Pimp your Piggybank Rocky's Raisers hold contests to reward students who raise money for SRU.
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Friday, September 6, 2013 • Volume 97, Issue Number 2 • Slippery Rock University's Student Newspaper
the rocket
Tuition fees increase, state funding diminishes
PASSHE elects
New chancellor Previous Florida state system chancellor brings experience and new promises to Pa. state schools. NEWS A-2
Budget cuts Threaten faculty Clarion University cut 22 faculty members and one major. Will SRU see similar cuts?
Women's Soccer Opens season Green and White defeats California University of Pa. 2-1 in season opener.
Tuition and academic fees have shown an increase over the last fifteen years while state appropriations have decreased. The 2012-2013 data is reflective of the current budget, and the 2013-2014 data is reflective of the draft budget.
Potterheads Unite at SRU Dumbledore's Army is expected to be a new organization on SRU's campus this fall, open for all students to join.
Slippery Rock University begins preparing for the anticipated $5.2 million deficit By Kevin Squires Assistant News Editor
Overseas Star Irish soccer player Stephen Donnelly succeeds on the SRU men's soccer team over 3,000 miles away from home. Page B-1
President Cheryl Norton issued a letter to the Slippery Rock University c o m m u n i t y l a s t We d n e s d a y announcing a $5.2 million deficit expected in the operating budget for the 2014-2015 academic year. “I wish I could tell you this was a one-time blip in the budget, but it is not. We expect the following two years to be as equally challenging,” Norton stated in the letter. “This deficit is due to a combination of factors: the fragile economic recovery, unavoidable
increases in expenses and a declining population of high school graduates who are college ready.” As this trend continues there are only two possible ways of accommodating for cost: decrease the total amount of revenue needed, and/or increase the amount of revenue gained. Most of the university’s revenue comes from tuition costs and academic fees; however, that was not always the case. In fact, about ten years ago, the money the state dedicated to Slippery Rock exceeded the amount revenue generated by student tuition. Over the past four years, the state appropriation has gone down while tuition costs have
increased. Personnel reductions are a reasonable expectation for managing the deficit. “With nearly 80 percent of the University’s budget directed to salary and benefits costs, reductions will inevitably include some personnel,” Norton stated. The University is already acting on this situation. There has been a letter of retrenchment issued to faculty, other unions were notified of the fi nancial circumstances, reductions are expected and efforts are being made to generate more revenue. According Molly Mercer, Interim Vice President for Finance & SEE BUDGET, PAGE A-3
Faculty receives letter warning positions may be cut Clarion University plans to cut over 20 faculty members members within a certain time period,” the Executive Director for SRU Public Relations Rita Abent said. “It doesn’t mean that anything’s going to happen. It could, or it could not. You need to give notice, and that letter has gone out.” In late July, Burkhart received a letter from the SRU administration that explained that the university is considering the use of retrenchment and reserves the right to use it. “We’re facing a budget
By Jonathan Janasik News Editor
Patrick Burkhart president of the SRU Chapter President of the Association of Pa. State College & University Faculties (APSCUF) spoke to students on Aug. 26 during a SGA about the possibility retrenchment (the elimination of programs or faculty members). “There is a part of the collec tive bargaining agreement that says that if you’re considering any kind of reduction in the workforce, you need to notify the union
challenges, and we’re going to need to consider all possibilities,” Abent explained. According to Burkhart, eight of the universities in the PASSHE system also received similar letters from each of their respective administrations. This year, members of the faculty may receive letters that would state that this would be the last year of their employment, and that they would not be on payroll when school began again next fall. “I hope that faculty should not be worried about losing their jobs, but I’m confident that
some of them probably are,” Burkhart said. “At Clarion they were going to terminate more than 20 faculty members. We haven’t heard numbers from other universities in PASSHE. I think that amongst the tools that the administration can choose to balance its budget, cutting payroll of faculty is on the table and at SRU the administration has told us that it might be utilized. I’m sure that creates anxiety in the minds of some faculty.” SEE SRU, PAGE A-3