Focus Winter 2016

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ACADEMY NEWS Volume 14 No. 4 December 2016

Pennsylvania Ophthalmology News

President’s Message By Joanna M. Fisher, MD As 2016 comes to a close, it is natural to reflect on the year that was. While national politics were overly dramatic, with one of the most contentious presidential campaigns in history, you might have thought that state politics, particularly the PAO’s longstanding efforts to define ophthalmic surgery, were rather quiet. This was definitely not the case. Throughout the 2015-2016 legislative session, PAO leaders and our lobbyist were hard at work talking to legislators and sitting down at the table with optometry in an effort to identify acceptable terms to pass both our bill and optometry’s scope bill. We consistently and firmly drew a bright line at surgery, insisting that only trained physicians and surgeons can perform this invasive procedure. In the end, neither bill moved, which means there was no expansion of optometric scope in Pennsylvania, proving once again that a good offense is the best defense! Look for more legislative activity in 2017 and be sure to join us in May in Harrisburg for Advocacy Day.

777 East Park Drive, PO Box 8820 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8820 Phone: (717) 558-7750, ext. 1518 Fax: (717) 558-7841 Email:

2016 also saw the continued rise in the cost of drugs. This is an issue that deeply concerns the PAO, Pennsylvania Medical Society, and other specialties. Look for joint efforts to address this escalating problem in 2017. Be sure to read David Silbert’s report on the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s decision to create a Clinically Integrated Network in

Pennsylvania. David attended PAMED’s House of Delegates, where the proposal to pursue a CIN was unanimously approved. After listening to the presentations about the plan, as well as debate on the floor of the House, he sees a tremendous opportunity for Ophthalmology. Read more on page 2. The PAO Board of Directors held a strategic planning session in September to discuss the future of the organization, including how we can provide more value for our members. Look for increased communications in 2017 on relevant and timely topics. We also plan to engage our Young Ophthalmologists by hosting regional networking events. We would love to hear your ideas on how the PAO can help you in your practice. Email our Executive Director, Jennifer Keeler, at with your suggestions. Finally, we are planning a joint meeting with the West Virginia Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort on April 28-30, 2017. This is our first foray into clinical education in more than a decade. I hope you join us for a weekend of learning and socializing with our colleagues from West Virginia. Look for more information in the coming weeks. As physicians, we are faced with many professional uncertainties in the New Year. The PAO stands ready to help our members deal with whatever comes our way. I wish you much joy and prosperity in 2017!

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