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Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society Hosts 58th Annual Meeting
American Glaucoma Society and is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) where he was a member of the first class of the Leadership Development Program. He has authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers, lectured nationally and internationally, and has participated in several research projects related to glaucoma.
Attendees were enlightened and educated with presentations from the following prominent and distinguished guest faculty: l to r: Leon W. Herndon, Jr., MD, Thorpe Lecturer accepting the Thorpe Scroll from Marshall Stafford, MD.
Philip Custer, MD, FACS, Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, John E. Hardesty, MD Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. Tom Oetting, MS, MD, Professor in Clinical Ophthalmology; Deputy Director, VA Medical Center Surgical Service; Associate Residency Program Director, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA; and Michelle Pineda, MBA, Risk Management Specialist, Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC).

The Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society (POS), hosted their 58th Annual Meeting and the 43rd Meeting for Ophthalmic Personnel on March 10, 2023 at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, PA. Both meetings were well attended with over 95 physicians welcoming distinguished ophthalmologist Leon W. Herndon, Jr., MD, as the 42nd annual Harvey E. Thorpe Lecturer.
The named lecture honors Harvey E. Thorpe, MD, an ophthalmologist whose techniques and inventions of medical instruments contributed to the study of the eye series.
Dr. Herndon is a Professor of Ophthalmology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina and also serves as Chief of the Glaucoma Division at the Duke University Eye Center where he has trained 84 clinical fellows. He was recently appointed President of the l to r: Guest Faculty Presenters Thomas Oetting, MS, MD; José-Alain Sahel; POS President, Pamela P. Rath, MD; Immediate Past President, Marshall W. Stafford, MD; Guest Faculty Philip Custer, MD

In addition, the society was pleased to welcome local faculty José-Alain Sahel, MD, Distinguished Professor and Chairman; The Eye and Ear Endowed Chair Department of Ophthalmology; Director, UPMC Eye Center University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh, PA. The Agenda included an informative legislative update by POS Board Member, Kenneth Cheng, MD.
The POS gratefully acknowledges all industry representatives who sponsored or exhibited at the event. A complete list of exhibitors can be found on the Society website at www.pghoph.org.