Soundings, Fall 2017

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President’s Message Ahmed M.S. Soliman, MD

It is hard to believe that my term as president of the PAO has started. It’s been nearly ten years since I have become actively involved with the organization. During this time, we have strengthened our relationship with PAMED through involvement in their Specialty Leadership Council, initiated a grassroots advocacy movement with our government relations firm, and increased our influence with the American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery by initiating the State Otolaryngology Society Roundtable meeting at the Spring Leadership Forum. Our Annual Meeting in Hershey was a great success with several pioneering sessions including talks on innovation and advocacy. The resident bowl was again a big hit with Penn State Hershey recapturing the “Conchal Bowl” for the third time! We were honored to have the Executive Vice President of the AAOHNS, James Denneny, MD, join us at our Annual Meeting in Hershey as a speaker. He reminisced on fond memories he had presenting some 30 years earlier at the PAO while a resident in Otolaryngology at the University of Pennsylvania. Rest assured though, the PAO will not just rest on its laurels! We will continue

to push forward, to advocate for Pennsylvania Otolaryngologists and for our patients. Just this summer, IBC implemented a new policy to reimburse an Evaluation and Management (E/M) service appended with modifier 25 at 50 percent when it is performed with a procedure having a 0-, or 10-day post-operative period. Immediately, we partnered with PAMED and sent a letter to IBC demanding the ill-advised policy not be implemented. We took part in an emergency meeting of the Specialty Leadership Council of PAMED to brainstorm and strategize regarding the matter. We similarly had an emergency meeting of the PAO Council and have sent a letter to IBC from the PAO urging the policy’s repeal. We have reached out to The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery to sign on and are awaiting their response. The fight is ongoing.

We will continue to push forward, to advocate for Pennsylvania Otolaryngologists and for our patients. As your president, I will continue to advocate on behalf of Pennsylvania Otolaryngologists and their patients. I will continue the initiatives already in place and in addition focus on several new areas during my tenure: Value Based Medicine – This is the new reality. The PAO will help you negotiate this process with education and resources to help you transition over to these merit-based payment systems (MIPS) and Alternative payment models (APM’s).

Website Content – Under the leadership of Mike Ondik, MD, our website is already redesigned. Clinical content for patients will be added throughout this upcoming year and we look forward to a finished product by the June Meeting. Wellness – This is a very important issue affecting physicians in all specialties and in different stages of their career, including medical students. Otolaryngologists are not immune from burnout and career dissatisfaction. The PAO will take an active role in promoting wellness and work-life balance in our programs and in our meetings. Leadership Training – The PAO has served as leadership training for many of us who have served on its council. We want to provide a similar opportunity for all otolaryngologists. We will have sessions dedicated to leadership at our Annual Meeting. In collaboration with PAMED, leadership training programs will be available this year. Patient Safety – Primum non nocere, first do no harm, is the creed that we as physicians live by. At no time has this been more important. I have appointed PAO member Ellen Deutsch, MD, Medical Director at the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, to lead an ad hoc committee on patient safety. Look for her Patient Safety Column to appear regularly in Soundings and for sessions at our annual meeting. I am honored to be your president and look forward to the next two years. Sincerely, Ahmed M.S. Soliman

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