Aavd spring 2018 derm dialogue 050118 issuu

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DERM DIALOGUE Editor: Norma White-Weithers, MS, DVM, DACVD Veterinary Allergy & Dematology Consultant, Baldwin, NY 11510 Work: 646-329-4719 | Fax: 631-694-3401 | E-mail: nweithers@yahoo.com Assistant Editor: Tim Strauss, DVM Frederick,CO 80516 | E-mail: drtim@comcast.net


FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Colleagues, I hope to see many of you at the upcoming NAVDF meeting in gorgeous Maui from May 1st to the 5th. We will have an extended meeting with 2 half days in the program on Friday and Saturday to permit people to sightsee, put their toes in the sand or the surf, or just relax by a pool. There are so many things to do in Maui, there really is something for everyone.

Dr. Outerbridge

Please include in your plans to attend the AAVD members business meeting on Wednesday, May 2nd from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm in the Lokelani Ballroom at the Marriott Wailea Beach Resort. This will occur at the end of the first full day of the meeting, and we will have liquid refreshments in case people are needing a drink. While at the meeting, please thank your colleagues on the NAVDF Program Committee and Organizing Committee who have worked hard to plan this meeting. They are all busy individuals who volunteer their time to make this meeting a success. Also, be sure to say hello and thank our wonderful professional staff from PAMED, in particular Libby Dietrich, Jill Senior and Kim Whetsell. They work throughout the year on behalf of the AAVD and NAVDF. They are assisted by the incomparable Alexis Borich, ACVD’s ___ in helping to organize the NAVDF. Be sure to check out navdf.org for more information about the program and what promises to be another exceptional meeting in a beautiful part of the world. Our own AAVD.org website has been redesigned and the new and improved website can now be accessed from your mobile phone or tablet. There will be a new secure member login portion of the site that will allow you to pay dues online and update or modify your contact information. For those members that obtain their subscription to Veterinary Dermatology through the AAVD, you will still be able to access your subscription through the website. The new format of the website is going to allow us to develop an online interactive community in the future. If you have colleagues, or work with technicians or students who have a passion for dermatology, invite them to become AAVD members. The new website will have new member forms that can be completed online. Joining AAVD has never been easier and we welcome all who share our commitment to the specialty of veterinary dermatology. Aloha and mahalo,

Catherine Outerbridge, DVM, DACVD, DACVIM AAVD President

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