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the rocket Drag Queens strut their stuff at SRU Friday October 23, 2015 • Volume 99, Issue Number 8 • An Independent, Student-Run Newspaper


Drag queen, Lola LeCroix, sits on a student's lap during the Q&A session of the drag show. LeCroix said that all of the students asked such interesting questions and that she enjoyed the audience interaction.

By Amber Cannon Campus Life Editor

Slippery Rock University’s LGBTQIA organization, RockOUT hosted their annual drag show with returning queens and an SRU student drag queen on Wednesday night in the Robert M. Smith Student Center Ballroom. Senior journalism major and vice president of RockOut Haley Barnes said the event was incredibly successful this year. She said the crowd was a larger

crowd than RockOUT has ever had in the past. "It got to the point where we had to stop letting students in because the occupancy of the ballroom is 800 and we definitely had more than 800," she said. Students were lined along the walls of the ballroom waiting for the queens to come out. Barnes said students were asked to keep the entrances to the ballroom clear due to a fire safety precautions. Barnes said RockOUT does the drag show because Pride Week is such a serious event and the week needs some kind of entertainment peak that will bring in a lot of students, while also educating them. The difference between identifying as transgender

and being a drag queen, Barnes said, is that a person who is a drag queen dresses up as a different gender for entertainment purposes and a person who identifies as transgender really feels as though they identify as a different gender, so they often go through different hormone therapies and surgeries to make themselves feel the way they should. Sophomore hospitality major Brandon Gilchrist, better known in the drag world as London Shanel said she got her start in drag two years ago in the summer in Las Vegas. SEE ROCKOUT PAGE D-1

Local haunted attraction scares customers with unique hayride, corn maze By Haley Barnes For 16 years, the Cheeseman Fright Farm staff members have become naturals at scaring and entertaining their customers. At about 16 miles south from SRU's campus, Cheeseman Farm is one of the closest locations to SRU that offers a haunted attraction to the public. Owner and coordinator of the farm as well as 1999 SRU alumna Jennifer Cheeseman said that from the end of August to September 18, four people work about 18 hours a day to build the unique, haunted corn maze and hayride attraction. "We have a couple weekends where we have a whole bunch of people

come in for the corn maze because the corn maze ze takes forever, but I'd say aboutt four people build the whole thing," ing," she said. She said that hat all props that hat are used in n the corn maz e are handmade by her brot h e r. Cheeseman s ai d t h at d both she and er her brother are horror fans. "In the spring, there's always a Halloween convention and it used to be in Vegas, now it's in St. Louis,"

SGA Discusses Textbooks

Minimal Effort SRU Costumes

Volleyball Coach Earns 600th Win

Jeff Sheng Shares Photography Book

SGA talks about changes in the textbook buyback process.

A staff member describes what costumes would work best for you this Halloween. Page B-2

Long tenured volleyball coach, Laurie Lokash, reached a milestone with a win over Cheyney. Page C-1

"Fearless" photographer presents his series of LGBT+ athletes to students. Page D-3

News Editor

Page A-2

she said. "What we end up doing, because we don't have h a budget like Kennywood is they take pictures and talk to people peop that build it and a they come back ba here and they th build it themselves." t She said that the structural supplies are reused yearly, but th thousands that of dollars go into building new props and decor. Cheeseman said that on an average night they will sell a couple

thousand tickets, but that on a slow night they will average about 300 tickets. Tickets are $16 for both the hayride and the corn maze. Cheeseman said sometimes customers find the price of the tickets too expensive, but that there is a lot of money that goes into the process, as well as the hourly wage of the employees who work there. She said that it takes about 80 people to work a night: 20 people to sell tickets and concessions and about 60 to work in the maze and hayride. Employees make $8 an hour. She said that the haunted attraction started out with her, her brother and a couple of friends in 1999. SEE OWNER PAGE A-3

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