SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023

Page 3

Sept/Oct 2023

This Issue

• 2023 Outdoor Events

*City of Edgewater Kids Outdoor Day

*Edgefest Fall Festival

*HSFC Annual River Cleanup

*Gumbo Wars at Fish on Fire

• Salt & Freshwater Fishing

*HSFC Seminar NSB Shark Hunters

*HSFC Seminar Kayak Fishing

• Local Fishing Reports

*Fishing with Kids by: Capt. Martin Goldys

*PIFCN #BoatOfTheMonth by: Haley Christina

• Ponce Inlet Tide Tables

• Best Feeding Times

FREE Since 1965
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 2 Crappie season is starting – no better place to get outfitted than Crappie Addicts Fishing Gear * Rods * Reels * Tackle * Apparel * LIVE BAIT * Pro Advice 1141 S. Volusia Ave. Orange City, Fl. 386-479-3266 Hours: June-August Tuesday-Sunday 8am-5pm September-May Tuesday-Sunday 7am-4:30pm Discount Valid thru October 31, 2023 Bring in this ad to receive discount! FALL SALE!

Fishing with Kids, It doesn’t get any better!

As a Kid, I used to love going fishing with my brothers and my dad. In fact, this was probably my favorite memory as a child growing up. Knowing we were in for new water bound adventures had us very excited. It was a treat to go out on the boat with the family. My brothers and I would also compete to see who could catch the most and the biggest Fish of the day.

My dad was always there to guide us on how to rig our rods, bait our hooks, and show us how to handle the many fish we caught. These are memories that I’ll never forget and always share with those closest to me, my family!

Family Friendly Inshore Fishing Experience Capt. Marty Goldys (386)679-0317

The act of fishing is always fun and exciting as you never know what you’re going to reel up on the end of your line. But, more importantly, there are valuable lessons to be learned while spending time on the water surrounded by friends and family. Fun fact, all kids LOVE fishing! While fishing often requires ‘Patience’, once you hook into your 1st fish, that’s usually all it takes to get you ‘HOOKED’.

Providing the opportunity to take a child fishing can be a challenge. Finding someone with a boat or the gear necessary to plan a fishing trip can be tough. The good news being, fishing can now days take place in environments that don’t require a fancy boat or expensive fishing equipment.

Fishing from land, a local dock, a bridge, a jetty, or even a kayak or canoe could provide many opportunities to catch a large variety of fish. Don’t worry as much about the fancy boat or expensive fishing gear, as it is more about the experience and spending quality time bonding with your favorite people (Family & Friends).

Life lessons are often learned while spending time on the water with friends and family. Make time for the kids in your life to ensure they share these learning experiences and life-long memories. Takes a ton of photos to document your fishing trips together so years later you can look back on the epic adventures you all created together.

Below, I’ve listed some simple approaches to planning a fishing trip/adventure with the kids in your life.

• Make ‘fishing’ and the planning process FUN ! Perhaps let your child select the fishing spot or the lure/bait for that day.

• Focus on the kids you’re taking fishing, not as much the tactical side of Fishing (especially for 1st timers & young children).

• Be very positive, patient, and understanding with the kids you take fishing as your coaching will have a lasting impact on how they develop as a junior angler (No yelling, screaming, or “I told you to do it this way”). Instead just re-rig and say, “we’ll get the next one” (with a smile on your face).

• Take plenty of snacks, treats, and drinks, as this will help distract children when the ‘Bite is Slow’.

• Praise your child when they catch a fish, no matter the size or species. Let them know they did a Great Job after they successfully release the fish.

• Create games while fishing (who can catch the biggest fish, who can catch the fish with the most spots, or who can catch the ‘most fish’ throughout the day).

• Set simple challenges for your children like, “who can name this species of fish”?

• Challenge your kids with finding/pointing out loose trash while on the water and around the boat ramp. Bring a gloves, an empty bucket, and trash grippers in an effort to help remove these unwanted pollutants. Explain to your children why it is so important to ‘Protect our Environment’.

• Educate the kids you fish with on the surrounding environment, the tackle you’re using, and the fish you are targeting (identifying species of fish).

• Set your children up with their very own tackle box, lures, and supplies (use barbless hooks and avoid treble hooks-Circle hooks are best and most Kid-Friendly).

• Invest in a ‘kid friendly’ fishing rod (very reasonable pricing for junior angler fishing equipment)

• Teach your kids how to properly handle and release fish. Simply demonstrate this process.

• Practice casting, tying knots, and rigging rods while at home to get your children excited about the upcoming fishing adventure.

• Tune into a fishing report or watch a fishing show with your children to encourage ‘Best Practices’ while on the water.

• Point out wildlife like manatees, dolphins, exotic Florida bird species so your children begin to better understand how an ‘Eco-system’ works.

• Teach your kids about the tides, weather, and conditions as these factors all impact our fishing and adventures on the water.

• If fishing from the boat, provide an understanding of the boat, how it works, safety features, and let them help with dock and anchor lines.

• Encourage your children to complete a FREE ‘Boater Safety Course for Kids’. Set this up and arrange training for your children especially if your family and friends own boats. There are a variety of agencies and organizations that offer FREE ‘Boater Safety Courses for Kids’.

• Familiarize yourself and your children with current fishing regulations and local policy while on the water by visiting the Official FWC website

• Get involved with your local community events such as, Kids Fishing Tournaments or Beach Clean-Ups (these are often FREE events).

At the end of the day, getting to spend quality time with your children on or around the water, you will foster a true bonding experience. As we know, ‘Fishing’ is definitely more than the act of just catching fish. It teaches our children to appreciate the outdoors and value the environment we get to share with our best of friends and family!

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 3 Licensed & Insured

September 16, 2023 9am-2pm

Registration opens 8:30am

Menard May Park Edgewater

Held in conjunction with the River Rescue Regatta & Coastal Cleanup

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 4 Where You’ll Never “Sea” it all on one voyage....“We have what it takes to float your boat! • 386-252-5019 • 613 W. International Speedway Blvd. • Daytona Beach Store Hours: 8:30-5:00 M-F • 9-4 Sat • Closed Sunday New Shipment has arrived!! Proud Sponsor FREE KIDS OUTDOOR DAY

6’, 8’,10’ & 12’ Poles Bow, Stern and Motor Mounts Available

Hurricane season is still in full swing! Practice

We can order parts same day or next day service!

• Steering

• Trailer Parts

• Stainless Hardware

• Control Cables (Mercury Generation II)

• Cleaning Supplies

• Safety Equipment

• Electronics

• Dock Lines

• Nautical Decor

• Tires/Rims

• Batteries

• Seats/Pedastals

• Hatches

• Zincs

• Anchors

• Chain

• Jewelry


100’s to choose from!

• Head Supplies

• Cup/Accessory Holders

• Hose

• Electrical

• Starboard

• Boat Fenders

• Marine Tinned Wire

• LED Lighting

• Saltwater Fishing Supplies

• Pumps Bilge, Aerator, Washdown, Fresh Water

• and so much more.......

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 5
Per lb. SS Mixed Hardware or Electrical Connectors
In Loving Memory Jack Escoe Jr. 7-19-1937 - 2-16-2021 $5.00

P.O. Box 290002

Port Orange, Fl. 32129



Published By: Desiree’ Harbster

In Loving Memory of

Roger S. Harbster 12/25/1929 ~ 4/24/2009

Dorothy F. Harbster 3/17/1936-4/18/2018


Desiree’ Harbster

Front Caption: Cindy Urbiss with some Florida Keys lobsters. Florida Gator Hunting nice one bagged by Jory, Natalie and Ethan.

Joe Zsembik caught this 30 lb Wahoo fishing the Halifax Sport Fishing Club August kingfish tournament. Joe was fishing 3 miles from the beach and 5 miles south of Ponce Inlet aboard the boat Coconut.

Allen with his great grandson Noah age 7 caught this nice kingfish during the HSFC kingfish tournament.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 6
Capt. Lynda Hawkins Caught Up Fishing Charters Capt. Bruno Haley w/ Ponce Inlet Fishing Charter Network
Expires 12/15/2023
Reel Harmony Fishing Charters Capt. Marty

Recreational Fishing

The importance of saltwater recreational fishing

Saltwater recreational fishing (fishing for sport or pleasure) is an integral part of American coastal life. From Maine to Guam, striped bass to ulua, recreational fishing is both a cultural cornerstone and an important economic driver in the United States. In 2017, 8.6 million saltwater anglers took 202 million fishing trips generating $73.8 billion in sales impacts, $41.5 billion in value-added impacts, $24.7 billion in income impacts, and supporting 487,000 U.S. jobs.

Recreational fishing and NOAA Fisheries

In 2009, NOAA Fisheries began an initiative to strengthen our partnership with the recreational fishing community. Though this initiative, in February 2015 we released the Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy to help guide agency planning, activities, and decisionmaking. Based on the policy, NOAA Fisheries created national and regional implementation plans that set the course for our recreational fisheries work.

• Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy

• National and Regional Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Implementation Plans

The science behind recreational fisheries management

From stock assessments to economic analyses of fishing and its impact, NOAA Fisheries uses scientific data to guide our policies and fisheries management.

• The Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) is the way we count and report recreational catch and effort.

Get Caught Up with Caught Up Fishing Charters in New Smyrna Beach, Florida

To plan your best day ever with Captain Bruno, book the ultimate fishing or boating charter adventure CALL 386-689-7409

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 7

MRIP provides timely, scientifically sound estimates of recreational catch and effort. We continually collaborate with our regional partners to meet the data needs of the recreational fishing community.

• Stock assessments are critical to marine resource management. They describe the past and current status of a fish population, answer questions about the size of the stock, and help predict how the fishery will respond to management measures.

MRIP data combined with stock assessments and other information help guide recreational fishery managers and ensures appropriate measures are taken to rebuild fisheries if needed.

How do we manage recreational fisheries?

U.S. fisheries management is guided by several laws, including the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), and Endangered Species Act (ESA).

U.S. fisheries management is a collaborative and evolving process of science, management, innovation, and partnership with the fishing industry. The three pillars of fisheries management—science, management, and enforcement—are designed to prevent overfishing, quickly stop overfishing when it occurs, and rebuild overfished stocks.

Who is responsible for managing recreational fisheries?

NOAA Fisheries works with the eight regional fishery management councils on fisheries issues in their region. The councils are responsible for developing fishery management plans and rebuilding plans, selecting fishery management options, and setting annual catch limits. We also work closely with the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commissions and the states to collect data and manage fisheries resources in shared coastal regions.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 8 OVERLOOKING THE SCENIC WATER OF PONCE DE LEON INLET Serving Fresh Seafood & Fine Steaks Daily Accessible By Floating Docks A Locals Favorite Dine Inside Along The Halifax River HOME TO THE 4894 Front Street, Ponce Inlet 386-761-4831 Granada Pier Bait & Tackle Leary family for over 20 years! “Your Surf Fishing Headquarters” “FREE” Boat Ramps and Lighted Fishing Pier If we don’t have it we will get it! •Live Bait •Tackle •Rod Repair •Gear •Maps & Advice •Rod & Reel Rental •Smoked Fish One South Beach St. Ormond Beach 386-676-9078 StopinforLinnie’s Famous Fresh SmokedFishDip Open7 DaysaWeek Open 6am-6pm 7 days a week! 386-345-0746 Anchor Hardware And Storage 726 North U.S. 1, Oak Hill, Fl “You name it we got it!” •TACKLE •FROZEN BAITS •LIVE BAIT EVERYDAY •CALCUTTA DEALER •MARINE & TRAILER SUPPLIES •SHRIMPING NETS, LIGHTS & ACCESSORIES •STAR FIRE UNDERWATER LIGHTS IN STOCK •REPLACEMENT HALOGEN BULBS •STAINLESS STEEL FLOUNDER JIGS •CLAM & OYSTER STEAMERS •SHRIMP NETS-FRAME NETS


The HSFC September 21st seminar will feature guest speaker Captain Dustin Smith with New Smyrna Beach Shark Hunters. Captain Dustin Smith and his team of professionals have over 30 years of combined shark fishing experience. They only have one thing on their minds when they go out, catching and tagging Sharks! He will talk about the fishing options if you’d like to catch a shark and also how to cook a shark.

October 19th the club welcomes back Dave Farlow as the guest speaker on kayak fishing. Dave is the former owner and operator of’ Salty Dawg Outfitters in Ormond Beach. He has kayaked fished the area for 15 years and does guided fishing trips. Dave will discuss how to set up your kayak for successful fishing and techniques to catching Red Fish, Sea Trout, Snook, and a variety of other species.

A brief business meeting will be at 7:00 PM and the seminar at 7:30 PM at 3431 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Port Orange. All seminars are free and open to the public. For more information go to the H.S.F.C. web site, Facebook or contact Wil Evans Programs Director at (386) 566-0601 or online at programs@hsfc. com.

Kids Can Fish Too Clinic

will be held Saturday, September 9th at Bushman Park, 4545 Spruce Creek Road, Port Orange. Kids ages 5-15 are welcome and must be accompanied by an adult. The clinic will teach kids about fishing rules, regulations, safety, knots, cast netting, and conservation. All bait and tackle will be provided. A free rod and reel will be given to the first 100 kids that complete the clinic and fishing on the lake afterwards. Register online at contact Gina Hesch at 505-709-8413.

LIVE BAIT & TACKLE Feed-Beer-Soda-Snacks Refill Propane Gas & Cylinders Open 7 Days 5:30 am Bags & Buckets of Ice 386-736-4117 Country Store 1871 West Hwy 44 Deland, Florida Fish Hook Jewelry and Accessories Also available at: SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 9 OUPV-6 Pack $675 Includes test, book, and all equipment necessary Master Upgrade-Total Tuitions $250 Nautical Gifts


SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 10 F
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 11 386-428-2341 179 North Causeway New Smyrna Beach Consignments Wanted! $5 OFF Regular Adult or Child Ticket Coupon Good for all in Party Expires 12/15/24 Located at: Down The Hatch Restaurant Ponce Inlet, Fl. Call For Reservations, Details & Trip Times 386•763•4388 BOAT RENTALS!

An out of towner and his first time fishing changed his life forever. This kingfish was caught off the Dunlawton Bridge in Port Orange on bait from E & J Bait & Tackle.

Sabastian aka Capt Sabi always catching his snooks on live shrimp from his favorite bait shop E&Js in Port Orange. Stop by and get your picture with the BIG Shark!!

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 12 OFFSHORE AND INSHORE TACKLE EXPERT ROD AND REEL REPAIR LIVE AND FROZEN BAIT 386-252-9804 450 N. Beach Street • Downtown Daytona Beach Gift Certificates OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Wyatt Eskew with a black drum Custom Aluminum Work 735 Airpark Rd Hanger B-3 Edgewater 386-957-3756 “FamilyOperated for over38years” TopQuality&BestPrices B & G TRAILERS INC. 386-734-5244 • 2340 International Speedway Hwy 92 Deland Fl. Florida’s Largest Trailer Dealer Airboat Trailers Utility Trailers Trade Ins Welcome!

Caden Blount with Boat & Yacht Masters of Florida caught this spotted sea trout while Kayak fishing the Indian River in NSB area. Boat & Yacht Masters has experience in Engine Maintenance and Service, Electrical, Corrosion Control, Plumbing & Sanitation Systems, Air Conditioning, Detailing and Dive Services. (386) 3858413 Daytona Beach.

During the Old South Kingfish Tournament Rivers Leary and his mom Erica caught this nice 17lb kingfish out of Ponce Inlet area.

Photo courtesy of Granada Pier Bait & Tackle in Ormond.

386-255-2345 1700 N. Nova Road, Holly Hill Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm • Sat 8:30am-5pm • Open 24/7 at NEW & PRE OWNED BOATS We are Celebrating 46 Years of Award-Winning Sales & Service SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 13 Live & Frozen Bait - Shrimp-Mud Minnows-Fiddle
Tackle-Rods & Reels-and much more! Closest & Easy Access to the Boat Ramp! 96 Dunlawton Ave Port Orange, Fl. • 386-760-1871 Expert Free Advice & Friendly Service with a smile!!

Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides September 2023

To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 14
Live Shrimp
Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm
Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo
50-$14.99 (per customer)
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 15 New Smyrna Outfitters 223A Canal St. New Smyrna Beach 386-402-8853 • • Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Closed Sunday OWNED BY THIRD GENERATION FISHERMAN CODY MOORE INSHORE • OFFSHORE • FLY FISHING • APPAREL New Smyrna Outfitters now specializes in offshore bait and tackle as well as clothing, fly fishing and inshore tackle. We have the equipment, knowledge and experience to guide you through any type of fishing you enjoy. 6 E’ase Lawn Care Lawn Care Specialist Daytona Beach and Surrounding area’s Owner, John Eskew 352-901-7672 Family Owned & Operated Residential & Commercial Cynthia Urbiss with an Atlantic Red Snapper caught during the 2 day season out of Ponce Inlet, Florida.

Ponce de Leon Inlet Tides October 2023

Live & Frozen Bait Including Ballyhoo Live Shrimp 50-$14.99 (per customer) Reserve your Selects (Shrimp) by calling ahead! Minutes from 3 Bridges and the Dunlawton Bridge Open Mon-Fri 6am-10pm Sat 5am-10pm/Sun 5am-8pm

To calculate Mosquito Lagoon (Oak Hill) tides add 6 hours to Ponce Inlet Tides

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 16

How it Works?

Kids Go Fishing!

FISH FLORIDA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, supports organizations that teach people, especially children, about Florida’s fish and aquatic habitats through donations of fishing equipment, grants, and scholarships.

The mission of Fish Florida is to promote public awareness of and encourage the protection of marine fisheries and coastal habitats. This is accomplished through clinics, classes, seminars, presentations, displays and other means designed to teach and promote responsible angling, particularly to Florida’s youth.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 17

•September 16, 2023•9am-2pm Menard May Park Edgewater

Held in conjunction with the River Rescue Regatta & Coastal Cleanup

• Registration will open at 8:30 am and will be on a first come first serve basis.

• Fishing contest for ages 4-15 years. First 100 Kids gets a chum bucket filled with goodies!

• Free Rods & Reels will also be given out children only (while supplies last!)

• All children must be accompany by an adult.

• Catch & Release from Menard May Park 413 S. Riverside Drive Edgewater

• Education: Fish ID, Knot Tying, Casting Techniques, and much more!

• Sharks Up Close & Personal! A hands on experience with Eric Sander (Councilman of SD)

• Mobile 3D Archery Range by Gobbler’s Lodge (You get to shoot bows & arrows)

• Breakfast snacks and Lunch will be provided bring your equipment, chair, blanket etc...


SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 18
Contact: Desiree’ Harbster 386-478-3725 • Email:
Granada Pier Bait & Tackle

Alligators may be observed more frequently in flooded areas after a hurricane or tropical storm. As with all wildlife, treat alligators with respect, keep them at a distance and give them space. If you believe a specific alligator poses a threat to people, pets or property, call the FWC’s toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866392-4286).

Generally, an alligator is deemed a nuisance if it is at least 4 feet in length and the caller believes it poses a threat to people, pets or property. There are situations when smaller alligators wind up in places that are not acceptable, such as swimming pools, garages, etc., and must be removed.

The FWC places the highest priority on public safety and will dispatch one of their contracted nuisance alligator trappers to resolve the situation. Find more information about living with alligators

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 19 Jordan Tomazin 386-689-6399 Open 6am-6pm • 7 days a week! 386-345-0746 Anchor Hardware And Storage 726 North U.S. 1, Oak Hill, Fl “You name it we got it!”
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 20
Custom Aluminum Work 735 Airpark Rd Hanger B-3 Edgewater 386-957-3756 Good Luck Anglers! OFFSHORE AND INSHORE TACKLE EXPERT ROD AND REEL REPAIR LIVE AND FROZEN BAIT OPEN 7 DAYS 386-252-9804 450 N. Beach St. Daytona Beach Capt. John Miller 407-230-1883
Wyatt Eskew with a black drum
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 21 Inboard/Outboard MOBILE MECHANIC Boat and Engine Repairs, Rebuilds, Replacements Boat Restoration and more! Astor, Florida
care for our CUSTOMERS
like Family.
your family deserves the best.
Luck Anglers!

Kids Outdoor Day

Please Print

•All participants must follow rules, times and locations.

•All children must be accompanied by an adult.

•All anglers must follow state and federal rules and regulations.

•All fish must be caught on rod, reel and line.

•Each angler can only win one place.

•All entrants must have entry form filled out, and all entry forms must be signed by parent/guardian. Contact Desiree’ Harbster 386-478-3725 or

Participants in this contest enter at their own risk. City of Edgewater, Southern States Fishn’ & Huntn’ Magazine it’s officials, members and employee’s shall not be liable for and hereby disclaim any and all legal liability for any and all losses or damages of any kind suffered by any participants, entrants, anglers, their guest and companions, which may occur during the event.

• Fishing contest for ages 4-15 years. First 100 Kids gets a chum bucket filled with goodies!

• Free Rods & Reels will also be given out children only (while supplies last!) You can bring your own also.

• All children must be accompany by an adult.

• Catch & Release from Menard May Park S. Riverside Drive Edgewater

• Bait will be provided but you may fish with your own bait or artificial baits also.

• Education: Fish ID, Knot Tying, Casting Techniques, and much more!

• Sharks Up Close & Personal! A hands on experience with Eric Sander (Councilman of SD)

• Mobile 3D Archery Range by Gobbler’s Lodge (You get to shoot bows & arrows)

• Breakfast snacks and Lunch will be provided bring your equipment, chair, blanket etc...

• Registration is on a first come basis NO pre -registration. Registration opens at 8:30 am.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 22
Entry Form and Rules • September 16, 2023 • 9am-2pm
Name_____________________________________________________Age_______ Address___________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________St_____________Zip____________
Please Print Parent/Guardian
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________________Date__________________
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 23 C & C PAVERS and More * Driveways *Artificial Turf * Pet Friendly * Pool Decks * Lounging Areas * LowVoltage Lighting * Brick Pavers * Walkways * Putting Greens * Sun Pads * Fire Pits * Patios Let us Pave The Way! • Free Estimates 386-576-4529
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 24
386-424-9000 • 911 N. Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach Fl 32168
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 25 • #DiamondSuzuki
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 26


FWC highlights importance of Sport Fish Restoration program in new video with Mud Hole Custom Tackle

At its July meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) released a new video that emphasizes the crucial role excise taxes play in Sport Fish Restoration funds to support conservation efforts.

This compelling video was produced in collaboration with Mud Hole Custom Tackle as part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partner with a Payer initiative. By showcasing the partnership between the FWC and Mud Hole, the video sheds light on how the contributions made by excise taxes collected from the sales of fishing equipment support various habitat restoration and revitalization efforts for Florida’s fisheries. These funds, along with tax from motorboat fuel and related boating and fishing items, play a vital role in bolstering the Sport Fish Restoration program. This program serves as a cornerstone in supporting fisheries conservation, boating access and angler education throughout the state. With matched funds provided by the USFWS, these revenue streams lead to significant investments in conservation projects across Florida.

Every time you buy fishing gear, fuel up your boat or purchase a fishing license, you help improve your fishing experience by supporting the Sport Fish Restoration program. This national program is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service and collects revenue from purchases of fishing-related items to create recreational sport fishing enhancement projects throughout the nation. "The Sport Fish Restoration program is instrumental to safeguarding and enhancing Florida's diverse aquatic ecosystems and recreational fishing opportunities,” said FWC Chairman Rodney Barreto. “This video highlights the importance of the cycle of conservation funding and programming that benefit our state and its natural resources."

The Partner with a Payer initiative aims to strengthen partnerships between federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and the public to ensure sustainable funding for fish and wildlife conservation. By highlighting the significance of excise taxes and Sport Fish Restoration funds, the video seeks to engage and inform stakeholders about the positive impact of their contributions to conservation initiatives.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 27 Southern Hospitality at it’s finest! Live Entertainment Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 1171 County Road 309 Crescent City 386-524-4179 •Cabin Rentals • RV Sites • Marina & Boat Slips •Boat Rentals • Boat Ramp • Bait Shop •Restaurant & Tiki Bar Restaurant Open 7 Days a Week Chicken Wings and Pizza available at Tiki Bar Mondays 5 to 8 Music on the patio

“Although Mud Hole serves customers across the globe, Florida is our home and we’re committed to supporting initiatives that preserve the natural resources in our own back yard” said Brook Oliva, President of Mud Hole Custom Tackle. “We’re proud to work with the FWC and spread this important message to our fellow anglers, boaters, and outdoor enthusiasts.”

Mud Hole Custom Tackle, based in Oviedo, is the world’s largest supplier of rod building and tackle crafting goods and instruction. From rod building and repairing, to fly tying and lure building, Mud Hole is the leading e-retailer and mail order supplier to hobbyists, small manufacturers and large original equipment manufacturers, worldwide. Mud Hole Custom Tackle strives to offer a superior shopping experience at, with rapid fulfillment, stellar customer service and world-class online content and instruction as a trusted source for the rod building and tackle crafting community.

The new video is now available on YouTube @ MyFWCFloridaFishandWildlife.

For more information on FWC’s Sport Fish Restoration projects, visit

Jaiden flynn caught this shark on bait from E & J Bait & Tackle in Port Orange. Look for the BIG SHARK stop and take your photo!!

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 28 210 Walnut Street Welaka, Fl. 32193 386-467-2628 We are an authorized sales & service center for SUZUKI engines. • Offering 74 RV sites along the St. John’s River • Boat House with 24 boat slips • Pool & Relax area • Spice Garden • Kids Playground and more...... 110 Georgetown Landing Rd. Georgetown, FL 32139 (Office) 386.524.4265 • (Cell) 305.986.2496
Rates starting at $55.00 per night $850.00 per month
Restaurant & Bar within walking distance

This 2 1/2 pound bass was caught off the docks at Georgetown Marina, Lodge and RV Park.

Freshwater Shrimp

Some decent sized shrimp are being caught off the docks in the evenings at Georgetown. It is only gonna get better!!

Their pier is in the perfect position for cast net shrimping. They are right on the St. John’s River at the mouth of Lake George. They have a few RV sites open now and cabin availability open after Labor Day weekend. Call (386) 467-2002 or book online at

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 29 PO BOX 171 , 1533 COUNTY ROAD 309 GEORGETOWN , FL 32139 386-467-2002 • Cabins • RV Sites • Ramp •Covered Docks • Free Cable • Bait & Tackle • Fishing License • WI-FI • OPEN 7 DAYS MARKER 72 ON ST. JOHNS RIVER @ MOUTH OF BIG LAKE GEORGE MONITOR CHANNEL 16 NON-ETHANOL • MARINE FUEL & DIESEL 15 Room Hotel • 35 Boat Slips • Boat Rentals • Boat Ramp Restaurant & Bar Open 7 days a Week The best place in Florida to see what the St. John’s River is all about.... 120 Georgetown Landing Road Georgetown, FL 32139 386-268-1374 • Breakfast 7am -10am • Lunch 11am - 3pm • Dinner 5pm - 10pm • Sunday Cajun Brunch 9am - 2pm
Bikers Welcome come join the fun!

Had a great 6 hour troll trip with father son team from Missouri. Mathew wanted a dolphin and he got his wish! I can’t say enough good things about this young man. He was an excellent angler and fought some big fish today and won every battle, one was as big as he was! Great fishing from Team Vulcan.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 30
Big Game Trolling-Bottom Fishing & Shark Trips. River Cruises also available. Nice Mahi(Dolphin) aboard The Vulcan. September


CRAPPIE ADDICTS in Orange City reports bass are schooling at the mouth of creeks and junctions off the river. Jerk baits, topwater are doing well. Live shad are doing good as well if you have a cast net to get them. St John's is still putting out some good crappie. With warm water temps climbing up to 90 degrees crappie are biting good at night over deep water structure and deep water lay downs, channel markers and over hanging trees where the water temps are cooler! Slater's jigs, Bait Rigs Tackle Slow poke tipped with a minnow are doing well.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 31 Continental Boat Trailers
Warranty Center For: Shimano • Diaiwa • Minnkota • Motorguide Hours: Tues-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-3 (Closed Sun & Mon) Kel’s Rod & Reel Service Rods, Reels, Troilling Motor Parts & Service 1055 S. US 17-92 Longwood, Fl. 407-834-3008 Over 200 Trailers in Stock! Orlando Boat Sales 2715 Lakeview Drive Fern Park, Fl. 32730 407-253-7111
Ava won the girls casting competition at the grand opening of Crappie Addicts in Orange City. These 2 happy young anglers caught doubles on the crappies using bait from Crappie Addicts in Orange City. Stop by Crappie Addicts in Orange City if you would like to catch crappies aka Speckled Perch like these.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is thrilled to announce and celebrate the inclusion of three remarkable Florida waterbodies in Bassmaster's prestigious “Top 10 Best Bass Lakes of 2023.” Fellsmere Reservoir/Stick Marsh, Orange Lake and Lake Okeechobee have captured the attention of anglers and fishing enthusiasts across the nation, solidifying Florida's reputation as a premier bass fishing destination. Additionally, Florida lakes made a good showing in the Best Bass Lakes 2023: Southeastern as Fellsmere Reservoir, Orange Lake, Lake Okeechobee, Lake Toho, Lake Seminole (Jackson/Gadsden counties), Lake Placid, Lake Panasoffkee, Lake Istokpoga and Lake Rousseau are all featured on the list.

Bassmaster's annual rankings are highly regarded within the angling community and serve as a testament to the incredible fishing opportunities available in the Sunshine State.

“We take a tremendous amount of pride in managing our freshwater fisheries. The recognition of multiple Florida waterbodies in the Best Bass Lakes is a testament to our commitment to preserve the well-being of our aquatic ecosystems while promoting recreational fishing in Florida,” said Roger Young, FWC Executive Director.

Fellsmere, Stick Marsh and Kenansville reservoirs, in Indian River County, are all gems for bass fishing enthusiasts. The FWC made major habitat improvements to Fellsmere Reservoir prior to creation of the reservoir and the Stick Marsh is currently undergoing a large-scale habitat enhancement project by FWC and partners. The FWC recognizes the significance of these resources and remains dedicated to sustainable fishing opportunities for future generations.

Orange Lake, in Alachua and Marion counties, has long been recognized as a hotspot for bass fishing. Its fertile waters and diverse habitat provide an ideal environment for largemouth bass, making it a favorite among local and visiting anglers. The FWC continues to work closely with partners and stakeholders to enhance Orange Lake's fisheries and maintain its standing as a premier fishing destination.

Last but certainly not least, Lake Okeechobee once again earned a place on Bassmaster's prestigious list. As Florida's largest lake, Lake Okeechobee has unparalleled bass fishing opportunities. The FWC is committed to managing this iconic waterbody, using sciencebased practices to maintain its ecological balance and ensure a legendary fishing experience.

AHOY Marine, Inc. 511 E. 25th. St.Sanford, Florida 32773 Steve Meadors, President 407-323-8373 SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 32
“Top 10 Best Bass Lakes of 2023”


To maximize the enjoyment of these outstanding bass fishing destinations, the FWC encourages all anglers to familiarize themselves with local fishing regulations, including bag and size limits, licensing requirements, and any specific guidelines pertaining to each waterbody. Anglers looking to document their catch of a trophy bass; win prizes, including an annual free boat drawing; and contribute to fisheries research, should register for TrophyCatch, the FWC’s bass fishing angler recognition and citizen science program.

For more information on Florida's freshwater fishing opportunities and the FWC's conservation efforts, visit

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 33 On Beautiful Rainbow and Withlacoochee River Where Fishing is Always Great! PONTOON BOAT AND JON BOAT RENTALS GUIDE SERVICE - TACKLE SHOP - BOAT & MOTORS Come Catch a Smile! 352-489-2397 • The Gator Den NOW OPEN! Capt Bob’s View Our Full Menu Online at 2396 N. C-470, Lake Panasoffkee, Fl. 33538 352-793-2083 Closed Sundays, Mondays & Tuesdays


SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 34
Weeks Realty, Inc. 14100 North Hwy 19 Suite L Salt Springs, Fl 32134 352-685-2468 • OCALA NATIONAL FOREST! Spacious 14 X 66 single wide mobile home with a huge 20 x 23 screened porch and two storage buildings. Spacious fenced lot with nice trees. Perfect for weekends or permanent residence. $55,000.
ONE-HALF ACRE LOTS zoned A1 that fronts the Ocala National Forest in Salt Springs, also close to Lake George. Lots can be purchased together or separately. $29,000 each.
BEAUTIFUL LOTS with septic, power pole and well (not sure if it works) and an old mobile home which has no value. Value is in the lots and utilities. Fronts on paved road and is located in Ft. McCoy. Priced to sell at $19,000
OCKLAWAHA RIVERFRONT property w/a cute cottage situated on a gorgeous one acre lot. Enjoy serene views, meandering wildlife and your favorite beverage from your 10x22 deck. Has new post & wire fenced area for your pets. Near the mouth of the Rodman Pool & ATV trails in the Ocala National Forest!
GREAT VACANT LAND opportunity in Pomona Park for those seeking a quiet setting! This 9.55 acre parcel is zoned A1, wooded w/winding ATV trails throughout, deer activity and only 8 minutes from Welatka State Forest trail head. Close proximity to the St. Johns River!
SALT SPRINGS RESORT Lot 171 totaling 3,485sq ft, with a 2018 Pioneer RV, storage shed, and golf cart w/new lithium-ion batteries. The resort offers a club house, 2 pools, tennis courts, shuffleboard, dog park, dock & boat ramp to Little Lake Kerr. $88,000. The lot can be purchased separately for

There’s still time to participate in Battle of the Lakes

Anglers continue to compete for the title of “the best” in the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) Battle of the Lakes between Fellsmere Water Management Area (also known as Headwaters and Egan lakes) and Orange Lake in Florida. Bass fishing enthusiasts can join the battle with rods and reels as the friendly competition approaches the Sept. 30 deadline to determine which Florida water will be crowned the victor. The lake that tallies the heaviest weight of trophy size bass (8 pounds or larger) will be the winner and one angler from the winning side will be randomly selected for prizes from professional anglers Shaw Grigsby or JT Kenney.

At the end of July, Fellsmere was ahead with 84 trophy largemouth bass catches totaling 750 pounds. Orange Lake had 56 trophy catches entered into the contest to date totaling 546 pounds and claims the only four Hall of Fame bass weighing 13 pounds or heavier. All bass must be submitted to and approved by FWC’s TrophyCatch citizen-science program to qualify and the minimum weight is 8 pounds. “Conservation and research are the real prizes in this competition,” said Tom Graef, Director of FWC’s Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management. “Information gathered from each submission helps guide our trophy bass management activities on these waters as well as statewide.”

Echoing the FWC’s choice of Fellsmere and Orange Lake for the contest, Bassmaster recently listed both waters alongside Lake Okeechobee on its prestigious “Top 10 Best Bass Lakes of 2023,” making Florida the most represented state on the list. The catch deadline for Season 11 of TrophyCatch also ends on Sept. 30. Anglers must submit catches from this season by Oct. 15. For more information about how the FWC is focusing efforts to grow bigger bass, visit To learn more about the TrophyCatch program, visit

For general waterbody information, fishing forecasts, virtual tours, plant control operation schedules and annual workplans, boat ramp information, and more, visit the “What’s Happening on My Lake” website at To learn about Fellsmere, Orange Lake, and other top destinations to go freshwater fishing, go to and near the bottom of the page, select “Fishing Sites/Forecasts.”

For more information about the FWC’s Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management, contact Michelle.Kerr@

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 35 LAKE COUNTY
Great Local Food Menu Featuring: • Groveland Gator Bites • Swamp Cabbage Ceviche • Blackened Grouper Reuben • Locally Sourced Produce and Meats • Craft Beers - Wine & Spirits • Open 11am-9pm Daily 901 Lakeshore Blvd. Tavares, Fl. 32778 On the East Shore of Lake Eustis 352-742-4400 Saturdays-1/2ShrimpFest pound 13.99 Your way with 3 sides! Capt. Lynda Hawkins Over 30 Years Experience Bass N Gal Guide Service *Central Florida Lakes* *PRIVATE LAKES* All Tackle Included 1/2 Day $300.00 Cell 352-267-0062 Email 1/4 mile East of Dora Canal Live music Sat. 1-4


1351 A. W. North Blvd.

Leesburg, Fl. 34748


Lauren took 2nd place lady angler during the Halifax Sport Fishing Club Kingfish Bananza aboard The Vulcan out of Ponce Inlet! She held first place strong until the final ten minutes of a two hour weigh in and the last fish knocked her to 2nd place. Congratulations Lauren!!!

Astor/Pierson Citgo

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EUSTIS, FL. 80 acres that is being split off and offered for sale. Surrounded on two sides by State Forest, and protected on the other two sides by a privately owned parcel you will find yourself in a bit of hidden heaven. This gorgeous parcel is dotted with a few small ponds for your personal fishing pleasure. $15K per acre

Call Linda Lake • 352-516-6468

• Watson Realty

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 36
Owners Bill & Natalie Brooker


352-267-0062 Reports bass are being caught on the Harris chain using Rat L Traps and floating worms. A slow falling sinking weightless worm or a chrome blue or green Rat-L-Trap reeled in as slowly as possible, are both working quite well. In this heat, look for shaded areas or use your depth finders to find a drop off. Under docks where it is shaded all the time is another good place to look.

Calan at BROOKER BAIT & TACKLE 352-460-0695 said on the Harris Chain they are catching some nice bass out of the hydrillia in Lake Griffin using chatterbaits, Rat L Traps and worms. Lake Griffin is also producing some nice shellcracker and bluegill. It took only 11 pounds to win a Friday night tournament held at Buzzard Beach in Tavares.

The Bass Master Open is on the Harris Chain Oct. 12th thru the 14th. There will be an AVA two day championship Sep. 9th and 10th. The 1st of November there is a Xtreme Two day championship.

On the saltwater scene, several customers have been catching some nice Scallops and releasing some big snook.

Florida is

the Fishing Capital of the

World Florida's freshwater fisheries comprise 3 million acres of lakes, ponds and reservoirs, and approximately 12,000 miles of fishable rivers, streams and canals-with no closed seasons. The recreational fishery resources alone in these waters provide entertainment for more than 1.2 million anglers annually, who enjoyed 25.7 million days fishing recreationally in Florida's fresh waters (National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Associated Recreation-2011).

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 37 PALMERS ASTOR MARINE 22212 State Road 40 Astor, Fl. 32102 352-759-3110 *American Indian Craft * Carved Cedar Boxes *Swings & Rockers *Indoor & Outdoor Furniture *Cedar Chest *Walking Canes *Wind Mills *Country Crafts *Cedar & Cypress Furniture 352-383-3864 28625 Cypress Mill Rd. Sorrento Come get your picnic tables for Labor Day Stop in to check out our beautiful Cypress products for that special someone. Open 6 days a week Mon-Sat 9am-4pm

* Boat Lift Maintenance

* Welding & Fabrication

* Boat Repair & Maintenance

* Sea Walls/Docks/Pilings

Mobile Service Free Estimates

407-383-7767 • Capt Steele Doxtater

Custom Made Lures

By: Shelby Zona


Derek Pell, Collins Davis and Cole Stratton life long friends with a 9’7 and a 10’ gator. This was their first gator season not to bad boys great job!!

1 OZ. Head Colors

1/4oz assorted head - $6 with mylar - $7

.40z naked head - $6 with mylar - $7

1/2oz red or white head - $7 with mylar - $8

3/4oz white head - $8 with mylar - $9

1oz assorted painted head - $12 with mylar - $13

1 1/2oz red or white head - $12 with mylar - $13

Straight Hair Colors: shine white- matte white- crystalline green chatruese-green- hot pink- purple- black- blue -red

Crimped Hair Colors: crystalline green- blue- pink- orange

Westwind Witches founder Shelby Zona spent her life watching her parent’s dreams and careers flourish, oftentimes finding her own inspirations along the way. Growing up, Shelby was given a rare and unfiltered look at the ins & outs of magazine ownership. A family tradition on her mother’s side that has been passed down for over half a century, Southern States Fishn’ & Huntn’ Magazine has been providing the area’s anglers and hunting enthusiasts with quality magazines since 1965. At the other helm is her father, a well-known and respected commercial fisherman turned Captain (Southwind Charters) with over 30 years of industry knowledge under his belt. At Westwind Witches, they are more than just a business. They are a family tradition whose dedication to serving the industry has paved the way for her craft today. They understand the importance of using high-quality fishing gear, they are committed to providing their customers with exceptional service and products that they can rely on.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 38


Reel-Axing Fishing Charters

Captain John Kyp

(386) 804-9358

We're coming out of our 2 year celebration & kicking it into high gear, our next featured charter is also our 2023 #CharterGiveaway partner! Reel Axing Fishing Charters is helmed by Captain John Kyp, a local firefighter with generational roots in the waters of Volusia County. Captain John first fell in love with fishing at a very young age after firsthand experiencing everything that the family lifestyle had to offer, and now passes that experience over to all of his charter guests. Whether you want to bottom fish our local reefs or troll the wide open ocean for pelagics, he's got you covered!

This 26' Center Console Trophy Pro is an angler's dream and is well stocked for an amazing day out on the water. Recently repowered with brand new twin 150 HP Suzuki outboards, ensuring you get to spend more time catching fish- the reelaxing way! She is outfitted with top-quality Penn & Shimano fishing gear, outriggers & planners, and all necessary navigational & fish finding electronics. This vessel can comfortably accommodate up to 5 anglers, and is docked at Adventure Yacht Harbor in Port Orange. The location is also home to a restaurant that will cook your catch, one of the best ways to enjoy the fruits of your labor at the end of the day.

Growing up at Kyp's Fish Camp, Captain John and his twin brother Mike (Captain, Fire Line Charters) were offered a host of opportunities from a very young age. The camp, situated on Lake Beresford, is where Captain John first learned how to launch a boat. Well before he was able to drive a truck, he was able to operate a vessel with confidence and ease. He has spent his entire life fishing both the fresh & saltwater fisheries here, and has been a local charter Captain for over 5 years now. Captain isn't the only title John holds though, he is also the Battalion Chief with Volusia County Fire Rescue. He acquaints the charter fishing industry to being a firefighter in many ways; each day is very different from the last. A life out on the water often means working with a slew of forever changing elements, and he is always adapting to the days 'bite'.

Being a family man, Captain John's favorite part about running a charter business is being able to connect new families to fishing just as he has done with his own over the years. He maintains that his favorite type of fishing to do would certainly be bottom fishing, noting that the allure of never knowing what's at the other end of the line is a thrill second to none. Our waters are home to a wide variety of species that can be easily found in our area, and he still relishes in the opportunity to get his hands on a rod himself. No matter which trip you choose, Captain John will customize your trip based on your preferences and do his absolute best to put you on big fish, making sure you have an unforgettable day out on the water.

Trips aboard Reel Axing Fishing Charters include: 4 HR Shark Trip, 5/6 HR Nearshore/Offshore Trips, 8/10 Hour Offshore/Trolling Trips.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 39
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SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 41
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 42 386-228-3525 Marine Artist Rick Hardy Catch and Release Mounts

On Aug. 1, Governor Ron DeSantis issued a proclamation dedicating August 2023 as National Shooting Sports Month for the State of Florida. We are grateful for his recognition of hunters and target shooters as vital contributors to conservation.

WHEREAS, hunting, firearms, and shooting sports are part of the history, tradition, and culture of Florida; and

WHEREAS, increasing access to education and shooting sports provides opportunities to safely learn to shoot and to responsibly increase public participation in shooting sports and hunting; and

WHEREAS, sport shooting and training ranges are widely used and enjoyed by Floridians across the state and are a component of the guarantees of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; and

WHEREAS, Theodore Roosevelt and his fellow founding members of his hunting and habitat conservation club wrote in their 1887 founding charter that shooting sports “promote manly sport with the rifle,” “promote travel and exploration in the wild and unknown…portions of the country,” and encourage “preservation of the large game of this country;” and

WHEREAS, Governor DeSantis has delivered on preserving Florida’s natural resources by securing more than $600 million for the preservation of land through the Florida Forever Program, conserving nearly 175,000 acres of habitat for native fauna to thrive; and

WHEREAS, Governor DeSantis signed legislation in 2023 to provide constitutional carry in Florida; and

WHEREAS, Florida’s sportsmen and women were among the first conservationists to support the establishment of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to conserve fish, wildlife, and their habitat, and help fund state efforts to provide healthy and sustainable natural resources; and

WHEREAS, World Champion shooter Dania Vizzi stated, “As a professional shooter I am not only proud, but fortunate to live in Florida where my rights are protected as both an athlete and a hunter. With these freedoms, I’ve been able to become a World Champion and bring home multiple World Cup medals while representing the United States of America and the Great State of Florida;” and

WHEREAS, FWC hunter education courses cover the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to be a safe hunter, and offer opportunities to safely learn to shoot and to responsibly increase public participation in shooting sports and hunting; and

WHEREAS, the FWC is committed to safely supporting the needs of recreational target shooters, hunters, and hunter safety students, and manages 11 shooting ranges across the state; and

WHEREAS, sportsmen and hunters teach others to understand the responsibilities of owning and using a firearm, while also working to ensure that our natural resources are safeguarded.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing August 2023 as Shooting Sports Month.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 43 We Buy-Sell-Trade New & Used Firearms Our 68th Year- Since 1954 Champion Gun Safes with Free Delivery Large Selection of Major Brands PSE Archery Dealer with Archery Pro shop 607 West International Speedway Blvd. Daytona Beach, Florida 386-252-8471 WWW.BUCKSGUNRACK.COM FREE 6 MONTHS LAYAWAY! BEEF JERKY To Try Some visit WWW.HOLLOWPOINTJERKY.COM
Governor Ron DeSantis issues proclamation for National Shooting Sports Month in Florida

Mention this ad and receive $100 off Hog, Deer & Turkey Hunts!


August 15th-January 1st

3 DAYS HUNTS $1,295.00

5 DAY HUNTS $1,995.00 Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!

We have the longest deer season in the US August 15th-January 1st, with weapon of choice for the entire season. The velvet hunts last through Labor Day weekend and the rut is throughout the months of October and November. We hunt seven days a week and allow two bucks per day, only with one small (under 12" wide) per hunter, per season.

We have open areas where first timers can take a buck, Long Managed Trophy Areas where bucks must be a minimum of 15" outside spread. Then we have our special Big Trophy Area, where the bucks have been on strict management for only mature bucks for the past 13 seasons, the bucks there have to be 16" outside spread of 110 Boone and Crockett Score. That area will be for very serious Trophy Hunters only.

SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 44

Spring Turkey Season March 20th-May 5th

3 Days $1,395

Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!

Turkey Season opens on March 20th each year and runs through May 5th. We have 5,500 of prime turkey woods with a mixture of river bottoms, pine ridges and lots of food plots planted with chuffas, the turkey’s favorite. Our seasoned guides are very familiar with our properties and are very personable and experienced. While on your turkey hunt , if you would like to sit for a wild hog in the afternoon, you are allowed to take one hog during the three day hunt for no extra charge. We have lots of them and some really big ones.

Wild Hog Hunts Year Round

3 Days $1,095

Meals & Lodging Included with all pricing!

We can hunt hogs year round and some of our most productive hunts this past year took place in May, June and July. We have plenty of land now with hogs to be able to hunt large groups, up to 10. We can even accommodate bow groups that large. Hogs are very smart animals, don’t come thinking they are just dumb farm animals. This is a fun hunt for all who just do not want to quit hunting after their deer season closes.

The finest deer, hog, and turkey hunting in the low-country of South Carolina! • 803-267-2825 • 10640
Road Ehrhardt, South Carolina
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 45
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 46 386-341-0793 OPEN 11am to 5pm Saturday & Sunday • 3D ARCHERY RANGE • FULL SERVICE PRO SHOP • BOW TECH ON SITE • ON-SITE ACCOMODATIONS • New 3D MOBILE RANGE 385 Gobbler’s Lodge Rd. Osteen, Fl.
SSFHMagazine Sept/Oct 2023 Page 47

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