The SSDP Voice
2010: History in the Making This past year, SSDP has been part of some historic events. In July, Congress reformed the disastrous crack-powder cocaine sentencing disparity, an issue SSDP has been working on since our inception. In 2008, our national lobby day sent over 200 students to meet with their representatives in Washington, D.C. about ending the disparity. In June, SSDP members generated thousands of phone calls to representatives in Washington, asking for their support of the National Criminal Justice Act introduced by Sen. Jim Webb. In July, the House of Representatives
passed the act and if approved by the Senate, it will establish a blue-ribbon panel to review the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. We have hired a new executive director and our first international liaison. For the first time, our international conference was held on the west coast and was an immense success with nearly 500 attendees. We have worked hard to grow our chapter network in the U.S. and it has expand by almost 30% since 2009. SSDP’s chapter presence in California has more than doubled since Jon Perri came on
summer 2010
as our first western region outreach director. Internationally our network continues to grow with new chapters forming in Australia and Colombia. We’re also excited to announce LawSSDP and MedSSDP, our recent expansion into law schools and medical schools. This provides graduate students with a new chapter model different than that of our undergraduate chapters that will allow graduate students to bring a new perspective and credibility to SSDP’s drug policy reform work.
SSDP’s Efforts to End Crack/Powder Sentencing Disparity In July, Congress reformed the disastrous crack-powder cocaine sentencing disparity, an issue SSDP has been working on since our inception. For over 20 years, sentences for crack cocaine crimes were 100 times
those given to people convicted of powder cocaine offenses.The disparity is now at 18:1, a huge improvement but still unfair. In 2008, SSDP’s national lobby day sent over 200 students to meet with their representatives in
Washington, D.C. and urge them to help end the disparity by supporting legislation. We will continue to educate our communities and lobby our representatives until a just reform is achieved.
Just Say Now Campaign to Legalize Marijuana Launched In July, SSDP announced it’s partnership with the progressive political blog Firedoglake to
in this issue Message from Aaron
Outstanding Chapters
International Expansion
National Strategy Summit 5 Conferences & Awards
draw attention to marijuana legalization efforts through the formation of our Just Say Now campaign. Just Say Now’s advisory board includes former law enforcement officers, physicians, and others from all sides of the political spectrum. A notable members include Bruce Fein, Associate Deputy Attorney General and General Counsel to the Federal Communications Commission under President Reagan.
We have started a petition through the campaign calling on President Obama to end marijuana prohibition. Sign it!