President’s Message Ahmed M.S. Soliman, MD
sustained efforts, the PAO-HNS has also secured the support of the AAO-HNS leadership in this battle. The AAO-HNS has just sent a letter directly to IBC also demanding repeal of the policy and are awaiting their response. To view a copy of the letter online, please visit www.otopa. org/ibcletters.html. The fight is ongoing, but we are hopeful given Anthem’s recent revocation of a similar policy.
I would like to thank the entire PAO-HNS council for all their hard work this year. Our promise to you is that we will all continue our efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania Otolaryngologists and our patients. It has indeed been a very busy year for the PAO-HNS so far, and I have certainly hit the ground running. On the advocacy front, much effort has been focused on IBC’s recently implemented policy to reimburse an Evaluation and Management (E/M) service appended with Modifier 25 at 50 percent when it is performed with a procedure having a 0- or 10-day post-operative period. Our strategy has been multipronged: 1. We have drafted and sent a letter directly to IBC explaining our position and demanding the immediate revocation of this ill-advised policy. To view a copy of the letter online, please visit www.otopa. org/ibcletters.html. 2. We have partnered with PAMED who has also sent multiple communications and is currently vetting practices for face to face meetings with the IBC leadership; several of our members will be meeting with IBC to explain how the policy has negatively affected their practice. 3. Through
Legislatively, the PAO has been actively engaged with the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology in drafting new legislation to govern hearing aid dispensing in the state. Talks have started and are ongoing; Drs. John McGinn and Brian McKinnon’s efforts and expertise have been invaluable in these negotiations. We have also been working closely with the Pennsylvania Association of Physician Assistants and PAMED to revise the current legislation governing supervisory guidelines. The PAO-HNS has joined multiple state societies in signing an Amicus Brief to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that opposes their recent decision to not allow known complications as stated in the informed consent to be included as evidence in medical malpractice cases. We will keep you abreast of developments in these issues as they unfold.
Planning for our annual meeting is in full swing under the leadership of Jessyka Lighthall, MD. Sessions on Clinical Practice Guidelines and Patient Safety are on the schedule, as well as the ever-popular Resident Bowl. Dr. James Denneny, the Executive Director of the AAO-HNS will be joining us again this year to discuss the new CMS reporting guidelines. A hands-on session will include ultrasound guided biopsies, sialoendoscopy, endoscopic eustachian tube dilation, and minimally invasive nasal valve surgery. There will also be an inaugural Women in Otolaryngology Pennsylvania Section reception and networking event on Friday before dinner. This year’s venue, Kalahari Resort & Conventions, is a new one for the PAO-HNS and promises to be a great location for education and fun as well. Please register ASAP to join us for this fantastic event. Our website has been updated, and under the leadership of Michael Ondik, MD, clinical content for patients is under development, and will be ready for unveiling at the Annual Meeting. Visit to see the new design and features. Finally, I would like to thank the entire PAO-HNS council, our executive director Jen Keeler and her dedicated team, as well as our Government Relations firm, Milliron & Goodman, for all their hard work this year. Our promise to you is that we will all continue our efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania Otolaryngologists and our patients. See you at Kalahari! Sincerely, Ahmed M.S. Soliman