SSFHMagazine May/June 2019

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May/June 2019


Fishing Reports News & Events Tide Tables Feeding Times Tournaments

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Where You’ll Never “Sea” it all on one voyage.... Come In And See What We Mean!

Many NEW Closeout Surplus Items Added to Tent Sale!

Docklines 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 & 3/4

re make su , d e e n e you ve what y or Cindy to se y! a h t ’ n o If we d heck with Ton xt day deliver you c rder it for ne no if we ca

Dockboxes, Consoles, Leaning Post and Dockladders in stock! while quantities last!

386-252-5019 613 International Speedway Blvd. West • Daytona Beach SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 4

Manufactured Battery Cables Black & Red Different Sizes Available.

Let Us Hook You Up On Discounted Fishing Tackle!

Starboard 1/4”, 1/2” & 3/4”

• Steering • Trailer Parts • Stainless Hardware • Control Cables (Mercury Generation II)

• Cleaning Supplies • Safety Equipment • Electronics • Dock Lines

s Gauge ! Galore • Hose • Electrical • Starboard • Boat Fenders • Marine Tinned Wire • LED Lighting • Saltwater Fishing Supplies • Pumps Bilge, Aerator, Washdown, Fresh Water • and so much more.......


Johnson 4.0 Wash Down Pump 70 PSI Includes Wash down Hose Nozzel-Filter-Fittings $149.95 while quantities last!

Stainless Steel Skillet Sizes 8” $12.95 ~ 9” $14.95 ~ 10” $16.95 11” $20.95 ~ 12” $24.95 Take an additional 10% off these prices!

Store Hours: 8:30-5:00 M-F • 9-4 Sat • Closed Sunday SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 5

P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32127 386-478-3725 Email

Published By: Desiree’ Harbster


In memory of Roger S. Harbster 12/25/1929 ~ 4/24/2009 Dorothy F. Harbster 3/17/1936-4/18/2018

GATORBACK TRAILER Sales & Service is Daytona’s newest trailer repair center.


Desiree’ Harbster ~ FOWA Capt. Lynda Hawkins ~ FOWA Tony Young-FWC Tim Camp- Sale Representative

Front Captions James Webb caught this big redfish from the Indian River Lagoon using Power Bait Mullet. Nice black bass photo by Capt. Lynda Hawkins Bass N Gal Guide Service.

We can service, repair and weld any steel or aluminum trailer! Sales, Service and Parts “We’ll Hook You Up” • Homesteader • Rance Renegade/Lightning • Anderson Trailers • Bad Boy Mowers • Husqvarna Lawn & Garden Equipment

• Cargo Trailers • Dump Trailers • Utility Trailers • Motorcycle Trailers • Boat Trailers

(386) 317-6295 5481 S Ridgewood Ave, Port Orange, FL 32127 Southern States Fishn’ & Huntn’ Magazine (R) owned by R.S. Harbster Enterprises reserves the right to edit any an all copy submitted for publication. We are only responsible for the space occupied by errors, all special’s, prices, contract deals are final NO REFUNDS. All prices, offers, deals & circulation are subject to change with out notice. Neither our publications or our advertisers are responsible for typographical errors, misprints or misinformation or errors of any kind. Our sales persons are non-employees and work on commission (outside Sales). This publication is (R) and fully (C). The magazine welcomes stories, articles, artwork and pictures but are not responsible for unsolicited material. If you would like your information returned please send a self addressed stamped envelope. Southern States Fishn’ & Huntn’ Magazine retains reprint rights on articles and photo’s forever. We can not be held reponsible for lost or damaged photo’s and can place them at anytime in the magazine. All return checks will be charged $25.00 due at once. Advertisers are responsible for checking their advertisements for mistakes after each printing. We are not responsible for long running mistakes. Circulation quotes are based on readers. Photo’s in our magazine are a free service please print caption on back of each picture. Sometimes we use photo’s without a caption, CO-OP is a free service, It is the responsibility of the advertiser to collect merchandise. We are not responsible for CO-OP Merchandise. We print 6 times per year. (Bi-Monthly) Close out is the 15th. of the month prior to print date.

Expert Free Advice & Friendly Service with a smile!!

Live & Frozen Bait - Shrimp-Mud Minnows-Fiddle Crabs Tackle-Rods & Reels-and much more!

Closest & Easy Access to the Boat Ramp! 96 Dunlawton Ave Port Orange, Fl. • 386-760-1871 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 6


By: Desiree’ Harbster and Capt Lynda Hawkins

What Kind of Fish is This? Fish ID Help with Tackle Box I.D. Fish Identification Products Florida is the Fishing Capital of the World. Many of our anglers are visitors to the state and are not very familiar with the great variety of fish in our waters. “What kind of fish is this?” is a very commonly heard question out there. It is always followed by “Can I keep it?” A product published by Tackle Box I.D Products, the Florida Saltwater Fish Jumbo Edition fish identification card, fills the need for a handy and convenient resource to aid anglers in identifying what they’ve caught and helping them learn the rules associated with that species at the same time. The Florida Saltwater Fish Jumbo Edition fish identification card shows 60 commonly caught Florida saltwater fish in high resolution photographs for easy, at-a-glance identification. Just beneath each photograph are the basic current FWC regulations associated with the species. The 8 1⁄2” x 11” card shows not only regulated species like red drum, spotted seatrout, and snook, but also but also unregulated species such as whiting and crevalle jack which are equally important to know. The Tackle Box I.D. concept was created by Eric Sander. Eric is an avid fisherman himself and a research biologist for FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. “I am always answering questions about fish. I developed the card in response to the need for something inexpensive, durable, yet concise enough to help anglers know what they are catching” says Eric. “The FWC regulation book does not show you how to identify a spot or croaker or whiting. This one card does. Now there is no need to carry a library out fishing with you.” The Florida Saltwater Fish Jumbo Edition fish identification card can be found at many of your favorite local bait and tackle shops throughout Florida or on (search Tackle Box I.D.) Inquiries about retail and distributor opportunities on the west coast are welcome and should be directed to: Eric Sander; (386) 852-8588, email SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 7

WHO IS? Capt. Billy Pettigrew of Com’N’Getit Charters Quick summary about me. I am a Daytona Beach native, Local Charter Captain and a Tournament Fisherman, I have local knowledge of most all the waters in the Daytona Beach area. Everything from the Ponds to Lakes and Rivers to Ocean. There are a wide variety of species I will cover from Redfish, Sea Trout, Snook, Flounder, Tarpon, Black Drum or Bass, Bream, Catfish, Crappies (Specks) and more!

Expires 12/30/2019

I developed a passion for fishing at a very young age, while fishing with my grandfather, who always had time to take me fishing and shrimping. I’m the proud father of a daughter. When I’m not out on the water with a customer, or tournament fishing, I love taking my daughter out for a great day on the boat. I have over thirty years of experience fishing the inshore waters of Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, New Smyrna, and Edgewater. I’ve participated in many redfish tournaments throughout the years and I’m currently a “IFA Redfish Tour” and “Power Pole Pro Series” tournament fisherman, and one of the top anglers in the state of Florida chasing redfish. I have won tournaments and also team of the year. My expertise is not limited to redfish, but includes the many species

Coupon Good for all in Party

$5 OFF Regular Adult or Child Ticket

Expires 12/15/19

Call For Reservations, Details & Trip Times

Located at: Down The Hatch Restaurant Ponce Inlet, Fl.

386•763•4388 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 8

found in our local waters from Freshwater to Saltwater. On the Salty side…..Over the next few months the spring bait run will kick off. The night bite around all Capt Billy Pettigrew the local bridges and Jetties will be holding Snook, Tarpon, and Redfish. Use Large shrimp or live and fresh cut bait. I’d recommend using a float rig or free line a Shrimp for the Snook and Tarpon and with a live or cut bait fish you want to have just enough weight to hold the bait on the bottom for the Redfish. The Creeks and back waters will be producing Flounder, Trout and Redfish. For the Flounder I would put and small mullet or mud minnow on a jighead and slowly drag the bottom. The Trout use a float rig that is set about a foot or two off the bottom in the deeper creeks and free line in the shallower creeks with a small Finger Mullet, Croaker, Pinfish or Shrimp. For a fun day of fishing for the kids use a Carolina rig with live shrimp around Ponce Inlet to get a wide verity of fish. They will catch anything from Jacks, Bluefish, Whiting, Ladyfish, Sharks, and so much more.

We have GIFT Ideas for the fishing person in your life!




450 N. Beach Street • Downtown Daytona Beach

Light House Marina

On the Freshwater side……. The Bass have moved off their spawning beds and are looking to feed. They will be schooled up in the large lakes and St. Johns River chasing bait. Use a small top water plug like a chug bug or torpedo to catch them. While in the smaller ponds stick to the basics, Texas Rigged plastic worm in one of two colors (Purple or Green). You also can use a small float set at two foot with a minnow or wiggler worm for the kids to catch Bream, Catfish and Bass. Capt. Billy 386-316-0136 PENN & QUANTUM WARRANTY CENTER RODS ~ REELS ~ BAIT ~ TACKLE ~ ROD & REEL REPAIR

386-788-2120 Fax 386-788-2579 3514 S. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach Shores

Max from Wisconsin with a nice snook.

Open 7 Days a Week 5am-7pm SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 9

Halifax Sport Fishing Club Charts !



Custom Aluminum Work 735 Airpark Rd Hanger B-3 Edgewater 386-957-3756


Country Store

1871 West Hwy 44 Deland, Florida

Feed-Beer-Soda-Snacks Refill Propane Gas & Cylinders Open 7 Days 5:30 am 10# Bag of Ice $1.09 386-736-4117

Nautic al Gifts

Brian Jordon with a bonnet head shark caught on Donald’s Shrimp in Port Orange.

Granada Pier

yak Ka tals n Re

Artist Rick Hardy 386-228-3525

Bait & Tackle Open 7 Days a Week

•Live Bait •Tackle •Gear •Maps & Advice •Smoked Fish

One South Beach St. Ormond Beach

386-676-9078 • “Your Snook Headquarters”

“FREE” Lighted Fishing Pier for Night Time Enjoyment SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 10

2 Yamaha Master Tech’s on site!

Sportsman Premium Bay Boats & Center Consoles

Bennington Luxury & Performance Stumpnocker Skiffs tock! s n i g ’s “Consignments Wanted” 2019d arrivin an

Boat Rentals

Florida’s Largest Trailer Dealer

Large Selection of Used Trailers

B & G TRAILERS INC. 386-734-5244 •

2340 International Speedway Hwy 92 Deland Fl. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 11 Open 6am-6pm 7 days a week!

Anchor Hardware And Storage

726 North U.S. 1, Oak Hill, Fl “You name it we got it!”




•Bait & Tackle •Fishing Supplies •Surf Rod Combo’s •Tide Clocks •Crab Traps •Cast Nets •Shrimp Nets

•Beach Supplies •Umbrellas •Body Boards •Wind Stocks •Chairs •Kites •Flags

Beautiful smile for a beautiful wahoo she caught while fishing with Vulcan Charters out of Ponce Inlet.




Hours: Monday-Saturday 7:00am-5:30pm / Sunday 9:00am-2:00pm SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 12

Danny Reyes caught this sheepshead off fiddler crabs from Donald’s Bait & Tackle in Port Orange.

Deep Sea Fishing Charters Capt Tony Varano Over 25 Years Experience!

34’ Pro Sport Center Console

Inshore and Offshore Charters

5-10 hour trips • Up to 6 passengers Liscensed & Insured Everything Furnished Except Food & Drink SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 13

Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides May 2019 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo

Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer)

Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge

Open Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm/Fri 7am-10pm/Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-7pm


Tides, Weather & Local Knowledge

To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 14

New Location Coming Soon! 223A CANAL ST.

*Half Day Trips *Mosquito Lagoon *Shark Fishing AM Trips-Mid Day Trips-Evening Trips **Kids Welcome!**

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 15

Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides June 2019 Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo

Live Shrimp 50-$12.99 (per customer)

Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge

Open Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm/Fri 7am-10pm/Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-7pm


Tides, Weather & Local Knowledge

To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 16


Saltwater East Coast

SW#101 Edgewater Ramp to Turtle mound SW#102 Turtle Mound to Oak Hill SW#103 S. Bridge to Eldora Turtle Mound & Government Cut SW#104 Port Orange Bridge to Ponce Inlet SW#105 Oak Hill to Haul Over Canal SW#106 Mosquito Lagoon to Haul Over Canal SW#107 Ormond to Tomoka Basin SW#108 New Smyrna Beach Bridges North & South SW#109 Mosquito Lagoon Merritt Island Refuge to Haul Over Canal SW#110 Sebastian Inlet North & South Backcountry SW#111 Port Orange Bridge Mill Creek North to Ormond Beach SW#112 Palm Bay to Sebastian SW#113 Merritt Island to Palm Bay SW#114 Haul Over Canal area Indian River City to Titusville SW#115 Matanzas Inlet

By: Roger S. Harbster Over 40 years of knowledge!

Saltwater West Coast

WC#401 Suwannee River to the Gulf WC#402 Cedar Key WC#403 Crystal River WC#404 Steinhatchee

Freshwater Lakes, Rivers & Streams

FW#201 Lake Dexter to Lake George FW#202 Lake Beresford to Lake Dexter FW#203 Lake George FW#204 Lake George to Jacksonville FW#205 Lake Crescent FW#206 Rodman Reservoir & Dam (Backcountry) FW#207 Lake Beresford to Brevard County Sawgrass Lake FW#208 Lake Okeechobee

KH#301 How to Shrimp Dip Netting Freelining & Shrimping

$4.95 per map plus $1.50 Postage & Handling & 6.5% sales tax

Total $6.87 Per Map

Send check or money order to: SSFHMagazine P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32128 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 17

Mahi season is here call today to book your trip with Vulcan Charters out of Ponce Inlet 386405-5913.

Your Rod & Reel • Full Service Rod & Reel Repair • Live Bait and Not So Live Bait • Fishing Tackle • and more.........

Open 7 Days

Califf Bigsby from Atlanta with his first saltwater fish a nice black drum. Califf caught this fish using shrimp from Donald’s Bait & Tackle in Port Orange.

*Inshore/Offshore Fishing Charters *Pontoon Boat Rentals *Private Sunset Cruises & Dolphin Tours *USCG Licensed & Insured Ask About our Sand Bar Trips

3060 S. Atlantic Ave Daytona Beach Shores

Wrap your custom rod with your team colors!

Call to book your charter today!



*Veteran Owned *Custom Fishing Rod Building *Rod Repairs and Restoration *Free Pick Up and Delivery

Port Orange, Fl. 32128 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 18


Located with Your Rod & Reel 3060 S. Atlantic Ave Daytona Beach Shores


By: Tim Camp

With Easter come and passed we find our selves enjoying that magical time in Florida where the weathers right for taking. Taking into consideration our ever so constant astronomically high pollen levels, cool mornings and warm evenings are perfect to find yourself out on the flats here in North Brevard. Many people are hooking up with good numbers of keeper size trout, and Monster redfish out of the Mosquito Lagoon and the Indian River alike. Most are having great success with life like swim baits and or jerk baits that emulate the local bait fish quite nicely, such as Power bait Mullet, Berkly Jerk Shad, and of course DOA shrimp baits are always a tried and true artificial bait you might wanna get your hands on next time you venture out onto the waters. If you find your self reading that last part and thinking, “I don’t have a boat” or “I can never get the hang of artificial baits” well don’t let that stop you by any means. I can’t tell you how many times I have reeled in monster Redfish, Trout, Black Drum and even Tarpon from just 2-3 feet of water from sitting on the bank of the river with the amenities of only a truck bed tailgate with, perhaps the accompaniment of a frosty beverage or two. Just sitting back waiting on my live mullet or shrimp on the end of the line to cross paths with his tasty adversary. People always ask, where the fish are? Well.... the truth is, as one of my oldest fishing buddies says “They got fins!!!...They Swim!” The moral being if you’re patient enough they will eventually come to you. And if not every time, ah well that’s just fishing. This shrimping season has seemed to settle down a little bit as the waters are warming up, but don’t let that fool ya with the winds out of the right direction, and or after a nice storm front rolls through I’d never put a “full pull” out of the realm of possibility out of Titusville pier and or the Rail Road Bridge just north of titusville. So get out there and have some fun.

Amanda Coleman with a nice gator trout she caught from the Mosquito Lagoon.

This Ponce Inlet sailfish was caught with Capt. Tony Varano of Reel Compulsive Charters out of The Fishin’ Cove in New Smyrna Beach.

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 19

Brandon Allen with a snook he caught night fishing the Breavard area.


Area Guide to Florida Freshwater Fishing from Rivers, Lakes & Streams. Over 300 miles of Freshwater and Backcountry Maps, with the areas Fishing Hot Spots Marked. Where, When and How to Fish these Hot Spots.

Save the S&H Fee This book can be purchased at Williams Tackle in Holly Hill.

Other Features include: •Knot Tying •Fish Recipes •How to Fillet Fish •Do It Yourself Smokehouse

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ONLY $9.95

+ 6.5% Sales Tax and $1.95 S & H (Total $12.55)

Send Check or Money Order to: SSFHMagazine P.O. Box 290002 Port Orange, Fl. 32127 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 20


386-677-7863 •LIVE BAIT










SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 22

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 23


By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

MESSER’S EAST-WEST BAIT & TACKLE @386-328-4035 Jimmy tells us they are catching bass and catfish at the dam with a few stripers showing up. The River is producing some nice bass and the shellcracker are starting to bed. A few reds are coming out of the River as well. GEORGETOWN MARINA & LODGE @ 386-467-2002 Teresa tells us the bass fishing has been fantastic. A lot of nice stripers have been caught this weekend using small shiners. Bluegill have shown up using worms. A lot of nice two pound specks are coming in. James and Ben Craft and Matt and Roger Crews caught some really nice striped bass this week. The guides out of Georgetown are using domestic shiners. A few bass are being caught off the docks at Georgetown Marina as well. Marston Pearson caught a 2 1⁄2 pound speck using minnows while fishing the River. They are also getting some nice catfish and starting to get some mullet.



Open 5am-9pm 7 Days A Week Fishing & Hunting Licenses-Ice-Beer Sandwiches-Snacks Complete Supplies for Fisherman & Hunters Since 1974 Rod & Reel Repair

Palatka Westside Corner of Hwy 19 & Moody Road


WELAKA FISH & CRAB Randy at 386467-9776 is located across the street from Welaka Marine on Walnut Street. Stop in and get your fresh seafood and to visit with them. According to Lafon with BASS WORLD LODGE @866-522-FISH (3474) Customers are catching some nice bream. Several groups of people from Alabama and Georgia have been doing well using redworms. Ed Bryant of Evanton, Illinois caught loads of nice bass using domestic shiners. Ed has been fishing with Captains C. C. Cory and Jeff Winkerman. Several 8 and 9 pounders were caught and released. Mark and Black Dog caught and released several nice bass on their fishing trips recently. Bass World Lodge has been in the fishing business over 50 years and offer cabins that range in size from a 1 bedroom cottage up to a 5 bedroom (10 beds) dorm room. They also have family sized 2 and 3 bedrooms.

Ocala Outdoor Adventure Camp for youth The camp occupies a 57-acre peninsula, rich in history and wildlife, on Lake Eaton in the Ocala National Forest. Facilities are rustic, yet comfortable, with air-conditioned cabins and dining hall. Our “Classrooms” consist of outdoor shooting ranges, a fishing pier, Lake Eaton and the vast Ocala National Forest. The Mission of the Ocala Outdoor Adventure Camp is to provide campers with the necessary skills and knowledge to become better sportsmen and women, while instilling an awareness of firearm safety and wildlife stewardship. In addition to hunter safety, all campers will enjoy fishing, canoeing, swimming, hiking and many other outdoor activities.

PO BOX 171 , 1533 COUNTY ROAD 309 GEORGETOWN , FL 32139


• cabins • rv sites • ramp •COVERED DOCKS • FREE CABLE • bait & tackle • fishing license • WI-FI • OPEN 7 DAYS MARKER 72 ON ST. JOHNS RIVER @ MOUTH OF BIG LAKE GEORGE



SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 24


By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

Jennifer Edwards with a pair of crappie (speckled perch) caught from one of her favorite freshwater fishing spots. Real Florida (Ages: 15-17) A new Ocala Adventure Camp program provides an exciting opportunity for campers to deepen their understanding of Florida wildlife. Real Florida is best suited for young adults who have a passion for nature, the outdoors, and hunting. Participants will learn about the ecology of white-tailed deer, wild hogs, resident and migratory game birds, small game and more. The program also teaches participants about the importance of conservation, wildlife management and land stewardship. Hands-on training opportunities with a focus on safety allow campers to learn safe firearms handling and responsible hunting practices as well as develop their marksmanship skills. This week-long camp also emphasizes developing leadership, public speaking, and team building skills while providing campers with insights about their role in conservation. For more information visit and search Ocala Youth Camp.

FWC partners with Lake County Water Authority to increase pier fishing opportunities on Lake Harris The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) partnered with the Lake County Water Authority to install six underwater green LED dock lights at the Hickory Point Park fishing pier on Lake Harris. This is the first time that underwater dock lights have been installed on a public fishing pier to improve freshwater fishing opportunities in Florida.

Underwater fishing lights are widely used to attract bait and, in turn, attract predatory fish such as largemouth bass, black crappie and sunshine bass. The FWC has stocked Lake Harris with approximately 450,000 sunshine bass over the past two years and the newly installed underwater lights will offer anglers improved nighttime pier fishing opportunities to target those fish. Hickory Point Park is at 27341 State Road 19 in Tavares. The park is a 68-acre, multiuse facility featuring a playground, pavilion, nature trail, 12 boat ramps and a large fishing pier. The facility is free to enter and is open to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information about the park, contact the Lake County Water Authority at 352-324-6141. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 25

SEMINOLE-ORANGE COUNTY AHOY MARINE, INC. @407-323-8373 Tina and Steve report there are some nice sized fish being caught and the shrimp should be running for the next full moon. Steve has been repairing boats and engines most of his life so he knows what he is doing, let him make sure everything is in good running order on your boat.

By: Capt Lynda Hawkins Kel’s Rod & Reel Service Rods, Reels, Troilling Motor Parts & Service

430 Hwy 436 #105, Casselberry 407-834-3008 Warranty Center For: Shimano, Penn, Minnkota, Motorguide

KEL’S ROD AND REEL SERVICE in Casselberry at 407-834-3008, is a warranty center for Shimano, Penn, Minnkota and Motorguide. They are open Tues.-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-3 (closed Sun. & Mon.) Stop in and visit with their friendly and knowledgeable staff. David with DAVIDS TRAILERS @407-293-2922 has one of the largest inventories of trailer parts in Central Florida with over 200 trailers in stock. He is located on West Colonial Drive across from the Orange County fairground and has been at the same location since 1979. Stop in and visit with him and check out all the trailers.


Marine, Inc.

Erie and John caught these beautiful bass while fishing with Capt Lynda Hawkins of Bass N Gal Guide Service.

Dale Gose with a nice catfish caught around the Panhandle area.

Over 200 Trailers in stock!

511 E. 25th. St. Sanford, Florida 32773

Steve Meadors, President


Continental Boat Trailers SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 26

Mary Weeks Realty, Inc. 25291 NE Hwy 314 Salt Springs, Fl. 32134

352-685-2468 NICE LOT overlooking protected wetlands. Subdivision has its own boat ramp that allows access into Big Lake Kerr which is a beautiful lake with crystal clear water. Storage shed on property. Restaurants, shopping, ATV trails and the springs are only minutes away! $16,000 Vacant cleared lot with nice oaks on Little Lake Kerr cove. Owners have cleared lot and added the board fencing. Owners have variance to build 57 feet from water’s edge and up to 1200 Sq foot home. Zoning will allow mobile homes. $20,000

2 BEDROOM 1 BATH FOREST RIVER CARDINAL 5th WHEEL RV,39.6 feet in length with 2 slide outs. Amenities include 8 x 10 storage building, smaller storage building, pavers, and fire pit. Large corner lot 6,154 SqFt. Resort offers clubhouse, 2 pools tennis court, bathhouse and much more. $45,000

BEAUTIFUL LAKE GEORGE! 3 bedroom, 3 1⁄2 bath home w/ 3800 sq. ft of living area. Large eatin kitchen, hickory cabinetry, Corian countertops, formal dining room, huge living room w/ adjacent den/game room with pool table. Large master bedroom upstairs that opens to large screened porch & open deck overlooking the lake. Master bath has Jacuzzi tub, walk-in shower & double vanity. Office area has French doors that open to screened balcony. Too many amenities to mention. Must see to appreciate this home and property! $422,000

HANDY MAN SPECIAL THAT BACKS TO THE OCALA NATIONAL FOREST Joins the Greenways at the Ocklawaha River. There are 3 bedrooms , 1 bath, huge living room/ dining area, closed in porch, sun porch and Florida room. There is a large storage building plus smaller building. The house has T&G pine ceilings and original pine floors. Price reflects the house needs work. $45,000

HUNTER’S HAVEN! Very secluded 4 bedroom, 1 bath hunt camp on 2.3 acres that is heavily wooded and backs to the Ocala National Forest. 10 Dog Kennels, feed shed & fenced area for dogs. Cabin comes with all furnishings and is ready for the hunter that is looking for privacy. $45,000

1 year Subscription (6 issues) mailed directly to you for only $20! Each issue contains 2 months of Ponce Inlet tide tables and best feeding times. Stay Up To Date on Fishing and Hunting Florida. Name_____________________________________________________ Mailing Address____________________________________________ City__________________________State________Zip_____________ Send check or money order to: SSFHMagazine P.O. Box 290002, Port Orange Fl. 32128 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 27

MARION-CITRUS COUNTY ANGLER’S FAMILY RESORT @352489-2397 John tells us the crappie fishing up the Withlacoochee River has been outstanding and they are being caught on yellow jigs tipped with minnows. One of his local customers are still catching loads of Crappie using crickets fishing towards Lake Rosseau. Bluegill are also being caught using wigglers a ways up the Rainbow River but they are catching some big bass using domestic shiners, topwater frogs and green pumpkin and watermelon red worms. Specks have been hot down the Withlacoochee River also at the locks. Stop in and visit, you’ll love the friendly staff and beautiful River. Take a few minutes and enjoy a wonderful meal right on the River at the Blue Gator Tiki Bar, the food is absolutely delicious. I always try to plan my trips to Inverness and Dunnellon so that I arrive at The Blue Gator Tiki Bar around lunch time. They have the most delicious fish tacos imaginable.

The Gator Den

CATFISH JOHNNY’S RESTAURANT @352-793-2083 is a beautiful, restaurant with delicious fresh food. You owe it to yourself to take a trip to Lake Panasoffkee just to enjoy the wonderful alligator and seafood. The service and atmosphere is enjoyed by all. You will feel like you’ve been coming there for years.

By: Capt Lynda Hawkins Tim from COMO RV @352-344-1411 invites you all to come in and check out their new and pre-owned RV’s. They have a large inventory in stock. Plus over 50 used RV’s. Mr. Montgomery caught this black bass on shiners while fishing out of Georgetown Marina and Lodge.


Capt Bob’s

On Beautiful Rainbow and Withlacoochee River Where Fishing is Always Great!


352-489-2397 • SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 28



View our full menu online at

2396 N. C-470, Lake Panasoffkee, Fl. 33538

352-793-2083 Closed Sundays & Mondays

Tommy Sayers with a 5.6 pound bass caught out of Lake Eustis.

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Jennifer Edwards caught these hybrids at the dam in Chatohochee. Located in the Panhandle area.

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SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 29

1601 W. Main Street INVERNESS, FL


3335 S. Suncoast Blvd. HOMOSASSA, FL


LAKE COUNTY Jake from ASTOR BAIT & TACKLE @352-759-2600 tells us bluegill and shellcracker are being caught on redworms and crickets. Some specks are still biting and are being caught in Woodriff and Lake Dexter in 4 to 6 feet of water. Bobby Garlin’s MoGlow jigs are working well. Devil’s Grin and the Electric Chicken are two great colors to use. The recent Thursday night Astor tournament took 21 pounds to win. Come and join this fun tournament which goes from 5 pm to 8 pm. Jake has a set up station where you can build your own jigs, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits and chatterbaits. Be sure to check out His shop is located just off State Rd. 40 on River Road in Astor. Stop in and see him, he has plenty of archery equipment for sale. He also does bow repairs. Gordon from BROOKER BAIT & TACKLE @352-460-0695 said Ellis Johnson and Glen Brown had 27 plus pounds in a recent tournament. Another tournament took 17 pounds and 16 pounds to take first and second place. Specks are still biting. Ben Hall, Natalie and Bill went out last weekend and they caught and cleaned 50 nice ones. Bluegill and shellcracker are also biting all over the chain. A few trout are being caught over on the coast. Brookers has a well stocked shop and offers expert information on the current fishing, both freshwater and saltwater. They also carry frozen salt water bait. Natalie and Bill are celebrating their 8 year anniversary for the shop. Congratulations, guys. Thanks from all your loyal customers. HARRIS OIL @352-383-0922 is located at 21901 US Hwy. 441, Mt. Dora. They carry 100% non ethanol gasoline for your boats, mowers and chain saws. They also have gated self storage. We have been using Harris Oil non ethanol gas in our boat for 10 years now and have had great success with it. Mark and Heidi of LAKESIDE BAIT & TACKLE @352-742-3336 tell us Tommy Sayers recently caught a 5.6 pound

By: Capt Lynda Hawkins

Great Local Food Menu Featuring:

• Groveland Gator Bites • Swamp Cabbage Ceviche • Blackened Grouper Reuben • Locally Sourced Produce and Meats • Craft Beers - Wine & Spirits • Open 11am-9pm Daily


Saturd mpFest ays-1/2 p $12.99 ound 901 Lakeshore Blvd. Tavares, Fl. 32778 Yo On the East Shore of Lake Eustis


bass out of Lake Eustis. Bluegill and shellcrackers are doing very well in the grass and pads and are mostly being caught from Big Lake Harris using grass shrimp and redworms. Bass are being caught using spinnerbaits and chatter baits fishing the outside of pads and grass lines. Lakeside Bait and Tackle is located right on Lake Eustis and you can buy your fresh bait from boat or from Hwy 441. Mark & Heidi of GET WET WATERSPORTS which is next door to LAKESIDE BAIT & TACKLE @352253-0585 would like to invite you all down to rent a pontoon boat, which can comfortably seat up to 10 passengers, a jet ski or a Kayak. Stop in and experience the real Florida from the water. Lunch or dinner at FISH CAMP on LAKE EUSTIS is an excellent choice. On Saturdays they do a 1⁄2 pound ShrimpFest fixed your way with 3 sides for only $12.99. Good food and good service.

ur way

with 3


Jim from FISH CAMP ON LAKE EUSTIS @352-742-4400 tells us they are now open from 11 to 9 daily. They carry local produce, local meats, local craft beers and wines. You owe it to yourself to stop in and check them out. PIRATS OASIS BAR & GRILL@352821-759-3422 Jennifer has several customers that have been fishing Lake Griffon and the Ocklawaha River for crappie and bass. Pirats Oasis is conveniently located just seconds from the Hwy 40 Bridge and it takes only minutes to get to Lake Griffin. MIDWAY MARINE @352-759-3838 has a complete diagnostic service available for your engine repairs. They have a friendly staff and are open 6 days a week from 8 to 5 but closed on Wed. Stop in and say “Hi”. They are located right on the St. John’s River in Astor. THE CASTAWAYS ON THE RIVER @352-759-3422. Sarah tells us they are catching some nice specks across the



Live Bait SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 30

•ARCHERY ACCESSORIES 23835 Hwy. 40, Astor Florida


Lakeside Bait & Tackle (352) 742-3336 Located on Lake Eustis

1000 W Burleigh Blvd. Tavares

River from them and out of Lake Dexter and Lake Woodriff as well. Best bet is jigs or jigs tipped with minnows. Bluegill are just starting to turn on. For a wonderful get away you should try Castaways which is comfortable, clean and surrounded with natural beauty, the rooms are well maintained and the staff is extremely polite and helpful. Good food and a beautiful view of the St. John’s are within walking distance of the units. You can park your boat in their boat slips which are conveniently located close to your room and easily accessible. ASTOR MARINE @352-759-3655. Georgia carries Sylvan pontoon boats, Sunchaser pontoon boats and is a dealer for Mercury, Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda. Stop in and take a look around they have been in business for 29 years and are the friendliest people you’d want to meet.

Performance Fishing and Hunting Gear

Engage your your traditions...create your legacies.

Coupon Code Fishnhuntn10 Valid through Sept 15, 2019

Bass N Gal Guide Service *Central Florida Lakes* *PRIVATE LAKES*

All Tackle Included 1/2 Day $300.00 Cell 352-267-0062 Email

Capt. Lynda Hawkins Over 30 Years Experience

One of many bass the Brown brothers caught on bait from Georgetown Marina. “Off the River, or Off the Road” It’s Your Choice


*Casual or Formal Dining *Daily Additions to our Full Menu *Petite Dinners for the Light Appetite *Unlimited Fresh Salad Bar Open Tuesday-Sunday Call For Hours Closed Mondays Reservations Honored Every Friday It’s Happy Hour 6-8 Upstairs WE CAN ACCOMMODATE ANY OCCASION Hwy 40 & the St. Johns River in Beautiful Astor, Fl.

352-759-2802 SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 31

Atop Blackwater Inn

A fun, casual place overlooking the picturesque setting of the beautiful St. Johns River where you can relax in the cool river breeze and visit with friends old and new.

Daily Lunch Specials ~ Munchies & Starters ~ Sandwiches & Fun

55716 Front St. Astor

toon Ponoats B

Ka Ren yak tals



Pa B ddle ki Renoard Jet nStals Re 1000 W. Burleigh Blvd, Tavarestals 352-253-0585

Owners Bill & Natalie Brooker 1351 A. W. North Blvd. Leesburg, Fl. 34748 352-460-0695

210 Walnut Street Welaka, Fl. 32193

BASS N GAL GUIDE SERVICE @ 352-267-0062 – We haven’t been able to get wild shiners this year so we are all using domestic shiners and still catching lots of nice bass. The private lake we fish is all catch and release but is loaded with some big bass. The baits that work well for my customers on this lake are drop shots with a Junebug 4 inch worm, watermelon red Producto’s Hot Rods fished weightless and of course shiners, (freelined and with bobbers). The local small lakes are producing some nice sized bass. Freelining a shiner (without a bobber or weight) is still producing some of the bigger fish. A slow falling sinking weightless worm (Producto’s Hot Rod works great) or a white and chartreuse spinner bait reeled in as slowly as possible, are both working quite well. Be sure to lift up on your rod tip occasionally then let the spinnerbait slowly fall to make it look like a fluttering bait fish. If you think you are fishing too slow, slow down even more. These baits can produce some huge bass but they have to be worked very slowly. (You want to actually feel the blades pulling or turning) this is a very productive fishing method, if you are a patient fisherman.

Joe Hussey released this nice 6 pound bass right after this photo was taken. Photo courtesy of Bass N Gal Guide Service.

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 32

Florida’s Largest Volume Pontoon Dealer All 2018 Models On Sale 2019 Models In Stock

Sales & Service 352-759-3655 email:

24535 HWY. 40, Astor, Fl 32102 E ELCOM ALL W


Southside Lenny Band Sat. May 18th from 2pm-6pm Larry Ramsey caught this 9.04 pound bass out of Lake Eustis. Photo courtesy of Lakeside Bait & Tackle.

Astor/Pierson Citgo

Cheapest Gas in Town! LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Wine-Beer-Cigs-Soda-Ice Snacks-Groceries-Refill Propane Hot Pizza & Chicken Wings

Open 7 Days Sun-Thur 6am-10pm Fri-Sat 6am-11pm 1380 W. St Rd. 40, Pierson 386-749-0180

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 33

With this coupon Exp. July 1, 2019

HSFC tournament season is in full swing with the fishing and weather heating up! HSFC Offshore Challenge results are in. Dolphin 1st Rare Breed - Stacey Levesque 28.2lb 2nd Reel Hard - Nick Amos 24.2lb 3rd Incommunicado - Scott Ibison 23.8lb King Mackerel 1st Seeking Bluewater - Dustin 26.1lb 2nd U-Know 25.7lb 3rd Reel Rowdy 23.2lb Wahoo 1st Seeking Bluewater - Jim Scherer 92.4lb 2nd No Filter - Freddie Cartwright 72.8lb 3rd Diggin Life - Mark Pearson 52.1lb 1st Place Overall Seeking Bluewater Total Weight 118.5lb Small boat award goes to Stacey Levesque 28.2lb Dolphin Lady Angler Stacy Levesque 28.2lb Dolphin Jr Angler Alden VanRaider 12.8lb Dolphin Congratulations Teams! Thank you for fishing the 2019 19th Annual HSFC Offshore Challenge. The Halifax Sport Fishing Club 31st Annual Lady Angler Tournament will be May 18th for wahoo, dolphin, and king. The Captain’s Meeting is May 16th starting at 6:30pm. There will be food and raffles with a 50/50.

Team Seeking Bluewater with a Stud Wahoo weighing 92.4 pounds.

Team Diggin Life 52.1 pound Wahoo

The weigh in will be held on May 18th at Down the Hatch Restaurant, Ponce Inlet from 4:00 – 6:00pm. The awards will be held at the club on May 21st. The Halifax Sport Fishing Club is located at 3431 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Port Orange. For early registration or information regarding the tournament, contact tournament director Jesse Jones at or call 386-453-6489. Check out our website or Facebook for updates and more information.

Team U-Know 25.7 pound King Mackerel Team Rare Breed Stacey Levesque 28.2 pound Dolphin SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 34

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 35

In 2019 Pete and Ann Richardson will celebrate 10 years as successful tournament directors for the KOTI series. A wahoo, dolphin, kingfish tournament with prizes for first second and third in each species category. A tournament concept they created and designed. The teams earn points for each fish that makes the board and stays. They add the points together for the three events this determines the KING of the series. This concept took place for the first nine years. For 2019 the 10th anniversary Pete and Ann wanted to change it up a create a new format. There is now a guaranteed $30,000 in payouts. Leg one is a wahoo only tournament that was held this past April and paid $10,000 for the first place wahoo, $3,000 for second place and $1,500 for third place. Team Shore Bet took home first place, Team Strickland Landscaping took second, and Team Reel Team came in third place. 30 teams fished leg one of the series in a ruff ocean and caught quit a few wahoo’s. Leg two is a dolphin only tournament and will be held on May 4th followed by leg three a kingfish only tournament June 8th. The entry fee for each event is $500 per boat. You can now leave from any of the three inlets listed St. Augustine, Ponce Inlet and Canaveral but you must return to weigh-in via Ponce Inlet. There was a $300 buy-in overall points to determine the king at the end of the series, but you had to buy in at tournament number one to qualify for this prize. The overall point winner will take home an additional $5,000 and the title of King Of The Inlet.

Team Shore Bet 1st. place wahoo 55.6 pounds.

Don’t miss out on the next event even if you do not participate in the fishing part of the event come on down to Off The Hook at Inlet Harbor in Ponce Inlet and enjoy watching all the great catches get weighed in while enjoying great food and cold drinks.

Team Strickland Landscaping 2nd. place wahoo 45.6 pounds.

Team Reel Team 3rd. place wahoo 44.5 pounds. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 36

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 37

Best Feeding Times for Fish and Game

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 38

Collins Low Country Hunt Club is second to none in low country South Carolina guided hunting trips. As one of the longest running and most successful operations in the area, we continue to stay ahead of the competition by expanding our services and hunting plans to exceed our guest’s expectations. Our hunting opportunity remains the same to all, utilizing all 7,500 acres of our managed lands to provide the best low country South Carolina hunting available. Please feel free to contact us so that we can help you choose the best fitting package for you and your hunting group.

Mention this ad and receive $100 off

Hog, Deer & Turkey Hunts! **************** Deer Hunting $1295 - 3 Day Hunt August 15th January 1st

Wild Hog Hunts Year Round $1,095 - 3 Day Hunt

Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!

10640 Ehrhardt Road Ehrhardt , South Carolina 803-267-2825~w w w . c o l l i n s l o w c o u n t r y h u n t i n g c l u b . c o m SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 39

Hunting News By Tony Young

Tips on applying for fall quota and alligator hunt permits

The FWC’s Quota Hunt Program is designed to provide quality hunting Media Relations opportunities while meeting conservation Coordinator for the objectives. A quota, which is the Division of Hunting and maximum number of hunters allowed Game Management. on a particular wildlife management area (WMA) during a hunt, prevents overcrowding and helps manage game harvests. The FWC’s Division of Hunting and Game Management sets quotas based on an area’s size, habitat, game populations and hunter preference. The FWC’s Office of Licensing and Permitting also plays an important role by administering the quota and limited entry hunt application process, including conducting random drawings and issuing permits. Their mission, under Director Tindl Rainey, is to connect people with opportunities to experience Florida’s fish and wildlife. “Application periods give hunters an opportunity and reasonable timeframe to apply for hunts, and random drawings provide a fair and equitable way to award permits,” Rainey said. A standard lottery process gives all applications a random number. Then, beginning with random number one, the lottery process evaluates the application with the hunt choices selected, starting with choice 1. If the choice is available based on the allotted quota for each hunt unit, the lottery will assign the application a successful status for that choice. If choice 1 is not available, the lottery will move on to Bryan Brown, Tony Young, Jon Harper and Bob Brown teamed up to harvest evaluate choice 2, and so on. This happens this 10’5” bull gator from local waters during last season’s recreational until the application is assigned a successful alligator hunt. status for a choice or is instead assigned an unsuccessful status due to no choices having available quota. “Applicants who put the same hunt for all choices do not increase their odds of getting drawn,” Rainey said. “So there is no benefit to listing a choice more than once on an application.” Once a random drawing process is completed, the results are posted on a customer account at Any Limited Entry Hunts with a claim deadline must be obtained by the last day of the claim period. More information on random drawings including how preference points, group applications and pre-authorizations and special-opportunity lotteries work can be found at

Fall deer and hog quota hunt permits

The phase I application period for archery, muzzleloading gun, general gun, wild hog, youth, family, track vehicle, airboat and mobility-impaired quota hunt permits is May 15–June 15. Hunters may apply for each of the hunt types, and there is no fee to do so. But unless exempt, applicants must have an up-to-date $26 management area permit (or a license that includes one) when applying for a quota permit. The system won’t accept an application without this, and applicants will be prompted to purchase one first. The FWC offers youth deer hunts on Camp Blanding WMA in Clay County and on Andrews WMA in Levy County. If you have children between the ages of 8 and 15, and you want them to have a chance to experience one of these hunts, apply for a youth quota hunt permit. During these hunts only the youngsters may hunt, and they, along with their adult supervisors, are the only people allowed on the area. And please note that applications must be submitted under the child’s customer account. There will be family quota hunts on 29 WMAs this season, and if drawn, the permit allows one adult to take one or two youths hunting. The adult may not hunt without taking along a youngster. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 40

Hunters certified by the FWC as mobility-impaired may apply for Mobility-impaired Quota Permits , which allow exclusive access to general gun hunts on 10 of the state’s public hunting areas. To get the jump on one of these hunts, apply May 15–June 15 at , or have a license agent or tax collector’s office apply for you. To find out if you’ve been selected, log onto your customer account at that same web address after 10 a.m. on June 19. Those who don’t get drawn for a particular quota hunt in phase I will get a preference point for next year’s drawing, which will improve future chances of being selected. Those unable to use their quota permit can return it at least 10 days prior to the hunt once phase III opens. Preference points plus one additional point are restored to hunters who return a permit issued in phase I.

Special-opportunity fall hunts

Another great option is applying for special-opportunity fall hunt permits . These hunts offer large tracts of land with an abundance of game and low hunting pressure. All deer hunts allow you to take only mature bucks with at least one antler having four or more points, 1 inch or longer. Wild hogs also are legal to take during the deer hunts, and there is no size or bag limit on hogs. These special-opportunity deer and wild hog hunts take place in central Florida on Fort Drum, Lake Panasoffkee, Triple N Ranch and Green Swamp West Unit WMAs. Camping is legal on all areas. •There is one seven-day general gun deer and hog hunt on the 20,858-acre Fort Drum WMA in Indian River County. The hunt costs $50 for those drawn. •Lake Panasoffkee, in Sumter County, has eight four-day archery hunts for deer and hog on 8,676 acres. The permits are $100 for each hunt. •There are two seven-day general gun and one four-day muzzleloader hunt for deer and hog on the 16,295-acre Triple N Ranch in Osceola County. The permit costs $175 for each of the hunts. •Pasco County’s Green Swamp West Unit, where the state’s highest-scoring deer on record was taken, has two archery hunts for deer and hogs on its 34,335 acres. There are also three general gun hunts for deer and hogs. All are four-day hunts costing $100. All special-opportunity permit holders may bring one non-hunting guest during the deer and hog hunts. Special-opportunity hunt permits are transferable by simply giving the permit to another person. Permit holders under age 16, or those who are certified mobility-impaired, may have a non-hunting assistant accompany them during all special-opportunity hunts. Hunters who would like to take part in one or more of these hunts, may apply beginning at 10 a.m. on May 15 at or at county tax collectors’ offices or most retail outlets that sell hunting and fishing supplies. The application period runs through midnight of June 15. Applicants may apply for as many special-opportunity hunts and dates as they’d like to increase their chances of being selected but must include the $5 nonrefundable application fee for each one. Hunters are limited to drawing only one permit per hunt area, though. Special-opportunity results are available in rounds, with payment for the cost of the selected hunt available at or at any license agent or tax collector’s office. Those who don’t claim a permit by paying for it in full by the claim deadline for each round, forfeit it, and it’ll be available to the next customer waiting in line in the next round.

National Wildlife Refuge hunts

There are also several fall hunts on five national wildlife refuges that hunters may apply for during the same phase I application period of May 15 – June 15. These National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) hunts offer another opportunity to hunt on well-managed habitat with healthy game populations and low hunting pressure. However, no guest permits are available for any of these hunts. Those drawn must pay for the permit by the claim deadline, or it is forfeited and made available during the next application period which is first-come, first-served. •On the 21,574-acre Lake Woodruff NWR in Volusia and Lake counties, hunters may apply for archery and muzzleloading gun hunts for deer and hog. There is no fee to apply, but if drawn, the permit costs $27.50. •Hunters may apply for archery hunts on Brevard County’s 140,000-acre Merritt Island NWR. There is no cost to apply, but if drawn, the permit is $27.50. •Just south of Tallahassee, hunters may apply for archery, general gun and mobility-impaired hunts on the 32,000-acre St. Marks NWR. Each of these hunts cost $5 to apply for and if you get drawn, the permits are $27.50. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 41

•Lower Suwannee NWR, in Dixie and Levy counties, has a $15 permit that allows you to hunt the entire fall and spring season on the 53,000-acre refuge. Hunters may purchase this permit anytime between May 15 and up to the last day of spring turkey season. Because St. Vincent NWR ’s sambar deer hunt was canceled last season due to Hurricane Michael, those who were awarded a permit last year will be provided a new permit by mail for the Dec. 5-7, 2019 primitive weapons hunt by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. If you have any questions, you may contact the refuge at 850-925-6121.

Alligator hunt permits

Since 1988, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has offered hunters the opportunity to take part in its annual statewide recreational alligator harvest, which always runs Aug. 15 – Nov. 1. Alligators are a conservation success story in Florida. The state’s alligator population is estimated at 1.3 million alligators of every size and has been stable for many years. “Before you apply for alligator hunt permits, be sure to coordinate with everyone you plan to hunt with, regarding where you want to hunt and which harvest weeks work best with everyone’s schedule,” Steve Stiegler, FWC’s alligator program hunt coordinator, said. “The application process is a random drawing, so the more choices you make, the better your chances of getting drawn. You also can increase your odds of being drawn by choosing more areas during the fourth harvest week,” Stiegler said. “However, you shouldn’t apply for any areas you feel are too far away or during weeks you’re unable to hunt.” And if you’re still undecided on where to hunt, check out harvest data from past seasons at under “Statewide Alligator Harvest Program.” Phase I application period The application period for the phase I random drawing begins May 17 at 10 a.m. and runs through May 27. More than 6,000 alligator harvest permits will be available. Hunters may submit their application for a permit that allows the harvest of two alligators on a designated harvest unit or county . Applicants must be at least 18 years of age by Aug. 15 and have a valid credit or debit card to apply. Applications may be submitted at any county tax collector’s office, license agent (most retail outlets that sell hunting and fishing supplies) and at . Applicants must provide their credit card information when they apply. If changes to hunt choices or credit card information are needed, applicants are able to make updates until the application period closes. License/permit costs The alligator trapping license/harvest permit and two hide validation CITES tags cost $272 for Florida residents, $22 for those with a Florida Resident Persons with Disabilities Hunting and Fishing License , and $1,022 for nonresidents. The cost for applicants who already have an alligator trapping license is $62. Phase II and III application periods Any permits remaining after the first phase will be offered during the phase II application period May 31 – June 10. Those who were awarded a permit in phase I may not apply during phase II. Remaining permits will be available in phase III to anyone who did not draw a permit in either of the first two phases, and they may be applied for June 14-24. Leftover application phase If any permits remain after phase III, there will be a fourth-phase issuance period beginning at 10 a.m. on June 27 until all permits are sold. Anyone may apply during phase IV, even if they were awarded a permit in one of the earlier phases. Hunters who get to purchase additional permits will be charged $62, regardless of residency or disability. What to expect if you get drawn Within three days of an application period closing, applicants can expect to see an authorization hold on their credit card, verifying there is a sufficient balance to cover the cost of the permit. However, this does not mean they were awarded a permit. Once the credit card authorization process is complete, the lottery drawing will be held. All successful applicants will be charged, while those who were unsuccessful will have the authorization hold lifted from their credit cards. Successful applicants should expect to receive their alligator trapping license/harvest permit and two CITES alligator tags in the mail within six weeks of payment. Alligator trapping licenses are nontransferable. All sales are final, and no refunds will be made. For more information on alligator hunting or the application process, see the “Guide to Alligator Hunting in Florida” by going to and then “By Species.” Whether it’s an alligator permit you want, or a fall quota, special-opportunity or refuge hunt you’re after – or all of the above – don’t forget to apply in May! SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 42

MEET THE ROGERS FAMILY Top left Photo: Brynn Rogers 8 point Ohio Top right photo: Blake Rogers 10 point Ohio Bottom photos: Brayden Rogers 7 point (left side) Millen Georgia 8 point (right side) Ohio Brynn and her boys where hunting with her husband and the boys father Jeff Rogers. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 43


Full Line Of Feed Custom Feeds


Deer Corn $8.00 50# Pride Dog Food $25.50 50#

549 N. Samsula Dr. New Smyrna Beach, Fl. 32168


David Lawrence harvested this 9 point hunting on a friends family farm in Ohio.

SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 44

Cole Texter shot this 190 pound 8 point while hunting in Georgia.

Dennis Texter founder of Topless Hooker Gear with an impressive 10 point weighing 285 pounds from Kentucky.

Father and Son Conner Sikorski on the left with a 8 point and Donny Sikorski on the right with a 11 point. Both deer where harvested on a family farm in Southeast Ohio. I must say they grow them big in Ohio. SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 45

PRODUCT REVIEW BLUE Concentrated Deodorizer and Cleaner for ice chests & boat lockers

Blue is made from a natural oil blend containing lemon, lemongrass, and cedar oil along with other naturally deodorizing oils. BLUE helps to remove fish and other sea life odors from plastics and fiberglass, and may also help to remove rust stains. Blue was created and named Blue for our planet and the sea, which we all want to protect for future generations. Think Blue- it’s the new Green! Capt Freddie Zona of Southwind Charters out of New Smyrna Beach tested the Blue product and was amazed with the results. The cooler below had been sitting around

Catherine Amend with the biggest bass she has caught 9 pounds 1 oz. Catherine and Pat were visiting from Dassboro, Delaware. They had to get out of the snow so, they stayed at Bass World Lodge and went fishing with Capt. Don Weaver

for months without being cleaned from the last time it was used. Capt Freddie Said “This stuff works you gotta try it!” He also stated “If you follow the directions and let it set the allotted time you will be surprised with the results.” The Capt said he could not believe how easy it was to remove the fish slim that was caked on almost as hard as a rock. He also stated the smell was the best part you could really smell the aromas of the oils lemon, lemon grass and cedar oil combination and that smell stayed with the cooler the next time he opened it. Capt Freddie stated “I believe this product works better than bleach and is less harmful and better for our environment.” He would recommend you try the Blue product for yourself. It retails for $25.00 per bottle but it goes a long way.

Joe Geisan was staying at Bass World Lodge and went fishing with Capt Don Weaver to catch this bass weighing a little under 8 pounds.

In this issue of the magazine on page 3 you can take advantage of the trial size offer along with a trial size bottle of Blue for coolers you also get a trial size bottle of Blue Boat Soap and pay only the shipping and handling of $6.95. You can purchase this by going to or by calling 800-368-SEAS (7327). SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 46

40’ Custom Sportfisher

Half Day • Full Day • Gulf Stream

e ch th t a c o t Now i Bite!! k o o B Mah

*Up to 6 passengers *Licensed & Insured *No Fishing License Required

Capt. Freddie Zona has over 25 Years Experience Fishing our Local Waters! Docked in New Smyrna Beach at The River Deck Marina

Everything is furnished except food and drink. 20% gratuity is appreciated on a job well done! SSFHMagazine May/June 2019 Page 47

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