Spatial Design: Architecture and Cities Principles of Analytical Design Group Project Term 1 2015-2016
Group 5: Putri Dwimirnani, Pedro Gil, Ye Lu, Ruoheng Pan, Sotiria Sarri Project Mentor: Dr Falli Palaiologou Professor: Dr Kayvan Karimi
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Site Location
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
Map of London London Legacy Development Corporation boundary 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Group 5
Wick Woodland
Lea Valley Velo Park
Marbley Grezen Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
Chobham Manor
River Lea
Portland Lake
East village
Hackney Wick
RESEARCH AREA Fish Island ( north part )
Fish Land Stradford
Olympic Stadium
SITE AREA=924239㎡
1. Introduction
Aquatics Center
Pudding Mill 2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
The Legacy Plan - Local & Global Use - Temporality The Legacy Plan “To promote and deliver physical, social, economic and environmental regeneration in the Olympic Park and surrounding area, in particular by maximising the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games(...)” (London Legacy Development Corporation, 2015)
Local and Global The strategy for the park considers two different types of uses for the Park: local for the North and global, for the South Park respectively.
Temporality The passage of time can change the form and function of a building or an urban area. The Legacy Plan is in charge of ensuring long-term success of the facilities.
On the left: LLDC boundary Source: ‘’A Walk around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park’’
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History Strætforda (1067) : ‘ford on a Roman road'. •Originally an agricultural community •A country retreat for wealthy merchants and financiers •Early 19th century: an important transport and manufacture centre •End of the 19th century: a site of danger, depravity and destitution
1880 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History •The docks area and railway yards made East and West Ham prime targets for German Zeppelins in WW1 and German bombers in WW2 •West Ham was raided 194 times, losing 1207 dead and one third of its houses
1930 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History •Redevelopment was slow
•In 1953 the River Thames flooded •Tower blocks started to appear
50’s Engine Repair Shop Source: wikipedia
1950 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History •East and West Ham combined to form the Borough of Newham
•New freight terminal, new rail and bus station, new rail routes linking the East End with the City and the new Docklands development •Redevelopment of the 60s Mall and Theatre Royal, design of a new Arts Complex, Municipal Offices and General Hospital
1970 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History •Heavy industries and infrastructure still on site •Recent economic history underpinned by a move away from railway works and heavy industry towards becoming a significant commercial and cultural centre
1990 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History - Pre-2012 BEFORE
Fridge-Mountain, 2006
Waterworks River, 2005 Source: Clack, D., 2013. Stratford: then and now.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
History - Pre-2012 BEFORE
The Greenway, 2002
Stratford Marsh, 2006 Source: Clack, D., 2013. Stratford: then and now.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park The Legacy Master Plan
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - The Legacy Context – Venues Sport Legacy Main Venues The Stadium Aquatics Centre Copper Box VeloPark Lee Valley Hockey Tennis Centre
Top Priority • long-term development and management • sports destinations • balance the high-performance sport and community use. • preserve the Olympic and Paralympic Heritage.
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - The Legacy Context - Neighbourhoods
Chobham Manor Chobham Manor East Wick
Aim New connections High intergration
icity Sweetwater
Plan • 5 new neighbourhoods • 7,000 new homes • 10,000 new jobs • Social infrastructure - 3 schools - Nurseries - Community space
Marshgate Wharf
Pudding Mill
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Fish Island: Action Plan Tower Hamlets Area Action Plan Vision: • Creating a well connected area for East London. • Optimising the four characters of Fish Island. • Managing the use of former industrial land.
Source: LDF Tower Hamlets Fish Area Action Plan (2012)
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Fish Island Fish Island East • Currently empty, to be developed as new residential area • New connections to The Hub • Development on waterways Fish Island Mid • Conservation area • Change into creative industries and small businesses • Access to The Greenway, Lea Valley Walk, and Wick Lane
Source: LDF Tower Hamlets Fish Area Action Plan (2012)
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - The Legacy Sub-Area NORTH PARK leisure
SWEETWATER mix use ( residential, employement, retail and community floorspace
INTERNATIONAL QUARTER commencial, residential
commencial, residential ( cultural, retail, education, leisure or community function)
SOUTH PARK leisure, big events
FISH ISLAND mix use(residential, creative, culture)
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Hyde Park is a successful example as an urban park by well-linking the surrounding neighborhoods and bring people together. The Olympic park, in contrast, is lacking the links to surrounding neighborhoods. Instead of bring them together, it tears them apart. 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
General Research Questions
Local/Global Does the park function as an integrated part of the city, locally by bringing the surrounding communities together and globally as an attractor to boost economic and business development? How is this achieved spatially?
Temporality Do people perceive the park as a temporal passage to reach other areas?
Do the facilities currently in place promote transience and what is the aim of the proposed ones?
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Summary of methodology of all scales
East London Economy Transport Network Global Attractors Green Networks
Integration Rn-R800 Choice R5000,R2400,R1600,R800 Patchwork: Choice + Mean Metric Depth
Figure-Ground Map Land Use Severance Map Accessibility Footprint size
NA Integration R5000 NA Choice R5000 Combined NACH and NAIN
Tracing People Gateways
Day and night time accessibility
NA Integration R800 NA Choice R800 Scatter Plot
Gate Counting Snapshots Lighting (day and night) Statistical comparisons
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Macro Scale – Research Question The park and the city Global Analysis Is the Olympic Park a global attractor in terms of the street network How is the area connected with other global venues in terms of the street network? To which extent does it act as a centre? Or not?
Methodology Mapping East London Economy Transport Network Global Attractors Green Networks Spatial Analysis Integration Rn-R800 Choice R5000,R2400,R1600,R800 Patchwork: Choice + Mean Metric Depth 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
East London Economy Deprivation and Household income •Newham borough: on the top twenty most deprived •Tower Hamlets: highest levels of children living in income deprivation in England, followed by Hackney, Newham and Islington Indices of Deprivation Source: London Data Store
'Money needs to be invested in the Stratford Centre, not just the Olympic Park. It doesn't impact locals if not. How are we meant to compete?’
Shopkeeper Uday Patel
Mean Household Income Source: London Data Store
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
East London Economy Well-being •Average values on: Health, Economic Security, Safety (Crime rate and Fire), Education, Access, Environment, Happiness, Children and Families •Newham ward: Low well-being value compared with the rest of London’s wards •Hackney Wick Value: -10.56 •Stratford and New Town Value: -6.34 •West Ham Value: -4.75 Aggregate well-being charts Source: London Data Store
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Transport Network •
9 tube and National Rail lines
London Overground connections at Hackney Wick and Stratford
Cross rail due to open in 2018
The area is located in a well-connected place strategically.
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Change of Zoning Three Stratford stations (Stratford, Stratford International and Stratford High Street) from zone 3 to zone 2/3 effective from January 2016. The move will benefit commuters and visitors travelling to the stations at a lower cost, boosting the commercial attractiveness of the area. The changing of zoning will maximize the unique potential of the Olympicopolis initiative and wider strategic plans for regeneration and growth at Stratford,
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Global Attractors The area is an aggregation of many global venues. Velodrome ICITY
It is designed to be a new destination point, gathering people together.
Copper Box Arena
Olympic Stadium
London Aquatic Center Arcelor Mittal Orbit Tower
Source: London Legacy Development Corporation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Green Networks
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis INTEGRATION Rn Globally the area is on the extension of the center of London.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis INTEGRATION R5000 Some segments the The area is still from out of boundary the area are center inofR5000 embedded into the centre.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis INTEGRATION R2000 The area is at the periphery of the center in R2000.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis INTEGRATION R800 The north park starts to act as a center at R800. It is a local center rather than a global one, and its irradiation effect is quite limited.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis Choice R5000
In R5000, the choice analysis only picks up the important highways :A11 and A12 around the area. The park itself does not have much movement in global sense.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis Choice R2400
In R2400, the north park starts to have higher choice value, while the south park still not. The analysis in R2400 picks up the path from Olympic village and the bridge between north and south park.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis Choice R1600
In R1600, the analysis picks up the main entrance into the south park from Stratford and the north park has shown a good pattern of local use.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis Choice R800
In R800, the north park starts to have a good amount of throughmovement. The analysis picks up the three main path supports the most throughmovement.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Patchwork: Foreground Background In the background map, there is gap around the area. It is not well-linked with the background network. There is strong foreground network around the area, but not much is passing through it.
Foreground: Angular Choice Rn Background: Mean Metric Depth R3000
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Analysis conclusion
In terms of street network, the area can hardly be called as a global center, even though it has been designed with wellconnected transport and global venues. It is only a local center in small radius. The area is in a “bridge� position between the more integrated central London and more segregated East London.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Macro Scale - Conclusions Is the Olympic Park a global attractor in terms of the street network?
Strategically, the Olympic Park is well connected with transport system and also has many global venues as attractors. It has the potential to act as the bridge between central London and East London, so as to boost the economy of East London. However, the area is not integrated in terms of street network. It has failed to become a global centre to bring people together.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Meso Scale – Research Question The park and its neighbourhoods Global and Local Analysis Is there a synergy between local and global activities happening in the park? Does the park encourage local activities and also people passing through on their way to longerdistance trips? Is there an overlap of to-movement and throughmovement?
Methodology Mapping Figure-Ground Land Use/Severance Map Accessibility
Spatial Analysis NA Integration R800 NA Choice R800 Combined NACH and NAIN Observation Tracing People Gateways 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Figure - Ground Map The area is a “whole� in relation to its neighbourhoods. The park represent a big open space for the surroundings.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Figure - Ground Map The area concentrate big size buildings in relation to its neighbourhood.
Big size buildings
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Building Footprint Size Building footprint sizes become bigger when they locate closer to the park. They are a barrier
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Land-Use Analysis The land uses show that the southwest side of the park is dominated by industries, while the south east part is characterized by retail and the north park with residential uses.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Land-Use Analysis RESIDENTIAL CLUSTERS High rise residential: East Village Fish Island Pudding Mill
East Village Hackney Wick West Ham
Low rise residential: West Ham Hackney Wick Hackney Wick
Fish Island East Village Pudding Mill
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Land-Use Analysis The south side of the park concentrate big areas of Industrial Clusters.
East Village Hackney Wick West Ham
Fish Island
Fish Island
Pudding Mill
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Route Connectivity Map Boundary between the park and neighborhood Entrances not connected to the neighborhoods. No south access
Fish Island segregated two canal No events - South park inaccessible
Only one connection North and South park
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
The southwest side of the park work as industrial cluster and the north side as residential. Roads and rail lines are boundary between the park surroundings. Spatially and functionally there is a clear division between the north and south side.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Gateways Observation Data – Week Day
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Gateways Observation Data – Week Day Most of the movement is on the west and east side of the park. On the other hand there is a lack of movement in the south west and north side.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Gateways Observation Data – Week End
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Gateways Observation Data – Week End The use of the South park increase significantly on the weekend.
Hackney Wick
Pudding Mill 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Movement Tracing South Park 60% access from Fish Island is directing to South Park. NORTH PARK 50% passers from South Park go to Olympic Village. Main route connecting Hackney Wick and Olympic Village.
Pattern Concentrated movement in the heart of the park Few movement on the extremes.
Gates 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis NACH R5000 LEYTON
The highest value of choice is in West-East. (through movement)
There is a strong connection with Victoria Park. EAST VILLAGE
There are low levels of choice in the south side of the park.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis NAIN R5000 LEYTON
The core of the park is not integrated with its neighbours. (to- movement)
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis Combined NAIN and NACH RN
Both extremes the north and south park show a low combination of choice and integration.
The connections with the neighbourhoods occur in the centre of the park, following a west-east direction. (through movement) + (to movement)
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Meso Scale - Conclusions Does the park encourage local activities and also people passing through on their way to longerdistance trips? PHYSICALLY FIGURE GROUND
The park is a “whole” for its neighbourhoods.
Is a barrier for its neighbourhoods.
Residential areas Industrial areas
-north park -south park - lack of daily
Station and centre Park’s extremes
- High movement - little use.
Low integration High choice
-it’s not a destination -it’s a strategic location (especially bridge)
Park’s extremes Movement
-segregated and less choice. -west-east in the centre.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Micro Scale – Research Question The north and the south side of the park Local Analysis What is the relation between the north and south use of the park, when considering temporality? Do the north park and south park promote specific group uses respectively?
Methodology Observation Gate Counting Snapshots Lighting (day and night) Statistical comparisons Spatial Analysis NA Integration R800 NA Choice R800
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Gateways Observation Temporality The south park has a peak amount of people when there’s an event and the main entrance from Stratford takes 90% of it.
On the other hand the north park remained stable during the day and also between weekday and weekend.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Gateways Observation Temporality
1. Introduction
The count of the three periods are basically even in each gate. Morning use is higher in weekend and lunchtime higher in weekday.
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Scatter plot: correlation between NAIN and Log Choice The correlation between Choice and Integration is higher in North Park than that in South Park. It suggests that the north park has more copresence of to-movement and throughmovement.
North Park R2=0.34
South Park R2=0.27
Scatter plot: NAIN VS Log Choice
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Snapshots-North and South Park
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Snapshots: Playground
Walkers centred here Mix use Strongly used
Hightly used Communication happens strongly
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Snapshots: Playground
paths for walkers stop moving walkers mainly and less people would stop moving.
No place to sit Less communication
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Playground Conclusion
Highly use Family-based use strongly local
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Snapshots: London Aquatic
Hightly used for passing in bridge Access for the auditorium of aquatic center
A clear boundary between passing and the access area of aquatic Mainly for passing Less communication 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Aquatics Conclusion
Events-fully used No events-empty Most of the people use the bridge.
No special treatment for the access of the building.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Segment Analysis NACH R1200
I City a barrier to the west
Bridge the linking between both sides.
Linking Bridge
Backside of the Stadium
Backside of the Stadium 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
North Park: Main Route Potential routes to connect neighbourhoods
Main Route to Velodrome is not well illuminated
Main access for surrounding neighbourhood is no longer used due to limited visibility
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Night Time Accessibility
South Park area has no distinct problem in night time accessibility.
71% of North Park area cannot be accessed at night time due to limited visibility.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Day & Night Time Comparison NACH R800
North Park area is losing connectivity at night. South Park area performs well both day and night.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Micro Scale - Conclusions What is the relation between the north and south use of the park, when considering temporality? Do the north park and south park promote specific group uses respectively? TEMPORALITY LOCAL & GLOBAL
Distinct difference of uses at South Park.
The two parks serves different functions. North Park South Park
-serves daily use -events related
iCITY Backside of Stadium
- Barrier to North Park - Barrier to South Park
Limited visibility Low connectivity
-no illumination -access are blocked
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
5. PROPOSALS 5 guidelines toward a design proposal
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
UNIFY THE WHOLE Join together the fragmented north and south side of the park, strengthening its role as a centre and improving circulation
BENEFIT FROM THE SURROUNDINGS Relate to the surrounding uses and networks that attract various social groups at different times
PROVIDE MULTI-LEVEL LINKS Create linkages from the park to its surroundings and provide viewing platforms that enhance visibility, connectivity and accessibility
EXTEND THE LANDSCAPE Extend vertically the network of green spaces, as part of the Thames Gateway Parklands Vision, so that surrounding communities can have access to it
ADD LIGHTING Light up underutilised, dark areas to enable various path options during the night
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Main Intensions Park of Social Reproduction
Park of Social Production
Stratford International
Pudding Mill Lane
Hillier, B., 1989. The Architecture of the Urban Object. Ekistics, 56(334/33), pp. 5-21. 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
North Park - iCITY A digital and creative district:
•enabling links with Hackney Wick’s creative industries •the building will act as a mediator Above: Hackney Wick Murals Below: LLDC iCITY vision – link with Hackney Wick proposal
•facilitate local network development
Source: Phil Askew LLDC Bartlett Presentation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
London Legacy and Proposal Comparison Choice R2000
LLDC Proposal
Current Situation
CH: 0,96
1. Introduction
CH: 1,27
CH: 1,03
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Park Bridge – A new Market Place Choice R2000
Group Proposal CH: 1,38 HIGHETS CHOICE
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Park Bridge – A new Market Place •create a mix of temporary and permanent activities •increase vertical connectivity by reinforcing the northsouth link •enhance north-south through-movement
South Park Proposed Activities Source: Phil Askew LLDC Bartlett presentation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Park Bridge – A new Market Place •create a mix of temporary and permanent activities •increase vertical connectivity by reinforcing the northsouth link •enhance north-south through-movement
South Park Proposed Activities Source: Phil Askew LLDC Bartlett presentation
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Multi-level Viewing Platform • facilitate east –west movement •link at the same level with west bridge •create a continuous elevated walking path •bring visitors and inhabitants together along the platform •enable more views across the green landscape corridor •enable multi-level activities: movie projections, open-theatre and music events, temporary markets
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Multi-level Viewing Platform • facilitate east –west movement •link at the same level with west bridge •create a continuous elevated walking path •bring visitors and inhabitants together along the platform •enable more views across the green landscape corridor •enable multi-level activities: movie projections, open-theatre and music events, temporary markets
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
London Legacy and Proposal Comparison Choice R2000
Current Situation
CH: 1,23
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
LLDC Proposal
Group Proposal
CH: 1,32
CH: 1,34
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Fish Island: Create a hub •creative industries and small business •enable connections between Hackney Wick Over ground Station and Pudding Mill Lane •opening access through the A12 highway will enable connectivity with Victoria Park and the deprived area of Tower Hamlets Key:
Fish Island area Exiting buildings Existing roads Proposed roads/paths
New connections New bridges
Fish Island proposal 1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
London Legacy and Proposal Comparison Choice R2000
LLDC Proposal
Current Situation
Group Proposal
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
Extend the landscape •Facilitate connection from Pudding Mill Lane station to the park
1. installation points
2. skate park area
•Extend the landscape and pathways across the river •Provide a platform for installations and a skate park area to be used both by visitors and potential UCL East students Key: future development area proposed routes
potential car park
new links sports/various activities area
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. light up subway entrance
4. protect from railway 3. Meso Scale noise 4. Micro Scale
Pudding mill lane station Image sources: 1. 69069/ 2. 3. 94120/ 4. -topotek-1-big-architects-superflex
5. Proposals
London Legacy and Proposal Comparison Choice R2000
LLDC Proposal
Current Situation
Group Proposal
CH: 1,24
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
North Park Illumination Proposal: NACH R800
Providing illumination at night will increase visibility. NORTH PARK
Potential routes which are being used at day can also be accessed at night.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
North Park Illumination Before and After
By providing illuminations at certain points, it will open more access within local neighbourhoods.
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
North Park - Illumination Proposal
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
SOUTH PARK 3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
LLDC and Proposal Plan NACH R2000
London Legacy Proposed Plan Plan
Improve the ´heart´ of the park as a destination Increasing movement in north and south extremes of the park Enhance local and global networks Transform the park from a ‘temporalevents’ area to an integrated everyday life one
1. Introduction
2. Macro Scale
3. Meso Scale
4. Micro Scale
5. Proposals
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