2017 PACEP News October Newsletter

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Executive Privilege Maria K. Guyette, MD, FACEP PACEP President The name and the chief complaint didn’t seem to fit together. The name I knew very well from prior encounters, and I expected that it would be paired with “intoxication” or “EtOH” or “sleeping outside”. On this day, the chief complaint was “shoulder pain”. I, of course, anticipated that I would be walking in to see him with a shoulder injury after a fall while intoxicated. Instead I found him completely sober, awake, and smiling as he sat on the edge of the bed. Turns out, when he is sober, he paints – by his description “like Jackson Pollock”. And the shoulder pain (worse with movement, tender on palpation) was wholly compatible with an overuse injury. Unfortunately, his sobriety didn’t last long, and I have since seen him many times with the chief complaint “intoxication”. But now I see him with fresh eyes. The social history is a required checkbox. And checkboxes and requirements can be unpleasant. There is an argument to be made that the social history is always relevant – but on a focused ED exam, there are times when we are asking the questions just to check the box. It’s a reminder of the larger collection of checkboxes that are a part of every shift, and the extra time that it takes to do that part of our jobs. It doesn’t have to be just a checkbox. We spend a lot of time listening to the stressful and painful reasons that bring patients to our doorstep. It takes only a short time to ask them about what they do for work, with whom they live, and if they continued on page 3

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