Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation Annual Report 2023-24
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation Annual Report 2023-24
The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation was established in 1998 to encourage financial aid and community support for the education, health care, and community service ministries of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. We fulfill this mission through relationship building, fundraising, and stewardship.
Dear Friends,
It has been a remarkable year, and I am grateful to share the SSMO Foundation’s Annual Report. The theme of this year’s report is “Cultivate,” and it has been an inspiring journey to see how our collective efforts nurture and grow the campus community’s potential.
Thank you for being an integral part of the Sisters’ mission in education, health care and outreach. Your support, whether through time, resources, or advocacy, has made a profound difference. Thank you for partnering with us.
From July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, 918 individuals and funding organizations supported the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Maryville and Valley Catholic School in the amount of $2,202,064. The SSMO Foundation’s 2023-24 Annual Report for gifts received through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, includes all gifts to all sponsored entities on campus.
Patricia Blood
Executive Director, Sisters of St.
Mary of Oregon Foundation
Left to right
Patricia Blood, Executive Director
Sean Lottman, Database Manager
Colleen Goetz, Alumni Relations Manager
Caroline Fogarty, Special Events Manager
Sabrina Blue, Director, Major Gifts
Sharlayne Buuck, Director, Annual Fund
Left to right
Sister Sara Goggin ’64, SSMO, General Councilor
Sister Denise Klaas, SSMO, Vicar General
Sister Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO, Superior General
Sister Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO, General Councilor
This is how we cultivate
Annual Fund | Gift Planning | Give:24
#GivingTuesday | Grant Writing | Light-a-Fire
Valiant Partnership | Weston Challenge
Year-end Giving
Alumni Night | Distinguished Alumni and Emerging Leader Alumni Awards | Musical Reception
Regional Socials | Tailgate | Tree Lighting
Valley Vintage
New Parent Social | Speaker Series
VCS Gala | Whole-in-One Golf Tournament
Cash | Donor-advised Fund
IRA Distribution | Stock | Crypto
Remember SSMO, VCS or Maryville in your will
The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon nurture community growth through their unwavering commitment to faith, education, and community care. For nearly 140 years, the Sisters have planted and cultivated the seeds of God’s love. Their profound influence is felt across the community – transforming lives and inspiring people to foster a better world. “Our daily work is a living testament to our faith,” says Sister Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO Superior General. “Each day is an opportunity to extend God’s compassion and to ignite the flame of faith and kindness in the hearts we touch. We are humbled by the stories of those we serve and are eternally grateful for the community’s trust in us.”
Valley Catholic School fosters excellence and opportunity. With an unwavering commitment to uphold the mission set forth by the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Valley Catholic cultivates life-long learners. Valley Catholic offers an environment that focuses on spiritual growth, curiosity and the pursuit of excellence. Dedicated faculty sow seeds of knowledge, guiding students on a journey that extends far beyond the classroom.
“Our students do not just receive an education, they graduate with a sense of purpose and the tools to make a meaningful contribution to the world,” says John Matcovich, Valley Catholic School President. “We are committed to empowering each student to achieve their fullest potential.”
Maryville offers compassion and care. It is steadfast in its mission to embody Service with Love. For more than 60 years, the Sisters’ ministry in health care has flourished. Maryville has transformed the lives of many people and their families through a nurturing blend of expert medical care and spiritual and physical enrichment. Our team of dedicated professionals and volunteers works tirelessly to ensure that every person who enters our doors is welcomed like family into a community where the seeds of God’s love grow into lasting connections. “We witness daily miracles at Maryville, moments of pure joy and healing that remind us of the profound importance of our ministry,” says Kathleen Parry, Maryville Administrator. “It is our privilege to serve, to offer not just health care but heart care, to everyone who calls Maryville home.”
Term Oct. 2023 - Sept. 2024
SSMO Foundation
Andy Schaer, Chair
Thomas C. Melillo, DPM, Vice Chair
Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO, Secretary
Greg Gilbert, Treasurer
Danielle Julier
Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO
Patricia Blood, Executive Director, Ex-officio
Dr. Kelly Fox ’86, Chair
Tom Baertlein, Vice Chair
Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO, Secretary
Bill Baertlein, Treasurer
Jeff Duncan
Dr. Harper Pearse
Bryan Stewart
Kathleen Parry, President, Ex-officio
Valley Catholic School
Delia Slattery, Chair
Janise McMenamin, Vice Chair
Yahong Neirynck, Secretary
Ben McCarroll, Treasurer
Sr. Sara Goggin ’64, SSMO
Mary-Elizabeth Harper
Lynne Gosalia
Anil Kaza
Frank So ’97
John Matcovich, President, Ex-officio
Kathleen Parry, Adminstrator, Maryville
John Matcovich, President, Valley Catholic School
Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO, President, SSMO Ministries Corporation
Patricia Blood, Executive Director, Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
SSMO Ministries Corporation
Kathy Calcagno, Chair
Leonard Vuylsteke, Vice Chair
Terry Drake Shrum ’73, Secretary
Eric Barger, Treasurer
Msgr. Don Buxman
Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO
Steve Ferrarini
Anna Nassib
Thomas Rask, III
Robert Tennant, MD
Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO, President, Ex Officio
SSMO Leadership Team
Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO
Sr. Sara Goggin ’64, SSMO
Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO
Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO
Sustaining community for 25 years
Sustaining community for 25 years
It is with grateful hearts that we thank the people, families, businesses and foundations whose generosity strengthens the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Maryville, and Valley Catholic School.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this report is accurate and complete. Please accept our apologies if your name has been omitted, misspelled, misplaced or otherwise incorrectly listed. If we have made an error, please let us know by calling the SSMO Foundation Office at 503-718-6485 or emailing tblood@ssmoministries.org so we can correct our records and properly acknowledge your contribution.
Endowment and scholarship funds ensure that we carry out in perpetuity the mission of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. They strengthen the legacy of Catholic education by providing support for Valley Catholic School students who qualify for tuition assistance.
Contributions may be made to named funds at any time.
Agnes Romanaggi Albert ’81 Endowed Scholarship
Alsdorf Family Scholarship
Margaret E. Dever Scholarship
Eugene and Betty Feltz Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Nick Ferrer Memorial Scholarship
General Endowment Fund
Matthew N. Henningsen ’16 Memorial Scholarship
Kipp and Teresa Johnson Endowed Scholarship
Henri and Patricia Joyaux ’54 Scholarship
Diane Kinkade Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Magnificat Fund
Monti Memorial Music Scholarship
Monti Memorial Music Fund
Mychal Joseph Rinella Memorial Scholarship
Siobhan Loughran-Taylor ’77 Memorial Scholarship
Bernard J. Schulte Fund
Sisters’ Legacy Fund
Social Justice Fund
Patty and Randall Vemer Memorial Strings Scholarship
Ford and Hilda Watkins Memorial Scholarship
To learn more about endowments and scholarships, please email giving@ssmoministries.org or call Tricia Blood at 503-718-6485.
“Catholic education has always been a priority for my family. It is important that I am not just growing academically, but also in my faith. The VCS community is blessed to have donors who serve as role models and provide scholarships that change lives like mine.”
Scholarship Recipient
The Sequoia Society recognizes people who have established bequests to benefit the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries. We are grateful for the generosity of our Sequoia Society members.
Anonymous (6)
Anonymous † (2)
Alexander and Fely Abaria
Bob and Chris Adelman
Julian † and Jeanie Amaya
Tara Bassett '77
Orville and Rose Bernards ‡
Kathleen Brady †
Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman
Samuel Buxman †
Nancy Devous Callahan '66 †
Mary Lynn Carroll
Joseph and Edith Cholick ‡
Lyle Cobb
Dorothy Davy †
Sheila Day '57 †
Ronald Delong †
Florence DeMarco †
Richard DeMartini †
Rev. Msgr. Arthur P. Dernbach †
Philip and Catherine Dolan
Josephine Anzalone Drain '48 and Donald Drain †
Kalani Efstathiou '06 and Katherine Bamford Efstathiou '06
Anthony Eisele †
Dr. Thompson M. Faller
Eugene Feltz †
Elsie Franz Finley †
Helen Fohl †
William and Jeanne Fronk ‡
Michael and Michelle Garcia
Anna Mae Geisler †
Frances Chapman Habiger '52 †
Katya and Jon Hall
Mel and Paula Hartmeier ‡
Margaret Heineck '46 †
Adrian and Marie Hernandez
Raymond and Catherine Honerlah
Archbishop Edward Howard †
Fr. Harry Howell †
William Hunt †
Michael Evan Johnson
Robert and Kathryn Kreutzer ‡
John Lanahan †
RoseMarie Law ’54 †
Kathleen Bassett Magnusson '66
Paul Mann
†Deceased at time of publication
Skip and Dorothy † McBratney
Marcia Meinz '58
Constance Muessle †
Ralph and Diane Puncochar
Dwain H. Quandt †
Arlene Rauch †
Meagan Reding '03
Tania Vanderschuere Rhein '95 and Steven Rhein
Lynn Ristig and Craig Shrontz
Bernice Ruettgers †
Mary Sabin †
Sr. Lorraine Schneider '41, SFCC †
Eugene Schulte †
Debora Herb Sepich '77 and Gordon Sepich
Barbara Suzanne Sharkey †
Roger Sherman
Benjamin and Mary Ann Silbernagel
Fr. Rick Sirianni
Frances A. Smith †
Joseph Smith †
Kristin A. Spear
Linda Spenner †
Alvina Lordemann Spieker †
Jacqueline Briggs Staley '58 and Tony Staley
Margaret Straling†
Scott and Terri Stream
Thomas H. Sutherland †
Linda Stupfel Tozer '62 and David Tozer
Dina Trachta
Lorna VanderZanden '71
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Berniece Volpe †
Yvonne Bernard Weber '47
Hank † and Evelyn Zurfluh
“Beautiful hand-picked bouquets, views of the Blessed Mary statues, daily prayers and Communion, various activities, and a cheerful, dedicated staff made Carol feel loved, and cared for when she could no longer live in our home. Refurbishing the piano is our way of saying thank you. We hope the piano will fill the halls with music and bring joy to the hearts of Maryville residents.”
James Van Dyke
Canticle Society
The Canticle Society takes its name from the biblical canticles of praise that are prayed daily by the Sisters. This society recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
EXCELSIS ($50,000+)
Estate of Marie Driever
Foundations and Trusts
Patricia Kuni Marital Trust
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Dwain H. Quandt Trust
OCF* Joseph E. Weston
Public Foundation
JUBILATE ($20,000 - $49,999)
Rodney Carnielli and Emmanuela Bandeira
Dr. Harper and Geri Pearse
Melvin and Julia Petersen
Don V. Romanaggi, M.D.
Estate of Barbara
Suzanne Sharkey
James Van Dyke
Nike, Inc.
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon
Foundations and Trusts
B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation
Clark Foundation
MAGNIFICAT ($10,000 - $19,999)
Robert and Linda Burns
Mark and Angela Crandall
Sheri Dooney
Greg and Stephanie Gilbert
Stephen and Margarita Gunther
Michael E. Henningsen, Jr.
Adrian and Marie Hernandez
Shiv and Supriya Kaushik
†Deceased at time of publication
Michael and Susan McKay
Colleen and Werner Nistler
Christopher and Katie Payne
Charles and Hillarie Prestopine
Sr. Barbara Rose Sohler '62, SSMO
Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO
Independent Dispatch, Inc.
Touchmark Living Centers, Inc.
Valley Catholic School
Foundations and Trusts
A.J. Frank Family Foundation
Anonymous Fund #16 of the OCF*
LAUDATE ($5,000 - $9,999)
Agnes Romanaggi Albert '81 and Steve Albert
Matt and Kristine Arbaugh
Kilhyun Bang and Tae Young Kim
Mary Brown
Kwangsik Choi and Hyunsook Son
Robert and Jennifer Cone
Jan and Claudia Filip
Lawrence and Kristin Grant
Chris and Mechell Hansen
Ryan and Sara Hoppes
Kurt Huppert and Kori Gormley-Huppert
Jerald Kahut
Steven and Nancy Kassel
Gwang-Soo Kim and Kumhyo Byon
Stephan and Melissa Klopcic
Gautam Kumar and Babita Dhayal
Jerry and Sharon Lenz
Fergus and Tammy Loughran
Tamara Olsen Marick '83 and John Marick
Melissa Root Martin '92 and Kevin Martin
Ben and Sheila McCarroll
Natt McDougall, Jr.
Daniel McKenzie
Mary Dever Mertens '73 and Mark Mertens
Steven and Sally Michaelis
Theresa Nguyen '92
Homer E. and Agnes Oblander ‡
Toshimi Sakamoto
Bill and Karen Schell
Nora Sass Schreck '82 and Joseph Schreck
Darron and Tamra Trobetsky
Stuart and Rachel Tull
Cathy Zagunis
Junan Zhang and Junwen Wu
Xiaoshu Zhao and Xinying Liu
Immaculata Marycrest Alumnae Association
Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc.
Sanctuary for Sacred Arts
The Standard TIAA
Foundation and Trusts
Dwyer Charitable Trust
Juan Young Trust
Natt McDougall Family Charitable Trust
GAUDETE ($2,500 - $4,999)
Jonas Acres
Todd and Audrie Alsdorf
Mark and Joyce Auxier
Shawn Bonnett and Kari Eastburn-Bonnett
Douglas and Michelle Brown
Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman
Alexander and Emily Cameron
Daniel Charles Mendoza and Rosa Sanvicente Herrera
Donald and Kathryn Dimeo
Erin Dingilian
Dengli Du
Bronwen Edwards-Denney
Steve and Elizabeth Ferrarini
Susan Friesen
Manan Goel and Tanvi Garg
Peng Gong and Fan Han
Christine Wilson Goodner '95 and Mike Goodner
Brandon and Jenine Greenley
John and Judie Hanson
David Hapeman and Kathleen Fox
MaryPat Dever Hedberg '77 and Steven Hedberg
Christopher and Ava Henningsen
George Hillberry and Carla Rodriguez
Jiming and Kelly Huang
Brandon and Malinda Kearbey
Theodore Kleikamp
Kevin La Cour and Naseem Bains
Thanh and Sandy Le
Louie Lee and Helen Tao
Zhi Li and Jing Lu
Chung Han Liu and Zhe Xu
Marcelo Machado de Pinheiro and Cristiane Pinheiro
Frank McKeen and Lois O'Halloran
Brett McKown and Hillary Klumpe McKown
Chet and Kristen Mehta
Venkitasamy Munusamy and Prabhavathy Jagadeesan
Bruce and Michelle Ofstun
Prahalad Parthangal and Ghayathri Garudapuram
Pradip Ramani and Rachana Dinkar
Mark and Melissa Rawlinson
James and Christine Russell
Brian Schenck and Remanda Xiang
Aaron Schoenkerman and Michelle Fliman
Zhiqi Tao and Yi Yang
David Taylor
Robert and Lara Tennant
Han Wang and Yihang Feng
Yanjie Wang and Xiaona An John and Tamie Webber
Brian and Mary Whitney
Sandra Wisniewski
Ge Yu and Beibei Fan
Gregory Yu and Hye Lyung Kim
Mariel Zagunis '03 and Michael Swehla
Jun Zhu and Na Xu
Peijun Zhu and Liya Yang
Chevron Corporation
Cinder Staffing
El Capitan Apartments
USI Insurance Services
Washington Trust Bank
Foundations and Trusts
Margaret Watt Edwards Foundation
Robert M. and Cecilia A. Stuckart Fund of the OCF*
The Mariel Zagunis Women's Sabre Fund
BENEDICTUS ($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous (3)
Frank and Victoria Altenhofen
Allen Amabisca
Patrick and Molly Amano
William and Concettina Anctil
Richard and Janet Andersen
Antoinette Arenz
Vincent and Nancy Ast
Muhammad Azeem and Saba Anvery
Sharon Baglai
Linda Balthazar
Eric and Mary Barger
Rob Baumgartner and Julie Campbell
Andreea Benea
Jeffery Bielefeld and Corrie Bates
Steve and Laura Biggi
Paul and Elizabeth Boileau
Jason Bush and Ju Hee Back
Sharlayne and David Buuck
Robert and Antonette Caren
Mike and Tracey Clark
Bret and Martha Cope
Matthew and Lorena Coussens
John and Virginia Cross
Jeff Crouse and Kristine Kennedy
James Dhanens
Vijay and Anshu Dhingra
Philip and Catherine Dolan
Brian and Annie Dooney
Dian Kurilo Duyck '71 and William Duyck
John and Julie Dwyer
Barry and Yvonne Evans
Terry and Janet Farris
Bob and Judy Fisher
James and Julianne Flynn
Jennifer Passadore Gfroerer '87 and Jeff Gfroerer
Bret and Justine Gorger
Ed and Candace Gormley
Carlin and Paul Gram
Vijayakumar and Pratibha Guttal
Chad and Natalie Haima
Howard and Molly Harris
Wayne and Melissa Hathaway
Rita Henningsen
Brad and Desiree Hilliard
David and Marlys Jones
Patricia Roshak Joyaux '54 †
Anil Kaza and Phani Vadali
Kirsten Hollister Keller '78
Patrick and Rachell Keys
Matthew and Heather Kibbe
Hyung Seok Kim and Jiho Jung
Noel and Danielle Kinder
Akiko Kondo
John and Jean Krautscheid
Nhan Le
Catherine Liedtke-Colwell and Bruce Colwell
Dirk Loo
Hyungjin Ma and Minjung Kim
John Magenheimer '14
Dan and Kathleen Mallea
Michael and Sabrina Mallen
Patricia Marco
Lois McInnis
Nikhil Mehta and Lynne Gosalia
Peter and Jennifer Miksovsky
Craig and Amanda Miller
Joseph Nasello and Kayla Sanford
Reza and Anna Nassib
Jan and Yahong Neirynck
Tran and Hiep Nguyen
Estate of Agnes Oblander
Sommer Panage '04
Omkar Parajuli and Shikchya Tanjukar
Carol Petitt
Chris and Kathryn Pippin
James and Jeannette Pippin
Mohanraj Prabhugoud and Seema Sarnaik
Kristine Spies Prime '69 and Barry Prime
Amy Queen
Graeme Queen
Ermel and Chris Quevedo
Aristotle and Kathy Quintos
Marko and Jennifer Radosavljevic
Tom and Suzy Rask
Josephine Koehnke Recht '71 and Eric Recht
Deborah Bautch Reddy '69
Joseph and Marti Rinella
Mark and Jennifer Robbins
Shaun and Jamie Ryan
John and Dorothy Sahlfeld
Diane and John Sangster
Breanna Scott '01
Michaela Hanson Shanks '10 and Andrew Shanks
Vishal and Shivika Sharma
Clinton Shelley and Nell Oram
John Skinta and Dayna Grajewski
Delia Slattery and Liam McMahon
Frank So '97
Anthony and Mary Spiering
Carol Spiering '60
Jason Stadelman
Jacqueline Briggs Staley '58 and Anton Staley
Bryan and MaryAnn Stewart
Nishchal and Krutika Sule
Brian Sulffridge and Sara Riley
Jeff and Alison Tinker
Linh and Van Tran
Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen
Douglas Trobough and Susan Lair
Thuc Truong and Loc Nguyen
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Dean Waters and Jeannie Louie
Roberta Barsotti Weber '62 and Bruce Weber
Cun Wen and Yi Liu
Jacob Werner '96 and Kama Werner
Linda Wright White '56 and Bernard White
Brian and Stephanie Wilson
Jan Wizer
Leopoldo and Bella Yau
Jack and Janie Yaung
Yucai Zhang and Ting Lu
Betty Dionne Zivich '72 and David Zivich
Alaska Airlines
American Heart Association
Columbia Sportswear
Consonus Healthcare
Del Rey Manor LLC.
Diverse Realty Group
Gormley Plumbing + Mechanical
Gracious Care AFH, LLC
LMC Construction
Pacificorp/ Pacific Power
Pfizer, Inc.
Synopsis, Inc.
The Dentists at Orenco Station
University of Portland
Valley Catholic High School
Foundations and Trusts
Eton Lane Foundation
The Cornerstone Society recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $500 to $999 between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Bob and Chris Adelman
Eduardo Alban and Anne Setiono
Diane Andreas
Syam and Elsa Antony
Sue Arbaugh and Ron Comby
Mary Augustyn
Jeremy and Kali Bader
Lawrence Barrett and Annaluisa Greppi-Barrett
Jim and Janice Brady
Thomas and Silvia Brossard
Nanyu and Mingming Cao
Matthew Clark '96 and Kimberly Clark
Bochen Dai '24
Jian Dai and Xue Zhou
Joseph and Andrea Daniels
William and Rebecca Dickson
Arthur and Sandra Diederich
Mark and Mary Donovan
Brian and Margaret Dooney
J. Dugan Rupp
Kathy Ferrer
Debra Grabler
Laurie Graves
Tim Gray
Lee and Barbara Green
Daniel and Terra Groom
Janet Heineck
Siegfried and Beth Herholz
Sean and Megan Heyworth
Alan and Julee Howard
Brian and RaeAnn Jackson
Stefanie Hanson Jacquemin '90 and Thomas Jacquemin
Mary Koehnke Jesse '82 and Alan Jesse
Jinghua Jiang and Jing Wu
Charles and Allison Johnson
Linda Keizer
Brendan and Carrie Kelly
Rosemary Kershaw
Hareesh Khattri and Shrddha Kc
Sang Kim '96 and Lynn Kim
Richard Klee
William Kolzow
David and Karen Law
Jan Sheerin Leone '74 and Rorie Leone
Christopher and Genevieve Long
Kurt and Sonia Lulay
Shannon Lynch and Cameron Williams
John Matcovich and Jennifer Young
Lila and Michael Mechling
Thomas and Melinda Melillo
Theodore Miller and Stephanie Vaughan-Miller
Hao Van and Tam Thi Nguyen
Patrick and Alayna Nicholes
Elizabeth Noyes
Don and Joanne Olson
Donald and Judy Olson
Betty Ann Pawelek
Nikki Perryman
Raymond and Fern Pohs
Kenneth and Jeanne Prier
Scott and Jill Pruitt
Ralph and Diane Puncochar
William and Raney Ray
David Rianda
Lynn Ristig and Craig Shrontz
Richard and Janice Romano
Stephen and Elizabeth Rouffy
Andrew and Heidi Schaer
Andrew Schlick '01 and Lori Schlick
Debora Herb Sepich '77 and Gordon Sepich
Kory and Kate Slayton
Bill and Liz Smith
Ted and Karina Stark
Dina Trachta
Tu Tran and Trinity Nguyen
Julie Turner
Nicholas Utzinger and John Rochford
Diane VanderZanden '57
Donald and Patricia Verzani
Bradly and Angela Wade
Richard Wessell
Evan and Renee Whisenant
Connor and Samantha White
Jeff and Emily Whiting
K.L. and Lauren Wombacher
Larry and Ester Wong
Apartments Northwest, LLC
Cambia Health Solutions
Columbia Healthcare Banking
New York Life
Oregon Health & Science University
Pegg, Paxson & Springer Funeral
Chapel - Dignity Memorial
RMW Consulting Services, LLC
TTP Fitness
Valley Catholic Middle School
Vietnamese Holy Cross Sisters
Foundations and Trusts
Pride Foundation
Foundresses’ Circle
The Foundresses’ Circle recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $100 to $499 between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Anonymous (9)
Andrew Abaria '01
Melinda McDonnell Adams '66
Todd and Loni Adams
Paul Alappat and Rose Mary Loney
John and Liz Amann
Frank and Susan Amato
Jeanie Amaya
Edward and Carol Andersen
Tammy and Carter Anderson
Rebecca and Bill Angell
Gayle Arbogast
Yvonne Kibombo Ayesiga and Harrison Kibombo
Brittany Balbag '07
Derek and Donna Balbag
Troy Banker '03
Carol and Michael Barnes
David Barry '11
Kenneth and Ellen Baumgartner
Kathy Bay
Christopher and Jennifer Beedy
Atul and Sucheta Beheray
Vincent and Lynne Belusko
Richard and Marion Bernards
Kathryn and Robert Bitney
Bill and Judith Blair
Marilyn Kleczynski Blake '57
Caitlin Blood and Julio Toko
Patricia and Peter Blood
Chris and Lorilynn Bloomer
Sabrina and David Blue
Dorothy Bochsler
Leo Bottaini
Edward and Kim Braun
Betty Brouillette
David and Gretchen Brown
Kathleen Buck
Jo Ann Critzer Buckiewicz '67 and Frank Buckiewicz
Susanne Burnett
Bill and Maria Burns
Charles and Lynnettee Burton
Kathryn Calcagno and Kenny Roders
Daniel and Fern Camp
Mary Lynn Carroll
James and Carol Carter
Jeff and Ana Maria Carter
Durgam and Subha Chakrapani
Patrick Chapman
Vernon and Lois Chartier
Stephen and Yorgeia Chiocca
Susan and Dan Christensen
Ronald and Nancy Christenson
Mark and Vivian Christianson
Sharon Claboe
Wesley and Elaine Clement
Debra Vandehey Collyer '71 and Ken Collyer
Ivonne Connell
Amy Harris Contreras '94 and Michael Contreras
John and Terri Cook
Joann Barsotti Cooper '54 and Leonard Cooper
Elizabeth McDevitt Cordrey '62
Mark and Pam Coussens
Anne Cox
Jean Craemer
Arlene Crouch
Xuezeng Dai
Matthew and Marta Dale
Burzin and Perzin Daruwala
Rohit Das and Ranjani Moorthi
Gerard and Anna DeBlois
Martha DeCaro
Donald and Patricia Dickey
Rick and Patty Dobbs
Jeanne Donnelly
Michael and Antonene Drew
Leo and Gail Dubisar
Richard Duggan
John and Melissa Efstathiou
Paul Feltz
Steven Filary and Grace Tan Filary
Melvin and Marie Finegan
Walter and Delores Focht
Caroline and Bill Fogarty
Estelle Fox
Kelly Fox '86
Britney Frank
Joel Frank
Richard and Julie Frankovic
George and Sallie Frye
Jose and Allison Garza
Jonny and Kayla Gaspardis
Shantinath Ghongadi and Padmajarani Kodachawad
Donna Gilroy
Sr. Sara Goggin '64, SSMO
Mark Gordon and Anne Zweibel
Aaron and Jamie Gore
Prasanna and Kavitha Gowda
Ronald and Mary Ann Guenther
William Gunning
Rich and Sue Haener
Agnes Steinkamp Hall '51 and Walter Hall
Chris and Bik-Na Han
Dan and Drew Hannon
Ethan and Tracey Hansen
Jacquelyn Marie Hanson
Ali Battles Hardy '74
Pat Hargrave
Milagros Harshbarger
Claudia Heacock
Mary Heesacker '54
Nick and Naomi Hegwood
Barbara Heineck
Patricia Heino '59
Jack and Marianne Hemstreet
Damien Hendricks and Amy Troy
David and Kelli Henry
Dale and Donna Herinckx
Donald and Alicia Herinckx
Al and Maxine Hertel
Frank and Lynette Hesse
Shirley Tomjack Hill '57 and Ronald Hill
Beckie Hocker and Jim Hashimoto
Michael and Amanda Hoffman
Floyd and Joan Holmes
Eric and Ann Holstrom
Larry and Merrit Holub
Gary and Lynne Hubka
William and Stefne Hughes
Melba Goevelinger Hurst '58 and Jerry Hurst
Steven and Veronika Illias
Mark and Nancy Irwin
Martin Isaac
Jana Iwasaki '98 and Brett Waner
Ronald and Linda Iwasaki
Elliott Jackson '11 and Megan Jackson
Donna Pesenti Jerome '65 and Neil Jerome
Madeleine Johnson
Ronald and Sandra Johnson
Tracy Johnston '83
Setareh Sanjar Jorgensen '82 and Paul Jorgensen
Kathleen Juenemann
Michael and Danielle Julier
Arnold and Honey Katz
Kristin Kelley
Mike and Nickey Kemp
Edward Kemper
Douglas and Morgan Ketterman
Susan Baker Kindrick '67 and Jerry Kindrick
Sean and Lori King
Joseph and Deborah Kirk
Ali Etemad and Marianne Klaas
Mark and Sara Klaas
Sonja Farmen Klapperich '62 and David Klapperich
David and Connie Knight
Christopher and Sheila Kodadek
David and Heather Koukel
Bill and Melissa Laird
Juli and Herschel Lantis
Yau Leong and Amelia Choong
Duane and Ann Link
Joe and Amy Liu
Jeff and Jamie Lomber
Thomas and Carolyn Lulay
Huy and Lynn Ly
Michelle Quevedo Lyons '94 and Michael Lyons
Leanna MacKenzie
Carolyn MacNaughton
Francis and Peggy Malec
Toni Mapston Frigerio
Eric Matcovich
Richard Matcovich
Susan Mbugua
Janice McCarter
Marilyn McDonald
Patricia McDonald
Theresa and Thomas McDougal
Paula Vanderzanden McVay '66 and Michael McVay
Robert and Linda Meagher
Mike and Thresa Meeuwsen
Michael and Catherine Merz
Ty Mettler
Mark Minten
Zohreh Moazzemi
Frances Moellman '54
James Moellman
Joseph Monihan
Gerardo Montano-Miranda and Elizabeth Castro
Jacqueline Moore
Leona Jones Moore '67 and Donald Moore
William Muller
Ashok and Malathi Murugavel
Jaghadhish Cumar Muthiah
Jothimani and Parul Chhabra
Erika Kay Nakamoto
Marty and Toni Nanneman
Hung and Angela Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
Steven and Rosemary Niewolak
Jim and Mary Ellen Nourse
Janis Marie Nussbaumer '66
Sharon Offerdahl
Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson
Elizabeth A. Olson
M.J. and K.M. Owens
Anushka Pandey
Anton and Rosemary Pausz
Patricia Prentice Pearce '75 and Marvin Pearce
Norman and Roberta Persons
Marijan Persun and Jenny Zhao
Alexander and Kim Phan
Herbert Plep
Jeanette Philbrook Plep '00 and David Plep
Gary and Linda Pope
Laxman and Sasi Prakash
Joan Berry Pratt '60
Linda Price
James Prince
Joanne Profitt
Jeffery and Joyce Purdy
German Quesada and Alejandra Gonzalez
Frank and Kathleen Randolph
Christine Briggs Ray '64 and Lewis Ray
Karl Recht
Diane Waibel Reding '79 and Jeffrey Reding
Meagan Reding '03
Christopher and Nadia Redmond
Allen and Georgann Reel
Philip and Gail Rengel
Tania Vanderschuere Rhein '95 and Steven Rhein
Loren and Penny Rickerl
Kristina Rinella '04
Curtis and Colleen Rink
Carla Roberti-Adler
Matthew and Melissa Rocha
Marvin and Celia Rodas
Debi Benson Rogers '70 and Stanley Rogers
Mary Rowe
Joan Santos
Samrach and Maria Sar
Anita Schacher
James and Marcia Schonlau
Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon '57 and Raymond Shannon
Julie Link Sheerin '84 and Timothy Sheerin
Roger Sherman
Marianne Cochell Sibaila '67
Steven and Tricia Sipowicz
Theresa Sloan
Tracy Fitzpatrick Smith '84 and Johnny Smith
Soethiha and Christine Soe
Susan Claeys Sohler '68 and Gregory Sohler
Charlie and Channa Southwick
Jim and Debbie Speciale
David and Sharon Stecher
Barbara McEachern Stevenson '58 and Richard Stevenson
Richard and Cynthia Stewart
Katherine Quevedo Stokke '00 and Eugene Stokke
Andrine Stricherz
Vincent Stricherz
Munzer and Emily Sukhun
Bob and Barbara Sulek
Kirsten Taylor
Steven and Suzanne Taylor
Judith Teufel '57
Bruce and Suzanne Thiel
Philip Thiel '00 and Catherine Thiel
Shawn and Megan Thomson
Bridgett Thurman-Haines and Scott Haines
Diane Tolzman '74 and Paul Drake
Josefina Torres
Randy and Vicki Tovey
Ty and Lynnette Trabosh
Kris and Jeanna Troha
Paul Vames
Allan Vanderzanden
Kathryn Vanderzanden
Randall and Mary Frances Vemer
George Vennes
Jesse and Patti Villarreal
Timothy and Carol Wachter
Jerlia Sperry Waibel '71 and Clifford Waibel
Jordan Walbridge
Sr. Rita Watkins '61, SSMO
Rick and Mary Jane Weber
Benjamin Werner '02
Megan Westphal and Peter Stach
Ann and Chris Wilderman
Danielle Willard
Jeffrey Willard
Marcia Wilson
Edward and Mary Wolf
Dan and Bev Wombacher
Paul and Kimberly Wood
Mary Kay Wulff
Jingjia Yan
Kenneth and Patricia Yeager
Naing and Becky Zaw-Tun
Stephen Zimmer
Sharlene Schmidlkofer Zollner '69 and Marty Zollner
Genentech Employee Giving Program
Hispanic Divine Mercy Group
Kaiser Permanente
Lease Crutcher Lewis
Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists
Palo Alto Networks
Umpqua Bank
This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts up to $99 between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Anonymous (9)
Alexander and Fely Abaria
Mary Aberg
Pulkit and Esha Agarwal
Ka'ohu and Grace Ah Yo
Todd Albert and Anika Bent-Albert
Darline Allen Locati
Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO
Marcia Metcalf Anderson '65
Angel Aquino Gonzalez and Jaskayahaira Arroyo Perez
Virginia Roshak Arnett '63
Gokul Raj Babu and Pratibha Devan
Philip Badowski and Vani Yalapalli
Sumit Bajpai and Shraddha Nakra
Sitaraman Balasubramanian and Akila Subramanian
Yogesh Bansal and Nandita Kohli
Stephen Baron '97 and Jennifer Baron
Steven and Carrie Bateman
Robert and Greta Bauras
Jo Ann Bavier
Karen Beckman
Rice and Linda Berkshire
Malia Hanson Bernards '97 and Christopher Bernards
Achintya and Binata Bhattacharyya
Robert and Lindsey Birbeck
Prachi Blake
Reilly Blood '16
Rajendra and Kshipra Bopardikar
Audrey Bradshaw
Charlene Brandt
Brenna and Jason Brown
Michael Brown
Stefan and Carla Brown
Sean and Dana Butterly
Eleanor Steinkamp Carleton '55
Sharon VanDomelen Casper '61
Gordon and Susan Chandonnet
Cheng-Wu Chang
Maribel Chavez
Bob and Molly Cherry
Sookyung Choi and Sumi Kim
Matthew and Amber Clark
Arnold and Betty Conzelmann
Toni Cooper '87 and Andrew Oldham
Sergio Cortes and Gloria Villani
Richard and Theresa Crop
Krishna Dandamaraju and Rajyalakshmi Bommaraju
Jayita Das
John and Jennifer Davis
Sharon Davis
Joao Paulo Canonenco De Araujo
and Lilian Ezaki De Araujo
Michael Dietrich and Ana Ross
Loretta Dollarhide
Maureen Dooney
Jordan and Sharon Drake
Ryan and Angela Dukes
Leonard Dumanovsky and Cathrin Bruederle
Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO
David and Lenitra Durham
Ann Bielke Duyck '87 and Michael Duyck
Tom and Vickie Duyck
Kurt and Kimberly Eaton
Kalani Efstathiou '06 and Katherine Bamford Efstathiou '06
Otega Ejegbavwo
Angela Holmes Elkins '02 and Owen Elkins
Kay Webster Ethen '79 and Craig Ethen
John and Sasha Etzel
Christopher and Jill Ewanchuk
Jason Farmer and Maritza Dash
Lucia Fermelia
Fred Fischer and Liuning Yu
Edward and Barb Fredenburg
Mary Fromwiller
Richard Gallehr
Marietta Rigert Boyer Garcia '62
Drew Gibson '17
Brian and Yvonne Gill
Gail Golik
Felerie Ramos Gonzalez '84
Julie Gray
Heinz and Kathy Grellmann
Naveen Gudigantala and Kranthi Biragoni
Daniel and Cynthia Haftorson
Katya and Jon Hall
Timothy Handoko and Junita Koentoro
Dennis and Lynette Hansen
Manjunaatha and Neeta Harapanahalli
Hansel Harsfield
Trenton Hayes and Jessica Szabo
Travis and Katherine Haynes
Benjamin and Jennifer Hellickson
Jeffrey Hemphill and Lisa Hansen
Aaron and Renae Henderson
Steve Herb
Bradley and Carol Hermanson
Jenifer Vennes Hiatt '77 and Steven Hiatt
Jean Hill-Rutter
Stephen and Kathryn Himes
Linda Crunican Holmbo '65 and David Holmbo
Donna Hostler
Patti Hutterli
Dep and Myhanh Huynh
Whitney Ivey
Colette Hitchcock Jamison '77 and Chet Jamison
Lolum Jayasuriya and Savani Galappathi
Ranil and Roshini Jinadasa
Aimee Johnson
Hugo Johnson and Maria De La Vega
Nick and Abbie Jordan
Christophe Juncker and Anna Fisher de Leon
Rahul Kalambe and Ketaki Motghare
Paul and Kimberly Kayfes
John and Mary Keith
Sean and Nina Kelley
Joyce Hoge Kelly '54 and Gerry Kelly
Marjorie Kenny
Ron Keogh
Aloysius Keralavakkayil and Jinnie Aloysius
Daeyeon and Mi Yon Kim
Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO
Gabrielle Klugherz
Serey and Sreypich Kong
Chase and Kimberly Kopetz
Sivanesan Kosanam and Vidhya Devaraj
Purushottam Kumar and Nidhi Kumari
Nandakishore Kuruganti and Rakhi Bhaduri
Jessica Laird
Shashidhar Lakkavalli
Rashmi Lakkur Subramanyam and Thilak Raju
Dwight Lawrence and Evelyn Minor-Lawrence
Ge Li
Adam and Callie Lifsics
Hankyul Lim and Hyun Kim
Charmaine Lindsay
Peter and Pamela Lofing
Bernadette Verschingel Lombard '62
Joseph and Marielle Louie
Yogesh Lulla and Karishma Kinger
Drew and Nathalie Lunden
Rajan and Akhila Madhusudan
Andres Maldonado and Andrea Avila
Ellen Maring
Gregory and Rebecca Martin
Jennifer Martin
Gabriela Martinez Manzo
Joseph and Hilary Matarazzo
Gloria Boyer Mathis '92 and Adam Mathis
Daniel and Mary Ellen McGinty
Mary Ann McGuire-Hickey
Michelle Mellard Petersen
Charles and Kathleen Mengis
Samuel and Amy Miller
Bob and Kathy Moberg
James Monroe and Jamie Dement-Monroe
Annessa and Derrick Moon
Paul and Lois Muller
Rita Munarwi
Catherine Moran Munro '54
Murugasamy Nachimuthu and Sripriya Subramanian
Pinakpani Nayak and Pooja Vashist
Melissa Neault
Ann Herauf Nees '57 and Gary Nees
John and Mary Nguyen
Thomas and Jennifer Nguyen
Carlos Nieva-Lozano and Yadira Carreon-Serna
Marleene Nolan
Amber Norris
Eileen Norris
Pamela and Jeffrey Osmonson
Steven and Payal Paes
Eric and Krista Pennick
Corey and Jody Pfeifer
Andreas and Alma Philipp
Angela Pouliot
Alasdair and Lee Pullan
Edwin Ramayya
David and Dinela Ramku
Jeffrey Reinemann
Brandon Roberts
Arliss Roman
Robert Rossi
Mayank Sahni and Jyoti Kolhe
Naresh Sankaramaddi and Sushanthi Allu
Jerald Savariaradimai and Arockia Henishia Jerald
David Schaaf
Courtney Schaefer
Jennifer Kalmanek Schoen '88 and Craig Schoen
Walter Schwall
Keith and Beth Self
Rakesh and Tracie Semenchalam
Darlene and Rodger Shutter
Jeff Sielicky
Christy Quevedo Simon '97 and Neil Simon
Parijat Singh
Ravindra and Amrita Sehgal Singh
Joan Sivalon
Denise Smigaj
Laura Hamlin Smith '84 and Thomas Smith
Timothy Smith
Kamfai So and Manchi Lai
William and Mary Sobolewski
Miguel Soprano and Agustina Montaldo
Karla Spesert
John Spinden and Kathleen Bruers-Spinden
James and Eva Starr
Timothy and Valerie Stecher
Mary Stirling '79
Jill Stokeld
Stephanie and Robby Stoneking
Darlene Story
Denise Stovin
Sheila Andreas Stratman '67 and Roger Stratman
Jin Sun and Wendy Yu
Peter and Elizabeth Thomson
Regina Tirona
Paula Tower
Janet Tseng
Peter and Erika Tuenge
Rachel Unruh
Darlene Klein Unser '59 and Eugene Unser
Rupin and Sudha Vakharwala
John Valavi and Sajitha Vadakumacherry
Emily Van Buren '08
T. George Van Hart, Jr. and Paula C. Van Hart
David and Ellen Vanasche
Joan Vandehey
Karla VanderZanden '72
Kelsey VanDomelen '05
Ruby Veniegas '99
Lipishree Vrushabhendra
Yongdong Wang and Jie Bian
Donald Wanner
Ryan and Amy Ware
William Weber '19
Josh and Karin Weltman
Bruce and Maryann Wenrick
Alice White '53
Christopher Wilkes and Mylene Achkar
Sean Williams
Mohan and Manisha Yadav
Doreen Yeomans
Dongmin Yoon and Raseong Kim
Giovanna Zanotto
Ruth Zuniga and Andy Soria
Judy Zwan '60
Comcast Corporation
Costco Wholesale Corporation
LPL Financial
Microsoft Rewards/Give With Bing
Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus
Alumni Giving 50's
Agnes Steinkamp Hall '51
Alice White '53
Joann Barsotti Cooper '54
Mary Hertel Heesacker '54
Patricia Roshak Joyaux '54 †
Joyce Hoge Kelly '54
Frances Moellman '54
Catherine Moran Munro '54
Eleanor Steinkamp Carleton '55
Linda Wright White '56
Marilyn Kleczynski Blake '57
Shirley Tomjack Hill '57
Ann Herauf Nees '57
Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon '57
Judith Teufel '57
Diane VanderZanden '57
Melba Goevelinger Hurst '58
Jacqueline Briggs Staley '58
Barbara McEachern Stevenson '58
Patricia Heino '59
Darlene Klein Unser '59
Joan Berry Pratt '60
Carol Spiering '60
Judy Zwan '60
Sharon VanDomelen Casper '61
Sr. Rita Watkins '61, SSMO
Elizabeth McDevitt Cordrey '62
Marietta Rigert Boyer Garcia '62
Sonja Farmen Klapperich '62
Bernadette Verschingel Lombard '62
Sr. Barbara Rose Sohler '62, SSMO
Roberta Barsotti Weber '62
Virginia Roshak Arnett '63
Sr. Sara Goggin '64, SSMO
Christine Briggs Ray '64
Marcia Metcalf Anderson '65
Linda Crunican Holmbo '65
Donna Pesenti Jerome '65
Melinda McDonnell Adams '66
Anne Neitling Barker '66
Paula Vanderzanden McVay '66
Janis Marie Nussbaumer '66
Jo Ann Critzer Buckiewicz '67
Susan Baker Kindrick '67
Leona Jones Moore '67
Marianne Cochell Sibaila '67
Sheila Andreas Stratman '67
Susan Claeys Sohler '68
Kristine Spies Prime '69
Deborah Bautch Reddy '69
Sandra Evers Scott '69
Sharlene Schmidlkofer Zollner '69
Rosemary Herinckx '70
Debra Benson Rogers '70
Debra Vandehey Collyer '71
Dian Kurilo Duyck '71
Josephine Koehnke Recht '71
Jerlia Sperry Waibel '71
Karla VanderZanden '72
Betty Dionne Zivich '72
Mary Dever Mertens '73
Ali Battles Hardy '74
Jan Sheerin Leone '74
Diane Tolzman '74
Anonymous '75 (2)
MaryPat Dever Hedberg '77
Jenifer Vennes Hiatt '77
Colette Hitchcock Jamison '77
Debora Herb Sepich '77
Kirsten Hollister Keller '78
Kathleen Webster Ethen '79
Diane Waibel Reding '79
Mary Stirling '79
Agnes Romanaggi Albert '81
Mary Koehnke Jesse '82
Nora Sass Schreck '82
Tracy Johnston '83
Tamara Olsen Marick '83
Felerie Ramos Gonzalez '84
Julie Link Sheerin '84
Tracy Fitzpatrick Smith '84
Laura Hamlin Smith '84
Brenda Wahlberg Van Dyke '85
Kelly Fox '86
Toni Cooper '87
Ann Bielke Duyck '87
Jennifer Passadore Gfroerer '87
Jennifer Kalmanek Schoen '88
Stefanie Hanson Jacquemin '90
Melissa Root Martin '92
Gloria Boyer Mathis '92
Theresa Nguyen '92
Amy Harris Contreras '94
Michelle Quevedo Lyons '94
Christine Wilson Goodner '95
Tania Vanderschuere Rhein '95
Matthew Clark '96
Sang Kim '96
Jacob Werner '96
Stephen Baron '97
Malia Hanson Bernards '97
Christy Quevedo Simon '97
Frank So '97
Anonymous '98
Jana Iwasaki '98
Jeb Stager '99
Ruby Veniegas '99
Jeanette Philbrook Plep '00
Katherine Quevedo Stokke '00
Philip Thiel '00
Andrew Abaria '01
Andrew Schlick '01
Breanna Scott '01
Angela Holmes Elkins '02
Benjamin Werner '02
Troy Banker '03
Meagan Reding '03
Mariel Zagunis '03
Sommer Panage '04
Kristina Rinella '04
Anonymous '05
Kelsey VanDomelen '05
Katie Bamford Efstathiou '06
Kalani Efstathiou '06
Brittany Balbag '07
Emily Van Buren '08
Michaela Hanson Shanks '10
David Barry '11
Elliott Jackson '11
John Magenheimer '14
Reilly Blood '16
Drew Gibson '17
William Weber '19
†Deceased at time of publication
Bochen Dai '24
OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Challenge
This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made a gift to the Joseph E. Weston Challenge between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Together, with the OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation, we reached our goal of $210,000 for VCS students who qualify for tuition assistance.
Anonymous (6)
Agnes Romanaggi Albert '81 and Steve Albert
Todd and Audrie Alsdorf
Virginia Roshak Arnett '63
Sharon Baglai
Troy Banker '03
Patricia and Peter Blood
Sabrina and David Blue
Charlene Brandt
Eleanor Steinkamp Carleton '55
Susan and Dan Christensen
Ronald and Nancy Christenson
Matthew Clark '96 and Kimberly Clark
Amy Harris Contreras '94 and Michael Contreras
Arnold and Betty Conzelmann
Joann Barsotti Cooper '54 and Leonard Cooper
Mark and Mary Donovan
Ann Bielke Duyck '87 and Michael Duyck
Dian Kurilo Duyck '71 and William Duyck
Kay Webster Ethen '79 and Craig Ethen
Christopher and Jill Ewanchuk
Kathy Ferrer
Melvin and Marie Finegan
Susan Friesen
Jose and Allison Garza
Drew Gibson '17
Heinz and Kathy Grellmann
Rich and Sue Haener
Ali Battles Hardy '74
MaryPat Dever Hedberg '77 and Steven Hedberg
Mary Hertel Heesacker '54
Patrcia Heino '59
Christopher and Ava Henningsen
Steve Herb
Shirley Tomjack Hill '57 and Ronald Hill
Michael and Amanda Hoffman
Linda Crunican Holmbo '65 and David Holmbo
Melba Goevelinger Hurst '58 and Jerry Hurst
Mark and Nancy Irwin
Ronald and Linda Iwasaki
Donna Pesenti Jerome '65 and Neil Jerome
Tracy Johnston '83
Patricia Roshak Joyaux '54 †
Christophe Juncker and Anna Fisher de Leon
Steven and Nancy Kassel
Sean and Nina Kelley
Brendan and Carrie Kelly
Joyce Hoge Kelly '54 and Gerry Kelly
Sang Kim '96 and Lynn Kim
Susan Baker Kindrick '67 and Jerry Kindrick
David and Heather Koukel
John and Jean Krautscheid
Michelle Quevedo Lyons '94 and Michael Lyons
John Magenheimer '14
Gloria Boyer Mathis '92 and Adam Mathis
Theresa and Thomas McDougal
Paula Vanderzanden McVay '66 and Michael McVay
Mary Dever Mertens '73 and Mark Mertens
Leona Jones Moore '67 and Donald Moore
Catherine Moran Munro '54
Janis Marie Nussbaumer '66
Estate of Agnes Oblander
Nikki Perryman
Linda Price
Jeffery and Joyce Purdy
Christine Briggs Ray '64 and Lewis Ray
Josephine Koehnke Recht '71 and Eric Recht
Deborah Bautch Reddy '69
Diane Waibel Reding '79 and Jeffrey Reding
Meagan Reding '03
Tania Vanderschuere Rhein '95 and Steven Rhein
Joseph and Marti Rinella
Kristina Rinella '04
Don V. Romanaggi, M.D.
John and Dorothy Sahlfeld
Andrew Schlick '01 and Lori Schlick
Jennifer Kalmanek Schoen '88 and Craig Schoen
Debora Herb Sepich '77 and Gordon Sepich
Michaela Hanson Shanks '10 and Andrew Shanks
Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon '57 and Raymond Shannon
Marianne Cochell Sibaila '67
Tracy Fitzpatrick Smith '84 and Johnny Smith
Frank So '97
Sr. Barbara Rose Sohler '62, SSMO
Karla Spesert
Barbara McEachern Stevenson '58 and Richard Stevenson
Katherine Quevedo Stokke '00 and Eugene Stokke
Sheila Andreas Stratman '67 and Roger Stratman
David Taylor
Diane Tolzman '74 and Paul Drake
Randy and Vicki Tovey
Dina Trachta
Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen
Douglas Trobough and Susan Lair
Kris and Jeanna Troha
Darlene Klein Unser '59 and Eugene Unser
Paul Vames
Ruby Veniegas '99
Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO
Donald Wanner
Ryan and Amy Ware
Rick and Mary Jane Weber
Benjamin Werner '02
Jacob Werner '96 and Kama Werner
Linda Wright White '56 and Bernard White
Immaculata Marycrest Alumnae Association
This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made a gift to support financial aid for Valley Catholic School students during the November 2023 Valley Catholic Gala. This special appeal raised $195,930 for VCS students who qualify for tuition assistance.
Anonymous (2)
Todd and Loni Adams
Paul Alappat and Rose Mary Loney
Todd Albert and Anika Bent-Albert
Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO
Syam and Elsa Antony
Matt and Kristine Arbaugh
Sue Arbaugh and Ron Comby
Mark and Joyce Auxier
Eric and Mary Barger
Stephen Baron '97 and Jennifer Baron
David Barry '11
Atul and Sucheta Beheray
Caitlin Blood and Julio Toko
Patricia and Peter Blood
Reilly Blood '16
Sabrina and David Blue
Paul and Elizabeth Boileau
Brenna and Jason Brown
Douglas and Michelle Brown
Mary Brown
Charles and Lynnettee Burton
Sharlayne and David Buuck
Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman
Jeff and Ana Maria Carter
Patrick Chapman
Stephen and Yorgeia Chiocca
Bret and Martha Cope
Jeff Crouse and Kristine Kennedy
Bochen Dai '24
Jian Dai and Xue Zhou
Joseph and Andrea Daniels
Gerard and Anna DeBlois
Martha DeCaro
James Dhanens
Loretta Dollarhide
Mark and Mary Donovan
Brian and Annie Dooney
Sheri Dooney
Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO
Dian Kurilo Duyck '71 and William Duyck
Bronwen Edwards-Denney
Kalani Efstathiou '06 and Katherine Bamford Efstathiou '06
Caroline and Bill Fogarty
Kelly Fox '86
Jonny and Kayla Gaspardis
Jennifer Passadore Gfroerer '87 and Jeff Gfroerer
Greg and Stephanie Gilbert
Sr. Sara Goggin '64, SSMO
Christine Wilson Goodner '95 and Mike Goodner
Carlin and Paul Gram
Lawrence and Kristin Grant
Daniel and Terra Groom
Stephen and Margarita Gunther
Dan and Drew Hannon
Chris and Mechell Hansen
Dennis and Lynette Hansen
Ethan and Tracey Hansen
David Hapeman and Kathleen Fox
Nick and Naomi Hegwood
Damien Hendricks and Amy Troy
David and Kelli Henry
Sean and Megan Heyworth
Brad and Desiree Hilliard
Beckie Hocker and Jim Hashimoto
Eric and Ann Holstrom
Larry and Merrit Holub
Ryan and Sara Hoppes
Kurt Huppert and Kori Gormley-Huppert
Brian and RaeAnn Jackson
Elliott Jackson '11 and Megan Jackson
Stefanie Hanson Jacquemin '90 and Thomas Jacquemin
Mary Koehnke Jesse '82 and Alan Jesse
Hugo Johnson and Maria De La Vega
Patricia Roshak Joyaux '54 †
Anil Kaza and Phani Vadali
Brandon and Malinda Kearbey
Kristin Kelley
Mike and Nickey Kemp
Douglas and Morgan Ketterman
Noel and Danielle Kinder
Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO
Akiko Kondo
Bill and Melissa Laird
Jerry and Sharon Lenz
Jan Sheerin Leone '74 and Rorie Leone
Catherine Liedtke-Colwell and Bruce Colwell
Adam and Callie Lifsics
Duane and Ann Link
Joe and Amy Liu
Christopher and Genevieve Long
Kurt and Sonia Lulay
Thomas and Carolyn Lulay
Shannon Lynch and Cameron Williams
Francis and Peggy Malec
Dan and Kathleen Mallea
Michael and Sabrina Mallen
Ellen Maring
Melissa Root Martin '92 and Kevin Martin
John Matcovich and Jennifer Young
Ben and Sheila McCarroll
Frank McKeen and Lois O'Halloran
Robert and Linda Meagher
Thomas and Melinda Melillo
Ty Mettler
Craig and Amanda Miller
Theodore Miller and Stephanie Vaughan-Miller
Marty and Toni Nanneman
Anna and Reza Nassib
Jan and Yahong Neirynck
Patrick and Alayna Nicholes
Marleene Nolan
Anushka Pandey
Alexander and Kim Phan
Scott and Jill Pruitt
Aristotle and Kathy Quintos
Marko and Jennifer Radosavljevic
Tom and Suzy Rask
Josephine Koehnke Recht '71 and Eric Recht
Karl Recht
Tania Vanderschuere Rhein '95 and Steven Rhein
Matthew and Melissa Rocha
Andrew and Heidi Schaer
Brian Schenck and Remanda Xiang
Delia Slattery and Liam McMahon
Kory and Kate Slayton
Frank So '97
Soethiha and Christine Soe
Charlie and Channa Southwick
Jim and Debbie Speciale
Ted and Karina Stark
Bryan and MaryAnn Stewart
Munzer and Emily Sukhun
Bridgett Thurman-Haines and Scott Haines
Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen
†Deceased at time of publication
Douglas Trobough and Susan Lair
Stuart and Rachel Tull
Kelsey VanDomelen '05
Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO
Yanjie Wang and Xiaona An
Dean Waters and Jeannie Louie
Sr. Rita Watkins '61, SSMO
Roberta Barsotti Weber '62 and Bruce Weber
Megan Westphal and Peter Stach
Evan and Renee Whisenant
Ann and Chris Wilderman
Danielle Willard
Jeffrey Willard
Brian and Stephanie Wilson
Dan and Bev Wombacher
K.L. and Lauren Wombacher
Paul and Kimberly Wood
Leopoldo and Bella Yau
Mariel Zagunis '03 and Michael Swehla
Naing and Becky Zaw-Tun
Sharlene Schmidlkofer Zollner '69 and Marty Zollner
Del Rey Manor LLC.
El Capitan Apartments
Foundations and Trusts
B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation
Dwyer Charitable Trust
Natt McDougall Family Charitable Trust
Margaret Watt Edwards Foundation
The Mariel Zagunis Women's Sabre Fund
Valley Catholic Gala Sponsors
Cinder Staffing
Columbia Healthcare Banking
Diverse Realty Group
Gormley Plumbing + Mechanical
Independent Dispatch, Inc.
Shiv and Supriya Kaushik
Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc.
Nikhil Mehta and Lynne Gosalia
The Dentists at Orenco Station
Touchmark Living Centers, Inc.
Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen
University of Portland
USI Insurance Services
Washington Trust Bank
Golf Tournament Sponsors
Apartments Northwest, LLC
Cinder Staffing
Consonus Healthcare
Independent Dispatch, Inc.
Akiko Kondo, Kaz Lane '15 and Ryoma Lane '22
Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc.
LMC Construction
Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists
Pegg, Paxson & Springer Funeral Chapel - Dignity Memorial
RMW Consulting Services, LLC
TTP Fitness
USI Insurance Services
Gifts in Honor
2023 Jubilarians
Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman
John and Jean Krautscheid
Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Sloan Baenen '28
Bob and Molly Cherry
Bishwadeep Bhattacharyya '19
Achintya and Binata Bhattacharyya
Julie Buckley '87 and Debbie Buckley Convery '89
Dina Trachta
Amelia Camp '25
Daniel and Fern Camp
Henry Carter '30 and Maggie Carter '33
Jim and Carol Carter
Adrian and Marie Hernandez
Janet Rose Cologna
Marcia Wilson
Dooney Family
Maureen Dooney
Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO and Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO
Martin Isaac
Shirley Kosmalski Fedr
Joyce Hoge Kelly '54 and Gerry Kelly
Noelle Garza '34
Allen Amabisca
Heitzman Family
J. Dugan Rupp
John Innes
John Magenheimer '14
Jana Iwasaki '98 and Frank So '97
Erika Kay Nakamoto
Kipp Johnson
Sommer Panage '04
Lily Kelley
Sean and Nina Kelley
Sr. Patricia M. Landin, SSMO
Mary Lynn Carroll
Sr. John Therese Miller, SSMO
Derek and Donna Balbag
Sabrina and David Blue
Keith and Beth Self
Sr. John Therese Miller, SSMO and Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO
Alexander and Fely Abaria
Andrew Abaria '01
Felerie Ramos Gonzalez '84
Deborah Bautch Reddy '69
Randall and Mary Frances Vemer
Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO
Mary Fromwiller
Mary Oblander Murray '75
Donald Oblander
Sr. Theresa Lan Nguyen, SSMO
M.J. and K.M. Owens
Sr. Josephine Pelster '65, SSMO
Leopoldo and Bella Yau
Cathy Gilroy Portwood
Donna Gilroy
†Deceased at time of publication
Lili Rosebrook '21, Julia Rosebrook '25 and Mia Rosebrook '25
Ivonne Connell
Allison Schlick '32 and Benjamin Schlick '34
Andrew Schlick '01 and Lori Schlick
Andrew Schlick '01 and Erika Schlick '98 and Schlick Family
Andrew Schlick '01 and Lori Schlick
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Richard and Janice Romano
Sr. Barbara Rose Sohler '62, SSMO
Rajan and Akhila Madhusudan
Julie Turner
Sisters of St Mary of Oregon
Sharlayne and David Buuck
Sisters who taught at St. Agatha Catholic School
Richard and Janet Andersen
Barbara Spiering
Anthony and Mary Spiering
SSMO legacy in education
Patricia and Peter Blood
Mary Ann Moellman Bunker '59, Betty Moellman Stubbs '65, and James Moellman
Frances Moellman '54
Sr. Agnes Vandecoevering, SSMO and Sr. Anne Vandecoevering '55, SSMO
Melvin and Marie Finegan
Patricia Marco
Jason Stadelman
VCS Teachers
Kenneth and Patricia Yeager
Steven Filary and Grace Tan Filary
George Vennes
Jenifer Vennes Hiatt '77 and Steven Hiatt
Sr. Juanita Villarreal '62, SSMO
Sharon Davis
Bob and Kathy Moberg
Darlene Story
Sr. Rita Watkins '61, SSMO
Don and Joanne Olson
Michael Weber '19 and William Weber '19
Rick and Mary Jane Weber
Cynthia Zhao '27 and Ethan Zhao '29
Xiaoshu Zhao and Xinying Liu
Robert Altenhofen
Frank and Victoria Altenhofen
Cherry Amabisca
Allen Amabisca
James Adams and
Sr. Mary Alodia McHale, SSMO
Melinda McDonnell Adams '66
Ron Arnett
Denise Stovin
Sr. Joyce Barsotti '58, SSMO
Roberta Barsotti Weber '62 and Bruce Weber
Dorothy Bochsler
Teresa Bautch
Deborah Bautch Reddy '69
Fred (Ike) Bay and
Sr. Betty Bender '43, SSMO
Kathy Bay
Lola Berkshire
Rice and Linda Berkshire
Sr. Geraldine Bernards '47, SSMO
Richard and Marion Bernards
Anna Coussens Bickford
Ken and Debra Collyer
John and Virginia Cross
Rick and Patty Dobbs
Maureen Ryan Bruers '48
John Spinden and Kathleen Bruers-Spinden
Sr. Mary Andre Campau '39, SSMO
James and Christine Russel
Melvin Christensen
Vivian Christianson and Maris Rodrigues
Mark Christianson
Dolores Roza Clark
Donna Hostler
Raoul and Jean Cloutier
Jacqueline Moore
Renee Collette
Sr. Agnes Coussens '46, SSMO
Setareh Sanjar Jorgensen '82 and Paul Jorgensen
Rose Schallberger Coussens '41
Tammy and Carter Anderson
Bill and Maria Burns
Garrett and Jackie Coussens
Mark and Pam Coussens
John and Virginia Cross
Rick and Patty Dobbs
Tom and Vickie Duyck
Melvin and Marie Finegan
John and Jean Krautscheid
Leanna MacKenzie
Janice McCarter
Mike and Thresa Meeuwsen
David and Ellen Vanasche
Norm Curls
Darline Allen Locati
Deceased Sisters
Darlene Story
Shirley Tomjack Hill '57 and Ronald Hill
Sr. Consolata DeMartini, SSMO and Sr. Alberta Schwall, SSMO
Jennifer Kalmanek Schoen '88 and Craig Schoen
Margaret E. Dever
MaryPat Dever Hedberg '77 and Steven Hedberg
Mary Dever Mertens '73 and Mark Mertens
Mary Patricia and Anthony Joseph Dooney
Maureen Dooney
Sean Dooney Sr.
Sheri Dooney
Mary Fox Dugan
J. Dugan Rupp
Sr. Ruth Etzel '49, SSMO
Frank and Jo Ann Buckiewicz
Anne Cox
John and Jean Krautscheid
Stephanie and Robby Stoneking
Sr. Alodia McHale and
Sr. M. Everildis Storey
Susan Baker Kindrick '67 and Jerry Kindrick
Nicholas Ferrer '99
Kathy Ferrer
Sr. Mary Fidelis, SSMO
Nhan Le
Sr. Paula Fox, SSMO
Andrine Stricherz
Vincent Stricherz
Isabel Frison
Donald and Kathryn Dimeo
Patricia Fullenwider
Peter and Elizabeth Thomson
Dr. Rajkumar Ghongadi
Shantinath Ghongadi and Padmajarani Kodachawad
Sr. Mary Ellen Hanson, SSMO
John and Judie Hanson
Bill and Liz Smith
Jim Hanson
Michaela Hanson Shanks '10 and Andrew Shanks
Travis Hatton
Sommer Panage '04
Sr. Rose Mary Heineck '50, SSMO
Barbara Heineck
John and Jean Krautscheid
Allen and Georgann Reel
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Matthew N. Henningsen '16
Christopher and Ava Henningsen
Julie Herinckx
Dale and Donna Herinckx
Marian Herron and Marjorie Herron
Edward and Barb Fredenburg
Sr. Anna Hertel '55, SSMO
Al and Maxine Hertel
Bobby and Joyce Hiatt and JoAnn Vennes
Jenifer Vennes Hiatt '77 and Steven Hiatt
Edith Olson and Isabelle Hopper
Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson
Isabelle Hopper
Elizabeth A. Olson
Carl Horning
Randy and Vicki Tovey
Mary Hughes
Linda Brixey
Pat Roshak Joyaux '54
Virginia Roshak Arnett '63
Patricia and Peter Blood
Sabrina and David Blue
Susan and Dan Christensen
Ronald and Nancy Christenson
Arnold and Betty Conzelmann
Joann Barsotti Cooper '54 and Leonard Cooper
Kathy Ferrer
Melvin and Marie Finegan
Mary Heesacker '54
Steve Herb
Ronald and Linda Iwasaki
Sang Kim '96 and Lynn Kim
John and Jean Krautscheid
Meagan Reding '03
Diane Waibel Reding '79 and Jeffrey Reding
Andrew Schlick '01 and Lori Schlick
Debora Herb Sepich '77 and Gordon Sepich
Laura Hamlin Smith '84 and Thomas Smith
Kris and Jeanna Troha
Connie Kienow
Antoinette Arenz
Sr. Sharon Kirk '56, SSMO
Marilyn Kleczynski Blake '57
Joseph and Deborah Kirk
Ann and Eugene Klaas
Mark and Sara Klaas
Sr. Barbara Ann Klapperich, SSMO
Loren and Penny Rickerl
Bud and Pat Klee
Richard Klee
Catherine Klupenger, Phillip and Irene McGrath, A.W. and Frances Michaelis
Steven and Sally Michaelis
Carolyn Kolzow
William Kolzow
Sylvia Kurilo
Dian Kurilo Duyck '71 and William Duyck
Elizabeth J. "Sister Edith"
Albright Lalack
Patti Hutterli
Sr. Lawdean Lamberger '52, SSMO
Anita Schacher
John Lauerman
Gary and Linda Pope
Kathleen Locke
Agnes Steinkamp Hall '51 and Walter Hall
Siobhan Loughran-Taylor '77
Fergus and Tammy Loughran
David Taylor
Darrell Mapston
Toni Mapston Frigerio
George Marco
Patricia Marco
Diana Martensen
Siegfried and Beth Herholz
Mary Anne McFarland
Christopher and Sheila Kodadek
Betty McKay
Michael and Susan McKay
Sr. Mary Loretta Merzenich, SSMO
Gordon and Susan Chandonnet
Emily Moellman
James Moellman
Herman, Emily and Johnny Moellman
Frances Moellman '54
Dorothy Muller
William Muller
Ione Murta
Sr. Victoria Nuttman '29, SSMO
Jean Hill-Rutter
Dominique Nguyen and Sr. Mary Therese Pham
Theresa Ngüyen '92
Jerry Offerdahl
Sharon Offerdahl
Mary Osborn
Lila and Michael Mechling
Gizella Pausz
Anton and Rosemary Pausz
Betty Ann Pawelek
Pamela and Jeffrey Osmonson
Ben F. Prince, Ben M. Prince, Hazel
Prince, Lorolie Prince, Marilyn Prince, Juliette Zenner, George Zenner Sr., George Zenner Jr.
James Prince
Cesar Ramos
Felerie Ramos Gonzalez '84
Sr. Beatrice Rigert, SSMO,
Sr. Joan Rigert SSMO, Sr. Caspar
Tanzer, SSMO, Sr. Crescentia
Tanzer '10, SSMO
Marietta Boyer '62
Kathy Rinella
Charlene Brandt
Kathy Rinella and Mychal Rinella '01
Kristina Rinella '04
Robert Sousa
Doreen Yeomans
Laura Sahlfeld '06
John and Dorothy Sahlfeld
Sr. Celine Schindler, SSMO
Diane Andreas
Sr. Mary Grace Schonlau '54, SSMO
James and Marcia Schonlau
Sr. Alberta Schwall, SSMO
Sharon Claboe
Patricia Heino
Walter Schwall
Sr. Evelyn Schwall, SSMO
John and Jean Krautscheid
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Carol Lee Sinfield '57
Ann Herauf Nees '57 and Gary Nees
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Spiering
Carol Spiering '60
Harry and Phyllis Swanda
Bob and Barbara Sulek
Susan and Joseph Terhar
Anne Clinton
Antonio Torres
Josefina Torres
Marv Trachta
Dina Trachta
Sr. Ermelinda Van Domelen
Laura Hamlin Smith '84 and Thomas Smith
Sr. Barbara Vandecoevering '29, SSMO
Kathryn Vanderzanden
Mary Claire VanderZanden
Karla VanderZanden
Carol Ann VanDyke
Kathryn and Robert Bitney
Lucia Fermelia
Bradley and Carol Hermanson
John and Jean Krautscheid
Charmaine Lindsay
Steven and Rosemary Niewolak
Don and Joanne Olson
Joan Sivalon
Kirsten Taylor
T. George Van Hart, Jr. and Paula Van Hart
Sr. Jean Marie Van Dyke, SSMO
Lawrence Barrett and Annaluisa Greppi-Barrett
Patricia Vemer
Randall and Mary Frances Vemer
JoAnn Vennes
George Vennes
Mrs. Juanita Villarreal
Houston Wagner
Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon '57 and Raymond Shannon
Marybeth Wikander '08
Rebecca and Bill Angell
Sr. M. Theresa Margaret
Yettick '33, SSMO
Laurie Graves
James and Eva Starr
Christopher Young
Gabrielle Klugherz
Dan Zurfluh
Peter and Pamela Lofing
Denise Smigaj
Sr. Frances Zenner '34, SSMO
Antoinette Arenz
Elizabeth and Stephen Rouffy
Robert and Serene App
Mary Augustyn
Anne Neitling Barker '66 and Norman Barker
Carolyn Beane
Patricia and Peter Blood
Sabrina and David Blue
Jeanine Caine
Humg and Naghia Do
Sheri Dooney
Craig and Genelle Duyck
Mike and Debra Duyck
Thomas and Nancy Eckhardt
Ashley Emery and Desta Packan
Cary Evers
Fredric Friedle
Gail Hanson
Cheryl and Mark Harmon
James and Doris Herinckx
Rosemary Herinckx '70
Jayne Kern
Ali Etemad and Marianne Klaas
Leanne LaBonte
Louie and Leanne LaBonte
Analiza and Jershom Lazaro
Mark and Sherii Lilli
Shannon Lynch and Cameron Williams
Rev. James Mayo
Robert and Linda Meagher
Thomas and Melinda Melillo
Paul and Kathleen Michel
Paul and Mary Oldshue
Rich and Pat Paris
Carol Patterson
Deborah Bautch Reddy '69
Alvaro and Lety Restrepo
Don V. Romanaggi, M.D.
Cecelia and Jeff Ruthstrom
Joan Santos
Andrew and Heidi Schaer
Sandra Evers Scott '69
Jeb Stager '99 and Michelle Stager
Deborah Surprenant
Vui Swindle
Steven and Gail Tabor
Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen
Brenda Wahlberg Van Dyke '85 and Joseph Van Dyke
Joyce Van Dyke
Ruby Vance
Walter and Marjorie Vandehey
Mark and Janet Vinson
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Eugene Waibel
Rick and Mary Jane Weber
Brian and Mary Whitney
Anchor Printworks, Inc.
Andrew's Florist
Beacon Hill Winery and Vineyard
Beaverton Toyota
Breakside Brewing
Carlton Farms
Doug Herb's Peach Farm
Jesse Estate Vineyards
Northwest Hazelnut Company
Northwest Quilters, Inc.
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Olea Vineyards
Oregon Golf Club
Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
Pegg, Paxson & Springer Funeral Chapel - Dignity Memorial
Rocco Winery
Siltstone Wines, LLC
Taplandia Taphouse
The Crystal Room
The Grotto
TTP Fitness
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
Matching Gift Companies
Alaska Airlines
Cambia Health Solutions
Chevron Corporation
Columbia Sportswear
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Genentech Employee Giving Program
Google Intel
Kaiser Permanente
New York Life
Nike, Inc.
Pacificorp/ Pacific Power
Palo Alto Networks
Pfizer, Inc.
Synopsis, Inc.
The Standard
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Total Assets
Total Foundation Endowments*
Total Campus Schools Scholarship Endowments*
Total Contributions and Subsidies
Total Grants to Related Entities
*Unaudited *Funds held in trust at SSMO Foundation on behalf of SSMO, Maryville and Campus Schools.