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Baseball falls in PSAC opener

The Rocket www.theonlinerocket.com

Friday, May 10, 2013

Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper

Est. 1934

Volume 96, Number 25

SGA swears in newly elected president President Norton welcomes senate By Kevin Squires Rocket Contributor

Rogers Clements was officially sworn in on Monday as the Student Government Association President for the 2013-2014 year. The executive officers and new senators for next year were sworn in as well. Meagan Black was appointed as the parliamentarian. Dr. Pease-Hernandez was approved as the faculty advisor for next year. Senator Courtney Lee was elected as the Speaker for the Senate. “I really want us as a whole to worry about what our constituents need,” Lee explained. “I want to hear what you [the Senate] have to say because that’s what I feel the Speaker should be.” James Garrity, Alex Merida, and Baylee Childress were elected to the Board of Cooperative Activities for 2012-2013 year. President Cheryl J. Norton was in attendance for the meeting, thanking the new board for taking on the leadership and responsibility of the position. “Together, I know we can all make a difference,” Norton said. It was Norton’s first time attending an SGA meeting and she said she was happy to have selected this one to attend. She thanked the previous members for their support of her and encouraged PHOTO COURTESY OF STEVEN ZAMBORSKY


Rodgers Clements (on the right) swears in his executive board. The board (from left) consists of Vice President of Internal Affairs Dustin Norcross, Vice President of Campus Outreach Anthony Plumberg, and Vice President of Student Affairs Megan Burr, and Vice President of Financial Affairs Abby Schon (not pictured).

Country duo Thompson Square rocks spring concert at SRU

Hertz rental cars likely to be available to students next year By Catie Clark Assistant News Editor

Hertz on Demand, a rental car service, was approved by the Student Government Association Monday evening. The service will allow students to rent cars hourly or daily by reserving them online. According to Ben Motyl, outgoing Vice President of Financial Affairs, a contract with Hertz hasn’t yet been finalized. “We are approved for a one-year contract as a trial run,” Motyl said. “The only condition is that there cannot be any extra fees charged to SGA by Hertz.” Motyl said the projected cost for students will be $8.50 an hour or $68 a day. “Students will be able to sign up for time slots online,” Motyl said.

A question many students have is how insurance will be affected, and the minimum age required to rent the cars. At standard car rental agencies, the minimum age is 25. “The minimum age to rent the cars is 18 with Hertz on Demand,” Motyl said. “Hertz is the insurer on the cars, so the student’s personal insurance isn’t liable for anything. The student would only pay $250 maximum if he/she were in an accident.” According to the Hertz on Demand 24/7 Website, Hertz On Demand 24/7 is the convenience of renting a car by the hour or day. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – with fuel and insurance included. Drivers can create a profile online or download the iPhone app and receive SEE NEW, PAGE A-2

Students question meal plan requirements By Jonathan Janasik which has made the to run without requiring Rocket News Editor


Shawna and Keifer Thompson of Thompson Square preformed in the ARC Sunday evening. They were featured along with country star Justin Moore. See C-1 for more information.

Scan the QR to see an interview with the band.

All students who live on campus at Slippery Rock University are required to purchase a meal plan that costs anywhere from about $1,600 to $1,800 per semester. Because of this, it’s common for students to ask why it is a requirement. According to an article written by Jim Parsons f r o m W TA E n e w s , Slippery Rock University is one of the universities

most revenue from their meal plans. It stated that the university has made almost $4.5 million since 2008 through rebates, profit-sharing and other incentives. Vi ce Pres i dent for Stu d e nt A f f ai r s D r. Constance Foley explained that there are a few reasons why meal plans are required for all students who live on campus. “Financially, we can’t run the programs we want

students to have a meal plan,” Foley explained. Foley said that the other main reason why meal plans are required for on campus students is because it helps students transition from transition from high school to college. “When they come to college, they don’t have to worry about themselves,” Foley explained. “They SEE SCHOOL, PAGE A-3

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