Lifeline Newsletter Spring 2018

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Spring 2018

Pennsylvania Medical Society Alliance 2017 Annual Meeting

PMSA President Kathleen Hall addresses PAMED House of Delegates during the 2017 Annual Meeting in Hershey, PA

The Pennsylvania Medical Society Alliance’s Annual Meeting in October, focused on “Helping Hands”. We reflected on change, growth and keeping with the times. The group moved from a longtime Alliance meeting location in the Trinidad Room at the Hershey Lodge to a more intimate space closer to the “action” in the Cocoa Suites. The AMES Fund Scholarships were presented as part of PAMED’s House of Delegates Saturday morning. PMSA’s President Kathleen Hall addressed the HOD prior to the presentation. PMSA members were invited to attend and acknowledged at the HOD. AMA Alliance Director Mary Beth Ellison installed new board members for 2017-18 and attendees heard from several PAMED officials about legislative issues. Our keynote speaker, Wendy Loranzo, focused on the opioid epidemic which took the life of her daughter in March 2017. More on Page 3

“Springtime in Historic Bethlehem” If spring ever really comes this year, it will be lovely in historic Bethlehem, the charming venue of PMSA’s Spring Meeting at the elegant Hotel Bethlehem, co-hosted by our good friends, the Northampton County Medical Society Alliance. The event will focus on how to enhance your medical marriage, the opioid crisis and how to be more social media savvy. We’ll have a chance to explore Bethlehem’s cobblestoned streets - selected as one of the Top Ten Main Streets in America by USA Today! Keynote speaker Sarah Epstein is author of Love in the Time of Medical School and is currently finishing her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. You can read an article she wrote for Physician Family Magazine on Page 4. We’ll hear from LVHN’s Addiction Recovery Specialist Paige Roth and learn more about how the AMA Alliance is helping to raise awareness about the opioid crisis. Plus, we’ll take a look at how social media impacts organizations and how to improve your Social Media IQ. A flyer for the event is on Page 2. Register online, by mail or by telephone today so you don’t miss it!

PA Medical Society Alliance and

Northampton County Medical Society Alliance present

“Springtime in Historic Bethlehem” April 24-25 Hotel Bethlehem Bethlehem, PA


( (More on page 2!)

IN THIS ISSUE: Page 1—PMSA Annual Meeting, Spring Meeting Page 2—PMSA Spring Meeting Flyer Page 3—Annual Meeting, 5th District, Opioids

Page 4—Medical Marriage Time Tips Page 5—Our Counties are So COOL Page 6—More County Activities, Social Media

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