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Slippery Rock University Student Newspaper
Friday, September 16, 2011
Est. 1934
Volume 94, Number 3
SRU mourns loss of two students
John Tyler Stufflebeam, 21, was killed in a car accident at the intersection of Branchton Road and Route 8 early Saturday morning.
Senior physical education major dies in car accident By Courtney Nickle Editor-in-Chief
John Tyler Stufflebeam, 21, a senior physical education major at Slippery Rock University, was killed in a car accident at the intersection of Branchton Road and Route 8 early Saturday morning. According to the public information release report from the Pennsylvania State Police, the car Stufflebeam was riding in, a 2001 Ford
Escape, was traveling west on Branchton road when the driver, junior physical education major Hollie Carlson, 20, proceeded through the intersection and collided with a tractor trailer that was going north on Route 8 around 2:35 a.m. The Ford Escape spun clockwise from the impact and the rear of the vehicle hit the side of the tractor trailer. Stufflebeam was ejected through the rear window. He
was pronounced dead at the scene. According to the report, the other four passengers were Kyle Kosa, 22, Michael Evangelista, 21, Brandon Maharaj, 21, and Sarah Ecker, 20, all SRU students. The group had left a party and Carlson hadn’t had anything to drink, so she volunteered to drive. Stufflebeam was the Green and White Society’s vice president of alumni relations. According to Brad Kovaleski, one of the advisers for Green and White, Stufflebeam was just elected to fill the position last spring. Kovaleski said Stufflebeam was one of the most organized and focused members, and he truly cared about everyone around him. “If you have that friend who you know would just light up the room and would make you feel better, have that positive energy radiating, that was Ty,” Kovaleski said. “You know he was raised very well.” Stufflebeam was also a member of the Physical Education Club and Phi Epsilon Kappa, the physical education h o n o r a r y, according to his adviser, Dr. Istvan Kovacs. “As I knew him, he was one of my favorite students,” Kovacs said. “He would’ve been a great teacher. He was always one of the best at practicing and executing.”
Jack Hill Jr., 21, collapsed during basketball conditioning Friday night. He died early Saturday morning.
Basketball player dies after collapse during practice By Steph Holsinger Assistant News Editor
A Slipper y Rock Un i v e r s i t y b a s k e t b a l l player died early Saturday morning after collapsing during practice due to an apparent heart attack. Jack Hill Jr., 21, a senior information technology major from Roselle, NJ, collapsed suddenly during a basketball conditioning SEE STUFFLE, PAGE A-2 exercise Friday night in
Rocket Contributor
The feeling was bittersweet Tuesday afternoon as President Smith addressed staff and faculty members in Swope Music Hall as he approaches his retirement from Slippery Rock University in January 2012. Smith, who is the 15th president of the university, reassured audience members that SRU has a bright future, and that he is “very grateful” to have been a part of such a great atmosphere. Both Provost Bill Williams and Jace Condravy, president of the SRU chapter of Association
of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF), gave
an introduction and recalled memories involving their fellow colleague and friend. After several laughs shared amongst the auditorium, faculty members from all
departments individually thanked Smith for his commitment and dedication to the university throughout his seven years as president. The new student center, which is scheduled to open early in the spring semester, will be named in honor of Smith. Smith addressed a number of issues to an audience of approximately 300 colleagues, ranging from the challenges we face to the opportunities we have as one of the leading Pennsylvania state schools. Contracts were discussed, as Smith focused on what can be achieved for staff and faculty. “Change is inevitable,” he said. Smith looks towards the future of SRU with great expectations. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education wrote, “SRU shows a commitment to diversity and multiculturalism through its SEE PRESIDENT, PAGE A-3
New student center named in honor of President Smith
President Smith addresses SRU faculty for last time, talks about the future By Kaitlyn Yeager
Morrow Field House. He received immediate C P R at t e nt i o n f r o m SRU coaching staff until Slippery Rock Volunteer Fire Rescue Te a m personnel arrived on the scene. Hill was then transported to Grove City Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead at 12:06 a.m. Saturday, according to Rita Abent, executive director of university
public relations. According to Ke vin Reynolds, head coach of SRU’s men’s basketball team, Hill was a member of the team and basketball family both last year and this season. “Jack’s importance or value to our team could not be measured by typical basketball statistics,” he said. “His dedication, unselfishness, enthusiasm and energ y displaye d on a daily basis played a significant role in our NCAA Tournament berth in 2010-2011.” “On behalf of the Slippery Rock basketball coaches, student athletes, support staff and the rest of the SRU family, we send our condolences out to the Hill family,” Reynolds said. “He was not only a teammate, but a valued friend to all of us,” he said. “He certainly will be missed, but not forgotten.” In a d d it i on to t he basketball team, Hill was a dedicated member of SRU’s Building Bridges organization. Katie Ridjaneck, a junior Spanish and business administration major, got to know Hill through the organization. “He was instantly accepting and friendly to everyone,” she said. “He was always making jokes, smiling and making
By Will Deshong Rocket Contributor
Slippery Rock University President Robert Smith embraces Council of Trustees student representative Brandon Maharaj after finding out the new student center will be named in honor of him.
The new Slippery Rock University student center will be named in honor of President Robert Smith, as announced at the Council of Trustees meeting Friday Sept. 9th. The building, which is expected to be finished in early spring 2012, will be named the Robert M. Smith Student Center. The university’s Council of Trustees approved the name, which was proposed by the SRU student government association. Smith was emotional in addressing the packed room at the Russell Wright Alumni House and Conference Center. “It’s beyond words,” Smith said with tears in his eyes. “Thank you very, very much.” Smith, who has been with the university since 1999, thanked the students and trustees for having a building they worked so hard for be named in his honor. “We fought hard for this building,” Smith said. “It was all about the students.” The dedication Smith has shown towards the students and the university during his
term is the reason the Student Government Association elected to propose the name. The 208,000 square-foot student center has an estimated cost of $39 million. The building will be complete with a Starbucks, Quaker Steak and Lube restaurant, and movie theater, alongside the new bookstore, a bank and numerous offices and conference rooms for students and faculty. “It was a long process,” Smith said of the center that was first discussed in 2003 and had its groundbreaking last year in October. Trustee Brandon Maharaj read a resolution honoring Smith and his wife, Ramona, in a brief ceremonial presentation near the end of the meeting. Smith announced in April that he would retire in early 2012. “He’s been a great leader and we’ll miss him,” trustee Dennis Murray said of Smith. With the namesake of the new student center, Smith joins other former university presidents Robert N. Aebersold, Norman Weisenfluh, J. Linwood Eisenberg, Albert Maltby and James Morrow in having a building on campus named after him.