1 minute read
Trenton 5th-graders see Wynton Marsalis performance
Kelly Miller And Vince Porreca
The music teachers at both Anderson and Hedke elementary schools brought all of the 5th graders in the district together for a field trip to Ann Arbor to attend an educational musical performance by nine-time Emmy winning musician Wynton Marsalis at the University of Michigan’s Hill Auditorium.

Wynston Marsalis is an internationally acclaimed jazz musician who plays trumpet as well as many other instruments and has led big bands and orchestras since 1981 while traveling the world performing. He has performed on over 180 albums and movie soundtracks while also writing or contributing to 20 books and now primarily performs for students to provide educational music programs across the country.
Mr. Wernette believes that “Giving the students the opportunity to see a world class musician may be a once in a lifetime opportunity and hopefully this inspires their own lifelong love of music.”