May 28, 2023, The Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday, Holy Eucharist

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The Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday


May 28, 2023

Welcome to the Monastery Chapel. We warmly invite you to participate fully in our worship.

Prelude Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Dietrich Buxtehude

Entrance Hymn O day of radiant gladness Hymnal 48

Opening Acclamation

Presider Alleluia! Christ is risen!

People The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Collect for Purity

Presider Almighty God, People to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Vidi aquam Sung by Schola as all are aspersed with Baptismal waters

Hymn of Praise Glory to God in the highest Hymnal S 280

Collect of the Day

T HE S OCIETY OF S AINT J OHN THE E VANGELIST 980 Memorial Drive  Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138  617.876.3037 


First Reading Acts 2:1-21

Gradual: Psalm 104:25-35, 37 BCP, p. 736

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

The Holy Gospel John 20:19-23


The Apostles’ Creed

Presider I believe in God, People the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

The Prayers of the People The Peace


The Collection of Gifts and Offerings

Your financial gifts support the Brothers’ life and our ministry to many, here at our Monastery in Cambridge and at our rural Monastery, Emery House, in West Newbury, and others whom we reach electronically and in our travels on mission.

Invitation to Communion

Presider Behold what you are.

People May we become what we receive.

A Note about Holy Communion

Following Diocesan guidelines, please refrain from intinction (dipping the Bread into the Chalice). If you wish to abstain from receiving from the Chalice, remember that the Church catholic has always taught that the fullness of the Sacrament is received even when only one form is received.

If you require a Gluten-Free host, please indicate to the Brother administering Bread at Holy Communion if that is your preference.

Offertory Hymn Praise the Spirit in creation Hymnal 507 The Great Thanksgiving Sanctus Hymnal S 129 The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal S 148 Fraction Anthem Lamb of God Hymnal S 163

Post-Communion Hymn Creator Spirit, by whose aid Hymnal 500

Prayer after Communion

Presider Father,

People may we who have received this eucharist live in the unity of your Holy Spirit, that we may show forth his gifts to all the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pentecost Blessing and Dismissal

Postlude Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Johann Pachelbel

Br. David Vryhof, Presider

Br. Jim Woodrum, Preacher

Br. Lucas Hall, Acolyte

Mr. James Woodman, Monastery Organist

The Monastery as Sanctuary

We want our Monastery to be a sanctuary for our guests and for the Brothers. Please silence your electronic devices. We also ask you not to photograph, video, or record services in the Chapel, or to photograph other guests or Brothers without their express permission.



Week of May 28, 2023

We are delighted to welcome you to the Monastery today, either in-person or online. If you are a visitor, or new to the Monastery or Community, please take a moment to introduce yourself to one of the Brothers following the Eucharist. If you are joining us online, drop us a note telling us where you are joining us from.

Brother Keith’s Ordination

Please join us as we celebrate Brother Keith’s ordination as a deacon on Saturday, 3 June. The schedule for that weekend will be:

Friday, 2 June No Compline

Saturday, 3 June

6:00 AM Morning Prayer

No Eucharist at the Monastery

10:30 AM Ordination at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 138 Tremont Street

4:00 PM Garden Party in the Guesthouse Garden – All are welcome

6:00 PM Evening Prayer

No Compline

Sunday, 4 June Sunday schedule as normal

June Chapel Closure

The community will be having our yearly retreat and away time in the month of June. The chapel will close after Evensong on Sunday, 4 June and will reopen for Morning Prayer on Tuesday, 27 June. There will be no livestreamed services during the closure.

Retreat and Fast Day

The community will take its retreat and fast day in July on Wednesday, 5 July. We will not pray Compline on Tuesday, 4 July, or Morning Prayer or Compline on Wednesday, 5 July. We invite you to join us in intercessory prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in St. John’s Chapel on 5 July following the 12:30 PM Holy Eucharist until 5:45 PM.

Our retreat day in August will be on Wednesday, 2 August.

Student Tuesdays

For our weekly Tuesday evening student group, we invite local students to join us each week for the Eucharist, supper, discussion, and Compline, in any combination. Information and registration can be found at

Please note we will not have Student Tuesdays during the June chapel closure (on June 6, 13, and 20).


Through Sunday, 12 November, Memorial Drive will close to traffic and parking on Sundays only from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. On Sundays, free parking is available in the public parking garage underneath the Harvard Square Hotel at 110 Mount Auburn Street.


We livestream Evening Prayer and Compline throughout the week, as well as the Sunday and Tuesday Eucharists. If you are unable to join us in person, please join us online.

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer (Evensong) is one of the glories of Anglicanism. The community sings Evening Prayer at 6:00 PM Wednesday through Saturday, and at 4:00 PM on Sunday. We invite you to join us, especially for Saturday and Sunday Evening Prayer, which are especially beautiful.

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