SSFHMqagazine Jan/Feb 2022

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Jan/Feb 2022

FREE Since 1965

This Issue • • • • • •

2022 Tournament News Local Fishing Reports Ponce Inlet Tide Tables Fishing Expo & Swap Meet Pg. 3 What is a Robin Hood Pg. 6 Florida Blood Tracking Seminar Pg. 26

Let Us HOST your Next Event! at Gobbler's Lodge 3D Archery Range or let us bring the range to you.

Our professional instructors will help you create and focus in a unique personal setting and fun outdoor enviroment. Large or small groups are welcome. The 3D course is designed to shoot from elevated platforms located along the edge of a 2.5-acre wetland area in the middle of a 10-acre parcel. Archers aim at targets set among the trees to simulate a hunting experience. Both the range and 3D course platforms comprise a total of five shooting stations.

• Corporate Events

• Birthdays & Private Events • School & Club Events • Country Weddings

• Mobile Events (NEW)


11am to 5pm Saturday & Sunday

Don’t forget to ask about: • Use of Facility • Catering Options • Private Lessons • Fishing Charters • The Lodge • Memberships • Sponsorships

Call For Pricing 386-478-3725

385 Gobbler’s Lodge Rd. Osteen, Fl.


We are a members only archery range. Where people can come to learn and practice the sport. You do not have to be a member to have an event. SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 2

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 3

613 W. International Speedway Blvd. • Daytona Beach Store Hours: 8:30-5:00 M-F • 9-4 Sat • Closed Sunday



Our 1st. Raptor Has Arrived with others on the way

Minnkota Trolling Motors! Somemodelsinstock!


• 386-252-5019 • SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 4


In Loving Memory Jack Escoe Jr. 7-19-1937 - 2-16-2021 This has been a tough year for myself and Surplus Unlimited. On Feb 16th, 2021 I lost my dad and it changed my whole world. I want to take the time to thank all our customers for their support. Dad is truly missed. • Cindy

• Steering

Only local retailer for STAYPUT 6’, 8’,10’ and 12’ Poles Bow, Stern and Motor Mounts Available ComeCheckitOut! Spring Prep is around the corner Get what you need NOW beforeInventoryislow!

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 5

• Trailer Parts • Stainless Hardware • Control Cables

(Mercury Generation II)

• Cleaning Supplies • Safety Equipment • Electronics • Dock Lines • Nautical Decor • Tires/Rims • Batteries • Seats/Pedastals • Hatches • Zincs • Anchors • Chain • Jewelry • Head Supplies • Cup/Accessory Holders • Hose • Electrical • Starboard • Boat Fenders • Marine Tinned Wire • LED Lighting • Saltwater Fishing Supplies • Pumps Bilge, Aerator, Washdown, Fresh Water • and so much more.......

VOLUSIA COUNTY P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32129 386-478-3725 Email

Published By: Desiree’ Harbster In Loving Memory of

Roger S. Harbster 12/25/1929 ~ 4/24/2009 Dorothy F. Harbster 3/17/1936-4/18/2018

FRONT COVER PHOTOS Mason Stovall 12 years old is a 2 time Lakeland Big Expo pop up 3D Youth Champion back to back years 2020/2021 2020 Polk County Youth Fair Archery Boys Champion 2021 ASA 3D Youth Boys Florida State Champion Mason also has 7 “Robin Hoods” A Robin Hood is when an archer splits an arrow already in the target with another arrow shot from the same spot a rare feat to accomplish let alone 7 times.

By: Desiree’ Harbster and Capt Lynda Hawkins

Ponce Inlet New Smyrna Beach Fishing Report By: Capt Bruno Soo Long 2021. The fishing has been great this year. From Inshore Redfish and Snook to Offshore Mangrove Snapper and Kingfish the bite has been very consistent and good to us. A lot of Nice Fish have been caught by my clients and myself making the this year a memorable one. Looking into 2022 we will be starting out fishing for Sheephead, Black and Red Drum, Flounder, Tripletail, Weakfish, Pompano and Spanish Mackerel until the water starts to warm up. My Favorite time of year is Spring time. The Cobia migrate up the coast and the mahi run offshore. From there we go into summer and I will be focused more on offshore bring home the meat. Stay Caught Up with Capt Bruno and Book a Charter to catch your fish of a lifetime!!! Happy New Years

Inserts: Capt. Cesar Otero from Orlando with a very healthy Mosquito Lagoon 31” snook. Capt Cesar is also a new addition to the Rare Breed Crew out of Inlet Harbor Marina in Ponce Inlet. He will be running the 24’Pathfinder and the Ski&call386-4725tobookatrip.

Mike Barber caught & released this 6 pound 8 ounce lunker bass while visitingfromIndianafishingwithCapt Lynda Hawkins of Bass N Gal Guide Service.


Desiree’ Harbster FOWA President Capt. Lynda Hawkins Tim Camp Caught Up Fishing Capt. Bruno SOL Fishing Capt Evan Sanders

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 6

Expires 12/15/2022

Happy clients of Caught Up Fishing Charters with Capt Bruno out of New Smyrna Beach

OUPV-6 Pack $625

Includes test, book, and all equipment necessary Master Upgrade-Total Tuitions $200-$250 SSFHMagazine July/August 2020 Page 7 SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 7

OVERLOOKING THE SCENIC WATER OF PONCE DE LEON INLET Serving Fresh Seafood & Fine Steaks Daily Accessible By Floating Docks A Locals Favorite Dine Inside Along The Halifax River

Snook seasonal closure in Atlantic starts Dec. 15 The recreational harvest season for snook closes Dec. 15 in Atlantic state and federal waters, including Lake Okeechobee and the Kissimmee River, and will remain closed through Jan. 31, 2022, reopening to harvest Feb. 1, 2022. Anglers may continue to catch and release snook during the closed season.

4894 Front Street, Ponce Inlet 386-761-4831


New regulations for spot and Atlantic croaker on Atlanticcoaste&ectiveDec.1

New regulations for spot and Atlantic croaker in state waters from the FloridaGeorgia border through Miami-Dade County will go into effect beginning December 1. There have been recent coastwide declines in abundance and harvest of spot and Atlantic croaker along the U.S. Atlantic. These changes are part of a coastwide, multi-state conservation strategy for the Atlantic stocks of these species. The new regulations include: A daily recreational bag limit of 50 fish per person for each species. Commercial vessel limits of Spot: 2,200 pounds. Atlantic croaker: 1,200 pounds. Learn more at

Nautic al Gifts

In the Gulf, all state and federal waters, including Monroe County and Everglades National Park, are currently closed to harvest. All Gulf state waters northwest of State Road 64 in Manatee County and south of Gordon Pass in Collier County will reopen to harvest March 1, 2022. Snook remains catch-and-release only in state waters from State Road 64 in Manatee County through Gordon Pass in Collier County through May 31, 2022, in response to the impacts of red tide. Snook also has a regular season closure in Gulf waters that runs May 1 through Aug. 31. Regular season closures are designed to help conserve the species during vulnerable periods such as during cold weather.

Granada Pier

ie’s n n Li ous Fam Dip h Fis

Bait & Tackle Open 7 Days a Week

•Live Bait •Tackle •Gear •Maps & Advice •Smoked Fish

One South Beach St. Ormond Beach

386-676-9078 •

“Your Surf Fishing Headquarters”

“FREE” Lighted Fishing Pier for Night Time Enjoyment SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 8

For more information on snook, visit

Capt Rick Trussell owner of Vulcan Charters is proud to have Capt. Cody Kendrath behind the helm of his 29’ Regulator. Capt Rick has taught Capt Cody his trade secrets on taking clients to catch wall-hangers o& the east coast of Ponce Inlet. The Vulcan is docked at Light House Marina in the Heart of Ponce Inlet call today to catchyourwall-hanger! Capt Cody is pictured to the right holdingthebillofabeautifulsailfish.

Capt. Cody Kendrath Light House Marina

in a declining trend and it is likely overfished and undergoing overfishing on the Atlantic coast of Florida. Other south Atlantic and Gulf states have also reported declines in flounder populations and have been making their own regulation changes. Learn more about flounder regulations at

Flounder recreational harvest reopened December 1 The recreational harvest of flounder in all state and federal waters reopened on Dec. 1. The minimum size limit for flounder is 14 inches total length and the daily recreational bag limit is 5 fish per person. This annual season closure and other management measures were approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission late last year because a stock status update suggested statewide, the flounder fishery has been

Fish Hook Jewelry and Accessories

"Love to Fish" Ring for Valentines Day

Also available at: SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 9 Open 6am-6pm 7 days a week!

Anchor Hardware And Storage

726 North U.S. 1, Oak Hill, Fl “Younameitwegotit!”



“Captain & The Kids” SOL FISHING With the temperatures cooling off, the bottom fishing out of Ponce Inlet & New Smyrna Beach starts to turn on! Capt. Evan is known in the area for donating trips to local youth anglers every month to go out and tag sharks! However, NSB local & youth angler Tyler Hodges got an extra special treat! Instead of fishing and tagging sharks, Capt. Evan took advantage of the beautiful conditions and ran offshore to one of the local ship wrecks which is a part of the Volusia County artificial reed program!

Capt Evan & Tyler

With fresh cut bait on the hook and the drag locked down, Tyler dropped down over the wreck for the first time. Just after a minute or two Tyler was hooked up and using all his might to muscle what was an American Red Snapper out and away from the wreck! After a great fight Tyler was excited to quickly snap a picture, release the fish, and drop back down again! Over the course of the morning, Tyler caught 4 Red Snapper, and broke off on something big and toothy as the leader was very mangled! Towards the end of the trip, Capt. Evan jumped in at the action with Tyler by hooking up on a very large over size Barracuda which eventually broke off! Needless to say, Tyler had a day to remember!



Capt. Evan


3514 S. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach Shores SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 10

Consignments Wanted!

Bennington Luxury & Performance

Boat Rentals

Sportsman Premium Bay Boats & Center Consoles

386-428-2341 179 North Causeway New Smyrna Beach

Coupon Good for all in Party

$5 OFF Regular Adult or Child Ticket

Expires 12/15/22

Call For Reservations, Details & Trip Times

Located at: Down The Hatch Restaurant Ponce Inlet, Fl. SSFHMagazine July/August 2020 Page 9 SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 11


Gift OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Certificates


386-252-9804 450 N. Beach Street • Downtown Daytona Beach

Tim Girard with a trout on Donald’s Bait in Port Orange

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 12

We are Celebrating 46 Years of Award-Winning Sales & Service


1700 N. Nova Road, Holly Hill

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm • Sat 8:30am-5pm • Open 24/7 at


NewSmyrnaOutfitter 223A Canal St. New Smyrna Beach



NewSmyrnaOutfittersnowspecializesinoushorebaitandtackleaswellasclothing,flyfishingandinshor Wehavetheequipment,knowledgeandexperiencetoguideyouthroughanytypeoffishingyouenjoy.

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 13

Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides January 2022 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo

Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer) Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm

To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 14

Expert Free Advice & Friendly Servicewithasmile!!

Wyatt Eskew with a black drum on Donald’s shrimp.

Custom Aluminum Work 735 Airpark Rd Hanger B-3 Edgewater 386-957-3756

Roy's Surf Fishing Guide Service

Welcome to 2022 Hope you had a great Holidays. On January 29, 2022 The 2nd Annual Halifax Sport's Fishing Club Fishing Expo will take place at 3431 S. Ridgewood Ave. Port Orange, Fla. 32129

Live&FrozenBait-Shrimp-MudMinnows-FiddleCrabs Tackle-Rods & Reels-and much more!

Closest & Easy Access to the Boat Ramp! 96 Dunlawton Ave Port Orange, Fl. • 386-760-1871 LAST EVENT THERE WAS 163 ANGLERS SIGNUP GRAND TOTAL PAYOUT FROM $6,683.00


March 17th, 2022 at 7pm Roy Mattson will be Guest Speaker at Halifax Sports Fishing Club 3431 S. Ridgewood Ave. Port Orange. Roy will target Pompano, Snook in Surf, and how to catch Sandfleas and more. Surf Fishing Challenge hosted by Roy's Surf Fishing Guide Service will be March 25, 26, 2021 Held at Lost Lagoon Wings & Grill to learn more visit SURFFISHINGCHALLENGE. COM Roy Mattson is a Local Surf Fishing Guide with 50+ years on area beaches Commercial Fishing. He is also Sponsored by Several Great Fishing Company's FISHBITES & OKUMA FISHING USA www. Roy is also the Supplier of Live Sandflea and other Bait's.

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 15

Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides February 2022 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo

Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer) Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm

To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 16

Wilfred with nice drum caught on Donald’s bait in Port Orange.

Jesse Harville With a nice red caught on Donald’s select bait.

Mary White Owner of Just Hookin’ Sterling Silver Jewelry caught this 29" Red on a live shrimp about a mile south of Dunlawton in the Halifax River.


FISHING PIER AMENTITIES • Open Sunrise til 9pm Daily • Bait Shack • Fish Cleaning Areas • Well Lighted Benches, Seats • Fishing Pole Rentals • Frozen Baits

3701 South Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach • 386-756-4219 SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 17

People are getting hooked on West Volusia County.

After a day on the water, immerse yourself in all there is to see and do in West Volusia County. You can explore our exceptional parks and pristine natural areas, wander our historical sites, museums and galleries, or stroll the quaint streets of our downtown areas with outstanding shopping, dining and entertainment along the way. So while we’re know as a fishing hotspot it’s not the only thing that lures people here.


SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 18

Download a Visitors Guide at

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 19

LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Feed-Beer-Soda-Snacks


Country Store 1871 West Hwy 44 Deland, Florida

Open 7 Days 5:30 am 10# Bag of Ice $1.09


DavidandDeeGayfishinginVenice, Louisianacaughttheirlimitofredfi The law is this state is 16”-27” 5 per person no more than 1 over 27” and they are open all year long.


Florida’s Largest Trailer Dealer

d perate O y l i “Fam years” er 38 ces for ov & Best Pri uality Top Q


386-734-5244 •

Trade Ins Welcome!

Airboat Trailers Utility Trailers

2340 International Speedway Hwy 92 Deland Fl. SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 20


By: Desiree’ Harbster

Greetings from NorthBrevard! $25 Gift Card WINNER Congrats to our Hope your Holidays were grand and your yule tide YouthDuckHunters! was the perfect depth to snag that monster you've been chasing. With the holiday season behind us and hunting season soon coming to a close, local hunters find their eyes rolling over to our local waters. Hunting season for Deer comes to a close here in our region January 26th. Yet if your fill for the woods has not yet succeeded, there are a number of public land areas and Management areas in which small game such as Grey Squirrel (Oct-9th-March 6th) and Quail (Nov-13th-March 6th) are still open as well as other small game. With Fall Turkey season coming to an end (Jan2nd), your next chance to bag that big ole Gobbler will come during Spring season which opens up for our region (anything North of SR 70) with a youth weekend March 12-13th, and the regular open season starts the proceeding weekend March 19th and runs till April 24th. So get out there and make some memories. The freshwater boat ramps are quickly becoming a hot spot in the cooler early morning days with recreational fishermen and women of all ages trying to fill up on their share of Speck this year. With winter being a little warmer then some in the past (no shocker there huh?) schools of crappie have not been as prominent as they might with cooler weather, but many folks have done just fine finding their share trolling with jigs and live minnows. Well if you find some time to get out there please do, and remember to keep it fun and respect those other boaters out there. Until Next Time -High Tines & Tight Lines -Tim Camp SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 21

Live & Frozen Bait & Tackle Saltwater & Freshwater 321-362-3804 Open5amto7pmEveryday!

2460 US Hwy 1 Mims, Fl. (Corner of US 1 and SR 46)

The Halifax Sport Fishing Club will be hosting the 2nd Annual Fishing Expo and Swap Meet on Saturday, January 29, 2022. The meet will begin at 9:00am and run until 4:00 pm at the HSFC clubhouse. The clubhouse is located at 3431 S. Ridgewood Ave., Port Orange. New and used fishing, diving, boating equipment and nautical related items will be offered for sale by various vendors and private individuals. A vendor table is only $25 per table and a tent vendor is $50. Tables are going quickly. There will be quest speakers throughout the day and lunch will be available. Contact Scott Ibison, the program director at programs@ or 386-589-6468 if you would like a table or more information.

The Halifax Sport Fishing Club’s monthly seminars will resume January 20th

Starting with a cooking seminar. The guest speaker TBD. Different recipes and fileting with be presented. The February 17th seminar will feature Captain Marshal Wallot, owner and operator of New Legacy Fishing Charters. He was born and raised in Volusia County. Capt. Wallot has over 27 years’ experience fishing the inshore waters of Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, New Smyrna, and Edgewater. He specializes in a number of inshore and nearshore species such as redfish, trout, snook, tarpon, and flounder. He will be discussing nighttime fishing and how to catch these different species at night. Doors open at 6:30 PM, a brief business meeting at 7:00 PM, and the seminar at 7:30 PM at 3431 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Port Orange. All seminars are free and open to the public. For more information on go to the H.S.F.C. web site, Facebook or contact Scott Ibison, Programs Director at (386) 589-6468 or online at SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 22

We are now a RavinCrossbowDealer! Gobblers Lodge 3D is a members only archery range where people can come to learn and practice the sport. The range consists of a 100 yard shooting range located along the east side of the property, and a 3D course located in the middle of the property. Archers using the shooting range can aim for targets set at 10 yard intervals, up to 100 yards. The 3D course is designed to shoot from elevated platforms located along the edge of a 2.5-acre wetland area in the middle of the 10-acre parcel. Archers aim at targets set in amongst the trees to simulate a hunting experience. Both the range and 3D course platforms comprise a total of five shooting stations.

Open Saturdays 11am-5pm or by Appointment

(386) 341-0793

385 Gobblers Lodge Rd. Osteen, Fl.

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 23

Ask about our Special Events • Corporate • Group • School • Birthday

386-424-9000 • 911 N. Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach Fl 32168 SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 24•#DiamondSuzuki SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 25

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 26


By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

Budget Highlights: Governor Ron DeSantis’ $5.2 million and 24 FTE positions for Additional Law Enforcement Resources. Freedom First budget $12.3 million for Law Enforcement Equipment and Operations. promotes natural resource $3.8 million for Manatee Care including $717,767 and 2 FTE positions for restoration and supports Enhanced Manatee Rescue and Mortality Response. Florida’slawenforcemento&cers $750,000 for Coral Reef Recovery. Governor Ron DeSantis released his Freedom First budget recommendations to the Legislature for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The budget reaffirms Governor DeSantis’ commitment to high priority conservation items including red tide research and manatee rescue, and provides additional resources and support for law enforcement. “Governor DeSantis continues to solidify the importance of our fish and wildlife resources,” said FWC Chairman Rodney Barreto. “Everyone wants what we have here in the Fishing and Boating Capital of the World, and we will continue to provide opportunities for residents and visitors because of the leadership of Governor DeSantis.” “I want to thank Governor DeSantis for his unwavering support for Florida’s natural resources and we are proud of the conservation successes we are achieving under his leadership,” said FWC Executive Director Eric Sutton. “Florida’s natural resources are abundant and we will continue to work hard to conserve and manage these great resources for future generations.”

$3.2 million and 8 FTE positions for Land Additions and Land Use Planning Program. $3 million for Restoration of Lakes, Rivers, and Springs. $4 million for Expanding Mechanical Control for Invasive Plant Management. $7.2 million for Increased Boating Access and Safety. $9.9 million to Combat Invasive Species. $4.2 million for Continued Red Tide Research. To learn more about the FWC and its programs, visit

1171 County Road 309 Crescent City

386-524-4179 •Cabin Rentals • RV Sites • Marina & Boat Slips •Boat Rentals • Boat Ramp • Bait Shop •Restaurant & Tiki Bar OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK


Live Entertainment

Tuesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 27

PUTNAM COUNTY According to Lorraine at BASS WORLD LODGE 386-4672267 they are catching crappie on minnows. Mark and Blondie have had several really good and a few not so good using spinnerbaits. Lafon and Randall have been catching lots of catfish and crappie using redworms for the catfish and minnows for the crappie. MESSER’S EAST-WEST BAIT & TACKLE 386-328-4035 Jimmy tells us they are catching nice specks on Rodman and the Oklawahja, and Dunn’s Creek using Jiffy jigs and minnows. Several nice sized ones are being caught.. GEORGETOWN MARINA & LODGE 386-467-2002 Nolan tells us a couple of his customers came in with some specks using jigs and minnows. They were nice big ones.



Open 5am-8pm 7 Days A Week Fishing & Hunting Licenses-Ice-Beer-Snacks

Complete Supplies for Fisherman Since 1974 Rod Repair

By: Capt Lynda Hawkins


210 Walnut Street Welaka, Fl. 32193 386-467-2628 Some of the guides caught and released some nice bass using shiners. Bass are being caught using plastic worms, Rat-L-Traps, flukes and spinnerbaits. To see pictures go to face book/Georgetown Marinia. com.

Photo to the right: Hannah “24k” Goldy a professional UFC fighter went sheepshead fishing and her son Oden got to play on disappearing island. Hannah was fishing with Capt. Bill Coppage of Jacked Up Fishing.

PO BOX 171 , 1533 COUNTY ROAD 309 GEORGETOWN , FL 32139


• Cabins • RV Sites • Ramp •Covered Docks • Free Cable • Bait & Tackle • Fishing License • WI-FI • OPEN 7 DAYS

Palatka Westside Corner of Hwy 19 & Moody Road





SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 28

Advantage Sports & Outfitters


Live Bait • Minnows • Shiners • Worms

Archery Shop

Turkey Hunts

Gator Guides

13388 North Hwy 19 Salt Springs, Florida

Stephen Edwards harvested this nice racked buck out of the Sneads Fla area in the tri state area of the Panhandle.

Jeremy Childress harvested this monster buck during the 2021 season. • Breakfast 7am -10am • Lunch 11am - 3pm • Dinner 5pm - 10pm • Sunday Cajun Brunch 9am - 2pm

The best place in Florida to see what the St. John’s River is all about.... Todd Sr pictured with his son Todd Jr andhisfirstbuckharvestedatCollin’s Low Country Hunts in South Carolina.

120 Georgetown Landing Road Georgetown, FL 32139 386-268-1374

15 Room Hotel • 35 Boat Slips • Boat Rentals • Boat Ramp Restaurant & Bar Open 7 days a Week ING COM SOON! Y 2022 R JANUA LATE

Stephen and Eli had a good evening hunt out of Sneads Fla. SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 29

WE FOUND THE PERFECT SPOT! Introductory Price $45 & $65 per night!


Bob Thomas caught this drum on Donald’s Bait in Port Orange.

110 Georgetown Landing Rd. Georgetown, FL 32139 (Ovce)386.524•(Cell)305.98624

• Offering 74 RV sites along the St. John’s River • Boat House with 24 boat slips • Pool & Relax area • Spice Garden • Kids Playground and more...... Jennifer Edwards with a stud buck harvested out of the Sneads Fla. area in the tri state area of the Panhandle.

Capt Daniel Levesque of Rare Breed Charters and Gobbler’s Lodge 3D Archery Range and Pro Shop along with Capt David Stokes bagged a nice Illinois buck during the 2021 season.

Jennifer Edwards with a tri state 1 side horn buck. SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 30

SEMINOLE-ORANGE COUNTY Ethical Angling and Fishing On-the-Water Etiquette

Kel’s Rod & Reel Service

Rods, Reels, Troilling Motor Parts & Service 430 Hwy 436 #105, Casselberry 407-834-3008

As the number of anglers continues to grow, it becomes more important than ever to be a marine resource steward as well as show others respect when on or near the water. By respecting the marine environment and the people in it, we can help ensure good fishing for generations to come and safe fishing experiences. After all, respect for nature and for other anglers is what fishing is all about.

Be courteous on shore: Don’t shoreline fish in areas or during times of day when there are a lot of swimmers. Don’t crowd anglers who are fishing from shore.

Some ways you can help be a marine resource steward and make the right kinds of waves include:

Stash your trash: Recycle fishing line and dispose of trash in a proper receptacle ashore

Be an ethical angler: Ethical angling means knowing when to keep and when to release your catch while always handling fish with care. This includes knowing and abiding by regulations and being able to identify the fish you target.

Coming in for a landing: When anchoring up, watch how other boats tie off and do the same. If you think you are too close to other boaters or anglers, you are probably too close. Mind the current and be patient and wait for others to move before docking.

Be ready at the ramp: Prepare your boat and equipment before launch. At a fuel dock, get fuel, pay and move out of the way. Wear your life jacket: Set a good example for others and stay safe.

By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

Warranty Center For: Shimano • Diaiwa • Minnkota • Motorguide Hours: Tues-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-3 (Closed Sun & Mon)

Keep the noise down: Sound is amplified over the water, which can disturb other boaters and those who live near the water. Give anglers space: The sounds or wake from your boat can cause an angler to lose their catch or drive fish away. MonofilamentRecoveryand Recycling Program (MRRP)

is an innovative statewide project dedicated to reducing the environmental damage caused by discarded fishing line. MRRP aims to educate the public on the problems caused by monofilament line left in the environment, encourage recycling through a network of line recycling bins and drop-off locations, and help citizens host volunteer monofilament line cleanup events. You can make a difference by disposing of your used monofilament fishing line in a designated bin. You can also cut all your fishing line into small 6-12 inch sections and dispose of in a lidded trash receptacle to keep it from entangling wildlife.

Over 200 Trailers in Stock!

Watch the wake: Stay at least 200 feet from shoreline and other boaters and follow no wake zones. Always yield to wade fishermen. Boat safely: Know who has the right of way and when. All operators of recreational boats less than 26-feet that have an engine cut-off device must wear an engine cut-off switch. This device helps prevent accidents by cutting off the engine when the vessel operator is not at the helm.

Continental Boat Trailers SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 31

Scott with a gorgeous 1 pound 13 ounce crappie he caught on Big Lake Harris. Photo courtesy of Lakeside Bait & Tackle.

Nice crappie speckled perch caught out of Georgetown Marina, Lodge & RV Park.

13649 Granville Ave. Clermont, Fl. 34711 407-905-0003

AHOY Marine, Inc.

729 N. Harbor City Blvd. Melbourne, Fl. 32935 321-241-1108

511 E. 25th. St.Sanford, Florida 32773 Steve Meadors, President


SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 32


By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

St. Johns River Blue Crab Trap closure starts Jan. 16

View Our Full Menu Online at

Recreational and commercial blue crab traps in all waters of the St. Johns River system must be removed from the water before Jan. 16, the first day of a 10-day trap closure. This closure will give groups authorized by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) the opportunity to identify and retrieve lost and abandoned blue crab traps from the water. The closure includes all waters of the St. Johns River system and its associated lakes and tributaries from west of the St. Johns River’s intersection with the Intracoastal Canal, through and including Lake Hellen Blazes in Brevard County.

The Gator Den

2396 N. C-470, Lake Panasoukee,Fl.358

352-793-2083 Closed Sundays & Mondays

Traps may be placed back in the water in this area starting Jan. 26, although closures may be reduced in duration if it is determined that the number of lost and abandoned traps in the region will take less time to remove. Until the trap season reopens, blue crabs may be harvested with other gear, such as dip nets and fold-up traps. Blue crab harvesters may also use standard blue crab traps during the closure if the traps are attached to a dock or other private property.


Capt Bob’s

On Beautiful Rainbow and Withlacoochee River WhereFishingisAlwaysGreat! PONTOON BOAT AND JON BOAT RENTALS GUIDE SERVICE - TACKLE SHOP - BOAT & MOTORS Come Catch a Smile!

352-489-2397 • SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 33

Mary Weeks Realty, Inc. 25291 NE Hwy 314 Salt Springs, Fl. 32134

352-685-2468 • Immaculate 1997 Travel Supreme 5th Wheel with 3 slide outs and a huge deck addition.

RV has Oak cabinetry, original oak flooring, new carpet, panel roof over, W&D and an 8 x 10 storage building. The resort offers a club house, 2 pools, tennis courts, shuffle board court, large dog park, dock and boat ramp which gives you access to Little Lake Kerr. Perfect for weekends or full-time residence. HOA fees are $580 a quarter. $85,000

1/1 older RV with 6 beautiful lots, well, and septic.

RV has a family room addition, portable A/C units, 2 open porches w/ metal pan roof. Located near the Ocklawaha River. This property would make an excellent hunter’s retreat, or a permanent home site. Build a new home or place a mobile home on the additional 4 lots. Price reflects that RV and addition needs TLC. $29,500

IntheheartofSaltSprings! 3 Bedroom block home on canal to Little Lake Kerr.

Updates include, newer metal roof, new carpet/tile flooring and freshly painted interior. Has laundry room w/washer and dryer, carport, screened porch and detached “ole” barn. Has solid concrete walls and T&G pine ceilings. Large lot, beautiful oaks and small dock at water’s edge. Walking distance to shopping, restaurants and the Springs. $169,000

3 Wooded lots with Big LakeKerrAccess!

Can be purchased separately ($9,500 each) or all together. There are no HOA fees. Public boat ramp on Lake Kerr is 10 minutes from property. There is a community waterfront lot in the subdivision that has a dock. $28,500

Beautiful 3,485 sq ft pull-thru lot with pavers, gravel landscaping,solarlights,gazebo,firepit,andshed.

Stairs are in place and ready for your RV. The Salt Springs Resort offers club house, 2 pools, tennis courts, dog park, dock, and boat ramp to Little Lake Kerr. HOA fee is $580 a quarter. Salt Springs is a nice quaint area located in the Ocala National Forest. $48,000


SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 34

LAKE COUNTY BASS N GAL GUIDE SERVICE 352-267-0062 It’s that time of year again we hope you had a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. Won’t be long now till the crappie are biting. We are catching a few bass on the Harris chain using topwater, swimming worms and crank baits. A slow falling sinking weightless worm or a chrome blue or green Rat-L-Trap reeled in as slowly as possible, are both working quite well. For the fishing trip you’ve dreamed of give me a call 352267-0062.

By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

Great Local Food Menu Featuring:

• Groveland Gator Bites • Swamp Cabbage Ceviche • Blackened Grouper Reuben • Locally Sourced Produce and Meats • Craft Beers - Wine & Spirits • Open 11am-9pm Daily





$1 901 Lakeshore Blvd. Tavares, Fl. 32778 Yo urwa 3.99 On the East Shore of Lake Eustis ywi


Jake at ASTOR BAIT & TACKLE th3si des! 352-742-4400 352-759-2600 tells us a few specks are being caught using minnows and jigs. CR Fish are biting and he has plenty of bait AP in stock. Jake and Vern went to Lake Dorr and caught and released over 30 using orange jig TO PIE M ST. URNA ASTE with an orange and white Dream Cycle. He has a huge selection of crappie baits and local (JA JOHN MEN RS N. 2 T information on the St. John’s River around Astor. S 1 & RIVE R 22, 202 2 Gordon at BROOKER BAIT & TACKLE 352-460-0695 said specks are biting. One of their ) customers caught 20 plus and another customer caught 15 nice ones off the bank. It took over 123 pounds to win the last Seniors crappie tournament. Bass are being caught out of the deeper water.

Bass N Gal Guide Service *Central Florida Lakes* *PRIVATE LAKES*

All Tackle Included 1/2 Day $300.00 Cell 352-267-0062 Email

Capt. Lynda Hawkins Over 30 Years Experience SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 35



Live Bait

Lakeside Bait & Tackle


Mark & Heidi Bass, Owners Located on Lake Eustis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lakeside Guide Service with Captain Mark

352-255-9706 All Tackle Included 1000 W. Burleigh Blvd. Tavares, Fl.

23835 Hwy. 40, Astor Florida

352-759-2600 CRAPPIE MASTERS ST. JOHNS RIVER (JAN. 21 & 22, 2022)

HOST: West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority SEMINAR & REGISTRATION Thursday, January 20 Sanborn Activity and Event Center 901 S. Alabama Avenue, Deland, FL Registration: TBA WEIGH IN & LIVEWELL CHECKS Ed Stone Park Boat Ramp 2990 W State Rd 44, Deland, FL Fishing Hours: 7:00am – 3:00pm both days Must be in line by 4:00pm both days HOST HOTELS Highland Park Fish Camp — 800-525-3477 Holiday Inn Express & Suites — 386-507-2500

CRAPPIE MASTERS, LLC TO ACQUIRE CRAPPIE USA TOURNAMENT TRAIL As of December 15th, 2021, Crappie Masters, LLC has acquired Crappie USA Tournament Trail. This acquisition of Crappie USA Tournament Trail sets in motion the largest tournament trail merger in Crappie Fishing history.

New Location 3701 South Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach

Please Support all of our Local Restaurants in this Magazine.Thesta&that did show up to work are overworked. Please be patient and tip well.

PALMERS ASTOR MARINE 22212 State Road 40 Astor, Fl. 32102

352-759-3110 SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 36

352-383-3864 28625 Cypress Mill Rd. Sorrento

*Cedar Chest a*W lking Canes i*W nd Mills *Country Crafts *Cedar & Cypress Furniture

This merger is going to allow for endless opportunities in the sport of tournament Crappie Fishing in the coming years. With that being said, 2022 is going to be running just as expected with a few minor changes for both Crappie Masters, LLC and Crappie USA Tournament Trail. More information will be released on the minor changes that will be coming. “We’re thrilled and honored to have this opportunity to reach an agreement with Crappie USA Tournament Trail. The amount of opportunities that this merger of trails will allow us is endless and I am very excited to make that happen and to be able to



Owners Bill & Natalie Brooker 1351 A. W. North Blvd. Leesburg, Fl. 34748 352-460-0695

*American Indian Craft * Carved Cedar Boxes *Swings & Rockers *Indoor & Outdoor Furniture

Happy Valentines Day

provide the anglers and sponsors with what they are wanting to see in the Crappie Industry over the coming years.” Said Blake Jackson, owner of Crappie Masters, LLC. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN THE COMING YEARS The Sport of Tournament Crappie Fishing is growing rapidly all across the country. This merger is going to allow us to host more events all across the country for all of our anglers. We will be able to host events with many different entry levels to give each and every angler out there an opportunity to get involved in tournament crappie fishing. With that being said, this is also going to allow for greater sponsor opportunities to both our current sponsors of the Trails along with new sponsors that will be able to benefit from Crappie Masters, LLC, and Crappie USA Tournament Trail. Along with the continued growth of our great Crappie fishing fans! We look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality of integrity to all of our events for our anglers, sponsors, and fans as we present all of our new announcements. SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 37

Open 6 days a week Mon-Sat 9am-4pm

Heidi of LAKESIDE BAIT & TACKLE 352-742-3336 tells us they are catching specks out of Lake Dora, Beauclair and Carlton. The mouth of Dead River on the Eustis side is also productive using minnows. Some customers are catching them in 3 ft. of water and some in 10 feet of water so they haven’t really grouped up yet. Bass are coming out from under the docks and in the grass. FISH CAMP on LAKE EUSTIS They are offering an ½ pound Shrimp Fest fixed your way with 3 sides for only $13.99 on Saturdays. On Sunday they have Bloody Mary’s and Mimosa’s for $2.99.

Astor/Pierson Citgo

CheapestGasinTown! LIVE BAIT & TACKLE

Wine-Beer-Cigs-Soda-Ice Snacks-Groceries-RefillPropane HotPizzaChicken & Wings

Open 7 Days Sun-Thur 6am-10pm Fri-Sat 6am-11pm

A Community Driven group devoted to Fishing Charters based out of Ponce Inlet. With over 40 subscribed Charters & Captains, they aninsidelookatwhattheareasfishinghastoo&er.Keepuptod daily catches, take a tour aboard a vessel before you set sail, browse trip shares&specialo&ers! We work directly with our Charters to increase their social media marketing skills, as well as help them build relationships with the other Captains & Crew in the Inlet. Professional services include: Photography & Editing, Videography Trip Coverage, Social Media Marketing & Advertising.


Saltwater East Coast

SW#101 Edgewater Ramp to Turtle mound SW#102 Turtle Mound to Oak Hill SW#103 S. Bridge to Eldora Turtle Mound & Government Cut SW#104 Port Orange Bridge to Ponce Inlet SW#105 Oak Hill to Haul Over Canal SW#106 Mosquito Lagoon to Haul Over Canal SW#107 Ormond to Tomoka Basin SW#108 New Smyrna Beach Bridges North & South SW#109 Mosquito Lagoon Merritt Island Refuge to Haul Over Canal SW#110 Sebastian Inlet North & South Backcountry SW#111 Port Orange Bridge Mill Creek North to Ormond Beach SW#112 Palm Bay to Sebastian SW#113 Merritt Island to Palm Bay SW#114 Haul Over Canal area Indian River City to Titusville SW#15MatanzasInlet Saltwater West Coast WC#401 Suwannee River to the Gulf WC#402 Cedar Key WC#403 Crystal River WC#404 Steinhatchee Freshwater Lakes, Rivers & Streams FW#201 Lake Dexter to Lake George FW#202 Lake Beresford to Lake Dexter FW#203 Lake George By: Roger S. Harbster FW#204 Lake George to Jacksonville Over40yearsofknowledge! FW#205 Lake Crescent FW#206 Rodman Reservoir & Dam (Backcountry) FW#207 Lake Beresford to Brevard County Sawgrass Lake FW#208 Lake Okeechobee

SPECIAL $7.00 Per Map

Includes S & H & Sales Tax

KH#301 How to Shrimp Dip Netting Freelining & Shrimping

Send check or money order along with Map #’s to: SSFHMagazineP.O.Box290PortOrange,Fl.3219 SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 38


Capt Todd from Capt Smokey’s Charter Fishing in Sebastian reports the cobia bite has been good along with some nice mahi on the troll. Bottom fishing has been producing some nice amberjacks, lane snappers and mangrove snapper along with a bunch of red snapper that are caught and released. Capt. Smokey’s boats can hold up to 6 passengers and offers full & half day charters fishing inshore or offshore. The boats are docked at Capt Hirams Resort located off Indian River Dr. in Sebastian. Capt. Todd has made a career out of fishing up and down the East Coast from Maine to Key West and now has settled down in Sebastian for it’s fantastic fishing.

By: Desiree’ Harbster

Nice Cobia caught aboard Capt Smokey Fishing Charters

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 39

Boats are located a O&TheHook Ask abou COOKING yourcat

Private Charter Bait Tackle Licenses Included

Weo 4-6-8-10-1

Call today to book your Rare Bre Inshore,Nearshore,O&shoreandOutdoors PonceInlet-Dayton SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 40

e at k ut G tch!

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Breed Experience 386-478-3725 na-NewSmyrnaBeach•Dockedat13InletHarborRdPonceInlet,FL SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 41

Catch and Release Mounts SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 42

Decorate your home or office with our mounts!

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SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 43

DEER HUNTING SEASON August 1st-January 1st 3 DAYS HUNTS $1,295.00 5 DAY HUNTS $1,995.00 Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!

We have the longest deer season in the US August 15th-January 1st, with weapon of choice for the entire season. The velvet hunts last through Labor Day weekend and the rut is throughout the months of October and November. We hunt seven days a week and allow two bucks per day, only with one small (under 12" wide) per hunter, per season. We have open areas where first timers can take a buck, Long Managed Trophy Areas where bucks must be a minimum of 15" outside spread. Then we have our special Big Trophy Area, where the bucks have been on strict management for only mature bucks for the past 13 seasons, the bucks there have to be 16" outside spread of 110 Boone and Crockett Score. That area will be for very serious Trophy Hunters only.

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 44

Mention this ad and receive $100 off Hog, Deer & Turkey Hunts! • 803-267-2825 • 10640 Ehrhardt Road Ehrhardt, South Carolina

Spring Turkey Season March 20th-May 5th 3 Days $1,395 Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing! Turkey Season opens on March 20th each year and runs through May 5th. We have 5,500 of prime turkey woods with a mixture of river bottoms, pine ridges and lots of food plots planted with chuffas, the turkey’s favorite. Our seasoned guides are very familiar with our properties and are very personable and experienced. While on your turkey hunt , if you would like to sit for a wild hog in the afternoon, you are allowed to take one hog during the three day hunt for no extra charge. We have lots of them and some really big ones.

iW ld Hog Hunts Year Round 3 Days $1,095

Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing! We can hunt hogs year round and some of our most productive hunts this past year took place in May, June and July. We have plenty of land now with hogs to be able to hunt large groups, up to 10. We can even accommodate bow groups that large. Hogs are very smart animals, don’t come thinking they are just dumb farm animals. This is a fun hunt for all who just do not want to quit hunting after their deer season closes. Thefinestdeer, hog, and turkey hunting in the low-country of SouthCarolina!

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 45

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 46

Locally Available at

Surplus Unlimited Marine Liquidators 613 West International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach. Fla.

SSFHMagazine Jan/Feb 2022 Page 47

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