1 minute read
Alexandra Nicole is a wildlife biologist turned artist from Georgia whose work spotlights the landscapes and wildlife of the south with strong nod to the coast where she grew up. Raised in the rich tidewaters of the lowcountry, her childhood cultivated a desire to center her life around the natural world.
Alexandra started fishing around the age of 4, when her father began taking her out on the water. In an old, aluminum john boat they cruised the intercoastal waterway cast netting for shrimp, sight fishing triple tail, and targeting red drum in the creeks near her home. Those early days on the water laid the foundation, not only for her love of the coast, but her lifelong obsession with fishing.

Her angling career progressed naturally from bluegill on crickets, to redfish on shrimp, to tarpon on fly. Now, at 32 years old, fishing has deeply connected her to places and people around the world and is the primary inspiration for her artwork. Her hope is for her work to help foster a relationship between people and nature and perhaps inspire them to seek out this connection for themselves.


If you'd like to commission work from Alexandra or read more about her art and angling, check out her website.

She didn't mention this in her bio, but she is also a bad ass cattle rancher. If you want to learn about that, search for "Habitat Ranch Georgia" on the Google machine or click right here.