Annual Report 2021

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3 4 5 10 11 Mission and Values Activity Report Other FinancesActivities


and Values SCI





professionalism and

Mission contributes to strengthen democratic practices and institutions through civic engagement, participation in the formulation and implementation of national and local policies, and promotion of regional cooperation for a sustainable development, based on research, surveys, public information and education, exchange of experience and information, partnerships and networking, grantmaking, capacity development for public, private, and non- profit institutions, and its purpose, SCI applies methodologies that ensure sustainability of its interventions undertakes programs projects at the local, national, and international level, taking into

valuesSCIconveyingformulationandcitizens’policies,makingparticipationSCIconsiderationalsothefollowing:workstoincreasecitizens’inthedebateanddecision-onlocalandnationalpublictoincreasetheeffectivenessofparticipationindecision-makingcitizenparticipationintheofpublicpoliciesbycommunityneedsandideas.believesinandisledbycommonsharedbyitsBoardandStatff. SCI’s activity prioritizes: 1 Civic Engagement We:•BelieveinSCI’smission;•Promoteprogressive practices, •for••in••women,•positions,••the•and•programs,andpolicies;Arecommittedtogenderequalitysocialinclusion;Respectandvaluepeopleengagedinorganization;Areprofessionalsinourwork;Areopentodiversityofideas,andcollaborators;Payspecialattentiontoyouth,andgirlsengagement;Treatpeoplewithfairnessanddignity;Solidarizewithcitizensandpeopleneed;Arecreativeinouractivity;Arecooperative,withoutaskingprotagonism;Promotevoluntarism.

5 2 Formulation and Implementation of National and Local Policies 3 Regional Cooperation

Project Alternative Sentences-Alternative for a Better Life Partners None Donor Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania Budget 98,600 Euro Timeframe September 1, 2019- February 28, 2021 6 Rule of Law and Good ProgramGovernance During February-April 2021, SCI organizedthetrainings withmagistrates theirchallengesinparticipantslecturethethetotalShkoder,AppealtheServicesongroupwithyoung(judgesandprosecutors),lawyers(600lawyersweretrained6groups100studentseach),andeachattendedtwodaysoftrainingAlternativeSentences,ProbationofficersclusteredasperrelevantterritorialcoveroftheCourts(Tirane,Durres,Vlore,GjirokasterandKorce).ThenumberofPbSwhoattendedtrainingswas67officers.Duringsessions,besidesthetheoreticalbasedupontheManual,thealsosharedtheirconcernsrelationtothepracticalthattheyfaceduring ConferenceactivityalternativeservingsupporttotheyAlternativeprocessopinionsparticipantsTrainingEmploymentCourts,representativesattended2021.TerritorialAlbaniatookmultidisciplinarycapacityandandworkrelatedtothelegalframeworktheinterinstitutionalrelationshipbureaucracy.Thelastroundofbuildingactivitiesweretheworkshops,whichplaceinpersonin6regionsin(aspertheAppealCourtsDivision),duringMayTheseworkshopswereby104people,whichwereofthelocalPbS,Prosecution,Lawyers,Police,Offices,Vocationalcenters,municipalityagenciesandNGOs.AlthoughtheshoweddifferentinrelationtotheintegrationoftheconvictedpeoplewithSentences,attheendallagreedandwerecommittedincreasetheircontributionandtothepeoplewhoareorhavecompletedansentence.ThefinaloftheprojectwastheonAlternative Sentences that took DirectorMinisterrepresentativesConferenceplaceonJune29,2021inTirana.Thewasattendedbythehighestofthejusticesystem,theofJusticeMrs.EtildaGjonaj,TheoftheSchoolofMagistrates


Mr. Arben Rakipi, the General Director of the National Probation Service Mr. Anesti Kapllani, representatives from the High Judicial Council, High Prosecution Council, School of Advocacy, the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Albania Mrs. Guusje Korthals Altes, representatives of the British Embassy, OSCE, the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, and NGO representatives working in the rule of law field in Albania. SCI successfully implemented this project, resulting in 839 trained professionals on Alternative Sentences, thus contributing in a better awarding and implementation of the alternative sentences in Albania.

Project Investigating gender-based violence repre- sentation in Albanian television Partners None Donor British Embassy Budget 29,000 USD Timeframe October 2020 – March 2022 8 Civic Engagement Program violencereportandnationaloperators,stories.GBV,beofemotionalStudiespromotesincludingnormsthetherefore,understanding,attitudes,andbehaviors;itisveryimportantthatmediachallengesculturalandsocialthattolerateorexcuseGBV,domesticviolence,andpositivesocialchange.haveshownthataudience’sresponsesandattributionsresponsibilityareaffected,andcanmanipulated,byhowmediaframesincludingdomesticviolenceThereare56audio-visualthatisTVstations,(1public,7nationalsprivate,48localsprivate)inAlbaniathatonGBV,includingdomesticcases,or/

Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of Albania’s biggest social and health concerns. It refers to the kind of violence that causes or has the potential to cause physical, sexual, emotional, mental, and/ or economic harm based on one’s gender. GBV and in particular domestic violence cases generate media coverage. The mediahasahugeimpactonpublic and discuss about these cases in their programs.The activity of these operators is supervised by the AudioVisual Monitoring Authority (AMA). Recently there is an increased concern among women’s rights activists and other actors that the way that TV stations report on GBV, including domestic violence cases, is not ethical, is ambivalent, and in some


Television programs and news editions were monitored for the four main televisions in the country: Top Channel, Klan, RTSHand News 24.The selection of televisions was based on several criteria. TV KLAN and TOP CHANNEL became subject to monitoring due to their high viewership and the status they hold as national televisions. Radio Televizioni Shqiptar (RTSH) as the onlypublictelevisionand News 24 to have a visual media with a profile dedicated to information in the list.The programs included in monitoringareclassifiedaccording to 4 main typologies: social, topical, entertaining and informative. 622 TV programs and 235 news editions were always monitored, which in projectincludeprojectwomen.impactofimprovementphenomenon,thenoticeablecasesquantitativephase.anddraftedprojectprocess,TVwhichtotalincludeabout76,000minutes,of11%belongtonewsand89%toprograms.AfterthemonitoringthemediaexpertoftheandthedataanalysisexpertthereportwiththeresultstheconclusionsofthemonitoringReferingtothereport,theextentofreportingofgender-basedviolenceandapositivedevelopmentofcriticalreflectionontheisnotfollowedbyanoftheeducationalrolethemedia,toplayanactiveonpreventingviolenceagainstMeanwhile,thestaffoftheisadvocatingwithAMAtotherecommandationsofthetotheirCodeofConduct.

10 cases is in breach of the law and the journalists’ code of conduct. To address this concern, SCI’s project “Investigating gender-based violence representation in Albanian televison” aims to improve media coverage of GBV, including domestic violence cases, so that they promote gender equality and positive social change.

SCI hired 4 junior experts with knowledge and experience in dealing with casesofviolenceand specifically violence against women, who were trained in a dedicated manner for the methodology of this survey. Monitoring was conducted over four months (March, April,May,June 2021).



Tirana Cycle Partners DoArt, People in Focus Donor European Union Budget 20,000 EUR Timeframe July 1 - September 31, 2021

During July-September 2021, SCI in partnership with two organizations DoArt and People in Focus implemented “Tirana Cycle Project”, part of Artivist Stafete program funded by EU. This project was a creative and innovative alliance that aimed to empower Albanian civil society organizations and young people in their path to change and create social awareness on human rights, diversity and gender equality through the arts. On July 2021, SCI issuedacall forexpressionofinterest for young people in Tirana to be part of the trainings. 55 people applied and 22 participants were selected. The aim of the project was to train young people on podcast making, filmmaking, graffiti, storytelling and photography so they can use their voice to bring awareness through art. They recorded 3 podcast episodes, 1 short movie and 2 graffiti as part of Walls of Connection. The first episode is:1. Living as a student in Tirana (with theparticipationofastudentas a

12 guest); episode 2: Pride in Albania (with the activist of LGBTQ+ community, Xheni Karaj); episode 3: Tirana’s only LGBTQ+ Shelter (with the Director of the Shelter, Elvis Popaj).You can listen to the podcasts here: https://soundcloud. com/socialcontract-institute-sci/sets/ tiranacycle-project. After the training on filmmaking, the participants and the expert produced a short movie, called “Sex: Male, Gender: Girl”. Each of the participants had a role while shooting the movie which is based on a true here:audience.Yousharewhoandisstory.Thestoryofthemainactor,whopartofthetransgendercommunityalsoaparticipantontheprojectforthegoodcausewaswillingtohisstorywithawidecanwatchthemovie watch? v=O7MpQnElCbM. The closing event of the project was the Hackathon, which included artivism outputs from the podcast, film, and walls of Connection training. During the Hackathon days were invited 3 women entrepreneurs who shared their experience with the audience, the participants ofthe project showcased their products and the event was closed with a DJ session fromAlbanianDJAcademy.


14 Other Activities • Since March 2021, SCI adheres organizedserviceparticipated•REFORMAJONE.AL2.0•lawgroup•accountability.governance,ofaimsattheStandardCodeofAlbaniawhichtoimprovetheworkeffectivenessnon-profitorganizations,goodtransparencyandSCIispartoftheworkingforpublicconsultationoftheonNGOs.BeingPartoftheWEBERSCIcontributestotheplatformsinceApril2021.OnDecember2021,SCIontheforum“Civilandintegrityinpolicymaking“byThinkforEurope(TEN).

SCI was part of the National Activism Day (NAD) presenting Tirana Cycle Project and talking about •artivism.On June 2021, SCI was invited to “Giving Circles”, an event organized by Partners Albania to support three causes that will transform lives and bring sustainable socialchangeforcommunitiesinneed.

15 Financial Data Budget for 2021


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