor explained. Roughly translated, “djembe” means “everyone together in peace.” Taylor felt this was a meaningful message to take away from the event: that everyone was gathered to make music together and enjoy the peace that exists amongst all of them. Other drums at the circle included the dunun, log drums, frame drums, nesting drums, the sangban, and the bougarabou, among others. With over 200 different languages in Africa, with different music in each reagion, it can be expected that no drum circle can ever be completely true to its African heritage. The music is also learned by ear and preserved by memory. Drum circles are used for a variety of different uses such as social activities, signals, tributes, or ceremonies. After learning all about the instruments, music, and purposes of drum circles, the students attending got the opportunity to be involved. The instruments consisted of primarily of drums of all shapes and sizes but also included wind chimes, rattles, and a kalimba, or thumb piano.

In African culture, and in Slippery Rock, drum circles are for everyone, regardless of musical ability. “Everyone participates. If you aren’t talented at a musical instrument, maybe you would sing or dance, but you wouldn’t just watch.” Taylor says, before encouraging the group to get up and choose an instrument. Those attending got the chance to use any of the instruments they wanted, sing, lead the group if they wanted, express themselves, and maybe relieve a little stress. The drum circle seemed to be a hit for everyone who attended. “There was a lot to gain from the event for everyone, Jennifer Benson, sophomore music therapy major explains, “It really brought together music and African-American history." Non-music therapy majors got to experience one part of what a music therapist may do and maybe a new form of music, and music therapy majors got to learn more about the instruments in a drum circle and where they come from. "It was also a great way to relax for a night,” she said. Benson led the group singing in a soothing final song that left a tranquil, relaxed atmosphere before the event came to a close. The Music Therapy Club plans to have more drum circles in the future and encourages anyone interested to attend. The Club also hopes to annually continue its involvement in Black History Month events.

latest videos online!

Scan this QR code to see a clip from the SRU Nonprofit Alliance's Cupcake Wars that was held on Wednesday. Scan the second QR code for a clip of Nev from the MTV show Catfish on his visit to SRU Monday. See the video online at theSRUrocket.

Join this year’s SGA! Available Positions: 3 commuter Senators Building B Senator

Election Dates; Election Packets AVAILABLE NOW at the Student Secretary Desk in the CSIL Election Packets due back by: March 7th Elections take place Monday April 1st – Wednesday April 3rd

The Rocket



February 22, 2013

The Rocket

Our View

Volume 96, Number 16 220 Eisenberg Classroom Building Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057 Phone: (724) 738-4438 Fax: (724) 738-4896 E-mail:

Editorial Board Will DeShong Editor-in-Chief Jon Janasik News Editor Andy Treese Campus Life Editor Madeline Williams Sports Editor Alex Mowrey Photo Editor Stephanie Holsinger Copy Editor James Intile Web Editor Catie Clark Assistant News Editor Rebecca Marcucci Assistant Campus Life Editor Kristin Karam Assistant Sports Editor Emily Schubert Assistant Photo Editor Erica Kurvach News Reporter Mark Zeltner Faculty Adviser

Advertising Staff Zach Dornisch Advertising Manager Karleigh Santry Advertising Manager

About Us The Rocket is published by the students of Slippery Rock University every Friday during the academic semester with the exception of holidays, exam periods and vacations. Total weekly circulation is 3,000. No material appearing in The Rocket may be reprinted without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. The first copy of The Rocket is provided free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased for 50 cents each. The Rocket receives approximately five percent of its funding from the SGA General Service fee paid each semester by students. All other income is provided through the sale of advertising. Advertising inquiries may be made by calling (724) 738-2643 or by e-mailing

Corrections If we make a substantial error, we want to correct it. If you believe an error has been made, call The Rocket newsroom at (724) 738-4438. If a correction is warranted it will be printed in the opinion section.

Subscriptions Subscriptions to The Rocket are available. Subscriptions are $20 per academic semester and $35 for the full academic year. Inquiries should be directed to the Editorin-Chief at the address listed here.


Use good judgment when building online relationships with strangers Nev Schulman graced our campus this past Monday to speak to students about a variety of topics. Nev is famous because he stared in a documentary film titled Catfish that focused on him developing a relationship with a family through Facebook. In the film, Nev meets the family after a child sends him a painting of a photo he took for a newspaper. Nev ultimately begins talking to the girl who sends him more paintings, then meets her mother and ultimately gets into a romantic relationship with the family’s oldest daughter. The catch -spoiler alert -- the family didn’t exist and it was simply a woman with a created online personas. While it was an interesting and entertaining film to watch, the

point of the documentary had a serious tone. The relationships people are building over the internet in the digital age can be beneficial, but need to be taken with caution. The Internet gives us the greatest communication tool ever invented. We can instantaneously speak to people all over the world about any subject. But who we are speaking to is not always known. Fraud and scams plague the internet. Many people create false personas for the entertainment value. Many people remain anonymous on the internet and use that barrier to act and say things they never would in a face-toface conversation. People need to take caution while online.

The most serious case would of course be online predators, but the impact fraud goes beyond the most extreme cases. Know who you are talking to online. And if you haven’t met them in person, remain skeptical. You don’t need to log off the computer and have no online communication whatsoever. As stated, the internet allows us to connect with people we never would have met and share ideas on a wide range of topics from entertainment to politics. Use it. But remember that the people you are talking to are not the friends you have in the dorms. Online dating is becoming popular in the country. If that’s a route you want to go, great, but don’t fall in love with someone until you at least meet them in

In the Quad In the Quad is a segment in which random students, faculty and staff are asked for their opinions on a specific topic.

person. The 22-year-old college student who likes the same band as you might be a 40-year-old with a weird mid-life crisis. Making online friends is perfectly fine. Utilize the communication possibilities the internet has to offer. But don’t let yourself fall into a trap like in Catfish. It seems to go without saying, but these type of stories happen far more often than many people think. Only difference is most people don’t become TV stars from the experience, they just realize the time wasted and embarrassment of a false online relationship. As social media and other forms of interaction online continue to grow, always remember you don’t know who you are talking to online, so be cautious.

This week’s question: Have you ever been engaged in an online relationship?

Editorial Policy The Rocket strives to present a diverse range of opinions that are both fair and accurate in its editorials and columns appearing on the Opinion pages. “Our View” is the opinion of the Editorial Board and is written by Rocket editorial board members. It reflects the majority opinion of The Rocket Editorial Board. “Our View” does not necessarily reflect the views of Slippery Rock University, its employees or its student body. Columns and cartoons are drafted by various individuals and only reflect the opinions of the columnists.

Letters Policy The Rocket welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Rocket retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes the property of The Rocket and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Please limit letters to a maximum of 400 words. Submit all material by noon Wednesday to: The Rocket, 220 ECB, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057. Or send it via e-mail to:

Summer Weimheimer Freshman Art Education major Hometown: Derby, Ny.

Josh Sarver Freshman Computer Science major Hometown: Meyersdale, Pa.

Alex Braniff Freshman Computer Science major Hometown: Ebensberg, Pa.

“No, because I’m only friends with my friends. I think online relationships are very dangerous and can be life threatening. People you don’t know can be conniving and take advantage of young college students.”

“No, it’s really not personal. You’re really doing things through technology. It’s just not the same.”

“No, because I feel it is not a viable form of communication between partners. It should be a social experience.”


February 22, 2013


Long-awaited ‘Aliens’ video-game Geology is a terrifying science exceeds initially poor reviews

Michael Santoro Observation Station Every Tuesday we’re greeted with new media releases such as albums, DVD releases, or video games. With each one comes another product the public forges an opinion on. For DVD releases, the reviews are already in on the movies themselves, but with music and video games, most of what we’re hearing/ playing is new. On Tuesday, February 12, the public finally received a video game that’s been in development since 2006: Aliens: Colonial Marines. The game attempts to create a story that pieces together Aliens and Alien3, the second and third entries of the influential Alien movie series. Influential is a small word for what the Alien series has done. From Halo to Half-Life, many huge game releases have been influenced or inspired by Alien. So how did the intellectual property do when under the direction of Gearbox Software, creators of Brothers in Arms and Borderlands, and their associates? Well, as far as reviews go, the game is being seen by the press as a mess. Various technical issues are said to abound as well as an incomprehensible story and a paltry single player campaign. Yet the technical issues, such as the artificial intelligence (how enemies operate and respond to the player) and the graphics, have brought controversy. I know, an opinion article based on a bad video game; sounds like a snore-fest. But the controversy surrounds something that we all

may have fallen prey to in the that internet users have been past: alleged false advertising. tackling since the games release: This brings me to E3. E3 is a ethical advertising. Is what large, entertainment expo that Gearbox software did ethical? shows upcoming video games Maybe they intended for these and gives fans a chance to play the features to be included in the latest and greatest technology. At game but in the end, they just E3, Randy Pitchford, the CEO didn’t have time to implement of Gearbox software, showed them. Maybe the demo was a demonstration of Aliens: pre-rendered in an attempt Colonial Marines. The audience to influence gamers’ buying was blown away by the realistic decisions? Who knows? I’ve rented the game and lighting, movie-like atmosphere and the ways in which the enjoyed a bit of it. My feeling enemies attack and respond to is that time will wash away the sting felt by those who the player. Fast-forward to about a year dropped $60 on what they and a half later. The game is perceive as a bad product, or released, and consumers begin one that they felt they were to notice something quite “duped” into buying. After peculiar: the game itself looks this, I hope people will take drastically different from the the game for what I took it E3 demo. Dynamic lighting is as: a B-movie translated into a either minimal or non-existent, game. Instead of a full-fledged the movie atmosphere has been Alien entry, I saw the game as streamlined and the enemies an “inspired by” journey into act in irrational and sometimes the Aliens universe if handled laughable ways. While I believe like a B-movie. Dialogue is that Gearbox has covered humorous, actions are glitchy, themselves as a company, and enemies are laugh-outothers do not agree. By labeling loud at times. Yet despite this, what they show as a “work in you enjoy the good when it progress” and stating that what is arrives and laugh at the bad shown may not be representative when it peaks its head in. of the final product, illegal The drama is only heating activity doesn’t seem obvious up, though. Twitters are to me. Many examples can be being used to voice opinions, given of games that have had E3 Reddit is helping disseminate demonstrations which included knowledge with regards to environments and features not this situation and the drama included in the final game, such is unfolding at a constant rate. I encourage you to head as Halo 2 and Doom 3. But how much of what we online and read up on some saw was actually real? Recently, of the controversy. If anything, a Reddit poster who claims appreciate that the internet has to be privy has given his take made it so we can voice our on Aliens: Colonial Marines opinions, help others avoid troubled development. Many products we don’t support and alleged claims were included: give us insight into why that the majority of the game was product may have turned out outsourced, other projects were so poorly. As usual, be skeptical given higher priority, etc. Which and don’t believe everything claims are true, and which are you see. Be a well-informed exaggerations? We may never consumer of the media. know, as the poster claims he can’t substantiate his claims due Michael Santoro is a senior to a non-disclosure agreement. public relations major from This brings us to a discussion Pittsburgh.

Jon Janasik Commentary

think of it as the entire history of the world from its formation to the present time. On first viewing, you might not think that it looks so bad. At the very least, it has a pleasant color scheme! But when you really start to think about it, everything sinks in. The world is almost 4.6 billion years old. Humans have been around for two hundred thousand years. The average American lives to be 80 years old. Do you feel small? Good! Geology likes it when you feel small! Much like any good horror film, there is always that faceless villain. That unkillable threat that’s never too far away. In geology, that villain is tectonic plates. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the idea of plate tectonics, I’ll give you a quick run through. The Earth’s surface is split up into about eight major gigantic slabs of rock. These slabs of rocks are called tectonic plates, and they are constantly moving into and away from one another. You’ve probably heard that the continents used to all be connected to one another, tectonic plate movement is why that happened. I know that doesn’t sound very scary. But as a science student, I’ve been studying these huge rocks for three years, and I think I have a shocking theory. A theory that the geology department is trying to hide from the rest of the world. My hypothesis: These tectonic plates are alive, and hungry. Hungry for blood. Think about it, have you ever seen a normal rock move by itself? If you have, you should probably see a doctor. Usually things don’t move unless they’re alive. You’re probably asking me what makes me think that they’re hungry for blood. Simple, we know that they’re violent because they bump into each other. And when two plates bump into each other, one of the plates is forced underneath of the other one. The plate pretty much eats the other one, and I believe that’s called cannibalism. Frequently after one plate is pushed under another, mountains are formed. Geologists like to call this event an “orogeny”. I like to call it “pitching a tent”. So not only do these plates like to attack one another, they also get boners while doing it. We are living on top of giant, violent, masochistic rocks. If that isn’t terrifying, I don’t know what is. So why are the tectonic plates in cahoots with the geology department? I can only assume that the department likes the rocks because it gives them secrets to keep. Everybody likes secrets. The rocks like the geology department because the geology department pays attention to them. Everybody likes attention. This is a call to all students. Geology is terrifying. But just because something is scary doesn’t mean that we have to run from it. Take a geology class, learn the department’s secrets, and tell everybody. The truth must be heard before it’s too late. Before the tectonic plates turn on us.

I woke up this morning in a cold sweat. My body was trembling in fear and agony. A steamy colored liquid seemed to be running down my pant leg. I was having those nightmares again. I was dreaming about geology. Geology is the study of the Earth. I know this because I major in geology. You may be asking why somebody who studies geology would be afraid of it. The truth is that you never get used to the gruesome facts that this department throws at you. I’ve seen shit that you wouldn’t believe. Think about horror movies for a second. In Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy haunts people’s dreams. If you wake up, you’re okay. Now think about Friday the 13th, you’ve got Jason Voorhees. He stabs your face when you’re awake, but at least you have your dreams! Geology is like if these two somehow had a baby. You have to admit it’s fascinating, but you’re gonna be bummed when it kills your dreams and your face. That’s right, geology killed my dreams. You see, when I was I child, dinosaurs were the coolest. They taught me everything I know. I had dinosaur books about colors, number, letters, dinosaurs even taught me about divorce. Dinosaurs were badass, omniscient, omnipotent, big, and sexy. Simply put, dinosaurs were B.O.O.B.S. Everybody likes B.O.O.B.S. Except for the geology department, apparently. My Earth History professor had the audacity to tell me that geologists recently found a T-Rex fossil that was covered in feathers. The most badass creature that ever lived on Earth was apparently born wearing feathers. What are they going to tell me next? That Santa’s not real? That President Norton is just a fictional character that our parents use to personify the spirit of Slippery Rock to their children? Nobody wants to believe that dinosaurs are like birds. Nobody even likes birds! I personally cannot stand to think about my childhood hero being emasculated in such a way. If you don’t understand how I feel, try imagining your hero covered in feathers. It’s just not something you can live with. If that doesn’t ruin your mental state, don’t worry. Geology has more tricks up its sleeve. Numerous classes in the geology department constantly have you refer to the geologic time scale, which is the most Jon Janasik is a junior geology and professional depressing time scale that you’ve ever seen. You can writing major, and the News Editor for The Rocket.

Fox News out-does itself with comment on sexual assault

Will DeShong Editor commentary In a world full of embarrassing 24-hour news coverage, Fox News never fails to separate

themselves from their competition with consistently idiotic commentary on a number of topics. This week, the network may have even outdone themselves. On their show “The Five,” co-host Bob Beckel, a token pseudo-liberal voice on the conservatively biased network, said arguably the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a long time. “When was the last time you heard about a rape on a college campus?,” Beckel said during a segment on whether or not

women should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus to prevent sexual assaults. As members of a college community, and reality in general, you should be offended by the statement. It is quite literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard. According to the Centers of Disease Control, 20 to 25 percent of women reported to experiencing either attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. Given that the

overwhelming vast majority of sexual assaults go unreported for a variety of reasons, Beckel’s comments are nothing short of completely moronic. This isn’t little know information either. It’s certainly knowledge people getting paid lot of money to intelligently discuss the topic on TV should have Googled before the show. The cynical side of me tells me Beckel was just saying nonsense because that’s what the entertainment side of Fox News wants him to do. The

network has always valued entertainment over journalism, that’s why they have the likes of Bill O’Reilly shouting at us about how the world is going to end on a nightly basis. Many media critics agree that the network brings in little known and/or more timid liberals to debate their aggressive conservative hosts, so that the conservative argument is more apparent. Beckel is apparently filling the network’s infamous technique of adding seemingly incompetent

“liberal” personnel into the rotation to dumb down any leftist point of view that might sneak its way into their “fair and balanced” coverage. Because that comment was just too stupid to believe. If it wasn’t a network attempting to weaken a liberal point of view, then it was a network that hired a moron to discuss issues. Actually, it was probably both. Will DeShong is a senior Communication major and the Editor-in Chief of the Rocket.


February 22, 2013

February 22, 2013


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February 22, 2013

The Rocket


B-1 Taylor breaks 1,000 February 22, 2013


Senior guard Devin Taylor takes the ball down the court during the Nov. 9 exhibition game against Michigan University. Taylor scored 14 points against California University of Pennsylvania Wednesday night to become the 22nd player in SRU history to score 1,000 career points.

Five players scored double digits; Rock takes over 2nd place in PSAC standings By Madeline Williams Sports Editor

Senior Devin Taylor scored his tenth double-double of the season on his way to surpassing the 1,000-point mark on Wednesday night, as he led the Slippery Rock University men’s basketball team to a 85-53 win over California University of Pa. at the Convocation Center. Taylor became the 22nd player in Slippery Rock men’s basketball history to hit the 1,000-point plateau. As of Wednesday night, he has now scored 1,010 points in his three-year career in a Green and White uniform. “It feels awesome and it’s a great accomplishment for me, but I’m not satisfied with that milestone alone,” Taylor said. “These last couple years at the Rock I’ve learned a lot about hard work and how to fight through adversity, injuries, and ups and downs. I’ve learned how to be a humble player and understand that it’s all about the team. That’s why we are a successful group of athletes. We play hard and we play together!” Taylor was one of five Slippery Rock players to score double-digits in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference matchup with Cal.

Senior forward Gerald Brooks scored 17 points and had five rebounds for SRU. Senior guard Darious Clark also tallied 17 points of his own, while Taylor had 14 points and 14 rebounds. Brooks was named PSAC-West Player of the Week for his performances in last week's wins over Lock Haven University (94-76) and Edinboro University (7060). Brooks averaged 13.5 points and 14 rebounds in the two games last week. He currently ranks second on the team in rebounding and third on the team in scoring. Senior guard John Bayardelle added 12 points and junior guard Sa’Quan Davis was the fifth double-digit scorer of the night, contributing 11 additional points for the Green and White. Junior forward Tabari Perry had seven rebounds and senior center Luiz Santos pulled down five boards as well. With the win on Wednesday night, in addition to Gannon University’s 44-36 loss to Mercyhurst University, Slippery Rock moved into sole possession of second place in the PSAC-Western Division. SRU won the third consecutive game of the season and improved to 18-6 overall and 15-5 in conference play.

California fell to 10-14 overall, and 9-11 in PSAC action. They are currently sixth place in the conference standings. The Rock also assured at least one home game in the PSAC tournament starting in March, which hasn’t happened since 2009 for the team. The top two teams in the conference standings will earn a first-round bye and host a game on March 5. The third and fourth place teams in the PSAC also host a home game on March 2, with the winners advancing to play the quarterfinal game on March 5 against the top two teams. “Having a home game in the tourney is a great opportunity for us,” Bayardelle said. “We have awesome support from our crowd and our home record definitely reflects that.” The Green and White controlled the game from the start on Wednesday night, scoring the first seven points of the matchup. SRU had a 35-15 lead with 3:30 left in the first half and scored the final four points to take a 24-point, 45-21, advantage at the half over the Vulcans. They took a large 39-point, 81-42 lead with six minutes to play in the game before crusing to the easy PSAC victory. The Rock made 48 percent (33 of 69)

from the field, 36 percent (8 of 22) from behind the 3-point line, and 79 percent (11 of 14) from the charity stripe. Once again, the Green and White outrebounded their opponents, 51-25. They have outrebounded teams 23 out of 24 games this winter. SRU and Cal each had 10 turnovers apiece. Slippery Rock will host Indiana University of Pa. (0-4, 16-4) on Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. at Morrow Fieldhouse in their Senior Day “WhiteOut” game. The Crimson Hawks are currently one game ahead of the Rock in the conference standings. Bayardelle, Brooks, Clark, Taylor, Santos, and Aubin Reeves will recognized at the final home game of the regular season. The Rock ladies will play IUP before the mens game at 1 p.m. The Green and White will close out the regular season games next Wednesday evening at Gannon (20-6, 14-6). The Golden Knights are currently in third place and sit one game behind the Rock. With wins over IUP and Gannon, the Green and White would secure a first-round bye in the tourney and be in the position to host the final-four competition at Morrow Fieldhouse.



February 22, 2013

Green and White falls to California


Junior guard Alexas Brown flies down the court against Lock Haven University at the Feb. 13 match-up. Brown scored six points and had one assist at Wednesday night’s game against California University of Pa.

By Matthew Morgan

game close during the first half, trailing just one point behind the Lady Rocket Contributor Vulcans. Cal quickly stole the The Slipp er y Ro ck momentum from the Un i v e r s i t y w o m e n’s Rock and put together basketball team suffered an 18-0 run opening the a 78-55 loss against the second half. C alifornia University SRU was finally able to of Pa. Lady Vulcans on find the net with 12:17 Wednesday night. left to play in the second Slippery Rock kept the half, thanks to a shot from

junior Alexas Brown. “ T h e y ( C a l ) re a l ly raised the bar in their attack and speed,” head coach Tanya Longo said about Cal’s 18-0 game changing run. “ They had great isolation with their premier players and were extremely successful at placing their players where they needed to be.” The loss became the

23rd consecutive loss to the Lady Vulcans for Slippery Rock. It also dropped their season record to 4-20 overall and 3-17 in the Pennsy lvania St ate Athletic Conference. Despite the statistics, Coach Longo is optimistic ab out t he pro g r am’s future. “The picture for me is

that of the big picture and the growth process of the program and the individuals. We have our best basketball yet to be played with this group,” Longo said. “We work on getting better every day. It doesn't matter if it’s the first game or the last of the season." S ophomore Simone Aladenoye led the Rock with 10 points and also p u l l e d d ow n s e v e n rebounds. Senior Erinne Cunningham increased her double-digit scoring streak to 11 of the last 13 games with a 10-point performance. Brow n , s oph om ore D’Asia Chambers, and senior Christa Wodarczyk each contributed six points of their own in the loss. Last week, the Rock women fought against Edinboro University at Morrow Fieldhouse on Saturday afternoon. The Lady Scots are ranked 21st in the nation with a 17-5 season record, 14-4 in the PSAC. The contest was tough, but SRU was unable to secure the win and fell 70-60 against the PSAC opponent. At the half, Slippery Rock entered the lockerroom with a slight lead over the Lady Scots, 3432. The Lady Scots came ready to play right at the start of the second half, putting together an 8-0

run which proved to be too much for the Rock to overcome. Slippery Rock connected for a solid 44.1 percent of their shots in the first half and struggled in the second half shooting 28.1 percent. “Edinboro definitely picked up their intensity in the second half,” Coach Longo said in regards to the drop in shooting percentage and scoring. “Theye were far more aggressive and we just didn’t match that rise in intensity level.” Chambers led the Rock with 12 points as a starter. Cunningham tallied 11 points, scoring in double digits for the 10th time in the last 12 games. B row n c ont r i b ut e d nine points and pulled down six rebounds, and Wodarczyk scored eight points in the contest. Slippery Rock will host Indiana University of Pa. Saturday at Morrow Fieldhouse with a 1 p.m. game time tip off. This will be the last home game of the season for the Rock, as well as their annual "White Out" game. They will close out the season next Wednesday at Gannon University. This Saturday is also Senior Day and Cunningham, Wodarczyk and Emilee Vitez will be honored prior to the game. The men's basketball team will play IUP at 3 p.m.

Men's track prepares for PSAC meet


Junior Victor Santoyo clears the high jump bar at the Division II Challenge on Feb. 2. Santoyo will compete on Saturday at the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference indoor track championship held at Edinboro University.

By Kristin Karam Assistant Sports Editor

The Slippery Rock University men’s indoor track and field team recorded 30 Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference qualifying performances on Saturday at the Kent State Tune-Up, their final meet before the championship. Over 30 schools attended the event, both Division I and Division II, most using it as a final preparation

for championships. Many events had over 50 competitors. Head coach John Papa was generally pleased with the team’s results because the added qualifiers provide the opportunity to earn more points at the championship. “We had a few athletes that are not at their best at this point,” Papa said. “Our strength is that we typically save our best performances of the season for this championship.” While the team’s focus is on the PSAC championship, the Rock also

had two athletes, sophomore Hunter Williams and senior Cameron Daugherty, meet NCAA provisional standards at the Tune-Up. Williams placed 13th in the 400-meter dash with a time of 48.88 seconds. SRU also had three athletes meet PSAC standards in the event, sophomore Monte Chapman in 26th at 50.24, junior Trevor Foley in 27th at 50.30 seconds and sophomore Nick Shrift in 32nd at 50.92 seconds.

Senior Ethan Geisler said that the qualifications highlight the depth and talent of the team. “We just need to focus and perform at our best,” Geisler said. “We want to compete at the highest level, so as a team we expect to be champions. Adding 30 PSAC qualifiers will definitely help.” Daugherty ended his winning streak and fell to second-place in the pole vault with a clearance of 4.85 meters, tying with Ashland University’s Eric Klucar. Kent State University’s Jesse Oxley took the win in the event with a 5.00m clearance. Joining Daugherty in the polevault and reaching qualifying standards were graduate student Ryan Camody and freshman Michael Shiverdecker. Camody and Shiverdecker tied for sixth-place with clearances of 4.55 meters. In the 800-meter run, senior Kevin Jewel took fifth in the 800-meter run with a time of 1:54.20 and sophomore Tyler Melius placed 12th at 1:57.21. Senior DJ Chisom met PSAC qualifying marks in both the 60-meter and 200-meter dashes. Chisom ran a 7.09 in the 60m (15th) and a 22.35 in the 200m (12th). Slippery Rock had three athletes meet qualifying standards in the 60-meter hurdles. Senior Dan Hedglin led the group in 10th at 8.44 seconds, junior Jonathan Boyd took 17th at 8.62 seconds and senior Ethan Geisler placed 20th at 8.72 seconds. Junior Victor Santoyo cleared 1.97 meters in the high jump for a third-place finish. Santoyo also took seventh in the triple jump with a mark of 13.28 meters. The shot put produced four PSAC

qualifications for the Rock. Sophomore Trevor Miller threw for 15.47 meters (12th), senior Kyle Toms for 15.38 (13th), freshman David Reinhardt for 14.02 meters (19th) and senior Andrew Greenslade for 13.08 meters (26th). Reinhardt felt the team had a solid performance at Kent State and will be able to be competitive at the upcoming championship. “I feel the team is ready,” Reinhardt said. “Our training has led up to this meet and I feel the team is ready to stand up to the challenge.” SRU’s athletes in the weight throw also saw PSAC success, adding the final six PSAC qualifying marks. Senior Joseph Kelly and sophomore Nick Turk both threw for 15.16 meters (18th). Reinhardt threw for 14.48 meters (27th), Miller for 14.27 meters (28th), senior Devin Skinner for 13.98 meters (33rd) and sophomore Jerrod Galloway for 13.35 meters (36th). With the Tune-Up over, the team faces their biggest challenge of the season, the PSAC Championships this weekend at Edinboro University. Papa is optimistic about the team’s chances heading into the weekend. “On paper, we’re not picked to win the meet,” Papa admitted. “However, we have great team chemistry and if our men have an outstanding meet, things could fall into place.” Chisom has some goals in mind for this weekend. "I wants to squeeze back into the Top-16 in the country to compete at the national level in the 60-meter dash," Chisom said. "I also want to help bring home a first place trophy for Rock Nation. We have what it takes, we just have to go out and make it happen."


February 22, 2013


Rock fine tunes at Kent State Ladies prepare for conference meet on Saturday By Cody Gray Rocket Contributor

The Slippery Rock University women's indoor track and field team recorded 17 Pennsylvania State Athletic C onference qualifying performances at the Kent State Tune-Up on Saturday. The top performances for the Rock came in the pole vault, where four athletes reached the PSAC mark. Senior Angela Schroeder led the way for the vaulters finishing sixth place at a clearance of 3.45 meters. Junior Julia Cain took seventh at 3.30 meters and senior Emily Vaughn claimed ninth, also at 3.30 meters. Freshman Michaela Kasik also reached the PSAC mark competing in the unseeded section with a clearance of 3.05 meters. The Rock will be well represented in the pole vault when PSAC championship begins on Saturday. He ad coach John Papa believes he has the top vaulters in the conference. Papa also believes that his team can finish in the top 3. Schroeder has high expectations for herself and her fellow teammates on Saturday. “I’d really like to set my personal record this weekend,” Schroeder said, “It’s been my goal for a while now to reach

12 feet, it's so hard to believe that this is my last indoor PSAC meet. I want to make sure I take advantage of it so it's a good memory to look back on.” Sophomore Katelyn Wetzel led SRU sprinters with PSAC marks in both short sprints. She placed seventh in the 60-meter dash in 7.95 seconds and was 15th in the 200-meter dash in 26.31 seconds. Wetzel believes there is a strong chance that Slippery Rock could take the team title in PSACs. According to the sophomore sprinter, she is where she needs to be for the conference championship. “My expectations for PSACs this upcoming weekend are to hopefully make it into finals in both the 60 and 200 meter dashes.” Wetzel said, “After this past weekend, I am very confident that I am physically and mentally ready for PSACs. My mindset is right where it needs to be after what I did at Kent.” Freshman Lexie Nowakowski ro u n d e d o ut t h e P S AC qualifying performances in the sprints with an 18th-place finish in the 400-meter dash in 1:00.34. The final PSAC marks for the Green and White on the track came in the 60-meter hurdles, where sophomore London Parris placed 12th in 9.34 seconds and senior Tara Catone took 22nd in 9.77 seconds. Mar i a h Bu r ns l e d t h e horizontal jumpers with PSAC qualifying marks in both events. The freshman took seventh in the triple jump with a jump of 10.78 meters and ninth in the long jump with a leap of 5.06 meters. She was joined in

the triple jump by freshman Bronte Soul in ninth at 10.34 meters and in the long jump by freshman Sam Taylor in 12th at 5.01 meters. The final PSAC qualifying marks of the day for Slippery Rock came in the throwing events. Junior Amanda McCool led the way with an 11th-place showing in the weight throw with a toss of 13.96 meters. McCool was joined by junior Allyson Hubble in 22nd at 12.33 meters. Hubble also hit the mark in the shot put with a 22nd-place showing with a toss of 11.23 meters. She was joined by freshman Breanna Northcott in 26th at 10.91 meters. According to Papa, senior distance runner Stephanie Case is a favorite to win the 5,000 meter on Saturday. Case finished last year with allPSAC honors. Ashley West is also considered a favorite to win the high jump. Shippensburg is considered the favorite to take the PSAC title on Saturday, according to Papa. “We’re hopi ng to g ive Shippensburg a run for their money,” Papa said. Saturday's meet was the largest of the season for Slippery Rock, with most of the events featuring more than 30 competitors from some of the top Division I and Division II schools in the region. The meet was also the final tune-up for SRU before the PSAC championship meet, which will take place Saturday and Sunday at Edinboro University.


Senior Angela Schroeder soars over the bar at the Division II Challenge on Feb. 2. Last winter, Schroeder was the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference pole vault champion. She will look to defend her title on Saturday at Edinboro University.


February 22, 2013

The Rocket

CAMPUS LIFE C-1 February 22, 2013

"Catfish" host Nev Schulman talks to students about online dating, friends By Kristin Karam Assistant Sports Editor

Throughout an unpredictable and endearing presentation, host of MTV’s “Catfish: The TV Show” Nev Schulman brought to light the dangers of social media to a packed crowd of students in the Student Center Ballroom Monday night. Schulman’s journey began with the “Catfish” documentary, filmed by his brother, Ariel, and business partner, Henry. “We never knew where it was going to lead, nor did we think it would end up as a feature-length film,” Schulman said. “It wasn’t until the end that we realized something was up and decided to go for it. For me, it was really just living my life and then filming it.” The success of the film led Schulman to partner up with MTV and launch “Catfish: The TV Show.” The recent Manti Te’o scandal has helped to expand the show’s audience and spark more conversation about social media transparency, according to Schulman. Schulman said that the good thing about Te’o’s misfortune and his own, is that it’s getting people to talk about online relationships. “Where’s that line between real life and digital (profiles)?” Schulman asked. “The more we talk about it, the more we’ll be able to understand and define it.” “Catfish: The TV Show” focuses on people that have entered online relationships and are at turning points of their life. Schulman said that he was strict with the show’s producers about how he wanted the show to feel. He wanted it to be authentic and for his reactions to be genuine, so he removed himself and the crew from the selection process. “I didn’t want the show to be a typical reality show,” he said. “I said ‘it has to be authentic, I’m not doing anything preset’. The point of the show is a story, not getting the best shot.” The danger of having the show filmed in this way is that unexpected complications can occur. For example, in the episode with Mhissy and Jasmine, the two had PAGE C-3 previous history that led to Mhissy creating a SEE fake SCHULMAN, profile to get revenge on


Revolutionaries share personal experiences from civil rights movement By Stephanie Cheek Rocket Contributor

The civil rights movement got its start well over 50 years ago, but the memories of fighting for equality were fresh in the minds of six revolutionaries as they told their stories in the Alumni House Monday evening. "Memoirs of Black Revolutionaries," hosted by the Black Action Society, featured a panel of six AfricanAmerican men from different backgrounds, but with the common connection that they all took part in the fight for racial equality. The panel included Arnold Perry, a former member of the Black Panther Party and author of “A Fisherman’s Tale,” vice president of Community College of Allegheny County Richard Adams, executive director

of the Kingsley Association Malik Bankston, Bruce Barns, who works with urban planning and development for Pittsburgh, executive director of Programming for Pittsburgh Action Against Substance Abuse Sam Thompson and Abdullah Ameen Asad, a grandmaster of martial arts and a Vietnam veteran. Those who fought for civil and human rights, including the Black Panther Party, represented a positive force for African Americans and for equality, according to Perry. “The Panthers were about protecting ourselves and trying to get equality in the 1960’s,” Perry said. Perry said he was part of the young African-American generation trying to find comfort and equality. For example, African-American men fought in all American wars and battles

hoping to take a step towards being free, according to Perry. African-Americans struggled in the 1960s for rights that many presently take for granted, like the right to vote, but Pittsburgh is still dealing with problems. Today Pittsburgh is voted the most livable city in the United States, but according to Perry, it still has the highest poverty level, proving that there is still a struggle for human rights. “From the 1960s to the present, this proves that we all are still struggling,” Perry explained. Most of the speakers grew up in Pittsburgh’s Homewood community in the 1960s, according to Bruce Barns. Barns said that in 1965, he was selling Panther pamphlets in downtown Pittsburgh and was in the fight for equality.

Barns instilled the message that he grew out of his community and that no one could exist with out the group. “There is no such thing as an individual,” Barns said. Barns said he grew up with his neighborhood and community being part of his family, explaining that he was taught to be independent and to understand that help does not mean have it done for you. To instill this idea, Barns told the story of wanting a pair of $18 shoes and his father had him raise the money himself. His father told him that he would be more than happy to help once Barns had done everything that he could, according to Barns. As he closed up his speech Barns gave one last piece of advice to the audience. “Go and visit the Black in Wax

Museum in Baltimore, and it will open you up to see what I am fighting for,” Barns said. Richard Adams also belonged to the Homewood community and graduated high school in 1969. But before his graduation, in 1968 – the year that rebellions over Dr. Martin Luther King’s murder occurred – the Civil Rights Act was signed and over 3,000 soldiers were killed and wounded in one week during Vietnam, according to Adams. Adams said he was surrounded in a time where equality needed to be fought for. “We organized as the United Black Students, took over our high school and over 3,000 students demanded Black history be taught and Black SEE MEMORIES, PAGE C-3

Campus Life


February 22, 2013

New "Die Hard" film plot subpar Fashion Week features grunge-inspired girl inside down an elevator shaft, he really does it all. Unfortunately, this film takes a slightly different approach. From beginning to end, you will encounter many memorable action scenes that can all be associated with the Die Hard franchise. The only problem Jimmy Graner is, is that’s the only thing that "Jimmy G's Rock is similar. Reviews" Like the other movies, Film: "A Good Day to you’re going to want to keep Die Hard" asking questions and trying to figure out where the movie Stars is going to go next. All this is, however, is a father and son charging forward into battle guns a blazing, with If you thought Bruce no turning back. And even Willis was done fighting bad though the director is trying guys, you can think again. to show the dangerous and He’s back yet again as John outrageous stunts that are so McClane in the new Die death defying, he clearly has Hard movie, “A Good Day not understood the true Die to Die Hard.” Hard feeling. Being the fifth movie in As far as technical aspects the series, Willis is now sent go, don’t even get me started. to Russia to help and protect In the beginning, there’s a his only son Jack McClane wild chase scene with overly (Jai Courtney). But upon frivolous camera work. I arriving, he finds out that don’t understand why one instead of helping he’s only must use over 15 different causing more problems for camera views to show two his son, who turns out to be cars chasing each other. a CIA operative. With that in Back and forth, left and mind, the two set out to stop right, every shot is like a few a nuclear weapons heist and seconds long unless there’s a catch up from where they scene with the actors. left off before they ignored But, the good thing is that one another. once this is over, the camera Ever since the first Die stays in just a few places Hard was made back in the for the rest of the movie so late 80s, Willis has fought you can better understand more criminals alone exactly what is trying to be than anyone can imagine. showed. Whether that be jumping Another criticism I had from a building, fighting on was the likelihood of the the wing of an airplane, or stunts. I’m very clear that pushing a car with an evil this is a Die Hard film and


that Bruce Willis is one tough cookie, but if you’re going to fall from the top of a building and hit every piece of side plywood on your way down, the least you could do is make injury look possible. The human mind can only believe so many things. Lastly, this film was only a little over an hour and a half long. The four films before this stretched pass the twohour mark. Like any movie franchise, one should really put in as much film as they can, especially for what seems to be the final completion of the franchise. On a good note, Willis, whether he did his own stunts or not, completed the task of being just as tenacious as always. The primary villain, Komarov (Sebastian Koch) – who adds kind of a twist to the story, makes everything feel as if nothing is wrong at all. And that kind of relates to the past villain, Hans (Alan Rickman aka Severus Snape). Unless you really need to see what happens with the McClain family, I’d wait until its released on DVD/BluRay some time this summer. Until then, just pray someone has the guts to rebirth the franchise with a better storyline and far more advanced feeling for what its like to “Die Hard.” Jimmy Graner is a sophomore journalism major, a film and media studies minor and a regular contributor to The Rocket.

ensembles and versatility in trench coats

Katie Ellis "ROCK'n Fashion" Fashion Week is once again in full swing with designer collections currently being shown in Milan to much fanfare from celebrities and industry insiders. With the third week of presentations underway, the world has been given the opportunity to see what fall and winter 2013 will bring to retailers worldwide. Topshop Unique and Oscar de la Renta experimented with a wide range of colors, while Jason Wu showcased a dark color palette highlighted with pops of color. Topshop Unique showcased 37 different looks during the runway presentation of their fall line in hues ranging from ballerina pink to jet black. Their line featured a great mix of structured jackets, circle skirts, and trousers with both masculine and feminine touches. They kicked off their presentation with an edgy navy and black ensemble that featured a leather knee-length circle skirt, cropped navy blue sweater and jacket, and ankle boots that boasted an innovative red and black acid wash print. This look truly exemplified the postgrunge era theme that Topshop

Oscar de la Renta launched Unique built their collection on. As the models strutted down his most talked about collection the catwalk to a cover of Blur’s in years with John Galliano that “Girls and Boys,” the looks went brought the designer back into from dark to light when the the spotlight after his much models stepped out in ballerina publicized fallout with Dior pink sequined skirts and powder two years ago. Praise for the designers’ collection was endless blue fur lined dresses. The piece that people will from industry insiders and undoubtedly be talking about even fellow designers including until fall is the backless copper Diane von Furstenberg who colored jumpsuit that closed was quoted as saying, “It was, a their presentation. It exemplified beautiful conversation.” The collection was romantic glamour in an effortless fashion, and is a look that women will in theme and featured a be wearing in place of dresses luxurious mix of materials from alligator pelts and wool to silk this fall. Jason Wu’s presentation was and leather. The standout pieces dark yet glam, and featured of the collection were the gowns bright red and yellow pops of that stylists are no doubt already color. Every piece featured in trying to reserve for next year’s Wu’s collection was exquisitely award show circuit. Nearly tailored, from the motorcycle every color in the rainbow was jackets to the cocktail dresses that showcased on the de la Renta A-list actresses will be clamoring runway with two standout to wear to movie premieres and ensembles being the cap sleeved award shows later this year. amethyst colored gown with Each successive ensemble in the billowing fabric detailing at collection complemented the the waist and the sleeveless neon pink gown with gold and last in every way. Wu was truly innovative silver vine-like embroidery. If when it came to putting a spin this collection is an indication on the classic trench coat. Fur of what future collaborations was added to the pockets of his between the all-star designers demure black ensembles to add may mean for the future, the a bit of flair, patterns were mixed fashion world is in for a beautiful to create another style, while the ride. Fall 2013 is going to be the most intriguing trench coat of his collection was constructed brightest, most creative season out of clear plastic and was for fashion to date. Retailers will bonded with black lace to create definitely be looking to imitate one of the best coats ever to be these luxurious collections for less during the upcoming seen during Fashion Week. There is no doubt that fans of season. the designer will be dreaming about his trench coats for months Katie Ellis is a sophomore to come, as they are undoubtedly journalism major and a regular works of art. contributor to The Rocket.

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Campus Life

February 22, 2013


Schulman: "Your friends are not the same as your followers" Continued from Page C-1

When the truth was revealed, tensions quickly escalated, causing Schulman to stop production. He said he felt disappointed, guilty, humiliated and furious that he had exposed Jasmine to this situation. Despite the risk, Schulman said the experience has been worth the reward. Viewers are being exposed to the importance of honesty and accountability. S chulman also stressed the importance of keeping real friendships a priority. Despite his love for social media, he’s learned to draw the line and focus on the people around him. “Your friends are not the same as your followers,” he said. “A like on Facebook isn’t the same as liking something in real life. Remember the difference and don’t lose sight of developing relationships with friends.” T h e c on f i d e nt , b e am i ng h o s t continued to expand on this situation by relating it to the college experience and lifestyle. He joked around about how college is a great time to ‘get laid’, but was quick to suggest that the crowd shift their focus from the physical side of relationships to the mental side. Schulman used his personal life as an

example, admitting that he had taken a vow of abstinence while redefining himself. “It gave me an opportunity to really figure out who I was,” he said. “I wanted people to connect with me as a human being.” Shulman said this understanding of himself has helped him see how he wants his online reputation to look. He stressed that nothing can be assumed online and that online interactions and posts have real-world repercussions. “Trust, but verify,” he said. Schulman poked fun at an issue most college students are aware of, being naked pictures. He cracked a few jokes but in the midst of the laughter, his message was serious. “Guys,” Schulman said with a smirk on his face, “don’t send dick pics. Practice a little reserve. You don’t know where the pictures can end up.” Schulman’s final piece of advice was to take chances and experience life for all it has to offer. He explained that the nerves accompanied with trying new things is what makes it all worth it. “If you’re not nervous and excited, why are you doing it?” Schulman challenged the crowd to consider. “Take risks because those are the things that have rewards. Be a little crazy and just go for it.”

EMILY SCHUBERT/THE ROCKET Star of MTV's Catfish, Nev Schulman shared advice on internet friendships and hopeful romantic relationships to students in the Robert M. Smith Student Center ballroom Monday evening.

Memories of fighting for equality still very real for African-American revolutionaries Continued from Page C-1

teachers be hired,” Adams explained. According to Adams, today the Black community is still struggling, especially with unemployment and street violence. “At this time it is imperative that people not simply commemorate Dr. King but march to renew his original call,” he said. Adams said he hopes that through a domestic Marshall Plan that the nation

is able to rebuild bridges and highways to create a better community, while at the same time putting people back to work. Abdullah Ameen Asad said he also grew up being raised by his mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and aunts, but also by his community as well. Asad said he graduated in 1962 from high school and decided to go into the Marine Corps instead of being drafted into the Army during the

Vietnam War. While he was in the Marine Corps, he wanted to learn how to protect himself, and that is where he became a black belt in martial arts. Today, he is a master martial artist as a 10th-degree black belt. “The biggest room in the world is the room for self improvement,” Asad said when it came to martial arts and life. He said his main goal is that he wants people to be able to take care of themselves, no matter who they are or what they look like, Asad explained.

Today the goal for all human beings as a part of human rights is the ability to start a business and be your own boss, according to Asad. “You get a job to sustain yourself, but your goal should be to work for yourself,” Asad said. Malik Banister said he wanted the audience to become dedicated and passionate about human rights. Human rights is the main struggle and should be the goal, and the Black Civil Rights Movement was a part of

the main struggle, Banister explained. “When I was 12 years old, my grandmother gave me a book in 1965 called, ‘The Negro Cowboys,’” Banister said. Banister explained that this book was his grandmother’s way to show that he had a responsibility and obligation to his people and community. Asad said that despite growing up in different communities, all of the panelists were willing to put themselves on the line in the name of equality for everyone.


February 22, 2013

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