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Sandy Media Magazines
A quarterly B2B publication, SS throws light on the sound domain from practically all impacting angles- technology, design, equipment, information on tradeshows and news from around the world. Auditoriums, cultural complexes, convention centres, educational institutions, corporate offices / campuses, preview theatres, studios, sports arenas, and other performing spaces- all fall into its ambit. It’s been our endeavour to reach out the readers with more variety in structure and texture- the two ingredients of Sound, our principal domain! In ‘tune’ with the new demand, SS, therefore, now reaches its audiences through two distinct sections: AudiSolutions or AS, and OfficeSolutions or OS. That SS is also promoted at all major national/international events like NSCA-InfoComm, PALA, PALME, AVL, IBC, PLASA, Broadcast Asia, and Broadcast India, etc., the advertisers stand to gain a wide audience for its products and services.