V A M (Twilight free)
Oct 31, 2023 By Sofia Salgado
Opinion board
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Why Write About Vampires?
You prob abl about vam y wondering... “W hy the fu pir ck you w because P es?” Then again riting you are t uras Pen h d e dumb o ejadas is up of a b ne a unch of fi rst gener horror magazine who love a made tion mex s horror ican and up. So tu eres el pe were made fun o -americans f fo nd gastar tu dinero en ejo yo no, pero gr r it growing acias por esto :P Anywho, for the h a l l o this year s issue on ween season we de vampires has been simply on cided to do a year sin th ce I watc Netflix a hed Midn e fact that it nd I still ight Mas think abo s on ut it to t his day.
Midnight Mass community e The horror and punk sense, the best exampl es ak m at th n tio ec have a conn mous and their use of the fa ts isfi m e th y wa e th being or films, tion of punk and horr monsters, the combina or movie The coming from the horr go lo eir th as ll we as sters more so in origin. Mon en ev t Bu t. os Gh n so Crim lves, etc case), zombies, werewo like vampires (in this society as a whole. are seen as mirror to ect/movie), epending on the subj (d se ca is th in ch cs hi W bol for repressed topi m sy a s ct pi de lly ua vampires us e, sex, desire, such as diseas or d/ an ed ar fe e ar that l fun things. religion... basically al is in the mini series An example of which ing ries is a very interest se e Th s. as M ht nig id M e 10 outta 10, the whol watch and I give it a build acter comes back to re ar ch n ai m e th is ise prem at the n on Crockett Island his life in his hometow rious young priest. same time as a myste
Near Dark
The series dep icts the idea o f the blood of cleanse you a christ is mean nd shows it w t to ith the way th of death is fed e priest on th the blood by e b rink a vampire tha cave but the p t was inside a riest believes hidden the vampire (w as a symbol o ho in history, f evil for not is seen accepting Go begins to wors d) to be an an hip it. In a very gel and iconic scene, “Angel” into m the priest brin ass and proce gs in the eds to give th vampire to th e town the blo e congregatio o d n of the to “cleanse” th It can be seen em. as very sacrileg io important to us but I feel th show what peo e series is very ple are very m in. With the w u ch ay the priest a ready to belie nd the very p ve fanatic do no uritanical reli t question the g ious very obvious va series made th mpire. Watch e team think a in g the bout their upb us being raised rings, with a in a religious lot of household (eve are agnostic) n though som and thinking e of us how morbid th body of christ e idea of the and the cerem blood and ony of church as a whole.
Vampires mainly show thefears of deviance from so sexually, cultural ciety ( ly and religiousl y) . A lot of themes featuring vampire in movies s show LGBTQ+ topics such as in Daughter with th Dracula’s ere being sexual tension between Marya Zaleska an C ountess d her female vict ims with the vitc underdressed be ims being fore being killed and one scene w like Count Marya he re it looks will either kiss or bite the sleeping victim. Near Dark shows a group of vampi res depicting the and the explotia nuclear family tion of kindness w ith the way they food for the day. hunt for They live day by day in a meaning sleeping in the da le ss cycle of y and living at ni ght. Only this tim a mansion or goth e it is not in ic but more of a cowboy vampire Oklahoma rather story set in than Transylvani a. In the same va in, The Lost
racters , California and using the cha rla Ca ta San of n tow al ion who you are Boys takes place in the fict gers where you do not know na tee of era the ict dep to of Michael and Sam e Sam or you might y either find a true family lik ma you w ho to, g on bel es you or where also the aspect of teenage tim is ere Th . did el cha Mi e lik r ego speak in order fall in the wrong crowd ity and find yourself letting you ual sex r you er cov dis to in where you beg cho the “head vampire.” to either get the girl or out ma h his wife and who runs an antique shop wit us Jes d me na n ma old an ertime he ws Cronos sho chanical egg named cronos. Ov me den gol s thi by bit s get he the sun and peels granddaught Aurora, crave blood, hides away from to ins beg t bu ll we d an ng you god who begins to feel which is the name of a greek os on Cr led cal ng bei egg lity with every like an onion. The golden showing the dread of immorta vie mo the ith W e. tim of on n live is the personificati d trying to survive rather tha an eat to od blo for k loo to Nosferatu Cronos waking moment being forced r before the introduction of the the aug nd gra his La h De wit the had is us burden of eternal life a normal life like Jes esperate people who want the e som With are ere dth w ho w sho k Cronos to revive his father. machine. To bac get to us Jes wn do ng nti la Guardia hu with his Guardia family with Angel de go away and live a natural life to it nts wa us Jes h ug tho n ice eve De La Guardia wanting the dev e a human. lik th family and die a natural dea
Salem’s Lot