Mar/Apr 2020
FREE Since 1965
• Fishing Reports
• Tide Tables • Feeding Times • News & Events • Hunting News • Tournaments 2020
-Halifax Sport Fishing Club -King of the Inlet Series -Roy’s Surf Fishing -The Big Game Tour NSB
The es l o H ’ n i h s Fi
Marc 20th & 2 h 1 9am-5p st
l a u n An e l a S t n Te
Blowout Prices!!
You don’t want to miss!
Door Buster Specials
while supplies last!
386-252-9804 450 N. Beach Street • Downtown Daytona Beach SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 2
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 3
M 13th arch & Fr i 8 1 :304th 5• Sat 9-4
YES Jack is bringing out more surplus from the backyard and warehouses! Items never seen before! Everything sold as is! SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 4
Where You’ll Never “Sea” it all on one voyage.... • Steering • Trailer Parts • Stainless Hardware • Control Cables (Mercury Generation II)
• Cleaning Supplies • Safety Equipment • Electronics • Dock Lines • Nautical Decor
• Tires/Rims • Batteries • Seats/Pedastals • Hatches • Zincs • Anchors • Chain • Jewelry • Head Supplies • Cup/Accessory Holders
• Hose • Electrical • Starboard • Boat Fenders • Marine Tinned Wire • LED Lighting • Saltwater Fishing Supplies • Pumps Bilge, Aerator, Washdown, Fresh Water • and so much more.......
We can also do some special order items we do not carry and have them delivered that day or the next day!
386-252-5019 • 613 International Speedway Blvd. West • Daytona Beach
Store Hours: 8:30-5:00 M-F • 9-4 Sat • Closed Sunday SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 5
By: Desiree’ Harbster and Capt Lynda Hawkins
P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32127 386-478-3725 Email
Published By: Desiree’ Harbster In memory of
Roger S. Harbster 12/25/1929 ~ 4/24/2009 Dorothy F. Harbster 3/17/1936-4/18/2018
Desiree’ Harbster ~ FOWA Capt. Lynda Hawkins Capt. Bruno Capt. Matt Lee Tony Young-FWC Tim Camp
Front Captions Hunter Smallback with a nice Mahi.
Southern States Fishn’ & Huntn’ Magazine reserves the right to edit any an all copy submitted for publication. We are only responsible for the space occupied by errors, all special’s, prices, contract deals are final NO REFUNDS. All prices, offers, deals & circulation are subject to change with out notice. Neither our publications or our advertisers are responsible for typographical errors, misprints or misinformation or errors of any kind. Our sales persons are non-employees and work on commission (outside Sales). This publication is (R) and fully (C). The magazine welcomes stories, articles, artwork and pictures but are not responsible for unsolicited material. Magazine retains reprint rights on articles and photo’s forever. All return checks will be charged $25.00 due at once. Advertisers are responsible for checking their advertisements for mistakes after each printing. We are not responsible for long running mistakes. Circulation quotes are based on readers. Photo’s in our magazine are a free service. CO-OP is a free service, It is the responsibility of the advertiser to collect merchandise. We are not responsible for CO-OP Merchandise. We print 6 times per year. (Bi-Monthly) Close out is the 15th. of the month prior to print date.
Spring Time Fishing with Caught Up Fishing Charters By: Capt Bruno
The season is starting and the spring time fishing is my favorite time of the year. I will be targeting Cobia on the manta rays and let me tell ya what an adrenaline rush fighting these fish will be. Sight fishing cobia is as exciting as hooking into these hard fighting fish in my opinion. Pound for pound they are the hardest fighting fish you’ll catch with 2-3 runs off the spool before landing them. The cobia is one of my favorite fish to eat. It’s a steak fish and I love to make fresh ceviche with it. On the grill or pan sear you cannot go wrong. On the other hand Tripletail is another top targeted species that I like to target this upcoming season. Around the inlet we have big Redfish and Snook that start showing up also. Offshore fishing is good too catching an abundance of snappers, triggers, groupers and of course kingfish and big jacks. The Goliath grouper are definitely a fish that people like to try to catch and is one of the hardest fighting fish to catch and release. If you would like to catch on of these wall hangers call today! 386-689-7409 Follow me on Facebook and Instagram SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 6
Bradley Goolsby with a bull redfish caught from Ponce Inlet on bait from Donald’s Bait & Tackle in Port Orange.
We can service, repair and weld any steel or aluminum trailer! BOAT TRAILER SERVICE & REPAIRS! • Homesteader • Rance Renegade/Lightning • Anderson Trailers • Bad Boy Mowers • Husqvarna Lawn & Garden Equipment
• Cargo Trailers • Dump Trailers • Utility Trailers • Motorcycle Trailers • Boat Trailers
(386) 317-6295
Symone Sorenson caught this 28” snook from Rose Bay on bait from E & J Bait & Tackle. 5481 S Ridgewood Ave, Port Orange, FL 32127
Expert Free Advice & Friendly Service with a smile!!
This wahoo was caught 40 miles off Ponce Inlet using a lure. It was estimated at 40-50 pounds and was caught aboard the Blank Check with Jason Carn and Matt Elston.
Live & Frozen Bait - Shrimp-Mud Minnows-Fiddle Crabs Tackle-Rods & Reels-and much more!
Closest & Easy Access to the Boat Ramp! 96 Dunlawton Ave Port Orange, Fl. • 386-760-1871 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 7
Spring is an active time for wildlife! Be prepared for encounters, do your best not to disturb them. Springtime is an active time for wildlife in Florida, with sea turtles beginning to nest on beaches, manatees leaving their warmwater winter refuges and gopher tortoises starting to stir outside their burrows. With warmer weather, a variety of species around the state are following their internal biological clocks that tell them to move, mate, feed and nest. These species include black bears and their cubs, nesting waterbirds and snakes. Because of heightened wildlife activity in springtime, people are more likely to see and encounter all kinds of animals, both adults and their young. Florida’s residents and visitors can help by being aware of how to avoid disturbing wildlife during the rites of spring.
Expires 12/15/2020
“Viewing wildlife is one of the pleasures of being outdoors during spring,” said Kipp Frohlich, who leads the Division of Habitat and Species Conservation at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). “It helps if kids and adults know the importance of not disturbing wildlife. Keep your distance, so you don’t startle a sea turtle, gopher tortoise, manatee or nesting bird that you happen to see during your outdoor adventures.”
Coupon Good for all in Party
$5 OFF Regular Adult or Child Ticket
Expires 12/15/20
Call For Reservations, Details & Trip Times
Located at: Down The Hatch Restaurant Ponce Inlet, Fl.
386•763•4388 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 8
Tips on how to enjoy and help conserve Florida wildlife during spring: Sea turtles – Help sea turtles by keeping beaches dark at night and free of obstacles during their March–October nesting season. Bright artificial lighting can disturb nesting sea turtles and disorient hatchlings, so avoid using flashlights or cellphones on the beach at night. Turning out lights or closing curtains and shades in buildings along the beach after dark also will ensure nesting turtles aren’t disturbed as they come ashore and hatchlings won’t become disoriented when they emerge. Clear away boats and beach furniture at the end of the day and fill in holes in the sand that could entrap turtles. Manatees - Look out for manatees when boating. Chances of close encounters between manatees and boaters increase in the spring, as manatees leave their winter use areas and travel the intracoastal waterways along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and other inland waters. For boaters, it is a critical time to be on the lookout for manatees to avoid collisions with these large aquatic mammals. Boaters should follow posted speed limits as many areas have seasonal zones in spring that reflect manatee migration patterns.
Light House Marina
Gopher tortoises - Spring days are a good time to spot a gopher tortoise, as Florida’s only native tortoise becomes more active, foraging for food and searching for a mate. If you see gopher tortoises or their half-moon shaped burrow entrances, it is best to leave them alone. You can help a gopher tortoise cross a road by picking it up and placing it in a safe location along the roadside in the direction it was heading. But only do this if it is safe for you to do so, andRemember the tortoise is a land animal, so never attempt to put it into water. Nesting birds - Keep your distance from birds on the beach or on the water. If birds become agitated or leave their nests, you are too close. Disturbance can cause birds to abandon their nesting sites, which exposes their eggs and chicks to predators, sun exposure and other harm. Because shorebirds and seabirds build wellcamouflaged shallow nests out of sand and shells on beaches, their nests, eggs and chicks are vulnerable to being stepped on
3514 S. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach Shores SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 9
OVERLOOKING THE SCENIC WATER OF PONCE DE LEON INLET Serving Fresh Seafood & Fine Steaks Daily Accessible By Floating Docks A Locals Favorite Dine Inside Along The Halifax River
4894 Front Street, Ponce Inlet 386-761-4831
1871 West Hwy 44 Deland, Florida
LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Feed-Beer-Soda-Snacks Refill Propane Gas & Cylinders Open 7 Days 5:30 am 10# Bag of Ice $1.09
Nautic al Gifts
Granada Pier
e’s i n Lin ous Fam Dip h Fis
Bears - As spring temperatures warm, bears become more active, increasing the opportunities for conflicts with people. Don’t give bears a reason to stay in your neighborhood. Remove anything that might attract bears, such as unsecured garbage or pet food. If they can’t find food, they’ll move on. Snakes - Watch out for snakes in your yard or when hiking. What should you do when you come upon a snake? Just stand back and observe it. Snakes don’t purposefully position themselves to frighten people. They’d much rather avoid encounters and usually will flee.
Country Store
unless people look out for them. Wading birds, such as herons and egrets, and pelicans also are nesting now on mangroves and tree islands.
Bait & Tackle Open 7 Days a Week
Injured and orphaned wildlife - If you find a baby animal, it is best to leave it alone. Baby animals rarely are orphaned; a parent may be nearby searching for food or observing its young. Instead, report wildlife you think may be injured or orphaned to the nearest FWC Regional Office. It’s illegal to disturb or harm wildlife, so if you see someone not following the rules – or spot an animal in distress – call the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline: 888404-FWCC (3922) or #FWC or *FWC on a cell phone. Learn more about where and how to view wildlife at
•Live Bait •Tackle •Gear •Maps & Advice •Smoked Fish
One South Beach St. Ormond Beach
386-676-9078 •
“Your Surf Fishing Headquarters”
“FREE” Lighted Fishing Pier for Night Time Enjoyment SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 10
Everette Rayhorn caught this nice redfish along with another one while fishing off the rocks at Ponce Inlet using bait from Donalds Bait & Tackle.
WET SLIPS Coming Soon! Contact Lisa to get on the waiting list 386-428-2341 Ext 4
Boat Rentals
Bennington Luxury & Performance
“Consignments Wanted” 2 Yamaha Master Tech’s on site!
Sportsman Premium Bay Boats & Center Consoles
386-428-2341 179 North Causeway New Smyrna Beach
190 Bay Cape Craft w/Yamaha Motor
Attention Florida Anglers! Import and significant changes in the spotted seatrout regulations are slated to take effect February 1, 2020. Do you have an up-to-date folding ruler, boat ruler decal, or fish identification chart in your tackle box or on your boat? Several products made by Tackle Box I.D Products fill the need for a handy and convenient resource to aid anglers in identifying what they’ve caught and helping them learn the current rules associated with that species at the same time. One of them is the Florida Saltwater Fish Jumbo Edition fish identification card. It shows 59 commonly caught Florida saltwater fish in high resolution photographs for easy, at-a-glance identification. Just beneath each photograph are the basic current FWC regulations associated with the species. The laminated 8 1⁄2” x 11” card shows not only regulated species like red drum, spotted seatrout, and snook, but also but also unregulated species such as whiting and crevalle jack which are equally important to know. Updated with the new Feb 1, 2020 spotted seatrout size, bag limits, seasons, and management zones. The Tackle Box I.D. concept was created by Eric Sander who is an avid fisherman himself and a former research biologist for FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. The FWC regulation book does not show you how to identify a spot or croaker or whiting. This one card does. Now there is no need to carry anything else out with you. Part of a three-card set, the Florida Saltwater Fish Jumbo Edition fish identification card can be found at (search Tackle Box I.D.) SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 11 Open 6am-6pm 7 days a week!
Anchor Hardware And Storage
726 North U.S. 1, Oak Hill, Fl “You name it we got it!”
Mercury • Mercruiser
40’ Custom Sportfisher
Beth Bibeault caught this nice redfish off the pier at Crabby Joe’s on shrimp from Donald’s Bait & Tackle.
Half Day • Full Day • Gulf Stream
•Bait & Tackle •Fishing Supplies •Surf Rod Combo’s •Tide Clocks •Crab Traps •Cast Nets •Shrimp Nets
•Beach Supplies •Umbrellas •Body Boards •Wind Stocks •Chairs •Kites •Flags
Hours: Monday-Saturday 7:00am-5:30pm / Sunday 9:00am-2:00pm
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 12
Hunter Smallback harvested this Georgia buck weighing in at 176 pounds.
We are Celebrating 46 Years of Award-Winning Sales & Service
1700 N. Nova Road, Holly Hill
Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm • Sat 8:30am-5pm • Open 24/7 at
Florida’s Largest Trailer Dealer
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B & G TRAILERS INC. 386-734-5244 •
2340 International Speedway Hwy 92 Deland Fl. SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 13
Trade Ins Welcome!
Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides March 2020 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo
Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer)
Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm/Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm
To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 14
New Smyrna Outfitters 223A Canal St. New Smyrna Beach
386-402-8853 • • Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Closed Sunday OWNED BY THIRD GENERATION FISHERMAN CODY MOORE
New Smyrna Outfitters now specializes in offshore bait and tackle as well as clothing, fly fishing and inshore tackle. We have the equipment, knowledge and experience to guide you through any type of fishing you enjoy. Come see our new and improved store.
Reel Strung Out Fishing Charters • • • • • • • •
Half Day Trips Shark Fishing Morning Trips Mid Day Trips Evening Trips Kids Welcome! Mosquito Lagoon Docks & Bridges
BOOK NOW!! Capt. TJ 386-405-7894 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 15
Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides April 2020 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo
Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer)
Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm/Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm
To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 16
Saltwater East Coast
SW#101 Edgewater Ramp to Turtle mound SW#102 Turtle Mound to Oak Hill SW#103 S. Bridge to Eldora Turtle Mound & Government Cut SW#104 Port Orange Bridge to Ponce Inlet SW#105 Oak Hill to Haul Over Canal SW#106 Mosquito Lagoon to Haul Over Canal SW#107 Ormond to Tomoka Basin SW#108 New Smyrna Beach Bridges North & South SW#109 Mosquito Lagoon Merritt Island Refuge to Haul Over Canal SW#110 Sebastian Inlet North & South Backcountry SW#111 Port Orange Bridge Mill Creek North to Ormond Beach SW#112 Palm Bay to Sebastian SW#113 Merritt Island to Palm Bay SW#114 Haul Over Canal area Indian River City to Titusville SW#115 Matanzas Inlet
Includes S & H & Sales Tax
Saltwater West Coast
WC#401 Suwannee River to the Gulf WC#402 Cedar Key WC#403 Crystal River WC#404 Steinhatchee
Freshwater Lakes, Rivers & Streams
FW#201 Lake Dexter to Lake George FW#202 Lake Beresford to Lake Dexter By: FW#203 Lake George Roger S. Harbster FW#204 Lake George to Jacksonville Over 40 years of FW#205 Lake Crescent knowledge! FW#206 Rodman Reservoir & Dam (Backcountry) FW#207 Lake Beresford to Brevard County Sawgrass Lake FW#208 Lake Okeechobee
KH#301 How to Shrimp Dip Netting Freelining & Shrimping
Special Rate Expires April 30, 2020
Regular price: $4.95 per map plus $1.50 Postage & Handling & 6.5% sales tax total $6.87 per map
Send check or money order to: SSFHMagazine P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32128 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 17
Code Red Fishing Charters Capt. Matt Lee 386-214-3530 Code Red Fishing Charter Services in New Smyrna Beach, Florida By: Capt Matt Lee
Our ultimate goal is to provide you with a one of a kind experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Come experience the peaceful beauty of Florida fishing with our licensed and insured fishing charter guide. Our private fishing charter holds up to four people for a fishing adventure. With the help and knowledge of our guides, catching that monstrous fish is easy fun. The fish we target and the waters we explore make our service unique. Redfish and speckled trout are the top targets on our excursions. There are incidents in between catches where we hook a black drum, tarpon and snook. We launch right off the coast of New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Come experience the remote locations of Mosquito Lagoon with us. Only the best and most seasoned fishermen know about this secret fishing spot! You will have full access to and full use of our equipment. We have your fishing lures, supplies and everything you need to experience the perfect catch. Whether you’re a resident of New Smyrna Beach or just passing through on vacation, come experience Florida fishing with us! We welcome guests from far and wide. Small children are welcome too! Fishing boat trips are a great way to relax on Florida’s waters. Whether you want to head out at the break of dawn or at sun down, we can accommodate you. We offer a unique experience and 24/7 availability. Join us in a unique adventure aboard our professional fishing charter. Each of our private guests will receive one of our Code Red Fishing Charters t-shirts in their size and ready to wear on their excursion. You can schedule your fishing trip any day or time that suits your needs. Fishing trips are a great way to spend quality time with your child, partner or friend. Call today at (386) 214-3530 to learn more about what our private charter offers and how we can make it memorable for you! SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 18
By: Tim Camp
Greetings from Brevard county again! At this time of year the deer hunting has come to an end. Hunters had an alright season putting meat in the freezer, however with the new guidelines for antlered deer, it seemed that the buck numbers were down a little bit from years pass. Not to say that is a bad thing, for the guidelines are installed to create a bigger more healthier crop of deer in each year proceeding, so i’m interested to see in the coming years if this will produce bigger bucks in our area. Fishing has been great with Black Drum in North Brevard as of late with cool mornings putting on a great bite. On the shrimping side of things, we have finally seen some numbers pick up. Oak Hill has started to fill up some buckets on the incoming tide, numbers are about a third as much on the outgoing tide as expected. So if you plan on strapping up those dip nets and giving it a try be sure to pay attention to the tide charts provided to you right here in Southern States Fishin’ & Huntin’ Magazine. Turkey season is right around the corner so don’t forget to get out there and brush up on those turkey calls and get that ole shotgun patterned in so you can bag that big bearded gobbler you’ve been dreaming about. And don’t forget to take some pics and send them into me on my facebook page, for every issue we @ D&E Outdoors give away a $20 gift card to the winning Huntin’ & Fishin’ picture. Until next time High Tines & Tight Lines Tim Camp
2800 US 1 Mims • 321-264-3173 And the winner of the $20.00 gift card from D & E Outdoors is Becca Spoerle of Sumter County. She harvested this buck in Georgia while hunting the flint river area.
Marine Artist Rick Hardy 386-228-3525
Custom Aluminum Work Little Miss River Heaney-Benton she is already catching stringers. SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 19
735 Airpark Rd Hanger B-3 Edgewater 386-957-3756
FRESHWATER FREELINE The Fishing Book This book can be purchased at Williams Tackle in Holly Hill. Area Guide to Florida Freshwater Fishing from Rivers, Lakes & Streams. Over 300 miles of Freshwater and Backcountry Maps, with the areas Fishing Hot Spots Marked. Where, When and How to Fish these Hot Spots. By: Roger S. Harbster Over 40 years of knowledge!
Other Features include: •Knot Tying •Fish Recipes •How to Fillet Fish •Do It Yourself Smokehouse
includes S & H & Sales Tax Order now and receive a bonus book. Another book written by RSH.
Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City__________________________State________Zip___________
Special Rate Expires April 30, 2020
Send check or money order to: SSFHMagazine P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32128 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 20
FRESHWATER FREELINE Sold Here! Special Rate $5.00
1861 North Nova Rd. Holly Hill, Fl.
Bossman Skimmer
Sea Pro 228 Bay Series
with 70hp Suzuki
with 250hp Suzuki
Mitzi Skiff 17 Tournament Edition with 60hp Suzuki
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Sea Pro 219 Center Console with 250hp Suzuki
with 175hp Suzuki
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with 90hp Suzuki and Poling Platform
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SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 22
208 Sea Pro
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National Advertised Price of *Only $34,995 Includes:
*Suzuki’s 140hp 4-Stroke Outboard with 6 years of warranty *Ameratrail Single Axle Trailer * Dual Battery Switch *1/2 Swim Platform w/3 Step Ladder *Simrad GO-5 w/ Transom Mount Transducer *Tilt Hydraulic Steering *Standard Options *NAP does not include Freight, Prep or Tax.
Starting at
Nationally Advertised Price
•Financing Available •Trades Accepted
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 23
PUTNAM COUNTY According to Lorraine at BASS WORLD LODGE @386-467-2267 the water is still very high right now. Jim Brainard has been fishing Little Lake George catching some nice bass and stripers using crank baits. Ed Brayant caught and released 11 bass up to 4 pounds using wild shiners. Bob has been using shiners around Hog Island and having a blast. B & G TRAILERS in DeLand @386734-5244 carries a huge selection of new & used boat trailers as well as jet ski, cycle and pontoon boat trailers. They do repairs as well. Their boat trailers incorporate the latest in design technology with consistent quality construction. MESSER’S EAST-WEST BAIT & TACKLE @386-328-4035 Jimmy tells us Rodman is on drawdown so everyone is catching lots of specks and black bass on the Lake side. Below the dam they are catching shellcrackers and bluegills. Some bass and stripers are being caught out of the River.
By: Capt Lynda Hawkins
We are a authorized service center for tohatsu and suzuki engines.
210 Walnut Street Welaka, Fl. 32193 386-467-2628 Specks are also coming out of Dunn’s Creek. GEORGETOWN MARINA & LODGE @386-467-2002 Teresa tells us they are catching some nice bass with wild shiners and bull heads (which they carry). Steve Sluger from Ashville, N.C. while on a 2 day guide trip with Captain Don Weaver caught and released a 7 pound 5 oz. on his 1st day fishing and second day a 10 pound 2 oz. They are doing well catching speckled perch using minnows and also jigging around the docks. RV sites and cabins are available.
Open 5am-9pm 7 Days A Week Fishing & Hunting Licenses-Ice-Beer Sandwiches-Snacks Complete Supplies for Fisherman & Hunters Since 1974 Rod & Reel Repair
Palatka Westside Corner of Hwy 19 & Moody Road
PO BOX 171 , 1533 COUNTY ROAD 309 GEORGETOWN , FL 32139
• cabins • rv sites • ramp •COVERED DOCKS • FREE CABLE • bait & tackle • fishing license • WI-FI • OPEN 7 DAYS MARKER 72 ON ST. JOHNS RIVER @ MOUTH OF BIG LAKE GEORGE
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 24
By: Capt Lynda Hawkins Steve Sluger of Ashville NC caught and released this 10 pound 2 oz bass while fishing with Captain Don Weaver. Photo courtesy of Georgetown Marina Lodge and RV Park.
Jacob Lowe with a big smile after catching this nice bass. Photo courtesy of Pirats Oasis.
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 25
SEMINOLE-ORANGE COUNTY AHOY MARINE, INC. @407-323-8373 – Tina and Steve said the Sheepshead in the Intercoastal waterways are being caught right now using fiddler crabs. They got a 16 incher this past weekend. Specks are turned on in the River and Lake Jessup using minnows and jigs. Everyone is bringing their boats in getting them ready for speck season. KEL’S ROD & REEL SERVICE @407-834-3008, is a warranty center for Shimano, Penn, Minnkota and Motorguide. They are open Tues.-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-3 (closed Sun. & Mon.) Stop in and visit with their friendly and knowledgeable staff. DAVIDS TRAILERS @407-293-2922 has one of the largest inventories of trailer parts in Central Florida with over 200 trailers in stock. He is located on West Colonial Drive across from the Orange County fairground and has been at the same location since 1979.
By: Capt Lynda Hawkins Kel’s Rod & Reel Service Rods, Reels, Troilling Motor Parts & Service 430 Hwy 436 #105, Casselberry 407-834-3008 Warranty Center For: Shimano, Penn, Minnkota, Motorguide Hours: Tues-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-3 (Closed Sun & Mon)
PORTSIDE MARINE! Portside Marine is family-owned and operated and conveniently located in Orlando, FL. Portside Marine can provide you with the latest and best in marine products to make your outdoor living more enjoyable. They specialize in offering the latest innovations in boating technology. They combine a wide variety of products with a friendly and knowledgeable staff to meet all of your boating needs. Their goal is to make Portside Marine your one-stop dealership for sales, service, and fun! They recognize that their customers have a variety of needs when it comes to their boating lifestyles. That is precisely why they are committed to serving each customer with excellence. From the minute you walk through the door, exceeding your expectations is their top priority. Call or stop by; you’ll be glad you did. LIQUID PLANET MARINE is South Lake County’s newest destination boating center. Owners, George VonWaldner and David Smallback chose Clermont as their newest location, after opening their first in Melbourne in 2017. Award winning brands such as Sea Fox, Shearwater, Sterling, and Blackwood Boats are not only in stock but also fully customizable to meet your every need. Highly sought after Tidewater Boats are available at the Melbourne location.
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 26
Lund LX200 Fish and Cruise Rigged w/Mercury 115 Sale Price $38,700
Lund 1875 Renegade Bass Boat Rigged w/Mercury 115 Sale Price $30,600
13649 Granville Ave. Clermont 407-905-0003 1717 Auora Rd. Melbourne 321-241-1108 Whether it is the deep blue ocean or the silver-flecked lakes that call to you, the experts at Liquid Planet Marine can help
Marine, Inc.
you find the perfect vehicle to answer that call. For the seasoned boat owner and the novice alike, the well-stocked parts department and ship store offers OEM and aftermarket parts for the DIYer. Liquid Planet Marine is also a fully-certified Mercury and Yamaha Service Center with master certified technicians. Looking for financing? Liquid Planet Marine offers competitive financing options to fit your lifestyle. Don’t get caught up living your life stuck on the land while the water is calling! Come on down to see how easily Liquid Planet Marine can make your boating dreams a reality today.
Over 200 Trailers in stock!
511 E. 25th. St. Sanford, Florida 32773
Steve Meadors, President
Continental Boat Trailers SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 27
MARION-CITRUS COUNTY ANGLER’S FAMILY RESORT @352489-2397 I always try to plan my trips to Inverness and Dunnellon so that I arrive at The Blue Gator Tiki Bar around lunch time. They have the most delicious fish tacos imaginable as well as other great items on their menu. Carlos tells us they are catching bass on the With. River and the Rainbow River using wild shiners, plastic worms and frogs. Bluegill are being caught using redworms and nightcrawlers and frozen shrimp. The crappie bite has been fantastic on the With. using minnows and jigs. Catfish are being caught using stink bait, cut bait and chicken livers. Lake Rousseau has been producing lots of bass and specks. CATFISH JOHNNY’S RESTAURANT @352-793-2083 is a beautiful, restaurant with delicious fresh food. You owe it to yourself to take a trip to Lake Panasoffkee just to enjoy the wonderful alligator and seafood. The service and atmosphere is enjoyed by all.
The Gator Den
By: Capt Lynda Hawkins
View our full menu online at
2396 N. C-470, Lake Panasoffkee, Fl. 33538
352-793-2083 Closed Sundays & Mondays
NOBLES’ MARINE has been a family owned and operated business since 1976. For over 43 years, they have provided quality marine products, services, and expertise for their present and future boating client enthusiast. They are committed to providing you with a relaxed, friendly, and hassle free boating experience, and their goal is to help provide a clean, healthy, outdoor recreational environment that enhances the lives of their customers and their families. They have two locations (Leesburg & Crystal River) and invite you to visit. Nobles’ Marine has a boat that fits your lifestyle.
Capt Bob’s
On Beautiful Rainbow and Withlacoochee River Where Fishing is Always Great!
352-489-2397 • SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 28
Mary Weeks Realty, Inc. 25291 NE Hwy 314 Salt Springs, Fl. 32134
352-685-2468 •
LAKE DELANCEY CANAL! Cute 2 bedroom mobile home, furnished and ready to move into. Has nice screened porch and an open deck at water’s edge. Idea for a weekend or winter home $35,000 •Vacant cleared lot with nice oaks on Little Lake Kerr. $20,000 •Nice lot overlooking protected wetlands. Access to Big Lake Kerr. $16,000 •Beautiful cleared lot on Lake George gives you access to the intercoastal waterway. $169,500
LAND For Sale
2016 ALEM FOREST RIVER RV with slide out. Nice kitchen w/ stainless appliances, living room & dining area. Pretty lake view lot that is landscaped & has many pavers. Amenities include tiki bar, golf cart, table/chairs/umbrella, bar-b-que grill & storage shed. The resort offers club house, 2 pools, tennis courts, dog park, dock & boat ramp to Little Lake Kerr. Perfect for weekends or fulltime residence. HOA fee is $532 a quarter. Everything stays!!!! $55,000
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 29
LAKE COUNTY BASS N GAL GUIDE SERVICE @ 352-267-0062 Capt. Lynda says they are catching crappie right now out of the Harris Chain and Lake Monroe. Lake Griffin and Lake Eustis are very productive for bass fishing. A plastic worm in dark colors is working well. Either swimming it or fishing on bottom as slow as you can go. The baits that are working well for my customers are drop shots with a Junebug 4 inch worm, watermelon red Producto’s Hot Rod fished weightless and of course shiners, (freelined and with bobbers). The local small lakes are producing some nice sized bass. Freelining a shiner (without a bobber or weight) is still producing some of the bigger fish. A slow falling sinking weightless worm (Producto’s Hot Rod) or a white and chartreuse spinner bait reeled in as slowly as possible, are both working quite well. For the fishing trip you’ve dreamed of give me a call @ 352-267-0062.
By: Capt Lynda Hawkins
Great Local Food Menu Featuring:
• Groveland Gator Bites • Swamp Cabbage Ceviche • Blackened Grouper Reuben • Locally Sourced Produce and Meats • Craft Beers - Wine & Spirits • Open 11am-9pm Daily
Shri Saturd mpFest ays-1/2 poun
$1 901 Lakeshore Blvd. Tavares, Fl. 32778 Yo ur way 2.99 On the East Shore of Lake Eustis 352-742-4400
Ethel & Joe at J & S CYPRESS WOODCRAFTS @352-383-3864 Has some of the most beautiful wood carvings of fish, bear and other wild life. They also carry nice swings and chairs for your yard. Stop in and visit with them. They are located on highway 46 between Sorrento and Sanford. You could spend the whole day going thru their showroom as they have beautiful things. Jake at ASTOR BAIT & TACKLE @352-759-2600 tells us that the River has gone down a foot this week. Crappie are starting to bite out of both the St. John’s River and the local lakes. Dog House Jigs (the Moon Jig and the Mylar jigs) and minnows are both working well. They have a new line of jigs, Gill Reaper lures Eye Hole Jigs where you can put
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 30
with 3
352-383-3864 Just 3 miles E. of Mt. Plymouth RT46
the crappie niblets inside the eye and they are working well right now. He has new offshore rods “Boat Rod”. He has set up a station where you can build your own jigs, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits and chatterbaits. Be sure to check out www.outdoorswithJak Bill at BROOKER BAIT & TACKLE @352-460-0695 said they are catching specks on Lake Harris & Lake Griffon using minnows and jigs. Some days they are up tight and some days they are out in open water. The Jack Hammer chatterbait and the Creature Baits are working well right now as the fish are bedding. One of his customers got a 7 pounder and an 8 pounder using shiners. Redfish are good out of Crystal River and trout are being caught in the Homosassa Area and Keaton Beach. Brookers has a well stocked shop and expert knowledge on the current fishing, both freshwater and saltwater. They also carry frozen salt water bait. HARRIS OIL @352-383-0922 is located at 21901 US Hwy. 441, Mt. Dora. They carry 100% non ethanol gasoline for your boats, mowers and chain saws. They also have gated self storage. We have been using Harris Oil non ethanol gas in our boat for 10 years now and have had great success with it. PIRATS OASIS @352-821-0779 has the best burgers on the River. They have Karoke outside on Sundays and a full bar. They also have camping on the River and live music on the dock on Saturdays. They also have a friendly staff. Join them for a fun time. Jim from FISH CAMP ON LAKE EUSTIS @352-742-4400 tells us they are now open from 11 to 9 daily.
Beautiful Agricultural Land with CR 448 and Apopka-Beauclair Canal frontage (2,300 feet). Ideal for small development or mini-farm. Near Orange County Great Investment Make offer $875,000 Call Realtor Glenn Tyre 352-636-0937
Live Bait
23835 Hwy. 40, Astor Florida
“Off the River, or Off the Road” It’s Your Choice
*Casual or Formal Dining *Daily Additions to our Full Menu *Petite Dinners for the Light Appetite *Unlimited Fresh Salad Bar Open Tuesday-Sunday Call For Hours Closed Mondays Reservations Honored Every Friday It’s Happy Hour 6-8 Upstairs WE CAN ACCOMMODATE ANY OCCASION Hwy 40 & the St. Johns River in Beautiful Astor, Fl.
352-759-2802 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 31
Atop Blackwater Inn
A fun, casual place overlooking the picturesque setting of the beautiful St. Johns River where you can relax in the cool river breeze and visit with friends old and new.
Daily Lunch Specials ~ Munchies & Starters ~ Sandwiches & Fun
55716 Front St. Astor
Harris Chain of Lakes Towing and Recovery
Captain John Davis Membership and Unlimited Towing Services
MAPS • REFERRALS • FUEL • BOAT SLIPS (407) 929-2740 BoatU.S. 24 Hr. Dispatch (800) 391-4869 • VHF CH 16 TowBoatU.S. Fish Camp on Lake Eustis also carries local produce, local meats, local craft beers and wines. You owe it to yourself to stop in and check them out. They are located right on Lake Eustis next door to LAKESIDE BAIT AND TACKLE and are easy to find from the water or the highway.
LAND For Sale •Beautiful cleared lot on Lake George gives you access to the intercoastal waterway. $169,500 For more information call Mary Weeks Realty 352-685-2468
Astor/Pierson Citgo
Cheapest Gas in Town! LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Wine-Beer-Cigs-Soda-Ice Snacks-Groceries-Refill Propane Hot Pizza & Chicken Wings
THE CASTAWAYS ON THE RIVER @352-759-3422. Sarah tells us they are catching some specks out of the River, out of Lake Dexter and Lake Woodriff as well. For a wonderful get away you should try Castaways which is comfortable, clean and surrounded with natural beauty, the rooms are well maintained and the staff is extremely polite and helpful. Good food and a beautiful view of the St. John’s are within walking distance of the units. You can park your boat in their boat slips which are conveniently located close to your room and easily accessible. ASTOR MARINE @352-759-3655 Georgia carries Sylvan pontoon boats, Sunchaser pontoon boats and is a dealer for Mercury, Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda. Stop in and take a look around they have been in business for 29 years and are the friendliest people you’d want to meet.
Owners Bill & Natalie Brooker 1351 A. W. North Blvd. Leesburg, Fl. 34748 352-460-0695
LAND For Sale •Vacant cleared lot with nice oaks on Little Lake Kerr. $20,000 •Nice lot overlooking protected wetlands. Access to Big Lake Kerr. $16,000 For more information call Mary Weeks Realty 352-685-2468
Florida’s Largest Volume Pontoon Dealer All 2019 Models On Sale 2020 Models In Stock
WELAKA FISH & CRAB @386-4679776 is located across the street from Welaka Marine on Walnut Street. Stop in and get your fresh seafood and to visit with them.
Sales & Service 352-759-3655
Open 7 Days Sun-Thur 6am-10pm Fri-Sat 6am-11pm email:
1380 W. St Rd. 40, Pierson 386-749-0180
24535 HWY. 40, Astor, Fl 32102 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 32
Sign your kids up for summer fun
The FWC’s summer camps are a fun and safe way for your child to experience the outdoors and make new friends. They offer specially designed summer camp programs where kids can receive their hunter safety certification, expand on archery and bowhunting basics, practice their target shooting skills and learn about everything from wildlife conservation to outdoor skills such as fishing, paddling, camping, and wilderness survival. Their camps are available for kids ages 8 to 17. Spots are limited and filling fast, so register your kids for an FWC summer camp today for the experience of a lifetime!
Introducing youth to archery at school!
Does your child or grandchild’s school participate in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP)? If not, they’re missing an opportunity to learn International style target archery in physical education class. The program is available for 4th through 12th grade and allows boys and girls from a wide range of ages, skill levels and physical abilities to participate and succeed. If you’d like your school to be involved, they can help by providing training and a curriculum that meets or exceeds national and Sunshine Standards for physical education classes. They also can provide suggestions to get funding for the start-up equipment package.
Bass N Gal Guide Service *Central Florida Lakes* *PRIVATE LAKES*
All Tackle Included 1/2 Day $300.00 Cell 352-267-0062 Email
Capt. Lynda Hawkins Over 30 Years Experience SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 33
HSFC’s 20th Annual Offshore Challenge starts this month with our Captains meeting March 19th 6:00 pm at the HSFC headquarters. We have some great raffle items to give away, so even if you’re not fishing you can still win. Information can also be found on the club website at HSFC will also be conducting our bi-annual Halifax River clean up on March 7th 7:30am under the West side of the Dunlawton bridge. Bring your boat or hop on a member’s boat for a river cruse cleaning up our waterways. This is an open to the public event, which ends at down the hatch restaurant with pizza and drinks. This is a great way to make new friends. We will also be presenting our prestigious “Odd Item” award to the person with the most unusual item/trash found.
April Activities
General seminar series starts back up again on April 16th Topic TBD. Don’t miss out this weekend! The HSFC 12th Annual Surf Fishing Tournament on Saturday April 18th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Sign-up begins at 7:30am at Frank Rendon Park, 2705 S. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach Shores. There will be coffee and donuts. Prizes awarded for the heaviest eligible fish and a TWT for the most fish caught. Capt. Jesse Jones
Special Needs Event
The Halifax Sport Fishing Club will be hosting its annual Special Needs Tournament May 2nd at the Dunlawton Pier under the bridge in Port Orange from 9:00am till 1:00pm. Participants sign up that morning from 8:30-9:00am. The tournament is geared to help children and young adults with physical and mental handicaps have a fun day catching fish. Goody bags are given out to the first 75 who register. Fishing rods and bait are provided along with lunch and beverages. Club members will be there to assist. The event is free. For more information contact Helen Klenk at 386-547-1813 or Check our website or Facebook for updates and more information.
Learn How to Fish at “Ladies, Let’s Go Fishing!” South Florida April 24-26, 2020
Women, men and teens are invited to tackle offshore fishing skills at the South Florida “Ladies, Let’s Go Fishing!” University, April 24-26 at the International Game Fish Association, Dania Beach., FL. Hosted by the nonprofit organization, the “No Yelling School of Fishing” offers classroom presentations, networking, hands-on skill practice and an optional charter fishing trip. Activities launch Friday evening with an informal meet-and-greet at the IGFA from 6-7:30pm. On Saturday beginning at 9am are presentations on Fishing Basics by Capt. Lee Lavery, Offshore Fishing by Jeanne Towne and Conservation by Betty Bauman. Hands-on skill practice follows, for releasing, knot tying, dehooking, bait rigging, spin casting, fly casting, gaffing grapefruits, cast netting, trailer backing and more until 4:30 pm. On Sunday is an optional charter fishing trip for sailfish, mahi mahi, mackerel, tuna, wahoo, snapper and more, followed by a filet demonstration. Ladies have the option to register a male guest and/or teens to include the whole family. Nine thousand women have graduated. Featured on national network television and more, the series is supported by major partners including Recreational Fishing and Boating Foundation, Take Me Fishing, Vamos a Pescar, Mercury, Magic Tilt trailers, Penn, Scout Boats, Seven Seas Yacht Sales, Power-Pole and Fish Florida. Largest Annual Sponsors are Freedom Boat Club, Sunrise Resort & Marina, Future Angler Foundation, CCA Florida STAR, TACO Marine, Seaguar and Big Rock Sports Foundation. Local sponsors include IGFA, HMY Yacht Sales and more on the website. Early Registration of $79 (Regular $99) includes $50 worth of goodies, instruction, use of equipment, hands-on training, networking reception and fundraisers. Offshore fishing is additional. No equipment or experience is necessary. Membership is not required; however graduates can join the South Florida chapter to continue the fishing fun. IGFA is located at 300 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004 2020 LLGF events, with optional fishing except for the cooking class, include: Feb. 27 Fish Cooking Class South Florida March 21-22 Gulf Coast Saltwater Weekend Seminar April 24-26 South Florida Saltwater Weekend Seminar June 5-7 Keys Fishing Learning on the Water Sept. 12-13 Tampa Inshore Seminar Oct. 23-25 Keys Saltwater Weekend Seminar Nov. 21 St. Augustine Surf Fishing Academy Contact: LLGF, phone 954-475-9068, email:, website: and Facebook. SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 34
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Collins Low Country Hunt Club is second to none in low country South Carolina guided hunting trips. As one of the longest running and most successful operations in the area, we continue to stay ahead of the competition by expanding our services and hunting plans to exceed our guest’s expectations. Our hunting opportunity remains the same to all, utilizing all 7,500 acres of our managed lands to provide the best low country South Carolina hunting available. Please feel free to contact us so that we can help you choose the best fitting package for you and your hunting group.
Mention this ad and receive $100 off
Hog, Deer & Turkey Hunts! **************** Deer Hunting $1295 - 3 Day Hunt August 15th January 1st
Spring Turkey Hunts March 15th - May 1st $1,395 - 3 Day Hunt
Wild Hog Hunts Year Round $1,095 - 3 Day Hunt
Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!
10640 Ehrhardt Road Ehrhardt , South Carolina 803-267-2825~w w w . c o l l i n s l o w c o u n t r y h u n t i n g c l u b . c o m SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 39
Hunting News By Tony Young
Where to hunt spring turkeys without a quota permit
Media Relations Coordinator for the Division of Hunting and Game Management.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is hosting a series of public meetings across the state about chronic wasting disease and steps the FWC is taking to reduce the risk of it coming into Florida. Meeting attendees will be invited to comment on a draft rule amendment, which if passed would prohibit importing or possessing whole and parts of carcasses of all members of the deer family originating from outside of Florida, except for de-boned meat; finished taxidermy mounts; antlers; and hides, skulls, skull caps, and teeth if all soft tissue has been removed. CWD, which has not been detected in Florida, is a contagious neurological disease that damages the brains of affected deer, elk, moose, caribou and other members of the deer family and always causes them to die. These open house meetings, which will be held in cities with a large number of Florida residents who hunt deer out of state, and taxidermists and meat processors, will be held from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. local time at the following: March 2 – Palm Beach Gardens Embassy Suites, 4350 PGA Blvd. 33410 March 3 – Winter Haven Polk State College Center for Public Safety, CPS Rm. 269 1251 Jim Keene Blvd. 33880 March 4 – Melbourne Brevard Zoo Lodge, 8225 N. Wickham Rd. 32940 March 9 – Orange Park Hampton Inn, 141 Park Ave. 32073 March 10 – Ocala Hilton, 3600 S.W. 36th Ave. 34474 March 23 – Milton Milton Community Center, 5629 Byrom St. 32570 March 24 – Panama City Hilton Garden Inn, 1101 U.S. Hwy. 231 32405 March 25 – Tallahassee Bryant Bldg. Rm. 272, 620 S. Meridian St. 32399 “In addition to listening to comments and responding to questions at the meetings, we’ll provide stakeholders a link so they can review the draft proposal and provide their feedback online,” said Cory Morea, FWC’s Deer Management Program coordinator. If you don’t receive FWC’s email updates about hunting, sign up at by clicking on “Hunting News.” Links to the online commenting tool also will be available at FWC’s social media sites and at Stakeholder comments will be accepted through May 10.
Turkey time!
Many hunters look forward to the opportunity to fool an old gobbler during spring turkey season. Florida’s youth turkey hunt weekends also make it a great time to take a young person hunting. Youth Turkey Hunt Weekends Florida has two Youth Spring Turkey Hunt Weekends: Feb. 29 – March 1 south of State Road 70, and March 14-15 north of State Road 70. These Saturday-Sunday hunts occur on many wildlife management areas and other lands. While many WMAs offering the Youth Spring Turkey Hunt Weekends require a quota permit, the following do not: Apalachicola, Aucilla, Big Bend – Snipe Island Unit, Big Bend – Spring Creek Unit, Big Bend – Tide Swamp Unit, Blackwater, Choctawhatchee River (only the south portion of the area), Escambia River, Huffman/Bull Creek, J.W. Corbett, Joe Budd, Jumper Creek, Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, Kissimmee River, Lake Monroe, Lochloosa, Log Landing, Lower Econfina River, Middle Aucilla, Osceola, Richloam, Steinhatchee Springs, St. Marks NWR (Newport Hunt Area only), Three Lakes, Upper St. Johns River Marsh and Yellow River. Be sure to check the WMA Brochures”WMA regulations brochure for the area you’re interested in hunting before going afield. During Youth Turkey Hunt Weekend, no license or permit is required of the supervising adult, unless the adult plans to help call a bird or otherwise participate in the hunt. In that case, the adult will need a hunting license and turkey permit, and if on a WMA, they will also need a management area permit. SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 40
Spring Turkey Season On lands outside the wildlife management area system, spring turkey season runs March 7 through April 12 south of State Road 70 and March 21 through April 26 in the rest of the state. The FWC offers the following 43 WMAs where hunters do not need a quota permit to hunt during some or all of the spring turkey season: Osceola turkeys inhabit these areas •Big Bend WMA - Jena Unit – 11,651 acres in Dixie County. •Big Cypress WMA – 728,274 acres in Collier, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. Quota permit required to hunt in the Addition Unit only. Season runs March 7 – April 12. Camping allowed. •Devil’s Hammock WMA - 7,600 acres in Levy County. Season runs March 21-29. There are 15 no-cost, daily quota permits available at the check station on a first-come, first-served basis. Cannot shoot past 1 p.m. •Green Swamp WMA - 50,692 acres in Polk, Sumter and Lake counties. Hunters must have a quota permit to hunt the first weekend, but there are 200 no-cost, daily quota permits available at the check station on a first-come, first-served basis for the remainder of season. Camping allowed only by permit from the FWC. •Herky Huffman/Bull Creek WMA - 23,646 acres in Osceola County. Camping allowed. •J.W. Corbett WMA - 60,288 acres in Palm Beach County. Season runs March 7 – April 12, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays only. Camping allowed. •Jumper Creek WMA - 10,552 acres in Sumter County. Camping allowed but only accessible by boat. •Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Area - 21,028 acres in Polk and Osceola counties. Camping allowed first-come, first-served only at designated campsites. Management area permit not required. •Kissimmee River Public Use Area - 30,864 acres in Glades, Highlands, Okeechobee, Osceola and Polk counties. Area is split between turkey hunting zones. When hunting south of State Road 70, the season runs March 7 – April 12. For camping information only, call the South Florida Water Management District at 866-433-6312, option 2. Management area permit not required. •Lake Monroe WMA - 3,098 acres in Volusia and Seminole counties. •Lochloosa WMA - 11,149 acres in Alachua County. •Log Landing WMA - 5,015 acres in Dixie, Gilchrist and Lafayette counties. Season runs March 21-22 and 27-29, and April 3-5, 10-12, 17-19 and 24-26. •Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge - 55,000 acres in Dixie and Levy counties. Season runs March 21 – April 12. Management area permit not required, but hunters 16 and older must purchase Lower Suwannee NWR Hunting Permit. •Raiford WMA – 9,141 acres in Bradford and Union counties. Quota permit not required April 9-12. Only bows and muzzleloaders (including muzzleloading rifles) are allowed. •Richloam WMA - 58,146 acres in Hernando, Pasco, Sumter and Lake counties. Hunters must have a quota permit to hunt the first nine days, but those without one may hunt the remainder of the season. Camping allowed only by permit from the Florida Forest Service by calling 352-797-4140. •Rolling Meadows Unit – Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Area – 1,800 acres in Polk County. Management area permit not required. •Santa Fe Swamp Wildlife and Environmental Area - 7,326 acres in Alachua and Bradford counties. Only bows and muzzleloaders (including muzzleloading rifles) are allowed. •Three Lakes WMA – 54,611 acres in Osceola County. There are 625 no-cost, daily quota permits available first-come, first-served at the following check stations: U.S. 44 - 375, Canoe Creek – 50, State Road 60 - 200. Camping allowed. •Upper Hillsborough WMA - 5,178 acres in Polk and Pasco counties. Wednesdays and Thursdays only. There are 75 no-cost, daily quota permits available at the check station on a first-come, first-served basis. Camping allowed. •Upper St. Johns River Marsh WMA - 120,386 acres in Brevard and Indian River counties. Camping allowed. Eastern turkeys inhabit these areas •Apalachicola WMA - 581,290 acres in Franklin, Leon, Liberty and Wakulla counties. Camping allowed. A camping permit issued by Northwest Florida Water Management District is required when camping on that portion of the area. •Apalachicola River Wildlife and Environmental Area – 82,975 acres in Franklin and Gulf counties. Camping allowed, but camping permit required if camping in designated campground. Camping not allowed in the Tate’s Hell State Forest portion of the area. Management area permit not required. •Aucilla WMA - 50,549 acres in Jefferson and Taylor counties. Camping allowed. •Big Bend WMA: Hickory Mound Unit - 14,427 acres in Taylor County. Snipe Island Unit - 11,687 acres in Taylor County. Hunters must have a quota permit to hunt the first 16 days, but those without one may hunt April 6-12. Spring Creek Unit - 14,600 acres in Taylor County. Tide Swamp Unit - 19,538 acres in Taylor County. SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 41
•Blackwater WMA - 191,651 acres in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties. May not turkey hunt in Field Trial Area. Camping allowed at designated campsites. •Chipola River WMA - 9,094 acres in Jackson and Calhoun counties. Quota permit required to hunt Altha Tract only. Camping allowed only at designated campsites by permit from Northwest Florida Water Management District. •Choctawhatchee River WMA - 57,998 acres in Bay, Holmes, Walton and Washington counties. Southern (non-spring turkey quota area) portion of the area may be hunted without quota permit. Camping allowed. A camping permit issued by Northwest Florida Water Management District is required when camping in designated campgrounds. •Econfina Creek WMA - 41,436 acres in Washington, Bay and Jackson counties. Quota permit not required to hunt after the first nine days, except in the Cat Creek and Fitzhugh Carter areas (where quota permit is needed). Camping allowed only at designated campsites by permit from Northwest Florida Water Management District. •Eglin Air Force Base - 250,000 acres in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties. Hunting and camping allowed only by permit from Jackson Guard Natural Resource Office by calling 850-882-4164. •Escambia River WMA - 35,413 acres in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Camping allowed. A camping permit issued by Northwest Florida Water Management District is required when camping in designated campgrounds. •Lower Econfina River WMA - 3,004 acres in Taylor County. Season runs March 21-29. •Mallory Swamp WMA - 31,225 acres in Lafayette County. Season runs March 21 – April 5 and April 11-26. •Ochlockonee River WMA - 2,790 acres in Leon County. Saturdays and Sundays only. •Osceola WMA - 266,270 acres in Baker and Columbia counties. For camping information on Osceola National Forest, call 386752-2577; on John M. Bethea State Forest, call 904-259-2157 or click on area link and see “Camping.” •Pine Log WMA – 7,091 acres in Bay and Washington counties. Season runs March 21 – April 12. Camping allowed by reservation by calling 877-879-3859. •Point Washington WMA - 15,355 acres in Walton County. Camping allowed at Eastern Lake campsite by reservation by calling 877-879-3859. •Steinhatchee Springs WMA - 24,442 acres in Lafayette, Taylor and Dixie counties. Hunters must have a quota permit to hunt the first nine days, but those without one may hunt March 30 – April 12. The Dixie County portion of the area is inhabited by Osceola turkeys. •St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge – 32,000 acres in Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor counties. Permit required on majority of the area, but not required for Newport Hunt Area. Management area permit not required but must have signed refuge hunting brochure in your possession. •Talquin WMA - 3,053 acres in Leon County. Saturdays and Sundays only. •Yellow River WMA – 27,208 acres in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties. Camping allowed. Bag limits and regulations Hunters may take bearded turkeys and gobblers only, and the daily bag limit is two on lands outside of the WMA system. On WMAs, you may only take one bird a day. The season and possession limit on turkeys is two, except in Holmes County, where it is one. On lands outside of the WMA system and most WMAs, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until sunset. There are seven WMAs where you can’t shoot past 1 p.m., so check the WMA regulations brochure for the area you wish to hunt. You’re never allowed to bait on a WMA. When hunting turkeys on private lands where you are allowed to use feeders, you must be more than 100 yards away from a game-feeding station when feed is present. License and permit requirements In addition, to a hunting license, you’ll need to buy a turkey permit. If you plan to hunt on a WMA, you also must purchase a management area permit. These licenses and permits can be purchased with a credit card at or by calling 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (486-8356). They can also be purchased in Florida at county tax collectors’ offices and at most retail outlets that sell hunting/fishing supplies.
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Full Line Of Feed Custom Feeds
Deer Corn $8.00 50# Pride Dog Food $25.50 50#
549 N. Samsula Dr. New Smyrna Beach, Fl. 32168
and visit one of their local retail stores.
SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 44
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FISHING PIER AMENTITIES • Open Sunrise til 9pm Daily • Bait Shack • Fish Cleaning Areas • Well Lighted Benches, Seats • Fishing Pole Rentals • Frozen Baits
3701 South Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach • 386-756-4219 SSFHMagazine Mar/Apr 2020 Page 46
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Come check out our 2020 Inventory