July/August 2022
Since 1965
This Issue • • • • • • •
$70,000 in prizes only
Local Fishing Reports 10taggedfishseePg31! Tournament News Ponce Inlet Tide Tables Ponce Inlet Fishing Charter Network Pg 2 Releasing Reef Fish Techniques Pg 8 The Florida Python Challenge® Pg 27 TheLionfishChallengePg28
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 2
This year’s HSFC 2022 Lady Angler tournament wasn’t just a tournament for the Lo Key Sport Fishing boat, it was a monumental day for us! The morning of February 7th, 2022 one of our dearest friends and long time angler on the Lo Key, Elena Brandner, was involved in a life threatening car accident on I-95. An accident so horrific it is a miracle she is even still with us today. After being ejected from her vehicle onto the asphalt, going 80 mph, by the grace of a higher power she had no head injuries, however, did endure an extensive list of fractures, broken bones, bruises, cuts, a pinky toe amputated, and an exploded lower spine, that after surgery the doctors stated “looked like mush”. The doctor’s were certain she would probably never walk again. But if you know Elena like we do you’d know that would never work for her! Elena is the most relentless, determined, strongest, both physically and mentally, person you will ever meet! She inspires and impacts each and every person’s life she comes into contact with in the best way possible! Right after her accident she was medically sedated for a week to give her body time to recover and in this same time we started a GoFundMe that in just THREE days raised over $30,000, with donations still coming in to this day! This is only one way to show just how incredible Elena is! Fast forward, to a month ago when the Lo Key decided we were entering this tournament, we went to Elena and told her no matter what she was going to be on this boat, because she was going to be the one to reel in our winning fish. Come tournament morning, Saturday, June 11th, 2022, still in a wheelchair, unable to walk we put her on the boat! Our day started catching multiple Cow Mahi, still needing that Bull in order to win the tournament. That’s when Elena said she was ready to reel one in! Once our crew got her seated and locked into the fighting chair, it wasn’t even 5 minutes later she gets a bite! It put up one heck of a fight, but it was no match for Elena! We get the fish in the boat and sure enough it was the bull we needed! With a combined bull/cow combo weight of 40.6 lbs, the Lo Key won Lady Angler! A win we couldn’t have made possible without this incredible woman, Elena Brandner. She is living proof that no matter what you are told, your mindset trumps all! Anything is possible when you believe in yourself! Elena is still unable to walk but making huge strides everyday, getting closer and closer to the day she is able to stand up out of her wheelchair and walk into the gym for leg day! If you would like to donate to her GoFundMe you can do so through the following link, https://gofund.me/3b402202 By: Laura Leavitt SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 3
The 34th Annual Lady Angler Fishing Tournament was held June 11th. The lady anglers braved the thunder showers and rough seas. There were a lot of dolphin caught and the gals had a great time. But it was not just about a good time - it was about the money and bragging rights. Here are the final results: BULL AND COW COMBO: 1st Place - Lo Key 40.6 lbs. 2nd Place - Chubby Fish - 31.4 lbs. 3rd Place - Lori Marie - 27.2 lbs. BULL DIVISION: 1st Place - Kokomo 29.5 lbs. 2nd Place - Reel Kracken 24.0 lbs. 3rd Place - Lo Key 23.4 lbs. COW DIVISION: 1st Place - Reel Crazy II 21.8 lbs. 2nd Place - Lo Key 17.2 lbs 3rd Place - Reel Buzzed Babes 16.9 lbs. SENIOR ANGLER Pat Hughes 11.9 lbs. MYSTERY WEIGHT WINNER: Chubby Fish. PANTY PARADE: 1st Place - Reel Riggin II 2nd Place - Wil Sea! The club is grateful to all the awesome sponsors and let us not forget the HSFC volunteers.... you serve this Club tirelessly! PhotoFromlefttoright BrittanyUnderhill Kacie Raulerson Elena Brander Krissy Kott LesleyWinford Laura Leavitt
W.613 InternationalSpeedwayBlvd.•DaytonaBeach StoreHours:8:30-5M-F•9-4Sat•ClosedSunday
Trolling Motors! Localretailerfor Somemodelsinstock! STAYPUT 6’, 8’,10’ & 12’ Poles Bow, Stern and Motor Mounts Available
www.surplusunlimited.com SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 4
NEWOu sho Insho reand r Tack e Fishing le In Stock !
t New Sea have s e g a k c a P arrived! Ask about same day or next day part orders! Ideas for birthday, anniversary and just because Gifts and Jewelry!
Wise Cooler
SwingbackSeat w/AluminumArms 70qt.instock 50qt.instock
Practice Safe Boating!
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 5
InLovingMemory Jack Escoe Jr. 7-19-1937 - 2-16-2021
• Steering
• Trailer Parts • Stainless Hardware • Control Cables
(Mercury Generation II) • Cleaning Supplies • Safety Equipment • Electronics • Dock Lines • Nautical Decor • Tires/Rims • Batteries • Seats/Pedastals • Hatches • Zincs • Anchors • Chain • Jewelry • Head Supplies • Cup/Accessory Holders • Hose • Electrical • Starboard • Boat Fenders • Marine Tinned Wire • LED Lighting • Saltwater Fishing Supplies • Pumps Bilge, Aerator, Washdown, Fresh Water • and so much more.......
By:Desiree’Harbster andCaptLyndaHawkins
PonceInlet NewSmyrnaBeach FishingReportBy:CaptBruno
P.O.Box290 PortOrange,Fl.3219 386-4725 Emailsfandginc@yahoo.com
Summertime fishing is definitely one of our favorites. Despite the hotter than ever long days and the gnarly afternoon PublishedBy: thunderstorms. We push away from the Desiree’Harbster inshore fishing and focus more on the InLovingMemoryof RogerS.Harbster12/59~4/209 nearshore and offshore fishing. DorothyF.Harbster3/1796-4820 Everybody wants to tug on big fish and put meat in the freezer! Chasing COVERPHOTOS shrimp boats for sharks and tarpon is always on the bucket list for most people Devon Spicer 20 years old with a 54” traveling through the Shark Bite Capital of the World. Summertime Flounder redfish caught in the Edgewater area. are pushing in good this year. Using finger mullet and shrimp on jig heads and PhotoC/OBillFisher. knocker rigs is the easiest way to target them on the bottom. Big Mangrove Troy Hood caught this bass out ofsnappers the are starting to bite good from nearshore to offshore. Of course the Redfish and Snook are still biting good around the inlet. Lots of Tarpon in the HarrisChainofLakes. river and nearshore. we are trolling for Kingfish Atlantic Red Snapper days July Offshore 8th & 9th. Yep 2 days that’s it. Send your and Bonita. Bottom fishing for all the catches to sfandginc@yahoo.comsnappers to and triggers. Every other be considered for the next issue of trip we’re getting a cobia and last SSFHMagazine. but not least we have Red Snapper Season opening for a whopping 2 days. July 8th & 9th so make sure to get your rods and tackle ready. Be safe and courteous to other boaters and fishermen all trying to get their one fish each day.
Aaron Highers with Top Notch Adventures and his good friend Tim Russel with Captain Daddy’s Fishing Charters we’re booked to accompany JimmyJacksonandhisfamilyontheirbrandnew 32’solaceoutofPonceInlettotargetmahimahi. The boat is hull no.1 from the factory. They put theboattothetestandsaiditdidnotdisappoint. WRITERS: Desiree’ Harbster FOWA President Capt. Lynda Hawkins Caught Up Fishing Capt. Bruno Haley w/ Ponce Inlet Fishing Charter Network SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 6
The Halifax Sport Fishing Club will have its annual Membership Drive on July 21st at the club. The club will be providing chicken and everyone will bring in a potluck dish or dessert. There will be games and fellowship. Also come out and meet the crew of the New Smyrna Beach Shark Hunters. They will talk about the techniques to catching sharks from the beach. If you’re interested in what the club is about now is the time to check it out. If you join in July you are a member through the end of the club’s fiscal year September 2022. More information on the club visit website hsfc.com or Facebook. August 18th will be a fishing event featuring Fishbites. Fishing will be at the pier next to the club. The Halifax Sport Fishing Club is located at 3431 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Port Orange. For more information contact Charlie Bird at membership@hsfc.com.
CAUGHTWITHCAPT.BRUNO SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 7
Whenreleasingreeffish,using therighttoolwiththerigh techniquemakesadi&erence
ServingFreshSeafood&FineSteaksDaily AccessibleByFloatingDocks Lip clamp descending device return ALocalsFavoriteDineInsideAlongTheHalifaxRiver fish to a depth where gases in the swim bladder can recompress.
If you’re fishing for reef fish this season, be sure to look for signs of barotrauma and be prepared to act. Barotrauma, or injuries caused by pressure changes, occur when fish are rapidly brought to the surface from depths 50 feet or greater. Signs of barotrauma include the stomach coming out of the mouth, bloated belly, distended intestines and bulging eyes. These injuries can be fatal to the fish unless intervention occurs through the use of descending devices or venting tools.
489FrontStreet,PonceInlet 386-714 www.downthehatchseafood.com
With the right tool and the right technique, all anglers should properly descend or vent a fish and give them a better chance at survival. When a fish survives release, it has another opportunity to reproduce and grow the population, leading to more fishing opportunities in the future.
Granada Pier
for s pin Sto sFamou ’ e i Linn resh p F shDi edFi k o m S
Bait & Tackle
Ope Daysa n7 Week
“YourSurfFishingHeadquarters” “FREE”BoatRampsandLightedFishingPier Ifwedon’thaveitwewillgetit! •Live Bait •Tackle •Rod Repair •Gear OneSouthBeachSt.OrmondBeach •Maps & Advice 386-676-9078 •Rod & Reel Rental www.granadapier.com •Smoked Fish SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 8
Descending devices are tools with weights that attach to a fish and help take the fish back to the appropriate depth. There are various types of descending devices but the most common are lip clamps, inverted hooks and fish elevators. It is important to find the device that works best for you. Before you go fishing, be sure to have your selected descending device ready for use. To properly descend a fish with a lip clamp or inverted hook, attach the descending device and weights to a heavy-duty rod and reel that is designated for descending or use a rope to handline the device and weights down and back up. Con’t on pg. 10
OUPV-6 Pack $625
Includestest,book,andallequipmentnecessa Master Upgrade-Total Tuitions $250 SSFHMagazine July/August 2020 Page 7
NicesnookcaughtbyGordonofBrooker Bait&TackleinLeesburg.
Natalie caught this 48” redfish while fishing the East Coast of Florida.
Toca Armel 8 years old with a nice triggerfish. Photo courtesy of Gerry’s MarinainNewSmyrnaBeach.
FishHookJewelry and Accessories DavidandLizStokeswithga& 2 ermahi’s caughto&PonceInlet.
Alsoavailableat:www.etsy.com/shop/JustHookinLLC SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 9
A good goal is to use 1 pound of weight for every 5 pounds of fish being descended. Use a combination of loop knots, swivels, snaps, clips, etc. to Naut ica attach the weights and device to your Gifts l line. Be able to quickly and easily add or remove weights as needed, based on the size of the fish being descended and the water conditions. Unless you use a pressure-sensor device that releases fish automatically, you’ll
need to jig your device to release the fish once the weights have brought it back down to depth. To descend a fish with a fish elevator, simply send down the fish in a weighted container using a rope. This weighted container could be a crate, box or net that is turned upside down with an open top, so the fish can swim out on its own when it is returned to the bottom. For short video tutorials on different types of descending devices, watch FWC’s Descending Devices playlist on YouTube.
Venting tools are sharp, hollow instruments that treat barotrauma by releasing expanded gas from the swim bladder, which enables the fish to swim back down to depth.Items such as fillet knives, ice picks, screwdrivers and gaffs are not venting tools and should never be used to vent a fish. Ventingafishincorrectlycancausemoreharmthan To properly vent, lay the fish on its side (on a cool, wet surface). Venting tools should be inserted 2-3 inches behind the base of the pectoral fin, under a scale at a 45-degree angle, just deep enough to release trapped gasses. Never insert venting tools into a fish’s belly, back or stomach that may be protruding from the mouth. Learn how to vent properly by visiting Youtube.com. Descending devices and venting tools should be used when fish show one or more signs of barotrauma. It is essential to work quickly when using these tools and return the fish to the water as soon as possible to give the fish the best chance at long-term survival. Studies have shown that the longer a fish is out of the water, the higher the mortality rate. Therefore, it is important to minimize handling time when descending or venting a fish with barotrauma. Anglers should choose the device and method they are most comfortable with that best fits the situation, and that follows reef fish gear requirements. Reminder: When fishing for reef fish, descending devices and/or venting tools are required to be rigged and ready for use in Florida Gulf federal waters and descending devices are required to be on board and ready for use in Atlantic federal waters. Stay up to date with what is required in federal and state waters by visiting MyFWC.com/ReefFishGear and downloading the Fish Rules Fishing app for iOS or Android. Remember to obtain your FREE State Reef Fish Angler designation before heading out! If you plan to fish for or harvest certain reef fish species in Gulf or Atlantic waters from a private recreational vessel (includes anglers over 65 years of age), you must sign up for this free designation and renew it annually. Learn more at MyFWC.com/SRFS and sign up today at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com or anywhere you can purchase a Florida fishing license. Visit our YouTube channel at MyFWC.com/ SaltwaterFishing for more saltwater fishing how-to videos. For answers to questions, contact 850-487-0554 or Marine@MyFWC. com.
www.AnchorHardwareandStorage.com Open 6am-6pm 7 days a week!
Anchor Hardware And Storage
726 North U.S. 1, Oak Hill, Fl “Younameitwegotit!”
386-345-0746 SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 10
Consignments Wanted!
Boat Rentals
386-428-2341 179 North Causeway New Smyrna Beach
CouponGood forallinParty
$ 5OFF Regular Adult orChildTicket
CallFor Reservations, Details&TripTimes
Located at: Down The Hatch Restaurant PonceInlet,Fl. SSFHMagazine July/August 2020 Page 9 SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 11
Gift OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Certificates
386-252-9804 450 N. Beach Street • Downtown Daytona Beach
Captain Nic Stephens and first mat ChrisoftheSeaSpiritdeepseafishin Photototheleft:JustinRobinsonwith outofPonceInletwithabeautifulga Ormond Brewery and a nice mahi groupercaughtlastwinter. caughtoutofPonceInlet.PictureC/O DavidandLizStokes. Photo to the right: Eszter and Wesley Hamlett with 2 nice redfish caught from the Volusia County area. Eszter works for Bob’s Discount Marine in PortOrange.
BASSCAPITALByCaptainLyndaHawkins According to Lorraine at BASS WORLD LODGE bass are biting and they are catching bass on Spinnerbaits. Mary and Blonde have been catching a few nice ones. Jim and Lafon were catching lots of bream using red worms. Jim and Sherri were catching lots of catfish on worms. Bass World Lodge has been in the fishing business over 50 years and has had fishermen from all over the world who have experienced the fun of an old fashioned down to earth fish camp. Their cabins range in size from a one bedroom cottage up to a 5 bedroom (10 beds) dorm room. They also have family sized 2 and 3 bedrooms. MESSER’SWEST SIDE BAIT & TACKLE Jimmy tells us they are catching nice stripers. Lots of shellcrackers and bluegill are coming from Dunn’s Creek. Reds are coming from around the bridge in Palatka. Bass have moved off the bars and are being caught in deeper water or in the shade. GEORGETOWN MARINA& LODGE Nolan tells us a they are catching some panfish and stripers. Crickets and worms are working for the panfish. Bass are being caught and released using plastic worms, topwater baits, Rat-LTraps, flukes and spinnerbaits. One of his customers is still catching crappie in the deeper holes. To see pictures go to face book/Georgetown Marinia.com. WESTCOASTCRYSTALRIVER&DUNNELLONByCaptainLynda ANGLER’SFAMILYRESORT Owen reports fishing has been really good. Bass are being caught on wild or domestic shiners out of the lily pads. Bluegill are being caught with limits using crickets. The old phosphate pits are producing some nice stringers. On the Withlacoochee River they are catching bass around the lay down trees or any structures. Catfish are being caught using frozen liver and night crawlers. SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 12
We are Celebrating 46 Years of Award-Winning Sales & Service
1700 N. Nova Road, Holly Hill
Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm • Sat 8:30am-5pm • Open 24/7 at AlohaMarine.com
www.AlohaMarine.com Photototheleft:JayvionMcMillan 10 years old caught with a GULP ALIVE!! E&J Bait and Tackle in PortOrange. Photototheright:RickHardyfrom Unique Species Taxidermy in Lake Helen caught this big catfish from Astor.
ExpertFreeAdvice&Friendly Servicewithasmile!!
Wyatt Eskew with a black drum onDonald’sshrimp.
CustomAluminumWork Airpark 735 RdHangerB-3 Edgewater 386-957
Live & Frozen Bait - Shrimp-Mud Minnows-Fiddle Crabs Tackle-Rods & Reels-and much more!
Closest & Easy Access to the Boat Ramp! 96 Dunlawton Ave Port Orange, Fl. • 386-760-1871
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 13
PoncedeLeonInletTidesJuly20 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo
Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer) Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 14
MeetCodyMoore Owner/Operatorof NewSmyrnaOutfitters located on Canal Street. Stop by and check out the EXPANSION and get the latest premium name brand apparel for the outdoor enthusiast requiring technical performance as well as casual coastal wear. Costa del Mar premium dealer! Top Quality fishing tackle supplier for both the inshore light-tackle angler, offshore and fly fishing. Brands include Shimano, G Loomis, Sage, Redington, TFO, Penn, and much more. Kayak/Paddle/Inshore/ Offshore/Fly trips booked in the store and outfit yourself with our top quality outdoor performance gear.
Cody Moore Owner/Operator of New Smyrna Outfitters and Capt Ernie Endicott Jr. with groupers, jacks, red eyes, triggerfishandmore.
NewSmyrnaOutfitter 223A Canal St. New Smyrna Beach
386-4025•NewSmyrnaOutfitters.com•Mon-Sat9am-6pmClosedSunday OWNEDBYTHIRDGENERATIONFISHERMANCODYMOORE
NewSmyrnaOutfittersnowspecializesinoushorebaitandtackleaswellasclothing,flyfishingandinshor Wehavetheequipment,knowledgeandexperiencetoguideyouthroughanytypeoffishingyouenjoy.
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 15
PoncedeLeonInletTidesAugust20 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo
Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer) Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 16
Split Shots 1/4 oz. $6 per lb & 3/8 oz. $8 per lb. Fishing sinkers .20 per oz. or $3 a lb Egg sinkers. 1/8-3/4 oz. ~ .10 per oz. Mike Robertucci with a 30 lbPyramid sinkers 1-6 oz. ~ .25 per oz. groupercaughtonalivepinfish 35 sinkers. 1/8 -20 oz. Bank Flat no roll sinkers 1-5 oz. milessoutheastofPonceInlet.Mike Trolling was fishing with Capt Mike Nelson leads rigged 16-64 oz. Deep Drops 4 lbs. $15 & 5 lbs $18
Dr. Eric Tocci and Justin Robinson caught 17 head of mahi fishing o&shore of Ponce Inlet.
“Thepierfectmealawaitsyouwhileyouescapeto unbelievableviewsandterrificfood.”
FISHING PIER AMENITIES •OpenSunrisetil9pmDaily •BaitShack "Located on the Sunglow Pier •FishCleaningAreas Check us out at Crabbyjoesdaytona.com" Well • LightedBenches,Seats 3701 South Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach • 386-756-4219 •FishingPoleRentals • Frozen Baits SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 17
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 18
TsunamiSaltXSpinningReel Salt and sand are a universal constant for any surf fisherman. Keeping salt spray and crashing waves from damaging a reel is the goal of any high-quality, high-performance reel maker. The new Tsunami SaltX fully sealed spinning reel is, from the first sketches on blank paper, designed to keep working reliably in those worst conditions season after season. The totally unique, fully sealed Tsunami SaltX series of Salt Water Proof spinning reels feature 14 precision internal seals in all the key, strategic locations to shield critical components from harmful contaminants and any saltwater intrusion. These internal seals assure both long term protection and super smooth operation. The strong HAMMER carbon fiber drag system controls heavy lines and big fish with both smooth operation and plenty of power from its 50lb max drag rating. Seven sealed stainless-steel bearings are wrapped in CNC machined A6061 high performance aluminum alloy body delivering light weight, strength, protection, precision, and toughness. A heavy-duty, rotor brake controlled, fully manual bail system is found on each SaltX model for complete reliability. The precision machined aluminum spool is fully sealed and braid-ready with a built-in braid band to assure the best control of super strong super-braids cast after smooth, This nice snook was courtesy of Brooker Bait & Tackle in long cast. Leesburg. SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 19
LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Feed-Beer-Soda-Snacks
Country Store 1871 West Hwy 44 Deland, Florida
Open 7 Days 5:30 am 10# Bag of Ice $1.09
Photos to the right: Capt Jimmy Story caught his commercial limit ofmahi(dolphin)outoftheAtlantic waters. Some pretty nice ga&ers in there.
Photostopandtotheright:Acouple of pretty nice groupers caught out of Ponce Inlet. C/O New Smyrna Outfitters.
Florida’s Largest Trailer Dealer
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386-734-5244 • www.bgtrailers.com
Trade Ins Welcome!
Airboat Trailers Utility Trailers
2340 International Speedway Hwy 92 Deland Fl. SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 20
your Next Event! at Gobbler's Lodge 3D Archery Range or let us bring the range to you. PRO SHOP OPEN 11am to 5pm Saturday & Sunday
gobblerslodge3darchery.com • 386-341-0793 • 385 Gobbler’s Lodge Rd. Osteen
Weareamembersonlyarcheryrange.Wherepeoplecancometolearnandpractice Youdonothavetobeamembertohaveanevent. SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 21
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 22
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 23
386-424-9000 • 911 N. Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach Fl 32168 SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 24
www.DiamondMotorsAndMarine.com • #DiamondSuzuki
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 25
My daughter Shelby Harbster Zona graduated 2022 from NSB High School and this publisher is a proud momma. I hear alot that she is a mini me and have to say God blessed me when he chose me to be her mom. I am so excited for the next chapter in her life as she is pursuing a career in the boating world. You just may see her on a dock near you. Congratulations ShelbyZ never change who you are an amazing, wild free spirited, smart, talented, beautiful young lady. I am so proud of you!!
KeepLivingLifeLike NoOneisWatching!
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 26
Governor Ron DeSantis
The Florida Everglades is an extraordinary ecosystem unlike any other in the world! It is home to a variety of rare and unique wildlife including a diversity of native birds, mammals, fish and reptiles. However, some reptiles, like the invasive Burmese python, do not belong in this ecosystem and pose a threat to native wildlife. The Florida Python Challenge® is an exciting conservation effort which helps protect the rare Everglades habitat and the animals that live there from these invasive, nonnative snakes. The python removal competition begins at 8:00 a.m. on August 5, 2022 and ends at 5 p.m. on August 14, 2022. RequiredOnlineTraining Burmese pythons, though large animals, are notoriously difficult to find. Because these snakes can be tough to spot and require specific handling guidelines, all participants in the Florida Python Challenge® must take the Required Online Training which will help them more effectively identify and remove these constrictors from the wild. We learned from previous events that participants with more experience and/or training are more effective at locating and removing pythons from the wild. Trainings will educate participants on how to identify, report, and safely and humanely kill Burmese pythons. Participants will also learn how to correctly distinguish pythons from native snakes. Register now! www. flpythonchallenge.org
1171 County Road 309 Crescent City
386-524-4179 •Cabin Rentals • RV Sites • Marina & Boat Slips •Boat Rentals • Boat Ramp • Bait Shop •Restaurant & Tiki Bar Restaurant Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays Chicken Wings and Pizza available at Tiki Bar 7 days a week
Live Entertainment
Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 27
TheZego30isatwin-hulled platformmadeofroto-moulded polyethyleneplastic.Thehullsar foamfilled,whichmeansthatthe craftisvirtuallyunsinkable.
The Lionfish Challenge is a summerlong lionfish tournament open to participants from anywhere within the state of Florida. The tournament is completely free to enter and is open to participants of all ages. The goal of The Challenge is to encourage and reward recreational and commercial divers to remove lionfish from Florida waters. The Challenge is split into two divisions to cater to both commercial and recreational divers.
Open 5am-8pm 7DaysAWeek Fishing & Hunting Licenses-Ice-Beer-Snacks
Complete Supplies for Fisherman Since 1974 Rod Repair
We are a authorized service center for suzuki engines.
210 Walnut Street Welaka, Fl. 32193 386-467-2628 Participants in each division compete with each other to harvest the most aggregate lionfish or most pounds of lionfish throughout the duration of the tournament.
PO BOX 171 , 1533 COUNTY ROAD 309 GEORGETOWN , FL 32139
• Cabins • RV Sites • Ramp •Covered Docks • Free Cable • Bait & Tackle • Fishing License • WI-FI • OPEN 7 DAYS
Palatka Westside Corner of Hwy 19 & Moody Road
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 28
Advantage Sports & Outfitters
Live Bait • Minnows • Shiners • Worms
Archery Shop
Gator Guides
Turkey Hunts
13388 North Hwy 19 Salt Springs, Florida
Prizes are awarded in tiers to encourage harvest even for those who cannot compete to win. The more lionfish you harvest, the more prizes you win! Grand prizes are awarded to the top 3 competitors in each division. Once your reach Tier 1, you are automatically entered into our monthly raffles. Timeline
**The Challenge typically ends on Labor Day; we have decided to extend the tournament until the day AFTER Labor Day this year to accommodate those who may be diving that day. Registration ▪ Participants must pre-register for the tournament at FWCReefRangers. com. You will be given a registration number upon successful completionplease keep this number for your records. ▪ Participants may only qualify for one category (recreational or •Breakfast7am-10am commercial). •Lunch1am-3pm • Participants with an active Saltwater •Dinner5pm-10pm Products License and commercial •SundayCajunBrunch 9am-2pm lionfish sales within the last year must register for the commercial category. ▪ After registering, you may begin harvesting lionfish. HowtoSubmitYourCatch Instructions for Commercial Divers: ▪ After harvesting your lionfish, sell them to a licensed wholesale The best place in Florida to see dealer and get a copy of your trip what the St. John’s River is all about.... ticket verifying the commercial sale. Contact us for a list of wholesale 120 Georgetown Landing Road dealers currently purchasing lionfish. Georgetown, FL 32139 ▪ After obtaining your trip ticket, IdleAwhileResort.com complete a Commercial Trip Ticket 386-268-1374 Submission - Trip ticket submission is completed 15RoomHotel•35BoatSlips•BoatRentals•BoatRamp through an online form on our website Restaurant&BarOpen7daysaWeek (similar to the form you filled out when registering for the Challenge). - The online form will ask you information about when and where NG OPENI your lionfish were harvested and will JULY20 ask you to upload a copy of your trip ticket. Con’t on next pg. SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 29
- You may submit WE FOUND THE PERFECT SPOT! either a photo, scanned copy, or online screen Introductory Price grab of your trip ticket. $45 & $65 Things to note: per night! • Please complete an online submission form for each trip ticket • Only lionfish sales with species code 460 will be accepted • Lionfish sold with tails removed are NOT eligible for this competition. If we have reason to believe a participant is selling fish with tails previously removed, they will be disqualified from competing. InstructionsforRecreationalDivers: ▪ After harvesting your lionfish, remove tails leaving a bit of meat attached and place in a plastic sandwich bag(s) ▪ Label bag(s) with harvester name, phone number, date of harvest and number of tails ▪ Bring tails and a tail verification 110 Georgetown Landing Rd. Georgetown, FL 32139 form to a local Checkpoint for (Ovce)386.524•(Cell)305.98624 verification of harvest www.portcoveresort.com - The Checkpoint will count your tails, sign your verification form, and return the form to you. - Checkpoints will keep the tails for • Offering 74 RV sites along the St. John’s River our records. • Boat House with 24 boat slips - Checkpoint locations and verification • Pool & Relax area forms can be found on our website: • Spice Garden www.FWCReefRangers.com
• Kids Playground and more......
Auto-Home-Boat RV-Motorcycle
www.instantinsuranceagency.com #fishingforyourbusiness
▪ After verifying your tails at a Checkpoint, you may complete a Recreational Tail Submission. - Tail submission is completed through an online form on our website (similar to the form you filled out when registering for the Challenge). - The online form will ask you information about when and where your lionfish were harvested and will ask you to upload a copy of your completed verification form. - You may submit either a photo or a scanned copy of your completed verification form. Thingstonote: • Please complete one verification form and one online submission form for each trip you take -- if you harvest lionfish 5 times throughout the tournament, please complete 5 verification forms and 5 online submissions. • Please do not bring any smelly fish to your Checkpoint. Checkpoints have the right to deny any rotten or otherwise uncountable tails! • Please keep all verification forms until the 2022 Lionfish Challenge as ended
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 30
SEMINOLE-ORANGE COUNTY Secondtaggedbasscaught forTrophyCatch’s10-Tag Celebration!Eightremain swimmingacrossthestate The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) TrophyCatch 10-Tag Celebration continues with big fish worth big prizes! The second tagged bass was caught on Newnans Lake on June 11 by RJ Crawford, an angler from High Springs. Crawford was taking out his new boat for the first time and got lucky. He said they were coming back from a day of boating and fishing and decided to drop one last line. “I have only went fishing a couple times in the last three or four years; I am a bit rusty,” said RJ Crawford, the second angler to catch one of the 10 pink-tagged bass this season. He has had three TrophyCatch approvals already since 2015 so he was already familiar with the program and the required bass-on-scale photo needed to document his catch. “The fishing was better there (at Newnans Lake) than it had been in years,” said Crawford. “I would go out and fish there again.” FWC’s recent work on aquatic habitat restoration and bass stocking efforts on Newnans Lake contributed to the good fishing conditions Crawford noticed. Also, the naturally high water levels due to plentiful rain helps keep fisheries thriving. TAG! You’re it! Will you be the next lucky angler to catch a pink-tagged bass? Each pink tag wins a $5,000 gift card to Bass Pro Shops, $1,000 to shop at AFTCO and a chance to win an additional $10,000! Two out of ten tags are already caught with the first tagged bass caught in May.
Kel’s Rod & Reel Service
Rods,Reels,TroillingMotorParts&Servi 430Hwy436#105,Casselberry 407-83
Warranty Center For: Shimano • Diaiwa • Minnkota • Motorguide www.kelsrodreel.com Hours:Tues-Fri9-5Sat9-3(ClosedSun&Mon)
Eight more pink-tagged bass are still swimming in: Lake George; Lake Talquin; Lake Walk-in-Water; Tenoroc Fish Management Area; Lake Trafford; Lake Istokpoga; Lake Rousseau; and Johns Lake. The 10-tag Celebration ends on Sept. 30 and must meet the requirements for TrophyCatch submission. For more information about the TrophyCatch program or the 10-TAG Celebration, email KP Clements at Kp.Clements@MyFWC.com
Over 200 Trailers in Stock!
Continental Boat Trailers SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 31
13649 Granville Ave. Clermont, Fl. 34711 407-905-0003
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www.liqudplanetmarine.com IN STOCK !!! from 12’ to 36’
In celebration of reaching their 10th season, FWC has distributed pink tags on 10 bass around Florida. www.trophycatchflorida.com
Up to $70,000 in totalprizing!
AHOY Marine, Inc.
511 E. 25th. St.Sanford, Florida 32773 SteveMeadors,President
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 32
View Our Full Menu Online at
2396 N. C-470, Lake Panasoukee,Fl.358
352-793-2083 Closed Sundays & Mondays
ICAST, the world’s largest sportfishing trade show, is the premier showcase for the latest innovations in gear, tackle, accessories and apparel. ICAST is the cornerstone of the sportfishing industry, helping to drive recreational fishing product sales year round.
Fish Florida (aka the Florida Foundation for Responsible Angling) helps people, especially children, get hooked by donating fishing equipment, grants and scholarships to Florida aquatic education, marine resource stewardship and ethical angling programs.
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OnBeautifulRainbowandWithlacoocheeRive WhereFishingisAlwaysGreat! PONTOON BOAT AND JON BOAT RENTALS GUIDE SERVICE - TACKLE SHOP - BOAT & MOTORS Come Catch a Smile!
352-4897•www.anglersresort.us SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 33
Mary Weeks Realty, Inc. 25291 NE Hwy 314 Salt Springs, Fl. 32134
weeksrealty314@earthlink.net • www.weeksrealty.com
Largelivingroomwithbrickfireplace,solidwood and large covered deck porch. Spacious living cabinets in kitchen, separate dining room, ovce/ area, kitchen with nice cabinetry, carpet and vinyl SPACIOUSLOTTHATISNICELYSHADED. sewing room, inside laundry room, and recently flooring thru out. RV comes furnished and has remodeled bathroom. Paved walk-way will lead washer and dryer in the storage building. This This property is great for a weekend home or permanent you to a 12x21 workshop, outside fish cleaning spacious corner lot has beautiful landscaping, residence. The resort ouers club house, 2 pools, tennis station/brick smoker, additional building that lots of pavers and fruit trees. Come enjoy all the courts, dog park, dock & boat ramp to Little Lake would make a nice guest in-law quarters (needs amenitiesthattheresorthastoouerincluding club Kerr. Walking distance to restaurants, shopping & the work), and 1-car carport. Property is landscaped house,2pools,tenniscourts,shuweboard,dock & springs. HOA fee is $592 a quarter. Salt Springs is a and completely fenced with 3 double gates. Lake boat ramp to Little Lake Kerr. Walking distance nice quaint area located in the Ocala National Forest to restaurants, shopping & the springs. Perfect for thatouerslakesATV & trailsforyourenjoyment.access to Little Lake Kerr through community lot that provides beach/swim area, boat ramp, and weekends or full time residence. HOA fees are $592 community building for $75/year. Price reflects a quarter. Salt Springs is a nice quaint area located $45,000 home needs TLC. $125,000 in the Ocala National Forest. $75,000
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 34
Welcome to THE TAVARES DOG HOUSE on Ruby Street in Tavares. My grandson and I had lunch there this past week. Their chili cheese dogs are delicious. Good service, good food and fun events. Stop in and say “Hi”. BASS N GAL GUIDE SERVICE are catching a few bass on the Harris chain using topwater, swimming worms and crank baits. A slow falling sinking weightless worm or a chrome blue or green Rat-L-Trap reeled in as slowly as possible, are both working quite well. For the fishing trip you’ve dreamed of call @ 352-267-0062. Gordon at BROOKER BAIT & TACKLE said they are starting to catch shellcracker using crickets and worms. Gordon and Natalie went to Mosquito Lagoon last week and caught some nice trout up to 24 inches and some nice reds, including two giant ones. Welcome to PONTOONSALOON ,a new advertiser located on Lake Eustis
GreatLocalFoodMenu Featuring:
•GrovelandGatorBites •SwampCabbageCeviche Blackened • GrouperReuben • Locally Sourced ProduceandMeats •CraftBeersWine &Spirits •Open1am-9pmDaily Sat
You r
13.9 d
OntheEastShoreofLakeEustis 1/4mileEastofDoraCanal
in Tavares. They are next door to LAKESIDE BAIT AND TACKLE and you get there from land or water. Stop in and say “Hi” and have a friendly drink or meal. HARRIS OIL offers 100% non ethanol gasoline for your boats, mowers and chain saws. They also have gated self storage. Stop by and check them out!
Heidi of LAKESIDE BAIT & TACKLE t ells us bluegill and shellcracker are on fire out of Dead River and Haines Creek, using grass shrimp, redworms and crickets. Bass are being caught using DD6’s and other deep running crank baits in the shell beds. Medium shiners are producing lots of stripers just outside of the Dora Canal on the Lake Dora side.
Bass N Gal Guide Service *Central Florida Lakes* *PRIVATE LAKES*
All Tackle Included 1/2 Day $300.00 Cell 352-267-0062 Email llh30@comcast.net
Capt.LyndaHawkinsOverYears 30 Experience SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 35
Lakeside Bait & Tackle
Mark & Heidi Bass, Owners Located on Lake Eustis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lakeside Guide Service
Ivycaughtthis freshwaterfisho&of hermammawsdock.
with Captain Mark
352-255-9706 All Tackle Included 1000 W. Burleigh Blvd. Tavares, Fl.
Be sure to stop in at FISH CAMP onLAKEEUSTIS They are offering an ½ pound Shrimp Fest fixed your way with 3 sides for only $13.99 on Saturdays. Sundays they have a ½ pound Mahi Feast with 3 side dishes for $13.99. Jim from FISH CAMP ON LAKE EUSTIS tells us they are now open from 11 to 8 daily and 11 to 9 on Fri. and Sat. and have live music on Saturday from 1 to 4. They carry local produce, local meats, local craft beers and wines. You owe it to yourself to stop in and check them out, they are located ¼ mile East of Dora Canal right on Lake Eustis. Ethel of J & S CYPRESS WOODCRAFTS would like to invite you all in to shop for a cypress swing and/or a rocking chair for your front porch.
NewLocation PALMERS ASTOR MARINE 22212 State Road 40 Astor, Fl. 32102
www.palmersastormarine.com SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 36
352-383-3864 www.cypressthings.com 28625 Cypress Mill Rd. Sorrento
*Cedar Chest *Walking Canes *Wind Mills *Country Crafts *Cedar & Cypress Furniture
*American Indian Craft * Carved Cedar Boxes *Swings & Rockers *Indoor & Outdoor Have a Safe Furniture
and Happy 4th of July!
Open 6 days a week Mon-Sat 9am-4pm
Happy angler with 2 big fat catfish and a nice bass. Photo from Bass World Lodge Georgetown,Fl.
Astor/Pierson Citgo
CheapestGasinTown! LIVEBAIT&TACKLE
1050 W. Burleigh Blvd. Tavares, Fl.
Wine-Beer-Cigs-Soda-Ice Snacks-Groceries-RefillPropane Hot Pizza & Chicken Wings
(352) 742-3450 On Beautiful Lake Eustis
Restaurant Hours
Sun-Thur6am-10pmFri& Sat6am-1pm
11 to 7 Tues thru Sat 11 to 6 Sunday • Closed Monday
W.1380 StRd.40,Pierson 386-749-0180
BAIT & TACKLE Owners Bill & Natalie Brooker 1351 A. W. North Blvd. Leesburg, Fl. 34748 352-460-0695 BrookerBait@gmail.com
NOW OPEN! SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 37
SaltwaterEastCoast SW#101 Edgewater Ramp to Turtle mound SW#102 Turtle Mound to Oak Hill SPECIAL SW#103 S. Bridge to Eldora Turtle Mound & Government Cut $7.0PerMap SW#104 Port Orange Bridge to Ponce Inlet IncludesS&H&SalesTax SW#105 Oak Hill to Haul Over Canal SW#106 Mosquito Lagoon to Haul Over Canal SW#107 Ormond to Tomoka Basin SW#108 New Smyrna Beach Bridges North & South SW#109 Mosquito Lagoon Merritt Island Refuge to Haul Over Canal SW#110 Sebastian Inlet North & South Backcountry SW#111 Port Orange Bridge Mill Creek North to Ormond Beach SW#112 Palm Bay to Sebastian SW#113 Merritt Island to Palm Bay SW#114 Haul Over Canal area Indian River City to Titusville SW#115 Matanzas Inlet SaltwaterWestCoast WC#401 Suwannee River to the Gulf WC#402 Cedar Key WC#403 Crystal River WC#404 Steinhatchee FreshwaterLakes,Rivers&Streams FW#201 Lake Dexter to Lake George FW#202 Lake Beresford to Lake Dexter KH#301 FW#203 Lake George How to Shrimp FW#204 Lake George to Jacksonville Dip Netting Freelining FW#205 Lake Crescent & Shrimping FW#206 Rodman Reservoir & Dam (Backcountry) FW#207 Lake Beresford to Brevard County Sawgrass Lake By: Roger S. Harbster FW#208 Lake Okeechobee Over40yearsofknowledge!
Send check or money order along with Map #’s to: SSFHMagazine P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32129 SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 38
Howbigwasthefishthatate thisbigjacklikeabaitfish? Capt. Smokey’s boats can hold up to 6 passengers and offers full & half day charters fishing inshore or offshore. The boats are docked at Capt Hirams Resort located off Indian River Dr. in Sebastian. Capt. Todd has made a career out of fishing up and down the East Coast from Maine to Key West and now has settled down in Sebastian for it’s fantastic fishing.
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 39
WeOuerTr From 4hrs
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Brad with his dad Tim killed his first hog and he had a friend coiled up on the blood trail. This is what happens when deer hunting season is closed at Collins LowCountryHunts in South Carolina. Book your hunt the publisher of this magazine and her family have been hunting here for years. Congratulations Brad!! SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 43
DEER HUNTING SEASON August 1st-January 1st 3 DAYS HUNTS $1,295.00 5 DAY HUNTS $1,995.00 Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!
We have the longest deer season in the US August 15th-January 1st , with weapon of choice for the entire season. The velvet hunts last through Labor Day weekend and the rut is throughout the months of October and November. We hunt seven days a week and allow two bucks per day, only with one small (under 12" wide) per hunter, per season. We have open areas where first timers can take a buck, Long Managed Trophy Areas where bucks must be a minimum of 15" outside spread. Then we have our special Big Trophy Area, where the bucks have been on strict management for only mature bucks for the past 13 seasons, the bucks there have to be 16" outside spread of 110 Boone and Crockett Score. That area will be for very serious Trophy Hunters only.
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 44
Mention this ad and receive 100 offHog, Deer & Turkey Hunts! www.collinslowcountryhuntingclub.com • 803-267-2825 • 10640 Ehrhardt Road Ehrhardt, South Carolina
Spring Turkey Season March 20th-May 5th 3 Days $1,395 Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing! Turkey Season opens on March 20th each year and runs through May 5th. We have 5,500 of prime turkey woods with a mixture of river bottoms, pine ridges and lots of food plots planted with chuffas, the turkey’s favorite. Our seasoned guides are very familiar with our properties and are very personable and experienced. While on your turkey hunt , if you would like to sit for a wild hog in the afternoon, you are allowed to take one hog during the three day hunt for no extra charge. We have lots of them and some really big ones.
iW ld Hog Hunts Year Round 3 Days $1,095
Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing! We can hunt hogs year round and some of our most productive hunts this past year took place in May, June and July. We have plenty of land now with hogs to be able to hunt large groups, up to 10. We can even accommodate bow groups that large. Hogs are very smart animals, don’t come thinking they are just dumb farm animals. This is a fun hunt for all who just do not want to quit hunting after their deer season closes. Thefinestdeer, hog,andturkey huntinginthe low-countryof SouthCarolina!
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 45
Smoker Kingfish caught with Capt Bruno of Caught Up Fishing Charters out of The River Deck MarinaNewSmyrnaBeach. Aaron Higherswith TopNotch Adventures andhisgood friendTim Russelwith
Captain Daddy’sFishing Chartersfishing ona32’solace outofPonce Inletcaught thesemahi.
Liz and Ashlee Stokes with Cobia, Red Eyes and a triggerfishcaughtoutofPonceInet. SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 46
Surplus Unlimited Marine Liquidators 613 West International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach. Fla.
SSFHMagazine July/August 2022 Page 47