6 1 0 2 er m m U S
, s er p m a C d n a s nt are r Pprograms: Deaour
Is it June yet?
After spending every minute since August improving our programs and fine-tuning our camp experiences, the Summer at Sandy Spring team cannot wait to create another unforgettable summer program for our 2016 campers! We have been inspiring laughter, fun, and new learning experiences for over 20 years, and we are extremely proud and excited to be providing another year of camp to our families.
At Summer at Sandy Spring, we offer our campers a wide range of opportunities to explore their talents, discover new friendships, and gain invaluable skills and knowledge in safe and supportive learning environments. We have a wide range of programs that appeal to our campers’ diverse academic, creative, athletic, and environmental interests. Last summer we hired some fantastic counselors from overseas and were so impressed with what they added to our camp that we will be hiring international counselors again this summer to work with us. We’ve also heard your voices and we are excited to announce the very first year of our Trailblazer Friends Camp for middle school campers! Now our campers “graduating” from Senior Friends Camp will be able to continue the fun of being in our renowned Friends Camps while having the opportunity to choose longer workshops geared specifically to rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
creaTIve comPanY
We’ve also been preparing our state-of-the-art facilities and extensive natural grounds so that they are ready for the summer. Our 140-acre campus includes a natural playground, a spring-fed pond (one of only two natural swimming areas in Montgomery County) and a cooperative challenge ropes course, just to name a few unique features.
Friends Camp
Our professional staff has also been hard at work developing weekly themes and camp-wide activities that bring our camp community together. Summer at Sandy Spring remains as committed as ever to building the character and self-esteem of our campers, supporting them as they learn and grow, and fostering friendships that last a lifetime.
To top this all off, Summer at Sandy Spring is an American Camp Association accredited camp! The accreditation process has validated that the work we are doing conforms to the best practices of camps around the country. The accreditation has also given us access to the best thinkers in the industry, so we can further improve our program with outstanding resources.
The 2016 edition of Summer at Sandy Spring is going to be one to remember, and we hope to welcome you so you can see for yourself what we’re so excited about. We look forward to seeing you in June!
Bill Mena Director of Boarding and International Admissions and Director of Auxiliary Programs
fun for the kids!
Flexible for the parents! Families may register for: • A full-day recreation program of
non-stop fun! • A Before Care program for campers who need to be dropped off early (7:30 am–8:30 am). • An After Care program for campers who need to be picked up later (4:00 pm–6:00 pm).
Contact Info Office: (301) 774-7455 x167 E-mail: camp@ssfs.org Fax: (301) 830-6847
summeratsand yspring.org
Join us for our open house! Saturday, March 5th, 2016 10 AM–1 PM
Private Tours Available by Appointment
About us
Sandy Spring Friends school Summer at Sandy Spring takes place on the 140-acre wooded campus of the Sandy Spring Friends School. Sandy Spring Friends School (SSFS) has been an educational institution for over 50 years. SSFS is a PrePrimary through 12th Grade (ages 3-18) college preparatory day school for about 575 boys and girls with an optional boarding program in the Upper School. Founded in 1961, SSFS is located in the historic Quaker community of Sandy Spring in the heart of Montgomery County, Maryland, only 30 minutes from Baltimore and Washington, D.C. The school offers a diverse student body, strong academics that include Advanced Placement courses in the Upper School, arts, athletic programs, and an emphasis on traditional Quaker values. The school also has several state-of-theart performance spaces, athletic fields and courts, and science facilities.
History Summer at Sandy Spring (formerly Summer Friends Day Camps) was founded in 1992 at Sandy Spring Friends School (SSFS) as a service to SSFS faculty and families, providing a unique summer experience grounded in Quaker values. The camp goals were to engage in exploration, learning, friendship, and summer-time fun. These core values remain, even as our program has adapted to the needs of our busy families. Come join us and see all the fun we’re having!
Why Summer At Sandy Spring?
Summer at Sandy Spring is Proud to Be Accredited by the American Camp Association!
The American Camp Association (ACA) is a • Flexible scheduling and cost community of camp professionals dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults • A variety of activities for all age groups & interests through the camp experience. A cornerstone • Safe, nurturing environment of the ACA’s efforts is its Accreditation • New Middle School programs for 2016 include Process—a way of grading how camps are Adventure Camp (with overnight option) and the new doing. The standards against which camps are Trailblazer Friends Camp with extended workshop time measured ensure that each camp complies and choices including: with approximately 300 distinct health, LEGO® Robotics safety, and program-quality benchmarks. Culinary Arts Beyond a state’s basic licensing requirements, Farming Fun ACA Standards address specific areas Soccer & Basketball of programming, personnel, health care, Adventure Challenge emergency response, management practices, Fishing and youth development. Standards are applied Beginning Guitar to all activities in camp. Computer Programming
Camp Art Journals
• Low camper to counselor ratio • Proven record of success for over 20 years • Our own buses for pick up, drop off & field trips • Celebration of Quaker values including Honesty, Non-violence, & Social Responsibility
The ACA collaborates with experts from The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, and other youth service agencies to assure that current practices at your child’s camp reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in camp operation. Camps and the ACA form a partnership that promotes growth and fun in an environment committed to safety. ACA Accreditation is the best evidence parents have of a camp’s commitment to a safe and nurturing environment for their children. We are very proud of this achievement which required significant self-study, preparation, training and tremendous attention to protocol and process. Our entire team is committed to holding the camp to a very high standard day-in and day-out so that we can provide a safe and nurturing summer experience for our campers. Additional information on what is entailed in accreditation can be found at www.acacamps.org.
s p m a C s d n e i r F
Lit tle Fr ien ds : 3-4 Yea r Old s Ju nio r Fr ien ds : Ent erin g Gra des Pre K-1 In te rm ed iat e Fr ien ds : Ent erin g Gra des 2-3 Se nio r Fr ien ds : Ent erin g Gra des 4-6 Tr ail bla ze r Fr ien ds *: Ent erin g Gra des 6-8
*N ew Thi s Yea r! 4 yea r old cam per s hav e the opt ion of reg iste rin g for the Lit tle Frie nds or Jun ior Frie nds cam ps. 6th grade campers have the option of reg Senior Friends Camp, Trailblazer camps, istering for the or both (not during the same week).
Little Friends Camp
3 and 4 Year Olds
Cabin Groups: Puppies and Kittens
y looks like: What a typical da tions Full-day or Half-day Op
9:0 0 am 9:2 0 am
Little Friends, Big Experiences It’s never too early to start being a camper with our Little Friends Camp! Our Little Friends Camp is designed to provide 3 and 4 year olds* with a half or full day of activities that emphasize friendship, fun, learning, and new discoveries! The program offers a safe and age-appropriate environment that nurtures curiosity and builds self-confidence among young campers. Little Friends Camp also offers a 4:1 camper to staff ratio to ensure that proper care, attention and developmental support are given to each and every child.
9:4 5 am
Ar riv al at Ca mp Mo rn in g Gr ou p Ga me s Ac tiv ity Ar ts & Cr af ts or Sp ec ial
Le go 10: 45 am Sn ac k &
ve nt ur e 11:0 0 am Yo ga or Ad
11:3 0 am Lu nc h 12: 15 pm
St or yt im e an d Re lax at ion OR Di sm iss al
1:0 0 pm
Sp or ts Fu n
1:3 0 pm
2:0 0 pm 3:0 0 pm 4:0 0 pm
Sp las h Tim e & Sn ac k Na tu re W alk Kr az y Ka mp Ga me s Di sm iss al
*4 year old campers have the option of registering for the Little Friends or Junior Friends camps.
Junior Friends Camp Entering Grades PreK-1 Cabin Groups: Butterflies, Ladybugs, Fireflies, and Grasshoppers *4 year old campers have the option of registering for the Little Friends or Junior Friends camps.
Nurturing Staff and Well-Balanced Activities
What a typical day looks like: Ar ri va l at C am p 9: 00 am
9: 20 am 9: 45 am
M or ni ng As se m bl y Ar t & C oo ki ng
10 :30 am
Pl ay gr ou nd Fu n
11 :30 am 12 :0 0 pm
Lu nc h
12 :30 pm
G ro up G am es Sc ie nc e/ C ir cu s Ar ts
1:3 0 pm
Pl ay gr ou nd Fu n Sw im & W at er Pl ay
2:3 0 pm
N at ur e W al k
3:0 0 pm
Sp or ts
4: 00 pm
D is m is sa l
1:0 0 pm
r Spe Check out ou
e e W t s e e b e Wild Aug. 8-12
Summer at Sandy Spring’s Junior Friends Camp is the perfect place for young campers to meet new friends, make new learning discoveries, and have plenty of summer fun! This fullday program for children ages 4* to 6 nurtures campers’ curiosity and offers a fun summer experience in a safe environment. The activities are age-specific and focus on the everchanging, ever-developing needs of this age group. Every day presents opportunities for our young campers to socialize, have fun, learn new skills, build self-confidence and make new discoveries. They have a well-rounded schedule with sports, art, music, swimming, and much more. They also take part in fun camp-wide activities.
For program dates see chart on page 22.
What a typical day looks like: 9:0 0
9:2 0
Ar riv al at Ca m p M or ni ng As se m bl y
9:4 5
Gr ou p Ac tiv ity Ti m e
11: 45
12: 45
Lu nc h
1:3 0
In st ru ct io na l Sw im Af te rn oo n W or ks ho p
2:3 0
Gr ou p Sp or ts Ev en t
3:3 0
Sn ac k
4:0 0
Di sm iss al
Intermediate Friends Camp Entering Grades 2-3 Cabin Groups: Otters, Chipmunks, Woodchucks, Foxes, and Raccoons
Fun Choices and Workshops We blend the best of traditional camp with our Workshop Program! Intermediate campers have a wide variety of activities throughout the day. Each day they enjoy one personally selected workshop, water activities, a delicious lunch, group games with friends, a choice activity in the afternoon, and snack time. On top of all that fun, there are weekly themes and special events that are scheduled all summer long.
See In Work termedia on pa shop choicte ge 10 es . Check out our Sp
Wildebeest Wee
Aug. 8-12
k! 8
Senior Friends
What a typical day looks like: Ar riv al at Ca m p M or ni ng As se m bl y M or ni ng W or ks ho p
9:0 0
Entering Grades 4-6
9:2 0
Cabin Groups: Ravens, Orioles, Baysox, Terrapins, and Wizards
9:4 5
11: 00
Gr ou p Ac tiv ity Ti m e
12: 15
Lu nc h
Space to Grow
12: 45
2:0 0
Af te rn oo n W or ks ho p ce Sw im m in g & Aq ua Bo un
Senior campers participate in a variety of daily activities. Each day they enjoy two personally selected workshops, swimming (weather permitting), lunch, group games with their friends, a choice activity, and snack time. With weekly themes and special events all summer long, our senior campers always make the most of camp.
3:1 5
Sn ac k
4:0 0
Di sm iss al
See Senior Workshop ch oices on page 10.
Check out ou
r Special
Wildebeest W eek! Aug. 8-1 2
11 9
Workshops for Intermediate and Senior Friends Grades 2-6 Campers help build their own schedules by selecting different workshops! Workshops are one week in duration. Campers in INTERMEDIATE FRIENDS CAMP choose one workshop for each week they are in camp. Some campers want to choose the same workshop each week and others like to try out a variety of different workshops. Campers in SENIOR FRIENDS CAMP get to choose one AM and one PM workshop for each week! Both morning and afternoon workshops are the same length of time. Workshops may be cancelled based on enrollment. Full workshop descriptions are found on our website. Sign up for different workshops to experience our camp’s many offerings!
Workshop list (Sample of Offerings) INTERMEDIATES
Academics (AM) Adventure Challenge Dance & Yoga Krazy Kamp Games LEGO® Fun Nature Crafts Sports Galore STEAM-ers Theatre Games Tiny Treasures
Academics Adventure Challenge Basketball Campers in Action Campy Creations Dance and Yoga LEGO Robotics Summer Science Video Production
Camp Art Journals Flag Football Flight Science Fun Clapping Krazy Kamp Games Soccer STEAM-ers Theatre Games Tiny Treasures
Workshop schedules and full workshop descriptions can be found on our website.
Academics Workshop Mornings, open to grades Pre-K-6 $135/week
Reading: Our fun-filled reading sessions reinforce a variety of important skills, ranging from decoding words and building vocabulary to identifying the key elements in a story and understanding the difference between a main idea and supporting details in written work. Instructors tailor developmentally appropriate learning strategies to each student’s level of ability. Children are immersed in literature that naturally increases their enthusiasm for reading.
Writing These intensive sessions focus on five key aspects of the writing process: brainstorming, outlining, writing a first draft, editing, and publishing. Children engage in both expository and creative writing assignments. Younger students dictate their thoughts and ideas to the teacher to discover how spoken words can be seen in writing; older students build on existing skills to improve their writing mechanics and ability to express thoughts and ideas on paper.
Math These sessions focus primarily on helping children understand mathematical concepts, work with numbers and operations, and develop reasoning and problem-solving skills. Emphasis is placed on �drill and skill� and problem-solving experiences customized to different learning styles.
12 11
Our two-hour Academics Workshop runs Monday through Friday mornings for campers enrolled in our Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Friends camps. It is designed to provide children with both practice and enrichment in core academic subjects. The goal is to foster a love of learning while helping students master and move beyond important grade-level skills. Students are taught in small groups based on ability. The Camp Office will provide a Parent Educational Assessment that is required by all Academics Workshop students. Instructors perform assessments on the first day with new campers.
STEAM-ers Workshop
afternoons, open to grades 2-6 $70/week Our afternoon STEAM-ers Workshop is a great opportunity to introduce and develop your camper’s love of science. This one-hour workshop runs Monday through Thursday afternoons. STEAM = Science and Technology interpreted through Engineering and the Arts, all based in Mathematical elements. In this workshop, campers will explore all the STEAM elements and bring them together in practical and FUNctional ways. The challenges our next generation faces will demand creative solutions. Creativity and ingenuity have always been central to American progress. STEAM-ers celebrates our campers’ innovation and challenges them to solve problems using creative engineering, science, art, math, and technology. Campers will engage in hands-on projects, problem solving, and collaboration. Working in a free flowing workspace designed to encourage flexibility of thought and creative problem solving, campers will be given challenges and work individually and as a team to come up with creative solutions. STEAM-ers workshop promotes critical thinking and creativity and teaches kids not to be afraid to take intellectual risks.
Trailblazer Friends Entering Grades 6-8 Cabin Groups: Lewis & Clark, Wilma Rudolph, Amelia Earhart, Horace Mann, and Lewis Latimer
What a typical day looks like: 9:0 0
9:3 0
12: 30
1:1 5
2:1 5
4:0 0
Ti m e Ar riv al at Ca m p/ Ca bi n M or ni ng W or ks ho p Lu nc h es Sw im m in g/ Gr ou p Ga m Af te rn oo n W or ks ho p
Di sm iss al
Extended Workshops Trailblazer campers participate in a variety of daily activities. Each week they enjoy two daily workshops. Their morning workshop will be their major interest as it is an extended three-hour workshop (see workshop choices on page 14). They will also have fun swimming and flying high on our aqua bounce (weather permitting) in our Wildebeest Watering Hole. With weekly themes and special events all summer long, our middle school campers will have a blast connecting with friends both new and old, having extended time to do what they love, and enjoying all the possibilities of our 140 beautiful acres!
Check out ou
r Special
Wildebeest W eek! Aug. 8-1 2
14 13
Trailblazer Friends Workshops
Trailblazer campers build their own schedules by selecting different workshops that are one week in duration. They choose one morning and one afternoon workshop per week. Some campers want to choose the same workshop each week and others like to try out a variety of different workshops. Morning workshop times are extended to 3 hours to make sure that campers spend good, quality time doing the activity that they enjoy the most! This is their “major” workshop. Afternoon workshops are approximately one and a quarter hours and are considered their “minor” workshop. Actual times may vary slightly because of either weather conditions or other fun all-camp events or activities. Workshops may be cancelled based on enrollment. Not all workshops are offered each week. Full workshop descriptions and schedules are found on our website. Sign up for different workshops to experience our camp’s many offerings!
Trailblazer Workshop list
(Sample of Offerings) MORNING WORKSHOPS (3 HRS)
Adven ture Challe nge Baske tball Culina ry Arts Drawi ng & Painti ng Electr onic Game Design Farmin g Fun Fishin g LEGO® Robot ics Socce r Theatr e & Impro visatio n
Beginn ing Guitar Camp Art Journa ls Campe rs in Action Chess Hip Hop Multi-Sports Scratc h Compu ter Progra mming Summ er Scienc e Video Produ ction
Trailblazer Adventure Camp Grades 6-8
many different itineraries Adventure Camp is a great way to get out and go places this summer. With ence five days of to choose from, there is something to pique every interest. Campers will experi Adventure Park at Sandy excitement and trips to a variety of places, with activities ranging from the during the week of July Spring Friends School to Kayaking, from Rock Climbing to Geocaching. And website for each week’s 5th we will even have an overnight camping trip at Jellystone Park! See our to join them the next day! specific itinerary. The stories you will hear over dinner will make you want
Simply Soccer
Dates: June 20th – June 24th 9am-12pm Boys and Girls, Grades 4-8 *Optional: Lunch and SSFS Half–Day Camp (additional cost of $165)
Coach Spotlight: Jeff Rohrman
• •
Head Varsity Men’s Soccer Coach at SSFS Technical Director of Girls State Cup Teams at Bethesda Soccer Club
Holds a US Soccer “A” License
Former Head Coach and Assistant Coach at University of Wisconsin and University of Maryland
Holds ACC Regular Season Championship, ACC Tournament Championship, and a Final Four Appearance
Coach Spotlight:
Nancy Rohrman • •
20 Year Coaching Veteran 2-Time Coach of the Year Winner at Middleton Yahara Soccer Club
Worked With Players from State and Regional ODP Teams, US Youth National Teams, and the US Women’s National Team
National Championship Winning Coach (Bethesda Girls Program)
Join other budding young soccer stars in the summer sports experience of a lifetime! By pairing your young athlete with veteran coaches, this camp will enhance and develop his or her knowledge, skill and understanding of the game through fun and competitive skill workshops, drills, and active play. Soccer players of all skill levels will come away with an increased understanding of the techniques and tactics essential for continued success and will build the skills to put their new knowledge to work in a match. Spots are limited to ensure quality instruction from our championship-winning coaches, so don’t wait—apply today!
16 16
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp Dates: July 11- 15, 18-22, and July 25-29 9am-4pm Boys and Girls, Grades 6-8
Whether you are a budding fashion designer interested in apparel or a creative camper who loves making crafts, then our Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp may be just the thing! Under the direction of The Handwork Studio team, counselors will guide campers each week on using a sewing machine, choosing from over 20 different patterns, many created by Simplicity Creative Group, and bolts and bolts of tempting fabrics to bring style and flare to every creation. We focus on individualization and encourage our campers to learn to make confident design choices. There are more than enough options to keep campers excited about creating. Family and friends are invited to a Fashion Show in the afternoon on the last day of each week.
Basketball Academy Dates: June 20th – June 24th, June 27th–July 1st 9am-4pm (9am-8pm Thursdays) Grades 4-7
Coach Parker Basketball Academy is a premier camp for 4th – 7th grade boys and girls. The Academy focuses on skill development, individual offense, defense and team strategies. We are passionate about coaching and our training programs are about more than just playing basketball. Our athletes have fun building a foundation and knowledge of the game and teamwork that will last a lifetime!
Coach Spotlight:
Carl Parker •
Sandy Springs Friends School Head Coach & Director of Basketball Performance and Head Strength & Conditioning Coach, Washington Adventist University
Led the Sandy Spring team to their best record in four seasons in his first year
Over 10 years coaching experience
Our program emphasizes the importance of confident leadership and teamwork, both of which form the basis of our philosophy and our strategy. Program includes a nutritious buffet lunch, team building activities, video analysis, games and skill work. Explore the fun at www. CoachParkerBasketball.com.
Counselor in Training Grades 9-10
The CIT (Counselor in Training) Program is designed for young leaders who are inte rested in becoming summer camp counselors or professionals in the education field. CITs receive leadership and childcare training and lear n what it’s like to work with a team. We have put together opportunities for our CITs to gain valuable training that will serve them wel l both in the camp setting and in other employment environments. During this 4 week program, all CITs will earn certifications in CPR and First Aid. CITs will spend time in individual programs as cou nselors and will return to their peers to disc uss what they have learned. They will also receive instruction in different skill areas. CITs will lear n about child development, how to write a resume, and will participate in a mock inte rview. They will also learn water safety and team -building facilitation skills. After completing the CIT program, those interested in volunteering at camp can fill out an application and interview for the opportu nity to volunteer during the subsequent weeks at camp. *It is possible to obtain community servi ce hours towards high school graduation through this program. CITs must check with the individual schools before camp begins. Summer at Sandy Spring is SSL approved by Montgomery County Public Schools.
Drobots camp
afternoons, open to grades 5-8 $375/week Drobots Camp incorporates the excitement and education of drone technology to stimulate STEM learning in an energetic, friendly and innovative environment! Ever heard of drone racing? Movie-making with drones? Drobots Camp is more than simply science, engineering, technology, and math. It’s where education, creativity, teamwork and fun all come together! Throughout the week, students will explore this rapidly growing field by learning the basic mechanics and actual operational skills of remotecontrolled vehicles and drones. Campers will learn drone safety, maintenance, and future drone-related careers, all while studying the mechanical engineering side of this equipment and having a blast! Campers will test their skills, flying around and through obstacles while working in functional teams during friendly competitions. Teams will design their own drone technology concepts and applications, creating their very own drone business model. The Drobot teams also storyboard and create a short film using drones and GoPro technology! Campers will communicate with industry leaders via videoconference to learn from professionals, scientists and entrepreneurs who use drone technology on a daily basis. For more information about The Drobots Company, please visit www.drobotscompany.com.
General Information Staff
Summer at Sandy Spring has some of the
The facilities at Sandy Spring Friends School
best staff in the business! About one third
include a 140-acre wooded campus, two
of our staff have ties to Sandy Spring Friends
gymnasiums, state-of-the-art performing
School as teachers, parents, coaches, or
arts center, black box theater, amphitheater,
students. The staff are carefully selected,
dance studio, Mac lab, PC lab, state-of-
mature individuals who care greatly about
the-art science classrooms, low and high
children. Virtually all Head Counselors
ropes challenge courses, natural playground,
have graduated from college; most are
rock climbing wall, camp fire ring, organic
teachers or coaches during the school year.
community garden, swimming pond, stream,
All staff undergo both FBI and Maryland
miles of walking paths, a cross-country
state background checks. There is a Head
trail, regulation baseball and softball fields,
Counselor assigned to each group. We have
several soccer and lacrosse fields, several art
a 1:4 staff-to-camper ratio for our Little
studios, and much more.
Friends Camp; a 1:6 ratio for our Junior Camp; a 1:8 ratio for our Intermediate Camp;
and a 1:10 ratio for our Senior Friends Camp.
The SSFS campus is in a prominent area
All other camps keep a 1:10 ratio or better.
of Montgomery County. It backs up to Woodlawn Manor—a trusted Park Police facility—and our nurturing, caring staff
contribute to a safe camp environment for
Summer at Sandy Spring camp hours
children. There is always a registered nurse
are 8:30 am–4:00 pm.
Extended care
on duty during the normal camp day. In
is offered in both the morning and
addition, most counselors have received
afternoon. Morning care begins at 7:30
first aid and CPR certification. All aquatics
am. Afternoon care runs until 6:00 pm. In
staff are certified lifeguards with additional
addition, Summer at Sandy Spring offers
specific training in waterfront safety.
transportation to and from camp.
Camp-wide Activities & Water Fun Our campus truly boasts 140 acres of possibilities! In addition to activities listed in program descriptions, campers may participate in nature walks, ropes challenge course activities, adventure park visits, live shows, art, dance, music, carnival days, field trips, playground free play, computer lab time, and Friday clubs. We are also excited to offer opportunities for water fun in our swimming pond, complete with sandy beach! Please visit our website for a full description of our aquatics program.
Lunch and Snacks Lunch and snacks are provided for all full-day campers. If campers are on a field trip, a bag lunch will be provided. A morning and afternoon snack is provided for all campers. Campers are urged to bring a labeled water bottle and refill it several times a day. We are an ALLERGY AWARE summer camp. Children on special diets or in need of special foods will be given individual attention. Please speak to the Camp Office to make arrangements. At least one camp counselor sits at each lunch table to assist and monitor campers.
Registration To begin registration, please visit our website
Summer at Sandy Spring offers transportation
at www.summeratsandyspring.org. Click the
to and from camp from a variety of D.C.
Register tab and follow the instructions. There
and Baltimore metro area locations. Our
will be a one-time registration fee of $40 and
bus drivers have CDL licenses and all of our
a $175 per child non-refundable deposit, which
buses have passed the appropriate MD state inspection. Please go to the website and click on Transportation under General Info to see the bus stop schedules and locations.
are due at the time of registration. No refunds will be issued after April 1, 2016. Full payment must be received no later than April 1, 2016.
Medical Form An online medical form, found in your registration account, MUST be completed for each camper in order to attend camp. If you have any specific medical concerns or questions, please contact the Camp Office.
More information at: summeratsandyspring.org
ise no ted ) Ra tes pe r we ek (un les s oth erw
Camp T-Shirt, Hot Lunch, Daily Snacks, and TONS of fun!
Fr ie nd s ca mp
$315 $165 $110 $315 $360
Little Friends Camp (5 Full Days) -12:3opm) Little Friends Camp (5 Half Days, 9:30am -12:3opm (M/W/F) Little Friends Camp (3 Half Days, 9:30am p Junior, Intermediate, or Senior Friends Cam Trailblazer Friends Camp
$135 $70
AM Academics Workshop (Jr.,Int. & Senior) PM STEAM-ers Workshop (Int. & Senior)
W il d eb ee s t w ee k
beest Week (Aug.8-12) Junior or Intermediate Wilde g. 8-12) Senior Wildebeest Week (Au (Aug. 8-12) Trailblazer Wildebeest Week
$335 $395 $395
During this special week campers will get to experience even MORE exciting activities at camp. Seniors and Trailblazers will also get to go on exciting trips! Please see our website for schedules and more information.
sp ec ia lty op po rt un iti es Adventure Camp, 9am – 4pm (grades 6-8) Simply Soccer Camp, 9am – 12pm (grades 4-8) Simply Soccer + ½ Day Friends Camp, 9am – 4pm (grades 4-8) Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp, 9am – 4pm (grades 6-8) Coach Parker Basketball Academy at Sandy Spring Friends School, 9am – 4pm (9am – 8pm Thursdays) (grades 4-7) Counselor in Training – 4 weeks, 9am – 4pm (grades 9-10) Drobots Camp, 9am – 4pm, (grades 5-8)
$495 $150 $315 $495 $270/wk $190/wk x 4 weeks $375/wk
*High school stud en please visit our “W ts interested in working or volunt ee orking at Camp” w eb page for more inring at camp, formation.
Extended Day AM Care, 7:30am – 8:30am PM Care, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Aftercare in the Trees, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
$30 $90 $145
Late fee (per minute past 6:00pm) Bus Transportation - one way Bus Transportation - round trip
$1 $70 $130
Registration Fee Non-Refundable Deposit
$40 $175
For you Early Birds! Enroll for at least two weeks of camp before February 29th, 2016 and receive $50 off your total bill! To receive your discount, you must pay the required registration fee. The discount will be applied to your final bill once registration fee and forms have been received. Restrictions apply, so please visit summeratsandyspring.org for details.
Summer at Sandy Spring CAMP Age/Grade 3 years old
4 years old**
July 5-8*
July 11-15
July 18-22
July 25-29
Aug 1-5
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
Little Friends
June 20-24
June 27-July 1
Little Friends
Little Friends ---------
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Entering K - 1st grade
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Junior Friends
Entering 2nd - 3rd grade
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Intermediate Friends
Senior Friends ---------
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Entering 4th - 5th grade
Simply Soccer ---------
Entering 6th grade***
Basketball Academy
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Trailblazer Friends
Trailblazer Friends
Entering 7th - 8th grade
Adventure Camp ---------
Basketball Academy
Basketball Academy
Trailblazer Friends
Trailblazer Friends
Simply Soccer
Adventure Camp
Basketball Academy
Entering 9th - 10th grade
Basketball Academy
Simply Soccer
Basketball Academy
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
----------------Trailblazer Friends
Trailblazer Friends ---------
Trailblazer Friends
Adventure Camp
Trailblazer Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Senior Friends
Trailblazer Friends
Trailblazer Friends
Adventure Camp ---------
Adventure Camp
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp
Trailblazer Friends
Trailblazer Friends ---------
--------Trailblazer Friends ---------
Drobots Camp
Drobots Camp
Trailblazer Friends ---------
Trailblazer Friends
Adventure Camp Adventure Camp
Adventure Camp ---------
Adventure Camp
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp
Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp
Drobots Camp
Counselors in Training
--------Drobots Camp†
Trailblazer Friends ---------
Junior Friends
Drobots Camp †
Adventure Camp ---------
Senior Friends
Counselors in Training
* Camp is closed Monday, July 4th ** 4 year old campers have the option of registering for the Little Friends or Junior Friends camps. † Campers entering the 5th grade have the option of registering for Drobots Camp.
Aug 8-12 Wildebeest Week
*** 6th grade campers have the option registering for the Friends Camp, Trailblazer Camps, or both (not during the same week). For more information, go to the FAQ page on our website.
--------Drobots Camp
Pick-up and Drop-off Safety First! You will receive a placard on your first day to use for pick up and drop off—if you have multiple drivers, please let us know and we will provide additional placards and copies of this information. There are other programs located on our campus, so please note that these instructions are specifically for Summer at Sandy Spring.
• Be sure to remain in line with all vehicles as they process through the drop off/pick up lanes. • Please pull your car as close as possible to the car in front of you as you move through the drop off/pick up lanes. • Please extend road courtesies to all drivers on the campus. • Be sure to be aware of and yield to all pedestrians.
Don’ts • Never pass a school bus that is stopped with flashing red lights. • Do not use your cell phone (calling, texting) while driving. • Do not drop off or pick up your camper(s) along the roadside, or in the lanes of any parking lot.
For pick up, there’s no need to park! We will use our walki e-talkies to call your camper to the pic kup area. If you need to pick yo ur child up early, please contact the offi ce no later than noon of that day. Whe n you arrive, park in a designated parking space and walk in and sign your camper out in the Camp Office. Summer at Sandy Spring makes full use of ou r 140 acres, so it is important that you no tify us in advance so that we can have your camper ready and waiting for you. So as not to interfere with afternoon carpool, we ask that early pick-ups be completed by 3:00pm .
1 Lower School Circle
and Camp Office
DROP OFF Before Care Drop Off – 7:30-8:30 am - Lower School Circle
Morning Drop Off – 8:30-9 am - Lower School Circle
PICK UP Afternoon Pick Up – 3:30-4 pm - Lower School Circle
After Care Pick Up – 4-6 pm - Lower School Circle
After Care in the Trees Pick Up - The Adventure Park, next door, at 16701 Norwood Road. In case of inclement weather, campers will return to campus and you will receive a phone call to pick them up from campus according to normal procedures.
Contact Information Summer at Sandy Spring’s Camp Office is located at:
For information about Sandy Spring Friends School please contact:
Sandy Spring Friends School 16923 Norwood Road Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Tony McCudden
Suzannah Hopkins
Director of Enrollment Management, Grades 9-12 (Day Students) (301) 774-7455 ext. 182
Director of Lower and Middle School Admission, Grades PK – 8 (301) 774-7455 ext. 106
Phone: (301) 774-7455 x167 Fax: (301) 830-6847 camp@ssfs.org summeratsandyspring.org
Bill Mena
Dawn Griffith
Director of Boarding and International Admissions and Director of Auxiliary Programs
Director of Financial Aid (301) 774-7455 ext. 231
(301) 774-7455 ext. 163